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Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 970-976, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569272


SUMMARY: Since machine learning algorithms give more reliable results, they have been used in the field of health in recent years. The orbital variables give very successful results in classifying sex correctly. This research has focused on sex determination using certain variables obtained from the orbital images of the computerized tomography (CT) by using machine learning algorithms (ML). In this study 12 variables determined on 600 orbital images of 300 individuals (150 men and 150 women) were tested with different ML. Decision tree (DT), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and Naive Bayes (NB) algorithms of ML were used for unsupervised learning. Statistical analyses of the variables were conducted with Minitab® 21.2 (64-bit) program. ACC rate of NB, DT, KNN, and LR algorithms was found as % 83 while the ACC rate of LDA and RFC algorithms was determined as % 85. According to Shap analysis, the variable with the highest degree of effect was found as BOW. The study has determined the sex with high accuracy at the ratios of 0.83 and 0.85 through using the variables of the orbital CT images, and the related morphometric data of the population under question was acquired, emphasizing the racial variation.

Dado que los algoritmos de aprendizaje automático dan resultados más fiables, en los últimos años han sido utilizados en el campo de la salud. Las variables orbitales dan resultados muy exitosos a la hora de clasificar correctamente el sexo. Esta investigación se ha centrado en la determinación del sexo utilizando determinadas variables obtenidas a partir de las imágenes orbitales de la tomografía computarizada (TC) mediante el uso de algoritmos de aprendizaje automático (AA). En este estudio se probaron 12 variables determinadas en 600 imágenes orbitales de 300 individuos (150 hombres y 150 mujeres) con diferentes AA. Se utilizaron algoritmos de AA de árbol de decisión (DT), K-Nearest Neighbour, regresión logística (RL), Random Forest (RF), análisis discriminante lineal (ADL) y Naive Bayes (NB) para el aprendizaje no supervisado. Los análisis estadísticos de las variables se realizaron con el programa Minitab® 21.2 (64 bits). La tasa de ACC de los algoritmos NB, DT, KNN y RL se encontró en % 83, mientras que la tasa de ACC de los algoritmos ADL y RFC se determinó en % 85. Según el análisis de Sharp, la variable con el mayor grado de efecto se encontró como BOW. El estudio determinó el sexo con alta precisión en las proporciones de 0,83 y 0,85 mediante el uso de las variables de las imágenes de TC orbitales, y se adquirieron los datos morfométricos relacionados de la población en cuestión, enfatizando la variación racial.

Humans , Male , Female , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Sex Determination by Skeleton , Machine Learning , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Algorithms , Logistic Models , Forensic Anthropology , Imaging, Three-Dimensional
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(supl.1): 57-64, mayo 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558485


Resumen Introducción : El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo, y sus procedimien tos tradicionales de evaluación encuentran ciertas li mitaciones. El actual campo de investigación sobre TEA está explorando y respaldando métodos innovadores para evaluar el trastorno tempranamente, basándose en la detección automática de biomarcadores. Sin embargo, muchos de estos procedimientos carecen de validez ecológica en sus mediciones. En este contexto, la reali dad virtual (RV) presenta un prometedor potencial para registrar objetivamente bioseñales mientras los usuarios experimentan situaciones ecológicas. Métodos : Este estudio describe un novedoso y lúdi co procedimiento de RV para la evaluación temprana del TEA, basado en la grabación multimodal de bio señales. Durante una experiencia de RV con 12 esce nas virtuales, se midieron la mirada, las habilidades motoras, la actividad electrodermal y el rendimiento conductual en 39 niños con TEA y 42 compañeros de control. Se desarrollaron modelos de aprendizaje automático para identificar biomarcadores digitales y clasificar el autismo. Resultados : Las bioseñales reportaron un rendimien to variado en la detección del TEA, mientras que el modelo resultante de la combinación de los modelos de las bioseñales demostró la capacidad de identificar el TEA con una precisión del 83% (DE = 3%) y un AUC de 0.91 (DE = 0.04). Discusión : Esta herramienta de detección pue de respaldar el diagnóstico del TEA al reforzar los resultados de los procedimientos tradicionales de evaluación.

