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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528856


Uno de los principales problemas durante la dentición mixta es la determinación de la futura discrepancia entre tamaño dentario y el espacio disponible. Para predecir el ancho mesiodistal de los dientes permanentes no erupcionados se han introducido diferentes métodos de análisis. Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio fue comparar el método Tanaka-Johnston con una nueva ecuación de regresión para predecir el ancho mesiodistal de caninos y premolares permanentes no erupcionados en una población de la región de Valparaíso, Chile. Material y método: Este estudio fue realizado en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Valparaíso, desde octubre de 2022 a junio de 2023 (8 meses), la muestra estuvo compuesta por 202 modelos de estudio del departamento de ortodoncia (91 hombres y 111 mujeres) en el rango de edad de 11 -20 años. Resultados: Se demostró que el método elaborado por Lara-Sandoval presenta mayor fiabilidad respecto a las medidas mesiodistales reales de los pacientes (ICC 0,773 para maxilar y 0,762 para mandíbula), en comparación con el método de Tanaka-Johnston (ICC 0,665 para maxilar y 0,623 para mandíbula). No existen diferencias significativas entre los valores reales y el método de Lara-Sandoval. Conclusión: El método de Lara-Sandoval es mejor que el propuesto por Tanaka-Johnston para determinar el ancho mesiodistal de caninos y premolares para esta muestra. Es necesario validar este método en otras regiones del país para ser utilizado con mayor seguridad que el ya existente como método estándar nacional.

One of the main orthodontic problems in mixed dentition is the determination of future tooth and size arch discrepancy. In order to predict the mesiodistal widths of unerupted permanent teeth different methods of analyses have been introduced. The aim of this study is to compare the Tanaka-Johnston analysis with a new regressive equation to predict the mesiodistal width of unerupted permanent canines and premolars in a Chilean population sample, from Valparaíso region. This study was conducted at the Universidad de Valparaíso Dental Faculty, from october 2022 to june 2023 (8 months), and the sample comprised historical dental casts from 202 patients (91 boys and 111 girls) in the age range of 11-20 from the orthodontics department. All the patients are from the Valparaíso region, Chile. The results show that the predictions of the new regressive equation method are closer to the actual mesiodistal measurements of the patients (ICC 0,773 for maxilla and 0,762 for mandible), compared to the Tanaka- Johnston method (ICC 0,665 for maxilla and 0,623 for mandible). There are no significant differences between the real values and the Lara-Sandoval method. Lara-Sandoval method is better than the one proposed by Tanaka-Johnston to determine the mesiodistal width of canines and premolars in this sample population. It is necessary to validate this method in other regions of the country to be used with greater security than the ones that already exists as a national standard method.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 22(2)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560091


Introducción: El análisis más utilizado por los ortodoncistas para predecir el espacio ideal del canino y premolares es el Gold Standard de Tanaka-Johnston. Sin embargo, la utilización de este análisis en otros grupos poblacionales a nivel mundial puede ser cuestionable. Objetivo: Predecir el espacio ideal para la erupción del canino y premolares utilizando el análisis de Tanaka y Johnston y el de Ramos, et al. Material y métodos: Fue un estudio descriptivo. Se utilizaron 110 pares de modelos de estudio con dentición permanente, recolectados durante 2018 y 2019. Los anchos mesiodistales fueron medidos con un vernier digital marca UBERMANN® con una precisión de ± 0,01 mm. A los datos obtenidos se les realizó estadística no paramétrica mediante la prueba de comparación de Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados: El análisis de Tanaka-Johnston mostró una diferencia entre los valores predictivos y reales de -0,50 mm (±1,68) con una diferencia estadística de p=0,0001 y el análisis de Ramos, et al., fue de -0,35 mm (±1,70) con una diferencia estadística de p=0,0001. Conclusiones: Se subestimó el espació ideal para la erupción del canino y premolares con el análisis de Tanaka-Johnston y el análisis validado por Ramos, et al. Sin embargo, el análisis de Ramos, et al., se acercó más a los diámetros mesiodistales reales del canino y premolares.

Introduction: The analysis most commonly used by orthodontists to predict the ideal space of the canine and premolars is the Tanaka-Johnston Gold Standard. However, the use of this analysis in other population groups worldwide may be questionable. Objective: To predict the ideal space for the eruption of the canine and premolars using the Tanaka-Johnston analysis and that of Ramos, et al. Material and Methods: A descriptive study was carried out using 110 pairs of study models with permanent dentition, collected during the period from 2018 to 2019. The mesiodistal widths were measured with a UBERMANN® digital vernier with an accuracy of ± 0.01 mm. Non-parametric statistics were performed on the data obtained using the Kruskal-Wallis comparison test. Results: The Tanaka-Johnston analysis showed a difference between the predictive and real values ​​of -0.50 mm (±1.68) with a statistical difference of p=0.0001, and the Ramos et al. analysis was of -0.35 mm (±1.70) with a statistical difference of p=0.0001. Conclusions: The ideal space for the eruption of the canine and premolars was underestimated with the Tanaka-Johnston analysis and the analysis validated by Ramos, et al. However, the Ramos, et al. analysis was closer to the actual mesiodistal diameters of the canine and premolars.

Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(1): 7-9, abr. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440266


Objetivo: estudiar y comparar la inclinación de la cabeza entre niños con dentición primaria completa y dentición mixta primera fase. Materiales y métodos: el estudio incluyó a 80 voluntarios entre 4 y 9 años, a quienes se les tomó una fotografía facial de perfil derecho estandarizada, en Posición Natural de Cabeza. Éstas fueron analizadas mediante software de edición de imágenes para determinar la inclinación de la cabeza de cada voluntario. Para ello, se definió un plano (plano t-ex) formado por el punto Intertrágico (t) y Exocanto (ex) y se comparó respecto a la horizontal verdadera. Los datos obtenidos fueron tabulados, clasificados en dos grupos según el tipo de dentición y analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: el promedio de inclinación del plano t-ex fue de 22,7º en el grupo de niños con dentición primaria completa y de 25,8º en el grupo de niños con dentición mixta primera fase. La diferencia entre ambos grupos fue de 3,1º, con significancia estadística (p = 0,006). Conclusión: la inclinación de la cabeza de los niños con dentición mixta primera fase es mayor en sentido antihorario, respecto a la de los niños con dentición primaria completa.

Objective: to study and compare head tilt among children with complete primary dentition and first transitional period of the mixed dentition stage. Materials and methods: the study included 80 volunteers between 4 and 9 years of age, who were taken a standardized right profile facial photograph in a Natural Head Position. These photographs were analyzed using image editing software to determine the head tilt of each volunteer. For this, a plane (plane t-ex) formed by the Intertragic point (t) and Exocanth (ex) was defined and compared with respect to the true horizontal. The data obtained were tabulated, classified into two groups according to the type of dentition and statistically analyzed. Results: the average t-ex plane inclination was 22.7º in the group of children with complete primary dentition and 25.8º in the group of children with first transitional period of the mixed dentition stage. The difference between both groups was 3.1º, with statistical significance (p = 0.006). Conclusion: the head tilt of children with first transitional period of the mixed dentition stage is greater in an anti-clockwise direction, compared to that of children with complete primary dentition.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Head-Down Tilt , Dentition , Dentition, Mixed
Rev. medica electron ; 45(1)feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442024


Introducción: las interferencias oclusales no controladas precozmente pueden producir desviación de la mandíbula en sentido anteroposterior o transversal. El manejo de las mordidas cruzadas se debe iniciar en el momento del diagnóstico, preferiblemente en edades tempranas, con el fin de tratarlas en el nivel primario de prevención. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento de la maloclusión funcional causada por interferencias oclusales en niños con dentición mixta de la Escuela Primaria Mártires del Corynthia, entre octubre de 2019 y junio de 2021. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal en la Escuela Primaria Mártires del Corynthia, del Área de Salud José Jacinto Milanés, del municipio de Matanzas, entre octubre de 2019 y junio de 2021. El universo estuvo conformado por 66 niños. Se utilizó una planilla de recolección de datos y se solicitó el consentimiento informado a los tutores de los niños. Resultados: las edades donde los niños presentaron mayor afectación fueron de 6 a 7 años y de 8 a 9 años, ambos rangos con un 10,6 %. El 27,3 % presentó interferencias oclusales y mordida cruzada posterior unilateral. El 48,5 % fue del sexo femenino y el 30,3 % tenían edades de 6 a 7 años. El 71,2 % eran simétricos y presentaron mordida cruzada posterior unilateral. Los simétricos y con línea media coincidente representaron un 36,4 %. Conclusiones: la maloclusión funcional más frecuente en niños con dentición mixta fue la mordida cruzada posterior unilateral, que se relacionó de manera directa con las interferencias oclusales. Las asimetrías faciales y la línea media desviada estuvieron asociadas a dicha maloclusión.

