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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 40: 43118-43118, 20180000. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460798


Shade plants of ombrophilous forests are subjected to light-limiting conditions and need toinvest in architectural structures associated with leaf symmetry to increase light capture. This study investigated the leaf architecture of six Araucaria forest tree species with distinct symmetry: Cupania vernalis, Casearia sylvestris, Schinus terebinthifolius, Piper gaudichaudianum, Roupala brasiliensis and Cedrela fissilis. We hypothesized that symmetry, associated with other traits, minimizes self-shading. Asymmetry index, petiole length, total leaf area, leaf angle, internode length and stem diameter were measured. The asymmetry index did not indicate a clear distinction between asymmetric and symmetric leaves. Leaves classified as asymmetric had higher values for the asymmetry index in the median and basal regions of the leaf, while symmetrical leaves had higher values in the apical region. The results also indicated an adjustment among structural leaf traits that facilitated a three-dimensional organization that produced an advantageous arrangement for light capture, which seems to be a response to selective pressure by the heterogeneous light conditions of the ombrophilous forest understory.

Nas florestas ombrófilas, as plantas de sombra estão sujeitas a condições limitantes de luz enecessitam investir em atributos estruturais associados à simetria foliar para maximizar a captura da luz. Esse estudo investigou a arquitetura foliar de seis espécies arbóreas (Cupania vernalis, Casearia sylvestris, Schinus terebinthifolius, Piper gaudichaudianum, Roupala brasiliensis e Cedrela fissilis) da Floresta com Araucária. Nossa hipótese é que a simetria foliar, associada a outros atributos foliares, minimiza o autosombreamento. Foram mensurados o índice de assimetria, o comprimento do pecíolo, a área foliar total, ângulo foliar, o comprimento do internó e o diâmetro do caule. O índice de assimetria não indicou uma distinção clara entre folhas assimétricas e simétricas. Folhas classificadas como assimétricas apresentaram maior índice na região mediana e basal da folha, enquanto as folhas simétricas apresentaram maior índice na região apical. Os resultados também indicaram um ajuste entre os atributos estruturais que permitiram um arranjo tridimensional das folhas vantajoso para a captura de luz, o que parece ser uma resposta à pressão seletiva pelas condições heterogêneas de luz do sub-bosque de floresta ombrófila.

Cell Nucleus Shape , Taiga , Trees/anatomy & histology , Trees/cytology , Trees/chemistry
Acta biol. colomb ; 21(1): 51-62, Jan.-Apr. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-769032


Restinga formations grow on sandy spits of coastal plains, an environment whose conditions limit the growth and development of vegetal species. Studies on restinga gradients are good examples of how plants acclimate to restrictive environments. This work compares three woody species co-occurring in four vegetations of a restinga from Southern Brazil. It pinpoints morpho-anatomical attributes that favor the survival of species faced with spatial variability of soil and light conditions. Results indicate that they respond differently to environmental variables on different scales. The plastic response of morphological attributes is more marked than that of anatomical ones. Varronia curassavica and Dodonaea viscosa showed more xeromorphic features on the more stressful restinga formations while Symphyopappus casarettoi varied between xerophyte to mesophyte forms along the gradient. Individual height, fresh and dry leaf masses, leaf area, specific leaf mass and area, leaf density, and water content are particularly noteworthy. These responses are strategies allowing the studied species to survive in restinga environment with highly variable soil nutrient, water availability, and light conditions. The environmental conditions are important features that modulate de plant morphology along the gradient.

Restinga (o cordón litoral) es una formación que se desarrolla en cordones arenosos de planícies litorales. Este ambiente presenta condiciones limitantes al crecimiento y desarrollo de las especies vegetales. Estudios en gradientes de restinga son buenos ejemplos de como las plantas se aclimatan a las condiciones ambientales restrictivas. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo comparar tres especies leñosas co-ocurrentes en cuatro fisonomías de una restinga del sur de Brasil, buscando conocer los atributos morfo-anatómicos que favorecen la sobrevivencia de estas especies frente a la heterogeneidad espacial de las condiciones de suelo y luz. Los resultados indican que las variables ambientales fueron percibidas en diferentes escalas por las especies. Varronia curassavica y Dodonaea viscosa mostraron características más xeromórficas en las formaciones de restinga más estressantes, mientras que Symphyopappus casarettoi varió entre formas xerofíticas a mesofíticas a lo largo del gradiente. Atributos morfológicos presentaron respuesta plástica mas acentuada que los anatómicos, destácandose la altura de los individuos, las masas foliares frescas y secas, el área foliar, el área y la masa específica foliar, la densidad foliar y el contenido de agua. Tales características representan estrategias que permiten a las especies estudiadas sobrevivir en ambientes de restinga con elevada variación en la disponibilidad de nutrientes, agua del suelo y condiciones de luminosidad. Las condiciones ambientales son características importantes que modulan la morfología de la planta de lo largo del gradiente.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 57(4): 476-485, Jul-Aug/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-712943


