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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218281


Nursing workforce accounts for about 59 percent of health care professionals. Various benefits and barriers associated accrue to the organisations and individuals by investing in nursing. The barriers in investing in nursing include lack of resources, non-cooperation from the management and other health care professionals and lack of quality education. The main objective of the study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of staff nurses regarding the perceived benefits and barriers regarding investing in nursing and correlating them followed by administration of information handout on techniques to improve the delivery by nursing workforce. A quantitative approach, with non-experimental correlational descriptive design was adopted. A sample of 100 staff nurses were selected in selected hospitals through convenient sampling method. The tool used was a structured questionnaire to assess the knowledge and a 4-point Likert scale to assess attitude and perceived barriers and the tool was found to be reliable. The study showed that majority of the staff nurses were 26-30 years old, and female. Most of them were graduates and were working in general and surgical wards with 1-6 years of experience and having re- ceived awards/appreciation at their work place. Majority of them had average knowledge (63%) and positive attitude (68%). The correlation was 0.3 which is weak positive correlation. The most perceived benefit was organisational benefit with a modified mean, and barrier was reluctance of organisation to solve the staff shortage issues by the management. The most perceived benefit was organisational benefit with a modified mean of 0.9. There was no significant association between attitude and demographic variables but there was significant association of knowledge with age and gender. Based on the above, an information handout was developed and adminis- tered which outlined few techniques to improve delivery of services by nursing workforce.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-966126


Objective : Recently, a directive that all pharmacies should have a family pharmacist by 2025 was announced. However, this directive has not been clearly communicated to patients. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of patient information handouts on the number of patients who use the new family pharmacist system, using the evaluation index of family pharmacies (Key Performance Indicator [KPI]). Methods : We created and distributed patient handouts about family pharmacists. The number of new family pharmacists, the number of consultations, and the consultation content from June-August 2021 (pre-distribution period) and September-November 2021 (distribution period) were examined to compare the KPI group and non-KPI group. A cutoff score of the KPI index was used to determine compliant vs. non-compliant. Results : The median (interquartile range) number of new patients in the KPI group (7 pharmacies) increased from 0 (0.0, 1.5) in the pre-distribution period to 4 (2.5, 10.5) in the distribution period (P=0.019). In the non-KPI group (4 pharmacies) it was 0 (0.0, 0.0) both before and after distribution. The number of consultations about unused prescribed medications and health increased (P=0.031 and 0.047, respectively) in the KPI group during the distribution period, with no change in the non-KPI group. Conclusion : The use of handouts led to an increase in users of the family pharmacist system in the KPI group. The use of handouts at KPI pharmacies will help patients understand the pharmacist profession and the benefits of the family pharmacist system.

REME rev. min. enferm ; 25: e1370, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1340527


RESUMO Objetivo: construir e validar o conteúdo da cartilha "É hora de pegar a minha veia: o que eu faço?", juntamente com juízes especialistas na área da Pediatria, para o preparo de crianças com necessidade de cateterização intravenosa periférica. Método: trata-se de um estudo metodológico do tipo validação de conteúdo, desenvolvido conforme o checklist COSMIM, realizado no período de fevereiro de 2015 a fevereiro de 2017, em quatro etapas: diagnóstico situacional, levantamento bibliográfico, seleção e sumarização do conteúdo, elaboração da cartilha e sua validação. Participaram do estudo 11 juízas especialistas na área de Pediatria. Para o processo de validação utilizou-se a técnica Delphi. Consideraram-se como índice de validação de conteúdo desejável os valores iguais ou superiores a 0,80. Resultados: a cartilha obteve índices satisfatórios nas categorias conteúdo, linguagem, ilustração, layout, motivação, cultura e aplicabilidade, sendo validada na segunda rodada com índice de validação de conteúdo global de 0,93. Conclusão: o objetivo do estudo foi alcançado, sendo a cartilha construída e validada pelos juízes especialistas, portanto, pode ser um recurso tecnológico de promoção do cuidado para crianças com necessidade de cateterização intravenosa periférica, configurando-se em uma medida de segurança do paciente.