Introduction: early uncontrolled occlusal interferences can produce anterior-posterior jaw deflection. Management of cross-bites should be initiated at the time of diagnosis, preferably at early ages, in order to treat them at the primary level of prevention. Objective: to determine the behavior of functional malocclusion caused by occlusal interferences in children with mixed dentition from the Martires del Corynthia primary school between October 2019 and June 2021. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional, observational, descriptive study was carried out at the Martires del Corynthia Primary School, of the Jose Jacinto Milanes Health Area, Matanzas municipality, between October 2019 and June 2021. The universe consisted of 66 children. A data collection form was used and informed consent was requested from the children's guardians. Results: the ages where the children presented more affectation were from 6 to 7 years and from 8 to 9 years, both ranges with 10.6%. 27.3% presented occlusal interferences and posterior unilateral cross-bite. 48.5% were female and 30.3% were 6 to 7 years old. 71.2% were symmetrical and presented unilateral posterior cross-bite. Symmetric patients and with a coincident midline represented 36.4%. Conclusions: the most frequent functional malocclusion in children with mixed dentition was the unilateral posterior cross-bite, which was related to occlusal interferences in a direct way. Facial asymmetries and a deviated midline were associated with the before mentioned malocclusion.

Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 59(3)sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441570


Introducción: La maloclusión es un problema que afecta el desarrollo de la dentición y, en la mayoría de los casos, tiene un determinante medioambiental. Objetivo: Determinar los factores medioambientales asociados a tipos de maloclusión en escolares con dentición mixta temprana. Métodos: La muestra estuvo conformada por 275 escolares que cumplieron con los criterios de selección, con una edad media de 8,95 años, 151 niños y 124 niñas. La evaluación clínica estuvo a cargo de un especialista calibrado, el registro de los factores medioambientales se realizó mediante una entrevista estructurada, índice de masa corporal y un cuestionario validado para el nivel socioeconómico. El análisis de datos empleó el software SPSS versión 25. Se utilizó análisis de regresión logística para evaluar la asociación de los factores ambientales con cada tipo de maloclusión, estableciendo OR con intervalos de confianza al 95 por ciento y un nivel de significancia del 5 por ciento. Resultados: El hábito de respiración bucal demostró que es un factor asociado al apiñamiento dentario (p = 0,049 < 0,05; OR = 1,723). El sobrepeso protege frente a la alteración de la erupción (p = 0,039 < 0,05; OR = 0,459), en comparación con los escolares con estado nutricional normal o desnutrición. Conclusiones: Se concluye que existe una asociación entre apiñamiento dentario y el hábito de respiración bucal, entre estado nutricional y la alteración de la erupción, siendo el sobrepeso un factor de protección. En las demás interacciones evaluadas no se encontró asociación de otro tipo de maloclusión con algún factor medioambiental(AU)

Introduction: Malocclusion is a problem that affects the development of the dentition and, in most cases, has an environmental determinant. Objective: Determine the environmental factors associated with types of malocclusion in schoolchildren with early mixed dentition. Methods: The sample consisted of 275 schoolchildren who met the selection criteria, with an average age of 8.95 years, 151 boys and 124 girls. The clinical evaluation was carried out by a experienced specialist, the registration of environmental factors was carried out through a structured interview, body mass index and a questionnaire validated for socioeconomic status. For data analysis, SPSS version 25 software was used. Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the association of environmental factors with each type of malocclusion, establishing OR with 95 percent confidence intervals and a significance level of 5 percent. Results: The habit of mouth breathing showed that it is a factor associated with dental crowding (p = 0.049 < 0.05; OR = 1.723). Overweight protects against alteration of the tooth eruption (p = 0.039 < 0.05; OR = 0.459), compared to schoolchildren with normal nutritional status or malnutrition. Conclusions: It is concluded that there is an association between dental crowding and the habit of mouth breathing, between nutritional status and the alteration of the tooth eruption, being overweight a protective factor. In the other interactions evaluated, no association of another type of malocclusion with any environmental factor was found(AU)

Humans , Malocclusion
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448690


Problemas de espacio de crecimiento transversal en ambos maxilares pueden ser predichos al conocerse la distancia del ancho intercanino e intermolar. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar valores de medidas transversales de arcadas en pacientes con dentición mixta y dentición permanente del posgrado de Ortodoncia del Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios Superiores. Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, se tomaron las distancias lineales horizontales intercaninas temporarios y permanentes, y la distancia intermolar en primeros molares permanentes en modelos de estudio de pacientes entre el 2014 y el 2019. Participaron 144 pacientes de 8 a 32 años, 41,67% tenía más de 15 años, 65,28% eran mujeres y el 52,78% tenía dentición permanente. Los promedios de distancia intercanina maxilar fueron 33,22 ± 3,95 mm en hombres y 33,34 ± 3,90 mm en mujeres, la mandibular 27,30 ± 2,81 y 27,40 ± 2,92 mm respectivamente. La distancia intermolar maxilar en hombres fue de 34,16 ± 3,27 y 34,15 ± 3,26 mm en mujeres; la mandibular fue de 33,97 ± 3,27 y 33,94 ± 3,27 mm respectivamente. Los promedios de la distancia intercanina son similares por edad y sexo, mientras que los promedios de la arcada inferior son menores a los de la arcada superior en ambos sexos. Los promedios para la distancia intermolar son similares por edad, sexo y arcada.