This study compared the morphological and anatomical variations of the leaves of four shade-tolerant tree species Allophylus edulis (St.-Hil.) Radlk (Sapindaceae), Casearia sylvestris Sw. (Salicaceae), Cupania vernalis Cambess. (Sapindaceae) and Luehea divaricata Mart. (Malvaceae) from a fragment of Araucaria forest in two developmental stages. Morphological and anatomical traits, such as leaf and tissue thickness, leaf area, leaf dry mass, specific leaf area, leaf density and stomata density were measured from 30 leaves of each developmental stage. The phenotypic plasticity index was also calculated for each quantitative trait. The results showed that the four species presented higher mean values ​​for specific leaf area and spongy/palisade parenchyma ratio at young stage, and higher mean values ​​for stomata density, total and palisade parenchyma thickness in the adult stage. The plasticity index demonstrated that L. divricata presented highest plasticity for both the morphological and anatomical traits while A. edulis displayed the lowest plasticity index. The results of this study indicated that the leaves of these species exhibited distinct morphological traits at each stage of development to cope with acting environmental factors.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 23(2): 217-223, Mar.-Apr. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-669506


Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. Br. ex Britton & P. Wilson, Verbenaceae, is widely used in traditional Brazilian medicine for the treatment of abdominal distress. The species exhibits considerable chemical and morphological diversity, and various chemotypes have been characterized. A comparative study of L. alba, has been carried out of the morphoanatomical characteristics of the leaves and the profiles of the essential oils of the morphotypes cidreira and melissa grown in the Medicinal Plant Garden of the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil. The mean plant height of cidreira was 1.80 m and the stems and branches were fairly erect, while melissa plants were smaller (1.60 m) and presented prostrate stems and branches. Although the leaf of the morphotypes look were similar, the mean values of length, width and area of the leaves of cidreira (respectively, 7.42 cm, 3.32 cm and 17.31 cm²) differed significantly from those of melissa (4.68 cm, 2.35 cm and 7.32 cm2). The morphotypes presented amphistomatic leaves with uniseriate epidermis on both surfaces. The mesophyll was dorsiventral, but in cidreira the palisade parenchyma was biseriate while in melissa it was uniseriate. Simple tector and capitate glandular trichomes were present on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the leaf blades of both morphotypes. Six distinct types of glandular trichomes could be distinguished: types I and II were present in both morphotypes, while type III was detected only in cidreira, and types IV to VI were present only in melissa. The two morphotypes also differed with respect to the composition of the essential oil, cidreira produced oil composed mainly of citral, while the oil from melissa was rich in citral, limonene and carvone.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-440214


VFP Database Management System was applied in the establishment of the first Chinese Medicine Leaf Morphological-venation Pattern (LMVP) Identification Database Management. It stores 46 species of Chinese medicine confusing LMVP identification criteria (characteristics) and its 10 kinds of basic information, as well as 117 families with a total of 358 species of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and plant references document when study-ing in the TCM identification and methodology. It can provide query identification criteria (features), literature, and data for statistical analysis. It is the technology platform for the implementation, promotion and improvement of LMVP identification method, and further development on LMVP data mining. This database has a simple structure, multiple functions and applications, convenient management and maintenance, which are suitable for teaching.

Rev. biol. trop ; 60(1): 495-504, Mar. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-657796


Species of Smilax, also known as greenbrier, are widely distributed in Brazil and their commercial trades are carried out by the extractivism of native species. We the aim to provide information about the germination and development of seedlings in four Smilax species, different experiments were developed under controlled conditions. We evaluated two germination treatments: temperature (30ºC and 20-30ºC) and light (presence/ absence), and for few cases the tetrazolium treatment was applied. A different treatment response was observed among the studied species. Light had a significant influence in S. brasiliensis, with the highest germination rates at 20-30ºC in dark conditions. S. campestris showed significant differences among temperature treatments, but not to light; while S. cissoides showed high germination rates (66-78%), independently of treatment. However, S. polyantha had low germination rates (19-24%). After one year, the expanded leaves showed different characteristics among the studied species. Leaves of S. brasiliensis were ovate, coriaceous, three main veins and prickle-like structures only on the midrib on abaxial face. S. campestris leaves were oblong, coriaceous and prickle-like structures were located at the leaf midrib and margin. S. cissoides had ovate-elliptic, membranaceous leaves, with three main veins with prickle-like structures on the abaxial face. S. polyantha leaves showed ovateelliptic, coriaceous leaves, with three main veins, translucent secondary veins and no prickle-like structures. A seedling identification key was elaborated based on morphological characteristics.

