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China Pharmacy ; (12): 1302-1306, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974675


OBJECTIVE To analyze the public participation mechanism of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) health technology assessment in England and to provide experience for the dynamic adjustment of Chinese medical insurance catalog. METHODS By retrieving related literature and official websites, types and mechanisms of public participation (management organization, selection method, participation mode, evaluation feedback) in NICE health technology assessment were analyzed comprehensively; and based on this, suggestions were put forward to adjust the public participation in Chinese medical insurance catalog. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS The current public participation types of NICE health technology assessment were patient and carer organizations, HTA committee lay members, patient expert and public observers. At the management level, NICE has set up a public participation team and made guidelines on public participation matters. For different public participation types, NICE has established different selection procedures, such as expression of interest, NICE invitation, open recruitment, nomination, NICE decision, etc. The public participation types are various and in the whole assessing process from the initial determination of the scope of the health technology assessment to the final appeal. Also, NICE has established a flexible and dynamic evaluation feedback system to optimize the way of public participation and the health technology assessment process; NICE has undertaken extensive international cooperation and exchanges to promote public participation at the national and international levels. It is suggested that our country should combine the national conditions, clarify the channel of public participation in health technology evaluation, set up a working group of public participation affairs, strengthen patients’ participation in evaluation and feedback, improve decision-making transparency, and improve the public participation mechanism of health technology evaluation from the aspects of channel opening, management mechanism, evaluation feedback, information disclosure and so on.

Salud ment ; 45(4): 199-208, Jul.-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410093


Abstract Background The chronic aspect that begins to characterize long COVID appeals to the need for interventions proposed by institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to manage the disease, emphasizing behavioral change and self-care. Objective To perform a narrative review of the psychological literature that offers intervention strategies in alignment with the recommendations of the long COVID management guidelines proposed by WHO and NICE. Method MEDLINE, EBSCO, Google Scholar, SciELO, PsycINFO, PubMed, Cochrane, and CONRICYT databases were consulted, using Boolean operators and keywords for an exhaustive search. Results The contributions of the studies were categorized into five intervention strategies based on WHO and NICE recommendation guidelines: Psychoeducation, Self-care, Support networks, Relaxation, and Goal setting. These are given a brief introduction and their relevance to the management of long COVID symptomatology is described. Discussion and conclusion The persistent condition of COVID-19 symptoms makes it necessary to recognize that lifestyle changes must be made, primarily focused on health care and prevention of worsening disease sequelae. These lifestyle changes can be achieved through behavior modification, focusing on protective factors such as education, self-care, support networks, relaxation techniques and, setting appropriate goals.

Resumen Antecedentes El aspecto crónico que empieza a caracterizar al COVID persistente hace un llamado a la propuesta de intervenciones desde instituciones como la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y el National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) para lograr un manejo de la enfermedad, el cambio conductual y el autocuidado. Objetivo Elaborar una revisión narrativa sobre la literatura psicológica que ofrece estrategias de intervención acordes a las recomendaciones de las guías de manejo del COVID persistente propuestas por la OMS y el NICE. Método Se consultaron las bases de datos MEDLINE, EBSCO, Google Scholar, SciELO, PsycINFO, PubMed, Cochrane y CONRICYT. Se utilizaron operadores booleanos y palabras claves para una búsqueda exhaustiva. Resultados Las aportaciones de los estudios fueron categorizadas en cinco estrategias de intervención basadas en las guías de recomendación de la OMS y el NICE: Psicoeducación, Autocuidado, Redes de apoyo, Relajación y Establecimiento de metas. En ellas se realiza una breve introducción y se expone su relevancia para el manejo de la sintomatología del COVID persistente. Discusión y conclusión El padecimiento persistente de los síntomas del COVID-19 hace necesario reconocer que deben realizarse cambios en el estilo de vida, principalmente enfocados en el cuidado de la salud y la prevención del empeoramiento de las secuelas de la enfermedad. Estos cambios en el estilo de vida podrán lograrse mediante la modificación de la conducta, orientándola a factores protectores como la educación, el autocuidado, las redes de apoyo, las técnicas de relajación y el establecimiento de metas adecuadas.

CienciaUAT ; 16(2): 85-96, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374902


Resumen El Festival Internacional Cervantino (FIC) es el evento turístico cultural más importante de la ciudad de Guanajuato, que atrae cada año a miles de visitantes. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los factores que forman la experiencia de los asistentes al FIC, así como su relación con la percepción de la excelencia y del impacto económico, mediante la adaptación de un modelo estructural teórico basado en el modelo escandinavo de "Skot-Hansen y Linko y Silvanto". Se empleó una metodología cuantitativa, sustentada en un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, basado en una encuesta hecha de manera no aleatoria por conveniencia a 709 visitantes en 2017. Los resultados identificaron que los factores ilustración, empoderamiento y entretenimiento, provocaron en los asistentes del festival, una experiencia memorable que anima, profundiza y enaltece de forma significativa sus vidas, aspecto que no siempre se ha valorado en este tipo de actividades. Además, la experiencia influye en la excelencia apreciada, impactando en la percepción de la calidad y profesionalismo de la organización y el nivel artístico del FIC. Los asistentes de este festival también percibieron que la excelencia apreciada en los factores de ilustración, empoderamiento y entretenimiento, beneficia la imagen positiva de Guanajuato; al fortalecerla como destino turístico, lo que repercute económicamente. Se concluye que el FIC logra buenas prácticas y políticas culturales, lo que es arduo de alcanzar y puede ser un argumento a favor de su propuesta.

