Introduction: Hemorrhage represents has been considered as the leading cause of maternal death in developingcountries and one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in obstetrics and gynecological surgery.Iliolumbar artery (ILA) is one of the branches of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery. The source ofILA has been documented from all possible neighboring arteries. So the course and ramification of the ILA havereceived attention for gynecologists and surgeons.Materials and methods: Study was conducted on 30 bisected pelvises specimens in Department of Anatomy,Gulbarga Institute of medical sciences, Gulbarga. The pattern of origin of the iliolumbar artery (ILA) was identified.The origin and course of ILA were evaluated.Results: In the present study, we observed the ILA was most commonly originated from the trunk of IIA in 36.67%,from posterior division of IIA in 23.33%, and from the common iliac artery in 13.33%. The incidence of absenceof ILA was recorded in 26.67% specimen.Conclusion: The surgeons, especially while doing pelvic surgeries or obstetrics and gynecology surgeries, shouldbe aware of the normal anatomy of the internal iliac artery and its variations for the successful ligation of theinternal iliac artery and for the safe surgical outcomes.
Background: Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for the vast majority of patients with end stage renal disease. Many of the current challenges with the donor grafts are the results of anatomic variants, such as multiple renal arteries, multiple. The previous studies have shown that use of vessel grafts is associated with a higher incidence of vascular and urologic complications. With this back ground the knowledge of variations in vascular pattern is very helpful for renal transplantation and renal surgeries. Materials and Methods: 100 kidneys (Fifty pairs) intact with abdominal aorta were collected from department of Forensic department, JSS Medical College and Mysore Medical College. For study of segmental variation Corrosion cast technique method was used. The variations of posterior division were observed and recorded. Results: In present study type I posterior division of renal artery were found in - 27% cases, type II in - 42% cases, type III in - 25% cases. Conclusion: In present studywe found three types of posterior division of renal artery this knowledge helpful in treatment of renal trauma, renal transplantation, renovascular hypertension, renal artery embolization, vascular reconstruction.