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Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 595-598, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-612061


Objective To investigate clinicopathological features,diagnosis and treatment of progressive osseous heteroplasia (POH).Methods Clinicopathological data were collected from 3 cases of POH,and analyzed retrospectively.Related literature was also reviewed.Results All the 3 patients were female,and developed POH within a few days to months after birth.POH clinically manifested as light pink or skin-colored indurated papules,nodules or plaques scattered over the scalp,trunk and extremities without subjective symptoms.Histopathological examination showed that there were flaky bone or bone-like tissues in the middle and lower dermis.Serum levels of calcium,phosphate and parathyroid hormone were normal in the 3 children.Case 1 was treated with oral sodium bicarbonate tablets and surgical resection of skin lesions on the right lower abdomen.During the follow-up for about 7 months,the skin lesions on the right lower abdomen did not recur,while other skin lesions became more bulging,larger and harder,and new skin lesions occurred.Case 2 was treated with topical adapalene gel,and these skin lesions did not increase in number,but became larger and harder.Case 3 received no treatment,and was lost to follow-up.Conclusion POH clinically manifests as indurated maculopapules and plaques progressively affecting deeper skin tissues,and there are no effective therapies or prevention approaches at present.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 732-735,753, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-614122


Objective To study the correlations among lumbosacral anatomical structure variations and herniation of intervertebral disc.Methods Through analyzing lumbar CT images of 684 patients with lumbocrural pain between 15 to 24 years old, the anatomical variations of spondylolysis, scoliosis deformity, lumbosacral transitional vertebra, subfissure, lumbosacral angle and others (including vertebral muscles beside, spines, transverse process on both sides) were observed, and the correlations among these anatomical variations and herniation of intervertebral disc were analyzed.Results The correlations among these above mentioned anatomical variations and herniation of intervertebral disc were 93.6%,92.3%,87.5%,81.3%,72.1%,53.3% respectively.In 91.4% of patients, the lumbosacral anatomical structure variations suffered herniation of intervertebral disc at the same time.But only 36.2% of patients suffered herniation of intervertebral disc without lumbosacral anatomical structure variations.Conclusion Lumbosacral anatomical structure variation is the main reason of herniation of intervertebral disc on teenagers.CT examination,which can reflect the correlation between them.

Rev. chil. dermatol ; 32(4): 214-216, 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-948812


El osteoma cutis (OC) es una lesión compuesta de tejido óseo en dermis y/o hipodermis. Se clasifican en primarios, cuando se desarrollan en piel sana, y secundarios, cuando aparecen sobre lesiones preexistentes. Mujer de 61 años con antecedente de linfoma de Hodgkin en remisión, presentó una lesión de larga data, desarrollada en piel sana, en primer dedo de la mano izquierda, que cursaba con brotes recurrentes y autolimitados de dolor y aumento de temperatura local. La exploración física mostró un nódulo pétreo, con úlcera de fondo calcáreo. El estudio histopatológico de la biopsia escisional reveló tejido óseo, sin otras lesiones cutáneas asociadas. El estudio complementario, incluyendo hemograma, función renal y hepática, calcio y fósforo séricos, PTH, TSH, vitamina D y calciuria fue normal. Descartándose alteraciones en el metabolismo calcio-fosforo y otras lesiones cutáneas preexistentes, se realizó el diagnostico de OC primario en forma de placa. El OC es una lesión benigna, pudiendo ser primario o secundario. Los secundarios representan cerca del 85% y se originan por la osificación de lesiones preexistentes tumorales o inflamatorias. Los OC primarios se presentan aislados o formando parte de síndromes como la fibrodisplasia osificante progresiva, la osteodistrofia hereditaria de Albright y la heteroplasia osificante progresiva. A pesar de la asociación a mutaciones en GNAS de OC y estos síndromes, el diagnóstico de ambos es fundamentalmente clínico. Los OC primarios sin síndrome asociado, se dividen en osteomas miliares de la cara y osteomas en forma de placa (plate-like OC), como este caso. Ante un OC primario, debemos descartar síndromes asociados a osificaciones heterotópicas.

Osteoma cutis (OC) is a lesion composed of bone tissue located in the dermis and/or hypodermis. It is classified as primary when it develops over healthy skin; and secondary when it develops over preexisting lesions. A 61-year-old woman with history of Hodgkin lymphoma in remission, presents a longstanding lesion located on the first finger of her left hand which developed over healthy skin, associated with recurrent and self-limited episodes of pain and increased local temperature. Physical examination reveals a stone-hard nodule, with a calcareous-bottomed ulcer. The histopathological evaluation of the excisional biopsy revealed bone tissue. Complementary studies included: complete blood count, renal and hepatic function, plasma calcium and phosphorus, PTH, TSH, vitamin D, and urinary calcium, all of them in normal ranges. Once systemic disease was ruled out, platelike OC was diagnosed. OC is a benign lesion which can be primary or secondary. Secondary OC represent nearly 85% of cases, and it corresponds to an ossification of preexisting tumoral or inflammatory lesions. Primary OC is less frequent, it appears isolated or as part of syndromes like fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, and progressive osseous heteroplasia. GNAS mutations have been described in primary OC as in these syndromes, but the final diagnosis relies on the clinical picture. Isolated primary OC is classified in milliary osteomas of the face and plate-like OC, like our case. When facing primary OC, syndromes that present with heterotopic ossification must be ruled out.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Osteoma/pathology , Bone Neoplasms/pathology , Ossification, Heterotopic/pathology , Osteoma/diagnostic imaging , Physical Examination , Biopsy , Clinical Laboratory Techniques
Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 56(4): 42-45, jul.-ago. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-686495


