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Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 81(8): 740-747, Aug. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513718


Abstract Background Evaluation and treatment of primary and secondary headaches is a global public health challenge. Recognizing the epidemiological impact of headaches, a group of researchers linked to the Brazilian Headache Society proposed the Brazilian Headache Registry and drew up its initial protocol. Objective Here we describe the methods and preliminary data obtained from the pilot study. Methods This was a multicenter longitudinal observational study conducted between September 2020 and August 2021. Prospective data were collected in three specialist centers for headache care in states in southern and southeastern Brazil. Patients aged 18 years or older who sought care for headache in tertiary centers and who agreed to participate in the study, were considered eligible. Results Sixty-six patients were included in the pilot study: 43 (65%) from Rio Grande do Sul state and 23 (35%) from Minas Gerais state. Overall, 90% were female, and the subjects' mean age was 38.2 ± 11.2 years. Primary headaches accounted for 85.3% of the diagnoses made. Among secondary headaches, medication overuse headache was the most frequent type (7.1%). Conclusions The pilot study showed the feasibility of the research protocol developed for tertiary centers. The Brazilian Headache Registry will form a source of longitudinal data with the aim of contributing to better characterization of the various phenotypes of patients with primary and secondary headaches, and to detailing the use of health resources and identifying predictors of better clinical outcomes.

Resumo Antecedentes A avaliação e o tratamento das cefaleias primárias e secundárias são um desafio global de saúde pública. Reconhecendo o impacto epidemiológico das cefaleias, um grupo de pesquisadores vinculados à Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia propôs a criação de um Registro Brasileiro de Cefaleia e elaborou seu protocolo inicial. Objetivo Nesta publicação descrevemos os métodos e dados preliminares obtidos a partir do estudo piloto. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo observacional longitudinal multicêntrico, realizado entre setembro de 2020 e agosto de 2021. Foram coletados dados em três centros especializados no atendimento de cefaleia, em estados da região sul e sudeste do Brasil. Pacientes com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos que procuraram os centros terciários por queixa de cefaleia e concordaram em participar do estudo foram considerados elegíveis. Resultados Sessenta e seis pacientes foram incluídos no estudo piloto, 43 (65%) do Rio Grande do Sul e 23 (35%) de Minas Gerais. Da amostra total, 90% eram do sexo feminino e a idade média dos sujeitos foi de 38,2 ± 11,2 anos. As cefaleias primárias representaram 85,3% dos diagnósticos realizados. Entre as cefaleias secundárias, a cefaleia por uso excessivo de medicamentos foi a mais frequente (7,1%). Conclusões O estudo piloto evidenciou a viabilidade do protocolo de pesquisa desenvolvido para centros terciários. O Registro Brasileiro de Cefaleia constituirá uma fonte de dados longitudinais com o objetivo de contribuir para melhor caracterização dos diversos fenótipos de pacientes com cefaleias primárias e secundárias, detalhar o uso de recursos de saúde e identificar preditores de melhores desfechos clínicos.

Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 11(4): 10-30, out.-dez.2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1402447


Objetivo: analisar a legislação e as principais questões pertinentes ao armazenamento das informações relativas à saúde do paciente em bancos de dados, bem como as exceções ao dever de sigilo, à luz do Regulamento (UE) 2016/679 (novo Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados) e da Lei n.º 58/2019. Metodologia: por meio de uma revisão legislativa e doutrinária, confrontamos os dispositivos que abordam o direito à privacidade do paciente, a proteção do sigilo médico e o acesso de dados, analisando as exceções ao dever de sigilo que decorrem da lei e dos estatutos das ordens profissionais que tutelam o exercício das profissões. Resultados: a dispersão das normas que tratam a proteção de dados pode criar obstáculos à efetivação do direito e dúvidas acerca da interpretação do novo Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados. Conclusão: o novo Regulamento e a Lei n.º 58/2019 têm o escopo de sistematizar a matéria concernente à proteção dos dados, mas deverão ser confrontadas com a legislação interna portuguesa que aborde outras questões transversais, a exemplo das tratadas na Lei de Bases da Saúde em Portugal, no Regime Geral dos Arquivos e do Património Arquivístico, dentre outros, o que implica uma dificuldade acrescida ao utilizador do direito.