Abstract The International Cervantino Festival (FIC) is the most important tourist cultural event in the city of Guanajuato since it attracts thousands of visitors every year. The objective of this research was to determine the factors that constitute the experience of FIC's attendees' as well as its relationship towards the perception of excellence and economic impact. A structural equation theoretical model based on the Scandinavian "Skot-Hansen and Linko and Silvanto" model was adapted for that purpose. A quantitative methodology was used, supported by a structural equations model, based on a survey with a non-random convenience sample of 709 visitors in 2017. Results identified that factors such as illustration, empowerment and entertainment produced a memorable experience among FIC attendees that encourages, deepens and heightens their lives in a meaningful way, an aspect that had not always been valued in these kinds of activities. Additionally, the experience also has an impact on perceived excellence, which impacts the perception of FIC's quality, professionalism, organization and artistic level. FIC's attendees also perceived that the excellence within illustration, empowerment and entertainment benefit Guanajuato's positive image strengthening the city as a touristic destination that leads to positive economic repercussions. It is concluded that FIC achieves good practices and cultural policies, a fact that is difficult to achieve and that can be an argument in favor of its cultural proposal.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(6)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409422


Se tiene presente el principio martiano de que "Educar es depositar en cada hombre toda la obra humana, es ponerlo a nivel de su tiempo, es preparar al hombre para la vida", por eso, esta semblanza es un homenaje a la ilustre académica Alicia Evarista Fernández Hernández, quien con 12 años edad comenzó su labor como educadora al incorporarse a la Campaña de Alfabetización y a otras tareas asignadas por la Revolución; martiana ferviente, educadora por excelencia, ha transmitido durante más de cuatro décadas sus experiencias y sus doctrinas de amor y sabiduría a distintas generaciones de estudiantes de Enfermería, Medicina, profesores, profesionales de la salud de Cuba y otros pueblos del mundo. Es objetivo de esta semblanza referir los aspectos más relevantes de su magistral obra educativa, académica y revolucionaria, apoyados en testimonios, revisión de documentos, entrevistas a familiares y compañeros, que, sin dudas, describen de modo fehaciente su trayectoria como estudiante, enfermera, profesora, académica e investigadora. Alicia Fernández constituye un referente teórico-práctico, ejemplo de dedicación, altruismo y un modelo de conducta a seguir por las nuevas generaciones de galenos, enfermeros, profesores y otros profesionales de la salud que se forman integralmente en las universidades de las Ciencias Médicas cubanas(AU)

We keep in mind Marti's principle that "to educate is to deposit all human work in each man, to put him at the level of his time, and to prepare him for life"; therefore, this semblance is a tribute to the illustrious academician Alicia Evarista Fernández Hernández who began her work as an educator at the age of twelve by joining the literacy campaign and other tasks assigned by the Revolution. She has been a passionate defender of Marti's ideas and an educator par excellence who has passed her experiences and doctrines of love and wisdom to different generations of nursing and medical students, professors and other health professionals from Cuba and other peoples of the world for more than four decades. The objective of this semblance is to present the most relevant aspects of her masterful educational, academic and revolutionary work supported by evidence, document reviews, and interviews with family members and colleagues which undoubtedly describe her career as a student, nurse, professor, academician, and researcher. Alicia Fernández is a theoretical and practical referent, an example of dedication and altruism, and a behavior model to the new generations of doctors, nurses, professors and other health professionals who are fully trained in the Cuban universities of Medical Sciences(AU)

Humans , Female , Students, Medical , Students, Nursing , Family Characteristics , Life
Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 21(4): 1766-1774, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1357400


Objetiva-se conhecer as repercussões das exigências do trabalho científico no cotidiano de bolsistas PQ/CNPq da Psicologia e as estratégias de conciliação desenvolvidas entre as demandas acadêmicas e as domésticas-familiares. Trabalhou-se com uma amostra não-probabilística de 85 mulheres, das 204 bolsistas PQ cadastradas no CNPq, respondentes ao questionário on-line; e com um subgrupo de 24 pesquisadoras respondentes à entrevista remota. Os resultados indicam que o cotidiano das pesquisadoras é significativamente afetado em diferentes esferas. Na tentativa de conciliação, recorrem ao suporte familiar e/ou contratam trabalhadoras domésticas/babás. Para a maioria, a maternidade não se configura como um obstáculo à excelência científica. Já em relação às relações amorosas-conjugais há conflitos em decorrência das exigências acadêmicas, os quais impactam negativamente nos investimentos profissionais. Concluímos que o cotidiano das bolsistas PQ está atravessado pela estrutural desigualdade de gênero impelindo-as a desenvolver estratégias de conciliação, as quais repercutem no âmbito doméstico-familiar e nos relacionamentos conjugais.

