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Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 88(5): 803-811, Sept.-Oct. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403939


Abstract Objectives To review the evidence pertaining to the association between cow's milk protein allergy and recurrent acute otitis media and otitis media with effusion. Methods The CENTRAL, Web of Science, EMBASE, MEDLINE, LILACS databases, and gray literature were searched. Results Four studies were included, identifying the prevalence rates: 0.2% of delayed speech due to chronic otitis media with effusion in 382 children with cow's milk protein allergy, 10.7% of cow's milk protein allergy in 242 children who underwent ENT procedures, 40% of cow's milk protein allergy in 25 children with recurrent otitis media with effusion and higher tendency to otitis media in children with cow's milk protein allergy of 186 children (1.5 + 0.6 vs. 0.4 + 0.1; p< 0.1). Conclusion Considering the characteristics and methodological variations of the identified studies, it is not possible to state that there is reliable evidence of an association between cow's milk protein allergy and otitis media.

Resumo Objetivo Revisar as evidências sobre a correlação entre alergia à proteína do leite de vaca e otite média aguda recorrente e otite média com efusão. Métodos As buscas foram feitas nas bases de dados Central, Web of Science, Embase, Medline, Lilacs e na literatura cinzenta. Resultados Quatro estudos foram incluídos, identificaram‐se as prevalências: 0,2% de fala atrasada devido a otite média com efusão crônica entre 382 crianças com alergia à proteína do leite de vaca, 10,7% de alergia à proteína do leite de vaca entre 242 crianças submetidas a procedimentos otorrinolaringológicos, 40% de alergia à proteína do leite de vaca entre 25 crianças com otite média com efusão recorrente e maior tendência à otite média em alérgicos à proteína do leite de vaca entre 186 crianças (1,5 + 0,6vs.0,4 + 0,1; p < 0,1). Conclusão Se considerarmos as características e variações metodológicas dos estudos identificados, não é possível afirmar a existência de evidência confiável sobre a correlação entre alergia à proteína do leite de vaca e otite média.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(4): 274-280, Agosto 2022. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1373104


El parto prematuro, la cesárea, el uso de antibióticos y la lactancia materna limitada son señalados como responsables en parte del aumento de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en niños, como las alergias, principalmente la alergia a la proteína de la leche de vaca (APLV). Quienes desarrollan enfermedades alérgicas muestran diferencias en la composición de su microbiota intestinal durante los primeros meses de vida, en comparación con los que no lo hacen. Las intervenciones tempranas para modular la microbiota intestinal y el sistema inmunológico pueden ser herramientas claves para el abordaje y tratamiento de la APLV. El criterio clínico y el trabajo interdisciplinario de alergólogos, gastroenterólogos, inmunólogos, microbiólogos y nutricionistas le permitirá al pediatra lograr un adecuado diagnóstico y un tratamiento oportuno. En este contexto, el empleo de bióticos (prebióticos, probióticos, sinbióticos y posbióticos) como herramientas nutricionales complementarias tiene un presente con sustento científico y un futuro promisorio para la prevención y tratamiento de estas patologías.

Preterm birth, C-section, antibiotic use, and limited breastfeeding are blamed in part for the increasing incidence of chronic noncommunicable diseases among children, such as allergies, mainly cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA). Those who develop allergic diseases, against those who do not, show differences in the composition of their gut microbiota during the first months of life. Early interventions to modulate the intestinal microbiota and the immune system may be the key tools for the management of CMPA. Clinical judgment and the interdisciplinary work of allergists, gastroenterologists, immunologists, microbiologists, and nutritionists will allow pediatricians to achieve an adequate diagnosis and a timely treatment. In this setting, the use of biotics (prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics, and postbiotics) as supplementary dietary tools is scientifically supported at present and seems to be very promising for the prevention and treatment of these conditions.

Humans , Animals , Infant, Newborn , Milk Hypersensitivity , Probiotics/therapeutic use , Premature Birth , Food Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Food Hypersensitivity/therapy , Cattle , Immunomodulation
Ces med. vet. zootec ; 16(3): 62-95, sep.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374895


Resumen La leche es un alimento esencial para los humanos y una de sus importancias radica en el contenido de proteínas lácteas. Las proteínas más frecuentes en este preciado líquido son las caseínas (αS1-caseína, αS2-caseína, β-caseína y κ-caseína), las cuales son fuente de aminoácidos para la dieta de los mamíferos en sus primeros días de vida. En la leche, las caseínas, están formadas por agregados moleculares de proteínas de tamaños variables denominados micelas. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar un panorama general de la estructura, propiedades y genética de las caseínas lácteas y su relación con la salud humana. A partir de esta revisión, se pudo establecer, que las αs1 y αs2 caseínas se encuentran en conjunto con la β-caseína, formando el núcleo micelar, interactuando con los iones de calcio, para formar y mantener la micela estable. Animales caracterizados genéticamente con algunas variantes de estas proteínas, se asocian con un rendimiento en el volumen de leche. La κ-caseína, por su parte, está asociada con un aumento en el rendimiento y calidad de los quesos, de ahí su importancia económica, mientras que las formas más comunes de β-caseína en razas de ganado lechero son A1 y A2. La β-caseína A2 no presenta efectos negativos a la salud humana, por el contrario, ha sido asociada con propiedades reductoras de colesterol y triacilglicéridos. Sin embargo, la variante A1 de la β-caseína produce un péptido bioactivo denominado β-casomorfina-7 (BCM-7), que puede desempeñar un papel etiológico poco claro en el desarrollo de algunas enfermedades en humanos, tales como: enfermedad isquémica del corazón, diabetes mellitus tipo 1, síndrome de muerte súbita infantil (SIDS), desórdenes neurológicos, como autismo y esquizofrenia.

Abstract Milk is an essential food for humans and one of the reasons of its importance lies in the content of milk proteins. The most frequent proteins in this precious liquid are caseins (αS1-casein, αS2-casein, β-casein and κ-casein), which are a source of amino acids for the diet of mammals in their first days of life. In milk, caseins are made up of molecular aggregates of proteins of varying sizes called micelles. The objective of this review is to present an overview of the structure, properties and genetics of dairy caseins and their relation with human health. From this review, it was established that αs1 and αs2 caseins are found together with β-casein, forming the micellar nucleus and interacting with calcium ions, to form and maintain stable the micelle. Animals genetically characterized with some variants of these proteins are associated with a yield in milk volume. For its part, κ-casein is associated with an increase in the yield and quality of cheeses, hence its economic importance, while the most common forms of β-casein in dairy cattle are A1 and A2. β-casein A2 does not have negative effects on human health; on the contrary, it has been associated with lowering properties of cholesterol and triacylglycerides. However, the A1 variant of β-casein produces a bioactive peptide called β-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7), which may play an unclear etiological role in the development of some diseases in humans, such as: ischemic heart disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), neurological disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia.

