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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(65): 87-96, set-dez.2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567859


O objetivo do presente estudo foi estabelecer um protocolo clínico de aplicação do produto DSP Desensitizer Gluhem em dentes com exposição radicular sem perda de estrutura dentária, e fazer uma análise dissertativa sobre o principal componente desse produto: glutaraldeído, no tratamento da hipersensibilidade dentinária. Para isso, a paciente apresentou-se à Clínica Odontológica da UFF| Niterói ­ RJ, queixando-se de sensibilidade intensa ao frio nos elementos 13 e 34. Primeiramente, foram coletadas informações durante a anamnese, e ao exame clínico foi observada recessão gengival e exposição radicular nesses elementos, porém não havia perda de estrutura dentária. Inicialmente foi feita a avaliação do nível de dor, com uso da Escala Analógica de Dor que pontua os níveis de dor de 0 a 10, sendo 0 "nenhuma dor' e 10 "pior dor possível". Após o questionamento, fez-se a secagem da região com jato de ar e aplicou-se o dessensibilizante Gluhem em solução por toda região cervical do elemento 13 até a margem gengival por 40 segundos com posterior secagem e lavagem com água. Também foi feita a aplicação da formulação em gel no elemento 34 seguindo o mesmo protocolo. A paciente não reagiu a dor após o protocolo. Conclui-se que o produto DSP Gluhem tanto na apresentação de solução como em gel atuaram efetivamente na sintomatologia dolorosa da HDC nas duas aplicações realizadas.

The objective of the present study was to establish a clinical protocol for the application of the product GSP Desensitizer Gluhem in teeth with root exposure without loss of tooth structure, and to carry out a dissertation analysis on the main component of this product: glutaraldehyde, in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity. For this, the patient went to the Dental Clinic of UFF| Niterói - RJ, complaining of intense sensitivity to cold in elements 13 and 34. First, information was collected during the anamnesis, and the clinical examination showed gingival recession and root exposure in these elements, but there was no loss of tooth structure. Initially, the pain level was evaluated using the Analog Pain Scale, which scores pain levels from 0 to 10, with 0 being "no pain" and 10 "worst possible pain". After questioning, the region was dried with an air jet and the desensitizing Gluhem solution was applied throughout the entire cervical region of element 13 up to the gingival margin for 40 seconds with subsequent drying and washing with water. The gel formulation was also applied to element 34 following the same protocol. The patient did not react to pain after the protocol. It is concluded that the product DSP Gluhem, both in solution and in gel presentation, effectively acted on the painful symptomatology of HDC in the two applications performed.

Humans , Female , Adult , Clinical Protocols , Glutaral/therapeutic use , Dentin Sensitivity , Dentin Desensitizing Agents
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(4): e202410403, ago. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1562995


Las proteínas de la leche de vaca pueden causar alergia alimentaria. Los distintos mecanismos de acción involucrados y la variabilidad clínica según la etapa de la vida pediátrica en la que se manifieste ocasionan dificultades en su abordaje, con riesgo de sub- o sobrediagnóstico. En este proceso, intervienen profesionales de diversas áreas y es recomendable su interacción. Es por ello que el objetivo de este consenso ha sido reflejar el conocimiento actualizado desde la interdisciplina, generando recomendaciones para su correcto diagnóstico. Hemos trabajado con el método de Delphi para sumarle a la evidencia científica, la experiencia proveniente de neonatólogos, pediatras, especialistas en alergia, nutrición y gastroenterología. Pensamos que este enfoque interdisciplinario de trabajo va a resultar de utilidad práctica y promoverá una atención más integral de estos pacientes.

Cow's milk protein can cause food allergy. The different mechanisms of action involved, the clinical variability depending on the stage of pediatric life in which it manifests, leads to difficulties in its approach, with the risk of under- or over-diagnosis. Professionals from various areas intervene in this process and their interaction is recommended. That is why the objective of this consensus has been to reflect the updated knowledge in an interdisciplinary mode, generating recommendations for its correct diagnosis. We have worked with the Delphi method to add to the scientific evidence, the experience from neonatologists, pediatricians, experts in allergy, nutrition and gastroenterology. We think that this interdisciplinary approach will be of practical use and will promote more comprehensive care for these patients.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Milk Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Delphi Technique , Consensus
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10(2): 35296, 29 ago. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570458


Introdução:A hipersensibilidade é uma doença que acomete grande parte da população que, por muitas vezes, também almejam uma melhor estética dos dentes através do clareamento e não alcançam seu objetivo devido sua condição sintomática.Objetivo:Verificar se uma paciente com hipersensibilidade dentinária e trincas no esmalte, ficaria sem dor após realização da blindagem do esmaltecom agentes dessensibilizantes de ação neural e oclusiva em sessão única e, ainda, se continuaria sem dor após o clareamento de consultório utilizando o peróxido de carbamida a 37%. Relato de caso:Paciente do sexo feminino, 31 anos, apresentava todos os elementos dentários com alta translucidez, muitas trincas e desgaste dental erosivo restrito à ponta de cúspide nos elementos 36 e 46. Após estes achados e associado àhistória clínica relatada de alta sensibilidade na dieta principalmente gelada, fechou-se o diagnóstico de um caso de hipersensibilidade dentinária. Foi realizado um procedimento dessensibilizante, em sessão única, com agentes de ação neural e oclusiva e, sequencialmente, clareamento dentário de consultório. A paciente relatou eliminação da sensibilidade com o tratamento dessensibilizante (blindagem do esmalte), o que levou àconcordância da paciente em realizar o clareamento com produto àbase de peróxido de carbamida a 37% que promete ausência de dor. Conclusões:o protocolo dessensibilizante utilizado cumpriu seu papel no quesito eliminação da dor com retorno da paciente às atividades diárias antes impossibilitadas (como ingerir bebidas geladas) e propiciou a realização de clareamento dentário sem dor, porém sem muito sucesso na mudança de cor alcançada (AU).