The objective of the present study was to understand the repercussions of the demands of scientific work on the daily life of Psychology PQ/CNPq fellows and the strategies developed to reconcile academic and domestic-family demands. We worked with a non-probabilistic sample of 85 women from the 204 PQ fellows registered at CNPq who answered the online questionnaire, and with a sub-group of 24 women researchers who answered the remote interview. The results indicate that the daily lives of female researchers are strongly affected in different spheres. In an attempt to conciliate, they resort to family support and/or hiring domestic workers/babysitters. For most of them, motherhood is not an obstacle to scientific excellence. On the other hand, in relation to love-marital relationships, there are conflicts due to academic demands, which negatively impact professional investments. We conclude that the daily life of the PQ fellows is crossed by the structural gender inequality, forcing them to develop strategies of conciliation, which have repercussions in the domestic-familial sphere and in the conjugal relationships.

El objetivo es conocer las repercusiones de las exigencias del trabajo científico en la vida cotidiana de becadas PQ/CNPq en Psicología y las estrategias de conciliación desarrolladas entre las exigencias académicas y domésticas-familiares. Se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística de 85 mujeres de las 204 becadas PQ registradas en el CNPq que respondieron al cuestionario online, y con un subgrupo de 24 investigadoras que respondieron a la entrevista remota. Los resultados indican que la vida cotidiana de las investigadoras se ve fuertemente afectada en diferentes ámbitos. En un intento de conciliación, recurren a la ayuda familiar y/o contratan a trabajadoras domésticas/niñeras. Para la mayoría de ellas, la maternidad no es un obstáculo para la excelencia científica. Sin embargo, en lo que respecta a las relaciones amoroso-matrimoniales, existen conflictos debidos a las exigencias académicas, que repercuten negativamente en las inversiones profesionales. Concluimos que la vida cotidiana de las becadas PQ está atravesada por la desigualdad estructural de género, instándolas a desarrollar estrategias de conciliación que repercuten en el ámbito doméstico-familiar y en las relaciones conyugales.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 21(2): 533-551, maio-ago. 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1358467


Este estudo objetivou investigar as variáveis pessoais e os fatores contextuais relacionados com a excelência de pesquisadores de ambos os gêneros e de diferentes áreas do conhecimento. A amostra foi constituída por 109 pesquisadores, bolsistas de produtividade do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), que trabalham em instituições de ensino superior de várias regiões do Brasil. Utilizou-se o Questionário do Perfil de Excelência online formado por perguntas semi-abertas relacionadas a recursos pessoais, fatores acadêmicos e de fatores contextuais. Os resultados obtidos apontam para diferenças estatisticamente significantes de frequência de respostas entre os gêneros quanto à paixão pelo trabalho para enfrentar novos projetos de pesquisa, uso do suporte social, utilização de empregados para conciliar a vida pessoal com a profissional, na ocupação do tempo livre na realização de viagens e nas atividades com a família. Os resultados sugerem a natureza multivariada do fenômeno da excelência científica, convergindo na sua manifestação fatores pessoais e contextuais. Ambos os fatores merecem ser considerados quando se procura promover a sua realização profissional e produtividade. (AU)

This study aimed to investigate personal variables and contextual factors related to the excellence of researchers of both genders and different areas of knowledge. The sample consisted of 109 researchers, National Scientific and Technological Development Council (CNPq) productivity fellows, who work in higher education institutions in various regions of Brazil. The Online Excellence Profile Questionnaire was used. This questionnaire consists of semi-open questions about personal resources, academic factors and contextual factors. The results obtained indicate statistically significant difference frequency of answers between genders regarding the passion for work face new research projects, use of social support, use of employees to reconcile the personal life of the professional, in the occupation of free time with travel and in family activities. The results suggest a multivariate nature of the phenomenon of scientific excellence, converging in its manifestation personal and contextual factors. Both factors deserve to be considered when seeking to promote their professional fulfillment and productivity. (AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar las variables personales y los factores contextuales relacionados con la excelencia de los investigadores de ambos sexos y de diferentes áreas del conocimiento. La muestra consistió en 109 investigadores, becarios de productividad del Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (CNPq), que trabajan en instituciones de educación superior en varias regiones de Brasil. Se utilizó el cuestionario de perfil de excelencia en línea. Este cuestionario consta de preguntas semiabiertas sobre recursos personales, factores académicos y factores contextuales. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan a diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la frecuencia de respuestas entre los géneros con respecto a la pasión por el trabajo para hacer frente a nuevos proyectos de investigación, el uso del apoyo social, el uso de empleados para conciliar la vida personal del profesional, la ocupación del tiempo libre para viajar y actividades familiares. Los resultados sugieren la naturaleza multivariante del fenómeno de la excelencia científica, convergiendo en su manifestación factores personales y contextuales. Ambos factores merecen ser considerados a la hora de promover su realización y productividad profesional. (AU)

Research Personnel , Psychology, Developmental , Personality
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 19(4): e2872, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1149958