Abstract Introduction : Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition which traditional as sessment procedures encounter certain limitations. The current ASD research field is exploring and endorsing innovative methods to assess the disorder early on, based on the automatic detection of biomarkers. How ever, many of these procedures lack ecological validity in their measurements. In this context, virtual reality (VR) shows promise for objectively recording biosignals while users experience ecological situations. Methods : This study outlines a novel and playful VR procedure for the early assessment of ASD, relying on multimodal biosignal recording. During a VR experience featuring 12 virtual scenes, eye gaze, motor skills, elec trodermal activity and behavioural performance were measured in 39 children with ASD and 42 control peers. Machine learning models were developed to identify digital biomarkers and classify autism. Results : Biosignals reported varied performance in detecting ASD, while the combined model resulting from the combination of specific-biosignal models demon strated the ability to identify ASD with an accuracy of 83% (SD = 3%) and an AUC of 0.91 (SD = 0.04). Discussion : This screening tool may support ASD diagnosis by reinforcing the outcomes of traditional assessment procedures.

Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 45(1): 31-42, Jan.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570001


Abstract The objective of this research is to present a comparative analysis using various lengths of time windows (TW) during emotion recognition, employing machine learning techniques and the portable wireless sensing device EPOC+. In this study, entropy will be utilized as a feature to evaluate the performance of different classifier models across various TW lengths, based on a dataset of EEG signals extracted from individuals during emotional stimulation. Two types of analyses were conducted: between-subjects and within-subjects. Performance measures such as accuracy, area under the curve, and Cohen's Kappa coefficient were compared among five supervised classifier models: K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), and Decision Trees (DT). The results indicate that, in both analyses, all five models exhibit higher performance in TW ranging from 2 to 15 seconds, with the 10 seconds TW particularly standing out for between-subjects analysis and the 5-second TW for within-subjects; furthermore, TW exceeding 20 seconds are not recommended. These findings provide valuable guidance for selecting TW in EEG signal analysis when studying emotions.

Resumen El objetivo de esta investigación es presentar un análisis comparativo empleando diversas longitudes de ventanas de tiempo (VT) durante el reconocimiento de emociones, utilizando técnicas de aprendizaje automático y el dispositivo de sensado inalámbrico portátil EPOC+. En este estudio, se utilizará la entropía como característica para evaluar el rendimiento de diferentes modelos clasificadores en diferentes longitudes de VT, basándose en un conjunto de datos de señales EEG extraídas de individuos durante la estimulación de emociones. Se llevaron a cabo dos tipos de análisis: entre sujetos e intra-sujetos. Se compararon las medidas de rendimiento, tales como la exactitud, el área bajo la curva y el coeficiente de Cohen's Kappa, de cinco modelos clasificadores supervisados: K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF) y Decision Trees (DT). Los resultados indican que, en ambos análisis, los cinco modelos presentan un mayor rendimiento en VT de 2 a 15 segundos, destacándose especialmente la VT de 10 segundos para el análisis entre los sujetos y 5 segundos intrasujetos; además, no se recomienda utilizar VT superiores a 20 segundos. Estos hallazgos ofrecen una orientación valiosa para la elección de las VT en el análisis de señales EEG al estudiar las emociones.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 92(1): 5-14, mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559227


