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Bénin Médical ; 69: 96-104, 2024. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1554535


Introduction : Les maladies non transmissibles (MNT) sont en augmentation dans plusieurs secteurs d'activité. L'objectif de l'étude était de décrire les facteurs de risque des MNT chez des femmes fumeuses de poissons sur deux sites au Bénin relevant du secteur informel. Méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale descriptive qui s'est déroulée pendant un mois du 25 Avril au 26 Mai 2019. La population d'étude a été constituée des femmes fumeuses de poissons des sites de Xwlacodji et de Djeffa ayant au moins deux années d'ancienneté. Les variables étudiées étaient relatives aux caractéristiques socioprofessionnelles, aux facteurs comportementaux et bio cliniques. Le recrutement des participants a été exhaustif. Un questionnaire standardisé inspiré de celui du STEPS-OMS a été utilisé pour la collecte des données. Une analyse descriptive a été effectuée. Résultats : Au total, 81femmes ont été incluses. L'âge médian des femmes était de 40 ans, avec un intervalle interquartile de [25-75] ; 17 (21%) étaient scolarisées ; 39 (48,14%) ont une ancienneté de plus de 20 ans. Les facteurs comportementaux se présentaient comme suit :1,23% tabagisme (cigarette) ; 69,14% consommation régulière de l'alcool ; 46,91% d'insuffisance d'activité physique ; 100% de consommation insuffisante de FEL. En ce qui concerne les facteurs biocliniques il y avait 56,78% de surcharge pondérale ; 32,1% pression artérielle élevée prenant en compte la prise d'antihypertenseur ; 5,4% d'hyperglycémie. Conclusion : La fréquence de certains facteurs de risque des MNT est élevée, la mise en place d'un programme de sensibilisation est nécessaire.

Introduction: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are on the increase in several sectors of activity. The aim of the study was to describe the risk factors for NCDs among women fish smokers in two Benin sites in the informal sector. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted over a one-month period from April 25 to May 26, 2019. The study population consisted of fish-smoking women from the Xwlacodji and Djeffa sites with at least two years of seniority. Variables studied included socioprofessional characteristics, behavioral and bio-clinical factors. Participants were recruited exhaustively. A standardized questionnaire based on the STEPS-OMS questionnaire was used forn data collection. Descriptive analysis was performed. Results: A total of 81 women were included. The median age of the women was 40 years, with an interquartile range of [25-75]; 17 (21%) had attended school; 39 (48.14%) had attended school for more than 20 years. Behavioural factors were: 1.23% smoking; 69.14% regular alcohol consumption; 46.91% insufficient physical activity; 100% insufficient FEL consumption. Bioclinical factors were: 56.78% overweight; 32.1% hypertension with antihypertensive medication; 5.4% hyperglycemia. Conclusion: The frequency of certain risk factors for non-communicable diseases is high, and an awareness program is needed.

Humans , Female
Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 49: e10, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559628


Resumo Introdução: o mundo do trabalho apresenta profundas transformações que impactam no cotidiano e nos processos de subjetivação de trabalhadores, inclusive os informais, como os catadores de material reciclável. Seu trabalho tem uma constante importância socioambiental, produz múltiplos sentidos e, ao mesmo tempo, é atrelado a interdições e riscos. Objetivo: compreender os processos de aprendizado e inventividade no trabalho de catadores de material reciclável da região da Grande Florianópolis. Métodos: trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória-descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, com entrevistas semiestruturadas e observações do ambiente de trabalho. Foram utilizados mapas de associação de ideias como estratégia de análise das práticas discursivas, com a análise conjunta dos discursos, extraindo as similaridades entre as narrativas dos catadores. Resultados: foram entrevistados 14 catadores. Identificou-se que o processo de aprendizado das atividades laborais ocorreu no próprio cotidiano, principalmente com pessoas mais experientes, além do desenvolvimento de conhecimentos e habilidades com base na experiência. Quanto ao caráter inventivo dos trabalhadores, observou-se a utilização de regras, normas e princípios para os seus fazeres, que são compartilhados e renovados cotidianamente. Conclusão: evidenciou-se a relevância dos vínculos estabelecidos nas relações cotidianas, tanto para o aprendizado como para o compartilhamento de estratégias inventivas.

Abstract Introduction: the labor market brings profound transformations that impact workers' daily lives and subjectivation processes, including informal ones such as waste pickers. Waste picking has a reiterated socio-environmental importance, producing multiple meanings while being linked to interdictions and risks. Objective: understand the work learning processes and inventiveness of waste pickers in the metropolitan region of Florianópolis. Methods: this qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study used semi-structured interviews and fieldwork observations to collect the information necessary to answer the defined objective. Discursive practices were analyzed via maps of association of ideas and joint discourse analysis by extracting the similarities between the pickers' narratives. Results: a total of 14 waste pickers were interviewed. Learning took place in everyday relations, especially with more experienced pickers, with knowledge and skills being developed based on experience. As for the inventive axis, workers use rules, norms, and principles for their activities, which are shared and reiterated daily. Conclusion: results highlight the bonds established by waste pickers in everyday relations, both for learning and sharing inventive strategies.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221391


The Indian economy is comprised of both the formal or organized sector and the informal or unorganized sector. Both these sectors were severely harmed during the Covid-19 pandemic. The government of India announced an abrupt and sudden lockdown without any prior steps of combating the drawbacks of such an abrupt action. This left the informal sector completely stranded amidst the pandemic. Taking this into consideration, the paper tries to discuss the impacts of the lockdown on the informal sector. While stressing on the adversaries faced by the labourers, the paper addresses the negative impacts of the lockdown on the female workers in the informal sector. Followed by this contextual discussion, the paper attempts to discuss the steps and schemes promulgated by the government for combating this crisis and its limitations. Finally, the paper concludes with an attempt on briefly analyzing the contingencies and suggesting ways forward to meet the exigencies.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217111