Se tiene presente el principio martiano de que el elogio oportuno fomenta el mérito; por eso, esta semblanza es un homenaje a la profesora consultante Asunción Toledo del Rey, quien desde edad temprana se incorporó a las disímiles tareas asignadas por la Revolución; martiana, educadora por excelencia, ha transmitido durante más de cuatro décadas sus doctrinas de amor y sabiduría a distintas generaciones de estudiantes de Enfermería de Cuba y otros pueblos del mundo. Es objetivo de esta semblanza referir los aspectos más relevantes de su obra educativa y revolucionaria, apoyados en testimonios, revisión de documentos, entrevistas a familiares y compañeros, que, sin dudas, describen de modo fehaciente su trayectoria como estudiante, enfermera y profesora. Asunción Toledo del Rey constituye un referente teórico-práctico, un ejemplo a seguir por todas las generaciones de estudiantes de Enfermería que se forman integralmente en las universidades de las Ciencias Médicas cubanas(AU)

Bearing in mind the principle of José Martí that "timely praise encourages the merit" we present this biographical sketch as a tribute to the Consultant Professor Asunción Toledo del Rey who performed different tasks assigned by the Revolution since she was very young. She is a supporter of the ideas of José Martí and an educator par excellence that has conveyed her doctrines of love and wisdom to many generations of Nursing students in Cuba and other countries in the world for more than four decades. The aim of this biographical sketch is to highlight the most relevant aspects of her educational and revolutionary work, which is supported by evidences, document reviews and interviews to relatives and co-workers who, undoubtedly, irrefutably describe her career as a student, nurse and professor. Asunción Toledo del Rey is a theoretical and practical referent and an example to be followed by all generations of Nursing students who receive a comprehensive education and training in our Cuban universities of medical sciences(AU)

Humans , Female , Science , Students, Nursing , Universities , Education , Faculty , Nurses
Aval. psicol ; 18(4): 438-447, out.-dez. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055248


Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar as variáveis pessoais e contextuais que influenciam a produção da excelência em pesquisadores brasileiros. Participaram do estudo 109 pesquisadores, bolsistas de produtividade do CNPq nível 1, selecionados pela plataforma Lattes. O Questionário do Perfil de Excelência foi administrado on-line e composto de perguntas semiabertas sobre aspectos cognitivos, de personalidade, biográficos e contextuais. A análise das respostas por área científica e gênero foram feitas pelo qui-quadrado. Houve diferenças significativas entre homens e mulheres das diferentes áreas científicas quanto à fase de interesse pela profissão, na idade adulta para mulheres e infância para homens, bem como em relação às características persistência e inconformismo, mais valorizadas pelas mulheres para a carreira científica. Os resultados sugerem que o gênero e a área de conhecimento influenciam mais as variáveis pessoais do que as contextuais na excelência científica. (AU)

This study aimed to investigate personal and contextual variables that influence the production of excellence in Brazilian researchers. For this, 109 researchers were selected from the Lattes Platform, classified as level 1 by the CNPQ agency. The Excellence Profile Questionnaire was administered online and comprised of semi-open questions about cognitive, personality, biographical and contextual aspects. The analysis of the answers by scientific area and gender was made using the chi-square test. Significant differences were found between men and women from the different scientific areas regarding the career interest phase, in adulthood for women and childhood for men. Gender differences were related to the characteristics of persistence and nonconformity, which was more valued by women for a scientific career. The results suggest that gender and the area of knowledge influence personal variables more than contextual variables in scientific excellence. (AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar variables personales y contextuales que influencian la producción de la excelencia en investigadores brasileños. Participaron del estudio 109 investigadores, becarios de productividad del CNPq nivel 1, seleccionados por plataforma Lattes. El Cuestionario del Perfil de Excelencia fue administrado on-line y compuesto de preguntas semi abiertas sobre aspectos cognitivos, de personalidad, biográficos y contextuales. El análisis de las respuestas por área científica y género fueron hechas por el Chi-cuadrado. Se observaron diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres de las diferentes áreas científicas con respecto a la fase de interés por la profesión, en la edad adulta para las mujeres y en la infancia para los hombres, así como en relación con las características persistencia e inconformismo más valoradas por las mujeres para la carrera científica. Los resultados sugieren que, con respecto a la excelencia científica, el género y el área de conocimiento influyen más en las variables personales que en las contextuales. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Personality , Research Personnel/psychology , Scientific Research and Technological Development , Gender Identity , Motivation , Chi-Square Distribution , Surveys and Questionnaires
Pers. bioet ; 23(1): 49-63, jun. 2019.
Article in Spanish | COLNAL, BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1020111


Resumen Desde hace unos años, las organizaciones colegiadas de la profesión farmacéutica se han visto desafiadas, no solo por agentes externos, sino también por los propios profesionales. Hay una cierta crítica de respuesta, especialmente en aspectos que tienen que ver con el rol que deben jugar en el desarrollo y la actividad de la práctica profesional, en sus fines domésticos, externos e internos, y en las características que deben poseer como organizaciones al servicio de estos profesionales y la sociedad. Entendemos que el desarrollo, la revisión y actualización de la bioética, así como la formación en esta materia en las organizaciones profesionales, contribuye a esa excelencia transversal en la profesión, provoca un conocimiento real de esta en todas sus dimensiones y otorga poder para actuar en total libertad frente a las amenazas o restricciones internas o externas.

