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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205096


Background: Anxiety involved panic attacks either having or not having social fear, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder as well as separation anxiety disorder is known to be marked mental diseases. It is related to high medical cost and a significant load of disease. Agaricus blazei Murill (AbM) is a mushroom and possesses immunemodulating and antimicrobial effects both in-vivo and in-vitro and as well as it has been used to treat cancer, hepatitis, dermatitis, and hyperlipidemia traditionally. Method: In this experiment evaluation of anxiolytic effect of AbM on mice has been done by using Elevated Plus Maze test, open field test and motor co-ordination test by rotarod. Mice (Mus musculus) weighing 22-25 grams, were divided into 4 groups (n=6). Oral administration of hydro-alcoholic extract of AbM was utilized in 2 doses i.e. 136.5 mg/kg and 273 mg/kg. Group, I received vehicle (distilled water 10 ml/kg), p.o. Group II received standard (diazepam 1 mg/kg), i.p. Group III and IV orally received hydro-alcoholic extract of AbM (136.5 mg/kg and 273 mg/kg, respectively). Result: In Elevated Plus Maze test, oral administration of hydro-alcoholic extract of AbM (136.5 mg/kg and 273 mg/kg, respectively) exhibited significant (p<0.01) elevation in the percentage of number of open arm entries (48.0 ± 1.1% and 48.93 ± 2.1% respectively) and time spent in open arm (14.92 ± 1.9% and 84.17 ± 2.4%). Conclusion: Hence it is concluded that hydro-alcoholic extract of AbM can be a new therapeutic agent to treat anxiety.

Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 69(3): 358-363, jul.-set. 2010. tab


No presente estudo foram avaliados os parâmetros físico-químicos e sensoriais de oito marcas de queijo Mozarela de búfala, analisando-se os teores de umidade, extrato seco total, lipídios, lipídios no extrato seco, proteínas, proteínas no extrato seco, cinzas, carboidratos, pH, digestibilidade in vitro de proteínas e β-caroteno. Realizou-se a análise instrumental da cor por meio de colorímetro Kônica Minolta CR 400. Sob o aspecto sensorial, foram feitos testes de ordenação de cor (branco claro – escuro), maciez (menos –mais), efetuados por 30 provadores, e preferência (gostei menos – gostei mais), realizado por 55 pessoas. As amostras de queijos analisadas apresentaram diferenças significativas nos parâmetros avaliados, com exceção da digestibilidade in vitro. Observou-se também a ausência de β-caroteno nas amostras de todas as marcas, o que indica que estão em conformidade com a legislação. Verificou-se que a variação na tonalidade branca não afetou a preferência, o que sugere que as marcas de produtos mais macios foram as mais aceita se que as variações encontradas estejam provavelmente associadas à variação da composição química da matéria-prima, bem como à forma de processamento do produto.

The sensorial and physical-chemical parameters of eight brands of buffalo mozzarella cheese were assessedanalyzing humidity rate, total dry extract, lipids, lipids in dry extract, proteins, proteins in dry extract, ashes, carbohydrates, pH, in vitro digestibility of proteins and β-carotene. The instrumental color analysis was performed by using Konica Minolta colorimeter CR 400. Sensorial color ordination tests (light – dark), softness (less - more) and preference (liked less – liked more) were performed by 30 testers, and the preference test by 55 persons. The cheeses samples from different brands showed significant differences in the evaluated parameters, except for in vitro digestibility. It was also found a lack of β-carotene in all of product brands, being in agreement with the legislation in force. The range of white tonality did not affect the preference; therefore, it was inferred that the softest product brands were the best accepted andthe softness variations were probably related to the chemical composition of raw material and also to the procedure for manufacturing the product.

Staining and Labeling , Cheese