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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e58787, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559339


Resumen Introducción: En el Pacífico central mexicano son escasos los trabajos sobre ecología de asteroideos. Estas especies generalmente se distribuyen de forma aleatoria, aunque en algunas ocasiones pueden encontrarse en grupos o agregaciones. En Los Arcos, al sur de Puerto Vallarta, en Bahía de Banderas, México, se observó Luidia bellonae por primera vez en una agregación masiva en 2021. Objetivo: Reportar por primera vez el registro de esta especie en esta región del Pacífico mexicano, así como el evento de agregación masiva. Métodos: Se realizaron transectos y recorridos para cuantificar la densidad y medir los ejemplares de la estrella en Los Arcos, Bahía de Banderas, durante 2021, 2022 y 2023. Resultados: Se encontraron densidades promedio de 2.65 ind/m2 y hasta 7 ind/m2. En total en el área aproximada de 900 m2 se registraron 630 individuos. Los ejemplares midieron (R) entre 2 y 12 cm, y en su mayoría midieron entre 4 y 8 cm. Conclusiones: L. bellonae estaba reportada en distintos sitios en algunos estados del Pacífico mexicano, sin embargo no estaba registrada para Bahía de Banderas ni Los Arcos, ni tampoco en la cantidad que se reporta aquí, por lo que este es el primer registro para la especie con una presencia masiva para el Pacífico mexicano. La aparición de la gran cantidad de ejemplares de L. bellonae en Los Arcos en 2021 pudo haber sido resultado de una combinación de factores, entre ellos la baja temperatura del agua, con valores hasta de 15 ºC y la alta cantidad de nutrientes. Este hallazgo demuestra la necesidad de más estudios sobre los equinodermos y especies marinas para entender la influencia que tienen las condiciones ambientales en su ciclo de vida.

Abstract Introduction: In the central Mexican Pacific, there are few studies on asteroid ecology. These species are generally distributed randomly, although in some cases groups or aggregations can be found. In Los Arcos, south of Puerto Vallarta, in Bahía de Banderas, Mexico, Luidia bellonae was observed for the first time in a massive aggregation in 2021. Objective: To report the new record of this species in this region of the Mexican Pacific and its massive aggregation event. Methods: Transects and surveys were carried out to quantify the density and measure the sea star individuals in Los Arcos, Bahía de Banderas during 2021, 2022, and 2023. Results: Average densities of 2.65 ind/m2 and up to 7 ind/m2 were found. In total, in the approximate area of 900 m2, 630 individuals were registered. The specimens measured (R) between 2 and 12 cm, and most measured between 4 and 8 cm. Conclusions: L. bellonae has been reported in different places in some states of the Mexican Pacific; however, it was not registered for Bahía de Banderas nor Los Arcos, nor in the amount reported here, therefore this is the first record for the species with a massive presence for the Mexican Pacific. The appearance of the large number of L. bellonae specimens in Los Arcos in 2021 could have been the result of a combination of factors, including the low water temperature, with values up to 15 ºC, and the high amount of nutrients. This finding demonstrates the need for more studies on echinoderms and marine species to understand the influence of environmental conditions on their life cycle.

Animals , Starfish/growth & development , Starfish/classification , Mexico
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(4)oct. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530339


Cedrela domatifolia W. Palacios es registrada por primera vez para Perú en el valle de Chanchamayo, departamento de Junín. Con esta adición se elevan a 11 especies del género Cedrela (Meliaceae) en el Perú. La característica vegetativa más resaltante de C. domatifolia son los domacios prominentes, situados en las axilas de los nervios secundarios de las láminas por el envés. En caracteres florales, los pétalos son de color rojo a fucsia, una característica no común en el género.