Resumo O leite é um alimento essencial para o ser humano e uma de suas principais característica é o teor de proteínas do leite. As proteínas mais frequentes neste líquido são as caseínas (αS1-caseína, αS2-caseína, β-caseína e κ-caseína), que são uma fonte de aminoácidos para a dieta dos mamíferos nos primeiros dias de vida. As caseínas no leite são constituídas por agregados moleculares de proteínas de variados tamanhos, chamados micelas. O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar uma visão geral da estrutura, propriedades e genética das caseínas lácteas e sua relação com a saúde humana. A partir desta revisão, foi estabelecido que as caseínas αs1 e αs2 são encontradas em conjunto com a β-caseína, formando o núcleo micelar, interagindo com os íons cálcio, para formar e manter a micela estável. Animais geneticamente caracterizados com algumas variantes dessas proteínas estão associados com o rendimento da produção de leite. Por sua vez, a κ-caseína está associada ao aumento do rendimento da produção e da qualidade dos queijos, por isso sua importância econômica, enquanto as formas mais comuns de β-caseína em bovinos leiteiros são A1 e A2. A Β-caseína A2 não tem efeitos negativos na saúde humana, pelo contrário, tem sido associada a propriedades redutoras do colesterol e dos triacilglicéridos. No entanto, a variante A1 da β-caseína produz um peptídeo bioativo denominado β-casomorfina-7 (BCM-7), que pode desempenhar uma função etiológico ainda desconhecida no desenvolvimento de algumas doenças em humanos, tais como: doença isquêmica do coração, diabetes mellitus tipo 1, síndrome da morte súbita infantil (SMSL), distúrbios neurológicos, como autismo e esquizofrenia.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-911245


Objective:To evaluate the relationship between milk fat globular epidermal growth factor Ⅷ (MFG-E8)-mediated efferocytosis and sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) in mice.Methods:Forty clean-grade healthy male C57BL/6 mice, aged 2-3 months, weighing 18-22 g, were divided into 4 groups ( n=10 each) using a random number table method: sham operation group (group Sham), cecal ligation and perforation (CLP) group (group CLP), sham operation+ phosphate buffer solution (PBS) group (group Sham+ PBS) and CLP+ recombinant mouse MFG-E8 group (group CLP+ rmMFG-E8). SAE was induced by CLP in anesthetized mice.PBS 1 μl and rmMFG-E8 1 μg were injected into the lateral cerebral ventricle in Sham+ PBS and CLP+ rmMFG-E8 groups after operation for 5 consecutive days.Novel object recognition test was performed at 6 days after operation, and the contextual fear conditioning test was performed at 7 and 8 days after operation.The percentage of time spent exploring a novel object, discrimination index and percentage of freezing time induced by condition were calculated.The animals were sacrificed after the end of behavioral tests, and the hippocampus was extracted for determination of the expression of MFG-E8 and GTP-Rac1 (by Western blot), the mRNA expression levels of interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and IL-1β (using real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction) and the apoptosis rate in hippocampus (by TUNEL). Results:Compared with group Sham, the percentage of time spent exploring a novel object, discrimination index and percentage of freezing time were significantly decreased, hippocamcal MFG-E8 expression was down-regulated, GTP-Rac1 expression was up-regulated, mRNA expression of IL-6, TNF-α and IL-1β was up-regulated, and apoptosis rate was increased in group CLP ( P<0.05). Compared with group CLP, the percentage of time spent exploring a novel object and discrimination index were significantly increased, freezing time was prolonged, hippocamcal MFG-E8 and GTP-Rac1 expression was up-regulated, mRNA expression of IL-6, TNF-α and IL-1β was down-regulated, and apoptosis rate was decreased in group CLP+ rmMFG-E8 ( P<0.05). Conclusion:The reduction of hippocampal MFG-E8-mediated efferocytosis may be involved in the pathophysiological mechanism of SAE in mice.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 118(6): e554-e557, dic 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1146221


La alergia alimentaria se define como una reacción adversa que resulta de una respuesta inmunológica específica y reproducible desencadenada por la exposición al alimento. La respuesta inmune puede ser mediada por inmunoglobulina E, no mediada por inmunoglobulina E o mixta. Durante el primer año de vida, la proteína de la leche de vaca es la primera proteína a la cual se enfrentan los niños alimentados mediante lactancia materna o artificial, motivo por el cual constituye la forma de alergia alimentaria más frecuente en los primeros meses de la vida. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un caso clínico grave y poco frecuente de alergia a la proteína de la leche de vaca en el período neonatal.

Food allergy is defined as a reproducible adverse reaction that results from a specific and reproducible immune response triggered by exposure to food. The immune response can be mediated by immunoglobulin E, not mediated by immunoglobulin E or both. During the first year, cow´s milk protein is the first protein faced by children fed with breast milk or artificial milk. For that reason, it constitutes the form of food allergy most frequent in the first months of life. The objective of this paper is to describe a serious and rare clinical case of milk hypersensitivity in the neonatal period.

Humans , Male , Infant, Newborn , Milk Hypersensitivity , Breast Feeding , Milk Proteins
J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 21(4):, 20/12/2019.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1051685


The interest of the supplementation market for the soy protein consumption to optimize physical and metabolic performance after exercise is increasing. However, evidence suggests that the soy protein ingestion has lower anabolic properties when compared with whey protein. The purpose of this systematic review was to compare the effects of whey protein and soy protein supplementation on the muscle functions maintenance after exercise. This review was performed using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Articles were searched for in the Pubmed database and included studies comparing the effects of soy protein and whey protein consumption on protein synthesis, lean mass gain and oxidative stress reduction in response to endurance or resistance training. Thirteen trials were included in this review. The results showed that the whey protein consumption is superior to that of soy protein with respect to protein synthesis and lean mass gain, but soy protein showed superior results in reducing oxidative stress. Future research comparing both soy and whey protein are needed to define protein source to be used in nutritional interventions to protein synthesis, lean mass gain and oxidative stress in different populations. (AU)