Introduction:Hypersensitivity is a disease that affects a large part of the population who, very often, also seek to improve the esthetics of their teeth through tooth bleaching and fail to achieve their goal due to their symptomatic condition.Objective:To ascertain whether a patient with dentin hypersensitivity and cracked enamel would be pain-free after enamel shielding with neuraland occlusive desensitizing agents in a single session, and whether she would continue to be pain-free after in-office tooth bleaching using 37% carbamide peroxide. Case report:A 31-year-old female patient who showcased high translucency in all dental elements, with many cracks and erosive tooth wear restricted to the cusp tips of elements 36 and 46. Following these findings and in association with the reported clinical history of high sensitivity, especially to cold diets, a diagnosis of dentin hypersensitivity was made. A single-session desensitizing procedure was carried out with neural and occlusive agents, and subsequently followed by in-office tooth bleaching. The patient reported the elimination of sensitivity with the desensitizing treatment (enamel shielding), which led to the patient agreeing to undergo teeth bleaching with a 37% carbamide peroxide-based product that guarantees no pain. Conclusions:The desensitizing protocol utilized fulfilled its role in terms of eliminating pain, with the patient returning to daily activities that had previously been impossible (such as drinking cold beverages) and allowing pain-free tooth bleaching to be carried out, but without much success in the color change achieved (AU).

Introducción: La hipersensibilidad es una enfermedad que afecta a gran parte de la población la cual, muchas veces, también pretende mejorar la estética de sus dientes a través del blanqueamiento y no alcanza su objetivo debido a su condición sintomática.Objetivo: Comprobar si una paciente con hipersensibilidad de la dentina y grietas en el esmalte estaría libre de dolor tras el blindaje del esmalte con agentes desensibilizantes neurales y oclusivos en una sola sesión, y, además, si seguiría estando libre de dolor tras el blanqueamiento dental en clínica utilizando peróxido de carbamida al 37%.Informe de caso: Una paciente de 31 años presentaba todos los elementos dentales con alta translucidez, con muchas grietas y desgaste dental erosivo restringido a las puntas de las cúspides de los elementos 36 y 46.Tras estos hallazgos y junto a la historia clínica descrita de alta sensibilidad especialmentefrente a una dieta fría, se realizó un diagnóstico de hipersensibilidad dentinaria. Se llevó a cabo un procedimiento de desensibilización en una sola sesión, con agentes neurales y oclusivos, seguido de un blanqueamiento dental clínico. La paciente declaró la eliminación de la sensibilidad con el tratamiento desensibilizante (blindaje del esmalte), lo que la llevó a aceptar el blanqueamiento con un producto a base de peróxido de carbamida al 37% que promete ser indoloro. Conclusiones: El protocolo de desensibilización utilizado cumplió su función en cuanto a la eliminación del dolor, permitiendo que la paciente volviera a realizar actividades cotidianas que antes le resultaban imposibles (como tomar bebidas frías) y permitiendo realizar el blanqueamiento dental sin dolor, pero sin mucho éxito en el cambio de color conseguido (AU).

Humans , Female , Adult , Tooth Bleaching , Dental Enamel/abnormalities , Dentin Sensitivity/therapy , Dentin Desensitizing Agents/therapeutic use , Pain
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 19(1)jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569566


Las diferentes especies de medusas, marinas o de agua dulce, pueden inyectar toxinas a los humanos si estos entran en contacto con ellas, ocasionando eritema, prurito, dolor neurogénico agudo y enrojecimiento localizado, derivados de la acción de las toxinas en el sistema nervioso periférico. En casos más severos, pueden manifestarse reacciones alérgicas sistémicas como anafilaxia, dificultades respiratorias y taquicardia, e incluso la muerte. El tratamiento involucra la inmediata remoción de los tentáculos adheridos, preferiblemente con agua salada, seguida de la aplicación local de frio moderado para inactivar las toxinas. El uso de analgésicos, antihistamínicos y, en casos graves, la administración de epinefrina, son medidas terapéuticas comunes. Es necesario y urgente derivar casos complicados o de reacciones alérgicas graves a unidades de atención médica para evaluación y manejo adecuado. Presentamos el caso de un adulto que sufrió envenenamiento por medusa de zona marítima.

Different species of jellyfish, marine or freshwater, can inject toxins into humans if they come into contact with them, causing erythema, pruritus, acute neurogenic pain and localized redness, derived from the action of the toxins in the peripheral nervous system. In more severe cases, systemic allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis, breathing difficulties and tachycardia, and even death may occur. Treatment involves immediate removal of attached tentacles, preferably with salt water, followed by local application of moderate cold to inactivate toxins. The use of analgesics, antihistamines and, in severe cases, the administration of epinephrine, are common therapeutic measures. It is necessary and urgent to refer complicated cases or severe allergic reactions to medical care units for evaluation and appropriate management. We present the case of an adult who suffered poisoning by jellyfish from the maritime area.

Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(4): 385-394, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552717


Introdução: A dermatite de contato alérgica (DCA) corresponde a 20% dos casos de dermatite de contato, sendo recorrente em doenças ocupacionais e causa frequente de procura por profissionais dermatologistas e alergistas. Objetivo: Identificar os principais agentes sensibilizantes na dermatite de contato alérgica em um centro especializado em alergia do oeste de Santa Catarina. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo do tipo retrospectivo, descritivo, quantitativo e observacional, no qual se realizou a análise por meio de prontuários médicos de 394 pacientes que realizaram o teste de contato por dermatite de contato alérgica no período de 2018 a julho de 2020 no serviço de referência do oeste de Santa Catarina. Os agentes sensibilizantes avaliados no teste de contato foram conforme as baterias padrão (bateria padrão brasileira, bateria de cosméticos e higiene e bateria regional da América Latina). Foram realizadas análises de frequência para as variáveis qualitativas e avaliação da prevalência dos principais agentes sensibilizantes. Além disso, foram relacionados os principais agentes com as variáveis sexo e idade por meio do teste de Qui-quadrado de Pearson. Resultados: Os agentes sensibilizantes mais prevalentes foram: níquel (33,5%), PPD mix (23,2%), perfume mix (22,4%), fragrância mix (22,0%) e cobalto (18,9%). As substâncias mais prevalentes foram o níquel e o PPD mix, que são agentes sensibilizantes usados amplamente no cotidiano dos pacientes. Conclusão: A identificação dos alérgenos através do patch test possibilita aos pacientes a oportunidade de amenizarem a DCA provocada pelos agentes sensibilizantes encontrados.

Introduction: Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) corresponds to 20% of contact dermatitis cases, being the most common type of occupational skin disease and a common cause of consultation with a dermatologist or allergist. Objective: To identify the main sensitizing agents involved in ACD at a specialized allergy center in western Santa Catarina, a state in the south of Brazil. Methodology: This retrospective, descriptive, quantitative, and observational study involved the review of medical records of all patients who underwent patch testing for ACD from 2018 to July 2020 in the allergy center. The sensitizing agents evaluated in the patch test followed the standard patch series (including the standard Brazilian patch series, cosmetic series, and regional Latin America series). Frequency analyses were performed for qualitative variables and to assess the prevalence of the main sensitizing agents. In addition, the main agents were correlated with sex and age variables using Pearson's chi-square test. Results: The most prevalent sensitizing agents were nickel sulfate (33.5%), PPD mix (23.2%), perfume mix (22.4%), fragrance mix (22.0%), and cobalt chloride (18, 9%). The most prevalent substances were nickel sulfate and PPD mix, which are widely used in patients' daily lives. Conclusion: The identification of allergens via patch testing provides patients with an opportunity to reduce ACD caused by the sensitizing agents identified.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(4): 395-404, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552720


Objetivo: Identificar possíveis fatores sociodemográficos, econômicos, de saúde, ambientais e de hábitos de vida associados a efeitos adversos sobre a saúde de moradores em três cidades brasileiras. Método: Estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa realizado nas cidades de Imperatriz (Maranhão), Palmas (Tocantins) e Salvador (Bahia). Participaram 975 pacientes (18 a 75 anos) atendidos em unidades básicas de saúde no período de junho de 2021 a junho de 2022. Esses indivíduos foram selecionados aleatoriamente (amostra de conveniência). Foi aplicado o questionário padronizado sobre fatores sociodemográficos e exposição a fatores ambientais, assim como o de hábitos de vida. Empregou-se a situação de saúde (excelente/boa x regular/ má/péssima) como desfecho, foi realizada análise multivariada seguida por regressão logística respeitando-se cada município individualmente e o seu coletivo. Os dados foram apresentados como odds ratio (OR) e intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%). Resultados: Em todas as cidades houve predomínio de pacientes do sexo feminino: 58,3% em Imperatriz, 67,5% em Tocantins e 65,4% em Salvador. A prevalência de tabagismo (presente e/ou passado) foi significantemente mais elevada em Salvador, assim como a de consumo de álcool. Houve maior referência de saúde regular/má/péssima entre os moradores de Imperatriz, apesar de em Salvador haver o maior relato de comorbidades. Os fatores ambientais associados à condição precária de saúde, em ambos os modelos de análise, foram: ter sido exposto durante a infância a fogão a lenha/carvão/querosene/outro; passar mais de duas horas na cozinha, com fogão em funcionamento; e residir próximo a uma fonte poluidora. Morar em Imperatriz revelou chance 1,8 vezes maior de ter saúde debilitada quando comparado aos moradores de Salvador, e de 1,7 vezes para os de Palmas. Conclusões: Profissionais de saúde deverão orientar a população quanto as questões socioambientais que interferem nos índices de saúde. Os dados demográficos, ambientais e econômicos podem interferir nas condições de saúde.

