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Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 18(1): 146-159, ene.-jun. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421364


Resumo Objetivou-se construir a Escala de crenças sobre o uso de questionários em pesquisas científicas (ECQP), a partir de evidências de validade de conteúdo e da verificação de seus indicadores iniciais de validade fatorial e consistência interna para o contexto brasileiro. Foram realizados dois estudos. No estudo 1, elaborou-se os itens da ECQP e verificou-se a validade de seu conteúdo. Contou-se com a participação de quatro juízes especialistas em psicologia social e psicometria, os quais avaliaram o conjunto de itens como adequado ao construto e semanticamente claro para o público-alvo. No estudo 2, por sua vez, buscou-se conhecer a estrutura fatorial da ECQP. Participaram, então, 307 estudantes (M = 25,1 anos), os quais responderam à ECQP e a perguntas demográficas. Os resultados indicaram que a ECQP apresenta índices satisfatórios de validade fatorial e consistência interna. Portanto, confia-se que seja um instrumento promissor, podendo ser utilizada em futuros estudos no Brasil.

Resumen El propósito de este trabajo fue construir la Escala de creencias sobre el uso de cuestionarios en la investigación científica (ECQP, en portugués), desde evidencias de validez de contenido y la verificación de sus indicadores iniciales de validez factorial y consistencia interna para el contexto brasileño. Se realizaron dos estudios. En el estudio primero, se elaboraron los ítems del ECQP y se verificó su validez de contenido. Cuatro jueces expertos en psicología social y psicometría evaluaron el conjunto de ítems como adecuados al constructo y semánticamente claros para el público objetivo. En el segundo estudio, por su parte, se buscó conocer la estructura factorial del ECQP. Así, participaron 307 estudiantes (M = 25,1 años), que respondieron el ECQP y a preguntas demográficas. Los resultados indicaron que el ECQP presenta índices satisfactorios de validez factorial y consistencia interna. Por lo tanto, se confía en que sea un instrumento prometedor y que pueda utilizarse en futuros estudios en Brasil.

Abstract The purpose of this work was to create the Scale of Beliefs on the Use of Questionnaires in Scientific Research by gathering evidence of content validity and verifying its initial indicators of factorial validity and internal consistency for the Brazilian context. Two studies were carried out. In the first study, the items of the questionnaire were elaborated and the validity of their content was verified. Four judges specialized in Social Psychology and Psychometrics evaluated the set of items as appropriate to the construct and semantically clear to the target audience. In the second study, we sought to determine the factorial structure of the questionnaire. Thus, 307 students (M = 25.1 years) participated and answered the questionnaire and demographic questions. The results indicated that the questionnaire has satisfactory indexes of factorial validity and internal consistency. Therefore, it is believed to be a promising instrument and can be used in future studies in Brazil.

Aval. psicol ; 19(4): 390-399, out.-dez. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1153196


O presente estudo focou a questão da permanência universidade, e apresenta dois objetivos principais, o primeiro, de ordem psicométrica, é voltado para adaptação e busca de evidências de validade de um instrumento destinado a avaliação da permanência nas universidades, o Questionário de Permanência Acadêmica (QPA). O segundo objetivo apresenta uma aplicação do instrumento ao verificar se os serviços destinados a aumentar as condições de permanência na universidade estudada poderiam ter algum efeito sobre os escores obtidos no instrumento. Análises fatoriais confirmatórias e testes de confiabilidade indicam boas características psicométricas do instrumento. A estrutura de seis dimensões proposta no estudo original foi confirmada. Quanto aos serviços de apoio à permanência oferecido aos estudantes, os resultados indicam que a percepção de obstáculos no acesso a esses serviços e a utilização do apoio psicossocial e pedagógico foram associadas a baixos resultados no QPA. Tendo em vista que as universidades podem diferir em relação aos serviços com foco na permanência que ofertam, indica-se a aplicação do QPA em diferentes universidades. (AU)

