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Psicol. rev ; 20(2): 167-181, 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-707491


O estudo da realidade social pode apresentar obstáculos para aqueles estudiosos das Ciências Sociais que continuam pensando-a desde uma epistemologia positivista, dado que a coisificação dos indivíduos escurece o mundo intersubjetivo e a construção subjetiva da existência humana. Este artigo propõe um enfoque epistemológico desde a fenomenologia existencial de Heidegger cujo valor interpretativo e metodológico permite desvelar o horizonte de sentido e a rede de significados que os indivíduos estabelecem na cotidianidade. Só assim, podemos compreender como o indivíduo vive e sente, sem cometer o erro epistemológico de obviar o mundo de vida onde habita. A cotidianidade é o acesso para compreender a realidade social desvelada em práticas e ações concretas que os indivíduos realizam numa época e geografia específica.

The study of social reality might present obstacles for those who study social sciences from a positive epistemological point of view; considering the reification of the individuals darkens the intersubjective world and the subjective building of human existence. This article proposes an epistemological approach from Heidegger’s existential phenomenology whose methodological and interpretive value unveils the horizon of sense and the network of meanings which individuals establish daily. This is the only way we can understand how the individual lives and feels without making the epistemological mistake to obviate the living world he inhabits. Everyday life is the access to understand the social reality revealed in concrete practices and actions which individuals undertake in a specific epoch and geography.

Comprehension , Existentialism , Humans/psychology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-531318


Based on the construction and its rational theories of Habermas's living-world,this paper analyzes the characteristics of plague and adjusts them according to Chinese social framework and realistic conditions during plagues.The social rescuing system and its sociological rational evolution style are also analyzed based on the functional framework of government,social culture and individuals.Individual's life style and behaviors have both been adjusted due to high pressures of plagues and government's standardization and interferences to the plagues.But seen in the long run,rational evolution of individual's life style depends on the accumulation of time,civilization,and the recognition of medical ethics among general public.