Objective: To identify potential sociodemographic, socioeconomic, health, environmental, and lifestyle factors associated with adverse health effects in residents of 3 Brazilian cities. Methods: This cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach was conducted in the cities of Imperatriz (Maranhão), Palmas (Tocantins), and Salvador (Bahia). A total of 975 patients aged 18 to 75 years treated at primary health care units from June 2021 to June 2022 were selected via convenience sampling. A standardized questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics, exposure to environmental factors, and lifestyle habits was administered. The outcome measured was health status (excellent/good vs fair/bad/very poor). Multivariate analysis was performed using logistic regression, respecting each municipality individually and collectively. Data were presented as odds ratios (OR) and 95%CIs. Results: Women predominated in all cities: 58.3% in Imperatriz, 67.5% in Tocantins, and 65.4% in Salvador. The prevalence of smoking (present and/or past) was significantly higher in Salvador, as was the prevalence of alcohol consumption. Despite Salvador having the highest rate of comorbidities, residents of Imperatriz reported more instances of fair/poor/very poor health. Environmental factors significantly associated with poor health conditions in both analysis models included exposure to wood/ coal/kerosene/other stoves during childhood, spending more than 2 hours in the kitchen with a working stove, and living close to a pollution source. Residents of Imperatriz were 1.8 times and 1.7 times more likely to have poor health compared with residents of Salvador (a more developed center with more health resources) and Palmas, respectively. Conclusions: Health professionals should guide the population regarding socio-environmental issues affecting health indices. Demographic, environmental, and economic data can impact health conditions.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Brazil , Hypersensitivity
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(4): 419-424, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552761


O alopurinol, de uso contínuo oral, é o tratamento de escolha para os distúrbios hereditários do glicogênio. Apesar de não ser comum, a reação de hipersensibilidade ao alopurinol se torna um problema quando esta é a única medicação disponível para o controle da doença de base. Nestes casos, a dessensibilização é uma alternativa viável. No presente relato, descrevemos o caso de um paciente com diagnóstico de doença de depósito de glicogênio tipo I, com exantema pruriginoso generalizado ao alopurinol, tratado com um protocolo de dessensibilização oral acelerado. Este tratamento permitiu o uso contínuo deste medicamento sem novas reações em longo prazo.

Continuous oral allopurinol use is the first-line treatment for hereditary glycogen disorders. While hypersensitivity reactions to allopurinol are uncommon, they can pose challenges when this medication is the only available option for the long-term treatment of the underlying disorder. In such cases, desensitization emerges as a viable alternative. We report the case of a patient with glycogen storage disease type I who developed a generalized pruritic rash due to allopurinol. Drug intolerance was successfully managed using a rapid oral desensitization protocol, which allowed an uneventful long-term use of allopurinol.

Humans , Male , Adult
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(supl.1): S65-S73, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558334


Abstract Objectives To review and discuss the role of an elimination diet in food-allergic children, emphasizing nutritional aspects for a better practical approach. Sources Non-systematic review of the literature. Findings Under an elimination diet, food-allergic patients may suffer from growth impairment or obesity and compromised quality of life. Disease phenotype, age, type, number of foods excluded, comorbidities, eating difficulties, economic status, and food availability must be considered for an appropriate diet prescription. Diet quality encompasses diversity and degree of food processing, which may alter immune regulation. Conclusions A friendly food elimination diet prescription depends on a multidisciplinary approach beyond macro and micronutrients.

Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 35-42, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562882


INTRODUÇÃO: A anafilaxia é uma reação alérgica multissistêmica grave, de início agudo e potencialmente fatal. Poucos são os dados sobre sua epidemiologia no Brasil. O Registro Brasileiro de Anafilaxia da Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia (RBAASBAI) teve como objetivo ampliar o conhecimento sobre anafilaxia em indivíduos brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional transversal com questionário online sobre dados demográficos, desencadeantes suspeitos, manifestações clínicas, atendimento durante a reação, investigação diagnóstica e aconselhamento após a reação de pacientes que experimentaram uma reação anafilática. RESULTADOS: Entre junho/2021 e abril/2023, foram incluídos 237 pacientes (131 femininos): 99 crianças/adolescentes; 127 adultos e 11 idosos. Houve predomínio de meninos entre crianças/adolescentes (55,5%), e de mulheres entre os adultos (64,5%), e mediana de idade de 22 anos (< 1 a 77 anos). As manifestações cutâneas (92,8%) foram as mais frequentes, seguidas pelas respiratórias (70,1%), gastrointestinais (52,3%), neurológicas (36,3%) e cardiovasculares (35,3%). Os principais desencadeantes foram: alimentos (43,0%), medicamentos (26,2%), himenópteros (21,6%) e látex (2,5%); os alimentos entre crianças (leite, ovo, amendoim/castanhas), e os fármacos (anti-inflamatórios e antibióticos) entre os adultos. Quanto ao tratamento, 61,1% recebeu adrenalina (52,7% por profissional e 8,4% via autoinjetor de adrenalina -AIA). Uma adolescente (12 anos) faleceu após picada de abelha. A maioria recebeu plano escrito de emergência (78,1%) e foi ensinada a usar o AIA (70%). CONCLUSÃO: Os alimentos foram os desencadeantes mais comuns entre crianças/adolescentes, e os fármacos entre adultos brasileiros. A adrenalina continua sendo subutilizada, reforçando a necessidade de maior disseminação do tratamento adequado da anafilaxia.