A new record of Cedrela domatifolia W. Palacios is presented in Chanchamayo Valley, department of Junin, which adds to 11 the number of Cedrela (Meliaceae) species recorded in Peru. The most notorious vegetative character of the species are the prominent domatia in the axils of the secondary nerves of blades. At floral characters, the petals are red to fuchsia, an uncommon feature in the genus.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(3)jul. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530326


Se registra Liolaemus warjantay para el departamento de Ayacucho, una especie conocida anteriormente solo para Arequipa. La nueva población es identificada en base a secuencias de ADN y se muestra su variación morfométrica y merística. También, se realizan comentarios sobre las especies recientemente descritas del grupo montanus de Perú.

Liolaemus warjantay is recorded in the Ayacucho department, a species previously known only from Arequipa. The new population is identified based on DNA sequences, also its morphometric and meristic variability is presented. Additionally, comments are made regarding recently described species within the montanus group in Peru.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551113


El género Corallus contiene serpientes esbeltas y arbóreas, que habitan en bosques tropicales y que presentan una amplia distribución; sin embargo, Corallus blombergi es una especie poco común en Colombia, con un número limitado de reportes. En este estudio se presenta el primer registro de C. blombergi para el departamento del Chocó, a partir de dos hembras, colectadas en zonas de bosque pluvial tropical, en los corregimientos de salero y Pacurita, convirtiéndose en la tercera y cuarta localidad donde se registra la presencia de esta especie. Los nuevos registros, amplían la distribución de la especie a 471,50 km, desde su último registro en Tumaco.

The corallus genus contains slender and arboreal snakes which inhabit tropical forests and have a wide distribution; however, Corallus blombergi is an uncommon specie in Colombia with a limited number of reports. This study presents the first record of C. blombergi for the department of Choco from two females, both collected in tropical rain forest areas, in the townships of Salero and Pacurita. becoming the third and fourth locality where the presence of this species is recorded. The new records extend the distribution of the species to 471.50 km since its last record in Tumaco.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(1)ene. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450331


Echiophis brunneus, comúnmente conocida como anguila pecosa, es una especie bentónica costera de la familia Ophichthidae. Su distribución se reporta para el Pacífico Oriental desde el Golfo de California (EE. UU.) hasta el Golfo de Guayaquil (Ecuador). Se reporta por primera vez la presencia de E. brunneus en el norte del Perú a partir de tres ejemplares capturados. Así mismo se registra una nueva talla máxima para la especie y se adiciona la secuencia COI a la base de datos BoldSystems. Una de las principales características para su determinación fue la presencia del diente canino grande localizado en la zona distal del vómer. Las distancias genéticas entre E. brunneus con E. punctifer y E. intertinctus fueron de 0.087±0.013 y 0.095±0.014 respectivamente. Con este trabajo se amplía la distribución geográfica de E. brunneus hasta Salaverry (08°13'28"S, 78°59'22"W), así mismo sugerimos el posible establecimiento de una población de esta especie en la costa norte del Perú.

Echiophis brunneus, commonly known as fangjaw eel, is a coastal benthic species belonging to the Ophichthidae family. Its distribution is reported to be in the Eastern Pacific from the Gulf of California (USA) to the Gulf of Guayaquil (Ecuador). In this study, we report for the first time the presence of E. brunneus based on three specimens captured in northern Peru. Additionally, a new maximum size for the species is recorded, and the first COI sequence is added to the BoldSystems database. One of the main characteristics for its determination was the presence of a large canine tooth located in the distal area of the vomer. The genetic distances between E. brunneus with E. punctifer and E. intertinctus were 0.087±0.013 and 0.095±0.014 respectively. With this work the geographical distribution of E. brunneus is extended to Salaverry (08°13'28"S, 78°59'22"W). We also suggest the possible establishment of a population of this species on the northern coast of Peru.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 29(4)oct. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424299


Three beetle families, Sphindidae Jacquelin du Val, Corylophidae LeConte and Latridiidae Erichson, are documented as part of the "Beetles of Peru" project. The checklists are based on fieldwork in Peru, museum specimens, and published literature. Three sphindid genera are indicated as new country records.

