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Ibom Medical Journal ; 17(1): 62-67, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1525511


Background:Human immunodeficiency virus/ Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), has remained a disease of public health concern, with the largest burden being found in sub Saharan Africa. The advent of anti-retroviral therapy (ART) has significantly reduced the mortality of the disease, thereby transforming it to a chronic disorder, with significant co-morbid psychiatric sequalae.Objectives:To determine the prevalence and pattern of psychiatric morbidity among PLWHAattending Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano.Materials and methods:This was a cross sectional study of adult patients with HIV/AIDS attending outpatient clinic at the S.S. Wali Virology Centre of Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital who gave informed consent. Systematic random sampling technique was used.Patients aged 18years and above who had been on ARVdrugs for at least one year were included, while those who had a medical emergency and needed immediate attention were excluded.Socio demographic characteristics were obtained using a socio-demographic questionnaire and psychiatric morbidity was assessed with the MINI International Neuropsychiatry Interview.Results:Atotal of 420 participants were recruited in the study with a male to female ratio of 1:1.5 and mean age of 40.4±10.0 years. The prevalence of a psychiatric disorder was 22.1% out of whom 5.0% had more than one psychiatric diagnosis. Major depression was the most common (11%) psychiatric disorder. Generalized Anxiety disorder, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol abuse accounted for 7.6%, 5.5%, 2.4% and 1.7% of psychiatric disorders respectively.Conclusion:Psychiatric disorders are common in PLWHA, with major depression being the commonest.

HIV Infections , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221416


The COVID-19 was first observed in patients in Wuhan, China, in 2019 and it widely infected people across the world thereafter. In March 2020, World Health Organization declared it as a global pandemic. Patients admitted to intensive care units are prone to developing mental illnesses; in addition, patients in the COVID Intensive care unit were at a disadvantage as they had to be kept separated from family members due to the contagious nature of their illness. Moreover, communication with medical staff was difficult due to protective equipment worn by the health care workers as well as oxygen masks and tubes assisting the patients. In this study done in year 2020 to 2022, we tried to find out the impact that intensive care unit admission in the COVID intensive care unit had on the mental health of the patients. In our study, we found that a significant number of patients developed psychiatric morbidity after discharge from the COVID intensive care unit.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222809


Background: Corona virus disease 2019 pandemic (COVID-19), has posed significant mental health challenges. Psychological morbidities among Indian doctors has not been extensively examined. In order to plan appropriate interventions, it is imperative to know the details of the mental health condition of our doctors especially so during this period of enormous physical and mental challenges brought by the current pandemic. Methodology: The present findings, are from an online survey done to briefly assess the mental health status of doctors. The survey was done, through a questionnaire, generated by the authors, from items of Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) version 6. Results: A total of 274 responses were received and 242were analysed. Mean age of the participants was 37.21 Years (SD = 10.70). 61.98% of the participants were males. 42.14% were resident doctors, 44.21% were faculty members. Majority of the doctors reported having some psychiatric symptom. Only, 0.83% reported having suicidal ideation. None of the participants were planning to seek a psychiatric consultation, in near future, for the psychiatric problems. There was a positive correlation of psychiatric symptoms, with exposure to COVID-19 duties. Conclusions: Doctors have higher psychological morbidities, but due to various reasons are not willing to address the severity of their symptoms nor are they acknowledging the need for intervention. There is an urgent need, for acceptance and acknowledgement of the psychological problems being faced by this highly demanding, vulnerable population, especially so during the present crisis