Transverse growth space problems in both maxillaries can be predicted by knowing the intercanine and intermolar width distance. The objective of the study was to determine values of transverse measures of arcades in patients with mixed dentition and permanent dentition of the postgraduate degree in Orthodontics of the Latin American Institute of Higher Studies. Descriptive observational cross-sectional study, the temporary and permanent intercanine horizontal linear distances were taken as well as the intermolar distance in permanent first molars in patient study models between 2014 and 2019. One hundred and forty-four patients aged from 8 to 32 years old participated, 41.67% were over 15 years old, 65.28% were women and 52.78% had permanent dentition. The mean maxillary intercanine distance was 33.22 ± 3.95 mm in men and 33.34 ± 3.90 mm in women, the mandibular 27.30 ± 2.81 and 27.40 ± 2.92 mm respectively. The maxillary intermolar distance was 34.16 ± 3.27 mm in men and 34.15 ± 3.26 mm in women, the mandibular 33.97 ± 3.27 and 33.94 ± 3.27 mm respectively. The averages of the intercanine distance were similar by age and sex, while the means of the lower arcades were lower than those of the upper arcade in both sexes. Means of the intermolar distance was similar by age, sex, and arcade.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216831


Context: In the mixed dentition period, malocclusion is in dormant stage, any interception should be preceded by a mixed dentition space analysis. Aims: To derive new regression equation in sample subjects (indigenous group) with no intermaxillary tooth size discrepancy (Bolton's ratio) residing in Davangere and to evaluate its accuracy. To assess the difference of tooth dimensions between males and females and difference between right and left of dental arches. Setting and Design: Descriptive study. Subjects and Methods: One hundred and fifty children (11–15 years) were included and dental casts were made. A digital Vernier caliper was used for the measurement of teeth. Bolton's ratio was calculated. Group A: Casts without Bolton's discrepancy and Group B: Casts with Bolton's discrepancy. Statistical Analysis Used: The data were analyzed with the SPSS software version 22.0. New regression equations were derived using correlation and regression analysis. Results: No statistically significant difference was recorded between the actual and predicted mesiodistal widths (MDWs) of permanent canine and premolars in maxilla and mandible, with/without Bolton's discrepancy. Males had statistically significant higher mean in maxillary and mandibular canine dimensions than female and no statistically significant difference between right and left side of dental arches was found. Conclusion: New regression equation was formulated for Davangere population, in which actual and predicted widths of permanent canines and premolars were found to be almost similar when established from sample with/without Bolton's discrepancy. In MDWs, the canine showed significant sexual dimorphism and no clinically significant variations were seen in the right and left sides of both the arches.

Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 110(1): 37-42, abr. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390900


Objetivo: Presentar una serie de casos clínicos de me- siodens en niños con dentición temporal y mixta, su trata- miento y seguimiento. Casos clínicos: Se muestra el manejo clínico de tres casos de mesiodens en dentición temporal y un caso en den- tición mixta, los cuales fueron diagnosticados en un examen radiográfico de rutina (AU)

Aim: To present a series of clinical cases of mesiodens in children with primary and mixed dentition, their treatment and follow-up. Clinical cases: This paper describes the clinical man- agement of three cases of mesiodens in primary dentition and one case in mixed dentition which were diagnosed in routine radiographic examinations (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Tooth, Deciduous , Dens in Dente/surgery , Dentition, Mixed , Tooth Extraction , Tooth, Supernumerary , Mexico
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 27(4): e2220120, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1404493


ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the prevalence of malocclusion and its association with the early loss of deciduous teeth and other factors in children in the mixed dentition phase, aged six to eight years, enrolled in public schools in southern Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a representative sample of 528 children from municipal public schools in 2009. Data collection involved a clinical examination for the determination of early tooth loss, dental caries, tongue pressure and malocclusion (outcome), as well as the administration of a questionnaire. Poisson regression analysis with robust variance was used to model the association between malocclusion and the independent variables. Results: The prevalence of malocclusion and early tooth loss was 69.1% and 21.8%, respectively. In the raw data analysis, malocclusion was associated with age, early tooth loss, dental caries and tongue pressure. After the adjustment, the likelihood of malocclusion was greater among children older than eight years, those who exerted tongue pressure on the teeth and those with early tooth loss. The likelihood of malocclusion was 24% greater among children with early tooth loss, compared to those without tooth loss. Conclusion: The early loss of deciduous teeth was associated with the occurrence of malocclusion in the children studied.