Tres familias de escarabajos, Sphindidae Jacquelin du Val, Corylophidae LeConte y Latridiidae Erichson, estan documentado como parte del proyecto "Escarabajos del Perú". Los checklists se basan en trabajo de campo en Perú, especimenes en museos, y literatura publicada. Se indican tres géneros de Sphindidae registros nuevos para el país.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220554


A ?rst report of the genus Phoroncidia Westwood, 1835 described from Navsari district, Gujarat, India. It is distinguished from other species in this genus in having a pair of dorsal and large median posterior humps. The group of Phoroncidia is also new to Gujarat, India.

Acta biol. colomb ; 27(1): 127-130, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360057


ABSTRACT Cerradomys goytaca is a cricetid rodent endemic to "Restinga" formations from southeastern Atlantic Forest. It is known from only five localities, and it is considered endangered of extinction. Herein, we furnish new data on C. goytaca from an additional locality in Rio de Janeiro state. The present record provides new data on habitat and represents the westernmost geographic limit of this poorly known species.

RESUMEN Cerradomys goytaca es un roedor cricetideo endémico de las formaciones de Restinga del sureste de la Selva Atlantica. Es conocido solo en cinco localidades, y se considera en peligro de extinción. Aquí, proporcionamos nuevos datos sobre C. goytaca de una localidad adicional en el estado de Río de Janeiro. El presente registro proporciona nuevos datos del hábitat y representa el límite geográfico más occidental de esta especie poco conocida.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e22512, ene.-mar. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377194


Abstract This note reports Paraguay as a new country record for Cistudinella inanis (Boheman, 1854) based on one adult specimen, that is currently deposited in the Larry Bezark collection which eventually reside in the Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, Davis, USA.

Resumen Esta nota reporta un nuevo registro de Cistudinella inanis (Boheman, 1854) para Paraguay. El registro está basado en un espécimen adulto, que actualmente se encuentra depositado en la colección Larry Bezark que eventualmente reside en el Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, Davis, EUA.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 66(spe): e20220079, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423200


ABSTRACT The species Lainius constellatus Navás is recorded for the first time from Mexico; thus this report represents the northernmost record of the genus and species for the Americas. In addition, it provides data on the variation in color marks and a description of the hypandrium internum. A brief summary of the distribution of the species belonging to the subfamily Apochrysinae is provided, with emphasis on the three American genera, which share distribution mostly in the Pacific domain of the Brazilian subregion, ranging from the Mexican transition zone to possibly the Chacoan subregion.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 55: e0156, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406991


ABSTRACT Background: The subfamily Triatominae, which comprises 157 species, carries the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease. This short communication reports for the first time the occurrence of Rhodnius montenegrensis in Bolivia. Methods: Active searches were carried out on palm trees of the genus Oenocarpus in Beni district, Bolivia. Results: Fifteen R. montenegrensis specimens were collected from a rural area of the Beni district, Bolivia, and tested positive for T. cruzi. Conclusions: This new report expands the geographic distribution of the species in Latin America. Due to their ability to transmit trypanosomatids, the species deserves the attention of vector control programs.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 28(spe): e21906, dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377176


Resumen Para el departamento de Loreto se registra 113 especies de Euchromiina (Lepidoptera: Arctiinae). Además, se reportan 9 nuevos registros para Perú: Sphecosoma abnormis, Isanthrene profusa, Autochloris collocata, A. consociata, Andrenimorpha lycopolis, Leucotmemis torrida, Cosmosoma contracta, Pseudomya biradiata y P. cretheis. Se proponen dos nuevos sinónimos: Diptilon aurantiipes Rothschild como sinónimo más reciente de Sphecosoma abnormis Hampson; Isanthrene flavizonata Gaede como sinónimo más reciente de Tigrinadia quadricincta Kaye. Esta última especie por ahora es conocida solo de Perú. Se describe un nuevo tipo de órgano androconial en la parte ventral del abdomen.