Background: As access to vital health services expands and universal health coverage is attained, health insurance is projected to serve as a critical risk protection for families and small enterprises. Aim: To assess the informal sector’s awareness, willingness, and problems in enrolling in the state national health insurance program. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was done in Benin City, Nigeria, in the unorganized sector. A self-structured questionnaire was created, distributed, and retrieved for this study, which was conducted among 155 artisans chosen through a stratified random sample procedure. To evaluate the data, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, SPSS version 22 was used. Results: In total, 138 people (89.0%) are aware of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), while only 93 people (60.0%) know that Edo state has a state-owned Health Insurance Scheme (SHIS). Only 17 people, or 11.0%, are engaged in the NHIS/SHIS program, whereas 107 people, or 77.5%, have expressed interest. Lack of accessibility to authorized healthcare facilities near house 22 (71.0%) is a significant deterrent to enrollment in the program. Long lines at service points (3.88, 1.093), the time it takes to enroll new members in the program (3.78, 1.101), the time it takes for health maintenance organizations to issue authorization codes (3.62, 1.316), the accessibility of NHIS services outside of registration institutions (3.29, 1.289), and the standard of drugs provided by the SHIS (3.12, 1.358) are all factors that hinder utilization. Sex and place of residence each strongly correlated with readiness to sign up for the program (AOR = 4.234, P = 0.017, 95% CI: 1.293–13.873 and AOR = 5.224, P = 0.007, 95% CI: 1.557–17.530, respectively). Conclusion: The artisans have a low rate of health insurance coverage but are eager to sign up for the program. State policymakers should increase their reach and make enrollment required to attain a higher range.

Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 57(supl.1): 11s, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442143


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To compare the incidence of covid-19 symptoms between informal home-based workers and a control group and to assess the association of these cases with blood elements concentrations and other relevant risk factors for Sars-Cov-2 infection. METHODS Welders chemically exposed to potentially toxic elements (PTEs) (n = 26) and control participants (n = 25) answered questionnaires on adherence to social distancing and signs and symptoms of the disease for five months during the covid-19 pandemic. After follow-up, covid-19 serology tests were performed on a subsample of 12 chemically exposed workers and 20 control participants. Before the pandemic, PTE concentrations in blood (As, Mn, Ni, Cd, Hg, Sb, Sn, Cu, Zn, and Pb) were measured by ICP-MS. RESULTS The chemically exposed group had higher lead and cadmium levels in blood (p < 0.01). The control group presented lower adherence to social distancing (p = 0.016). Although not significant, welders had a 74% greater chance of having at least one covid-19 symptom compared with control participants, but their adherence to social distancing decreased this chance by 20%. The use of taxis for transportation was a risk factor significantly associated with covid-19 symptoms. CONCLUSION The lower adherence to social distancing among the control group greatly influences the development of covid-19. The literature lacks data linking exposure to PTEs and Sars-Cov-2 infection and/or severity. In this study, despite chemical exposure, working from home may have protected welders against covid-19, considering that they maintained greater social distancing than control participants.

Humans , Male , Female , Occupational Exposure , Chemical Compound Exposure , Informal Sector , Physical Distancing , COVID-19
Salud UNINORTE ; 38(2)mayo-ago. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536797


Introducción: Este artículo de revisión sistemática describe el impacto medioambiental y socioeconómico en salud generado por la minería artesanal del oro en Colombia. Para el estudio se tuvieron en cuenta artículos publicados entre 2010 y 2019. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica fue describir el impacto medioambiental y socioeconómico en la salud generado por la minería artesanal del oro en Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Trabajo construido mediante revisión sistemática, usando los siguientes descriptores: minería, sector informal, riesgo a la salud, condiciones de salud. Para esta búsqueda se utilizaron las bases de datos Scopus, Web of Science, ProQuest, Publindex, así como la normatividad colombiana. Resultados: Se desarrollan las categorías ambientales, socioeconómico y salud. En la categoría ambiental se detalla información sobre sostenibilidad ambiental, manejo de vertimientos, pruebas fisicoquímicas y control gubernamental; En la categoría socioeconómica se describen los dilemas entre minería y medio ambiente, el dilema entre pequeña minería o artesanal y minería a gran escala o industrializada, y el conflicto social y económico. En la categoría salud se analizan las afectaciones y la percepción de la población sobre los daños en la salud, la protección laboral, la innovación social y las oportunidades de cambio para una producción más limpia y saludable. Conclusiones: Los estudios realizados se concentran principalmente en el departamento de Antioquia evidenciando la necesidad de realizar investigaciones en otras zonas del país. A pesar de que en Colombia existe legislación minera, se requiere que el gobierno establezca medidas efectivas de control, capacite y socialice a los mineros sobre métodos adecuados de procesamiento del oro, garantizado el desarrollo ambiental, social y protección laboral.

Introduction: This systematic review article describes the environmental and socioeconomic impact on health generated by handmade gold mining in Colombia. For this study articles published between 2010 and 2019 were considered. The objective of this bibliographic review is to describe the environmental and socioeconomic impact on health generated by gold mining in Colombia. Materials and methods: Work constructed through systematic review, using the following descriptors: mining, informal sector, health risk, health conditions. For this search, Scopus, Web of Science, ProQuest, Publindex databases were used, as well as Colombian regulations. Results: The environmental, socioeconomic, and health categories were developed. In the environmental category, information on environmental sustainability, management of discharges, physicochemical tests, and government control is detailed. In the socioeconomic category, the dilemmas between mining and the environment are described, the dilemma between small or artisanal mining and large-scale or industrialized mining, and the social and economic conflict. In the third category, health, the effects and perception of the population regarding health damage, labor protection, social innovation, and opportunities for change for cleaner and healthier production are analyzed. Conclusions: The studies carried out are mainly concentrated in the department of Antioquia, showing the need to carry out research in other areas of the country. Although there is mining legislation in Colombia, the government is required to establish effective control measures, train, and socialize the miners on adequate gold processing methods, guaranteeing the environmental and social development and protection of its miners.