RESUMO Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de má oclusão em crianças de seis a oito anos de idade no município de Florianópolis (Santa Catarina, Brasil), e a sua associação com a perda precoce de dentes decíduos. Métodos: Esse estudo transversal avaliou uma amostra representativa de 528 crianças de escolas públicas municipais de Florianópolis, no ano de 2009. Os dados foram coletados por meio de exame clínico (perda dentária precoce, cárie dentária, interposição lingual e má oclusão - que foi o desfecho do estudo) e de um questionário. A regressão de Poisson com variância robusta foi utilizada para modelar a associação entre má oclusão e as variáveis independentes. Resultados: A prevalência de má oclusão e de perda dentária precoce foi, respectivamente, de 66,7% e 21,8%. Na análise dos dados brutos, a má oclusão foi associada com a idade, perda dentária precoce e cárie dentária. Após ser feito o ajuste, crianças com mais de 7 anos, com interposição lingual e perda dentária precoce apresentaram maior probabilidade de ter má oclusão. Crianças com perda dentária precoce apresentaram probabilidade 24% maior de ter má oclusão do que aquelas sem perda dentária. Conclusões: A perda precoce de dentes decíduos foi associada à ocorrência de má oclusão nas crianças estudadas.

Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1422282


Abstract Objective: To associate the OHRQoL and HRQoL in mixed dentition children with the influence on age range, socioeconomic and clinical variables. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 1,240 children between 6 and 12 years of age. HRQoL was assessed by the Quality of Life Assessment Scale, considered an outcome variable. OHRQoL was determined using specific questionnaires related to the age group: Oral Health Impact Scale in Early Childhood, Child Perceptions Questionnaire for 8 to 10 years, and 11 to 12 years. Dental caries and malocclusion were diagnosed. The socioeconomic class was evaluated. A multiple negative binomial regression analysis was used to test the relationship between HRQoL, OHRQoL scores and socioeconomic and clinical variables. Correlation analyses were performed between the total HRQoL and OHRQoL, with a significance level of 5%. Results: The HRQoL is inversely related to the impact of OHRQoL (p<0.05), modulated by the age group. There was a significant weak negative correlation between the HRQoL scores and the impact of OHRQoL (p<0.05). Conclusion: The OHRQoL impacts the HRQoL, modulated by the age group and with minor influence from socioeconomic and clinical variables (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Quality of Life , Child , Oral Health , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Dentition, Mixed , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Regression Analysis
CoDAS ; 34(1): e20200291, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345827


ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate the association among dimensions of the hard palate according to the sexes, skin color, and periods of the mixed dentition and present reference parameters of normality for this stage of development. Methods This cross-sectional study evaluated a representative sample of children between the ages of 7 and 13 years in Santa Maria, southern Brazil. The outcomes of the study were the dimensions of the palate: width measurements and depth. Sociodemographic characteristics and related oral measures were also assessed. Adjusted linear regression model were used to evaluate the effect of the predictor's variables on the dimensions of the hard palate in millimeters. The reference standards for the hard palate normality were presented in mean, standard deviation, and 95% confidence interval. Results A total of 569 children were evaluated. The hard palate dimensions were larger in the male sex and smaller in the first transitional period of mixed dentition. Skin color had an influence on the hard palate width at the level of the premolars, and the width measurements were smaller in white individuals. Posterior cross bite, Angle Class II and III malocclusions and non-nutritional sucking habits caused reduction in the hard palate width measurements. Conclusion Different dimensions of the hard palate are influenced by demographic variables such as sex, skin color, and mixed dentition period. Children of the female sex, white-skinned and in the first transition period of mixed dentition had smaller dimensions of the hard palate. Establishing normality reference standards in measurements of the palates guides the clinical practice.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a associação entre as dimensões do palato duro de acordo com os sexos, cor da pele e períodos da dentição mista e apresentar parâmetros de normalidade de referência para esta fase de desenvolvimento. Método Este estudo transversal avaliou uma amostra representativa de crianças com idade entre 7 e 13 anos em Santa Maria, sul do Brasil. Os desfechos do estudo foram as dimensões do palato: medidas de largura e profundidade. Características sociodemográficas e medidas orais relacionadas também foram avaliadas. Modelos de regressão linear ajustados foram utilizados para avaliar o efeito das variáveis preditoras sobre as dimensões do palato duro em milímetros. Os padrões de referência para a normalidade do palato duro foram apresentados em média, desvio padrão e intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados Foram avaliadas 569 crianças. As dimensões do palato duro foram maiores no sexo masculino e menores no primeiro período de transição da dentição mista. A cor da pele influenciou a largura do palato duro ao nível dos pré-molares, sendo as medidas de largura menores nos brancos. Mordida cruzada posterior, más oclusões de Classe II e III de Angle e hábitos de sucção não nutricionais causaram redução nas medidas da largura do palato duro. Conclusão As diferentes dimensões do palato duro são influenciadas por variáveis demográficas como o sexo, cor da pele e período de dentição mista. Crianças do sexo feminino, de cor de pele branca e no primeiro período de transição de dentição mista apresentaram menores dimensões do palato duro. O estabelecimento de padrões de referência de normalidade nas medidas do palato orienta a prática clínica.

Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 109(3): 171-176, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372366


Objetivo: Relacionar la prevalencia de maloclusiones funcionales con hábitos orales en niños con dentición mixta. Materiales y métodos: La muestra estuvo constituida por 61 pacientes que asistieron a la Facultad de Odontología de la UNNE entre los meses de abril y noviembre de 2018, seleccionados mediante un muestreo al Azar Sistemático. Se evaluó en ellos la presencia de maloclusiones funcionales como mordidas abiertas y cruzadas, líneas medias desviadas, apiñamiento dentario, resalte maxilar. Como hábitos orales se consideró la succión digital, interposición lingual y deglución atípica, interposición de labios y objetos, respiración bucal, onicofagia. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo empleando el software estadístico InfoStat Versión 2019 y para conocer la asociación entre las maloclusiones funcionales y los hábitos orales se emplearon pruebas de Chi cuadrado (nivel de signi- ficación de P ≤0,05). Resultados: Se observó la presencia de maloclusiones funcionales en un 64% de los niños, y se encontró que el api- ñamiento dentario fue el predominante con un 39%. La pre- valencia de hábitos orales fue de 66%, la interposición labial y de objetos fue la que se detectó con mayor frecuencia con un 39%. Se observó mayor presencia de mordida abierta en pacientes con hábitos parafuncionales como ser succión digi- tal e interposición lingual. La asociación entre maloclusiones funcionales y hábitos orales fue estadísticamente significativa (χ 2 = 6,17, P = 0.0130). Conclusión: Se identificó una alta prevalencia de malo- clusiones funcionales en niños con dentición mixta, asociadas a hábitos orales (AU)

Aim: To determine the association between prevalence of functional malocclusions and oral habits in children with mixed dentition. Materials and methods: The sample consisted of 61 patients who attended the UNNE School of Dentistry from April to November 2018, selected through systematic random sampling. Presence of functional malocclusions such as open bite, crossbite, deviated midlines, dental crowding, and maxil- lary protrusion were evaluated. The oral habits of finger suck- ing, lingual interposition and atypical swallowing, interposi- tion of lips and objects, mouth breathing, and onychophagia were considered. A descriptive analysis was performed using the Statistical Software InfoStat Version 2019. Chi-square tests were used to determine the association between function- al malocclusions and oral habits (significance level P ≤0.05). Results: Functional malocclusions were present in 64% of the children, with dental crowding being the most prevalent, in 39%. Prevalence of oral habits was found in 66%, with la- bial and object interposition having the highest frequency, in 39%. Open bite was more frequent in patients with parafunc- tional habits such as finger sucking and lingual interposition. The association between functional malocclusions and oral habits was statistically significant (χ2 = 6.17, P = 0.0130). Conclusion: High prevalence of functional malocclu- sions was identified in children with mixed dentition, associ- ated with oral habits (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Dentition, Mixed , Habits , Malocclusion/epidemiology , Argentina/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Open Bite , Fingersucking , Mouth Breathing , Nail Biting
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216768


Introduction: Boston University (BU) approach is a method for early prediction of unerupted permanent mandibular teeth widths based on the mesiodistal widths (MDWs) of primary mandibular canines and first molars. The present study was conducted to test the validity of BU approach by comparing it with Tanaka–Johnston (T/J) approach in the contemporary population. Aims and Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the applicability of BU approach for prediction of the MDWs of canines and premolars in the primary schoolchildren of rural Bengaluru. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in 100 healthy schoolchildren of rural Bengaluru aged between 7 and 11 years. The MDWs of canines and premolars were predicted using both T/J and the considered BU approaches for all the children and were compared. Results: The correlation coefficient showed a statistically significant correlation between the predicted tooth size from the two predicted methods in the upper and lower arches (P < 0.001), with Pearson's correlation coefficient showing the very strong positive relationship (r = 0.7). Significant differences were seen between the mean predicted width of canines and premolars by both the approaches (P < 0.001). Conclusion: In spite of the limitations, we recommend the use of BU approach to predict arch length-tooth material discrepancy at an early age and to get at least an approximate estimation of the required space. We also advocate the necessity of further research on this approach prospectively.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216748