Objective: to analyze legislation and key issues related to the storage of patient data in databases and exceptions to confidentiality under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (new General Data Protection Regulation) and Law No. 58/2019.Methods: through a review of legislation and doctrine, we contrast the provisions that address the patient's right to privacy, the protection of medical secrecy, and access to data, and analyze the exceptions to confidentiality arising from the law and the statutes of the professional codes that protect the practice of the professions. Results: the scattering of norms dealing with data protection may lead to obstacles in the realization of the right to data protection and to doubts in the interpretation of the new Regulation. Conclusion: the new Regulation and Law No. 58/2019 are suitable to systematize data protection. However, they must be confronted with Portuguese legislation that deals with other cross-cutting issues, such as the Portuguese Basic Health Law, the General Archives Law and others, which creates additional difficulties for the user of the law.

Objetivo: analizar la legislación y las principales cuestiones relevantes para el almacenamiento de información relacionada con la salud del paciente en bases de datos, así como las excepciones a la obligación de secreto, de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 (nuevo Reglamento General de Protección de Datos) y la Ley n.° 58/2019. Metodología: a través de una revisión legislativa y doctrinaria, confrontamos las disposiciones que atienden el derecho a la intimidad del paciente, la protección del secreto médico y el acceso a los datos, analizando las excepciones al deber de secreto, que se derivande la ley y los estatutos que protegen el ejercicio de las profesiones. Resultados: la dispersión de normas que tratan de la protección de datos puede generar obstáculos para la realización del derecho a la protección de datos y dudas sobre la interpretación del Reglamento. Conclusión: el Nuevo Reglamento y la Ley n.º 58/2019 tienen el alcance de sistematizar la materia relativa a la protección de datos, pero deben confrontarse con la legislación interna portuguesa que aborda otras cuestiones transversales, como las tratadas en el Ley de Salud en Portugal, en el Régimen General de Archivos, entre otros, lo que implica una dificultad añadida para el usuario del derecho.

Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 11(1): 10-31, jan.-mar.2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361446


Objetivo: discutir se replicar o Projeto "Sífilis Não", naquilo que se refere ao tratamento de vastas quantidades de dados pessoais relativos à saúde sem o consentimento dos titulares, seria possível em solo português. Metodologia: análise da legislação referente à proteção de dados pessoais brasileira, portuguesa e europeia, tendo o Projeto "Sífilis Não" como o caso em estudo. Resultados: o tratamento de dados pessoais sensíveis sem o consentimento do titular é, em regra, proibido pelo Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados, entretanto, o tratamento por motivo de interesse público na área da saúde e para fins de pesquisa científica é autorizado, desde que sejam garantidas as liberdades fundamentais dos titulares. Conclusão: tendo em vista que o Projeto "Sífilis Não" é um projeto de pesquisa que envolve o enfrentamento e erradicação da sífilis em todas as suas formas, hipóteses específicas da legislação portuguesa e europeia autorizam o tratamento de dados pessoais sensíveis mesmo sem o consentimento dos titulares, notadamente o tratamento de dados pessoais por motivos de interesse público no domínio da saúde pública e para fins de investigação científica.

Objective: to discuss whether the reproduction of the "No Syphilis" Project regarding the processing of large scale of personal data related to health without the consent of the holders would be possible in Portugal. Methods: analysis of the Brazilian, Portuguese, and European legislation on personal data protection, with the "No Syphilis" Project as a case study. Results: the processing of sensitive personal data without the consent of the owner is, as a rule, prohibited by the General Data Protection Regulation, however the processing for reasons of public interest in the field of health and scientific research purposes is authorized, provided that the fundamental freedoms of the holders are guaranteed. Conclusion: considering that the "No Syphilis" Project is a research project that involves addressing and eradicating syphilis in all its forms, specific hypotheses of Portuguese and European legislation authorize the processing of sensitive personal data even without the consent of the holders, specifically, the processing of personal data for reasons of public interest in the field of public health and scientific research purposes.

Objetivo: discutir si la reproducción del Proyecto "Sífilis No", con respecto al procesamiento de grandes cantidades de datos personales relacionados con la salud sin el consentimiento de los titulares, sería posible en el terreno portugués. Metodología: análisis de la legislación sobre protección de datos personales brasileños, portugueses y europeos, con el Proyecto "Sífilis No" como caso en estudio. Resultados: el tratamiento de datos personales sensibles sin el consentimiento del titular está, por regla general, prohibido por el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos, sin embargo, el tratamiento por razones de interés público en el ámbito de la salud y con fines de investigación científica está autorizado, siempre que se garanticen las libertades fundamentales de los titulares. Conclusión: considerando que el Proyecto "Sífilis No" es un proyecto de investigación que implica hacer frente y erradicar la sífilis en todas sus formas, hipótesis específicas de la legislación portuguesa y europea autorizan el procesamiento de datos personales sensibles incluso sin el consentimiento de los titulares, en concreto, el tratamiento de datos personales por razones de interés público en el ámbito de la salud pública y con fines de investigación científica.

Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 10(2): 211-232, abr.-jun.2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1253860


A proteção de dados pessoais e a segurança informática são matérias sensíveis no setor da saúde. Este texto passa em revista o papel do responsável pelo tratamento de dados (data controller) segundo o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados (RGPD). Estão em causa os princípios relativos ao tratamento e os direitos dos titulares de dados pessoais, os deveres de aplicar medidas técnicas e organizativas adequadas, de registar os tratamentos, de avaliar o impacto dos tratamentos ou, consoante os casos, de designar um encarregado de proteção de dados. São ainda analisadas as obrigações em matéria de segurança informática à luz do quadro legal aplicável, com destaque para a Diretiva europeia da cibersegurança.

Personal data protection and computer security are sensitive issues in the health sector. This work reviews the role of data controllers according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). At stake are the principles of data processing and the rights of holders of personal data, the duty to apply organized technical and organizational measures, to register treatments, to assess the impact of treatments or, as the case may be, to designate a data protection officer. Computer security obligations are also analysed under the applicable legal framework, in particular the EU Directiveon Cybersecurity.

La protección de los datos personales y la seguridad informática son cuestiones delicadas en el sector sanitario. Este trabajo revisa el rol del controlador de datos de acuerdo con el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD). Em causa estão os princípios relativos ao tratamento e os direitos dos titulares de dados pessoais, os deveres de aplicar medidas técnicas e organizativas adequadas, de registar os tratamentos, de avaliar o impacto dos tratamentos ou, consoante os casos, de designar um encarregado de proteção de dados. Las obligaciones y materias de seguridad informática también se analizan a la luz del marco legal aplicable, en particular la Directiva de Ciberseguridad de la Unión Europea.

Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 45(1, n.esp): 204-217, 01 jan. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178386


Na pandemia da Covid-19, a transparência dos dados e das informações em saúde são fundamentais para subsidiar o processo decisório na adoção de medidas de prevenção e controle, bem como estabelecer mecanismos de comunicação mais efetivos com a imprensa, organismos de controle e sociedade. Contudo, os registros dos casos de Covid-19 são derivados de três sistemas de informação do Ministério da Saúde (e-SUS Notifica, GAL e Sivep-Gripe), sem que haja interoperabilidade entre eles, o que favorece a duplicidade de dados e a inconsistência das informações. Diante desse problema, a Secretaria da Saúde do Estado da Bahia, por meio da Diretoria de Vigilância Epidemiológica, desenvolveu uma solução computacional própria. Nesse sentido, este trabalho objetiva descrever o processo de criação da metodologia aplicada para a geração de uma base única de dados voltada à emissão de informações mais qualificadas para subsidiar o processo decisório e a elaboração do Boletim Epidemiológico do estado da Bahia sobre a Covid-19. Trata-se de uma pesquisa processual, cujas soluções tecnológicas foram se desenvolvendo no decorrer das atividades, num movimento dinâmico e contínuo, na tentativa de resolver a falta de interoperabilidade entre os sistemas de informação envolvidos. A interconexão das bases de saúde propiciou a criação de soluções para operacionalização integrada, incluindo provas de conceito realizadas por meio de diferentes chaves de ligação, o que possibilitou mudanças incrementais nos processos de trabalho da vigilância epidemiológica. Conclui-se que a interconexão de dados possibilitou um processo mais ágil e eficiente para a análise dos dados e tomada de decisão por parte da gestão.

In the Covid-19 pandemic, transparency of health data and information is fundamental to support the decision-making process in the adoption of prevention and control measures and in the establishment of more effective communication mechanisms with the press, control bodies and society. However, Covid-19 case records are derived from three Ministry of Health information systems (e-SUS Notifica, GAL and SIVEP-Gripe), without interoperability, which favors data duplicity and information inconsistency. To face this problem, the Health Department of the State of Bahia, by the Epidemiological Surveillance Directorate, developed its own computational solution. In this sense, this study aims at describing the process of creating the methodology applied to generate a single database for issuing more qualified information to support the decision-making process and preparation of the State of Bahia Epidemiological Bulletin on Covid-19. It is a procedural research, whose technological solutions were developed during the activities, in a dynamic and continuous movement, in an attempt to resolve the lack of interoperability among the information systems involved. The interconnection of the health bases led to the creation of solutions for integrated operation, including proofs of concept performed using different connection keys, which enabled incremental changes in the epidemiological surveillance work processes. It is concluded that, the data interconnection enabled a more agile and efficient process for the analysis of the data and decision making by the management.

