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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222126


Adolescents (children aged 11-19 years) are at the greatest peril when it comes to use of smart gadgets. These gadgets are essential for literacy and development, but also have the potential to cause addiction and other unwanted effects. Finding the right balance is the key. Thus, there is a considerable need to devise, enlist and convey to parents, various hacks and heuristics that can be used by them to optimize the use of smart gadgets by their teenager children. This communication should prove helpful for all health care professionals who are directly or indirectly involved in adolescent health care.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222096


Adolescents (children aged 11-19 years) are at the greatest peril when it comes to use of smart gadgets. These gadgets are essential for literacy and development, but also have the potential to cause addiction and other unwanted effects. Finding the right balance is the key. Thus, there is a considerable need to devise, enlist and convey to parents, various hacks and heuristics that can be used by them to optimize the use of smart gadgets by their teenager children. This communication should prove helpful for all health care professionals who are directly or indirectly involved in adolescent health care.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222085


Excessive screen time has emerged as a significant threat to child health. This communication lists various hacks and heuristics that can be used for children of varying age groups, to optimize their screen time. This information is useful for all health care professionals who manage children and/or counsel their patients.

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 47(4): 236-242, Oct-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1042734


Abstract Notwithstanding the availability of human and technological resources, the care deficit in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with congenital heart diseases in Colombia is estimated at 50%. Barriers to healthcare delivery and access, both at the basic and specialized level, means that patients progress and reach advanced stages of the disease, with a direct impact on morbidity and mortality, and on the cost of care. Problems in early detection and diagnosis, poor access to specialized institutions, administrative constraints to authorize surgeries, diagnostic tests, and medical services, in addition to the lack of government recognition of national referral centers for the specialized management of these patients, compromise both the quality-of-life and the survival of patients. The purpose of this study is to highlight the current situation of patients and outline the diagnostic impact of the tools widely available in our environment for the detection of these pathologies.

Resumen En Colombia se estima un déficit de atención para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los pacientes con cardiopatías congénitas del 50%, a pesar de contar con el equipo humano y tecnológico. Las barreras en el acceso a los servicios de salud, tanto en el nivel básico como en el especializado, hacen que los pacientes evolucionen hasta estadios avanzados, con impacto directo en la morbimortalidad y costo de atención. Los problemas en la detección y el diagnóstico temprano, la falta de acceso a centros especializados, las fallas administrativas en las autorizaciones quirúrgicas, diagnósticas y médicas, así como la falta de reconocimiento por parte del Estado de centros de referencia nacional para el manejo especializado de dichos pacientes hacen que tanto la calidad de vida como la sobrevida se encuentren comprometidas. El objetivo de este artículo es resaltar la problemática actual de los pacientes y describir el impacto diagnóstico de las herramientas ampliamente disponibles en nuestro medio para la detección de dichas enfermedades.

Humans , Child , Diagnostic Techniques, Cardiovascular , Heart Defects, Congenital , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Colombia , Diagnostic Tests, Routine , Equipment and Supplies , Health Services Accessibility , Heart Diseases
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 88(3): 281-291, jul.-set. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-789455


INTRODUCCIÓN: el dolor torácico es una molestia que siente el niño en la parte superior de la zona del tórax o pecho, que puede ser una sensación física o emocional desagradable, y diferente para cada niño. OBJETIVO: identificar las características del dolor torácico en el niño que dificultan el diagnóstico, y que a la vez, permitan una mejor orientación y conducta hacia esta manifestación, por parte de los médicos de asistencia en el área de salud de Guatemala. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en 54 pacientes con diagnóstico de dolor torácico atendidos en el policlínico con servicios de hospitalización "Roberto Escudero Díaz", y sus consultorios del área de salud de Guatemala, de 2012 a 2014. RESULTADOS: el dolor torácico se presentó en una población infantil de 1 a 14 años, con edad media general de 12 años, y predominio del sexo masculino. Entre los factores predisponentes prevaleció el esfuerzo físico mantenido. En la mayoría de los casos el dolor torácico se presentó sin otras manifestaciones clínicas. El signo positivo al examen físico que más se destacó fue la taquicardia. Predominó la causa musculoesquelética. Entre las enfermedades cardiovasculares asociadas se encontró el prolapso de válvula mitral y la pericarditis. Los principales exámenes realizados para el diagnóstico fueron las radiografías de tórax y el electrocardiograma. CONCLUSIONES: el dolor torácico en el niño rara vez tiene origen cardiaco, y la anamnesis -más un examen físico exhaustivo- permite llegar al diagnóstico para brindar adecuada atención a estos pacientes.