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 30: e2901, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1355946


Resumo Introdução Diante do crescente número de trabalhadores informais no Brasil e com a implementação da "Reforma Trabalhista", é importante compreender a questão do trabalho informal, apontando desafios para profissões que se dedicam ao cuidado e atenção ao trabalhador, como a Terapia Ocupacional. Objetivo Discutir a questão do trabalho informal na contemporaneidade e indicar possíveis desdobramentos para a prática da Terapia Ocupacional. Método Trata-se de um artigo teórico que realizou discussões a partir de documentos legais, dados estatísticos atuais sobre o assunto, estudos que traçaram o panorama histórico da economia informal e estudos clássicos da Terapia Ocupacional no campo do trabalho. Resultados Apesar das intervenções em Terapia Ocupacional e trabalho terem caminhado para a superação de abordagens estritamente voltadas ao retorno das funções motoras, ainda existem desafios práticos colocados para a profissão. Para além das práticas tradicionalmente realizadas, aponta-se a necessidade de se atuar considerando que a desregulamentação do trabalho acarreta desdobramento para os diversos âmbitos da vida dos trabalhadores. Para que as atuações alcancem o trabalhador informal, é necessário o comprometimento dos profissionais inseridos em dispositivos de todos os pilares da seguridade social (saúde, previdência e assistência social) e do setor da educação. Aponta-se a importância das práticas voltadas ao exercício da sociabilidade, conscientização e informação sobre direitos no sentido da transformação social. Conclusão Diante da atual conjuntura, é necessário ampliar a atuação da profissão no campo do trabalho para contemplar os trabalhadores informais. Deve-se compreender a realidade desses trabalhadores, os diversos dispositivos que os recebem e as questões econômicas/sociais envolvidas no desenvolvimento desse tipo de trabalho.

Abstract Introduction Because of the growing number of informal workers in Brazil and with the implementation of the "Labor Reform", it is important to understand the issue of informal work, pointing out challenges for professions dedicated to the care/attention to workers, such as Occupational Therapy. Objective To discuss the issue of informal work in contemporary times and to indicate possible consequences for the practice of Occupational Therapy. Method This is a theoretical article that conducts discussions based on legal documents, current statistical data, studies that trace the historical panorama of the informal economy, and classic studies of Occupational Therapy in the work field. Results Although interventions in Occupational Therapy and work have moved towards overcoming approaches strictly aimed at the return of motor functions, there are still practical challenges. In addition to the practices traditionally carried out, it is necessary to act considering that the deregulation of work results in consequences for the various areas of the workers' lives. It is necessary for professionals from the different pillars of social security to be committed, in addition to the health and social security network. The importance of practices aimed at exercising sociability, awareness, and information about rights in the sense of social transformation is pointed out. Conclusion Given the current situation, it is necessary to expand the performance of the profession in the field of work to include informal workers. One must understand the reality of these workers in the different devices that receive them and the economic/social issues involved in the development of this type of work.

Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 69(4): e205, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376281


Abstract Introduction: Quality of work life (QWL) and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) determine health, social participation and productivity indices of women working in the informal economy. Objectives: To establish the relationship between QWL and HRQOL in women workers in informal economies from the commune 9 of Cali, Colombia. Materials and methods: Analytical and correlational cross-sectional study conducted in 2019 in 48 in women working in the informal economy who were administered the Quality of Life at Work (CVT-GOHISALO)" and the Health-Related Quality of Life-HRQOL (SF-36) questionnaires. The correlation between the dimensions of both instruments was established using the Spearman's correlation coefficient (weak: rho=0.1-0.3; moderate: rho=0.31-0.6; strong: rho=0.61-0.9, and perfect: rho=09.-1.0), considering a significance level of p<0.05. Results: There is dissatisfaction in 5 dimensions of the CVT-GOHISALO questionnaire, with the highest levels of dissatisfaction found in personal development (97.91%) and well-being achieved through work (95.83%). In the SF-36 questionnaire, the mean score was low in both the physical and mental summary components (45.89.3 and 44.712.9, respectively). A moderate positive and statistically significant correlation was observed between the overall score of the CVT-GOHISALO scale and the physical summary component of the SF-36 questionnaire (rho=o.4i9; p=0.004) and the four dimensions of this component (p<0.05). Conclusion: The lower the QWL, the lower the HRQOL. Therefore, it is necessary to implement comprehensive public health programs in Cali considering work-related and social aspects that impact the personal development and well-being of the people working in the informal economy.

Resumen Introducción. La calidad de vida en el trabajo (CVT) y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) determinan los índices de salud, participación social y productividad en trabajadoras del sector informal. Objetivo. Establecer la relación entre CVT y CVRS en trabajadoras del sector informal de la comuna 9 de Cali, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal analítico y correlacional realizado en 2019 en 48 trabajadoras informales a las que se les aplicaron los cuestionarios CVT-GOHISALO y SF-36 para medir la CVT y la CVRT, respectivamente. La correlación entre las dimensiones de ambos instrumentos se estableció mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman (débil: rho=0.1-0.3; moderada: rho=0.31-0.6; fuerte: rho=0.61-0.9, y perfecta: rho=0.9-1.0), considerando un nivel de significancia de p<0.05. Resultados. Existe insatisfacción en 5 dimensiones del CVT-GOHISALO, con los niveles más altos de insatisfacción en desarrollo personal (97.91%) y bienestar logrado a través del trabajo (95.83%). En el cuestionario SF-36, según la combinación de las puntuaciones de cada dimensión, el promedio obtenido en los componentes físico y mental fue bajo (45.819.3 y 44.7112.9, respectivamente). Se observó una correlación moderada positiva y estadísticamente significativa entre el puntaje global del cuestionario CVT-GOHISALO y el componente físico del cuestionario SF-36 (rho=0.419; p=0.004) y las cuatro dimensiones de este componente (p<0.05). Conclusión. A menor CVT, menor CVRS. Por lo tanto, es necesario implementar programas integrales de salud pública en Cali que consideren aspectos laborales y sociales que impacten el desarrollo personal y el bienestar de la población trabajadora del sector informal.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 37(11): e00246620, 2021. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350405