O interesse do mercado de suplementação pelo consumo de proteína de soja para otimizar o desempenho físico e metabólico após o exercício está aumentando. No entanto, evidências sugerem que a ingestão da proteína de soja tem propriedades anabólicas mais baixas quando comparada à proteína do soro do leite. O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi comparar os efeitos da suplementação com whey protein e proteína de soja na manutenção das funções musculares após o exercício. Esta revisão foi realizada usando os Itens de Relatório Preferidos para Revisões Sistemáticas e Meta-Análises (PRISMA). Os artigos foram pesquisados na base de dados Pubmed e incluíram estudos comparando os efeitos da proteína de soja e do consumo de proteínas do soro na síntese protéica, ganho de massa magra e redução do estresse oxidativo em resposta ao treinamento de resistência ou resistência. Treze ensaios foram incluídos nesta revisão. Os resultados mostraram que o consumo de proteína de soro é superior ao da proteína de soja em relação à síntese protéica e ao ganho de massa magra, mas a proteína de soja apresentou resultados superiores na redução do estresse oxidativo. Pesquisas futuras comparando a soja e a proteína do soro do leite são necessárias para definir a fonte protéica a ser usada em intervenções nutricionais para a síntese protéica, ganho de massa magra e estresse oxidativo em diferentes populações. (AU)

Journal of Chinese Physician ; (12): 1171-1175, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-705968


Objective To observe Thl7 cells,Treg cells and their related factors in peripheral blood of children with milk protein allergy and explore the influence of Yupingfeng granule on Th17 / Treg imbalance and its clinical effect.Methods 40 children with milk protein allergy were divided into two groups randomly:the conventional treatment group (n =20),Yupingfeng granule group (n =20).The conventional treatment group received conventional treatment for 2 months.On the basis of routine treatment,Yupingfeng granule group was additionally treated with Yuping feng granule.The serum Th17,Treg cell counts,interleukin (IL)-17 and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) levels were detected,and the eczema area and severity index (EASI) score of rash in children was recorded.Results The levels of Th17 cells and IL-17 in allergy children were obviously increased compared with those of the normal children,while the Treg cells,and the TGF-β1 level were lower than those of the normal children (P < 0.05).After treatment,the Thl7 cells,the IL-17 levels and ESAI scores of the conventional treatment group and the Yupingfeng granule group were lowered,while the Treg cells and the TGF-β1 levels were increased (P < 0.05).Compared with the conventional treatment group,these indexes increased and decreased more significantly in the Yupingfeng granule group (P < 0.05).Conclusions Milk allergy children have obvious imbalance of Thl7/Treg;the Yupingfeng granule can adjust this imbalance and alleviate the allergic symptoms of milk protein.

Rev. ciênc. méd., (Campinas) ; 26(3): 117-125, set.-dez. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-948384


A deficiência total ou parcial da enzima denominada lactase, responsável por hidrolisar em glicose e galactose a lactose presente no leite, é popularmente conhecida como intolerância à lactose. No presente trabalho foram revisadas as causas e tratamentos para intolerância à lactose. Foi realizada uma revisão retrospectiva e integrativa da literatura nas bases SciELO, MedLine e PubMed. A intolerância possui três classificações: primária, secundária e congênita. A intolerância ontogenética à lactose ou hipolactasia primária adulta é a forma mais comum. Já a deficiência secundária consiste em um quadro fisiopatológico que tem como consequência a má absorção de lactose. Por fim, a intolerância congênita à lactose é uma deficiência de herança genética, que acomete recém-nascidos nos primeiros dias de vida. Na hipolactasia, o agravamento surge na vida adulta, justamente com perda da função gradativa da enzima que degrada a lactose. Isso ocorre pelo fato de essa enzima, presente e ativa durante a amamentação em mamífero, perder sua função no início do desmame. Em pacientes não intolerantes, essa mesma enzima passa por um processo de mutação, permanecendo ativa ao longo da vida adulta. O tratamento mais comum para pacientes com intolerância à lactose envolve a retirada total ou parcial do leite e seus derivados, já que a supressão total causa alguns danos à nutrição e à manutenção do organismo.

The total or partial deficiency of lactase, responsible for hydrolyzing lactose into glucose and galactose, is popularly known as lactose intolerance. In this work we reviewed the causes and treatments for lactose intolerance. An integrative and retrospective literature review was carried out at the SciELO, MedLine and PubMed databases. Intolerance has three classifications: primary, secondary and congenital. The ontogenetic lactose intolerance or adult primary hypolactasia is the most common form. The secondary deficiency consists of a pathophysiological which results in the absorption of lactose. Congenital lactose intolerance is a genetic inheritance disability that affects infants in the first days of life. In the hypolactasia, aggravation arises in adulthood, just with gradual loss of function of the enzyme that breaks down lactose. This enzyme, present and active during breastfeeding in mammalian, starts losing its function at the weaning. In non intolerant patients this same enzyme passes through a changing process which remains active throughout adult life. The most common treatment for patients with lactose intolerance involves partial or total removal of the milk and its products since the total withdrawal causes some damage to nutrition and maintenance of body.

Humans , Lactase , Lactose Intolerance , Milk Proteins
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 30(1): 13-22, Jan.-Feb. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-845572


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to compare the intestinal absorption of iron and calcium between soy-based and cow's milk-based infant formulas in weanling rats. Methods: Twenty male Wistar rats, twenty-one days old on the first day of weaning, were used in this experiment, divided in two Groups, one Group was fed soy protein-based infant formula the other, cow's milk protein-based infant formula. During the study period (ten consecutive days) the animals received food and water ad libitum. Hematocrit and hemoglobin were evaluated on the first, fifth, and tenth days by the Wintrobe and cyanomethemoglobin methods. Feces and urine were collected, beginning on the fifth day, for three consecutive days. On the tenth day, hepatic iron content was also analyzed. Hepatic iron as well as fecal and urinary iron and calcium analyses were performed using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. At thirty-one days of age, the animals were anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine and sacrificed by exsanguination via the vena cava. Results: The final concentration of hemoglobin in the group soy-based infant formula and milk-based infant formula were: 10.3±1.3g/dL and 10.9±1.0g/dL (p=0.310). The apparent absorption of iron and calcium, in that order, were: 73.4±10.2% and 70.2±9.5%; 97.2±0.7% and 97.6±1.0% (p=0.501; p=0.290). The apparent calcium retention was: 88.4% ±2.2 and 88.6±2.6% (p=0.848). Hepatic iron content was: 522.0±121.1mg/g and 527.8±80.5mg/g (p=0.907) . Conclusion: Intestinal iron and calcium absorption from soy-based infant formula is similar to that from milk-based infant formula in weanling rats.

RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo objetivou comparar a absorção intestinal de ferro e cálcio entre fórmulas infantis à base de leite de vaca e de soja em ratos recém-desmamados. Métodos: Vinte ratos machos Wistar, com 21 dias de vida e no primeiro dia do desmame foram utilizados neste experimento, divididos em dois grupos: um alimentado com fórmula infantil à base de proteína de soja e o outro com fórmula infantil à base de proteína do leite de vaca. Durante o período de estudo (10 dias consecutivos), os ratos receberam dieta e água ad libitum. Hematócrito e hemoglobina foram mensurados no primeiro, quinto e décimo dia pelo método de Wintrobe e da cianometaemoglobina. As fezes e a urina foram recolhidas a partir do quinto dia durante durante três dias consecutivos. No décimo dia, o conteúdo de ferro hepático também foi analisado. O conteúdo de ferro hepático e a análise de ferro e cálcio nas fezes e na urina foram realizados utilizando espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica. Aos 31 dias de vida, os animais foram anestesiados com ketamina e xilasina e sacrificados por exsanguinação da veia vaca. Resultados: A concentração final de hemoglobina no grupo fórmula infantil à base de soja e fórmula infantil à base de leite de vaca foram 10,3±1,3g/dL e 10,9± 1,0g/dL (p=0,310), respectivamente. A absorção aparente de ferro e cálcio foi de: 73,4±10,2% e 70,2±9,5%, para o primeiro grupo; e 97,2±0,7% e 97,6±1,0%, para o segundo (p=0,501; p=0,290). A retenção aparente de cálcio foi: 88,4±2,2% e 88,6±2,6% (p=0,848). O teor de ferro hepático foi: 522,0±121,1µg/g e 527,8±80,5µg/g (p=0,907), respectivamente. Conclusão: A absorção intestinal de ferro e cálcio da fórmula infantil à base de soja é similar à da fórmula infantil à base de leite em ratos recém-desmamados.

Animals , Rats , Intestinal Absorption , Proteins , Calcium , Soy Milk , Breast-Milk Substitutes , Iron
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 54(2): 188-196, 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-875128


The expression of milk proteins in vitro is essential to exploit the mammary gland cells as a biological model. Enzymatic tissue disaggregation has been widely used to establish mammary cell culture, but its effect in long-term ovine mammary cell culture is not completely elucidated. This study aimed at comparing mechanical/enzymatic and mechanical dissociation methods to establish ovine mammary cell culture. We compared cellular differentiation induced by lactating ewe serum or fetal bovine serum based on the gene expression levels of milk proteins (beta-lactoglobulin, alpha s1-casein, and betacasein). Mechanically dissociated cells were positive immunostaining for cytokeratin 8.13, such as mammary epithelial cells. These cells are responsible for milk protein expression and they are low immunostaining for vimentin, mesenchymal marker. Mechanical/enzymatic dissociation cells were positive for vimentin. The fastest cell growth (cell/hour) was observed in the mechanical dissociation group cultured with 10% fetal bovine serum medium. Mechanically and mechanically/enzymatically derived cells were able to express beta-casein and beta-lactoglobulin, but not alpha s1-casein. The relative expression of beta-lactoglobulin was not affected by the tissue dissociation method or culture media, beta-casein relative expression was down regulated in mechanically dissociated cells cultured in the presence of lactating ewe serum, (P = 0.019). Beta-casein relative expression was also down regulated in mechanically/enzymatically dissociated cells cultured with fetal bovine serum (P = 0.021). In the present conditions, we conclude that mechanical dissociation followed by culture with 10% of fetal bovine serum was the most efficient method to induce milk proteins' mRNA expression by ovine mammary epithelial cells in vitro.(AU)

A expressão in vitro de proteínas do leite é essencial para explorar as células da glândula mamária como um modelo biológico. A desagregação tecidual via enzimática é amplamente utilizada para o estabelecimento cultivo de células mamárias. No entanto, seu efeito a longo prazo no cultivo de células da glândula mamária ovina ainda não é bem elucidado. Este estudo tem como objetivo comparar dois métodos de dissociação tecidual, mecânico/enzimático e mecânico, para estabelecer cultivo celular de glândula mamária ovina. A indução da diferenciação celular, por adição de soro de ovelha lactante ou soro fetal bovino, foi avaliada pelos níveis de expressão de proteínas do leite (beta-lactoglobulina, alpha s1-caseína e beta-caseína). Células mecanicamente dissociadas foram positivamente marcadas para a presença de citoqueratina 8.13, marcador para células epiteliais mamárias. Essas células são as responsáveis pela produção das proteínas do leite e são pouco marcadas para a presença de vimentina, marcador para células de origem mesenquimal. Já as células obtidas da dissociação mecânica/ enzimática foram positivamente marcadas para presença de vimentina. A maior velocidade de crescimento (células/hora) foi observado para o grupo com dissociação mecânica cultivado em meio com 10% de soro fetal bovino. As células obtidas tanto da dissociação mecânica quanto mecânica/enzimática foram capazes de expressar beta-lactoglobulina e beta-caseína, mas não alfa s1-caseína. A expressão relativa de beta-lactoglobulina não foi afetada pelo método de dissociação ou meio de cultivo. A expressão relativa da beta-caseína foi negativamente regulada para células mecanicamente dissociadas e cultivadas na presença de soro de ovelha lactante (P = 0,019). A expressão relativa da beta-caseína também foi negativamente regulada para células dissociadas de forma mecânica/enzimática e cultivadas com soro fetal bovino (P = 0,021). Nas condições do presente estudo, concluímos que o método de dissociação mecânica seguido pelo cultivo em meio com 10% de soro fetal bovino foi o método mais eficiente para induzir a expressão mRNA de proteínas do leite por células epiteliais mamárias ovinas in vitro.(AU)

Animals , Female , Caseins/analysis , Lactoglobulins/analysis , Mammary Glands, Animal/cytology , Milk Proteins/analysis , Sheep , Cell Culture Techniques/veterinary
Rev. pediatr. electrón ; 13(4): 26-28, dic. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-869940


La proctocolitis alérgica del lactante es un trastorno caracterizado por la presencia de deposiciones mucosanguinolentas en los dos primeros meses de vida, pudiendo aparecer en los primeros días de vida. Anteriormente, relacionado con niños alimentados con lactancia artificial, en los últimos años se observa un aumento de la incidencia en niños alimentados con lactancia materna exclusiva debido al paso de proteínas de leche de vaca a la leche de la madre. Recién nacido a término, alimentado con lactancia materna exclusiva inicia a los dos días de vida deposiciones con hebras de sangre de forma intermitente. Todos los estudios realizados resultan normales. La clínica mejora progresivamente tras la eliminación de las proteínas de leche de vaca de la dieta de la madre, por lo que se diagnostica de proctocolitis alérgica. El diagnóstico se basa en la clínica, la desaparición de los síntomas al retirar las proteínas de leche de vaca de la dieta, y en la reaparición de éstos al reintroducirla. Los niños mantienen buen estado general en todo momento, siendo la gran mayoría tolerantes a la leche de vaca al año de vida, por lo que se considera una patología de buen pronóstico.