RESUMEN Introducción: El número creciente de estudios ecocardiográficos y la necesidad de cumplir rigurosamente con las recomendaciones de guías internacionales de cuantificación, ha llevado a que los cardiólogos deban realizar tareas sumamente extensas y repetitivas, como parte de la interpretación y análisis de cantidades de información cada vez más abrumadoras. Novedosas técnicas de machine learning (ML), diseñadas para reconocer imágenes y realizar mediciones en las vistas adecuadas, están siendo cada vez más utilizadas para responder a esta necesidad evidente de automatización de procesos. Objetivos: Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar un modelo alternativo de interpretación y análisis de estudios ecocardiográficos, basado fundamentalmente en la utilización de software de ML, capaz de identificar y clasificar vistas y realizar mediciones estandarizadas de forma automática. Material y métodos: Se utilizaron imágenes obtenidas en 2000 sujetos normales, libres de enfermedad, de los cuales 1800 fueron utilizados para desarrollar los algoritmos de ML y 200 para su validación posterior. Primero, una red neuronal convolucional fue desarrollada para reconocer 18 vistas ecocardiográficas estándar y clasificarlas de acuerdo con 8 grupos (stacks) temáticos. Los resultados de la identificación automática fueron comparados con la clasificación realizada por expertos. Luego, algoritmos de ML fueron desarrollados para medir automáticamente 16 parámetros de eco Doppler de evaluación clínica habitual, los cuales fueron comparados con las mediciones realizadas por un lector experto. Finalmente, comparamos el tiempo necesario para completar el análisis de un estudio ecocardiográfico con la utilización de métodos manuales convencionales, con el tiempo necesario con el empleo del modelo que incorpora ML en la clasificación de imágenes y mediciones ecocardiográficas iniciales. La variabilidad inter e intraobservador también fue analizada. Resultados: La clasificación automática de vistas fue posible en menos de 1 segundo por estudio, con una precisión de 90 % en imágenes 2D y de 94 % en imágenes Doppler. La agrupación de imágenes en stacks tuvo una precisión de 91 %, y fue posible completar dichos grupos con las imágenes necesarias en 99% de los casos. La concordancia con expertos fue excelente, con diferencias similares a las observadas entre dos lectores humanos. La incorporación de ML en la clasificación y medición de imágenes ecocardiográficas redujo un 41 % el tiempo de análisis y demostró menor variabilidad que la metodología de interpretación convencional. Conclusión: La incorporación de técnicas de ML puede mejorar significativamente la reproducibilidad y eficiencia de las interpretaciones y mediciones ecocardiográficas. La implementación de este tipo de tecnologías en la práctica clínica podría resultar en reducción de costos y aumento en la satisfacción del personal médico.

ABSTRACT Background: The growing number of echocardiographic tests and the need for strict adherence to international quantification guidelines have forced cardiologists to perform highly extended and repetitive tasks when interpreting and analyzing increasingly overwhelming amounts of data. Novel machine learning (ML) techniques, designed to identify images and perform measurements at relevant visits, are becoming more common to meet this obvious need for process automation. Objectives: Our objective was to evaluate an alternative model for the interpretation and analysis of echocardiographic tests mostly based on the use of ML software in order to identify and classify views and perform standardized measurements automatically. Methods: Images came from 2000 healthy subjects, 1800 of whom were used to develop ML algorithms and 200 for subsequent validation. First, a convolutional neural network was developed in order to identify 18 standard echocardiographic views and classify them based on 8 thematic groups (stacks). The results of automatic identification were compared to classification by experts. Later, ML algorithms were developed to automatically measure 16 Doppler scan parameters for regular clinical evaluation, which were compared to measurements by an expert reader. Finally, we compared the time required to complete the analysis of an echocardiographic test using conventional manual methods with the time needed when using the ML model to classify images and perform initial echocardiographic measurements. Inter- and intra-observer variability was also analyzed. Results: Automatic view classification was possible in less than 1 second per test, with a 90% accuracy for 2D images and a 94% accuracy for Doppler scan images. Stacking images had a 91% accuracy, and it was possible to complete the groups with any necessary images in 99% of cases. Expert agreement was outstanding, with discrepancies similar to those found between two human readers. Applying ML to echocardiographic imaging classification and measurement reduced time of analysis by 41% and showed lower variability than conventional reading methods. Conclusion: Application of ML techniques may significantly improve reproducibility and efficiency of echocardiographic interpretations and measurements. Using this type of technologies in clinical practice may lead to reduced costs and increased medical staff satisfaction.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 92(1): 55-63, mar. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559233


