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Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533383


El sector eléctrico colombiano ha impulsado políticas organizacionales fundamentadas en la inclusión y el bienestar de la sociedad en general, que pretenden trasladarse al teletrabajo a través de un estilo de liderazgo ético. Sin embargo, el egoísmo -que se caracteriza por maximizar el interés propio como base de razonamiento moral-, es un factor subyacente que puede deteriorar cualquier iniciativa que busque un equilibrio institucional justo e íntegro, mediante un clima ético donde las decisiones descuiden las necesidades colectivas. Por consiguiente, el objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la relación entre un clima laboral egoísta y el teletrabajo, a través del rol moderador de liderazgo ético. El estudio aplicó un diseño cuantitativo, transversal y correlacional explicativo. La muestra fue de 448 empleados evaluados por una encuesta en línea. Se encontró que el clima ético egoísta (X) y el liderazgo ético (W) se asocian significativamente con el teletrabajo (Y). Sin embargo, cuando el liderazgo ético regula la relación entre las variables independiente y dependiente (6X - Y/W), se hace visible que a mayor percepción de una dirección ética más débil se torna el efecto del clima egoísta sobre el teletrabajo hasta desaparecer. En conclusión, el sector eléctrico colombiano, por su enfoque en la responsabilidad social y erradicación de conductas deshonestas mediante un liderazgo ético, no es compatible con un clima laboral egoísta. De hecho, el impulsar una cultura de trabajo, a través del interés propio, neutraliza todo el esfuerzo ético propuesto por el sector eléctrico colombiano en los últimos siete años, puesto que su finalidad ha sido propender por iniciativas sociales e inclusivas.

The Colombian electricity sector promotes organizational policies based on the inclusion and well-being of society in general, which also intend to transfer to teleworking through an ethical leadership style. However, the selfishness that is characterized by maximizing self-interest as the basis of moral reasoning is an underlying factor that can deteriorate any initiative that seeks a fair and comprehensive institutional balance through an ethical climate where decisions neglect collective needs. Therefore, the objective of this research is to determine the relationship between a selfish climate and teleworking through the moderating role of ethical leadership. The study applies a quantitative, cross-sectional, explanatory correlational design. The sample is 448 employees who are evaluated with an online survey. The selfish ethical climate (X) and ethical leadership (W) are significantly associated with telecommuting (Y). However, when ethical leadership regulates the relationship between the independent and dependent variables (6X - Y/W) it becomes visible that the greater the perception of a weaker ethical leadership, the effect of the selfish climate on telework becomes until it disappears. The Colombian electricity sector, due to its focus on social responsibility and on eradicating dishonest conduct through ethical leadership, is not compatible with a selfish climate. In fact, promoting only individual interests in virtual work environments would nullify all the ethical effort proposed by the sector in question in the last seven years. Since its purpose has been to promote social and inclusive initiatives.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(1): 251-259, jan. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055774


Resumo O artigo tem como objetivo reforçar a importância da ética organizacional para as organizações de saúde. Como primeiro passo, distingue-se a ética organizacional de outras áreas da ética aplicada as quais são mobilizadas por questões éticas relacionadas à saúde. Em seguida, são apresentados os objetos de estudo e de intervenção que a caracterizam. Finalmente, o artigo enfoca alguns elementos centrais de uma abordagem ética organizacional particularmente rica e relevante.

Abstract The article aims to reinforce the importance of organizational ethics for health organizations. As a first step, organizational ethics is differentiated from other areas of applied ethics, which are mobilized by health-related ethical issues. Then, the objects of study and intervention that characterize it are presented. Finally, the article focuses on some core elements of a particularly rich and relevant organizational ethical approach.

Delivery of Health Care/ethics , Ethics, Institutional , Brazil
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 128(2): 33-37, jun. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-767503


El punto de encuentro que representa la salud entre lo biológico y lo social, el individuo y la comunidad, la política social y la económica representa un medio para la realización personal y colectiva. Esta visión permite medir el éxito alcanzado por una sociedad y sus instituciones de gobierno en la búsqueda del bienestar y el desarrollo. Desde esta perspectiva, las relaciones humanas desde la salud comprenden varias dimensiones éticas, que pueden entenderse como una serie de círculos concéntricos que, partiendo del nivel más elemental, el paciente del sistema de salud, llegan a integrarse en el sistema global y complejo de la biosfera. Es aquí donde el análisis debería estar guiado por principios éticos como el principio de responsabilidad de Hans Jonas o del desarrollo sostenible; y donde la salud asume su rol más crítico en la agenda del desarrollo, la seguridad global y la democracia. A su vez, los cambios fácticos asociados al fenómeno de la globalización muestran con mayor claridad la insuficiencia del modelo actual del management para producir eficacia, efectividad, eficiencia, calidad y seguridad e innovación permanente, en el accionar de las organizaciones de salud; razón por la cual es necesaria su reformulación.