Allergic colitis is a pathology characterized by blood in faeces, appeared in first two months of life, but it can also appear during the first days of life. Previously it was related with children with non breastfeeding, however in the last years incidence is increasing in children with breastfeeding. This is explained with the presence of cow’s milk proteins in human’s milk. Newborn term, fed with exclusive breastfeeding, starts at second day of life blood in faeces, intermittently. The studies done are normal. The symptoms improve progressively after removing the cow’s milk proteins of the mother’s diet, so the child is diagnosed with allergic protocolitis. Diagnosis is based on the symptoms, the improvement with the removal of the cow’s milk protein of the diet, and the worsening when they are reintroduced. The children conserve good general condition every moment, almost all of them tolerate cow’s milk when they are one year old, and so it is considered pathology of well prognosis.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Milk Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Milk Hypersensitivity/immunology , Proctocolitis/diagnosis , Proctocolitis/immunology , Eosinophilia , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/immunology , Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects , Milk Proteins/immunology
J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 18(2):, 30/04/2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-833900


O uso indiscriminado de suplementos proteicos e à base de aminoácidos tem despertado o interesse em avaliar possíveis efeitos prejudiciais à saúde associados à ingestão de doses excessivas, especialmente sobre a função renal. O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação alimentar com whey protein e leucina sobre a função renal, parâmetros metabólicos e massa corporal de ratos sob condições fisiológicas. Rattus norvegicus, pesando 327±24g foram distribuídos em cinco grupos (n=5-7/grupo) e alimentados com ração comercial e água ad libitum e tratados v.o com whey protein nas doses de 0,45 e 1,8 g/kg/dia (WP1 e WP2), leucina 0,675 e 1,35 g/kg/dia (LEU1 e LEU2), ou água (controle C). A suplementação foi feita por gavagem, diluindo-se os suplementos em água destilada em volume de 10 mL/kg. Após quatro semanas, amostras de sangue foram obtidas e processadas para dosagens bioquímicas de creatinina, ureia, triglicérides, colesterol total e frações e glicemia de jejum. Para avaliação estatística, utilizou-se ANOVA seguida de pós-teste Tukey, com nível de significância de 5%. Houve ganho de peso em WP2 e LEU2 e menor consumo alimentar em WP1, WP2 e LEU1. Não houve aumento dos níveis de creatinina e ureia plasmática, indicativos de disfunção renal. Foi observada redução estatisticamente significativa de triglicérides, colesterol total e glicemia de jejum em LEU1 quando comparado ao controle, p<0,05. Não houve interferência dos tratamentos sobre as frações LDL-c e HDL-c. A suplementação alimentar com whey protein e leucina não resultou em danos renais. A leucina na dose de 0,675 g/Kg promoveu melhor perfil metabólico.(AU)

The indiscriminate use of protein supplements and amino acid base has aroused the interest in evaluating possible detrimental health effects associated with the ingestion of excessive doses, especially on renal function. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation with whey protein and leucine on renal function, metabolic parameters and body mass of mice under physiological conditions. Rattus norvegicus, weighing 327 ± 24g were divided into five groups (n = 5-7 / group) and fed with commercial feed and water ad libitum and whey protein at doses of 0.45 and 1.8 g / kg / day (WP1 and WP2), leucine 0.675 and 1.35 g / kg / day (Leu1 and LEU2) or water (control C). The supplement was provided by gavage, diluting supplements in distilled water at a concentration of 10 ml / kg. After four weeks, blood samples were obtained and analyzed for biochemical levels of creatinine, urea, triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions and fasting glucose. For statistical analysis, ANOVA followed by Tukey post-test at 5% significance level was used. There was weight gain in WP2 and LEU2 and lower food consumption in WP1, WP2 and Leu1. There was no increase in creatinine and urea plasma levels, indicative of renal dysfunction. There was a statistically significant reduction of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and fasting glucose in Leu1 when compared to the control, p <0.05. There was no interference of treatment on LDL-C and HDL-C fractions. Supplementing with whey protein and leucine did not result in kidney damage. Leucine at a dose of 0.675 g / kg led to improved metabolic profile.(AU)

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-488936


Objective To investigate whether human breast milk may bind to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and its characteristics.Methods Breast milk samples from five women with negative HBsAg and hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) at one to two months post delivery were fractioned into cream and skimmed milk by centrifugation.The human breast milk and each fraction as well as cow and goat milk samples,served as controls,were separately incubated with highly purified yeast recombinant HBsAg,followed by determination of their binding capability to HBsAg by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the inhibition rate for binding of HBsAg to anti-HBs by quantitative chemiluminescence microparticle immunoassay.After boiled for 1 min or pasteurized in 65 ℃ for 30 min,the thermal stability of the active components of milk was detected.One-way ANOVA and SNK tests were performed for statistical analysis.Results The operative concentration of HBsAg was 0.1 μg/ml.Breast milk from all five women showed significantly better binding capability to HBsAg than cow or goat milk (1.306±0.300 vs 2.157±0.150 and 2.232±0.093,F=34.303,P<0.01).The quantitative experiments showed that the inhibition rate of human breast milk was higher than that of the control group [(74.26± 17.26)% vs (0.00±5.50)%,F=57.806,P<0.01].The binding ability to HBsAg of skimmed milk was comparable with that of whole milk,indicating milk protein(s) played critical roles in binding to HBsAg (0.877 ± 0.486 vs 0.513 ± 0.069 and 0.376 ± 0.146,F=44.475,P<0.01).After boiled for 1 min or Pasteurization,the binding ability to HBsAg of whole breast milk remained,but that of skimmed milk went down (F=16.598,P<0.01).Both whole breast milk and skimmed milk could inhibit the binding of HBsAg to anti-HBs (F=278.341 and 269.408,both P<0.01).Conclusions The inhibition of binding to HBsAg by human breast milk indicates that human milk may interact with HBsAg.The active components mainly exist in milk proteins and are thermal stable.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 91(3): 306-312, May-Jun/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-752414


