Resumen Introducción : Las funciones ejecutivas y la meta cognición se integran para la gestión de recursos inte lectuales, en estrecha relación con la inteligencia, su funcionamiento y resultados, especialmente interesan te para comprender la expresión y desarrollo, más o menos óptimos, de la alta capacidad intelectual (ACI). El Objetivo del trabajo es conocer la relación entre las funciones ejecutivas (y componentes) y la metacognición (y componentes) en escolares con ACI. Materiales y Métodos : Las medidas de funcionamien to y ejecutivo, metacognitivo y de perfeccionismo ex traídas en una muestra de n= 147 escolares con ACI son analizadas estadísticamente mediante el Path análisis. Resultados : Se obtiene un modelo ajustado en el que se relacionan los distintos componentes ejecutivos con los metacognitivos. Discusión : Se concluye y discute el modelo integrador entre función ejecutiva y metacognición y su papel me diador, como endofenotipo entre la dotación genética y la expresión de rendimiento de los recursos, sugiriendo la transferencia de resultados a la educación de la alta capacidad intelectual para la óptima y ética expresión del alto potencial.
Abstract Introduction : Executive functions and Metacogni tion are integrated for the management of intellectual resources in close relation to intelligence its function ing and results; they are specially interesting for un derstanding the expression and development of high intellectual abilility (HIA). The aim of the study is to find out the relationship between executive functions (and components) and metacognition (and components) in schoolchildren with HIA. Materials and Method : Measures of executive and metacognitive functioning and perfectionism were ex tracted from a sample of n= 147 schoolchildren with HIA. Results : statistical analyses using Path analysis, of fered an adjusted model in which the different ex ecutive components are related to the metacognitive components. Discussion : We conclude and discuss the integrative model between executive function and metacognition and its mediating role as an endophenotype between genetic endowment and the expression of resource performance, suggesting the transfer of results to the education of high intellectual ability for the optimal and ethical expression of high potential.
Resumen La Alta Capacidad intelectual (ACI) es una manifestación diferencial de la inteligencia humana, de base neurobiológica, pero que debe expresar su alto potencial a lo largo del desarrollo de la per sona que la posee, mediante la covariación de factores moduladores endógenos (como la competencia social) y exógenos. El objetivo del trabajo es doble: 1) conocer, comparativamente la competencia social de menores con y sin ACI, 2) diferenciar aquellas competencias sociales que podrían ser factores protectores o de riesgo frente al mal uso de las tecnologías digitales. Se administra la Social Skills Improvement System-Rating Scales a una muestra de n = 70 aprendices (n = 35 con ACI, n = 35 con inteligencia promedio) de 11 a 16 años, analizando si existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en habilidades sociales y en dificultades de conducta. Los resultados muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas, a favor de los participantes con ACI en habilidades sociales (especialmente en: Responsabilidad, Cooperación y Autocontrol) y mejor ajuste personal, con baja inci dencia de dificultades internalizantes y externalizantes. Se concluye y discute el rol protector de las habilidades sociales para afrontar contextos interactivos complejos como el derivado de la era digital y agresiones como el cyberbullying.
Abstract High Intellectual Ability (HIA) is a differential manifestation of human intelligence with a neurobiologi cal basis but which must express its high potential along the developmental trajectory through the covariation of endogenous (such as social competence) and exogenous modulating factors. The aim of the study is twofold: 1) to know, comparatively, the social competence of children with and without HIA, 2) to differentiate those social competences that could be protective or risk factors against the misuse of digital technologies. The Social Skills Improvement System-Rating Scales were administered to a sample of n = 70 learners (n = 35 with ICA, n = 35 with average intelligence) aged 11 to 16, analysing whether there are statistically significant differences in social skills and behavioural difficulties. Results show statistically significant differences in favour of participants with ICA in social skills (especially in: Responsibility, Co-operation and Self-Control) and better personal adjustment, with low incidence of internalising and externalising difficulties. We conclude and discuss the protective role of social skills in coping with complex interactive contexts such as the digital age and aggressions such as cyberbullying.