The present study focused on academic persistence and had two main aims, the first had a psychometric nature and aimed to adapt of an instrument designed to evaluate academic persistence, the College Persistence Questionnaire (CPQ), and seek evidence of its validity. The second aim was to present a practical use of the instrument, aiming to verify whether the services offered to increase the conditions of persistence in college could have any effect on the students' scores in the instrument. Confirmatory factor analyses and reliability tests indicated good psychometric properties of the instrument. The six-dimensional structure proposed in the original study was confirmed. Regarding the persistence support services offered to the students, the results indicate that the perception of obstacles in the access to these services and the presence of psychosocial and pedagogical support were associated with low results in the CPQ. Given that universities may differ in relation to the persistence-focused services they offer, the investigation using the CPQ in different universities is indicated. (AU)

El presente estudio se centró en el tema de la permanencia universitaria y presenta dos objetivos principales. El primero es de carácter psicométrico y está orientado a adaptar y buscar evidencias de validez del Cuestionario de Permanencia Académica (QPA), un instrumento dirigido a evaluar la permanencia universitaria. El segundo objetivo presenta una aplicación del instrumento para verificar si los servicios destinados a aumentar las condiciones de permanencia en la universidad estudiada podrían tener algún efecto en las puntuaciones obtenidas en el instrumento. Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios y los tests de confiabilidad indicaron buenas características psicométricas del instrumento. Se confirmó la estructura de seis dimensiones propuesta en el estudio original. En cuanto a los servicios de apoyo a la permanencia ofrecidos a los estudiantes, los resultados indican que la percepción de obstáculos en el acceso a estos servicios y el uso del apoyo psicosocial y pedagógico se asociaron con bajos resultados en el QPA. Teniendo en cuenta que las universidades pueden diferir en relación a los servicios centrados en la permanencia ofertados, es recomendable la utilización del QPA en diferentes universidades. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Student Dropouts/psychology , Students/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Psicol. teor. prát ; 20(1): 110-125, Jan.-Apr. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-895925


Engajamento escolar refere-se ao nível de envolvimento do aluno em atividades escolares, envolvendo quatro aspectos: comportamental, cognitivo, afetivo e agente. Este estudo objetivou adaptar e obter evidências de validade da escala EAE-4DE para o contexto brasileiro. Participaram desta pesquisa 337 alunos do 5º e 6º anos do Ensino Fundamental de escolas públicas e privadas. Os dados foram submetidos à análise fatorial exploratória com o método de extração dos principais eixos fatoriais. O método das Análises Paralelas foi empregado, o que resultou em quatro fatores que explicaram 52,08% da variância. Os fatores foram teoricamente coerentes com as quatro dimensões do engajamento escolar previstas na escala original e apresentaram índices Alfa de Cronbach de aceitáveis (0,62 para o cognitivo) a bons (0,74, 0,78 e 0,81 para agente, comportamental e afetivo, respectivamente). Destaca-se a utilidade da escala para rastreio e monitoramento do engajamento na escola, mas recomenda-se cautela na interpretação do fator "engajamento cognitivo".

School engagement is understood as the student's level of involvement in school activities, consisting of four aspects: behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and agent. This study aimed at adapting and bringing validity evidence for the EAE-4DE scale in Brazil. Three hundred and thirty-seven students from the 5th and 6th grades of private and public elementary schools took part in this study. Factor Analysis by principal axis factoring extraction method and Parallel analysis method resulted in four factors. These four factors explained 52.08% of item variance and mirrored the four school engagement dimensions predicted by the original EAE-4DE scale. The cognitive engagement factor presented a fair Cronbach's alpha (.62), and the other factors presented good Cronbach's alphas: agentic (.74), behavioral (.78), and affective (.81). There was a highlight in the screening and pedagogical potential of the Brazilian version of the EAE-4DE scale. However, the scales' cognitive engagement factor calls for cautious interpretation.

Lo compromiso escolar se refiere al nivel de envolvimiento del alumno en actividades escolares las cuales envuelven cuatro aspectos: comportamental, cognitivo, afectivo y agente. Este estudio tiene como objetivo principal adaptar y obtener evidencias de validez de la escala EAE-4DE para el contexto brasileño. Participaron de esta investigación 337 alumnos del 5º y 6º año de Enseñanza Básica de escuelas públicas y privadas. Las informaciones fueron sometidas a análisis factorial exploratorio con el método de extracción de los principales ejes factoriales. El método de análisis paralelos fue empleado resultando en cuatro factores, explicaron 52,08% de varianza. Los facto- res fueron teóricamente coherentes con las cuatro dimensiones de la participación escolar previstas en la escala original y presentaron índices Alfa de Cronbach, de aceptables (0,62 para lo cognitivo) a buenos (0,74, 0,78 e 0,81 para agente, comportamental y afectivo, respectivamente). Se destaca la utilización de la escala EAE-4DE en la escuela, más se recomienda cautela en la interpretación del factor "Adaptación Cognitiva".

