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Rev. bras. enferm ; 75(supl.2): e20210540, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1376618


ABSTRACT Objectives: to evidence and analyze the health needs of mothers of children with Congenital Zika Syndrome. Methods: a total of 44 articles published between October/2015 and March/2021 on PubMed, LILACS, Scopus, Web of Science and Science Direct were included. The RTI bank and CASP score were applied to classify the methodological quality of the studies. Reflective content analysis and Cecílio and Matsumoto's taxonomy were used for analysis. Visual map was used as a technique for presenting the results. Results: mothers need access to social protection, family-centered, multi-professional empathetic monitoring, cultivating bonds and affection by professionals, sharing of care between health network services, strengthening the social support network and fostering coexistence groups between them. Final Considerations: intersectoral initiatives must be implemented for better housing conditions, fighting stigma, holding parents accountable and resuming life project.

RESUMEN Objetivos: demostrar y analizar las necesidades de salud de las madres de niños con Síndrome Congénito causado por el virus del Zika. Métodos: se incluyeron 44 artículos publicados entre octubre/2015 y marzo/2021 en PubMed, LILACS, Scopus, Web of Science y Science Direct. Se aplicó el puntaje RTI bank y CASP para clasificar la calidad metodológica de los estudios. Para el análisis se utilizó el análisis de contenido reflexivo y la taxonomía de Cecílio y Matsumoto, y se utilizó el mapa visual como técnica para presentar los resultados. Resultados: las madres necesitan acceso a protección social, centrado en la familia, multidisciplinar, seguimiento empático, cultivar vínculos y afectos por parte de los profesionales, compartir la atención entre los servicios de la red de salud, fortalecer la red de apoyo social y fomentar grupos de convivencia entre ellas. Consideraciones Finales: se deben implementar iniciativas intersectoriales para mejorar las condiciones de vivienda, combatir el estigma, responsabilizar al padre y retomar el proyecto de vida.

RESUMO Objetivos: evidenciar e analisar as necessidades de saúde de mães de crianças com Síndrome Congênita pelo vírus Zika. Métodos: foram incluídos 44 artigos publicados, entre outubro/2015 e março/2021, na PubMed, LILACS, Scopus, Web of Science e Science Direct. Foram aplicados o RTI bank e escore CASP, para classificar a qualidade metodológica dos estudos. A análise de conteúdo reflexiva e a taxonomia de Cecílio e Matsumoto foram utilizadas para análise, e o mapa visual, enquanto técnica de apresentação dos resultados. Resultados: as mães necessitam de acesso à proteção social, acompanhamento multiprofissional empático centrado na família, cultivo de vínculo e afeto por parte dos profissionais, compartilhamento de cuidados entre serviços da rede de saúde, fortalecimento da rede de apoio social e fomento de grupos de convivência entre elas. Considerações Finais: devem ser implementadas iniciativas intersetoriais para melhores condições de moradia, enfrentamento do estigma, responsabilização do genitor e retomada do projeto de vida.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2021. 241 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, InstitutionalDB, BDENF, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1425617


A continuidade dos cuidados de crianças nascidas prematuras egressas da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal faz-se necessária para o atendimento às necessidades de saúde apresentadas por essas crianças relacionadas à prematuridade. As trajetórias para o cuidado em saúde de seus filhos pode ser mediada por aspectos sócio-econômicos e culturais Objetivo geral: Analisar o itinerário de cuidados de famílias para o atendimento às necessidades de saúde de suas crianças nascidas prematuras no primeiro ano de vida. Objetivos específicos: verificar as ações de cuidado realizadas pelas famílias no domicílio e identificar subsistemas utilizados pelas famílias para o cuidado de suas crianças no primeiro ano de vida. Método: Trata-se de um Estudo de Caso Coletivo, longitudinal, de abordagem qualitativa. O Modelo de Sistemas de Cuidados em Saúde e o Modelo das Necessidades Essenciais das Crianças foram os referenciais teóricos desse estudo. Utilizamos a observação, a entrevista com roteiro semiestruturado, o genograma e o ecomapa para a produção de dados em campo. Oito famílias de crianças nascidas com menos de 32 semanas e egressas de três Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal de Belo Horizonte foram acompanhadas ao longo do primeiro ano de vida. Os dados foram coletados, inicialmente, no domicílio e, posteriormente, por via telefônica devido à pandemia da covid-19. A análise dos dados foi orientada pela técnica de Análise de Conteúdo Direcionada e apoiada pelo software MaxQDA versão 18.0 para organização e tratamento dos dados. Resultados: Os itinerários de cuidados de crianças prematuras foram mediados pelos três subsistemas do Modelo de Sistemas de Cuidados em Saúde em maior ou menor intensidade. Eles também influenciaram as ações de cuidado das famílias das crianças nascidas prematuras no primeiro ano de vida. As necessidades de saúde foram atendidas por meio dos subsistemas destacando o potencial atendimento à necessidade de proteção física, segurança e regulamentação. Entretanto para o atendimento à necessidade de estabelecimento de limites, organização e expectativas e de experiências individuais precisam ser mais exploradas pelo subsistema profissional. Conclusões: As famílias de crianças nascidas prematuras necessitam de apoio para a continuidade do cuidado após a alta da Terapia Intensiva. O subsistema profissional deve constituir-se como um apoio tanto para o fortalecimento do subsistema informal acessado pelas mães como para a construção do itinerário no primeiro ano de vida. Considerações para a enfermagem: a enfermagem como uma profissão do cuidado necessita encontrar caminhos para realizar ações do campo de conhecimento que lhe é próprio como se fazer reconhecer como rede de apoio para o fortalecimento das competências familiares para o cuidado de seus filhos prematuros no domicílio favorecendo o atendimento às necessidades de saúde dessas crianças e de suas famílias.