Objetivou deste trabalho foi compreender a percepção de pais de adolescentes com altas habilidades ou superdotação (AH/SD) intelectiva sobre dinâmica familiar, práticas educativas utilizadas, indicadores de problemas emocionais/comportamentais e perspectivas de futuro em relação aos filhos/as. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e qualitativa, da qual participaram três mães e dois pais. Todos responderam individualmente uma entrevista semiestruturada constituída por 15 tópicos que versavam sobre rotina familiar, práticas educativas e preocupações parentais com os filhos. A análise temática dedutiva indicou que os pais identificaram as altas habilidades dos filhos, porém necessitavam de informações adicionais para gerenciar tais características. Observou-se uma interação familiar carente em alguns casos e a coexistência de práticas autoritativas e autoritárias em uma mesma família. Constatou-se o receio com a expressão de agressividade e isolamento dos filhos/as e o quanto isso poderia propiciar o envolvimento em atos ilícitos. Assim, verificou-se que os pais estão atentos aos filhos, mas apresentam dúvidas sobre como educá-los.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue comprender la percepción de los padres de adolescentes con alta capacidad intelectual/superdotación (AC/SD) sobre la dinámica familiar y las prácticas educativas utilizadas, los indicadores de problemas emocionales/conductuales y las perspectivas de futuro relacionadas con los hijos. Se trata de una investigación exploratoria y cualitativa, en la que participaron tres madres y dos padres. Todos respondieron individualmente a una entrevista semiestructurada con 15 temas que trataban sobre la rutina familiar, prácticas educativas y las preocupaciones sobre los hijos. El análisis temático deductivo indicó que los padres identificaron las altas habilidades de sus hijos, pero que necesitaban información adicional para manejar tales características. En algunos casos se observó escasa interacción familiar y la coexistencia de prácticas autoritativas y autoritarias en una misma familia. Se verificó el miedo con la expresión de agresión y aislamiento de los niños y cuánto esto podría promover la participación en actos ilegales. Se descubrió que estaban atentos a los adolescentes, pero les preocupaba cómo educarlos.
The objective of this study was to understand the perception that parents of adolescents with high intellectual abilities or giftedness (HIAs/G) have regarding family dynamics, educational practices used, indicators of emotional/behavioral problems, and prospects for their children. This is an exploratory and qualitative research, in which three mothers and two fathers participated. All of them individually answered a semi-structured interview consisting of 15 topics that dealt with family routine, educational practices and their concerns with their children. Deductive thematic analysis indicated that the parents identified their children's high intellectual abilities but needed additional information to manage these traits. There was a poor family routine in some cases, as well as the coexistence of authoritative and authoritarian practices in the same family. It was possible to observe that the parents feared their children's expression of aggressiveness and isolation, and how much this could lead to these young individuals committing illegal acts. Thus, it was found that the parents are attentive to their children but have doubts about how to educate them.
Resumen (analítico) El objetivo del estudio fue describir conocimientos y mitos de profesores colombianos sobre Altas Capacidades Intelectuales (ACI), analizando su relación con variables sociodemográficas de interés. Se utilizó una metodología no experimental, transversal descriptiva-co-rrelacional. Participaron 584 profesores de preescolar, educación básica y media, de 160 municipios seleccionados mediante muestreo no probabilístico, que diligenciaron el cuestionario de conocimientos y mitos sobre ACI. El porcentaje general de aciertos en el cuestionario fue bajo: se encontraron niveles elevados de falsas creencias relacionadas principalmente con la naturaleza de la superdotación, su rendimiento, sus logros y sobre la intervención educativa. De igual manera, se encontró relación entre las falsas creencias sobre ACI y el género de los participantes. Estos resultados ponen de relieve la necesidad de mejorar la formación sobre ACI en la preparación del profesorado.
Abstract (analytical) The objective of this study was to describe the knowledge and myths among Colombian teachers regarding students with High Intellectual Abilities (HIA), analyzing their relationship with sociodemo-graphic variables of interest. A non-experimental, descriptive-correlational cross-sectional methodology was used. 584 preschool, basic and secondary education teachers from 160 municipalities were selected through non-probabilistic sampling for participation and completed the HIA Knowledge and Myths Questionnaire. The general percentage of correct answers in the questionnaire was low and there were high levels of false beliefs primarily related to the nature of giftedness, the academic performance and achievements of these students and suitable educational interventions for this population. A relationship was found between false beliefs about HIA and the sex of participants. These results highlight the need to improve HIA training in teacher preparation.
Resumo (analítico) O objetivo do estudo foi descrever os conhecimentos e mitos de professores colombianos sobre Altas Capacidades Intelectuais (ACI), analisando sua relação com variáveis sociodemográficas de interesse. Foi seguida uma metodologia transversal descritiva-correlacional não experimental. Participaram 584 professores de educação infantil, fundamental e médio de 160 municípios selecionados por meio de amostragem não probabilística, que responderam ao Questionário de Conhecimento e Mitos da ACI. O percentual geral de respostas corretas no questionário foi baixo, havia altos níveis de falsas crenças relacionadas principalmente à natureza da superdotação, seu desempenho e realizações, e sobre a intervenção educacional. Foi encontrada uma relação entre falsas crenças sobre ICA e o sexo dos participantes. Esses resultados destacam a necessidade de melhorar o treinamento do ACI na preparação de professores.