Introduction: Boston University (BU) approach is a method for early prediction of unerupted permanent mandibular teeth widths based on the mesiodistal widths (MDWs) of primary mandibular canines and first molars. The present study was conducted to test the validity of BU approach by comparing it with Tanaka–Johnston (T/J) approach in the contemporary population. Aims and Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the applicability of BU approach for prediction of the MDWs of canines and premolars in the primary schoolchildren of rural Bengaluru. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in 100 healthy schoolchildren of rural Bengaluru aged between 7 and 11 years. The MDWs of canines and premolars were predicted using both T/J and the considered BU approaches for all the children and were compared. Results: The correlation coefficient showed a statistically significant correlation between the predicted tooth size from the two predicted methods in the upper and lower arches (P < 0.001), with Pearson's correlation coefficient showing the very strong positive relationship (r = 0.7). Significant differences were seen between the mean predicted width of canines and premolars by both the approaches (P < 0.001). Conclusion: In spite of the limitations, we recommend the use of BU approach to predict arch length-tooth material discrepancy at an early age and to get at least an approximate estimation of the required space. We also advocate the necessity of further research on this approach prospectively.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216737


Context: Preventive orthodontic treatments are performed in the primary or mixed dentition period and provide a proper development of occlusion to avoid dentofacial anomalies. Aims: This study aims to evaluate the Baby-Risk of Malocclusion Assessment Index (ROMA) index regarding ease of use, reproducibility, and the epidemiological assessment of major orthodontic problems in children aged 4–6-year-old in Kerman (Iran) kindergartens. Setting and Design: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 1000 children aged 4–6 in Kerman (Iran) kindergartens, selected by cluster sampling, and data were collected using the Baby-ROMA index. Methods: After recording a demographic data collection form, the clinical examination of the teeth was carried out by a dental student. The data were analyzed with SPSS 18 using t-test, analysis of variance, Chi-squared test, and Mann–Whitney test at a significance level of P < 0.05. Results: In this study, the most common cause of malocclusion was dental caries (7.5%), followed by crossbite (6.1%). Furthermore, 31.6% of the subjects had one type of malocclusion, and 20.5% needed monitoring the occlusion before the growth spurt, while 11.1% needed immediate orthodontic treatment (mostly 6-year-old children). Moreover, 15.3% of the subjects had systemic problems; 3.4% had craniofacial, 22% had dental, and 2% had functional problems. The prevalence of class I canine relationship in the right canines was 82.32%, with 82.5% on the left side. The prevalence of open bite was higher in females with thumb-sucking habit. Conclusion: The Baby-ROMA index presented good reliability and ease of use for evaluating early orthodontic treatment needs in primary and mixed dentition periods.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962207


ABSTRACT@#Anterior crossbites would normally require early intervention, especially when associated with mandibular displacements. The intervention would usually commence in children around the age of eight and nine, where treatment could be a challenge at this age. Therefore, a simple and quick treatment to this malocclusion would be desirable. This case series illustrates two cases of anterior crossbite with a functional shift that were successfully corrected using a simplified fixed technique, which involved a short-span nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) aligning round archwire, composite resin and glass ionomer cement (GIC).

J. appl. oral sci ; 29: e20201005, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286918


Abstract Background Malocclusions are highly prevalent in childhood and adolescence, being considered a public health problem worldwide, in addition to be considered an important predictor in the tongue position and speech disorders. Objective Evaluate the association of malocclusions with tongue position and speech distortion in mixed-dentition schoolchildren from the south of Brazil. Methodology This cross-sectional study was performed using a database of an epidemiological survey realized in the southern of Brazil, in 2015, for evaluating the dental and myofunctional condition of the mixed-dentition from 7-13 years' schoolchildren. The outcome variables were tongue position and speech distortion, evaluated by a trained and calibrated examiner. Characteristics regarding sociodemographic and oral health measures (Angle's classification of the malocclusion, overjet, overbite, posterior crossbite and respiratory mode) were also assessed. Poisson regression models with adjusted robust variance were used to evaluate the association among predictors variables in the outcomes. Results are presented as prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Results A total of 547 children were evaluated. Schoolchildren who presented anterior open bite (PR 2.36 95%CI 1.59-3.49) and having oral/oral-nasal breathing (RP 2.51 95%CI 1.70-3.71) are more likely to have altered position of the tongue. Both deep bite and being male represent protection factors for the abnormal tongue position. Regarding speech distortion, deep overbite presents a protective relationship to speech distortion (PR 0.41; 95%CI 0.24-0.71), whereas schoolchildren with posterior crossbite were more likely to present this problem (PR 1.77; 95%CI 1.09-2.88). Conclusion Anterior open bite and posterior crossbite were the malocclusions related to speech distortion and/or altered tongue position. Oral/oral-nasal breathing was also related to myofunctional changes. Deep bite malocclusion was a protective factor for both speech problems and altered tongue position when compared to a normal overbite.