Germination/physiology , Seedlings/growth & development , Smilax/growth & development , Light , Seedlings/anatomy & histology , Smilax/anatomy & histology , Smilax/classification , Temperature
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 21(3): 373-381, maio-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-593281


Eugenia rotundifolia Casar., Myrtaceae, occurs in the sandy coastal environments of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo States. To the best of our knowledge, E. rotundifolia was not included in ethnobotanical and nor in pharmacological research, but its leaves are sold in a public market of Rio de Janeiro City as "abajurú", the common name for Chrysobalanus icaco L., Chrysobalanaceae. C. icaco, in contrast, has been studied and its medicinal effects reported. Since E. rotundifolia is often sold in the public market as "abajurú," this paper describes and compares the leaf anatomy and morphology of E. rotundifolia with C. icaco, previously described in the literature, in order to provide tools for the authentication of commercialized "abajurú." Phyllotaxy; texture; color; margin; midrib prominence; stomata type; type and shape of midrib and petiole vascular bundle; the presence of marginal vein, secretory cavities, which are seen as translucent dots, and overlying cells only in E. rotundifolia; and the presence of trichomes, periclinal divisions in adaxial face epidermis, hypodermis and vascular bundle extensions only in C. icaco were found to be the most distinguishable diagnostic characters.

Rev. bras. plantas med ; 13(1): 43-51, 2011. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-582761


Folhas de Myrcia multiflora (Lam.) DC. são usadas na medicina popular como hipoglicemiantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar morfológica e anatomicamente as folhas desta planta, de modo que os dados obtidos possam ser utilizados como referência em exames de controle de qualidade de amostras de fármacos, com vistas a verificar a autenticidade. Folhas inteiras foram diafanizadas e coradas para o estudo da nervação. Secções transversais do pecíolo e transversais e paradérmicas da lâmina foliar foram analisadas em microscópio óptico (MO) e a superfície do limbo foi observada, também, em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Foram aplicados testes histoquímicos em material fresco, para identificação e localização de glicídios, amido, taninos, lignina, cristais e sílica. Morfologicamente, a folha é simples, oval-elíptica, com margem inteira, base aguda, ápice acuminado e textura cartácea. A venação é do tipo camptódromo-broquidódromo. Anatomicamente, a folha é hipostomática, com mesofilo compacto e dorsiventral, com três estratos de parênquima paliçádico. A epiderme é uniestratificada, silicificada em algumas regiões e as células exibem paredes anticlinais retas. Em posição subepidérmica ocorrem numerosas cavidades secretoras de óleos essenciais. Os feixes vasculares são colaterais e acompanhados por séries cristalíferas. Os dados obtidos são comparados com os de outras espécies de Myrtaceae e conclui-se que as características morfológicas e anatômicas de M. multiflora contribuem para a diagnose.

Myrcia multiflora (Lam.) DC. leaves have been used in folk medicine as hypoglycemic. The aim of this work is to describe morphoanatomically the leaves of this plant in order to use the obtained data as reference in quality control tests of drug samples, investigating their authenticity. Whole leaves were diaphanized and stained for venation study. Petiole transverse sections and leaf blade transverse and paradermal sections were analyzed under an optical microscope (OM). Leaf surface was also observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Histochemical tests were done using fresh material to identify and locate carbohydrates, starch, tannins, lignin, crystals and silica. Morphologically, the leaf is simple, oval-elliptical, with entire margin, acute base, acuminate apex and chartaceous texture. The venation pattern is camptodromous-brochidodromous. Anatomically, the leaf is hipostomatic, with compact and dorsiventral mesophyll, containing three layers of palisade parenchyma. The epidermis is uniseriate, silicified in some regions and presents cells with straight anticlinal walls. In the subepidermal position, there are several essential oil secretory cavities. Vascular bundles are collateral and surrounded by crystalliferous series. The obtained data were compared to those of other Myrtaceae species , leading to the conclusion that, the morphoanatomical traits of M. multiflora contribute to its diagnosis.

Plant Leaves/anatomy & histology , Myrtaceae , Plants, Medicinal/anatomy & histology , Plants, Medicinal/physiology
Acta amaz ; 30(1)2000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1454734


The anatomy and morphology of the leaves of Myrcia multiflora (Lam.) DC, Myrcia guianensis (Aubl) Urb. and of Eugenia punicifolia (H. B. K.) DC. are described. Although these species show the universal characteristics of the Myrtaceae, they also present some peculiarities that allow their identification and the recognition of fraud, intentional or not. The main characteristic histological elements of these species are: ornamentation of the cuticle, stomata types, outline of epidermal cells in surface view and types and comparative abundance of inorganic cellular inclusions.

As folhas de Myrcia multiflora (Lam.) DC, Myrcia guianensis (Aubl.) Urb. e Eugenia punicifolia (H. B. K.) DC. são anatômica c morfologicamentc descritas. As espécies revelaram diversos elementos histológicos universais para a família, bem como peculiares das mesmas e importantes para orientar a diagnose desses vegetais e para o reconhecimento de fraudes, que ocorrem através de substituições intencionais ou não. Entre os elementos histológicos característicos, destacam-se: ornamentações de cutícula foliar, tipos de estômatos, tipos de contornos celulares das células epidérmicas em vista facial, tipo e abundância relativa de inclusões celulares inorgânicas.