Surveys and Questionnaires , Education , Faculty , Academic Performance , StudentsABSTRACT
Resumen El concepto científico de alta capacidad intelectual (ACI) se expande abordando la cuestión de la discrepancia entre el alto potencial y el bajo rendimiento de algunas personas con ACI. Comporta estudiar las trayectorias y condicionantes que conducen al bajo rendimiento para facilitar el desarrollo y expre sión óptima del alto potencial, destacando el rol de la regulación ejecutiva y metacognitiva de los altos recursos intelectuales, conjuntamente con otros moduladores endógenos y exógenos. El objetivo del trabajo es conocer si existe un modelo relacional entre regulación ejecutiva y metacognitiva del alto potencial, y el perfeccionismo (un modulador personal de la ACI). Las medidas de funcionamiento ejecutivo, metacognitivo y de perfeccionismo extraídas en una muestra de n = 140 escolares con ACI son analizadas estadísticamente mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, obteniendo dos modelos de relación entre ellos: uno indica que el funcionamiento ejecutivo influye en la metacognición, y el otro indica que el perfeccionismo influye en el funcionamiento ejecutivo. Se concluye y discute la necesidad de realizar análisis precisos de la influencia directa, indirecta o total de estos constructos, con las derivaciones educativas efectivas que guíen la óptima expresión del alto potencial, preservando el bienestar personal.
Abstract The scientific concept of High Intellectual Ability (HIA) is expanded attending the question of discrep ancy between the high cognitive potential and the low performance of some people with HIA. The study of the pathways and conditioning factors that lead to low performance is necessary in order to facilitate the development and optimal expression of high potential. The role of executive and metacognitive regulation of high intellectual resources is highlighted, in interaction with other endogenous and exogenous modulators. The aim of this work is to know if there is a relational model linking executive and metacognitive regulation, and perfectionism (as an endogenous modulator of HIA). The executive, metacognitive and perfectionism measures obtained in a sample of n = 140 schoolchildren, diagnosed as HIA, are statistically analyzed using Structural Equation Models. Two relational models are obtained: one indicating that executive function influences metacognition, and the other indicates that perfectionism influences executive functioning. The need for more concrete analyses of the direct, indirect or total influence among these regulation constructs is concluded and discussed, with derivations for the need of effective measures that guide the optimal expression of HIA, preserving personal well-being.
La investigación reciente desmitifica y redefine la alta capacida d intelectual (ACI) frente al concepto tradicional monolítico y estático, basado en la heredabilidad e identificación mediante un alto cociente intelectual. Este concepto se sustituye por otro en el que la ACI es entendida como un fenómeno complejo de naturaleza genética y ambiental, multidimensional, diverso, moldeable, dinámico y en desarrollo, resultado de la covariación a lo largo de la trayectoria de vida entre fuerzas endógenas y exógenas, que van modulando y diferenciando el alto potencial (factor predictor) en competencias hacia la óptima expresión, o no, de la eminencia en la adultez. La ACI supone la conjunción de una diversidad biológica de partida (el alto potencial), una diversidad psicológica (explotación de los recursos biológicos en funciones útiles y conocimiento), y una diversidad contextual configurada por diferentes condiciones familiares, y contextos socioculturales y económicos. El objetivo del trabajo es presentar una revisión de la investigación actual sobre los factores predictores y moduladores de la ACI, desde una perspectiva neuroconstructivista. Se concluye y discute la incidencia de variables moduladoras en las diversas trayectorias de desarrollo del potencial hacia la posible eminencia adulta, y las implicaciones diagnósticas y educativas que se derivan.
Recent research demystifies and redefines high intellectual ability (HIA) against the traditional monolithic and static concept which was based on heritability and identification through an intelligence quotient. This concept is replaced by another in which the HIA is understood as a complex phenomenon of a genetic and environmental nature This is the result of a covariation along the life path between endogenous and exogenous forces, modulators of the high potential (predictor factor) towards the optimal expression, or not, of its eminence in adulthood. Then, HIA implies the conjunction of a starting biological diversity (the high potential), a psychological diversity related to the exploitation of biological resources in useful functions and knowledge, and a contextual diversity configured by different family conditions, as well as socio-cultural and economic contexts. The aim of this work is to present from a neuroconstructivist perspective a review of the current HIA research on the predictive and modulating factors. In the conclusions, we discuss the incidence of the modulating variables in the various trajectories of potential development towards possible adult eminence and the diagnostic and educational implications that are derived.
