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Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 31-36, 2010.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975452


BACKGROUND: Multiple sclerosis is spreading in population of Mongolia last 30 years. But there are rare of the date ofprevalence of this disease in Mongolia. So we have studied the prevalence of this disease in population of 8 provinces(aimags) of Mongolia in 2008 year.GOAL: To reveal and establish prevalence and clinical characteristic of multiple sclerosis (MS) in population of 8 aimags(provinces) of Mongolia.METHOD: Revealing of patients with multiple sclerosis in population was made by neurologists, which are possessedof clinical method for revealing or confirm the diagnosis and were taken in register the patients only with confirmeddiagnosis. This study was conducted in following 8 aimags of Mongolia: Bayan-Ulgii, Bayankhongor, Gobi-Altai,Dundgobi, Uvurkhangai, Zavkhan, Khentii, and Orkhon; total population of these aimags is 627762 (m-306482, f-321279). The prevalence of this disease was calculated for 100.000 populations.RESULTS: There have been revealed total 35 patients in 8 aimags. The prevalence for 100.000 population is 5,57 (m-2,61; f-8,40) and has been fluctuated in provinces in range from 1,81 (Uvurkhangai aimag) till 13,28 (Khentii aimag) for100 000 population.The rest 6 provinces (aimags) have prevalence in range from 4,17 (Dundgobi) till 6,38 (Bayan-Ulgii).All patients were distributed by clinical characteristic in next main forms:Cerebro-spinal form in 22 patients (62,8%) among them optico-myelitis in 9 cases (40,9%); Spinal form in 6 patients(17,1%); Cerebral form in 4 cases (11,4%); only optical form in 3 cases (8,6%).Pure spinal, cerebral and optic forms are diagnosed in patients, which have duration of disease no more 6-7 years.By the courses of disease all patients distributed in courses the beginning with acute attack incomplete recovery(remissions) revealed in 18 patients (51,4%), more rapid but steadily progressive course in 5 cases (14,3%), acutesevere attacks course in 5 patients (14,3%).CONCLUSION:1. Multiple sclerosis is spreading in population of Mongolia in last 30 years after 1980.2. The prevalence of this disease in population of 8 provinces (aimags) of Mongolia in 2008 year is 5,57 cases (inmen-2,61; in women-8,40) for 100.000 population. The rates of prevalence of the disease by aimags are oscillated inrates from 1,81(Uvurkhangai) till 13,28 (Khentii) for 100.000 population.3. The women suffered more in 3 time than in man and optic form revealed in 34,2 % cases (in 12 patients). Theage of beginning of the disease was fluctuated in age from 16-19 years old till 60 above years old.4. By level of prevalence of this disease Mongolia now is belonging to countries of the world, which have lowprevalence of this disease (till 10 per 100.000 pop).