Resumo: Na luta pela sobrevivência milhões de pessoas se submetem ao trabalho desregulamentado e informal. Servindo-se disso, as empresas por aplicativos atraem cada vez mais trabalhadores sob a falácia do empreendedorismo. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever o perfil biossocial destes trabalhadores, o processo de trabalho, as formas de controle das empresas e analisar os aspectos principais e emergentes entre as partes envolvidas. Trata-se de um estudo de escopo cujo processo de coleta do material foi norteado pelo questionamento: "O que se tem produzido na literatura científica sobre o perfil e os riscos no trabalho de aplicativos?", entre os anos de 2014 e 2020. A análise dos conteúdos deu origem a três eixos temáticos: O crescimento dos aplicativos no Brasil e a relação com o trabalhador; o perfil dos trabalhadores de aplicativos e sua exposição laboral, além de suas reivindicações de condições de trabalho diante da pandemia da COVID-19. A dinâmica profissional dos trabalhadores por aplicativo é marcada pela sujeição, dominação e desgaste. A falta de reconhecimento do vínculo empregatício não os faz sujeitos desprovidos de direitos, dignidade e qualidade de vida no ambiente de trabalho. A organização espontânea e sem intermediação sindical desta categoria de trabalhadores, em torno de uma pauta comum de reivindicações a ser discutida com os demais representantes da sociedade, denota o elevado grau de exploração e precarização, e poderá ser o caminho para que as empresas de aplicativos adotem premissas do trabalho digno e decente.

Abstract: In the struggle for survival, millions of people submit to deregulated and informal work. Taking advantage of this, app-based companies have attracted growing numbers of workers under the fallacy of entrepreneurship. The current study aimed to describe the biosocial profile of these workers, the work process, and forms of company control, besides analyzing the principal and emerging aspects in the respective participants. This is a scoping study in which data collection was oriented by the question, "What has been produced in the scientific literature on the profile and risks of app-based work?" from 2014 to 2020. Content analysis revealed thematic dimensions: the growth of apps in Brazil and worker relations; the profile of app-based workers; and their work exposure and demands for working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The professional dynamic of app-based workers is marked by subordination, domination, and exhaustion. The fact that their employment relationship is not acknowledged does not deprive them of rights, dignity, and quality of life in the workplace. Spontaneous organization without trade union intermediation in this category of workers, backing a common agenda of demands to be discussed with other representatives of society, denotes the high degree of exploitation and precariousness and could suggest the path for app companies to adopt the principles of dignified, decent work.

Resumen: En su lucha por sobrevivir millones de personas están sometidas al trabajo irregular e informal. Sirviéndose de esto, las empresas mediante aplicaciones atraen cada vez más trabajadores bajo la falacia del emprendimiento. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir el perfil biosocial de estos trabajadores, su proceso laboral, formas de control de las empresas, así como analizar los aspectos principales y emergentes entre las partes implicadas. Se trata de un estudio de alcance, cuyo proceso de recogida de material se guio por la pregunta: "¿qué se ha producido en la literatura científica sobre el perfil y riesgos en el trabajo de aplicacciones?" entre los años 2014 y 2020. El análisis de los contenidos dio origen a tres ejes temáticos: crecimiento de las aplicaciones en Brasil y su relación con el trabajador; perfil de los trabajadores de aplicaciones y su exposición laboral, y sus reivindicaciones de condiciones de trabajo ante la pandemia de COVID-19. La dinámica profesional de los trabajadores por aplicaciones está marcada por la subordinación, dominación y desgaste. La falta de reconocimiento del vínculo laboral no se debe traducir en convertirlos en sujetos desprovistos de derechos, dignidad y calidad de vida en el ambiente de trabajo. La organización espontánea y sin intermediación sindical de esta categoría de trabajadores gira en torno a una pauta común de reivindicaciones, que debe ser discutida con los demás representantes de la sociedad. Esto denota su elevado grado de explotación y precarización, además podrá ser el camino para que las empresas de aplicaciones adopten premisas de trabajo digno y decente.

Humans , Mobile Applications , COVID-19 , Quality of Life , Brazil , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2
RECIIS (Online) ; 14(4): 812-819, out.-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145465


Esta nota expõe um breve balanço da história da pandemia de Covid após sete meses de crise. Com esse objetivo, apreendemos três grandes tendências: o impacto letal do negacionismo em países como os Estados Unidos e o Brasil; a chegada da segunda onda na Europa e, enfim, a catástrofe nos países latinoamericanos onde os indicadores pioram em todos eles independentemente das políticas de contenção que foram implementadas desde o mês de março de 2020. Para a discussão dessas três tendências, elaboramos três momentos de reflexão de maior fôlego: a clivagem que separa os modelos de gestão da pandemia na Ásia no Ocidente; a necessidade de uma política social (como o auxílio emergencial) para tornar viáveis as políticas sanitárias na América Latina; e, enfim, uma reflexão mais geral sobre a relação entre as catástrofes e a imaginação.

This paper presents a brief analysis of the history concerning Covid pandemic after its beginning seven months ago. In pursuing this purpose we realised three major trends: the lethal impact of denialism in countries such as United States and Brazil; the arrival of the second wave of coronavirus in Europe; and finally, the Latin American catastrophe where the indicators of people affected by disease worsen in all their countries regardless of the policies to restrain it implemented since March 2020. To discuss these three trends, we have deepened three reflections: the cleavage between the management model of the pandemic in Asia and the Western management model; the need for a social policy (such as an emergency financial aid) to make health policies viable in Latin America; and at last a general reflection on the relationship between the catastrophes and the imagination.

Esta nota expone un breve análisis de la historia de la pandemia de Covid después de siete meses de crisis. Intentando alcanzar este propósito, hemos distinguido tres grandes tendencias: el impacto letal del negacionismo en países como Estados Unidos y Brasil; la llegada de la segunda ola a Europa; y finalmente la catástrofe latinoamericana donde los indicadores del contagio empeoraron en todos los países independiente de las políticas de contención implementadas desde marzo de 2020. Para discutir estas tres tendencias, hemos profundizado tres reflexiones: la diferencia entre el modelo de gestión de la pandemia en Asia y el modelo implementado en Occidente; la necesidad de una política social (como lo auxilio financiero de emergencia) para hacer viables las políticas de salud en Latinoamérica; y por último una reflexión de forma más general sobre la relación entre las catástrofes y la imaginación.

Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Social Isolation , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Health Management , Pandemics/prevention & control , United States , Brazil , Viral Vaccines , Western World , Denial, Psychological , Health Policy , Latin America , Middle East
Cogit. Enferm. (Online) ; 25: e71146, 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1142818


RESUMO Objetivo: analisar os fatores associados às alterações do padrão glicêmico em trabalhadores feirantes. Método: estudo epidemiológico, do tipo inquérito com 399 trabalhadores. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre janeiro e março de 2018, com aplicação de questionário sociodemográfico, de estilo de vida, trabalho e saúde, condições de trabalho e de saúde, testes sanguíneos de dosagem de glicemia e aferição de peso e altura. A análise envolveu cálculos de frequências e teste do Qui-quadrado (nível de significância de 95%). Resultados: a frequência encontrada de alterações glicêmicas foi de 9,8%. Faixa etária (p<0,001), escolaridade (p<0,001), prática de atividade física (p=0,033), índice de massa corporal (p=0,050), uso de medicações (p<0,001) e multimorbidade (p<0,001) apresentaram associação com alterações glicêmicas. Conclusão: Faixa etária, escolaridade, prática de atividade física, índice de massa corporal, fazer uso de medicações periodicamente e relatar multimorbidade são variáveis que possuem fatores associados para desenvolvimento de alterações glicêmicas em feirantes.

RESUMEN: Objetivo: analizar los factores asociados con las alteraciones del patrón glucémico en trabajadores de mercados comunitarios. Método: estudio epidemiológico, del tipo encuesta, realizado con 399 trabajadores. La recolección de datos tuvo lugar entre enero y marzo de 2018, mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario sociodemográfico, de estilo de vida, trabajo y salud, condiciones de trabajo y de salud, análisis de sangre para medir la glucemia, y mediciones de peso y altura. El análisis implicó cálculos de frecuencias y la prueba de chi-cuadrado (nivel de significancia del 95%). Resultados: la frecuencia de alteraciones glucémicas encontrada fue del 9,8%. Las variables de grupo etario (p<0,001), nivel de estudios (p<0,001), práctica de actividad física (p=0,033), índice de masa corporal (p=0,050), uso de medicamentos (p<0,001) y multimorbilidad (p<0,001) presentaron asociaciones con alteraciones glucémicas. Conclusión: el grupo etario, el nivel de estudios, la práctica de actividad física, el índice de masa corporal, consumir medicamentos periódicamente y reportar multimorbilidad son variables que poseen factores asociados para el desarrollo de alteraciones glucémicas en trabajadores de mercados comunitarios.

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the factors associated with glycemic variability in market vendors. Method: epidemiological survey with 399 workers. Data was collected between January and March 2018 through the administration of a sociodemographic, lifestyle, work and health, working and health conditions questionnaire, blood glucose dosage tests and weight and height measurement. The analysis involved frequency calculations and the Chi-square test (95% significance level). Results: the frequency of glycemic variability found was 9.8%. Age group (p <0.001), education (p <0.001), physical activity (p = 0.033), body mass index (p = 0.050), use of medications (p <0.001) and multimorbidity (p <0.001) showed association with glycemic variability. Conclusion: age group, education, physical activity, body mass index, periodical use of medications and reporting multimorbidity are variables that have factors associated to the development of glycemic variability in market vendors.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201733


Background: Street vending as a profession has been in existence in India since times immemorial. Poverty and lack of gainful employment in the rural areas and in the smaller towns drive large numbers of people to the city. Thus the present study is conducted to study socio-demographic profile, causes, addiction, morbidity pattern among street vendors. The objective of the present study is to study socio-demographic profile of street vendors, causes of street vending, addiction among street vendors, health problems faced by street vendors.Methods: The study was conducted in Shahagunj, where urban health training centre of Government Medical College Aurangabad is situated, for period of 2 months duration. All street vendors in the Shahagunj were included in the study. The purpose of study was explained to them. The survey was carried out with predesigned pretested questionnaire. The question related to socio-demographic characteristics, causes of street vending, addiction of smoking were asked.Results: About (29.6%) vendors belongs to age group 30-39, male participants are more in number, illiterate or educated up to primary school. Most of the vendors belongs to nuclear family, 71.25% vendors are migrated from other cities to seek employment, 73.6% vendors works with no holiday in a week. Vendors are addicted of tobacco chewing (27%), pan (6%) and cigarette (6%). Causes to become in informal sector are unable to fulfill requirement of formal sector 54%, only source of income 44% avoid tax is 2%. About 30% vendors are having health issues; maximum was musculoskeletal morbidities contributing 8.8%.Conclusions: Unable to fulfill requirement of formal sector and no other source of income are the major causes to be in the street vending.

Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 37(2): 22-35, may-ago. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013241


Resumen Objetivo: La investigación tuvo como objetivo construir de manera participativa un programa de promoción de la salud en un lugar de trabajo informal en Corabastos, Bogotá, durante 2016 y 2017. Metodología: Se desarrolló en cuatro etapas: 1) movilizar, que se fundamentó en lograr el compromiso de las principales partes interesadas; 2) organizar, con el fin de establecer un grupo dedicado a la transformación y el mejoramiento de las condiciones de salud y trabajo; 3) construir, donde se elaboró un plan de salud como una hoja de ruta para actuar y transformar la las condiciones del trabajo informal; y 4) actuar, o sea, contribuir a la promoción de la salud en lugares de trabajo informal. Resultados: se conformó un grupo de diez trabajadores informales y un investigador externo; se impulsó la participación colectiva y la validación consensuada de todo el proceso. Se identificaron y priorizaron problemáticas, y se construyó el plan de salud, con los objetivos de hacer un manejo adecuado de las basuras, defender los lugares de trabajo informal de las acciones represivas de la fuerza pública, mejorar la calidad de los productos a vender, fortalecer la asistencia a los servicios de salud y establecer alternativas económicas de trabajo. El estudio permitió el diálogo y la participación colectiva de los trabajadores en todas las etapas y la apropiación de la investigación por parte de la comunidad. La metodología brindó herramientas para empoderar a los trabajadores involucrados, al reconocer sus propias capacidades y posibilitar su acción para obtener trasformaciones locales.