Abstract For some years, the collegiate organizations of the pharmaceutical profession are being challenged, not only by external agents, but also by the professionals themselves. There is a certain criticism in the response, especially in aspects that have to do with the role they must play in the development and activity of professional practice, in their domestic, external and internal purposes and in the characteristics they must possess as organizations in service of these professionals and society. We understand that the development, revision and updating of Bioethics, as well as training in this field in professional organizations, contributes to that transcendent excellence in the profession, provokes a real knowledge of it in all its dimensions and with the power to act in total freedom from threats or internal or external restrictions.

Resumo Há alguns anos, as organizações colegiadas da profissão farmacêutica estão sendo desafiadas, não somente por agentes externos, mas também pelos próprios profissionais. Existe certa crítica de resposta, em especial em aspectos que estão relacionados com o papel que devem desempenhar e com a atividade da prática profissional, em seus fins domésticos, externos e internos, e nas características que devem possuir como organizações ao serviço desses profissionais e da sociedade. Entendemos que o desenvolvimento, a revisão e a atualização da Bioética, bem como a formação nessa matéria nas organizações profissionais, contribuem para a excelência transversal na profissão, promovem um conhecimento real desta em todas suas dimensões e outorgam poder para agir em total liberdade ante as ameaças ou as restrições internas ou externas.

Humans , Specialty Boards , Bioethics , Ethical Theory , Humanization of Assistance , Ethics
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209363


Introduction: The third stage of labor is the time from the birth of the baby to the expulsion of the placenta and membranes.Management is normally categorized into two types; active management and physiological management. Active managementof the third stage involves a package of care comprising the following components: Routine use of uterotonic drugs, deferredclamping, and cutting of the cord controlled cord traction after signs of separation of the placenta. Most common complicationsof the third stage of labor are postpartum hemorrhage and retained placenta.Aims and Objectives: The present clinical audit aims to improve the care of healthy women and their babies during the thirdstage of child and to review the practices regarding the third stage of labor and to develop and implement action plan regardingmanagement strategies.Materials And Methodology: The audit was carried out on 218 pregnant women admitted in Rajarajeswari Medical Collegeand Hospital from April 2018 to September 2018. The inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria, and data collection on the excel sheetwere based on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines.Results: Among 218 cases, vaginal blood loss was recorded in 181 (83%) cases whereas the color, respiration, and generalcondition were recorded in all 218 cases. In all 218 cases, active management of the third stage was carried out, and decisionregarding the same was recorded. The time of cord clamping was recorded in only 6% of the cases. The management ofpostpartum hemorrhage and retained placenta met audit standard in all 218 cases.Conclusion and Recommendations: The present clinical audit suggests that there is a need to follow specific guidelines andtreatment strategies to avert the complications. Recording of vaginal blood loss in all cases, instructions for the compulsoryrecording of the cord clamping time following the birth of a baby and continue to follow the remaining steps according to theNICE guidelines to reduce the complications of the third stage of labor.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 79(1,supl.1): 33-37, abr. 2019. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002602


El perfeccionismo es un constructo psicológico relacionado con la excelencia y una manifestaciónóptima de alta capacidad intelectual (ACI). El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue comparar las tipologías y dimensiones de perfeccionismo entre jóvenes de ACI y un grupo de comparación apareado por género y edad. Se seleccionaron 137 participantes con diagnóstico de ACI y un grupo de 137 de comparación apareado por género y edad. La media de edad fue de 11.77 años (DT = 1.99). Como herramientas se utilizaron la Almost Perfect Scale-Revised (APS-R) y la Escala de Perfeccionismo Positivo y Negativo 12 (PNPS-12). El análisis de conglomerados para la muestra total, identificó la presencia de tres agrupaciones de participantes (No perfeccionista, Perfeccionista no saludable/negativo, y Perfeccionista saludable/positivo). El grupo de ACI presentó una mayor prevalencia de perfeccionistas de tipo saludables y una menor prevalencia de perfeccionistas de tipo no saludable, en comparación con el grupo de alumnos sin diagnóstico de ACI. Cuando se compararon las puntuaciones medias de APS-R y PNPS-12 entre los grupos de ACI y grupo de comparación, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en altos estándares, orden, discrepancia, perfeccionismo positivo y perfeccionismo negativo. En todos los casos el grupo de comparación presentó puntaciones medias mayores que el grupo de ACI. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones claras en la comprensión de la expresión fenotípica del perfeccionismo relacionado con la excelencia y la manifestación óptima del alto potencial intelectual.