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Psychology , Educational Status , Brazil , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Education, Primary and Secondary
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-822791


@#The objective of this study wasto determine the factorial validity of the Chinese version of the General Family Functioning subscale (GF-12) and to assess parents’ perceived family functioning of children with or without chronic respiratory disease in Malaysia. Thirty two parents of children with chronic respiratory disease and 30 parents of healthy children were recruited. The GF-12 was administered at baseline and 2 weeks later. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that our instrument was a 1-factor model assessing general family functioning. Cronbach’s α value was 0.950. Test-retest reliability coefficient ranged from 0.490-0.790. The overall mean (standard deviation) score was not significantly different between parent’s perceived family functioning of children with or without respiratory disease [1.83(0.63) versus 1.65(0.46), p=0.385]. The Chinese version of the GF-12 was found to be a valid and reliable instrument to assess family functioning in Malaysia. Parents in the present study showed healthy perceived family functioning (total score >2.00)

Rev. chil. nutr ; 44(1): 95-102, mar. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-844512


Background: We evaluated the reliability, factorial validity and criteria validity of a psychometric test designed to measure eating behavior self-efficacy. Materials and methods: This construct was measured using a 21 item scale appplied to a sample of 300 between 14 and 74 years (M=29.89), from the Metropolitan Area of México City, Mexico. Results: Data analysis revealed a four factor structure with high reliability. These factors characterized 4 different types of eating behaviors: 1) high fat eating consumption; 2) healthy eating consumption; 3) sweets consumption and 4) drink consumption. Additionally, we measured physical activity as a factor that could be related with healthy eating. Conclusion. We analyzed feasibility of using this psychometric tool to assess self-efficacy in our sample and its potential implication for nutritional programs. It is also considered feasible to apply this scale in new settings, such as educational programs on nutrition and in the nutritionist practice, since it can provide a predictive tool for eating behaviors.

Objetivo: Evaluar la confiabilidad, la validez factorial y de criterio de un instrumento diseñado para medir autoeficacia alimentaria. Material y métodos: Se utilizó una escala de estimación de 21 ítems, aplicado a una muestra de 300 personas entre 14 y 74 años de edad (M= 29.89) de la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México, México. Resultados: El instrumento incorporó cuatro factores: 1) consumo de alimentos altos en grasa; 2) consumo de alimentos saludables; 3) consumo de alimentos dulces y 4) consumo de bebidas. Se encontró que la capacidad de alimentarse sanamente se encuentra presente en las personas que realizan actividad física frecuentemente. Conclusiones: Se plantea su utilidad en la evaluación de la autoeficacia de la conducta alimentaria en contextos como los programas de educación nutricional y la práctica del nutriólogo. Este instrumento puede proveer de una herramienta predictora de las conductas alimentarias.

Humans , Psychometrics , Self Efficacy , Feeding Behavior , Diet , Diet, Healthy
Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 33(2): 271-282, abr.-jun. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-779874


Este artigo objetivou reunir evidências de validade e precisão da Connectedness to Nature Scale no contexto brasileiro. Dois estudos foram realizados. No Estudo 1, participaram 204 pessoas com idade média de 33 anos (Desvio Padrão = 13,83), as quais responderam a referida escala e perguntas demográficas. Os resultados de uma análise de componentes principais indicaram uma estrutura unifatorial (a = 0,81). No Estudo 2, participaram 220 estudantes universitários com idade média de 23 anos (Desvio Padrão = 5,82), os quais responderam a escala adaptada e perguntas demográficas. Uma análise fatorial confirmatória (estimador ML) confirmou a adequação da estrutura unifatorial (e.g., Comparative Fit Index = 0,91, Root-Mean-Square Error of Approximation = 0,064), obtendo consistência interna satisfatória (a = 0,83). Concluindo, a Connectedness to Nature Scale mostrou ser uma medida psicometricamente adequada para avaliar um fator geral de conexão com a natureza, podendo ser empregada em estudos futuros.