RESUMEN La inteligencia artificial (IA) está basada en programas computacionales que pueden imitar el pensamiento humano y automatizar algunos procesos. En el ámbito médico se está estudiando hace más de 50 años, pero en los últimos años el crecimiento ha sido exponencial. El campo de las imágenes cardiovasculares es particularmente atractivo para aplicarla, dado que, guiadas por IA, personas no expertas pueden adquirir imágenes completas, automatizar procesos y mediciones, orientar diagnósticos, detectar hallazgos no visibles al ojo humano, realizar diagnósticos oportunistas de afecciones no buscadas en el estudio índice pero evaluables a través de las imágenes disponibles, o identificar patrones de asociación dentro de una gran cantidad de datos como fuente de generación de hipótesis. En el campo de la prevención cardiovascular, la IA se ha aplicado en diferentes escenarios con fines diagnósticos, pronósticos y terapéuticos en el manejo de algunos factores de riesgo cardiovascular, como las dislipidemias o la hipertensión arterial. Si bien existen limitaciones con el uso de la IA tales como el costo, la accesibilidad y la compatibilidad de los programas, la validez externa de los resultados en determinadas poblaciones, o algunos aspectos éticos-legales (privacidad de los datos), esta tecnología está en crecimiento vertiginoso y posiblemente revolucione la práctica médica actual.

ABSTRACT Artificial intelligence (AI) is based on computer programs that imitate human thinking and automate certain processes. Artificial intelligence has been studied in the medical field for over 50 years, but in recent years, its growth has been exponential. The field of cardiovascular imaging is particularly attractive since AI can guide non-experts in image acquisition, automate processes and measurements, guide diagnoses, detect findings not visible to the human eye, make opportunistic diagnoses of unexpected conditions in the index test, or identify patterns of association within a large amount of data as a source of hypothesis generation. In the field of cardiovascular prevention, AI has been used for diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic purposes in managing cardiovascular risk factors such as dyslipidemia and hypertension. While there are limitations to the use of AI, such as cost, accessibility, compatibility of programs, external validity of results in certain populations, and ethical-legal aspects such as data privacy, this technology is rapidly growing and is likely to revolutionize current medical practice.

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 52(1)mar. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535712


The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by "surprise" due to the lack of regulation over this technological innovation which, while promising application opportunities in different fields of knowledge, including education, simultaneously generates concern, rejection and even fear. In the field of Health Sciences Education, clinical simulation has transformed educational practice; however, its formal insertion is still heterogeneous, and we are now facing a new technological revolution where AI has the potential to transform the way we conceive its application.

El rápido avance de la inteligencia artificial (IA) ha tomado al mundo por "sorpresa" debido a la falta de regulación sobre esta innovación tecnológica, que si bien promete oportunidades de aplicación en diferentes campos del conocimiento, incluido el educativo, también genera preocupación e incluso miedo y rechazo. En el campo de la Educación en Ciencias de la Salud la Simulación Clínica ha transformado la práctica educativa; sin embargo, aún es heterogénea su inserción formal, y ahora nos enfrentamos a una nueva revolución tecnológica, en la que las IA tienen el potencial de transformar la manera en que concebimos su aplicación.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006505


@#Objective     To construct a radiomics model for identifying clinical high-risk carotid plaques. Methods     A retrospective analysis was conducted on patients with carotid artery stenosis in China-Japan Friendship Hospital from December 2016 to June 2022. The patients were classified as a clinical high-risk carotid plaque group and a clinical low-risk carotid plaque group according to the occurrence of stroke, transient ischemic attack and other cerebrovascular clinical symptoms within six months. Six machine learning models including eXtreme Gradient Boosting, support vector machine, Gaussian Naive Bayesian, logical regression, K-nearest neighbors and artificial neural network were established. We also constructed a joint predictive model combined with logistic regression analysis of clinical risk factors. Results    Finally 652 patients were collected, including 427 males and 225 females, with an average age of 68.2 years. The results showed that the prediction ability of eXtreme Gradient Boosting was the best among the six machine learning models, and the area under the curve (AUC) in validation dataset was 0.751. At the same time, the AUC of eXtreme Gradient Boosting joint prediction model established by clinical data and carotid artery imaging data validation dataset was 0.823. Conclusion     Radiomics features combined with clinical feature model can effectively identify clinical high-risk carotid plaques.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006526