Health is a meeting point of the biological and the social, individuals and community, economic policy and social policy which represents a means of personal and collective accomplishment. This view allows you to measure the success of a society and its institutions of Government in the pursuit of well-being and development. From this perspective, human relations from health comprise several ethical dimensions, which can be understood as a series of concentric circles which, starting from the most basic level, the health system patient, become integrated into the global and the complex system of the biosphere. It is here where the analysis should be guided by ethical principles such as the principle of responsibility in Hans Jonas sense, or sustainable development, and where health assumes its more critical role in the development agenda, global security and democracy. At the same time, factual changes associated with the phenomenon of globalization are more clearly the inadequacy of the current model of management to produce efficiency, effectiveness, efficiency, quality and safety and ongoing innovation, the action of health organizations. This is the reason why its reformulation is necessary.

Health Facility Administration/ethics , Health Facilities/ethics , Bioethics , Health Facilities/trends , Public Health , Health Systems/trends
Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 11(1): 54-65, jun. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-682969


O construto saúde organizacional surgiu na década de cinquenta do século passado, como uma tentativa de os autores responderem às críticas dirigidas ao conceito de efetividade. Desse modo, o conceito de saúde organizacional surgiu vinculado ao de efetividade, mas dele se distinguiu pela abrangência. Definida como efetividade expandida, a conceituação de saúde organizacional foi alvo de inúmeras teorizações com poucas tentativas de teste empírico. Assim, este estudo teve por objetivo testar um modelo teórico de impacto de comportamentos éticos organizacionais e da confiança do empregado no sistema empregador sobre a saúde organizacional, a partir da ótica dos trabalhadores. Empregando instrumentos psicometricamente construídos e validados, o estudo encontrou como principais antecedentes da percepção de saúde organizacional variáveis relativas a aspectos internos da organização. A variável de maior impacto e, portanto, de maior contribuição à explicação foi gestão do sistema, que diz respeito à qualidade do gerenciamento organizacional sobre subsistemas físicos e humanos. Os resultados foram discutidos com base na utilização do construto saúde organizacional como instrumento de gestão, e uma agenda de pesquisa foi sugerida.

The construct of organizational health first appeared in the 1950s as an attempt by authors to respond to criticism regarding the concept of effectiveness. Thus, when the concept of organizational health emerged, it was linked to the concept of effectiveness, but differed from it in its extent. The conceptualization of organizational health, defined as expanded effectiveness, has been the object of much theorizing, yet has been accompanied by few attempts at empirical tests. Therefore, this study aimed to test a theoretical model of the impact of ethical organizational behavior, as well as the impact of employee trust in the employment system concerning organizational health, from the employee's point of view. Using psychometrically constructed and validated instruments, this study found that variables related to internal aspects of the organization are the main antecedents of the perception of organizational health. The variable of greatest impact and, therefore, the main contributor to the explanation was system management. This variable is related to the quality of organizational management of physical and human subsystems. The results were discussed based on the use of the construct of organizational health as a management instrument, and a research agenda has been suggested.

Humans , Male , Female , Efficiency, Organizational , Organization and Administration , Trust , Effectiveness , Occupational Health , Ethics, Institutional
Gac. méd. Méx ; 144(4): 279-283, jul.-ago. 2008.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-568058


El ejercicio de la medicina se ha regido tradicionalmente por los principios de la ética médica y los aspectos científicos que la definen. Sin embargo, la medicina actual se ve fuertemente influida por aspectos de otra índole como el interés económico, el encarnizamiento terapéutico, la medicina defensiva, la cirugía innecesaria, los conflictos de interés, las alteraciones en la aplicación del consentimiento informado, la relación con la industria farmacéutica, el respeto a la confidencialidad, la ética organizacional, y el ejercicio ético que escapa a la voluntad del profesional médico.

Medical practice has been traditionally ruled by the principles of medical ethics and the scientific aspects that define it. However, today's medical practice is largely influenced by other aspects such as: economic interests, abuse of therapeutics, defensive medicine, unnecessary surgeries and conflicts of interests without excluding alterations in the application of the informed consent, the relation with the pharmaceutical industry, respect of confidentiality, organizational ethics, and the ethical practice that escapes the will of the medical professional.

Humans , Ethics, Medical