RESUMEN Objetivo: construir y validar el contenido del folleto "Es hora de tomarme la vena: ¿qué hago?", Junto a jueces expertos en el área de Pediatría, para la preparación de niños con necesidad de cateterismo intravenoso periférico. Método: se trata de un estudio metodológico del tipo de validación de contenido, desarrollado según la lista de verificación COSMIM, realizado de febrero de 2015 a febrero de 2017, en cuatro etapas: diagnóstico situacional, relevamiento bibliográfico, selección y resumen del contenido, elaboración del folleto y su validación. En el estudio participaron once jueces especializados en Pediatría. Para el proceso de validación se utilizó la técnica Delphi. Se consideraron como índice de validación de contenido los valores iguales o superiores a 0,80. Resultados: el folleto obtuvo índices satisfactorios en las categorías contenido, lenguaje, ilustración, maquetación, motivación, cultura y aplicabilidad, siendo validado en la segunda ronda con un índice de validación de contenido global de 0,93. Conclusión: se logró el objetivo del estudio, y el folleto fue construido y validado por los jueces expertos, por lo tanto, puede ser un recurso tecnológico para promover el cuidado de niños con necesidad de cateterismo intravenoso periférico, configurándose como una medida de seguridad del paciente.

ABSTRACT Objective: to build and validate the contents of the booklet "It is time to get my vein: what do I do?", Together with expert judges in the field of Pediatrics, for the preparation of children in need of peripheral intravenous catheterization. Method: this is a methodological study of the content validation type, developed according to the COSMIM checklist, carried out from February 2015 to February 2017, in four stages: situational diagnosis, bibliographic survey, selection and summarization of the content, preparation of the booklet and its validation. Eleven judges specialized in Pediatrics participated in the study. For the validation process, the Delphi technique was used. Values equal to or greater than 0.80 were considered as a content validation index. Results: the booklet obtained satisfactory indexes in the categories content, language, illustration, layout, motivation, culture, and applicability, being validated in the second round with a global content validation index of 0.93. Conclusion: the objective of the study was achieved, with the booklet being constructed and validated by the expert judges, therefore, it can be a technological resource for the promotion of care for children in need of peripheral intravenous catheterization, configuring itself as a patient safety measure.

Humans , Child , Catheterization , Health Education , Patient Education Handout , Pamphlets , Teaching Materials , Child Health , Education, Nursing , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Rev. bras. enferm ; 71(supl.5): 2081-2086, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-977654


ABSTRACT Objective: to verify the correlation between anxiety level and degree of knowledge in patients before they are subjected to orthognathic surgery. Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study with 40 patients in the preoperative period before orthognathic surgery of a private clinic in the city of São Paulo. Results: IDATE-trait anxiety levels feature prevalence of medium-level anxiety with 72.5% (n=29), followed by low-level anxiety with 72.5% (n=29) and high-level level anxiety with 10% (n=4). In the pre-operative period, transitory IDATE-state anxiety levels feature medium-level anxiety with 65% (n=26), followed by high-level anxiety with 22.5% (n=9) and low-level anxiety with 10% (n=4). Pearson's correlation coefficient resulted in negative r (−0.2) for anxiety-trait (p 0.197) and in negative r (−0.1) for anxiety-state (p 0.417). Conclusion: The data shows a weak correlation in which greater knowledge about the surgical procedure reduces levels of anxiety that may be related to the absence of appropriate guidance about the surgical procedure.

RESUMEN Objetivo: verificar la correlación entre nivel de ansiedad y grado de conocimiento en pacientes en el preoperatorio de cirugía ortognática. Método: Estudio transversal descriptivo con 40 pacientes en preoperatorio de cirugía ortognática de una clínica privada en la ciudad de São Paulo. Resultados: Los niveles de ansiedad IDATE-trazo presentan una prevalencia de ansiedad de medio grado con el 72,5% (n=29), seguido de bajo grado, con el 17,5% (n=7), y alto grado con el 10% (n=4). En el momento preoperatorio, los niveles de ansiedad transitoria IDATE-estado de medio grado con el 65% (n=26), seguido de alto grado, con el 22,5% (n=9), y bajo grado, con el 10% (n=4). La correlación de Pearson resultó en r negativo (−0,2), para ansiedad-trazo (p 0.197) y ansiedad-estado valor r negativo (−0,1) (p 0.417). Conclusión: Los datos demuestran una correlación débil en la que mayor conocimiento sobre el procedimiento quirúrgico reduzca los niveles de ansiedad, lo que puede estar relacionado ausencia de orientaciones adecuadas sobre el procedimiento quirúrgico.