En la pandemia del covid-19, la transparencia de los datos e información de salud es fundamental para apoyar el proceso de toma de decisiones en la adopción de medidas de prevención y control, así como establecer mecanismos de comunicación más efectivos con la prensa, los órganos de control y la sociedad. Sin embargo, los registros de casos del covid-19 se derivan de tres sistemas de información del Ministerio de Salud (e-SUS Notifica, GAL y Sivep-Gripe), sin interoperabilidad entre ellos, lo que favorece la duplicidad e inconsistencia de datos. Ante este problema, la Secretaría de Salud del Estado de Bahía, por medio de la Dirección de Vigilancia Epidemiológica, desarrolló su propia solución computacional. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir el proceso de creación de la metodología aplicada para generar una base de datos única para emitir información más calificada para sustentar el proceso de toma de decisiones y elaboración del Boletín Epidemiológico del Estado de Bahía sobre Covid-19. Esta es una investigación procedimental, cuyas soluciones tecnológicas se desarrollaron durante las actividades, en un movimiento dinámico y continuo, en un intento por resolver la falta de interoperabilidad entre los sistemas de información involucrados. La interconexión de las bases de salud condujo a la creación de soluciones para la operación integrada, incluidas pruebas de concepto realizadas mediante diferentes claves de conexión, que permitieron cambios incrementales en los procesos de trabajo de vigilancia epidemiológica. Se concluye que la interconexión de datos permitió un proceso más ágil y eficiente para el análisis de los datos y la toma de decisiones por parte de la gerencia.

Coronavirus Infections , Pandemics , Epidemiological Monitoring , Data Analysis
S. Afr. J. Inf. Manag. ; 23(1): 1-8, 2021. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1532487


Background: Although electronic health record systems are critical for healthcare management, there has been genuine concern about the quantity and quality of data generated by these systems inhibiting its full implementation. Objectives: The purpose of this article was to explore the experiences of healthcare workers (HCWs) and challenges facing the acceleration of the District Health Information System (DHIS) in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province of South Africa. Methods: In this study, an interpretive research paradigm was followed to explore the current state of electronic health in South Africa from the experiences of HCWs in the KZN province. Semi-structured focus group interviews conducted with 20 participants drawn from the district office, clinical nurse practitioners and data capturers allowed thematic analysis of data using a systems approach to link the perspectives HCWs to the design of the DHIS. Results: The participants held the view that e-health is crucial for monitoring disease trends, policy development, planning and allocation of infrastructure, information technology (IT), financial and human resources. Nevertheless, the participants highlighted a concern surrounding e-health regulations, ethics and data confidentiality; data quality and lack of interoperability of Health Information Systems (HIS). This concern was attributed to data fragmentation, internal politics and lack of coordination of the data system. Conclusions: The study suggests that good quality data ­ from an integrated DHIS, is highly critical for the effective utilisation, implementation and acceleration of e-health systems in the province to support epidemiological surveillance and modelling of outbreaks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Humans , Male , Female , Health Information Systems
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae ; (6): 271-277, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878731


With the upsurge of medical artificial intelligence,the use of computer vision technology to study medical images,which can effectively help doctors to identify and screen diseases,has become a focus of researchers.This paper summarizes the basic situation,specific information,related research,and data sharing and utilizing ways of foreign breast image datasets.This review provides inspirations for the opening of Chinese medical and health data.

Artificial Intelligence , Breast/diagnostic imaging
RECIIS (Online) ; 14(4): 805-811, out.-dez. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145430


Today's global media infrastructures involve not just media, but the continual extraction and circulation of data across digital platforms, with health data being an important data domain. The extraction and use of health data raises particular human rights issues. This paper reviews, first, the basic risks to individuals from unconstrained collection, use and transfer of their personal health data; second, the implications of the fast-growing health data sector for social power generally; and third, the wider implications if current trends related to commercial exploitation of personal health data are not interrupted. A new global debate is needed to address these trends and their basis in a highly unequal political economy which benefits the same countries that profited from historical colonialism. We articulate here ­ in new ways ­ the challenges addressed by the 1980 MacBride Report, but for a very differently configured world.