This article aimed to gather evidence of validity and reliability of the Connectedness to Nature Scale in Brazil. Two studies were conducted. A total of 204 people of mean age 33 years (Standard Deviation = 13.83) participated in Study 1 and responded to the demographic questions and Connectedness to Nature Scale items. The results of the principal component analysis showed a one-factor structure (a = 0.81). Two hundred and twenty undergraduate students of mean age 23 years (Standard Deviation = 5.82) participated in Study 2 and responded to demographic questions; an adapted version of the Connectedness to Nature Scale was used. Confirmatory factor analysis (ML estimation) confirmed the adequacy of the one-factor structure (Comparative Fit Index = 0.91, Root-Mean-Square Error of Approximation = 0.064), indicating satisfactory internal consistency (a = 0.83). In conclusion, the Connectedness to Nature Scale proved to be a psychometrically appropriate measure to assess general connectedness to nature, and it can therefore be used in future studies.

Humans , Adult , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Nature , Test Taking Skills
Liberabit ; 21(2): 195-206, jul.-dic. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-788670


El entusiasmo por el trabajo (work engagement) es un constructo que integra sentimientos de Vigor, Dedicación y Absorción (Schaufeli, Salanova, González-Romá y Bakker, 2002). El presente estudio tiene por objetivo investigar la validez factorial de la Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) en las versiones de 15 y 9 ítems en una muestra de 145 profesores de la ciudad de Lima, Perú. Se utilizaron análisis exploratorios y análisis factoriales confirmatorios. Los resultados mostraron que la UWES tiene adecuadas propiedades psicométricas, respetando su estructura tridimensional y, particularmente, la versión de 9 ítems evidenció los mejores índices de ajuste. Futuros estudios deberán confirmar estos hallazgos.

Work engagement is a construct that integrates feelings of vigor, dedication and absorption (Schaufeli, Salanova, Gonzalez-Roma and Bakker, 2002). The purpose of this study is to investigate the factorial validity of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) with versions of 15 and 9 items, in a sample by 145 teachers from Lima, Peru. We used exploratory analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The results show that the UWES has adequate psychometric properties, while respecting its three-dimensional structure, and particularly the 9 items version showed better indices of adjustment. Future studies will be required to confirm these findings.

Faculty , Job Satisfaction , Reproducibility of Results
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 28(1): 11-20, Jan-Mar/2015. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-736140


Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as qualidades psicométricas do Fear Survey Schedule-III, em uma amostra portuguesa. Participaram 1.980 sujeitos selecionados por conveniência a partir de uma população adulta normativa. As idades dos participantes estavam compreendidas entre os 18 e os 80 anos (M = 39,5, DP = 8,5), sendo 59% do sexo feminino. As qualidades psicométricas da escala foram avaliadas em suas facetas de sensibilidade psicométrica, validade de construto e confiabilidade. A validade externa de construto foi avaliada com análise multigrupos em amostra aleatória e independente da amostra de validação inicial. O modelo fatorial original proposto apresentou um ajustamento inaceitável à amostra de validação. Procedeu-se ao refinamento do modelo de medida em uma parte da amostra, selecionada aleatoriamente. Em conclusão, o modelo de medida simplificado apresentou uma boa qualidade de ajustamento fatorial e foi invariante em uma segunda amostra independente da primeira. Propôs-se uma nova estrutura hierárquica, com fator de 2ª ordem designado por "Medos", que revelou boas qualidades psicométricas (sensibilidade, validade de construto e confiabilidade).

This study aimed at evaluating the psychometric properties of the Fear Survey Schedule-III in a Portuguese sample. A total 1,980 subjects, selected by convenience sampling from a normative adult population, participated in this study. The participants are aged between 18 and 80 years (M = 39.5, SD = 8.5) and 59% of them are female. The psychometric properties of the scale were evaluated regarding psychometric sensitivity, construct validity, and reliability. The external construct validity was evaluated with multigroup analysis in a random sample, independent from the initial validation sample. The originally proposed factor model presented an unacceptable adjustment to the validation sample. Thus, it was proceeded the refinement of the model with a part of the sample which was randomly selected. In conclusion, the simplified model presented as a good factorial goodness of fit, and was invariant in a second sample, independent from the first. A new hierarchical structure was proposed with a 2nd order factor called "Fears" which showed good psychometric properties (sensitivity, construct validity and reliability).