INTRODUCTION: Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening, acute, severe multisystem allergic reaction.There is little data on its epidemiology in Brazil. The Brazilian Anaphylaxis Registry of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology (RBA-ASBAI) was devised to expand knowledge about anaphylaxis in Brazilian individuals. METHODS: Cross-sectional observational study using an online questionnaire to collect data on demographics, suspected triggers, clinical manifestations, treatment during the reaction, diagnostic workup, and post-reaction counseling in patients who have experienced an anaphylactic reaction. RESULTS: Between June 2021 and April 2023, 237 patients were included (131 female): 99 children/adolescents (<18yo), 127 adults (18-64yo), and 11 older adults (65-77yo). There was a male predominance in the pediatric group (55.5%), while females were predominant among adults (64.5%). The median age was 22 years (range, <1 to 77). The most frequent clinical manifestations were cutaneous (92.8%), followed by respiratory (70.1%), gastrointestinal (52.3%), neurological (36.3%), and cardiovascular (35.3%). The most common triggers were foods (43.0%), drugs (26.2%), venoms (21.6%), and latex (2.5%). Foods (milk, egg, peanuts/tree nuts) predominated among children, versus drugs (mostly nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics) among adults. Regarding treatment, 61.1% received epinephrine (52.7% by a healthcare professional and 8.4% via epinephrine auto-injector [EAI]). One teenager (12yo) died due to a bee sting. Most patients received a written emergency plan (78.1%) and were taught how to use the EAI (70%). CONCLUSION: Foods were the most common triggers of anaphylaxis among Brazilian children and adolescents, while drugs predominated among adults. Epinephrine continues to be underused, highlighting the need for greater awareness of proper treatment of anaphylaxis.

Humans , Societies, Medical
Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 54-64, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562892


A incidência de anafilaxia pós-vacinal é um evento de saúde raro e carece de melhor detalhamento no Brasil. Neste estudo, objetivou-se descrever a incidência de anafilaxia como evento supostamente atribuído à vacinação e imunização (ESAVI) das vacinas do Programa Nacional de Imunizações (PNI).Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo com dados extraídos do sistema de notificação de ESAVI do PNI entre 01/2021 e 05/2023 com aceitação na Plataforma Brasil e aprovação ética. Foram identificados 84 casos encerrados com o descritor "anafilaxia" ou "choque anafilático" entre 290.101 eventos adversos notificados, concentrados principalmente nas regiões Sul e Sudeste. Crianças de 0 a 9 anos foram predominantemente afetadas, com maior incidência em mulheres e indivíduos brancos. A anafilaxia associou-se em números absolutos principalmente às vacinas COVID-19, destacando os fabricantes AstraZeneca/Fiocruz (vetor viral), Pfizer Comirnaty (RNAm) e CoronaVac (inativada), e a maior taxa de incidência foi com a vacina antirrábica (2,8 por milhão de doses aplicadas). A incidência global foi de 0,14/milhão de doses aplicadas. Entre os desfechos não foi relatado óbito. A subnotificação de casos é relevante e sublinha a importância de manter sistemas robustos de vigilância e manejo de reações alérgicas em programas de vacinação. Este estudo segue tendências mundiais da raridade da anafilaxia relacionada às vacinas. Os dados reforçam a segurança das vacinas COVID-19 e demais vacinas existentes no PNI, independente da demografia analisada.

Vaccine-related anaphylaxis is a rare health event, and its incidence requires further investigation in Brazil. The objective of this study was to describe the incidence of anaphylaxis as an event supposedly attributed to vaccination and immunization (ESAVI) associated with the Brazilian National Immunization Program (PNI). A retrospective study was conducted with data extracted from the PNI ESAVI notification system between January 2021 and May 2023, with ethical approval and registration in Plataforma Brasil. Among 290,101 adverse events reported, 84 cases closed with the descriptor "anaphylaxis" or "anaphylactic shock" were identified, mainly concentrated in the South and Southeast regions. Children aged 0 to 9 years were predominantly affected, with a higher incidence in women and white individuals. In absolute numbers, anaphylaxis was associated mainly with the AstraZeneca/Fiocruz (viral vector), Pfizer Comirnaty (mRNA), and CoronaVac (inactivated virus) COVID-19 vaccines, while the highest relative incidence was with the anti-rabies vaccine (2.8 cases per million doses administered). The overall incidence was 0.14 per million vaccine doses. No deaths were reported. Underreporting of vaccine-related anaphylaxis is relevant and highlights the importance of maintaining robust systems for surveillance and management of allergic reactions within vaccination programs. This study corroborates global trends in the rarity of vaccine-related anaphylaxis. The low incidence of this event, regardless of recipient demographics, provides further evidence of the safety of COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines included in the PNI.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(2): 229-247, mar. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552140