As infraestruturas de mídia de hoje envolvem não apenas mídias, mas também a contínua extração e circulação de dados através de plataformas digitais, com dados sobre saúde constituindo um importante domínio de dados. A extração e uso de dados sobre saúde gera questões especiais sobre direitos humanos. Este artigo avalia, primeiramente, os riscos básicos para indivíduos com a coleta, uso e transferência irrestritos de seus dados pessoais de saúde; em segundo lugar, as implicações para estruturas sociais de poder em geral do setor de dados de saúde, que vem crescendo rapidamente; e em terceiro lugar, as implicações gerais caso as tendências atuais relacionadas à exploração comercial de dados pessoais de saúde não sejam interrompidas. Um novo debate global é necessário para fazer face a essas tendências e sua base em uma economia política altamente desigual que beneficia os mesmos países que se beneficiaram historicamente do colonialismo. Nós expressamos aqui ­ de forma original ­ os desafios abordados no Relatório MacBride de 1980, mas para um mundo com uma configuração muito diferente.

Las infraestructuras de medios globales de hoy en día involucran no solo a los medios sino también a la extracción y circulación continua de datos a través de plataformas digitales y los datos de salud son un dominio de datos importante. La extracción y el uso de datos de salud coloca problemas particulares de derechos humanos. Este artículo revisa, en primer lugar, los riesgos básicos de las personas con la recopilación, el uso y la transferencia sin restricciones de sus datos personales de salud; en segundo lugar, las implicaciones del sector de datos de salud en rápido crecimiento para el poder social en general; y tercero, las implicaciones más amplias si no se interrumpen las tendencias actuales relacionadas con la explotación comercial de datos personales de salud. Es necesario un nuevo debate global para abordar estas tendencias y sus bases en una economía política altamente desigual que beneficia a los mismos países que se beneficiaron del colonialismo histórico. Aquí, articulamos ­ de nuevas maneras - los desafíos abordados por el Informe MacBride de 1980, pero para un mundo configurado de manera muy diferente.

Humans , Data Collection , Confidentiality , Data Anonymization , Health Records, Personal , Electronic Health Records , Social Media
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 588-593, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760972


OBJECTIVE: We aimed to develop predictive models to identify suicide attempters among individuals with suicide ideation using a machine learning algorithm. METHODS: Among 35,116 individuals aged over 19 years from the Korea National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey, we selected 5,773 subjects who reported experiencing suicide ideation and had answered a survey question about suicide attempts. Then, we performed resampling with the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling TEchnique (SMOTE) to obtain data corresponding to 1,324 suicide attempters and 1,330 non-suicide attempters. We randomly assigned the samples to a training set (n=1,858) and a test set (n=796). In the training set, random forest models were trained with features selected through recursive feature elimination with 10-fold cross validation. Subsequently, the fitted model was used to predict suicide attempters in the test set. RESULTS: In the test set, the prediction model achieved very good performance [area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC)=0.947] with an accuracy of 88.9%. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that a machine learning approach can enable the prediction of individuals at high risk of suicide through the integrated analysis of various suicide risk factors.

Forests , Korea , Machine Learning , Risk Factors , ROC Curve , Suicide
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 1030-1036, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-718244


OBJECTIVE: In this study, we aimed to develop a model predicting individuals with suicide ideation within a general population using a machine learning algorithm. METHODS: Among 35,116 individuals aged over 19 years from the Korea National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey, we selected 11,628 individuals via random down-sampling. This included 5,814 suicide ideators and the same number of non-suicide ideators. We randomly assigned the subjects to a training set (n=10,466) and a test set (n=1,162). In the training set, a random forest model was trained with 15 features selected with recursive feature elimination via 10-fold cross validation. Subsequently, the fitted model was used to predict suicide ideators in the test set and among the total of 35,116 subjects. All analyses were conducted in R. RESULTS: The prediction model achieved a good performance [area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC)=0.85] in the test set and predicted suicide ideators among the total samples with an accuracy of 0.821, sensitivity of 0.836, and specificity of 0.807. CONCLUSION: This study shows the possibility that a machine learning approach can enable screening for suicide risk in the general population. Further work is warranted to increase the accuracy of prediction.