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219019


Background: Mental health problem is a major public health issue all over the world including India. In India, mental disorders are the leading contributors to significant morbidity and disability amongst those affected. With changing health pa?erns among Indians, mental behavior and substance use disorders are coming to the forefront in health care delivery systems. Objec?ve: This study was aimed to assess the diagnos?c pa?ern of psychiatric morbidity among the pa?ents a?ending psychiatric outpa?ent department in a private medical college. Methodology: This cross-sec?onal study was carried out in the Department of Psychiatry in Prathima Ins?tute of Medical Sciences located at Karimnagar, Telangana, India. For this study, a total of 442 new subjects a?ending Psychiatry Outpa?ent Department (OPD) from August 2020 to July 2021 were taken. All the informa?on including longitudinal histories of pa?ents was recorded in files and the diagnosis was made following Diagnos?c and Sta?s?cal Manual of Mental Disorders-Fi?h Edi?on (DSM 5). Sociodemographic parameters and family history of mental illness were collected from the record file of the individual pa?ent. Results: In the present study, among the different age groups, the majority (28.05%) of the study subjects were of the age ranging from 21-30 years. The distribu?on according to gender was (62.89%) males and (37.10%) females. The majority of the study subjects belonged to the rural background (69.45%), educated up to 10th standard (28.73%), self-employed (29.86%), married (67.42%), belonged to Hindu religion (85.74%), and with a monthly family income of 5,000 to 10,000 (38.68%). The majority of the study subjects were diagnosed with Major depressive Disorders (28.05%), followed by anxiety disorders (17.87%) and Substance-Related and Addic?ve Disorders (16.96%). Conclusion: This study provides informa?on about the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity among pa?ents a?ending outpa?ent department in a private medical hospital in Northern Telangana. It helps in assessing the pa?ern of psychiatric problems and taking necessary steps to plan for better management of mental health care in the near future.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216933


Background: Given the growth of juvenile delinquent population, epidemiologic data on their psychiatric evaluation is becoming increasingly important. Rehabilitation for juvenile delinquent children is the key whether addressing healthcare, poverty, population control, unemployment or human rights issues. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to evaluate the usefulness of CBCL (Child Behaviour Checklist – TRF (Teacher Report Form) for assessment and screening of psychiatric morbidity in juvenile delinquent boys in an observation home. Method: The present cross-sectional study was conducted in an Observation Home for Boys. Prior to conducting the study, informed written permission was sought from the Superintendent of Observation Home for Boys. Study sample consisted of 50 boys aged between 6-16 years. The children were recruited through application of inclusion and exclusion criteria and after taking written informed permission from the Observation Home authorities. Results: Significant CBCL total score was found in 22 (44%) juveniles. Eighteen (36%) juveniles had high score on externalizing behaviour, and 14 (28%) on internalizing behaviour. The sensitivity of CBCL significant score was found to be 88.64% and specificity was 100%. This indicates the utility of CBCL in epidemiological studies and screening of juveniles. It is a simple tool for screening and as noted it has high sensitivity and specificity. Conclusion: In conclusion, the CBCL has implications for the training of manpower for strengthening of mental health services for these children. There is immediate need for multidisciplinary mental health services at each juvenile center.

Gac. méd. espirit ; 23(2): 53-65, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339934


RESUMEN Fundamento: La presencia cada vez más creciente de personas con trastornos psiquiátricos atendidas en servicios de salud públicos del Ecuador, suscita el desarrollo de estudios epidemiológicos que permitan conocer cómo se distribuyen estos trastornos entre los diferentes grupos, para una planificación adecuada de servicios de salud mental; sin embargo, existen estudios disponibles con diferencias en el diseño, los instrumentos y la selección de la muestra, que afectan los resultados y sus conclusiones, como son el subregistro y el sobre diagnóstico de trastornos mentales. Objetivo: Analizar diferencias metodológicas entre los estudios de morbilidad psiquiátrica en población general, asimismo, los diferentes resultados obtenidos de estas investigaciones. Metodología: Estudio comparativo de investigaciones de morbilidad psiquiátrica en población general, basado en el análisis de publicaciones durante el período 2000 al 2019 en el Ecuador. Resultados: Se registraron trece estudios, cuatro encuestas y dos estudios nacionales sobre consumo de drogas, uno de prevalencia psiquiátrica, y seis de tamizaje de trastornos mentales, en poblaciones con edades de 13 a 75 años. Los instrumentos más utilizados fueron de tamizaje y la clasificación diagnóstica más utilizada fue el Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales, cuarta versión (DSM-IV). La prevalencia empleada fue, puntual, último mes, anual y de vida. Los trastornos más frecuentes fueron la ansiedad, la depresión, el trastorno estrés postraumático y el de comportamiento debido al consumo de drogas. Conclusiones: Los estudios de morbilidad psiquiátrica realizados en Ecuador, son heterogéneos en el empleo de instrumentos, sujetos y cálculo de la muestra, así como sus resultados, por lo que es pertinente el desarrollo de investigaciones de este tipo, que se ajusten a la realidad y recursos del país, y que sus hallazgos, sean de utilidad en la planificación de servicios y políticas de salud mental en el Ecuador.