RESUMO Objetivo: verificar a correlação entre nível de ansiedade e grau de conhecimento em pacientes no pré-operatório de cirurgia ortognática. Método: Estudo transversal descritivo com 40 pacientes em pré-operatório de cirurgia ortognática de uma clínica privada no município de São Paulo. Resultados: Os níveis de ansiedade IDATE-traço apresentam uma prevalência de ansiedade de médio grau com 72,5%(n=29), seguido de baixo grau 17,5% (n=7) e alto grau 10% (n=4). E apresentavam no momento pré-operatório níveis de ansiedade transitório IDATE-estado de médio grau com 65% (n=26), seguido de alto grau 22,5% (n=9) e baixo grau 10% (n=4). A correlação de Pearson resultou em r negativo (−0,2), para ansiedade-traço (p 0.197) e ansiedade-estado valor r negativo (−0,1) (p 0.417). Conclusão: Os dados demonstram uma correlação fraca na qual maior conhecimento sobre o procedimento cirúrgico reduza os níveis de ansiedade que pode estar relacionado ausência de orientações adequadas sobre o procedimento cirúrgico.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Anxiety/etiology , Preoperative Period , Health Literacy/standards , Orthognathic Surgery/methods , Anxiety/psychology , Psychometrics/instrumentation , Psychometrics/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Middle Aged
Rev. bras. enferm ; 70(3): 633-639, May-June 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-843663


ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the comprehension of the education handout and the level of Functional Health Literacy of individuals with cardiac pacemaker (PM) and whether there is correlation between the comprehension and Functional Health Literacy (FHL). Method: Cross-sectional study with 63 individuals with PM who answered to comprehension tests of the handout, literacy assessment (SAHLPA-50) and cognition (MMSE). Measurements of dispersion, Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression were calculated. Results: Most women, study time ≤ 9 years, 66.21 (average age) presented no cognitive changes. An adequate literacy level was evidenced in 50.8% individuals with PM and satisfactory comprehension of the handout. No correlation was identified between FHL, handout comprehension, age, years of study and cognition. Conclusion: The handout comprehension assessed by individuals with appropriate FHL indicated that it can be a printed material suitable for use, aiming to improve care process and knowledge of individuals with PM.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Verificar la comprensibilidad de prospecto de facilitación del aprendizaje y nivel de Instrucción Funcional en Salud de individuos con marcapasos cardíaco (MP), y la existencia de correlación entre comprensibilidad e Instrucción Funcional en Salud (IFS). Método: Estudio transversal, con 63 individuos con MP, que respondieron testes de comprensibilidad del prospecto, de evaluación de instrucción (SAHLPA-50) y cognición (MEEM). Se calcularon medidas de dispersión, correlación de Pearson y regresión lineal múltiple. Resultados: Mayoría de mujeres, escolarización ≤ 9 años, media etaria de 66,21 años, sin alteraciones cognitivas. Evidenciado nivel adecuado de instrucción en 50,8% de individuos con MP y comprensibilidad satisfactoria del prospecto. No se identificó correlación entre IFS, comprensibilidad del prospecto, escolarización y cognición. Conclusión: La comprensibilidad del prospecto evaluada por individuos con IFS adecuada indicó que resulta potencial impreso educativo utilizable, en pos de mejorar el proceso de cuidar y el conocimiento de los individuos con MP.

RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar a legibilidade de prospecto facilitador da aprendizagem e o nível de Letramento Funcional em Saúde de indivíduos com marcapasso cardíaco (MP) e se há correlação entre a legibilidade e Letramento Funcional em Saúde (LFS). Método: Estudo transversal com 63 indivíduos com MP, que responderam testes de legibilidade do prospecto, de avaliação do letramento (SAHLPA-50) e cognição (MEEM). Foram calculadas medidas de dispersão, correlação de Pearson e regressão linear múltipla. Resultados: Maioria mulheres, tempo de estudo ≤ 9 anos, idade média de 66,21 anos, sem alteração cognitiva. Evidenciado nível adequado de letramento em 50,8% dos indivíduos com MP e legibilidade satisfatória do prospecto. Não foi identificada correlação entre LFS, legibilidade do prospecto, idade, anos de estudo e cognição. Conclusão: A legibilidade do prospecto avaliada por indivíduos com adequado LFS indicou que pode ser um impresso educativo apropriado para uso, visando aprimorar o processo de cuidar e o conhecimento dos indivíduos com MP.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Pacemaker, Artificial , Health Education/standards , Health Literacy/standards , Health Education/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Comprehension , Health Literacy/methods , Middle Aged
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 25(3): 575-584, jul.-set. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-795339


OBJETIVO: caracterizar os materiais educativos impressos sobre esquistossomose produzidos no Brasil, nos níveis federal, estadual e municipal. MÉTODOS: os materiais foram caracterizados considerando-se as categorias 'formato', 'parasito e hospedeiro intermediário', 'hospedeiro definitivo' (doente) e 'doença'. RESULTADOS: dos 60 materiais avaliados, três não traziam informação sobre as atividades de risco e 41 indicavam mais de um nome popular para a doença, possibilitando maior alcance do público-alvo nas diversas áreas endêmicas; em 53 materiais, o ciclo biológico estava ausente ou incorreto; o molusco, hospedeiro intermediário, estava retratado incorretamente, com imagens estereotipadas em 39 materiais, e ausente em um; o diagnóstico foi mencionado em 36 materiais. CONCLUSÃO: os materiais educativos impressos avaliados mostraram incorreções que podem comprometer o trabalho de educação em saúde; ademais, o diagnóstico da esquistossomose foi pouco abordado.

OBJECTIVE: to characterize printed educational materials about schistosomiasis produced at federal, state and municipal levels in Brazil. METHODS: the educational materials were characterized considering the following categories: 'format', 'parasite and intermediate host', 'definitive host (ill)' and 'disease'. RESULTS: 60 materials were assessed, three had no information about risk activities and 41 indicated more than one popular name for the disease, thus allowing greater reach among the target audience in diverse endemic areas; the biological cycle was missing or incorrect in 53 materials; the intermediate host (snail) was incorrectly illustrated, with use of stereotyped images in 39 and no image in one material; diagnosis was mentioned in 36 materials. CONCLUSION: the printed educational materials assessed had incorrect content which may compromise health education efforts; little attention was paid to schistosomiasis diagnosis.

OBJETIVO: evaluar materiales educativos impresos (MEIs) sobre esquistosomiasis producidos en Brasil a nivel Federal, Estatal y Municipal. MÉTODOS: los MEIs fueron sometidos a una evaluación de contenidos teniendo en cuenta las categorías: formato, parásito y hospedero intermediario, hospedero definitivo y enfermedad. RESULTADOS: de los 60 MEIs evaluados, tres no tenían información sobre actividades de riesgo y 41 daban más de un nombre popular a la enfermedad, permitiendo un mayor alcance de público objetivo en diferentes zonas endémicas; en 53 MEIs el ciclo de vida no era mencionado o era incorrectoo; el molusco, hospedero intermediario, era retratado incorrectamente, con imágenes estereotipadas em 39 MEIs y ausente en uno; se daba poca importancia al diagnóstico, siendo mencionado en apenas 36 de ellos. CONCLUSIÓN: los MEIs mostraron inexactitudes que podrían comprometer el trabajo de educación de la salud.