Perfectionism is a psychological construct related o excellence and an optimal manifestation of high intellectual ability (HIA). The main goal of the present work was to compare types and dimensions of perfectionism in students with HIA and an age-gender matched comparison group. We selected 137 participants with diagnosis of HIA and a comparison group of 137 matched by gender and age. The mean age was 11.77 years (SD = 1.99). The Almost Perfect Scale-Revised (APS-R) and the Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scale-12 (PNPS-12) were used. The cluster analysis for the total sample identified 3 groups of participants (non-perfectionist, unhealthy perfectionist/negative, and healthy perfectionist/positive). The HIA group presented a higher prevalence of healthy perfectionists and a lower prevalence of unhealthy perfectionists, in comparison with the group of students without a diagnosis of HIA. When comparing the average scores of APS-R and PNPS-12 between the ACI and the comparison group, statistically significant differences were found in high standards, order, discrepancy, positive and negative perfectionism. In all cases, the comparison group yielded higher mean scores than the HIA group. These results have clear implications in the understanding of the phenotypic expression of perfectionism related to excellence and optimal manifestation of the high intellectual potential.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Child, Gifted/psychology , Perfectionism , Personality Inventory/statistics & numerical data , Students/psychology , Cluster Analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-775891


The diseases recommended to be treated by acupuncture and the recommendation in the National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) were summarized, and the diseases recommended were analyzed. The guidelines which mentioned acupuncture in NICE and NGC were searched and classified according to the types of diseases and intensity of recommendations. As a result, 45 guidelines in NGC were included, involving 59 recommendations; 29 guidelines in the NICE, involving 29 recommendations. The diseases recommended by NICE and NGC were mainly pain-related diseases, and the diseases recommended by NGC were wider. However, both needed to further describe the specific operation methods of acupuncture.

Acupuncture Therapy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765091


BACKGROUND: Medical device adverse event reporting is an essential activity for mitigating device-related risks. Reporting of adverse events can be done by anyone like healthcare workers, patients, and others. However, for an individual to determine the reporting, he or she should recognize the current situation as an adverse event. The objective of this report is to share observed individual differences in the perception of a medical device adverse event, which may affect the judgment and the reporting of adverse events. METHODS: We trained twenty-three participants from twelve Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies about international guidelines for medical device vigilance. We developed and used six virtual cases and six questions. We divided participants into six groups and compared their opinions. We also surveyed the country's opinion to investigate the beginning point of ‘patient use’. The phases of ‘patient use’ are divided into: 1) inspecting, 2) preparing, and 3) applying medical device. RESULTS: As for the question on the beginning point of ‘patient use,’ 28.6%, 35.7%, and 35.7% of participants provided answers regarding the first, second, and third phases, respectively. In training for applying international guidelines to virtual cases, only one of the six questions reached a consensus between the two groups in all six virtual cases. For the other five questions, different judgments were given in at least two groups. CONCLUSION: From training courses using virtual cases, we found that there was no consensus on ‘patient use’ point of view of medical devices. There was a significant difference in applying definitions of adverse events written in guidelines regarding the medical device associated incidents. Our results point out that international harmonization effort is needed not only to harmonize differences in regulations between countries but also to overcome diversity in perspectives existing at the site of medical device use.

Humans , Consensus , Delivery of Health Care , Education , Individuality , Judgment , Social Control, Formal
Trab. educ. saúde ; 15(2): 347-371, maio-ago. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDS | ID: biblio-846374


Resumo Este ensaio teve por objetivo analisar a necessidade de nova excelência profissional pautada na deliberação coletiva, debatendo a ética aplicada às questões de saúde nas experiências de Brasil e Espanha. O funcionamento prático dos comitês de bioética na Espanha avança na constituição do método deliberativo como participação coletiva na decisão profissional, discutindo a importância da democracia deliberativa para a construção de nova civilidade ética. No Brasil, após as primeiras décadas de construção do Sistema Único de Saúde, amplia-se o leque de participação dos profissionais, primeiramente nos conselhos de saúde e, com a resolução CNS n. 196/96, também nos comitês de ética em pesquisa envolvendo seres humanos, aprimorando novas ações afirmativas, de organização e comprometimento coletivo com ampliação da responsabilidade na construção e efetivação das políticas públicas. A deliberação ética adquire centralidade: a decisão profissional que era paternalista e privada em ato é, paulatinamente, ampliada como deliberação coletiva e socialmente ativa, o que sugere a necessidade de uma nova excelência profissional, além do meramente técnico e clínico-individual. A bioética brasileira adquire papel preponderante na transformação da excelência profissional pautada numa solidariedade crítica e no comprometimento com o público-social, em coletivos de deliberação que considerem a qualidade de vida da população.

Abstract This essay aimed to analyze the need for new professional excellence guided by collective deliberation, debating the ethics applied to health issues in the Brazilian and Spanish experiences. The practical functioning of the bioethics committees in Spain is making progress in constituting the deliberative method as collective participation in professional decisions, discussing the importance of deliberative democracy to build new ethical civility. In Brazil, after the first decades of the construction of the Unified Health System, the professionals’ participation has widened, primarily in the health councils and, with CNS resolution No. 196/96, also in the ethics committees for research involving human subjects, improving new affirmative, organization and collective commitment actions aiming to expand responsibility in the construction and execution of public policies. Ethical deliberation becomes a central feature: professional decisions that were paternalistic and private in act have gradually expanded to collective and socially active deliberation, suggesting the need for a new professional excellence, beyond the merely technical and clinical–individual one. Brazilian bioethics takes on a leading role in the transformation of professional excellence guided by critical solidarity and commitment to public-social matters in deliberation collectives that take the population's quality of life into account.