Forests , Korea , Machine Learning , Mass Screening , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity , Suicide
Acta bioeth ; 23(1): 189-197, jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-886019


Resumen: Los datos personales relativos a la salud de un individuo se consideran como datos sensibles, por lo que necesitan una "especial protección". Nos encontramos en una sociedad en la que las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC), especialmente en lo referente a las redes sociales, ofrecen amplias posibilidades de intercambio de información médica, sirviendo de apoyo, consejo o ayuda a los compañeros que se encuentran en el mismo ámbito o en cualquier lugar de la geografía mundial. Los avances tecnológicos en comunicación desafían el concepto de "público" y de "privado", de tal forma que la información que se comparte es casi imposible de eliminar, pudiendo llegar a propagarse rápidamente por las redes. En base a nuestra propia experiencia y a los diferentes trabajos revisados, creemos que resulta necesario capacitar a los profesionales de la salud y especialmente a los estudiantes de medicina durante su formación, para que utilicen de forma adecuada dichas herramientas, especialmente a la hora de publicar contenido sensible en lugares cuyo acceso sea público, ya que puede tener consecuencias importantes para la intimidad de las personas, tanto para los pacientes como para su propia vida personal.

Abstract: Personal health data are considered as sensitive information, so they need a "special protection". We are in a society where Information and Communications Technology (ICT), especially in relation to social networks, offer many opportunities for the exchange of medical information, serving as support, advice or assistance to colleagues who work in the same field or in any other place around the world. Technological advances in communication challenge the concept of "public" and "private," in a way that the shared information is almost impossible to remove, and could spread rapidly through social networks. Based on our own experience and the different papers reviewed, we believe it is necessary to train health professionals and especially medical students during their academic education to use these tools properly, especially when posting sensitive data in places of public access, as it may have important consequences for the privacy of individuals, both for patients and for their own life.

Resumo: Os dados pessoais relativos à saúde do indivíduo são considerados dados sensíveis, por esse motivo eles necessitam de uma "proteção especial". Nos encontramos em uma sociedade em que as tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC), especialmente em relação às redes sociais, oferecem amplas oportunidades para a troca de informações médicas, servindo como apoio, conselho ou assistência aos colegas que estão na mesma área ou em qualquer lugar na geografia mundial. Os avanços tecnológicos em comunicação desafiam os conceitos de "público" e de "privado", de tal maneira que a informação compartilhada é quase impossível de ser eliminada, podendo se propagar rapidamente através das redes. Com base em nossa própria experiência e em diferentes trabalhos revisados, acreditamos que é necessário capacitar profissionais de saúde e especialmente os estudantes de medicina durante sua formação, para que utilizem de forma adequada estas ferramentas, especialmente quando se trata de publicar conteúdo sensível em locais cujo acesso será público, uma vez que pode ter implicações importantes para a privacidade das pessoas, tanto para pacientes como para sua própria vida pessoal.

Humans , Confidentiality/ethics , Patient Rights , Information Technology , Social Media/ethics
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 693-695, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-737709


In recent years,great effort has been made in the promotion of health for all in China.Articles on column on chronic and non-communicable disease risk factors in Uighur population,analysis based on the investigation results of Uygur population health status in the Kashi area of Xinjiang of China and similar domestic and foreign studies showed that the health data in different countries are different.The differences in health related data exist in different ethnic groups even in same country or same ethnic group in different areas.Only by fully understanding the differences in disease and related factors among different ethnic groups,developing individualized health indicators and conducting targeted intervention,the goal of health for all can be achieved.

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 693-695, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-736241


In recent years,great effort has been made in the promotion of health for all in China.Articles on column on chronic and non-communicable disease risk factors in Uighur population,analysis based on the investigation results of Uygur population health status in the Kashi area of Xinjiang of China and similar domestic and foreign studies showed that the health data in different countries are different.The differences in health related data exist in different ethnic groups even in same country or same ethnic group in different areas.Only by fully understanding the differences in disease and related factors among different ethnic groups,developing individualized health indicators and conducting targeted intervention,the goal of health for all can be achieved.

RECIIS (Online) ; 10(4): 1-12, out.-dez. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-835226


A saúde móvel ou mHealth – as práticas médicas e de saúde pública apoiadas por dispositivos móveis(telefones celulares, smartphones e tablets) – tem claro potencial para aumentar significativamente a qualidade e a eficiência dos cuidados de saúde. Contudo, constatam-se várias fragilidades na proteção dos dados pessoais utilizados nesse contexto. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar os aspectos jurídicos mais importantes para que uma proteção efetiva dos dados pessoais na mHealth seja alcançada. Tendo este objetivo e, partindo das regras da União Europeia e das melhores práticas internacionais sobre a matéria, apresentamos uma série de pressupostos condensados em três eixos: maior responsabilidade de todos os atores envolvidos no tratamento de dados mHealth; maior transparência na forma como os dados são tratados, compartilhados e reutilizados; e maior controle dos usuários das tecnologias e da utilização de seus dados. O artigo procura contribuir com um panorama global a fim de levantar as reflexões para a criação e a validação de políticas locais.