@#Lung adenocarcinoma is a prevalent histological subtype of non-small cell lung cancer with different morphologic and molecular features that are critical for prognosis and treatment planning. In recent years, with the development of artificial intelligence technology, its application in the study of pathological subtypes and gene expression of lung adenocarcinoma has gained widespread attention. This paper reviews the research progress of machine learning and deep learning in pathological subtypes classification and gene expression analysis of lung adenocarcinoma, and some problems and challenges at the present stage are summarized and the future directions of artificial intelligence in lung adenocarcinoma research are foreseen.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 463-468, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016913


With persistent breakthrough and maturity of surgical procedures and postoperative immunosuppressive therapy, the survival rate of liver transplant recipients and grafts has been significantly increased. The shortage of donor liver has become the main obstacle for clinical development of liver transplantation. How to expand the source of donor liver has become an urgent issue. Groundbreaking progresses have been made in the use of common marginal donor livers in clinical liver transplantation, such as elderly donor liver, steatosis donor liver, viral hepatitis donor liver and liver from donation after cardiac death. Nevertheless, multiple restrictions still exist regarding the use of marginal donor liver. Consequently, the definition of marginal donor liver and research progress in the application of common marginal donor livers were reviewed, and the opportunities and challenges of mariginal donoor liver were illustrated, aiming to provide reference for expanding the donor pool for clinical liver transplantation and bringing benefits to more patients with end-stage liver disease.

Journal of Army Medical University ; (semimonthly): 738-745, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017586


Objective To construct risk prediction models of death or readmission in patients with acute heart failure(AHF)during the vulnerable phase based on machine learning algorithms and screen the optimal model.Methods A total of 651 AHF patients with admitted to Department of Cardiology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Army Medical University from October 2019 to July 2021 were included.The clinical data consisting of admission vital signs,comorbidities and laboratory results were collected from electronic medical records.The composite endpoint was defined as all-cause death or readmission for worsening heart failure within 3 months after discharge.The patients were divided into a training set(521 patients)and a test set(130 patients)in a ratio of 8:2 through the simple random sampling.Six machine learning models were developed,including logistic regression(LR),random forest(RF),decision tree(DT),light gradient boosting machine(LGBM),extreme gradient boosting(XGBoost)and neural networks(NN).Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve and decision curve analysis(DCA)were used to evaluate the predictive performance and clinical benefit of the models.Shapley additive explanation(SHAP)was used to explain and evaluate the effect of different clinical characteristics on the models.Results A total of 651 AHF patients were included,of whom 203 patients(31.2%)died or were readmitted during the vulnerable phase.ROC curve analysis showed that the AUC values of the LR,RF,DT,LGBM,XGBoost and NN model were 0.707,0.756,0.616,0.677,0.768 and 0.681,respectively.The XGBoost model had the highest AUC value.DCA showed that the XGBoost model exhibited greater clinical net benefit compared with other models,with the best predictive performance.SHAP algorithm analysis showed that the clinical features that had the greatest impact on the output of the model were serum uric acid,D-dimer,mean arterial pressure,B-type natriuretic peptide,left atrial diameter,body mass index,and New York Heart Association(NYHA)classification.Conclusion The XGBoost model has the best predictive performance in predicting the risk of death or readmission of AHF patients during the vulnerable phase.

Journal of Army Medical University ; (semimonthly): 753-759, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017588


Objective To establish an early prediction model for the diagnosis of severe acute pancreatitis based on the improved machine learning models,and to analyze its clinical value.Methods A case-control study was conducted on 352 patients with acute pancreatitis admitted to the Gastroenterology and Hepatobiliary Surgery Departments of the Army Medical Center of PLA and Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Department of No.945 Hospital of Joint Logistics Support Force of PLA from January 2014 to August 2023.According to the severity of the disease,the patients were divided into the severe group(n=88)and the non-severe group(n=264).The RUSBoost model and improved Archimead optimization algorithm was used to analyze 39 routine laboratory biochemical indicators within 48 h after admission to construct an early diagnosis and prediction model for severe acute pancreatitis.The task of feature screening and hyperparameter optimization was completed simultaneously.The ReliefF algorithm feature importance rank and multivariate logistic analysis were used to analyze the value of the selected features.Results In the training set,the area under curve(AUC)of the improved machine learning model was 0.922.In the testing set,the AUC of the improved machine learning model reached 0.888.The 4 key features of predicting severe acute pancreatitis based on the improved Archimedes optimization algorithm were C-reactive protein,blood chlorine,blood magnesium and fibrinogen level,which were consistent with the results of ReliefF algorithm feature importance ranking and multivariate logistic analysis.Conclusion The application of improved machine learning model analyzing the laboratory examination results can help to early predict the occurrence of severe acute pancreatitis.