ABSTRACT Background: The growing presence of people with psychiatric disorders assisted in public health services in Ecuador, promotions the development of epidemiological studies that allow to know how these disorders are distributed among unlike groups, so for an adequate planning of mental health services; however, there are available studies with differences in the design, instruments and sample selection, which affect the results and conclusions, such as under-registration and over-diagnosis of mental disorders. Objective: To analyze methodological differences between studies of psychiatric morbidity of overall population, as well as the unlike results obtained from these investigations. Methodology: Comparative study of psychiatric morbidity research of overall population, based on the analysis of publications from 2000 to 2019 in Ecuador. Results: Thirteen studies were registered, four surveys and two national studies on drug use, one on psychiatric prevalence, and six on screening for mental disorders, in populations aged 13 to 75 years. Screening instruments were used the most, the same for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as the diagnostic classification, fourth version (DSM-IV). The prevalence used was point prevalence, last month, annual and of lifetime. The most frequent disorders were anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and behavior due to drug use. Conclusions: The studies on psychiatric morbidity conducted in Ecuador are heterogeneous in the use of instruments, subjects and sample calculation, as well as their results, so it is pertinent to develop researches from this nature adjusted to the country´s reality and resources, consequently, its findings be useful for the planning of mental health services and policies in Ecuador.

Social Work, Psychiatric , Ecuador/epidemiology , Mental Disorders/epidemiology
Gac. méd. espirit ; 22(3): 160-174, sept.-dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149353


RESUMEN Fundamento: Ante el aumento de personas con trastornos psiquiátricos en países de América Latina, se aprecia la necesidad de desarrollar estudios epidemiológicos para conocer la distribución de estos entre los varios grupos etarios; sin embargo, existen diferencias que van desde la elección de los instrumentos, hasta la selección y cálculo de la muestra, lo que afecta los resultados y sus conclusiones, como son el subregistro y el sobre diagnóstico de trastornos, o las dificultades en el acceso a los servicios de salud mental. Objetivo: Analizar diferencias metodológicas entre los estudios relacionados con la morbilidad psiquiátrica en la población general y en servicios de atención primaria, asimismo los diferentes hallazgos obtenidos en esas investigaciones. Conclusiones: Los estudios de morbilidad psiquiátrica a partir del indicador prevalencia realizados en América Latina son heterogéneos e incluyen instrumentos, sistemas de clasificación, sujetos y cálculo de muestras diferentes, así como sus resultados, por lo que es pertinente enfocar el diseño de este tipo de investigación ajustado a las realidades locales y recursos disponibles para de esta manera definir estrategias que aporten a la planificación de servicios y el desarrollo de políticas de salud mental en esta región.