OBJECTIVE: To compare body growth, weight, and fecal moisture in recently weaned rats fed exclusively on infant soy formula and soy-based beverage. METHODS: Three similar groups were formed (n = 10/group) consisting of weanling Wistar rats, maintained in metabolic cages. One group was fed soy protein-based beverage, another with soy-based infant formula, and another with cow's milk infant formula (control group). Water and diet were offered ad libitum. Body weight and length were measured. Stool was collected for three consecutive days. RESULTS: Weight and length were lower (p = 0.001; p = 0.001) in the groups receiving soy protein-based beverage (73.16 ± 5.74 g; 23.94 ± 1.04 cm) and soy-based formula (71.11 ± 5.84 g; 24.74 ± 0.60 cm) in relation to the group receiving cow's milk formula (84.88 ± 9.75 g; 26.01 ± 0.91 cm). Fresh fecal weight was greater (p < 0.001) in the soy-based beverage (3.44 ± 0.48 g) than in the soy-based formula (0.79 ± 0.20 g) and cow's milk-based formula (0.42 ± 0.17 g). Fecal moisture was higher (p < 0.001) in the group receiving soy protein-based beverage (47.28 ± 9.02%) and soy-based formula (37.21 ± 13.20%) than in the group receiving cow's milk formula (22.71 ± 10.86%). CONCLUSION: The growth of rats fed soy protein-based beverage and soy-based formula was lower than those fed cow's milk-based formula. The soy protein-based beverage resulted in significant increase in fecal weight and moisture. .

OBJETIVO: Comparar o crescimento corporal, o peso e a umidade das fezes de ratos recém-desmamados alimentados exclusivamente com fórmula infantil de soja e com bebida de extrato de soja. MÉTODOS: Constituíram-se três grupos similares (n = 10/grupo) de ratos machos Wistar recém-desmamados, mantidos em gaiolas metabólicas. Um grupo foi alimentado com bebida de extrato de soja, outro com fórmula infantil de soja e o outro com fórmula infantil de leite de vaca (grupo controle). Água e dieta foram oferecidas ad libitum. Foram mensurados o peso e o comprimento corporal. Fezes foram coletadas durante três dias consecutivos. RESULTADOS: Peso e comprimento foram menores (p = 0,001; p = 0,001) nos grupos com bebida de extrato de soja (73,16 ± 5,74 g; 23,94 ± 1,04 cm) e fórmula infantil de soja (71,11 ± 5,84 g; 24,74 ± 0,60 cm) em relação ao grupo de fórmula infantil de leite de vaca (84,88 ± 9,75 g; 26,01 ± 0,91 cm). O peso fresco fecal foi maior (p < 0,001) na bebida de extrato de soja (3,44 ± 0,48 g) do que com as fórmulas infantis de soja (0,79 ± 0,20 g) e de leite de vaca (0,42 ± 0,17 g). A umidade fecal foi maior (p < 0,001) na bebida de extrato de soja (47,28 ± 9,02%) e fórmula infantil de soja (37,21 ± 13,20%) do que na fórmula infantil de leite de vaca (22,71 ± 10,86%). CONCLUSÃO: O crescimento de ratos alimentados com bebida de soja e fórmula infantil de soja foi menor do que os alimentados com fórmula com proteína do leite de vaca. A bebida à base de extrato de soja proporcionou aumento expressivo do peso e da umidade fecal. .

Animals , Male , Rats , Body Weight , Feces , Growth , Soy Milk/administration & dosage , Biometry , Models, Animal , Rats, Wistar , Weaning
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-483286


Objective To discuss the effect and clinical value of serum sialic acid (SA) and lactadherin(MFG-E8) in the coronary atherosclerotic heart disease(CHD).Methods Selected 295 patients who visited to Wuhan University Renmin's Hospital cardiovascular medicine (from January to June, 2014), and then according to the results of coronary angiography divide the subjects into control group (n =78, the result of coronary angiography completely normal)and coronary heart disease group(n =217, the results of coronary angiography showed that one major coronary stenosis was more than 30%).Detected their serum level of lipid, SA, MFG-E8, hs-CRP index.At last, analyze the differences of SA and MFG-E8 between these groups, and the correlation with the severity of coronary stenosis (symbolize with Gensini score), use the binary logistic regression analysis to research the relationship among the serum level of SA, MFG-E8 and the risk of CHD.Results Compared with the control group, the patients with CHD have a higher level of serum SA and a lower level of MFG-E8 (U =4 402.5, 2 736.0 respectively,P <0.001);the AMI group has a higher level of serum SA than the StA and UA groups (U =1 329.0,957.5 respectively, P <0.001);the AMI group has a lower level of serum MFG-E8 than the StA groups (U =1517.0, P < 0.001).The spearman correlation analysis showed that the serum SA has a positively correlation with the level of TG, hsCRP and Gensini score, and has a negatively correlated with the level of MFG-E8 (r =0.214, 0.462, 0.378,-0.322 respectively,P <0.01);the MFG-E8 has a negatively correlated with the level of TG, hsCRP and Gensini score (r =-0.18,-0.425,-0.564 respectively, P <0.01).Binary logistic regression analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between the serum SA and the risk of CHD (OD =4.782, 5.319, 4.179 3.832, 3.648 respectively, P <0.001), and the was a negative correlation between the serum MFG-E8 and the risk of CHD (OD =O.118, 0.112, 0.127, 0.135, 0.134 respectively, P < 0.001).Conclusion With the serum SA rised and the MFG-E8 reduced, the risk of coronary heart disease was higher, combined detection these two indexes may be able to diagnose the CHD and assess the degree of stenosis and the risk of CHD.

Rev. med. Risaralda ; 20(1): 29-33, ene.-jun. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-729645


La caseína hace parte de las proteínas secretadas en la leche de la mayoría de los mamíferos, es una fosfoproteína producida por cuatro genes que codifican para las caseínas a s1, a s2, β y κ, las cuales se organizan en forma de micelas o unidades solubles. Las caseínas tienen un alto contenido de aminoácidos esenciales que se separan de la parte acuosa por acción de enzimas como la quimosina, la cual precipita la proteína en la elaboración quesos. Dentro de la caseínas de la leche, la kappa-caseína tiene gran influencia en la composición de la leche en relación con su capacidad de coagulación, tiempo de formación del cuajo, tasa de formación de la cuajada, y vigor del coágulo en la producción de queso para consumo humano. El conocimiento de los factores que definen el nivel de kappa caseína en la leche es de relevancia para los productores y procesadores, puesto que la elevación de su contenido puede derivar en un mayor rendimiento del producto para la elaboración de derivados lácteos y, a su vez, en un mayor beneficio económico.