Abstract Objective: The objective of the research was to create a participatory health promotion program in an informal workplace in Corabastos, Bogotá, during 2016 and 2017. Methodology: It was developed in four stages: 1) mobilizing, which involved achieving the commitment of the main stakeholders; 2) organizing, in order to establish a group devoted to the transformation and improvement of health and working conditions; 3) building, which involved creating a health plan as a roadmap to act upon and transform informal working conditions; and 4) acting, that is, contributing to the promotion of health in informal workplaces. Results: a group of ten informal workers and an external researcher was created; collective participation and consensual validation of the entire process was promoted. Problems were identified and prioritized and the health plan was built considering the objectives of achieving an adequate waste management, defending informal workplaces from the repressive actions of the public force, improving the quality of the products to be sold, strengthening access to health services and establishing economic work alternatives. The study enabled dialogue and collective participation of workers in all stages as well as the community's appropriation of the research. The methodology provided tools to empower workers by recognizing their own capabilities and enabling them to put them into action in order to obtain local transformations.

Resumo Objetivo: A pesquisa teve como objetivo construir de forma participativa um programa de promoção da saúde no local de trabalho informal em Corabastos, Bogotá, durante 2016 e 2017. Metodologia: Foi desenvolvida em quatro etapas: 1) mobilizar, que foi baseado em alcançar o comprometimento das principais partes interessadas; 2) organizar, a fim de estabelecer um grupo dedicado à transformação e melhoria das condições de saúde e trabalho; 3) construir, onde um plano de saúde foi desenvolvido como um roteiro para atuar e transformar as condições do trabalho informal; e 4) agir, isto é, contribuir para a promoção da saúde em locais de trabalho informais. Resultados: foi formado um grupo de dez trabalhadores informais e um pesquisador externo; foi promovida a participação coletiva e a validação consensual de todo o processo. Os problemas foram identificados e priorizados, e o plano de saúde foi construído, com os objetivos de fazer uma gestão adequada do lixo, defender locais de trabalho informais a partir das ações repressivas da força pública, melhorar a qualidade dos produtos a serem vendidos, fortalecer a assistência aos serviços de saúde e estabelecer alternativas econômicas de trabalho. O estudo permitiu o diálogo e a participação coletiva dos trabalhadores em todas as etapas e a apropriação da pesquisa pela comunidade. A metodologia forneceu ferramentas para capacitar os trabalhadores envolvidos, reconhecendo suas próprias capacidades e possibilitando sua ação para obter transformações locais.

Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 9(3): 307-315, ago.2019. tab, ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151337


INTRODUÇÃO: A dor lombar atinge níveis epidêmicos na população em geral, sendo uma das causas de incapacidade funcional e motivo mais comum para a consulta médica. Sua etiologia é multifatorial e os fatores mais comuns para esta sintomatologia envolvem os elementos biomecânicos, ocupacionais e as características individuais. OBJETIVO: investigar a ocorrência das lombalgias e as repercussões funcionais entre os feirantes do setor de hortifruti (varejo). METODOLOGIA: Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, de natureza descritiva, com desenho de estudo transversal. Para tanto, aplicou-se o formulário de incapacidades Oswestry (modificado) e para a mensuração da dor, a Escala Visual Analógica. Os dados foram avaliados descritivamente, por meio de frequência absoluta e relativa. RESULTADOS: Foram entrevistados 100 feirantes, com a idade média de 43 anos. Destes, 73% apresentam alguma dor ou desconforto na região lombar e para minimizar tal ocorrência, 39,7% faziam uso de remédio oral/tópico sem orientação médica. Com relação às alterações funcionais, 14% apresentam incapacidade intensa. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo permitiu identificar, que os indivíduos com lombalgia, possuíam algum grau de incapacidade que repercutiam no seu contexto de vida.

INTRODUCTION: Back pain affects epidemic levels in the general population, one of the causes of disability and the most common reason for medical consultation. Its etiology is multifactorial and the most common factors for these symptoms involve biomechanical elements, occupational and individual characteristics. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the occurrence of low back pain and the functional consequences of the fairground's grocery sector (retail). METHODS: a quantitative study was conducted descriptive, cross-sectional study design. Therefore, the form applied Oswestry disability (modified) and pain measurement, the Visual Analogue Scale. The data were analyzed descriptively, through absolute and relative frequency. RESULTS: We interviewed 100 stallholders, with a mean age of 43 years. Of these, 73% have some pain or discomfort in the lower back and minimize such an occurrence, 39.7% were using oral medicine/topic without medical advice. With regard to functional alterations, 14% have a severe disability. CONCLUSION: The study revealed that individuals with low back pain, had some degree of disability that had repercussions in the context of his life.

Low Back Pain , Workplace , Informal Sector
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-822668


@#The increasing of Independent National Health Insurance (NHI) membership is one of the indicators to achieve Universal Health Coverage. One of the challenges in extending such coverage is reaching it out to the informal sector. This study was aimed to analyze the determinants of Independent NHI ownership in Indonesia. This study used cross-sectional design, and the data were derived from Indonesian Family Live Survey (IFLS) 2014. 6,888 individuals aged ≥40 years were the sample of this study. To analyze the data, chi-square analysis and logistic regression were used. Based on the analysis, the proportion of respondent with Independent NHI is 16.6%. The ownership of independent NHI is influenced by the following factors: age 40-55 (PR=1.72 95%CI 1.41-2.09, p-value <0.001), Sumatra Island (PR=7.67 95%CI 5.55-10.59 p-value<0.001), very rich (PR = 2.26 95%CI 1.85-2.75 p-value <0.001), history of chronic disease (PR=1.33 95%CI 1.15-1.53 p-value<0.001), junior high school (PR = 2.21 95%CI 1.92-2.55 p-value<0.001), and urban (PR=1.79 95%CI 1.57-2.04 p-value <0.001). Region is the most dominant variable related to NHI ownership (p-value <0.001; Exp B= 7.03; 95% CI: 5.06-9.77). Independent NHI membership has not been maximal, yet. To increase this participation, the Social Security Administrator should approach each region with low NHI membership through promotion, socialization, and education about registration and the benefits of independent NHI.

Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 36(3): 70-88, sep.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020423


Resumen Objetivo: Analizar la producción científica publicada entre los años 2010 y 2016 en bases de datos de acceso libre y restringido, sobre trabajo y salud laboral en trabajadores informales. Metodología: Se revisó la literatura científica sobre trabajo y salud laboral en trabajadores informales, publicada en las bases de datos de acceso libre y restringido. Este estudio descriptivo se desarrolló a partir de indicadores bibliométricos: de contenido, afiliación de los autores, metodológicos y de productividad. Resultados: Se tomaron 71 unidades de análisis, que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión establecidos. En el estudio, el 32 % de los artículos desarrollaron temas relacionados con las condiciones de trabajo y salud; la actividad económica varía en diferentes sectores y actividades catalogadas como informales, donde se destacaron vendedores ambulantes y recuperadores de residuos. Los estudios analizados identificaron diferentes riesgos y su afectación en la salud asociados con las condiciones de trabajo. En cuanto a las características laborales, se destacó la falta de afiliación al sistema de seguridad social, las extensas jornadas laborales y la vulneración a los derechos. Los principales motivos de ingreso a la informalidad destacaron la imposibilidad de emplearse en el sector formal. En su mayoría, los autores que aportaron a esta temática son transitorios. Colombia aportó el 45 % de la producción total del tema y se destacó el año 2013 como el de mayor publicación. Conclusiones: Los trabajadores informales perciben ventajas asociadas al manejo de tiempo, la toma de decisiones y compartir tiempo con la familia; en cuanto a las desventajas se mencionan la precariedad de los salarios, y la ausencia de protección en salud y pensiones.

Abstract Objective: To analyze the scientific work published between 2010 and 2016 in free and restricted access databases on work and occupational health of informal workers. Methodology: We reviewed the scientific literature on work and occupational health of informal workers, published in free and restricted access databases. This descriptive study was developed from bibliometric indicators: content, author affiliation, methodological and productivity. Results: 71 units of analysis were obtained, which met the established inclusion criteria. 32% of the articles addressed issues related to working conditions and health; economic activity varies for different sectors and activities catalogued as informal - street vendors and waste collectors stood out. The studies analyzed identified different risks and their impact on health associated with working conditions. In terms of work characteristics, the lack of affiliation to the social security system, long working hours and the violation of rights were noted. The main reasons for entering the informal sector highlighted the impossibility of being employed in the formal sector. For the most part, the authors who contributed to this topic are transitory. Colombia contributed 45% of the total output on the subject and 2013 was the year with the greatest number of publications. Conclusions: Informal workers perceived advantages associated with time management, decision making and sharing time with the family; in terms of disadvantages, the precariousness of wages and the absence of health protection and pensions were mentioned.

Resumo Objetivo: Analisar a produção científica publicada entre os anos 2010 e 2016 nas bases de dados de ingresso livre e restrito, sobre trabalho e saúde laboral nos trabalhadores informais. Metodologia: Se revisou a literatura científica sobre trabalho e saúde laboral nos trabalhadores informais, publicada nas bases de dados de ingresso livre e restrito. Este estudo descritivo se desenvolveu partindo dos indicadores biblio métricos: de conteúdo, afiliação dos autores, metodológicos e da produtividade. Resultantes: Se tomaram 71 unidades de análise, que cumpriram com os critérios da inclusão estabelecidos. No estudo, o 32 % dos artigos desenvolveram tópicos alusivos com as condições do trabalho e a saúde; a atividade económica varia nos diferentes setores e atividades assinaladas como informais, onde salientam vendeiros perambulantes y recicladores de resíduos. Os estudos analisados identificaram diversos riscos e a sua afetação na saúde alusivos com as condições de trabalho. Em quanto as características laborais, se destacou a carência da afiliação ao sistema de seguridade social, as compridas jornadas laborais e a vulneração dos direitos. Os principais motivos de ingresso na informalidade destacaram a impossibilidade de empregar-se no setor formal. Na sua maioria, os autores que aportaram nesta temática são transitórios. Colômbia aportou o 45 % da produção total do tópico e se destacou o ano de 2013 como o de maior publicação. Conclusões: Os trabalhadores informais percebem vantagens enlaçadas ao manejo do tempo, tomada das decisões e dividir tempo com a família; em quanto as desvantagens se mencionam a precariedade dos salários, e a ausência da proteção da saúde e pensões.

Cienc. Trab ; 19(60): 151-156, dic. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-890085


RESUMEN: 24. En Venezuela, dentro del sector informal, surge un nuevo fenómeno laboral categorizado como una práctica socioeconómica de características delictivas que está en contra de la Ley de Precios Justos, que lleva por nombre "bachaqueo"; esta actividad se caracteriza por la reventa de productos de primera necesidad a precios que superan hasta 100 veces, o más, su valor oficial. 25. 26. Esta investigación realizó una revisión hemerográfica y de la literatura científica relacionada con el fenómeno del bachaqueo, el mercado negro y la economía informal. 27. 28. El bachaqueo, al posibilitar el autoempleo es difícil de erradicar debido a la rápida obtención de ingresos, además de permitir la libertad de horario y la evasión de impuestos. Las personas que realizan este tipo de actividad constituyen una población susceptible de padecer enfermedades relacionadas con su ocupación debido a los múltiples factores de riesgo a los que se exponen, además de su exclusión del Sistema de Seguridad Social y la falta de acceso a servicios de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo. 29. 30. Basados en experiencias previas, sumado a la disponibilidad cada vez menor de productos regulados a precios falsamente bajos en el mercado venezolano, estimamos que la fuerza del fenómeno llama do bachaqueo, pudiese tender a disminuir.

ABSTRACT: 35. In Venezuela, within the informal sector, a new labor phenomenon is categorized as a socioeconomic practice of illegal characteristics that goes against the "Ley de Precios Justos" (Fair Prices Law), called "bachaqueo". This activity is characterized by the resale of basic products at prices that exceed up to 100 times, or more, their official value. 36. 37. This research carried out a review of news and scientific literature related to the phenomenon of "bachaqueo", the black market and the informal economy. 38. 39. The "bachaqueo", by enabling self-employment, is difficult to elimi nate due to the incentives created by rapid incomes, time flexibility and tax evasion. People who carry out these activities constitute a population susceptible to suffer occupational diseases due to the multiple risk factors to which they are exposed, in addition to their exclusion from the Social Security System and the lack of access to services of Occupational Security and Health. 40. 41. Based on previous experiences, added to increased scarcity of regu lated products in the Venezuelan market, we estimate that the strength of this fenomenon called "bachaqueo" might tend to decrease.