Humans , Male , Female , Educational and Promotional Materials , Health Education , Schistosomiasis/prevention & control , Evaluation of the Efficacy-Effectiveness of Interventions
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-204978


BACKGROUND/AIMS: Patients who undergo endoscopic biopsy suffer anxiety until results are confirmed. This study assesses the effects of written educational material on the anxiety level of patients following endoscopic biopsy. METHODS: This study was a randomized controlled study trial with 83 patients divided into the following three groups: a biopsy group given written educational material prepared by our institution following the biopsy (intervention group, n=28), a biopsy group without written material (biopsy only group, n=25), and a control group without biopsy (control group, n=30). The anxiety level of each patient was evaluated three times using Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI): for baseline at the first visit to our institution, at the day of endoscopy, one day later, and one week after the procedure. We compared baseline characteristics, STAI scores at each visit, and differences in STAI scores among the three groups. RESULTS: No difference was found in STAI score among groups at baseline and before and after the endoscopic procedure. However, the STAI-state score of the intervention group was slightly lower than biopsy only group one day post-procedure (40.3+/-7.7 vs. 43.9+/-7.1, p=0.135). The STAI-state score significantly decreased from pre- to post-procedure only in the intervention group (-2.75+/-6.1 vs. 0.92+/-4.0, p<0.027). CONCLUSIONS: Use of written educational material for patients having biopsy might lessen their anxiety level.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Anxiety , Biopsy , Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal , Patient Education as Topic , Program Evaluation , Prospective Studies , Time Factors
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-60240


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate the quality (understandability and actionability) of health education materials for Korean-Chinese (KC) female migrant workers, using Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool for Printable Materials (PEMAT-P). METHODS: Educational needs assessment was conducted with 3 focus groups with 20 KC women and a focus group with 4 community stakeholders. The quality of the educational materials was evaluated by 3 experts and a community stakeholder, followed by a survey with 15 KC women using 17 items for understandability and 7 items for actionability by means of a Korean version PEMAT-P. RESULTS: The health educational calendar consists of 12 subjects out of 9 topics related to healthy lifestyles for preventing cardiovascular diseases. The overall mean understandability score was 98.8% and the overall mean actionability was 100%. CONCLUSION: Involvement of KC women and community stakeholders in the development of educational materials was found to be an effective strategy for increasing understandability and actionability of educational materials for KC female migrant workers. This study also demonstrates the PEMAT-P is a useful evaluation tool, emphasizing the actionability of educational materials.

Female , Humans , Cardiovascular Diseases , Education , Focus Groups , Health Education , Health Promotion , Life Style , Needs Assessment , Patient Education as Topic , Transients and Migrants
Asian Nursing Research ; : 166-172, 2012.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-91624


PURPOSE: To create and validate educational material for patients undergoing orthognathic surgery. METHODS: The design included five phases: (a) a review of the literature regarding surgical complications; (b) gathering information on the needs of patients through blogs and virtual communities; (c) evaluating patient perceptions of the post-operative period through a focus group; (d) obtaining information through specialists using the Delphi technique and validation by judges; and (e) validation by patients in terms of understanding the exhibited material. RESULTS: The first three phases of the study and the first round of the Delphi technique assisted in generating the perioperative patient booklet. The following rounds of the Delphi technique introduced modifications to improve the material, with the judges agreeing on the final material to be validated by patients. CONCLUSION: Creating a booklet involves more than simply writing summarized ideas on a paper and handing it to the patient. One must understand the population, involve the relevant professionals, and obtain high-quality graphic aids for this type of educational material.

Humans , Blogging , Delphi Technique , Educational Technology , Hand , Health Education , Orthognathic Surgery , Pamphlets , Perioperative Nursing , Specialization , Teaching Materials , Writing
Acta paul. enferm ; 25(6): 990-996, 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-658001


OBJETIVO: Descrever o processo de validação de uma tecnologia educativa para pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ortognática, mediante a aplicação da técnica Delphi. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo, dez juízes (quatro cirurgiões bucomaxilofaciais, duas enfermeiras, duas nutricionistas e duas fonoaudiólogas) que indicaram os assuntos a serem abordados no material destinado à primeira fase da técnica Delphi. Após a construção do material e a obtenção dos resultados da primeira fase, iniciou-se as segunda e terceira fases dessa técnica com validação da pertinência das informações contidas nessa tecnologia educativa. RESULTADOS: Na segunda rodada, obteve-se, pelo menos, 90,0% de concordância em todas as categorias. Na terceira, houve um aumento de 12% para o item conteúdo, melhora de 6,7% em linguagem, de 12,5% em ilustrações, de 3,3% no layout, de 10% em cultura, mantendo-se constante o item motivação. CONCLUSÃO: A técnica Delphi, pode ser uma importante ferramenta na construção e validação de tecnologias educativas.