ABSTRACT Background: With the increase in the number of people with psychiatric disorders in Latin American countries, the need to develop epidemiological studies is appreciated to know the distribution of these among the several age groups; however, there are differences ranging from the choice of instruments to the selection and calculation of the sample, which affects the results and their conclusions, such as underreporting and overdiagnosis of disorders, or difficulties in accessing mental health services. Objective: To analyze methodological differences between related studies with psychiatric morbidity in the general population and in primary care health services, also the different findings obtained in these research. Conclusions: Psychiatric morbidity studies based on the prevalence indicator in Latin America are heterogeneous and include different instruments, classification systems, subjects and sample calculation, as well as their results, so it is pertinent to focus the design of this type of research adjusted to local realities and resources available to define strategies that contribute to service planning and development of mental health policies in this region.

Mental Disorders , Primary Health Care
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204630


Background: Mental health and its related problems are growing concerns over the world. The early onset of emotional and behavioral problem in the young children is related to a variety of health and behavior problems in adolescence and later life as well. Most of these children present to Pediatric outpatient clinics owing to the Stigma and lack of awareness. The aim of the study is to find out the pattern and prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in children presenting to pediatric outpatient clinics.Methods: It is a cross sectional, point prevalence study of children who have attended Child Guidance Clinic of Pediatric Department in a tertiary care teaching hospital October 2019 to January 2020. Clinical and demographic details was collected in a semi-structured proforma and the details were analyzed.Results: A total of 114 children were analyzed during the study period and this study comprised of 62 boys and 52 girls. Most of the children belonged to the age group of 11-15 years (51%) followed by the ages of 6-10(29.8%). Most common reason for consultation was change in behavior, school refusal and poor academic performance. The most common diagnosis made was Dissociative Conversion Disorder (17.6%), Nocturnal enuresis (15.7%), Mild Mental Retardation (10.5%) and Seizure Disorder with Behavioral Problems (10.5%).Conclusions: A significant number of children attending the Paediatric OPD of general hospitals have psychiatric disorders. The emotional and behavioral problems in children often present with physical symptoms. An effective liaison of services will help to identify and treat children with psychiatric morbidity.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212045


Background: Psoriasis is associated with a variety of psychological problems including poor self-esteem, sexual dysfunction, anxiety and depressive disorder and suicidal ideation. There are reports that patients with psoriasis may have significant psychiatric morbidity. The objective of the study is to evaluate the frequency of psychiatric disorders, frequency and nature of psychiatric symptoms in patients with psoriasis.Methods: 100 patients with psoriasis were evaluated and included for the study. Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale (CPRS) is used for assessment of psychiatric symptoms and MINI Plus for assessing psychiatric disorders. Chi-square test was used to compare the proportions.Results: Patients with psoriasis had high frequency of psychiatric morbidity and was found to be 42%.Conclusions: Patients with psoriasis have more psychopathology and higher psychiatric morbidity which may further imply justifiable consultation liaison psychiatry in other speciality fields like Dermatology.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215192


BACKGROUND There has been increasing prevalence of mental health problems in the elderly, with stressful life events being a precipitating factor and hence impairing the quality of life.METHODS263 patients of age 60 years and above attending psychiatry outpatient department and admitted in medical wards were included in the study. Patients with MMSE score ≥24 were included in the study. MINI PLUS was used to assess the psychiatric morbidity. Life events were assessed by PSLES. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS. Descriptive statistics and chi-square test were used for analysis.RESULTSOut of 263 patients, 207 (78.7%) were in the age group 60-69 yrs. The common psychiatric morbidity was found to be depression (43%), substance use disorders (16.7%) and anxiety spectrum disorders (15.5%). The most common precipitating stressful life events were family conflict (9.5%), son or daughter leaving home (8.7%), death of spouse (6.5%) and financial loss (6.5%). The common psychiatric morbidity precipitated by stressful life events were depression (44.4%) and substance use (18.2%) followed by anxiety and stress related disorders (22.2%).CONCLUSIONSThe above study emphasizes that psychiatric morbidity is common in the geriatric population, of which depression is the most common mental health problem. Stressful life events can lead to mental health problems. These factors impair the quality of life of the elderly. Hence it necessitates psychiatrists and physicians to recognize mental health problems at the earliest and provide the necessary support to improve the quality of life.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202605