Resumen Este ensayo tuvo por objetivo analizar la necesidad de nueva excelencia profesional orientada en la deliberación colectiva, debatiendo la ética aplicada a las cuestiones de salud en las experiencias de Brasil y España. El funcionamiento práctico de los comités de bioética en España avanza en la constitución del método deliberativo como participación colectiva en la decisión profesional, discutiendo la importancia de la democracia deliberativa para la construcción de una nueva civilidad ética. En Brasil, tras las primeras décadas de construcción del Sistema Único de Salud, se amplía el abanico de participación de los profesionales, primeramente en los consejos de salud y, con la resolución CNS n. 196/96, también en los comités de ética en investigación involucrando seres humanos, mejorando nuevas acciones afirmativas, de organización y compromiso colectivo ampliando la responsabilidad de la construcción y concreción de las políticas públicas. La deliberación ética cobra centralidad: la decisión profesional que era paternalista y privada en los hechos, se amplía paulatinamente hacia una deliberación colectiva y socialmente activa, lo que sugiere la necesidad de una nueva excelencia profesional, más allá de lo meramente técnica y clínico individual. La bioética brasileña adquiere un papel preponderante en la transformación de la excelencia profesional orientada en una solidaridad crítica y en el compromiso con lo público y social, en colectivos de deliberación que consideren la calidad de vida de la población.

Unified Health System , Bioethics , Democracy , Public Health , Patient-Centered Care , Community Participation , Deliberations
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-607754


Objective Joint-PhD program is an effective way to cultivate international creative talents.Survey on intrinsic value factors of this mode is significant to improve the quality of medical education.Methods According to the questionnaire results and reports of 104 medical doctorates who attended the Joint-PhD program in PUHSC,Baldrige Performance Excellence was taken as theoretical framework.Results It showed that index influencing the quality of Joint-PhD education include social responsibility;stakeholders' expectation and market requirements;information and knowledge management support and so on.Conclusion In the process of doctoral education,advocating value of social responsibility,paying attention to the expectations of stakeholders,and attaching importance to the validity of education management services help to understand the intrinsic value of the quality management from the top universities in the world,in order to fundamentally improve the quality of doctoral education.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-121897


In United States, national facility accreditation in bariatric surgery was first implemented in 2004 by the ASMBS and by the ACS in 2005. The two programs unified to a single program in 2012: the MBSAQIP (Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation & Quality Improvement Program). Accreditation in bariatric surgery signifies that the center has the infrastructure and equipment to care for the morbidly obese, has experienced and qualified staff and surgeons, and participates in data reporting and quality improvement initiatives. In an effort to improve the quality of service offered to bariatric patients worldwide, IFSO elected to form an international board that will advise and endorse national and regional 'centers of excellence' programs. The creation of guidelines that could be applied to different global areas and define surgeon's credentials and institutional requirements for safe and efficient management of morbidly obese patients was the main task. Substantial data have shown that the presence of bariatric facility accreditation is associated with improved outcomes. Therefore, we have to develop and establish a new metabolic and bariatric surgery accreditation system for surgeons and facilities adapted to our country to ensure the safe and effective performance of bariatric surgery.

Humans , Accreditation , Bariatric Surgery , Quality Improvement , Research Design , Surgeons , United States
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 15(3): 797-813, set.-dez. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-996635


Considerando o aumento de mulheres em posição de destaque nos diversos setores da sociedade, esta pesquisa buscou investigar os estilos de pensar e criar, e verificar as diferenças nos fatores ambientais e psicológicos que influenciam a excelência criativa de mulheres brasileiras em diferentes áreas. A amostra foi composta por 20 mulheres (11 reconhecidas por excelência criativa por meio de premiações e 9 não reconhecidas por excelência criativa e sem premiações). Os instrumentos foram um Roteiro de Entrevista, a Escala de Estilos de Pensar e Criar e um Roteiro de Análise de Produção Criativa. O teste Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para comparar as diferenças existentes entre as mulheres com excelência criativa e as não criativas. Quanto às entrevistas, foi feita uma análise de conteúdo e utilizado o Qui-quadrado para as categorias de respostas. Houve diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos de mulheres nos conteúdos das entrevistas. Conclui-se sobre a importância de conhecer os fatores que auxiliam o alcance da excelência

Considering the increasing number of prominent women in the various sectors of society, this research aimed to investigate their styles of thinking and creativity and to verify differences in the environmental and psychological factors that influence the creative excellence of Brazilian women in different areas. The sample were 20 Brazilian women (11 recognized for creative excellence through awards and 9 not recognized for creative excellence and without awards). The instruments were a Interview Guide, the Thinking and Creating Styles Scale and a Creative Production Analysis Guide. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare differences between women with creative excellence and not creative. As for the interviews, a content analysis was carried out and the Chi-squared distribution was used for the categories of answers. There were significant differences between the two groups of women in the interview content. It was concluded on the importance of knowing the factors that help achieve excellence