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Fear/psychology , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Portugal
Univ. psychol ; 13(1): 311-320, ene.-mar. 2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-726979


In the context of entrepreneurship, cognitive adaptability is a key competence. Thus, researchers in this field are making an effort to find instruments to measure this ability in a way that allows us to predict success in the context of enterprise creation or intention. We conducted a series of exploratory and confirmatory analyses of the cognitive adaptability scale (MAC), using a sample of Spanish (N = 494), in addition to the reliability and validity analyses. We found that a three-factor solution of the MAC best fit the data. The reliability coefficients of consistency were acceptable. The validity of the MAC was confirmed by its correlation with Need for Cognition (NFC). The NFC measures the degree to which individuals enjoy cognitive activity. The present study suggests that more studies are needed in different contexts that would allow the structure of cognitive adaptability to be validated, improved or modified.

En el contexto del emprendimiento, la adaptabilidad cognitiva es una competencia clave. Por lo tanto, los investigadores en este campo están haciendo esfuerzos para encontrar instrumentos que midan la capacidad de emprendimiento y que permitan predecir el éxito en el contexto de la intención o creación de empresas. Utilizando una muestra española ( N = 494), Se llevaron a cabo una serie de análisis exploratorios y confirmatorios de la Escala de la Capacidad de Adaptación Cognitiva (MAC), utilizando una muestra española (N = 494), además de la confiabilidad y validez de los análisis. Se encontró una solución de tres factores del MAC que se ajusta mejor a los datos. Los coeficientes de fiabilidad fueron aceptables. La validez de la MAC fue confirmada por su correlación con Necesidad de Cognición (NFC). La NFC mide el grado en que los individuos disfrutan de la actividad cognitiva. El presente estudio sugiere que se necesitan más estudios en diferentes contextos que permitan que la Escala de Capacidad de Adaptación Cognitiva pueda ser validada, mejorada o modificada.

Psychometrics , Cognition
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 46(1): 44-52, ene.-abr. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-735137


En el presente trabajo se quieren conocer los niveles de burnout y variables relacionadas con el síndrome en un grupo de profesionales sanitarios. Los objetivos de la investigación fueron la obtención de evidencias de validez factorial del Maslach Burnout Inventory, la estimación de la prevalencia y la identificación de factores de riesgo de burnout en un grupo de profesionales sanitarios. Se realizó un estudio transversal, cuantitativo y exploratorio. Los datos corresponden a una muestra de 435 profesionales que incluye auxiliares, enfermeros y médicos. Los resultados obtenidos indican un adecuado ajuste en la estructura trifactorial del Maslach Burnout Inventory; asimismo, se ha obtenido que la categoría profesional, edad y tipo de dedicación son factores de riesgo de padecimiento de burnout. Por otra parte, se obtiene que los enfermeros presentaban niveles de burnout más altos que el resto de grupos profesionales considerados. Lo anterior sugiere que los factores indicados deben ser tenidos en cuenta en la implantación de programas encaminados a la prevención del desarrollo del síndrome.

In this research we studied the levels and the associated variables with the burnout syndrome in health professionals. This research aimed to obtain evidences of factorial validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), to estimate the prevalence of burnout, and to identify the risk factors for this syndrome among health professionals. A cross-sectional, quantitative, and exploratory study was conducted for this purpose. The sample consisted of 435 professionals including assistants, nurses and doctors. The results indicated proper adjustment in the tri-factorial structure of the MBI. It was also found that professional category, age and type of dedication, are risk factors for suffering from burnout. On the other hand, the results showed that nurses had higher burnout levels than the rest of the professional groups studied. The foregoing suggests that the above risk factors should be taken into account when implementing programs to prevent development of the syndrome.