Journal of Army Medical University ; (semimonthly): 760-767, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017589


Objective To construct a machine learning prediction model for postoperative liver injury in patients with non-liver surgery based on preoperative and intraoperative medication indicators.Methods A case-control study was conducted on 315 patients with liver injury after non-liver surgery selected from the databases developed by 3 large general hospitals from January 2014 to September 2022.With the positive/negative ratio of 1 ∶3,928 cases in corresponding period with non-liver surgery and without liver injury were randomly matched as negative control cases.These 1243 patients were randomly divided into the modeling group(n=869)and the validation group(n=374)in a ratio of 7∶3 using the R language setting code.Preoperative clinical indicators(basic information,medical history,relevant scale score,surgical information and results of laboratory tests)and intraoperative medication were used to construct the prediction model for liver injury after non-liver surgery based on 4 machine learning algorithms,k-nearest neighbor(KNN),support vector machine linear(SVM),logic regression(LR)and extreme gradient boosting(XGBoost).In the validation group,receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve,precision-recall curve(P-R),decision curve analysis(DCA)curve,Kappa value,sensitivity,specificity,Brier score,and F1 score were applied to evaluate the efficacy of model.Results The model established by 4 machine learning algorithms to predict postoperative liver injury after non-liver surgery was optimal using the XGBoost algorithm.The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve(AUROC)was 0.916(95%CI:0.883~0.949),area under the precision-recall curve(AUPRC)was 0.841,Brier score was 0.097,and sensitivity and specificity was 78.95%and 87.10%,respectively.Conclusion The postoperative liver injury prediction model for non-liver surgery based on the XGBoost algorithm has effective prediction for the occurrence of postoperative liver injury.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017644


To address the throughput limitations of digital nucleic acid analysis,a tricolor combination-based droplet coding technique was developed to achieve multiplex digital nucleic acid analysis with flexible throughput expansibility.To improve the analysis efficiency,a machine learning-based method was further developed for automatic decoding of color-coded droplet array.The machine learning algorithm empowered the computer program to automatically extract the color-position-quantity information of the droplets.By correlating this color-position-quantity of droplets before and after nucleic acid amplification,the proportion of positive droplets for each target was rapidly determined.This droplet decoding strategy was applied to multiplex digital nucleic acid analysis.The experimental results demonstrated that this droplet decoding method was fast and accurate,with a decoding process completed within 2 min.Furthermore,the droplet identification accuracy exceeded 99%.Additionally,the obtained nucleic acid quantification results exhibited a good correlation(R2>0.99)with those reported by a commercial digital PCR instrument.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017795


Objective To explore the machine learning model and risk factor analysis for hospital infection caused by carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae(CRE).Methods The clinical data of totally 451 patients infected with extended-spectrum β-lactamases(ESBL)producing Enterobacteriaceae treated in the hospital from 2018 to 2022 were retrospectively collected.The patients were divided into CRE group(115 cases)and sensitive group(336 cases)according to the susceptibility of carbapenem.Four machine learning methods in-cluding Logistic regression analysis,random forest,support vector machine,and neural network were used to build prediction models and receiver operating characteristic curve was used to evaluate.Based on the predic-tion model with the best performance,risk factors for CRE infection were analyzed.Results Random forest model had the best performance,with the area under the curve of 0.952 3.The risk factors for predicting CRE infection by the random forest model included 15 clinical data items,namely fever for more than 3 days,cere-bral injury,drainage fluid sample,trunk surgery,first-level or special-level nursing,ICU treatment,procalcito-nin,anti-anaerobic bacteria,the use of third-generation cephalosporins,age,pre-albumin,creatinine,white blood cell count,and albumin.Conclusion The CRE prediction model developed in this study has good predic-tive value and the risk factors have guiding significance for the early prevention and treatment of CRE infec-tion in clinical practice.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018026