The present study evaluated the efficacy of the mineralizing action of Casearia sylvestris ethanolic extract on bovine dentin blocks in its pure form and in dental paste, through scanning electron microscopy. The dentin blocks were immersed in artificial saliva and incubat ed at 37°C for 7 days. Subsequently, six groups were treated with different test substances and analysed qualitatively and quantitatively at 30 and 60 days. The tests used were Kruskal - Wallis and Dunn's. Shapiro - Wilk and ANOVA. The qualitative analysis at 30 days showed a difference between the groups treated with ethanolic extract and toothpaste. Quantitatively, at 30 days, treatment with ethanolic extract of Casearia showed a greater number of open dentinal tubules. At 60 days, the difference persisted on ly for the blocks treated with toothpaste. The results obtained indicated that there is a positive relationship between the use of Casearia sylvestris and obliteration of dentinal tubules

El presente estudio evaluó la eficacia de la acción mineralizante del extracto etanólico de Casearia sylvestris sobre bloques de dentina bovina en su forma pura y en pasta dental, mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los bloques de dentina se sumergieron en saliva artificial y se incubaron a 37°C durante 7 días. Posteriormente, se trataron seis grupos con diferentes sustancias de ensayo y se analizaron cualitativa y cuantitativamente a los 30 y 60 días. Las p ruebas utilizadas fueron Kruskal - Wallis y Dunn's. Shapiro - Wilk y ANOVA. El análisis cualitativo a los 30 días mostró una diferencia entre los grupos tratados con extracto etanólico y pasta dentífrica. Cuantitativamente, a los 30 días, el tratamiento con ex tracto etanólico de Casearia mostró un mayor número de túbulos dentinarios abiertos. A los 60 días, la diferencia persistió sólo para los bloques tratados con pasta dentífrica. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que existe una relación positiva entre el us o de Casearia sylvestris y la obliteración de los túbulos dentinarios

Animals , Cattle , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Casearia/chemistry , Dentin Sensitivity/drug therapy , Dentin Desensitizing Agents/administration & dosage , Salicaceae , Dentin/drug effects , Ethanol
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(1): 29-40, ene. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552792


The essential oils of Lippia citriodora (Ort.) and Lippia origanoides (Kunth) have shown antimicrobial activity associated with mastitis. The objective of this study was to evaluate its ecotoxic effect with the Artemia salina bioassay and the prevention of mastitis through an in vivo test in cattle (n=20) with a product based on these oils using a conventional product as a control. Contact hypersensitivity, the effect on somatic cells, and residuality in mil k samples were evaluated. The results of the Artemia salina bioassay were 10.05 and 19.36 (µg/mL) respectively. No negative effects or contact hypersensitivity were observed, and no residual metabolites were found in post - test milk. The somatic cell count showed 75% effectiveness in the prevention of mastitis with essential oils compared to 62.5% with the conventional product. The evaluated formulation could be used in the prevention of bovine mastitis safely, further investigation is required.

Los aceites esenciales de Lippia citriodora (Ort.) y Lippia origanoides (Kunth), han mostrado acti vidad antimicrobiana asociada a la mastitis. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar su efecto ecotóxico con el bioensayo Artemia salina y la prevención de mastitis mediante un ensayo in vivo en bovinos (n=20) con un producto a base de estos aceites utiliz ando como control un producto convencional. Se evaluó la hipersensibilidad de contacto, efecto en células somáticas y residualidad en muestra de leche. Los resultados del bioensayo de Artemia salina fueron 10,05 y 19,36 (µg/mL) respectivamente. No se obser varon efectos negativos, ni hipersensibilidad de contacto, y no se encontraron metabolitos residuales en leche posterior al ensayo. El conteo de células somáticas mostró efectividad en la prevención de mastitis del 75% con aceites esenciales frente al 62.5 % del producto convencional. La formulación evaluada podría ser utilizada en la prevención de la mastitis bovina de forma segura, se requiere profundizar en la investigación.

Oils, Volatile/administration & dosage , Lippia/chemistry , Mastitis, Bovine/prevention & control , Artemia , Terpenes/analysis , Biological Assay , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Hypersensitivity , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020044


Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is an immune-mediated interstitial lung disease (ILD). It is a disease with highly heterogeneous clinical manifestations, severity and outcomes, which are associated with individual sensitivity, as well as property, dosage, duration and frequency of exposure to the antigens.The 2020 adult HP guideline reclassifies it and describes its radiographic features in detail.HP often occurs in adults, also affects the pediatric population and is one of the most common ILDs in children.The most common factors causing HP in children are avian and fungal antigens in the home environment.The diagnosis of HP is based on clear antigens, typical symptoms and characteristic radiological manifestations.The serum-specific IgG antibody, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and pulmonary function tests can help diagnose HP clearly, and lung histopathology is required for children whose diagnosis cannot be confirmed.Early diagnosis and adequate avoidance of antigen exposure are the keys to its treatment and prognosis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028617


This article reports a patient with typical Cushing syndrome′s manifestations and extremely low plasma cortisol level, indicating glucocorticoid hypersensitivity syndrome. After treatment with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist mifepristone, the patient′s Cushing symptoms were significantly relieved, and cortisol levels returned to normal. The aim of this report is to enhance clinical awareness among physicians regarding glucocorticoid hypersensitivity syndrome.