The mobile health or mHealth – medical and public health practices supported by mobile devices (cellphones, smartphones and tablets) – has the potential to significantly increase the quality and efficiency of health care services. However, the field has several weaknesses in terms of user personal data in this context. This article aims to analyze the most important legal aspects for an effective protection of personal data in mHealth. Having this objective and, based on the EU rules and best international practices in this field, we presented a series of assumptions that are condensed into three areas: greater responsibility of all actors involved in the treatment of mHealth data; greater transparency in how the data are processed,shared and reused; and greater control of users of the technologies and how their data is used. The paperseeks to contribute to an overview of the challenges in order to raise the discussions for the creation and validation of local policies.

La salud móvil – prácticas médicas y de salud pública compatibles con los dispositivos móviles (teléfonos celulares, teléfonos inteligentes y tablets) – tiene el potencial de aumentar significativamente la calidady eficiencia de los servicios de atención de la salud. Sin embargo, el campo tiene varios puntos débiles en términos de datos personales del usuario en este contexto. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los aspectos legales más importantes para una efectiva protección de los datos personales en la salud móvil.Teniendo este objetivo y, en base a las normas de la UE y las mejores prácticas internacionales en este campo,hemos presentado una serie de supuestos que se condensan en tres áreas: una mayor responsabilidad de todos los actores involucrados en el tratamiento de los datos de salud móvil; una mayor transparencia en cómo se procesan los datos, compartir y reutilizar; y se utiliza un mayor control de los usuarios de las tecnologías y cómo sus datos. El trabajo busca contribuir a una visión general de los retos a fin de elevar las discusiones para la creación y validación de las políticas nacionales.

Humans , Electronic Health Records , Mobile Applications , Personally Identifiable Information , Computer Security/legislation & jurisprudence , Confidentiality/legislation & jurisprudence , European Union , Information Technology
China Medical Equipment ; (12): 108-110, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-498593


Objective:To provide informational and personalized health service platform for the current number of chronic diseases and health groups. Methods:a variety of portable devices physiological data were collected to transmit to the remote health monitoring platform, making the service with strong mobility for home care, postoperative care and patient care whenever and wherever needed to provide the best care service model, so that medical and health care is no longer subject to the constraints of time, hospitals and other fixed places. Results: Through a variety of wireless transmission technology and the intelligent terminal and regional health data center, it can be further mining, analysis and storage for the data information, and provide diagnostic advice. It can effectively alleviate the tension of medical resources. Conclusion:The establishment of remote health monitoring platform can alert doctors and relatives when data is abnormal to win time for rescue. It can effectively manage the disease treatment, prevention and rehabilitation.

Journal of Clinical Neurology ; : 434-440, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-104824


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Few of the epidemiologic studies of epilepsy have utilized well-validated nationwide databases. We estimated the nationwide prevalence of treated epilepsy based on a comprehensive medical payment database along with diagnostic validation. METHODS: We collected data on patients prescribed of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment service, which covers the entire population of Korea. To assess the diagnostic validity, a medical records survey was conducted involving 6,774 patients prescribed AEDs from 43 institutions based on regional clusters and referral levels across the country. The prevalence of treated epilepsy was estimated by projecting the diagnostic validity on the number of patients prescribed AEDs. RESULTS: The mean positive predictive value (PPV) for epilepsy was 0.810 for those prescribed AEDs with diagnostic codes that indicate epilepsy or seizure (Diagnosis-E), while it was 0.066 for those without Diagnosis-E. The PPV tended to decrease with age in both groups, with lower values seen in females. The prevalence was 3.84 per 1,000, and it was higher among males, children, and the elderly. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of epilepsy in Korea was comparable to that in other East Asian countries. The diagnostic validity of administrative health data varies depending on the method of case ascertainment, age, and sex. The prescriptions of AEDs even without relevant diagnostic codes should be considered as a tracer for epilepsy.