Abstract For the department of Loreto, 113 species of Euchromiina (Lepidoptera: Arctiinae) are recorded. In addition, 9 new records are reported for Peru: Sphecosoma abnormis, Isanthrene profusa, Autochloris collocata, A. consociata, Andrenimorpha lycopolis, Leucotmemis torrida, Cosmosoma contracta, Pseudomya biradiata and P. cretheis. Two new synonyms are proposed: Diptilon aurantiipes Rothschild as a junior synonym for Sphecosoma abnormis Hampson; Isanthrene flavizonata Gaede as a junior synonym for Tigrinadia quadricincta Kaye. This last species for now is known only from Peru. A new type of androconial organ is described in the ventral part of the abdomen.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 28(2): e20469, abr.-jun 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280518


Abstract The Neotropical free-living freshwater cyclopoid copepod Mesocyclops paranaensis Dussart & Frutos, 1986 was found in a small temporal pond in La Guajira, northern Colombia. Hitherto, it has been reported from Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil. This is the first record of this species in Colombia, its northernmost finding in South America, and the fourth locality in which this species has been recorded from. Mesocyclops paranaensis can be distinguished from its closest congeners by a unique combination of the characters of the female, including: 1) leg 4 intercoxal sclerite with two large, acute projections; 2) P3, P4 intercoxal sclerite caudal surface lightly pilose; 3) seminal receptacle with narrow lateral arms and weakly convex anterior margin; 4) second antennary endopodite with seven setae, and insertion of antennary exopodal seta with adjacent spinules; 5)frontal surface of P1 basipodite ornamented with long spinules; 6) posterior margin of anal somite with continuous row of spinules; and 7) inner margin of caudal ramus hirsute. The Colombian population shows some subtle morphological differences with respect to previous reports.

Resumen El copépodo ciclopoide de agua dulce Mesocyclops paranaensis Dussart & Frutos, 1986 fue encontrado en un pequeño estanque temporal al norte de La Guajira. Hasta ahora, esta especie había sido registrada en Paraguay, Argentina y Brasil. Este es el primer registro de esta especie sudamericana en Colombia, su registro más septentrional en América del Sur, y la cuarta localidad en la que se registra. Mesocyclops paranaensis se puede distinguir de sus congéneres más cercanos por una combinación única de caracteres que incluyen: 1) esclerito intercoxal de la pata 4 con dos grandes proyecciones puntiagudas, 2) esclerito intercoxal de la pata 3 y pata 4 ligeramente piloso, 3) receptáculo seminal con brazos laterales estrechos y margen anterior débilmente convexo, 4)segundo segmento endopodal de la antena con siete setas, inserción de la seta exopodal de la antena con espínulas, 5) superficie frontal del basipodito de la pata 1 ornamentada con largas espínulas, 6) posterior margen del somita anal de la hembra con hileras continuas de espínulas y 7) margen interno de la rama caudal pilosa. Se proporciona una breve descripción de esta especie e ilustraciones de la población colombiana y se compara con su congénere más cercano. Los especímenes de Colombia muestran algunas diferencias morfológicas con respecto a los reportes previos acerca de esta especie.

Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507746


Introduction: The genus Massinium includes 11 species, most from the Indo Pacific Ocean, and had not previously being reported from the American continent. Objective: To present the new record of the genus Massinium and describe a new species of this genus. Methods: Material collection was done by SCUBA-diving to depths of a maximum of 9 m. Results: Massinium ocumichoensis sp. nov. is described from seven specimens that extends the range of the genus to the American continent (Guerrero, Michoacan and Jalisco, Mexico). The new species lives in sandy-rocky substrata, from 2 to 16 m deep. It is distinguished from its congeneric species by a combination of morphological characters: mid-dorsal slightly bigger pseudobuttons (40-60 μm), and tables in the body wall. A taxonomic key for distinguishing the species of Massinium is provided. Conclusions: The geographic range of the genus Massinium is extended to the Mexican Pacific with M. ocumichoensis sp. nov.