Aval. psicol ; 11(1): 13-22, abr. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-688368


O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi verificar evidências de validade e precisão da Escala de Crenças no Mundo Injusto, avaliando sua validade fatorial, convergente e precisão pelo alfa de Cronbach. Para tanto, contou-se com a participação voluntária de 254 estudantes de uma universidade privada do estado de Sergipe. Esses estudantes responderam a Escala de Crenças no Mundo Injusto (UWS), Escala de Crenças Gerais no Mundo Justo (GeJWS) e Escala de Crenças Globais no Mundo Justo (GJWS). Por meio da análise fatorial e análise fatorial confirmatória, os principais resultados corroboram a estrutura unifatorial da UWS, correlações negativas com as GeJWS e GJWS e um índice de precisão satisfatório. Conclui- -se que a UWS é uma medida unifatorial válida e precisa, podendo ser usada em outros estudos nesse contexto.

The main purpose of this paper was to verify evidence of validity and reliability of the Unjust World Scale (UWS), evaluating its factorial validity, convergent and Cronbach’s alpha reliability. We counted on the volunteer participation of 254 young students from a private university in the state of Sergipe, Brasil. These students answered the UWS, General Beliefs in the Just World Scale (GeJWS) and the Global Beliefs in the Just World Scale (GJWS). Through factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, the main results confirm the factor structure of UWS, correlations with the GeJWS and GJWS and a satisfactory reliability. We concluded that the UWS is a valid and reliability measure and can be used in other studies in this context.

El objetivo principal de este estudio fue verificar evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de la Escala de Creencias en el Mundo Injusto, evaluando su validez factorial, convergente y confiabilidad por el alfa de Cronbach. Para tanto, participaron voluntariamente 254 estudiantes de una universidad privada del estado de Sergipe, Brasil. Esos estudiantes respondieron a la Escala de Creencias en el Mundo Injusto (UWS), Escala de Creencias Generales en el Mundo Justo (GeJWS) y Escala de Creencias Globales en el Mundo Justo (GJWS). Por medio del análisis factorial y análisis factorial confirmatorio, los principales resultados corroboran la estructura unifatorial de la UWS, correlaciones negativas con las GeJWS y GJWS y un índice de confiabilidad satisfactorio. Se concluye que la UWS es una medida unifactorial válida y precisa y puede ser usada en otros estudios en ese contexto.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Social Justice
Aval. psicol ; 10(1): 1-11, abr. 2011. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-688342


O presente estudo procurou comprovar a estrutura fatorial da Escala de Ajustamento Escolar para a realidade brasileira.Participaram 249 estudantes de escolas públicas (49%) e particulares (51%) de João Pessoa, PB. A maioria era do sexofeminino (54,6%), com idades variando entre 11 e 20 anos (m=14,6; dp=2,11). Estes responderam à Escala deAjustamento Escolar (EAE) e perguntas demográficas. Os resultados indicaram que o modelo com quatro componentes(dificuldades disciplinares, dificuldades acadêmicas, aspectos gerais sobre a escola e relacionamento com professores eestudantes) foi o mais adequado para a EAE. Por meio de uma MANOVA, verificou-se que houve diferença napontuação dos participantes em relação aos componentes II (dificuldades acadêmicas) e IV (relacionamento comprofessores e estudantes), segundo a série e o tipo de escola, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que este é um instrumentoadequado psicometricamente, sendo representado melhor por um modelo tetrafatorial.

This study aimed to test the factorial structure of the School Adjustment Scale (SAS) to the Brazilian milieu. Participantswere 249 students from public (49%) and private (51%) school from João Pessoa (PB). Most of them were women(54.6%), with ages ranging from 11 to 20 years (m=14.6; sd=2.11). They answered the School Adjustment Scale anddemographic questions. Results supported the four-components model (training difficulties, academic difficulties, generalschool aspects and relationship with teachers and students) for the SAS. A MANOVA analysis indicated difference in theparticipants' scores in the components II (academic difficulties) and IV (relationship with teachers and students)according to grade and type of school, respectively. In conclusion, the SAS is a psychometrically adequate instrument,being better represented by a four-components model.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Social Adjustment , Violence/psychology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-625587


