Background & objectives: As there are no standard laboratory techniques for the rapid detection of Pneumocystis jirovecii in India, this study was undertaken to evaluate and establish an optimal and rapid technique for the detection of P. jirovecii by comparing three different techniques - staining technique, application of a real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) targeting kex 1 gene and application of nested PCR targeting mitochondrial large subunit (mtLSU) gene for rapid detection of P. jirovecii in HIV positive patients. Methods: One hundred and fifty sputum specimens from HIV positive (n = 75) and HIV negative (n = 75) patients were subjected to three different techniques -KOH/Calcoflour and Grocott methanamine silver staining (GMS), RT-PCR targeting kex1 gene, PCR targeting mtLSU region followed by DNA sequencing and BLAST analysis. Results: Among the 75 HIV positive patients, P. jirovecii was detected in 19 (25.33%) patients by the staining techniques, and in 23 (30.65%) patients each by PCR targeting mtLSU region and by RT- PCR targeting kex1 gene of P. jirovecii. PCR based DNA sequencing targeting mtLSU region revealed 97-100 per cent sequence homology with P. jirovecii sequences in GenBank. Interpretation & conclusions: Of the three techniques for detection of P. jirovecii evaluated in this study, false negativity was found to be more in staining technique and it also required high technical expertise to interpret the result. Both nested PCR and RT-PCR were reliable and equally sensitive, in rapid detection of P. jirovecii, but RT-PCR technique also generated the copy numbers for knowing the severity of infection.
The Pneumocystis genus is comprised of pathogens dwelling in the lungs of terrestrial, aerial, and aquatic mammals. Occasionally they induce severe pneumonitis, particularly in hosts with severe impairment of the immune system and progressively may fill pulmonary alveolar cavities causing respiratory failure. Molecular genetic studies revealed that Pneumocystis gene sequences present a marked divergence with the host species concerned. In the present study, the genetic diversity of Pneumocystis obtained from lungs of swines was examined by analyzing mitochondrial large subunit (mtLSU) and small subunit (mtSSU) rRNA sequences. The samples were obtained from two slaughterhouses located in two Brazilian states. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that genetic groupings within Pneumocystis organisms were in accordance with those of the corresponding hosts and that two clusters were formed. In conclusion, these data show that there are genetically distinct porcine Pneumocystis genotypes with at least two separate clusters in Brazil.
O gênero Pneumocystis compreende patógenos que residem em pulmões de animais terrestres, aéreos e aquáticos. Pode ocasionar uma grave pneumonia, particularmente em hospedeiros com o sistema imunológico seriamente comprometido, o que ocorre por meio de uma progressiva disseminação nas cavidades alveolares, causando insuficiência respiratória. Estudos genéticos, baseados em métodos moleculares, revelaram que as sequências dos genes de Pneumocystis apresentam marcante divergência de acordo com a espécie de hospedeiro. Neste estudo, a diversidade genética das amostras obtidas a partir de pulmões de suínos, provenientes de dois abatedouros localizados em dois estados brasileiros, foi examinada por análise das sequencias dos nucleotídeos dos produtos de PCR dos genes mtLSU e mtSSU do rRNA do Pneumocystis. O resultado confirma a tendência registrada em pesquisas com amostras de outros animais e permite concluir que existem, pelo menos, dois grupos filogenéticos distintos de Pneumocystis de suínos no Brasil.