Casein is a phosphoprotein secreted in the milk of most mammal species. It belongs to a group of proteins coded by four genes, namely a s1, a s2, β and κ, which are organized in micelles or soluble units. Proteins from this group have a high content of essential amino acids. These molecules are separated by precipitation from the aqueous part by enzymes, such as chymosin, during the production of cheese. Moreover, the caseins, kappa-casein plays a major role on milk coagulation, thus, influencing the rennet formation time, the curd production rate and the consistency of cheese made for human consumption. Knowledge on the factors involved in regulating kappa-casein levels in milk, is of the most relevant aspects to milk producers and dairy product manufacturers given that an increase in its content, may improve milk yield and finally, economic profit.

Humans , Animals , Cattle , Proteins , Caseins , Dairy Products , Milk , Phosphoproteins , Cheese , Chymosin , Amino Acids, Essential
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 25(2): 173-182, abr.-jun. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-656981


Colombia has one of the most genetically diverse creole cattle populations, with eight creole breeds and two improved creole (Colombian) breeds. A high demand for meat and milk has led to the inevitable selection of highly productive cattle and the introduction of foreign breeds. Unfortunately, these breeds are often ill-suited for tropical conditions. These factors threaten the size of the creole livestock population, which is considered part of Colombia's national heritage. Objective: to estimate the allelic frequencies of the Kappa-Casein gene (CNS3) in Colombian creole cattle breeds (GCC). Methods: a total of 354 blood samples were taken from 30 animals of each of the following breeds: Blanco Orejinegro (BON), Caqueteño (CQT), Casanareño (CAS), Horned Costeño (Costeño con Cuernos, CCC), Chino Santandereano (ChS), Hartón del Valle (HV), Romosinuano (ROM), and Sanmartinero (SM), each representing the 8 established ''criollo'' (creole) breeds; the Lucerna (LUC) and Velasquez (VEL) representing the two Colombian improved breeds; and Brahman and Holstein as control breeds. DNA was extracted by a salting-out procedure and a 453 bp fragment on chromosome 6 was amplified by PCR. CSN3 alleles were identified using single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and their sequence compared with those of the Genebank for Bos taurus and Bos indicus. Results: higher frequencies for allele variants of CSN3 A (0.39) and B (0.41) were found relative to the frequencies of I (0.038), G (0.095), A1 (0.025), E (0.006), and N (0.006). The allele of interest (CSN3 B) had a high frequency in the CCC (0.81), ROMO (0.66), CQT (0.55), ChS (0.48), and VEL (0.43) breeds. Conclusions: these findings suggest that Colombian creole breeds harbor a high genetic diversity which enriches its gene pool and warrants future conservation efforts to protect its integrity.

Colombia es uno de los países más diversos en recursos genéticos criollos. Posee ochos razas de ganado criollo (GCC) y dos razas de criollo mejorado o razas colombianas. La creciente demanda de alimentos ha generado una forzosa selección de individuos altamente productivos e introducción de razas foráneas (Holstein y Brahman) poco adaptadas a condiciones tropicales, lo que ha puesto en riesgo el tamaño efectivo del ganado criollo, considerado patrimonio nacional. Objetivo: estimar la frecuencia alélica del gen (CNS3) de la Kappa-Caseína en el (GCC). Métodos: se usaron 354 muestras de sangre de ocho razas bovinas criollas (30 individuos por raza): Blanco Orejinegro (BON), Caqueteño (CQT), Casanareño (CAS), Costeño con Cuernos (CCC), Chino Santandereano (ChS), Hartón del Valle (HV), Romosinuano (ROMO) y Sanmartinero (SM), dos colombianas Lucerna (LUC) y Velásquez (VEL) y dos controles Brahman y Holstein. Con el fin de estimar la frecuencia de los alelos k-caseína (k-CN) se amplificó un fragmento de 453 pb para k-CN (cromosoma 6). Los alelos se identificaron mediante la técnica PCR-SSCP. Resultados: se encontró mayor frecuencia para las variantes de k-CN A (0.39) y B (0.41), en comparación a I (0.038), G (0.095), A1 (0.025), E (0.006) y N (0.006). El alelo de interés k-CN B presentó alta frecuencia en las razas CCC (0.81), ROMO (0.66), CQT (0.55), ChS (0.48), y VEL (0.43). Conclusiones: la alta frecuencia del alelo de interés del gen k-CN ratifica al GCC como alternativa viable en esquemas sostenibles de producción de leche de mejor calidad y corrobora la necesidad de evaluación y caracterización de recursos zoogenético, como primer paso para su conservación.

A Colômbia é um dos países mais diversificado em recursos genéticos crioulos, tem oito bovinos da raça nativa e duas raças melhoradas ou raças crioulo colombiano (GCC). A alta demanda por alimentos tem levado a uma seleção forçada das pessoas altamente produtivas e/ou introdução de raças estrangeiras mal adaptados às condições tropicais, que têm prejudicado o tamanho efetivo de animais considerados património crioulo. Objetivo: estimar a frequência do alelo do gene Kappa-Caseína (CNS3) na (GCC). Métodos: foram utilizados 354 amostras de sangue de oito raças nativas (30 indivíduos por raça): Blanco Orejinegro (BON), Caqueteño (CQT), Casanareño (CAS), Costeño con Cuernos (CCC), Chino Santandereano (ChS), Hartón del Valle (HV), Romosinuano (ROM) e Sanmartinero (SM), dois Colombianas Lucerna (LUC) e Velásquez (VEL) e dois controles (Brahman and Holstein). Para estimar a freqüência de alelos de κ-caseína (CSN3), amplificaram um fragmento de 453 pb para CSN3. Os alelos foram identificados por PCR-SSCP. Resultados: encontramos uma maior freqüência de variantes do CSN3 A (0.39) e B (0.41), comparado com I (0.038), G (0.095), A1 (0.025), E (0.006) e N (0.006). O alelo de interesse CSN3 B apresentou alta freqüência em raças CCC (0.81), ROMO (0.66), CQT (0.55), CHS (0.48) e VEL (0.43). Conclusões: estes resultados sugerem que o CCG é um recurso genético, que abriga uma grande diversidade genética e apoia a necessidade de avaliação e caracterização dos recursos genéticos animais como um primeiro passo para a conservação.