Objective: Brain Fag Syndrome (BFS) is a psychiatric disorder associated with study among African students. Among secondary school students, it affects two to four out of every ten students. One of the consequences of this illness is early foreclosure of education in affected students. However, clinical experience suggests that many students have sub-threshold symptoms of brain fag and are at risk for developing brain fag syndrome. This study aimed to develop a valid and reliable psychometric instrument that measures brain fag syndrome propensity. Methods: External and internal expert panels as well as a patient focus group evaluated a large pool of potential item stems gathered from the psychological and psychiatric literature. Potential scale items were then administered to 250 students along with a set of validating questionnaires. Final item selection was based upon rigorous empirical criteria and the psychometric properties of the final scale were examined. Results: A final four dimensional 20-item scale, the Brain Fag Syndrome Propensity Scale, has a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.795, split half reliability of 0.813 for the part 1 (10 items) and 0.585 for the part 2 (10 items), and Spearman-Brown coefficient of 0.557. The intrinsic validity yielded a coefficient of 0.892. Conclusion: The current results indicate the BFPS has an excellent internal consistency as well as good content and concurrent validity and should have significant utility as a brief, valid measure of propensity to develop brain fag syndrome or sub-threshold cases of BFS.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 42(1): 41-52, ene.-abr. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-637053


El objetivo del presente estudio es examinar la validez factorial del cuestionario de orientación emprendedora (COE). El COE se administró a una muestra de 1.810 estudiantes universitarios de España, Portugal, México, Brasil y Argentina. Se realizaron los estudios psicométricos para analizar la estructura factorial (a través del análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio) y la consistencia interna. La consistencia interna de las escalas evaluadas por el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach mostró alta fiabilidad, por encima del mínimo establecido (.70). Los índices de ajuste mostraron valores significativos. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que las escalas del COE poseen propiedades satisfactorias de validez de constructo y de consistencia interna. Fases posteriores de esta investigación incluirán análisis de la estabilidad del instrumento y de la validez de criterio.

The aim of the current study is to test the factorial validity of the entrepreneurial orientation questionnaire (COE). The COE was administered to a sample of universitary students (1,810), of the Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Psychometric studies analyzing the factorial structure (through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) and internal consistency of their scales were accomplished. The internal consistency of the scales evaluated by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient showed high reliability, over the.70 minimum established. The fit indices showed significative values. The results of this study show that the COE scales possess satisfactory properties of construct validity and internal consistency. Subsequent phases of this research will include analysis of the instrument's stability and criterion validity.

Univ. psychol ; 7(2): 335-345, mayo-ago. 2008.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-572059


Se expone el desarrollo y validación factorial del Cuestionario de Acoso Psicológico en el Trabajo (CAPT), analizando la estructura del mismo, examinando su validez factorial, la consistencia interna de sus escalas (alfa de Cronbach) y la interdependencia estructural existente entre ellas. El cuestionario fue aplicado a una muestra de 103 trabajadores de la Comunidad de Madrid. Tanto los análisis factoriales exploratorios como los confirmatorios indican que el modelo de tres factores del CAPT presenta un buen ajuste a los datos, con dos índices (CFI y GFI) cerca de 1.00 y con el RMSEA y el RMR por debajo de 0.05. Se hallaron índices de fiabilidad elevados para casi la totalidad de las escalas del CAPT, evidenciándose relaciones entre ellas que confirman la estructura teórica planteada. Las tres dimensiones del cuestionario explicaron el 72.6% de la varianza total. En general, el CAPT parece ser una medida válida y fiable para evaluar acoso psicológico.

The present study shows the development and the factorial validation of the Mobbing at Work Questionnaire (MWQ), analyzing the internal structureof the questionnaire, as well as the internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) of its different scales and the structural interdependence between them. The questionnaire was completed by 103 Spanish employees of the Community of Madrid. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated that the three factor model of the MWQ provided a good fit to the data, with two indices (CFI and GFI) near 1,00 and the RMSEA and RMR below 0.05. Cronbach’s alphas were high for the different scales. The relations between them confirm the theoretical structure proposed in the questionnaire. Together, the three dimensions of the questionnaire were able to explain 72.6% of the variance. So far, present study shows that MWQ seems to be a valid and a reliable measure for mobbing.