Teniendo en cuenta el creciente número de mujeres en posiciones destacado en los diversos sectores de la sociedad, esta investigación investiga los estilos de pensar y de crear y verifica diferencias en los factores ambientales y psicológicos que influyen en la la excelencia creativa de las mujeres brasileñas en las diferentes áreas. La muestra consistió en 20 mujeres (11 reconocidos por la excelencia creativa através de premios y 9 no reconocidos por la excelencia creativa y no hay premios). Los instrumentos fueron una Guía de Entrevista, la Escala de Estilos de Pensar y Crear y una Guía de Análisis de Producción Creativa. Se utilizó la prueba de Mann-Whitney para comparar las diferencias entre las mujeres con la excelencia creativa y no creativas. En cuanto a las entrevistas, se realizó un análisis de contenido y utilizado el Chi-cuadrado para las categorías de respuestas. Hubo diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos de mujeres en el contenido de las entrevistas. Se concluye sobre la importancia de conocer los factores que ayudan a llegar la excelencia

Humans , Aptitude , Women , Creativity , Gender Identity , Human Development
Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 32(4): 767-775, Oct.-Dec. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-764151


O estudo da excelência humana assume essencialmente dois enfoques, um deles acentuando as variáveis psicológicas dos indivíduos e outro enfatizando as aquisições decorrentes da prática ou treino deliberado. Neste artigo procurou-se integrar tais estudos, propondo que o surgimento e a manutenção da excelência pressupõem uma constelação de variáveis psicológicas que vão para além da alta capacidade intelectual. Mais concretamente, descreveu-se um conjunto de variáveis cognitivas, motivacionais e de personalidade, assumidas como relevantes na excelência profissional em diferentes áreas de desempenho e de conhecimento. No seio das variáveis cognitivas e, fazendo uma ponte com as variáveis de personalidade, destaca-se o papel da criatividade para a excelência, reconhecendo a sua particular relevância em algumas áreas de realização profissional.

The study of human excellence can be described based on two main approaches focusing either on individuals' psychological variables or on acquisitions by training or deliberate practice. The purpose of this study is to integrate these models based on the assumption that the emergence and maintenance of excellence requires a constellation of fundamental psychological variables that transcend intellectual capacity. More specifically, a set of cognitive, motivational, and personality variables that are considered important for professional excellence in different levels of performance and areas of knowledge were described. Among the cognitive variables and their association with personality variables, it is worth mentioning the significant role of creativity in the pursuit of excellence, recognizing its relevance to specific areas of professional performance.

Humans , Cognition , Creativity , Motivation , Personality
Rev. educ. fis ; 26(4): 621-632, set.-dez. 2015. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-767897


O escopo do estudo é a excelência esportiva, sendo objetivo investigar fatores determinantes para o desempenho de excelência da geração brasileira campeã mundial e medalhista olímpica de basquetebol feminino ao longo de anos, assim como as razões para a não manutenção de resultados expressivos na sequência. A metodologia é o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, sendo entrevistadas sete atletas de excelência. Foi evidenciado que é dinâmico e complexo o conjunto de fatores que resultam em desempenho de excelência, sendo determinante nesse caso: boa relação entre comissão técnica e atletas, a adequação das condições de treinamento com equipe multidisciplinar, períodos de treinamento concentrado e gerenciamento do treino desenvolvido nos clubes, a experiência do grupo e a capacidade de cada atleta de doar-se pelo grupo. Quanto ao declínio de resultados, está associado à gestão inadequada da modalidade, com pouca preocupação com a formação de treinadores e atletas, assim como aparente menor comprometimento das novas gerações com a Seleção.

Considering the field of sports excellence, this study aims to investigate determining factors for the notable performances of a generation of the Brazilian national women's basketball team which won a world championship and an Olympic medal. In addition, this study also aims to identify reasons for this national team not to have maintained significant results in the following generations. For the methodology we used the Collective Subjective Speech to interview seven expert athletes. The results show that the set of factors that result in excellence performance is dynamic and complex, being decisive in this case: good relationship between coaching staff and athletes, appropriate training conditions with a multidisciplinary team, periods of concentrated training, group experience, and the ability of each athlete to give to the group. In regards to the decline in performance of this national team, we believe this is associated with inadequate management of basketball in Brazil, with little concern for the training and development of coaches and athletes, as well as apparent lower commitment of the new generations with the national team.

China Modern Doctor ; (36): 120-122,125, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1037537


Today our country's higher education has entered the popular stage, country put forward the “excellent physician” program to cultivate more outstanding and professional medical professionals. In this context, this paper studies the features' design in functional orientation, operation mechanism and the implementation of aspects to pro-mote the development of undergraduate tutorial system in medical schools. Then we can get more theoretical guarantees and provide guidance for training excellent physicians.