OBJECTIVE: To describe the validation process of an educational technology for patients undergoing orthognathic surgery, through the application of the Delphi technique. METHODS: Participating in the study were ten experts (four maxillofacial surgeons, two nurses, two nutritionists and two speech therapists) who indicated the subjects to be covered in the material for the first phase of the Delphi technique. After constructing the material and obtaining the results of the first phase, the second and third phases of this technique were initiated with validation of the pertinence of the information contained in this educational technology. RESULTS: In the second round we obtained at least 90.0% agreement in all categories. In the third, the following improvements were noted: 12% for the content item, 6.7% for language, 12.5% for illustrations, 3.3% for layout, 10% for culture; the motivation item was unchaged. CONCLUSION: The Delphi technique can be an important tool in the construction and validation of educational technologies.

OBJETIVO: Describir el proceso de validación de una tecnología educativa para pacientes sometidos a cirugía ortognática, mediante la aplicación de la técnica Delphi. MÉTODOS: Participaron en el estudio, diez jueces (cuatro cirujanos bucomaxilofaciales, dos enfermeras, dos nutricionistas y dos fonoaudiólogas) que indicaron los asuntos a ser abordados en el material destinado a la primera fase de la técnica Delphi. Después de la construcción del material y la obtención de los resultados de la primera fase, se inició la segunda y tercera fases de esa técnica con validación de la pertinencia de las informaciones contenidas en esa tecnología educativa. RESULTADOS: En la segunda vuelta, se obtuvo, por lo menos, el 90,0% de concordancia en todas las categorías. En la tercera, hubo un aumento del 12% para el item contenido, mejora del 6,7% en lenguaje, del 12,5% en ilustraciones, del 3,3% en el esbozo, del 10% en cultura, manteniéndose constante el item motivación. CONCLUSIÓN: La técnica Delphi, puede ser una herramienta importante en la construcción y validación de tecnologías educativas.

Humans , Orthognathic Surgery/education , Delphi Technique , Educational Technology , Health Education , Validation Studies as Topic , Perioperative Period
Sci. med ; 20(1)jan.-mar. 2010. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-567157


Aims: The study sought to determine the factors associated with prior knowledge about toxoplasmosis, and to assess what participants learned after reading an educational handout. Methods: Participants were recruited at two sites in California: a public meeting about water quality in Morro Bay; and at the Women Infants and Children?s Nutrition Program office or La Leche League meetings in Yolo County. Demographic differences between sites were compared using Fisher?s exact test, and change in knowledge before and after reading the handout using Mantel-Haenszel methodology. Results: Non-Hispanic white participants were more likely than those of Hispanic ethnicity (62% vs. 20%, respectively) to have prior knowledge about toxoplasmosis. The most common source of information was newspapers (36%). Only 16% had obtained information from medical professionals. After reading the handout, 85% of participants identified Toxoplasma gondii as a parasite and 98% identified cats as the source of oocysts. Ninety-eight percent of participants who read the handout were aware they could acquire infection from cat faeces, 94% from meat, 78% from soil or in utero, and 69% from unwashed vegetables. Fewer (59%) recognized all sources. Conclusions: Knowledge about Toxoplasma gondii increased in all areas evaluated, but gaps remained, particularly with regard to environmental sources of Toxoplasma gondii infection and clinical manifestations of disease. In addition to care in handling cat faeces/litter and avoidance of undercooked meat, healthcare providers counseling pregnant women should emphasize the importance of wearing gloves when gardening, hand washing after handling soil or meat, and rinsing fresh vegetables thoroughly before consumption.

Humans , Health Promotion , Public Health , Toxoplasmosis/prevention & control , Toxoplasmosis/transmission