Humans , Efficiency, Organizational , Reproducibility of Results
Salud ment ; 29(6): 73-80, nov.-dic. 2006.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-985988


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to test the factorial validity of the Symptom Rating Test (SRT) on women (mothers and wives of alcohol and drug users) coping with alcohol and drug use in a close relative (n=155). The purpose was to develop a common model of symptoms that would serve as the basis for establishing comparative analyses based on variables such as type of relationship with the drug user and country. This article is part of a broader transcultural study on family and addictions, carried out simultaneously in Mexico City and Southeast England. The overall sample in the two countries con-sisted of 200 families from both countries. The original methodology has been broadly described in previous studies. Half the sample came from specialized drug treatment centers, while the other half was drawn from the community population. The criteria for inclusion were as follows: a) Alcohol and/or drug use of a son, daughter or spouse during the six months prior to the interviews; b) Display of concern over active alcohol and/ or drug consumption of close relative (of either sex). Evidence was found of the validity and consistence of the symptom rating test, which included thirteen items (alpha = .93) and consists of two subscales of physical and psychological symptoms (X2 = 64.6 64 gl, p= 0.053). Variance analysis showed one main effect for the subscale of physical symptoms: Mexican women were more likely to somatize an addiction problem than English women (F=4.930. gl1/155, p <.05) and the interaction between the type of relationship and the country was also signifi-cant (F=6.327, gl1/155, p <.05). On the basis of the above, the implications of this study for future research are to increase the evidence of the factorial structure on the 13-item symptom scale in which different socio-cultural groups are considered, for instance, to explore how the male relatives of drug users express their symptoms. On the other hand, it is very important to consider the differences about type of drug and trajectory of use, between the rural and urban popu-lation, in order to identify the communalities and differences regarding symptoms and their meanings. This can be achieved by using complementary qualitative methodologies, in order to have more sensitive measurements and to establish standards of transcultural comparison that will enable to promote comparative studies.

Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo fue comprobar la validez factorial de la Escala de Síntomas (Symptom Rating Test, SRT), en mujeres (madres y esposas de usuarios de alcohol y drogas) que hacen frente al consumo de alcohol y de drogas en un familiar cercano (n=155). El propósito fue desarrollar un modelo común de síntomas que sirviera como base para establecer análisis comparativos a partir de ciertas variables tales como tipo de relación con el usuario de drogas y país. Este trabajo forma parte de un estudio trascultural más amplio sobre familia y adicciones, que se llevó a cabo simultáneamente en la Ciudad de México y en el Suroeste de Inglaterra. La muestra global en ambos países fue de 200 familias. La metodología original se ha descrito en trabajos previos. De la muestra, 50% provenía de centros especializados de atención en drogas y el restante 50% de población comunitaria. Los criterios de inclusión fueron los siguientes: a) Consumo de alcohol y/o drogas en un hijo(a) o cónyuge durante los seis meses previos a la realización de la entrevista; b) Mostrar preocupación por el consumo activo de alcohol y/o drogas de un familiar cercano (de uno u otro sexo). Je encontraron pruebas de la validez y consistencia de la escala de síntomas que incluye trece reactivos (alpha=.93) y que consta de dos subescalas de síntomas físicos y psicológicos (X2=64.6 64gl, p=0.053). El análisis de varianza mostró un efecto principal para la subescala de síntomas físicos. Las mujeres mexicanas tendían más a somatizar un problema de adicciones que las inglesas (F=4.930. gl1/155, p <.05) y la interacción entre el tipo de relación y el país también fue significativa (F=6.327, gl1/155, p <.05). Las implicaciones de este trabajo en investigaciones futuras son poder comprobar más ampliamente la validez de la estructura factorial de la escala de síntomas con trece reactivos en la que se consideren diferentes grupos socioculturales, por ejemplo, cómo se expresan los síntomas en el caso de los familiares varones de usuarios de drogas. Por otra parte, es importante contrastar a la población rural y urbana, por tipo de droga y por trayectorias de consumo, a fin de poder identificar las comunalidades y diferencias respecto a los síntomas y sus significados. Lo anterior puede lograrse utilizando estrategias metodológicas complementarias de carácter cualitativo, para poder establecer estándares de comparación transcultural y contar con mediciones más sensibles que permitan impulsar los estudios comparativos.