Humans , Informal Sector , Occupational Groups , Occupational Diseases/epidemiology , Venezuela , Working Conditions , Occupational Risks , Risk Factors , Occupational Health , Commerce , Economics
Univ. salud ; 19(3): 340-351, sep.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-904671


Resumen Introducción: El malabarismo es una práctica artística que comprende diversas dinámicas históricas, sociales, culturales, económicas y en la actualidad concibe nuevos enfoques con relación la salud del artista. Objetivo: Comprender el estado de la salud visual y la percepción social del malabarismo en la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio mixto combinando metodología cualitativa tipo fenomenológica y cuantitativa descriptiva en un grupo de 15 malabaristas de la ciudad de Bogotá que laboraban en los semáforos de las localidades de Teusaquillo, Suba y Engativá, por medio de tres etapas: Planeación; Trabajo de Campo incluye diario de campo, entrevista y pruebas de tamizaje visual y ocular; Campaña publicitaria. Resultados: El 100% de los participantes refirió enrojecimiento ocular y sensación de arenilla que se asocia con las horas de trabajo, los instrumentos de manipulación y la exposición al ambiente laboral. Hay normalidad en la percepción de la profundidad (20" de arco) y la percepción al color en la totalidad de participantes. Conclusiones: La salud visual y ocular no tiene gran importancia para los malabaristas participantes, sin embargo presentan síntomas de molestia ocular. El malabarista se percibe como un actor social que contribuye con el crecimiento de la ciudad sin importar que el común de la gente considere esta práctica no saludable. La campaña social diseñada logró sensibilizar a transeúntes y conductores.

Abstract Introduction: Juggling is an artistic practice that includes various historical, social, cultural and economic dynamics, and nowadays it conceives new approaches regarding the artist's health. Objective: To understand the state of visual health and the social perception of juggling in the city of Bogotá. Materials and methods: A mixed study combining qualitative methodology of phenomenological type a quantitative descriptive methodology in a group of 15 jugglers of the city of Bogota, who worked at the traffic lights in the localities of Teusaquillo, Suba and Engativá, through three stages: planning; field work which includes field diary, interview and visual and ocular screening tests; and advertising campaign. Results: 100% of the participants referred to eye reddening and feeling of grit that is associated with the working hours, manipulation tools and exposure to the work environment. There are normally in the perception of depth (20" of arc) and the perception of color in the totality of participants. Conclusions: Visual and ocular health is not very important for the participating jugglers; however, they have symptoms of ocular discomfort. The juggler is perceived as a social actor that contributes to the growth of the city no matter that the common people consider this practice as unhealthy. The designed social campaign managed to sensitize pedestrians and drivers.

Humans , Eye Health , Informal Sector , Psychomotor Performance , Social Perception , Visual Perception
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166877


Background: From 1993, civil servants in Cameroon were subjected to a new working schedule, according to which, work starts every working day from 7.30am to 3.30pm with a short lunch break from 12 noon to 1.00pm. However, this new regulation was not accompanied by effective measures such as the creation of formal eating houses or canteens to ensure the provision of services that could satisfy the food needs of workers. Consequently, there has been a development and concentration of informal food vendors around public offices. While street foods are an important source of ready-to-eat nutritious, low-cost meals for the urban poor, the health risk posed by such foods may outweigh their benefits. Objective: This study aims at assessing personal hygiene and health status of vendors involved in informal sales of food in Yaoundé. Methods: In this cross-sectional epidemiological design, 837 food vendors were investigated through medical examinations notably stools analysis for ova and cysts of parasites. Questionnaires were also administered to the vendors. The vendors were selected from within the three main places in the city where people congregate: schools, market places, and government ministries/office. Results: The personal hygiene of a majority of street-food vendors in Yaoundé (87, 1%) is of low and this is reflected on their health status because among the 837 food vendors enrolled in the study, 379 were found infected with one or more faeco-orally transmissible parasites, a 45% prevalence rate. Conclusion: There is the need to improve the personal hygiene of food vendors in Cameroon in order to reduce the prevalence of food-related diseases. This can be done through adequate sensitization programmes on personal and food hygiene and the development of food handling policies.

Cad. psicol. soc. trab ; 17(1): 33-47, jun. 2014. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-741004


Este ensaio discute as noções de trabalho informal, redes sociais e capital social na busca pela proposição de uma reflexão para o que se denomina de redes socioprodutivas, tendo como campo empírico as feiras do Centro de Fortaleza. Para marcar os aspectos da informalidade e as características das redes que sustentam esse tipo de atividade, foi realizada uma entrevista em profundidade com um produtor/feirante. Também se incluíram observações in loco e pesquisa bibliográfico-documental, que auxiliaram na contextualização histórica das feiras e na descrição da informalidade em Fortaleza, tendo como fontes matérias de jornais e dados dos órgãos oficiais do Governo. Nas considerações finais, mostra-se que o estudo das feiras, com suporte nesse ponto de vista, pode melhor esclarecer as vivências dos trabalhadores, produtores/feirantes, que vivem e sobrevivem da informalidade e discute-se o potencial desse enfoque para o entendimento das atividades que ocorrem nas feiras e das relações sociais e produtivas que ali se estabelecem, propondo a expressão "rede socioprodutiva" para instigar o debate que deve ser considerado em outros estudos...

This essay discusses the concepts of informal work, social networks and social capital, intending to propose a reflection to what is called socio-productive networks, having the downtown street markets of Fortaleza as empirical field. To check the informality aspects and the characteristics of the networks that sustain this type of activity, an in-depth interview with a manufacturer/seller was held. Field observations and a bibliographic-documentary research were also included, which allowed a historic contextualization of this kind of market and a description of informality in Fortaleza, having newspaper materials and data from official Government institutions as sources. In the final considerations, we show that the study of the street markets, based on this point of view, can better clarify the experience of the workers, producers/salespeople, who live and survive from informality. We discuss the potential of this approach to the understanding of the activities that occur in the market and the social and productive relations that are established, proposing the expression "socio-productive network" to instigate a debate that should be considered in other studies...

Commerce , Social Networking , Working Conditions , Working Conditions