The continuity of care for children born prematurely and exiting the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is necessary to meet the health needs presented by these children related to prematurity. The health care trajectories of their children may be mediated by socio-economic and cultural aspects General objective: To analyze the care itinerary of families to meet the health needs of their children born prematurely in the first year of life. Specific objectives: to verify the care actions performed by families at home and to identify subsystems used by families to care for their children during the first year of life.Method: This is a longitudinal Collective Case Study with a qualitative approach. The Health Care Systems Model and the Children's Essential Needs Model were the theoretical references of this study. We used observation, semi-structured interviews, the genogram and the ecomap to produce data in the field. Eight families of children born at less than 32 weeks and exiting three Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Belo Horizonte were followed during the first year of life. Data were collected, initially, at home and, later, by telephone due to the covid-19 pandemic. Data analysis was guided by the Directed Content Analysis technique and supported by MaxQDA software version 18.0 for data organization and treatment. Results: The care itineraries of premature infants were mediated by the three subsystems of the Health Care Systems Model to a greater or lesser extent. They also influenced the care actions of the families of children born prematurely in the first year of life. Health needs were met through the subsystems highlighting the potential meeting of the need for physical protection, safety and regulation. However for meeting the need for limit setting, organization and expectations and individual experiences need to be further explored by the professional subsystem. Conclusions: Families of prematurely born children need support for the continuity of care after discharge from intensive care. The professional subsystem must be a support for both the strengthening of the informal subsystem accessed by the mothers and for the construction of the itinerary in the first year of life. Considerations for nursing: nursing as a profession of care needs to find ways to perform actions in its own field of knowledge as to be recognized as a support network for the strengthening of family competences for the care of their premature children at home, favoring the care of the health needs of these children and their families.

Humans , Male , Female , Professional-Family Relations , Infant, Premature , Child Care , Family Nursing , Health Services Needs and Demand
Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences) ; (6): 460-464, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-493794


Objective:To study the association of air pollution with health service demand of the elderly and middle-age patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases,and to provide a scientific ba-sis for development of environmental protection policy and health service policy of the Chinese govern-ment.Methods:This study included survey data on self-evaluated health,outpatient service demand and inpatient service demand of the patients with hypertension,heart disease and stroke in 62 cities of 1 7 provinces from China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study(CHARLS)in 201 1 and 201 3,and com-bined it with the data on the annual concentrations of inhalable particulate matter(PM1 0 ),sulfur dioxide (SO2 )and nitrogen dioxide(NO2 )of those provinces and cities.Conditional Logistic regression was car-ried out to assess the possible effects of air pollutants on self-evaluated health and health service utiliza-tion.Results:The results showed that turning points existed in the effects of concentrations of NO2 and SO2 on the health service demand of the patients with hypertension,heart disease and stroke.The inpa-tient service demand of the hypertension patients increased with NO2 concentration when it was lower than 35.1 μg/m3 and decreased with NO2 concentration for higher value.Self-evaluated health of the patients with heart disease and stroke decreased with SO2 concentration when it was lower than 63.8 μg/m3 and increased with SO2 concentration for higher value.In addition,no evidence was found for the association between PM1 0 and health service demand.Conclusion:Air pollution may have effects on health service demand of the patients with hypertension,cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases,and different air pollutants at high or low concentration may have different health effects.

Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine ; : 156-165, 2010.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-152924


PURPOSE: As the prevalence of emergency diseases such as cardiac, cerebrovascular and respiratory disease has increased, the demands on the emergency medical service (EMS) system have also increased. But the resource of the EMS can't be expanded to meet the increased demands. So, due to the limited resources and the increased EMS call volume, the efficacy of EMS has decreased. In this study, we analyzed the relationship between the call volume and EMS transport time with respect to the EMS efficacy. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the computerized log data of the EMS ambulances in a metropolitan city of Korea. During the period from January 2008 to December 2008, a total 74,349 EMS calls developed and in 50,661 cases an EMS ambulance was dispatched to transport patients to a hospital. The time-distribution of the EMS demands and the time of EMS ambulance transport were analyzed according to the date, time and location of the calls to the EMS. Other characteristics of the EMS such as triage and disease or injury were analyzed. The transport time of the dispatched ambulance was compared between within the jurisdiction and outside the jurisdiction for evaluating the efficacy of the EMS system. RESULTS: During dawn (00:00-08:00) the frequency of EMS calls was low, as compared with that of the day and night (08:00-24:00). During dawn, 12,098 (23.88%) patients were developed, but 38,563 (76.12%) patients were developed during the day and night. On comparison according to jurisdiction, the response time and total transport time of the ambulance dispatched within the jurisdiction were faster than that outside the jurisdiction (p<0.001). During day and night, more ambulances were dispatched outside the jurisdiction that that during dawn (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: In a situation that there are many simultaneous demands for EMS in the same area, insufficient EMS resources can't quickly and effectively service all the demands. So, the time-distribution of EMS calls can assessed according to the dispatched EMS ambulances. Using our data, EMS resources can be redistributed to increase the efficiency of EMS.

Humans , Ambulances , Emergencies , Emergency Medical Services , Korea , Prevalence , Reaction Time , Retrospective Studies , Transportation of Patients , Triage