Se comunica un caso de heterotopia gástrica en rectosigmoides con sangrado rectal como manifestación clínica, por lo que se efectuó la revisión bibliográfica del tema. Caso: Varón de 21 años de edad con rectorragia de una semana de evolución. Durante el estudio del caso se tomaron biopsias de lesiones ulceradas en mucosa rectal, que fueron enviadas para su estudio histopatológico. Resultados: En la muestra recibida se observaron fragmentos entremezclados de mucosa de colon y mucosa gástrica de tipo oxíntico (fúndica) cuyos adenómeros se hallaban en estrecha relación con las criptas de Lieberkühn. Conclusión: La heterotopia gástrica es un hallazgo infrecuente, más aún cuando se observa en segmentos muy apartados en el colon distal. Suele acarrear un curso indolente y benigno, sin embargo, en ocasiones conlleva ciertas malformaciones asociadas o complicaciones derivadas de la misma actividad secretora fisiológica del tejido ectópico. Raramente puede experimentar malignización.

We report a case of gastric heterotopia in the rectum and sigmoid colon clinically presented as rectal bleeding; a review of the literature on the topic is also presented. Case: Twenty-one-year-old male who had experienced rectal bleeding for one week. biopsies from ulcerated lesions in the rectum were taken and sent forward for histopathological assessment. Results: In the sample received, fragments of colon mucosa and oxyntic (fundus) gastric mucosa, which adenomeres were closely related to the crypts of Lieberkuhn. Conclusion: Gastric heterotopia is an unusual finding, even less common when it is located in distant segments of the distal colon. Although usually being a condition with an indolent and benign evolution, it may also produce certain malformations o complications, consequence of the same secretory activity of the ectopic tissue. It rarely becomes a malignant disease.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-414233


Objective To explore the relationship between behavioral psychological symptoms in Alzheimer' s dementia(AD) patients and region-specific alterations in cerebral blood flow. Methods 60 patients with AD randomly selected from a psychiatric outpatient department and 30 randomly selected healthy elderly community controls were administered the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE). All subjects underwent a perfusion CT scan to assess blood perfusion in brain regions of interest. The AD subjects were administered the behavioral patholigy in alzheimer' s disease(BEHAVE-AD) Rating Scale classified as mild, moderate or severe based on the results of the Clinical Dementia Rating scale. Results The most incidence was conduct disorder and the next was delusion.The score was 81.7% and 58.3% in turn. The conduct disorder score was higher in the severe demented group than in the mildly and moderate demented group(P<0. 05). The delusion score was higher in the moderate demented group than that in the mildly demented group(P<0.05). The time to peak(TTP)scores in the four groups of subjects were significantly different in the bilateral hippocampal formation, anteroinferior subiculum and entorhinal area. The TTP score was significantly higher in the moderately demented group than that in the mildly demented group and the control group(P<0. 05 ). Correlation analysis identified a positive correlation between conduct disorder, delusions and TTP in cerebral heteroplasia cortex (P < 0. 05 ), also identified a negative correlation between mood disorder and TTP(P<0. 05 ). Conclusion The conduct disorder,delusions and mood disorder in AD are associated with the chronicity ischemia of cerebral heteroplasia cortex leading to neural conduction disorders.

RSBO (Impr.) ; 6(3): 327-331, set. 2009. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-524086


Introdução: A tentativa do ser humano de restaurar aloplasicamente a região bucomaxilofacial é tão antiga quanto a formação das civilizações. Escavações arqueológicas têm revelado múmias egípcias com olhos, nariz e orelhas artificiais. Objetivo e revisão de literatura: O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar a evolução e a importância da prótese bucomaxilofacial, que talvez seja o maior desafio do cirurgião-dentista no âmbito das especialidades da Odontologia. Conclusão: A abrangência da prótese bucomaxilofacial na área de saúde é de extrema importância, e a Odontologia desempenha um papel indispensável na atual sociedade para a reabilitação dos pacientes que necessitam desse tipo de tratamento.

Introduction: The human attempt to restore the bucomaxillofacial region by heteroplasia is as old as the formation of civilizations. Archaeological excavations have revealed Egyptian mummies with artificial eyes, nose and ears. Objective and literature review: The aim of this study was to report the evolution and importance of bucomaxillofacial prosthesis, which might be the greatest challenge of dental surgeons within the specialties of Dentistry. Conclusion: The bucomaxillofacial prosthesis outreach in health sector is extremely important, and Dentistry plays an essential role in modern society to the rehabilitation of patients in need of such treatment.