Introuduction: Suicide has become one of major challenginghealth problem in developing country like India. It is oneof the leading causes of mortality in young adults. There iscomplex interplay of multiple factors influencing the outcomeof suicide. Additionally, there is significant variability inprevalence and pattern of suicide attempts across differentparts of India. Study aimed to assess the sociodemographicand clinical profile of patients attempting suicide.Material and Methods: The study included retrospective filereview of around 150 survivors of suicide attempts registeredover a period of 1 Year (July 2016 to July 2017) at UttarPradesh University of Medical Sciences (UPUMS), Saifai,Etawah. These patients were referred from emergency andmedicine department for psychiatric assessment.Results: Most of the survivors were of female gender(72%), most common mode of attempt was by ingestion ofpesticides (82%), followed by overdose of medications (9%),and followed by hanging (8%). Psychiatric morbidity wasdiagnosed in 70% of the cases. Most common diagnosis wasadjustment disorders and mood disorders.Conclusions: This study reiterated the fact that majorityof suicide attempts were carried out by young females,predominantly by poisoning and overwhelming number ofsuch patients had underlying psychiatric morbidity

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202603


Acne Vulgaris (AV) is a chronic inflammatory disease ofthe pilosebaceous follicles.The development of acne andself-identity begins in adolescence, resulting in significantpsychological stress and resultant psychiatric co-morbidities.Though acne may be transient,its effects on the mind mightbe long lasting

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202401


Introduction: Psychiatric disorders are most prevalent (adjustment disorder- 13-42%, depression- 41-47% and generalized anxiety disorders upto 15%) in cancer patients. Some of initial responses like shock and denial, fear of disease and anxiousness about familial responsibilities are also common. Study aimed to investigate psychiatric morbidity in cancer patients. Material and Methods: The study was conducted at the cancer research centre of a large tertiary care hospital. Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and Beck Anxiety Inventory were administered to the 200 cancer patients and 200 normal healthy relatives of patients. It was followed by a formal psychiatric interview based on the International Classification of Diseases-10 (ICD-10). The patients were studied before commencement of treatment to know the effect of cancer on psychological status of cancer patients. Results: The study revealed that a significant number of cancer patients (74%) suffered from psychiatric diagnostic entity (Adjustment disorder in 32%, Depression in 32% and Anxiety disorder in (10%) and other morbidities (suicidal ideations in 32%, Fear of disease and anxious about their familial responsibilities in 12% and Denial defense mechanism in 6%). Gastro-intestinal cancer patients suffered more from depression and other psychiatric disorders. Evaluation by Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and Beck Anxiety Inventory also revealed more and statistically significant (P value= 0.000 and 0.011, respectively) psychiatric disorders and morbidities among cancer patients. Conclusions: The patients who were old, male, married, less educated and from lower socioeconomic status (SES) suffered more. However, female patients suffered more from adjustment disorder and more middle aged men had fear of disease and were anxious

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189297


The psychological burden of skin diseases should not be ignored as it can potentially affect the overall disability experienced by the patient. The relationship between skin diseases and psychiatric illness is bidirectional and is manifested as cause as well as effect. Dermatological disorders like acne, alopecia areata, psoriasis and vitiligo often have a severe form that causes disability and exclusion from a normal life .Psychiatric disorders like stress, anxiety and depression are seen to be instrumental in development and progression of dermatological diseases and this study is to ascertain the association between depression and anxiety with various dermatological diseases. Methods: A total of 100 patients, visiting the Out Patient Department of Dermatology, who are referred to Department of Psychiatry for the evaluation of Psychiatric symptom, were included in the study after obtaining written informed consent. Psychiatric morbidities were screened using Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A). Results: The present study envisaged to explore a relationship between chronic dermatological diseases and psychiatric morbidities. Prevalence of psychiatric comorbidities was maximum in psoriasis (75%) followed by urticaria and Acne Vulgaris(65% each), Alopecia Areata(60%) and Vitiligo (50%). Depression with anxiety disorder (27%) followed by moderate depression with anxiety disorder (23%), anxiety disorder (10%) and severe depression with anxiety disorder (3%) were the most common psychiatric comorbidity. Conclusion: The present study was carried out to evaluate the prevalence of psychiatric morbidities among patients with different dermatological illnesses. The growing relationship between skin and psychiatry has given birth to a new branch of medicine, i.e. psychodermatology, which marks the mutual relationship and interaction between psychiatry and dermatology.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-195380