Electron. j. biotechnol ; 14(4): 12-12, July 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-640507


K-casein gene polymorphisms are of major importance in the dairy industry due to their association with different quality and productive traits (i.e., milk protein). Several methods for genotyping this gene have been proposed; however, none are focused on the simultaneous discrimination of nine K-casein variants. A strategy based on PCR-RFLP was designed to characterize nine K-casein variants (A, B, C, E, F², G, H, I and J) and used to genotype three cattle populations: Gyrholando (3/8 Gyr x 5/8 Holstein), Charolais and Carora. The B variant was the most frequent in the Charolais and Carora breeds, with allelic frequencies of 0.60 and 0.59, respectively. In the Gyrholando breed, four variants were found, with the A variant being the most frequent and E and H the least. The genotyping strategy was effective in detection and differentiation of K-casein variants, and it is proposed for use in laboratories with minimal molecular biology equipment for genotyping and evaluation of the phenotypic effects of nine K-casein variants on milk production and quality.

Cattle , Animals , Caseins/genetics , Food Quality , Polymorphism, Genetic , Milk Proteins/genetics , Genotype , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length
Rev. nutr ; 22(1): 61-70, ene.-feb. 2009. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-517185


OBJETIVO:Estudar química e nutricionalmente um isolado protéico de soro de leite bovino, um hidrolisado de colágeno bovino e misturas dos dois produtos visando elevado valor nutritivo e funcional. MÉTODOS: Realizaram-se análises da composição centesimal e do perfil de aminoácidos dos dois materiais protéicos, para cálculo da melhor adequação dos aminoácidos essenciais, com base no perfil recomendado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Os índices de valor nutritivo para o isolado de soro de leite, o hidrolisado de colágeno e as misturas foram determinados em ratos, a partir de ensaios de crescimento e de balanço de nitrogênio. Os resultados dos parâmetros nutricionais foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de Tukey para a verificação de diferenças entre médias (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: O isolado protéico de soro de leite mostrou-se completo quanto aos aminoácidos essenciais pelo padrão de referência da Organização Mundial de Saúde enquanto que o hidrolisado de colágeno bovino mostrou-se deficiente em todos os aminoácidos essenciais, com agravante de completa ausência de triptofano. A caseína mostrou-se mais eficaz que o isolado de soro e as misturas quanto ao poder de promover crescimento em ratos. Não houve diferença estatística no crescimento dos ratos entre o isolado protéico de soro e a mistura 60 por cento isolado de soro e 40 por cento hidrolisado de colágeno. Nos demais índices de valor protéico a mistura 60 por cento isolado de soro: 40 por cento hidrolisado de colágeno mostrou-se igual ou superior à caseína e ao isolado (100 por cento). CONCLUSÃO: A mistura 60 por cento isolado de soro mais 40 por cento hidrolisado de colágeno bovino apresentou elevado valor nutritivo e alto índice de solubilidade em água, mostrando-se promissora como ingrediente na formulação de alimentos dietéticos para idosos, inclusive pelas propriedades funcionais já descritas para essas proteínas.

OBJECTIVE:The objective was the chemical and nutritional study of a bovine whey protein isolate, a bovine collagen hydrolysate and mixtures of the two products aiming at high nutritional and functional value. METHODS: Centesimal composition and amino acid analyses were performed on both proteinaceous materials for the calculation of an adequate amino acid profile based on the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization recommendation. The nutritive value indexes for the whey protein isolate, the collagen hydrolysate and mixtures of both proteins were determined in rats through growth assay and nitrogen balance. The experimental parameters from nutritional assays were submitted to analysis of variance and the Tukey test applied for differences among means (p<0.05). RESULTS: The whey protein isolate met all the requirements of the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization reference for essential amino acids while the collagen hydrolysate showed deficiency in all essential amino acids and complete absence of tryptophan. The casein showed higher efficiency than the whey isolate and mixtures of both proteins in promoting growth in the rat. There was no statistical difference in growth between the whey protein isolate and the mixture of 60 percent whey protein isolate and 40 percent collagen hydrolysate. In all other indexes of protein nutritive value the mixture 60 percent whey protein isolate and 40 percent collagen hydrolysate revealed itself equal or superior to casein and the 100 percent whey isolate. CONCLUSION: The protein mixture 60 percent whey protein isolate and 40 percent collagen hydrolysate showed high nutritive value and water solubility indexes, considered favorable properties as an ingredient for the formulation of dietetic products for elderly people.

Animals , Rats , Collagen/chemistry , Milk Proteins/chemistry , Nutritive Value , Rats, Wistar
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-152120


BACKGROUND: About 70-80% of children with cow's milk allergy (CMA) become outgrown clinically by the age of 3 years. Casein, one of the three major cow's milk proteins (casein, beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), alpha-lactoalbumin (ALA) ) has been reported to play an important role in the persistence of CMA. The aim of this study was to determine different effects of causative milk proteins on the persistence of CMA between two age groups. METHODS: A total of 65 patients with CMA were enrolled in this study. Their cow's milk-specific IgEs were positive ( 0.7 U/ml by Pharmacia CAP). After dividing 65 patients into two age groups, under the age of 3 years and over 3 years (persistent CMA), we compared the levels of casein-, BLG- and ALA-specific IgE antibodies between the two groups. RESULTS: There were 44 patients in the group of less than 3 years of age and 21 patients in the group of more than 3 years of age. The concentrations of the specific IgE antibodies to casein, BLG and ALA were not significantly different between the two groups. However, although statistically insignificant, those more than 3 years of age had higher mean values of casein-specific IgE antibodies and lower mean values of whey protein (BLG and ALA) - specific IgE antibodies compared with those less than 3 years of age. A single dominant allergenic milk protein was not identified within either of the two age groups, but the con centrations of the casein-specific IgE antibodies in children with more than 3 years of age tended to be higher than those of whey protein-specific IgE antibodies. CONCLUSION: Although statistically insignificant, the concentrations of the casein-specific IgE antibodies were higher in the group of more than 3 years of age than in the younger group. Moreover, the concentrations of the casein-specific IgE antibodies in children more than 3 years of age tended to be higher than those of whey proteins. These findings implicate that casein plays a certain role in the persistence of CMA.

Child , Humans , Antibodies , Caseins , Immunoglobulin E , Lactoglobulins , Milk Hypersensitivity , Milk Proteins , Milk , Whey Proteins