Aged , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Anticonvulsants , Asian People , Epidemiologic Studies , Epidemiology , Epilepsy , Insurance, Health , Korea , Medical Records , Methods , Prescriptions , Prevalence , Referral and Consultation , Seizures
Healthcare Informatics Research ; : 54-58, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-219432


OBJECTIVES: A distributed research network (DRN) has the advantages of improved statistical power, and it can reveal more significant relationships by increasing sample size. However, differences in data structure constitute a major barrier to integrating data among DRN partners. We describe our experience converting Electronic Health Records (EHR) to the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) Common Data Model (CDM). METHODS: We transformed the EHR of a hospital into Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) CDM ver. 4.0 used in OHDSI. All EHR codes were mapped and converted into the standard vocabulary of the CDM. All data required by the CDM were extracted, transformed, and loaded (ETL) into the CDM structure. To validate and improve the quality of the transformed dataset, the open-source data characterization program ACHILLES was run on the converted data. RESULTS: Patient, drug, condition, procedure, and visit data from 2.07 million patients who visited the subject hospital from July 1994 to November 2014 were transformed into the CDM. The transformed dataset was named the AUSOM. ACHILLES revealed 36 errors and 13 warnings in the AUSOM. We reviewed and corrected 28 errors. The summarized results of the AUSOM processed with ACHILLES are available at CONCLUSIONS: We successfully converted our EHRs to a CDM and were able to participate as a data partner in an international DRN. Converting local records in this manner will provide various opportunities for researchers and data holders.

Humans , Clinical Coding , Data Accuracy , Dataset , Electronic Health Records , Epidemiologic Methods , Hospitals, Teaching , Informatics , Sample Size , Vocabulary
Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science ; (12): 12-16, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-454441


The application , its related problems and advances in revising ICD in domestic hospitals were investiga-ted by on field and literature survey with strategies put forward for its construction in medical information institutions .

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 16(2): 599-603, fev. 2011. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-582452


A subnotificação dos casos de Aids dificulta e até mesmo impossibilita o planejamento de ações para o controle da epidemia. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de verificar a subnotificação dos casos de Aids no período de 1999 a 2005 em Alagoas. Analisaram-se as declarações de óbito (DO) por Aids, registradas no Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) comparando-as com o Sistema de Informação de agravos de notificação (Sinan), utilizando a técnica de relacionamento entre bancos de dados em Alagoas. O percentual de subnotificação no período foi de 12,4 por cento. Entre os 49 óbitos estudados, 67 por cento (33) ocorreram no sexo masculino e 33 por cento (16) no feminino, observando-se uma razão entre os sexos de 2:1. Com relação à escolaridade, 4,08 por cento (2) e 6,12 por cento (3) estavam relacionadas às faixas de 1 a 3 e de 4 a 7 anos de estudo, respectivamente. A faixa etária que apresentou o maior número de óbitos foi entre 20 e 49 anos, tanto no sexo feminino (11; 68,7 por cento) como no masculino (23; 69,6 por cento). A subnotificação revelada pela diferença entre óbitos por Aids registrados no SIM e ausentes no Sinan como casos da doença alerta para a necessidade de serem implementadas políticas públicas dirigidas ao problema.

The under-reporting of Aids (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) cases makes it difficult and even impossible to plan means to control the epidemic. This study aims to check out the under-reporting of Aids cases from 1999 to 2005 in Alagoas (Brazil). The deaths certificates causes by Aids stored at the Mortality Data System (SIM) in comparison to the Data System of Notification Diseases (Sinan), has been analyzed using the technique of relationship between these two data systems in Alagoas. According to the study, the proportion of under-reporting of Aids cases during this period was of 12.4 percent. Among the 49 deaths studied, 67 percent (33) were men and 33 percent (16) were women configuring a gender rate of 2:1. As to education level, 4,08 percent (2) and 6,12 percent (3) of the deaths by Aids were of people having 1 to 3 and from 4 to 7 years of study, respectively. The age group that presented the largest number of deaths was from 20 to 49 years old, either female (11; 68,7 percent) or male gender (23; 69,6 percent). The comparison between the Mortality Data System and Data System for Disease Notification revealed a high proportion of under-reporting of deaths by Aids, stressing the need for a specific public policy on the matter.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Records , Time Factors
Journal of the Korean Medical Association ; : 682-683, 2008.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-123469


According to 2005 OECD health data, the total Korean expenditure on health in percentage of GDP is 6%, while other OECD countries spend an average 10% of their GDP. Accordingly, health and medical professionals uniformly point out that the idea of 'proper medical treatment with a reasonable fee' is unfair. Hence, the rationalization of the national health insurance rate is a step toward the financial stability of the national health insurance system and a way to further the realization of proper medical care. The importance of strengthening national health insurance coverage through financial expansion on the national health insurance system should be recognized as an urgent social and political issue.

Delivery of Health Care , Guanosine Diphosphate , Health Expenditures , Insurance , National Health Programs , Quality Improvement , Rationalization