Humans , Intelligence/physiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Brain/physiology , Neurosciences , Environment , Motivation/physiologyABSTRACT
Objective To determine the relationship between chronic diseases and cognitive function in elderly patients, for the purpose of preventing and alleviating cognitive malfunction. Methods A total of 100 retired high intellectuals with age older than 65 years were enrolled.They were hospitalized in Zhongshan Hospital and were requested to complete a conventional questionnaire.Cognitive function was evaluated by Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Scale.Their chronic diseases including hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus were recorded and compared among subjects with different cognitive function levels. Results Based on MoCA Scale, 34 cases were sorted as having normal cognitive function, 50 cases as mild cognitive impairment, and 16 cases as moderate cognitive impairment.Patients with moderate cognitive impairment showed a significantly higher percentage of hypertension (93.8%), coronary artery disease (75.0%), stroke (56.3%), diabetes mellitus (56.3%) while the patients with normal cognitive function exhibited relatively lower percentage of the above-mentioned diseases (61.8%, 41.2%, 17.6%, 20.6%, respectively, P < 0.05).However such difference was not observed for respiratory disease and neoplastic disease among patients with different cognitive conditions (P>0.05).In addition, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases were found to be important risk factors of mild-to-moderate cognitive impairment (P=0.002). Conclusion Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases could be imperative to alleviate the process of cognitive impairment.
El perfeccionismo es un constructo psicológico relacionado con la excelencia y una manifestaciónóptima de alta capacidad intelectual (ACI). El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue comparar las tipologías y dimensiones de perfeccionismo entre jóvenes de ACI y un grupo de comparación apareado por género y edad. Se seleccionaron 137 participantes con diagnóstico de ACI y un grupo de 137 de comparación apareado por género y edad. La media de edad fue de 11.77 años (DT = 1.99). Como herramientas se utilizaron la Almost Perfect Scale-Revised (APS-R) y la Escala de Perfeccionismo Positivo y Negativo 12 (PNPS-12). El análisis de conglomerados para la muestra total, identificó la presencia de tres agrupaciones de participantes (No perfeccionista, Perfeccionista no saludable/negativo, y Perfeccionista saludable/positivo). El grupo de ACI presentó una mayor prevalencia de perfeccionistas de tipo saludables y una menor prevalencia de perfeccionistas de tipo no saludable, en comparación con el grupo de alumnos sin diagnóstico de ACI. Cuando se compararon las puntuaciones medias de APS-R y PNPS-12 entre los grupos de ACI y grupo de comparación, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en altos estándares, orden, discrepancia, perfeccionismo positivo y perfeccionismo negativo. En todos los casos el grupo de comparación presentó puntaciones medias mayores que el grupo de ACI. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones claras en la comprensión de la expresión fenotípica del perfeccionismo relacionado con la excelencia y la manifestación óptima del alto potencial intelectual.
Perfectionism is a psychological construct related o excellence and an optimal manifestation of high intellectual ability (HIA). The main goal of the present work was to compare types and dimensions of perfectionism in students with HIA and an age-gender matched comparison group. We selected 137 participants with diagnosis of HIA and a comparison group of 137 matched by gender and age. The mean age was 11.77 years (SD = 1.99). The Almost Perfect Scale-Revised (APS-R) and the Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scale-12 (PNPS-12) were used. The cluster analysis for the total sample identified 3 groups of participants (non-perfectionist, unhealthy perfectionist/negative, and healthy perfectionist/positive). The HIA group presented a higher prevalence of healthy perfectionists and a lower prevalence of unhealthy perfectionists, in comparison with the group of students without a diagnosis of HIA. When comparing the average scores of APS-R and PNPS-12 between the ACI and the comparison group, statistically significant differences were found in high standards, order, discrepancy, positive and negative perfectionism. In all cases, the comparison group yielded higher mean scores than the HIA group. These results have clear implications in the understanding of the phenotypic expression of perfectionism related to excellence and optimal manifestation of the high intellectual potential.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Child, Gifted/psychology , Perfectionism , Personality Inventory/statistics & numerical data , Students/psychology , Cluster Analysis , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
El presente trabajo trata de favorecer la reflexión, desde la psicología educacional, sobre la respuesta a las necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo de los alumnos y alumnas con Altas Capacidades Intelectuales. Tras una breve exposición sobre las características de este tipo de alumnado, se realiza un análisis de caso con el que establecer la relación entre la evaluación psicoeducativa y la intervención psicopedagógica. Desde la labor de los psicólogos de la educación (interviniendo en todos los procesos psicológicos que afectan al aprendizaje o que se derivan de este) y otros colegas que actúan en el ámbito educativo, se buscaría, en última instancia, relacionar los objetivos de cualquier intervención psicoeducativa: la valoración diagnóstica y la planificación de la intervención pedagógica dentro de la atención a la diversidad desarrollada en el sistema educativo español.
The following paper aims to promote an educational psychology-based reflection on the response to those specific educational needs required by students with high intellectual abilities. After a brief discussion on the characterization of this kind of student, a single-case study is developed in order to establish a relationship between psycho-educational assessments and educational psychology interventions. The work of educational psychologists (intervening in all the psychological processes affecting learning or resulted therefrom) and other acting colleagues in the educational field would ultimately seek to relate the objectives of any psychoeducational intervention: diagnostic assessment and educational intervention planning within the diversity emphasis developed on the Spanish educational system.