International Eye Science ; (12): 1084-1087, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032352


Vernal keratoconjunctivitis is an allergic ocular surface disease mostly present with recurrent chronic inflammation, which usually affects children and adolescents and possibly results in corneal complications such as keratoconus. Keratoconus is a corneal disease characterized by a local cone-like corneal deformation. Previous studies have respectively put forward pathological mechanisms of vernal keratoconjunctivitis and keratoconus and the progressive risk factors, among which we find there's mutual mechanisms as well as cytokines' expression, including type I and IV hypersensitivity, inflammatory reaction, enzymatic changes, oxidative stress and mechanical injury. This review aims at summarizing the possible intrinsic mechanisms and cytokines exacerbating vernal keratoconjunctivitis patients corneas to keratoconus, so as to provide reference for the prevention and management in keratoconus caused by vernal keratoconjunctivitis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1014526


Chronic cough is a common condition that imposes significant physical, psychological, and social burdens on patients. Although chronic cough is often associated with underlying conditions such as asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and eosinophilic bronchitis, some patients experience uncontrollable coughing that is difficult to attribute to a specific cause. Many of these patients exhibit clinical features of cough hypersensitivity syndrome, providing new directions for research into the treatment of chronic cough. As the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic cough are further elucidated, treatment approaches for chronic cough are entering a new stage of development. This article summarizes and discusses the mechanisms and clinical evidence of central neuromodulators used in the treatment of chronic cough, suggesting promising clinical applications for these drugs in the future.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(4): e2022, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520238


ABSTRACT A 69-year-old female was referred with sudden unilateral painless decreased vision that began 2 days after uncomplicated cataract surgery in the left eye. Visual acuity was hand motion and biomicroscopy showed a mild anterior chamber reaction, no hypopyon, and an intraocular lens that had been placed within the capsular bag. A dilated fundus examination revealed optic disk edema, widespread deep and superficial intraretinal hemorrhages, retinal ischemia, and macular edema. A cardiological evaluation was normal and thrombophilia tests were negative. After surgery, prophylactic vancomycin (1mg/0.1ml) had been injected intracamerally. The patient was diagnosed with hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis likely secondary to vancomycin hypersensitivity. Recognition of this entity is important to ensure early treatment and the use of intracameral vancomycin in the fellow eye should be avoided after cataract surgery.

RESUMO Esse caso se refere a uma paciente de 69 anos, sexo feminino, com relato de baixa acuidade visual súbita e indolor no olho esquerdo, de início 2 dias após cirurgia de catarata sem complicações. A acuidade visual era de movimento de mãos e a biomicroscopia mostrou reação de câmara anterior moderada, sem hipópio, e lente intraocular posicionada dentro do saco capsular. A fundoscopia evidenciou edema de disco óptico, hemorragias difusas intrarretinianas superficiais e profundas, isquemia retiniana e edema macular. A avaliação cardiológica foi normal e os testes para trombofilia foram negativos. Ao final da cirurgia foi injetado antibioticoprofilaxia com vancomicina (1mg/0,1ml) na câmara anterior. A paciente foi diagnosticada com vasculite hemorrágica oclusiva da retina secundária à hipersensibilidade a vancomicina. O reconhecimento dessa entidade é importante para o tratamento precoce e para evitar o uso de vancomicina intracameral em caso de cirurgia de catarata no olho contralateral.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0002, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529930


RESUMO O propósito deste estudo foi reportar as alterações oculares observadas após picada de abelha com ferrão retido na córnea. Destacamos o tratamento e o desfecho de uma lesão de córnea incomum e sua patogênese. Trata-se de relato de caso e revisão da literatura de lesões oculares por picada de abelha. Paciente do sexo feminino, 63 anos, procurou atendimento oftalmológico de urgência devido à picada de abelha na córnea do olho direito há 6 dias. Queixava-se de embaçamento visual, dor e hiperemia ocular. Apresentou acuidade visual de vultos no olho afetado. Ao exame, notaram-se hiperemia moderada de conjuntiva bulbar, edema corneano com dobras de Descemet e presença do ferrão alojado na região temporal, no estroma profundo da córnea. A paciente foi internada para ser abordada no centro cirúrgico sob anestesia geral. Durante a cirurgia, o ferrão teve que ser retirado via câmara anterior, mediante a realização de uma paracentese e uma lavagem da câmara anterior, com dupla via e solução salina balanceada. Ainda não existe na literatura um tratamento padrão na abordagem de pacientes com lesões oculares por picada de abelha, sendo importantes a identificação e o reconhecimento precoce de possíveis complicações que ameacem a visão.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to report the ocular changes observed after a bee sting with a stinger retained in the cornea. We show the treatment and outcome of an unusual corneal injury and its pathogenesis. This is a case report and literature review of ocular injuries caused by bee stings. A 63-year-old female patient sought emergency ophthalmic care because of a bee sting on the cornea of her right eye six days before. She complained of blurred vision, pain, and ocular hyperemia. She had glare sensitivity on visual acuity in the affected eye. Examination revealed moderate hyperemia of the bulbar conjunctiva, corneal edema with Descemet's folds and a stinger lodged in the temporal region, in the deep stroma of the cornea. The patient was admitted to the operating room under general anesthesia. During surgery, the stinger had to be removed via the anterior chamber, by performing a paracentesis and washing the anterior chamber with a double flushing and balanced saline solution. There is still no standard treatment in the literature for patients with eye injuries caused by bee stings, and early identification and recognition of possible sight-threatening complications is important.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Bee Venoms/adverse effects , Corneal Edema/etiology , Eye Foreign Bodies/complications , Corneal Injuries/etiology , Insect Bites and Stings/complications , Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Corneal Edema/diagnosis , Corneal Edema/physiopathology , Iridocyclitis , Eye Foreign Bodies/surgery , Eye Foreign Bodies/diagnosis , Corneal Injuries/surgery , Corneal Injuries/diagnosis , Slit Lamp Microscopy , Gonioscopy , Insect Bites and Stings/surgery , Insect Bites and Stings/diagnosis
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(4): e2023, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557106