Artificial intelligence has been a huge success and contributes to the workplace. In the digital era, the amount of data in clinical practice is increasing, which requires healthcare workers to integrate and interpret the various information generated during clinical work. With the help of artificial intelligence techniques, especially machine learning techniques, researchers in cardiovascular medicine have developed a variety of predictive models to improve the efficiency of clinical work and treatment outcomes. The types of machine learning models were introduced, and the current prediction models of cardiovascular diseases using machine learning technology were summarized. The purpose of this paper is to facilitate accurate diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and to provide a clearer direction for future development of cardiovascular disease prediction models using machine learning techniques.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019077


Objective To build the early predictive model for chronic kidney disease(CKD)in hypertension and diabetes patients in the community.Methods The CKD patients were recruited from 4 health care centers in 4 urban areas in Kunming.The control group was residents without hypertension and diabetes(n = 1267).The disease group was residents with hypertension and/or diabetes(n = 566).The questionnaire survey,physical examination,laboratory testing,and 5 SNPs gene types in the PVT1 gene.The risk factors,which were filtered with logistics regression,were used to build predictive models.Four machine learning algorithms were built:support vector machine(SVM),random forest(RF),Na?ve Bayes(NB),and artificial neural network(ANN)models.Results Thirteen indicators included in the final diagnostic model:age,disease type,ethnicity,blood urea nitrogen,creatinine,eGFR from MDRD,ACR,eGFR from EPI2009,PAM13 score,sleep quality survey,staying-up late,PVT1 SNP rs11993333 and rs2720659.The accuracy,specificity,Kappa value,AUC of ROC,and PRC of ANN are greater than those of the other 3 models.The sensitivity of RF is the highest among 4 types of machine learning.Conclusions The ANN predictive model has a good ability of efficiency and classification to predict CKD with hypertension and/or diabetes patients in the community.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 411-416, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020227


Objective To investigate the correlation between intra-and peri-tumoral radiomics features and the response to con-current chemoradiotherapy(CCRT)in cervical squamous cell carcinoma,and to explore the difference of predictive performance between 2D and 3D radiomics models.Methods The imaging data of 132 patients were analyzed retrospectively and randomly divided into training set(n=92)and validation set(n=40).Radiomics features were extracted based on the dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging(DCE-MRI),the correlation analysis and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator(LASSO)algorithm were used for dimensionality reduction and screening,then the radiomics score was calculated and the logistic model was constructed.The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve,internal validation of Bootstrap and Brier score were used to evaluate the discrimina-tion and calibration of the model,and the improvement in predictive performance of 3D model compared with 2D model was evaluated by the integrated discrimination improvement(IDI).Results In the training set,the ROC curve showed that the area under the curve(AUC)of the models(2D-intratumoral,3D-intratumoral,3D-peritumoral,3D-combined)ranged from 0.774 to 0.893.The internal validation of Bootstrap showed the AUC were 0.772,0.860,0.847 and 0.888,respectively,while in the validation set,the AUC were 0.757,0.849,0.824 and 0.887,respectively.The Brier scores indicated that the models were well calibrated.In the training set and the validation set,the IDI values were 0.155 and 0.179,respectively,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The radiomics analysis based on the tumor volume can fully explore the tumor heterogeneity.The intra-and peri-tumoral radiomics combined model shows the best predictive performance,which is important to assist clinicians in developing individualized therapies.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020478