Introducción : El género Massinium incluye 11 especies, la mayoría del Océano Indo-Pacífico, y no se había reportado previamente en el continente americano. Objetivo: Presentar el nuevo registro del género Massinium y describir una nueva especie de este. Métodos: La recolección de material se realizó mediante buceo a una profundidad máxima de 9 m. Resultados: Massinium ocumichoensis sp. nov. se describe a partir de siete ejemplares que extiende el rango de distribución del género al Continente Americano (Guerrero, Michoacán y Jalisco, México). La nueva especie vive en sustratos arenosos-rocosos, de 2 a 16 m de profundidad. Se distingue de sus especies congenéricas por una combinación de caracteres morfológicos: pseudobotones de la zona dorsal media ligeramente más grandes (40-60 μm) y tablas en la pared del cuerpo. Se proporciona una clave taxonómica para distinguir las especies de Massinium. Conclusiones: El rango geográfico del género Massinium se extiende al Pacífico mexicano con M. ocumichoensis sp. nov.

Animals , Echinodermata/classification , Introduced Species , Mexico
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 28(1): e19756, Jan-Mar 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289888


Abstract From the analysis of plankton samples from a temporary pond of northern Colombia some female specimen of the daphinid cladoceran Scapholeberis freyi Dumont and Pensaert, 1983 was collected. It represents the first report in Colombia and expands its known occurrence in South America. The specimens observed are described and compared with available morphological data of their closest congeners. A brief descriptions of this taxon based on Colombian material is given.

Resumen A partir del análisis de las muestras de plancton de una charca temporal al noreste de Colombia algunos especímenes hembra del cladócero daphnido Scapholeberis freyi Dumont and Pensaert, 1983 fueron colectados. Este representa el primer reporte en Colombia y expande su rango distribucional conocido en Sur América. Los especímenes observados se describen y se comparan con los datos morfológicos disponibles de sus congéneres más cercanos. Una descripción breve de este taxón basado en el material colombiano es dada.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 27(2): 229-232, abr.-jun 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144952


Abstract Several species of the genus Anastrepha Schiner are associated to different hosts and have a great economic importance in fruit crops of the Neotropical region. Ripe and unripe fruits of six passion flowers species were sampled in Oxapampa during 2016 and 2018. Larvae of Anastrepha pseudoparallela Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae) were detected infesting fruits of Passiflora ambigua Hemsl and Passiflora quadrangularis L. For the first time, this fruit fly species is recorded attacking fruits of passion flowers in Peru.

Resumen Diversas especies del género Anastrepha Schiner están asociadas a diferentes hospederos y tienen gran importancia económica en la fruticultura de la región Neotropical. Frutos maduros e inmaduros de seis especies de Passiflora L. fueron colectados en Oxapampa durante el 2016 y 2018. Larvas de Anastrepha pseudoparallela Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae) fueron encontradas infestando frutos de Passiflora ambigua Hemsl y Passiflora quadrangularis L. Por primera vez, esta especie de mosca es registrada atacando frutos de pasifloras en el Perú.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 20(2): e20201030, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131919


Abstract: We report range extensions for three species of Amazonian erethizontids, Coendou bicolor, C. ichillus, and C. nycthemera. We record C. ichillus for the first time in Brazil, from Rio Japurá, state of Amazonas. We record C. bicolor for the first time in the state of Amazonas, which represents a range extension of approximately 905 km. We also extend the occurrence of C. nycthemera 620 km to the south into Mato Grosso state. All records are based on museum specimens, highlighting the importance of scientific collections as biodiversity databases and emphasizing the lack of research on Amazonian porcupines.