ABSTRACT Purpose: The prevalence of ocular allergy varies according to the population and location of the study. Severe forms of ocular allergy are associated with compromised quality of life. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the application of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Quality of Life in Children with Keratoconjunctivitis questionnaire to children and adolescents with different subtypes of allergic conjunctivitis. Method: A total of 48 patients (aged 5-12 years) with allergic conjunctivitis were included in this study. They were enrolled and monitored at a specialized center. After the clinical appointment, the children responded to the questionnaire on two occasions at an interval of 30 days. Individual scores (ranging from 0 to 3) of the 16 items were added. Results: The Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Quality of Life in Children with Keratoconjunctivitis questionnaire demonstrated good translation, adaptation, and intellectual properties, with substantial internal consistency (Cronbach's α coefficient = 0.702). There was no significant difference between the responses of the two interviews, revealing good reproducibility. The moderate/severe forms of allergic conjunctivitis had significantly higher quality of life scores (indicating a poorer quality of life) than the mild forms. Conclusions: The Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Quality of Life in Children with Keratoconjunctivitis proved to be quick, reliable, and reproducible for assessing the quality of life in children with allergic conjunctivitis. However, its ability to detect changes resulting from symptom aggravation or treatment needs to be further evaluated.

Braz. dent. j ; 35: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564089


Abstract ER:YAG laser and experimental resin-based dental adhesive loaded with functionalized carbonated apatite filler were used in this study to evaluate the dentin interaction in terms of penetration and occlusion of the dentinal tubules aiding in the control of dentin hypersensitivity (DH). Spheroidal Carbonated apatite nanoparticles (N-CAP), with an average size of 20±5 nm diameter, were synthesized, characterized, and incorporated in a universal adhesive "All Bond Universal, Bisco, USA", in (2% weight) concentration. Er:YAG laser "Lightwalker, FOTONA, EU" was adjusted to an energy output of 40mJ/ pulse and pulse repetition of 10 Hz for 10 seconds. Dentin specimens were prepared from the buccal surface of 75 extracted sound human molars. The specimens were randomly divided into five groups (n=15) according to the surface treatment: Group (L): Laser only; Group (LB): Laser in combination with adhesive; Group (LBN): Laser in combination with adhesive loaded with N-CAP; Group (B): adhesive only; and Group (BN): adhesive loaded with N-CAP. Depth of penetration and occlusion of the dentinal tubules were assessed using Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope Examination (ESEM). One-way ANOVA was used to compare groups, followed by a pairwise test for multiple comparisons (α=0.05). Groups (LB), and (LBN) showed the highest mean of dentinal tubules' penetration, with a non-significant difference between them. In contrast, the specimens treated with laser only (L) showed the most minor penetration. The employment of ER-YAG laser irradiation with the adhesive loaded with N-CAP was evaluated to be effective in penetrating and occluding the opened dentinal tubules.

Resumo O laser ER-YAG e o adesivo dentário experimental à base de resina carregado com carga de apatita carbonatada funcionalizada foram usados neste estudo para avaliar a interação com a dentina em termos de penetração e oclusão dos túbulos dentinários, auxiliando no controle da hipersensibilidade dentinária (HD). Nanopartículas de apatita carbonatada esferoidal (N-CAP), com tamanho médio de 20±5 nm de diâmetro, foram sintetizadas, caracterizadas e incorporadas em um adesivo universal "All Bond Universal, Bisco, EUA", na concentração de 2% em peso. O laser Er:YAG "Lightwalker, FOTONA, EU" foi ajustado para uma saída de energia de 40mJ/pulso e repetição de pulso de 10 Hz por 10 segundos. Os espécimes de dentina foram preparados a partir da superfície vestibular de 75 molares humanos sadios extraídos. Os espécimes foram divididos aleatoriamente em cinco grupos (n=15) de acordo com o tratamento da superfície: Grupo (L): Somente laser; Grupo (LB): Laser em combinação com adesivo; Grupo (LBN): Laser em combinação com adesivo carregado com N-CAP; Grupo (B): somente adesivo; e Grupo (BN): adesivo carregado com N-CAP. A profundidade de penetração e a oclusão dos túbulos dentinários foram avaliadas por meio do Exame de Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura Ambiental (ESEM). ANOVA de um fator foi usada para comparar os grupos, seguida pelo teste de pares para comparações múltiplas (α=0,05). Os grupos (LB) e (LBN) apresentaram a maior média de penetração dos túbulos dentinários, com uma diferença não significativa entre eles. Em contraste, os espécimes tratados apenas com laser (L) apresentaram menor penetração. O emprego da irradiação do laser ER-YAG com o adesivo carregado com N-CAP foi avaliado como eficaz na penetração e oclusão dos túbulos dentinários abertos.