INTRODUCTION: chest pain is some discomfort that a child may feel at the upper part of his/her thoracic area or chest and that creates unpleasant physical or emotional sensation which is different in each child. OBJECTIVE: to identify the characteristics of the chest pain in a child that makes diagnosis difficult but at the same time, allows better orientation and behavior before this manifestation by the health professionals in the health area of Guatemala. METHODS: a retrospective descriptive study was conducted in 54 patients with chest pain diagnosis seen at the admission service of "Roberto Escudero Diaz" polyclinics and its physician's offices located in the health area of Guatemala municipality from 2012 to 2014. RESULTS: chest pain was detected in an infant population aged 1 to 14 years; with general average age of 12 years and predominance of males. Sustained physical effort was a prevalent predisposing factor. Chest pain appeared with no other clinical symptom in most of cases. On the physical examination, tachycardia was the fundamental positive sign. Muscular-skeletal causes predominated. Mitral valve prolapse and pericarditis were found to be associated cardiovascular diseases. The main tests for diagnosis were chest x-rays and electrocardiogram. CONCLUSIONS: chest pain in the child is rarely of cardiac origin, so anamnesis plus comprehensive physical exam are needed to reach adequate diagnosis and provide better care for these patients.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Chest Pain , Chest Pain/diagnosis , Radiography, Thoracic/methods , Electrocardiography/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies
Acta bioeth ; 18(2): 189-198, nov. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-687026


La inmigración se ha convertido en un fenómeno universal. Uno de sus efectos es el incremento de los niños de procedencia internacional en las consultas de pediatría. Se trata de una población doblemente vulnerable, por tratarse de niños y por proceder de contextos culturales extraños a los del país de acogida. Ante esta realidad emergente es imprescindible preguntarse por el tipo de asistencia sanitaria que deben recibir. En el presente artículo se proponen principios éticos de actuación inspirados en las principales normas internacionales sobre bioética y derechos de los niños: principio de vulnerabilidad; principio de respeto y amor, y principio de acceso y atención sanitaria. Finalmente, se proponen algunas políticas que las administraciones podrían (deberían) implementar para garantizar una asistencia pediátrica correcta a los niños inmigrantes.

Immigration has become an universal phenomenon. One of its effects is the increase in children of international origin in pediatric consultation. This is a doubly vulnerable population, because of being children and because of belonging to cultural contexts foreign to host country. Considering this emergent reality it is essential to question the type of health care they must receive. In the present study, ethical principles for acting are proposed inspired in the main international guidelines about bioethics and children rights: vulnerability principle; respect and love principle; and the principle of access to health care. Finally, some policies that health care managements could implement are proposed to guaranty fair pediatric health care for immigrant children.

A imigração se converteu num fenômeno universal. Um de seus efeitos é o incremento das crianças de procedência internacional nas consultas de pediatria. Trata-se de uma população duplamente vulnerável por se tratar de crianças e por proceder de contextos culturais estranhos aos do país de acolhida. Ante esta realidade emergente é imprescindível perguntar-se pelo tipo de assistência sanitária que devem receber. No presente artigo se propõem princípios éticos de atuação inspirados nas principais normas internacionais sobre bioética e direitos das crianças: princípio de vulnerabilidade; princípio de respeito e amor, e princípio de acesso e atenção sanitária. Finalmente, se propõem algumas políticas que as administrações poderiam (deveriam) implementar para garantir uma assistência pediátrica correta às crianças imigrantes.

Humans , Child , Bioethics , Child Advocacy , Child Health Services , Emigrants and Immigrants , Primary Health Care , Pediatrics
Gerais ; 3(2): [160-174], 01/12/2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-880571


Pesquisas em contextos nos quais podem ocorrer impactos no ciclo vital infantil são necessárias, uma vez que o desenvolvimento humano é ininterrupto. Um desses contextos é o de internação pediátrica. Este trabalho apresenta resultados de um programa de suporte teórico-prático em contexto de internação pediátrica, cujo foco foi o brincar como instrumento de intervenção terapêutica. Participaram do programa 16 profissionais de saúde de um hospital geral de uma capital brasileira. São apresentados os resultados de duas avaliações de aprendizagem e de uma avaliação de reação realizadas com os participantes. Os resultados sugerem que os participantes apresentam pouco conhecimento sobre as potencialidades do brincar em contexto de internação pediátrica; ademais, que eles o consideram somente como um recurso paliativo no atendimento às crianças internadas. Esses resultados apontam que ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido para a efetiva implementação e valorização do brincar como instrumento de intervenção terapêutica em instituições hospitalares.

Researches in contexts in which impact in children's life cycle may occur are necessary, for human development is continuous. One of these contexts is the pediatric hospitalization. This paper presents results of a program of theoretical and practical support within the context of pediatric hospitalization, whose focus was playing as an instrument for therapeutic intervention. Sixteen healthcare professionals of a general hospital of a Brazilian capital city have participated in the program. The results of two learning evaluations and one reaction evaluation conducted with the participants are presented. The results suggest that the participants have little knowledge about the potentialities of playing within the context of pediatric hospitalization; furthermore, that they consider it a mere palliative resource in the assistance of hospitalized children. These results demonstrate that there is a lot to be done before the effective implementation and enhancement of playing as an instrument for therapeutic intervention in hospitals.