Objective:To construct a risk prediction model for urinary retention in patients undergoing radical cervical cancer surgery based on machine learning, and the prediction effect of the model was internally verified and evaluated, in order to provide reference for the early prevention and treatment of urinary retention in patients undergoing radical cervical cancer surgery.Methods:A total of 981 patients who underwent radical cervical cancer surgery in the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from June 2017 to February 2022 were selected and divided into the training set (687 cases) and the test set (294 cases) according to a ratio of 7∶3. Through literature review and risk factor analysis, the influencing factors of urinary retention after radical treatment of cervical cancer were explored, and the risk prediction model of urinary retention was constructed by using XGBoost, random forest, support vector machine and decision tree in machine learning. The accuracy rate, recall rate, F1 value and AUC of four machine learning algorithms were calculated by using the method of 10-fold cross-validation, and the model with the highest predictive efficiency was selected.Results:Among the 981 patients included, the incidence of urinary retention after radical cervical cancer surgery was 18.86% (185/981). The median age of urinary retention group was 51 years old, and that of non urinary retention group was 50 years old. Statistically significant variables in the univariate analysis and influencing factors summarized by literature review were featured, including patient age, intraoperative blood loss, body mass index (BMI), cancer stage, surgical method, surgical resection scope, whether pelvic lymph node dissection was performed, comorbidities and residual urine. Among the four model building methods of machine learning, the random forest model has the best effect, its training set F1 value was 0.94, the test set F1 value was 0.77, the ROC was plotted and the AUC was calculated to be 0.73. Age, intraoperative blood loss, BMI, cancer stage and surgical method contributed significantly to the classification of random forest model.Conclusions:The prediction model of urinary retention risk after radical cervical cancer surgery based on random forest method has the best efficacy. It is useful to help nursing personnel evaluate the risk of the uroschesis for a patient and then take targeted nursing interventions to actively prevent postoperative urinary retention.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020745


Hepatic encephalopathy is a clinical syndrome of central nervous system dysfunction caused by liver insufficiency.It severely affects the quality of life of patients and may lead to death.Accurate prediction of the risk of developing hepatic encephalopathy is crucial for early intervention and treatment.In order to identify the risk of hepatic encephalopathy in patients in advance,many studies have been devoted to efforts to develop tools and methods to identify the risk of hepatic encephalopathy as early as possible,so as to develop preventive and early management strategies.Most conventional hepatic encephalopathy risk prediction models currently assess the prob-ability of a patient developing hepatic encephalopathy by analysing factors such as clinical data and biochemical indicators,however,their accuracy,sensitivity and positive predictive value are not high.The application of artificial intelligence to clinical predictive modelling is a very hot and promising area,which can use large amounts of data and complex algorithms to improve the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis and prognosis.To date,there have been few studies using AI techniques to predict hepatic encephalopathy.Therefore,this paper reviews the research progress of hepatic encephalopathy risk prediction models,and also discusses the prospect of AI application in hepatic encephalopathy risk prediction models.It also points out the challenges and future research directions of AI in HE risk prediction model research in order to promote the development and clinical application of hepatic encephalopathy risk prediction models.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020838


Objective To establish a prediction model for lymph node metastasis(LNM)of gastric cancer based on routine laboratory indicators using machine learning algorithms.Methods This study collected data of 741 gastric cancer patients at Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University between January 2020 and January 2022 for model training and testing.Additionally,data of 102 gastric cancer patients between January 2023 and October 2023 were collected for model validation.XGBoost algorithm was used to calculate the importance of indicators and filter out a set of important indicators from 66 indicators.Five machine learning algorithms,including K-Nearest Neighbor,Support Vector Machine,Multilayer Perceptron,Random Forest and Adaboost,were constructed and trained for comparative analysis.Furthermore,the stability and accuracy of the model were further validated on the validation set.Results This study selected a set of important indicators composed of 9 routine laboratory indicators and trained the gastric cancer LNM prediction model,named V9.Additionally,through comparative experiments,it was found that the Adaboost algorithm based on the boosting strategy had the best performance,with evaluation metrics such as area under the curve,F1 score,accuracy,sensitivity,and specificity ranging from 0.833 to 0.968.The accuracy of the predictions on the validation set was 94.12%.Conclusion V9 was a gastric cancer LNM prediction model that has auxiliary clinical diagnostic value.It can be used to assess the risk of patients accurately and provide a basis for clinical decision-making.