Resumo: Aqui nós relatamos ampliação de distribuição de três espécies de eretizontídeos amazônicos: Coendou bicolor, C. ichillus e C. nycthemera. Nós registramos pela primeira vez C. ichillus no Brasil, no Rio Japurá, estado do Amazonas. Registramos C. bicolor pela primeira vez no estado Amazonas, o que representa uma ampliação de distribuição de aproximadamente 905 km. Também estendemos a ocorrência de C. nycthemera 620 km ao sul, no estado de Mato Grosso. Todos os registros são baseados em espécimes de museu, enfatizando a importância das coleções científicas como bancos de dados da biodiversidade e a destacando ausência de pesquisas para porcos-espinhos amazônicos.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 20(3): e20200972, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131942


Abstract This work is an inventory of ferns and lycophytes of remnants in Amazônia Maranhense. The data provided are the results of collections made from 2010-2011 and 2016-2019 in various municipalities of Maranhão in the Amazonian part of the state. Sixty-four species of ferns and lycophytes, in 36 genera and 18 families, were recorded. Of these, 24 species are new records for Maranhão and four are new records for the Northeast Region of Brazil. The most representative family was Pteridaceae (23 species), followed by Polypodiaceae (7 species). The predominant life forms were terrestrial (37 species) and epiphytic (15 species); the latter is the highest number of epiphytic species recorded for a fern and lycophyte inventory in Maranhão. The data support the need for collecting ferns and lycophytes in Amazônia Maranhense to better understand the flora of these groups in the state.

Resumo Neste trabalho apresentamos um inventário de Samambaias e Licófitas ocorrentes em remanescentes da Amazônia Maranhense. Os dados aqui presentes são resultados de coletas entre os anos de 2010-2011 e 2016-2019 em vários municípios do Maranhão inseridos nesta porção amazônica do estado. Registrou-se um total de 64 espécies de Samambaias e Licófitas, distribuídos em 36 gêneros e 18 famílias. Vinte e quatro espécies são novas ocorrências para o Maranhão, com 4 destas relatadas pela primeira vez para a região Nordeste do Brasil. A família mais representativa foi Pteridaceae (23 espécies), seguida por Polypodiaceae (7 espécies). As formas de vida predominantes foram terrícolas com 37 espécies e epífitas com 15 espécies, sendo este número de epífitas o maior registrado em um inventário de Samambaias e Licófitas do Maranhão. Estes dados reforçam a necessidade de coletas destes grupos de plantas na Amazônia Maranhense de forma a caracterizar amplamente a flora de Samambaias e Licófitas do Maranhão.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 53: e20190222, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057276


Abstract INTRODUCTION: The genus Haemagogus Williston is restricted to Central America and North and middle of South America and it includes numerous species of yellow fever virus vectors. METHODS: Adult female and larvae mosquitoes were collected using hand aspirators and dipper and pipette, respectively. RESULTS: The first record of a species of Haemagogus and particularly of Haemagogus spegazzinii was from La Pampa, Argentina. With this registry, the number of species found in La Pampa province rises to 18. CONCLUSIONS: New information on breeding sites for the species and implications of this new record suggest a possible extension of distribution in the near future.

Animals , Female , Mosquito Vectors/classification , Culicidae/classification , Argentina , Yellow Fever/transmission
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 26(3)ago. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508853


En el presente trabajo se registra de primera vez 'Octopus' selene en aguas peruanas y se amplía su rango de distribución sur hasta Cabo Blanco, Piura, Perú. Cuatro ejemplares machos de 34 - 50 mm LM fueron capturados entre los 03°34'S y 04°06'S a profundidades de 109 a 150 m. Se proporciona una breve descripción, con observaciones taxonómicas y comentarios sobre su distribución geográfica de esta especie.

In this paper, 'Octopus' selene is first registered in Peruvian waters and its distribution range extends south to Cabo Blanco, Piura, Peru. Four male specimens of 34 - 50 mm ML were captured between 03°34'S and 04°06'S at depths of 109 - 150 m. A brief description is provided, with taxonomic observations and comments on its geographical distribution of this species.