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Dentition , Malocclusion/epidemiology , Speech , Speech Disorders , Tongue , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies
RFO UPF ; 25(3): 391-395, 20201231. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357819


Objetivo: as causas mais comuns das alterações na dentição permanente são os traumatismos alvéolo-dentários (TAD) na dentição decídua, ultrapassando, inclusive, as incidências de cárie ou doença periodontal. Estes podem levar a hipoplasia de esmalte, alterações na morfologia dentária e desenvolvimento de cistos, como o cisto dentígero, considerando ainda que o tratamento desta ocorrência diverge ao tratar da dentição decídua e não da permanente. O objetivo deste trabalho é ilustrar essas características e como elas podem ser manejadas através de um relato de caso. Relato de caso: no caso em questão, ocorreu o desenvolvimento de um cisto dentígero de grandes dimensões após traumatismo alvéolo-dentário em dentição decídua na região anterior da maxila com retenção de três dentes permanentes. Foram discutidas as formas terapêuticas para tal situação clínica, bem como a possibilidade de uma abordagem multidisciplinar da cirurgia-ortodontia. Considerações finais: os TADs na dentição decídua devem ser bem diagnosticados e tratados, visando a prevenção de sequelas na dentição permanente.(AU)

Objective: the most common causes of changes in permanent dentition are alveolar-dental trauma (TAD) in deciduous dentition, with occurrence rates even higher than decays or periodontal disease, which can lead to enamel hypoplasia, changes in dental morphology and the development of cysts such as the dentigerous cyst, considering treatment differs when dealing with deciduous dentition instead of permanent dentition. The objective of this work is to illustrate these characteristics and propose a possible treatment, through a case report. Case report: in the case at hand occurred a development of a large dentigerous cyst occurred after TAD in primary dentition, in the anterior region of the maxilla with retention of three permanent teeth, discussing the therapeutic forms for such clinical situation, as well as the possibility of a multidisciplinary approach to surgery-orthodontics. Final considerations: TAD in deciduous teeth should be well diagnosed and treated aiming to prevent sequelae in permanent dentition.(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Dentigerous Cyst/surgery , Dentigerous Cyst/etiology , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/etiology , Tooth Injuries/complications , Tooth, Deciduous , Treatment Outcome
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(1): 101-108, mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056508


RESUMEN: El apiñamiento en edades tempranas, se refleja cuando el tamaño dental no coincide con la longitud de arco. De este modo, resulta importante determinar si la expansión del maxilar podría solucionar por sí solo el problema de apiñamiento en el sector anterior, teniendo en cuenta que este tratamiento es uno de los más antiguos y que comúnmente se ha enfocado en la resolución de alteraciones transversales en dientes posteriores empleándose a edades tempranas. El objetivo fue determinar si la expansión maxilar es efectiva o no, en la corrección del apiñamiento en dentición mixta mediante el análisis de la evidencia disponible. Se realizó una revisión sistemática en español e inglés, para establecer la máxima evidencia posible, con las indicaciones de la guía PRISMA. Dos artículos cumplieron con la calidad de la revisión. En el primero se estableció que el apiñamiento mejoro despues del tratamiento de expansion maxilar, con una recidiva menor en la dentición permanente. En el segundo, se encontró que el apiñamiento en los incisivos permanentes superiores fue corregido cuando se retiró el aparato expansor. Se concluyó que la evidencia actual no tiene la suficiente calidad metodológica para llevar a una toma de decisión. Se recomienda hacer ensayos clínicos aleatorizados en este tema.

ABSTRACT: Crowding at early ages is reflected when tooth size does not coincide with arch length. Thus, it is important to determine whether maxillary expansion alone could solve the problem of crowding in the anterior sector, bearing in mind that this treatment is one of the oldest and has commonly focused on solving transverse alterations in posterior teeth used at an early age. The objective was to determine whether or not maxillary expansion is effective in correcting crowding in the mixed dentition by analysing the available evidence. A systematic review was carried out in Spanish and English, to establish the maximum possible evidence, with the indications of the PRISMA guide. Two articles met the quality of the review. The first established that crowding improved after the treatment of maxillary expansion, with a minor recurrence in the permanent dentition. In the second, it was found that crowding in the upper permanent incisors was corrected when the expanding appliance was removed. The current evidence is not of sufficient methodological quality to lead to a decision. Randomized clinical trials are recommended in this area.

Humans , Palatal Expansion Technique , Extraoral Traction Appliances , Overbite/therapy , Malocclusion, Angle Class III/therapy , Mass Screening , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Dentition, Mixed
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189027


The 2x4 appliance consists of bands on the first permanent maxillary molars, bonded brackets on the maxillary incisors, and a continuous archwire inserted into buccal tubes of the molar bands. It provides total control of anterior tooth position, allows precise and rapid positioning of the teeth, does not require any adjustment and is very well accepted by the patient, and. This case report presents correction of anterior crossbite at early mixed dentition stage with the help of 2x4 appliances. The results achieved, satisfied the esthetic demands of the patients as well as parents.