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Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 239-243, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-620694


Objective T o analyse the genetic polym orphism s of 66 biallelic genetic m arkers on Y chro-m osom e in E astern C hinese H an population, and evaluate their values in forensic application. Methods G enotyping of 66 biallelic genetic m arkers on Y chrom osom e w as studied in 205 unrelated m ales of E astern C hinese H an population by m ultiplex PC R com bined m atrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization tim e-of-flight m ass spectrom etry (M A L D I-T O F-M S ). T he allele frequencies on the loci to be tested w ere calculated by direct counting m ethod, and the gene diversity (G D ) and haplotype diversity (H D ) w ere calculated by corresponding form ulas. T he haplotypes of this system w ere tested by softw are A rlequin v3.5.2.2 and the com parison of population genetics w ere analyzed. Results A total of 60 biallelic genetic m arkers on Y chrom osom e w ere polym orphic in m ales of E astern C hinese H an population, and the ranges of G D w ere from 0.0385 to 0.5019. E ighty-five different haplotypes w ere observed and the H D w as 0.9703. T he differences of partial SN P loci betw een the H an population of E astern C hina and that of X injiang and G uangdong w ere statistically significance. Conclusion Sixty biallelic genetic m arkers and the detection system can com plem entally provide genetic inform ation in kinship testing and individual identification. T he M A L D I-T O F-M S technology is able to type biallelic genetic m arkers.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 126-130, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-498832


Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization tim e-of-flight im aging m ass spectrom etry (MALDI-TOF-IMS ) has been a classical technique for studying proteom ics in present and a tool for analyzing the distribution of proteins and sm all m olecules w ithin biological tissue sections. MALDI-TOF-IMS can analyze m ultiple unknow n com pounds in biological tissue sections sim ultaneously through a single m ea-surem ent w hich can obtain m olecule im aging of the tissue w hile m aintaining the integrity of cellular and m olecules in tissue. In recent years, im aging m ass spectrom etry technique develops relatively quickly in all biom edical dom ain. T his paper based on the relevant data and review s the present developing level of MALDI-TOF-IMS, the principle of im aging m ass spectrom etry, m ethology and the prospect in foren-sic pathology.