Background: Adjustment, anxiety and depressive disorders are amongst the most common psychiatricmorbidities in infertile women in previous studies. Different women cope with the unpredictable, chronicstress of infertility in different ways. Coping strategies may have an impact on the development of psychiatricmorbidity. Hence this study was undertaken.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted by interviewing 68 consecutive patients with primary orsecondary infertility. Socio-demographic details were taken using the study proforma. Psychiatric morbiditywas diagnosed as per ICD-10 criteria. Severity was assessed using HAM-A and MADRS. Coping wasevaluated on the COMPI Coping Strategy Scale. Statistical Packages of Social Sciences version 20 was usedto compile, tabulate and analyze the data.Results: A majority (67.7 %) of infertile females had psychiatric morbidity, the most common beingAdjustment disorder (37 %), followed by Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder (32.6 %) and Mood(depressive) disorder (30.4 %).Conclusion: A high use of active confronting and meaning based coping was seen in majority of the femaleswho did not have psychiatric morbidity. The use of active confronting coping in majority (64.7 %) of thosewith Adjustment disorder was found to be statistically significant

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-195329


Introduction: Coping skills adopted by patients suffering from chronic diseases such as Polycystic OvarianSyndrome (PCOS) can impact the psychological well-being and outcome. This however has not beenadequately studied in India. The aims of the study were to to study the type of coping skills used by thepatients of PCOS, to evaluate any difference in coping skills between patients with and without psychiatricco-morbidity and to study any correlation between coping skills and quality of life and body-mass index.Materials and Methods: 70 females in the reproductive age group (18-45 years) diagnosed with PCOS asper Rotterdam’s Criteria without any pre-existing psychiatric illness were clinically interviewed forpresence of anxiety and depression. Their coping skills were assessed using Brief Cope Scale. Their qualityof life was evaluated using World Health Organization Quality Of Life –BREF Scale. The scores werecompared using paired and unpaired t test and ANOVA.Results: Patients used both adaptive and maladaptive coping skills but scores on adaptive coping skillswere higher than those on maladaptive coping. Problem focused coping was significantly higher than bothemotional coping and dysfunctional coping. There was no significant difference in the coping skills inpatients with and without psychiatric morbidity. There was no significant correlation between coping andquality of life and body-mass index.Conclusion: Coping skills did not have a significant impact on the psychiatric morbidity or quality of lifeor body-mass index among patient with PCOS.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627167


Introduction: Traditional medicine which includes Islamic faith healing centre is still an important place to seek treatment whether for psychiatric reasons or others. This study aims to determine the prevalence of psychiatric illness among attenders of an Islamic spiritual healing centre and to understand patients’ illness attribution and their religiosity. Methods: A cross-sectional study was done with a systematic random sampling to obtain the prevalence of psychiatric illness which was diagnosed using Malay version of Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I). Religiosity was measured using Hatta Islamic Religiosity Scale 1996 (HIRS96) and illness perception using Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (BIPQ). Results: The prevalence of psychiatric illness among the attenders was 53.5%. Depressive disorder were more prevalent (41.5%) followed by anxiety disorder (28.3%), bipolar disorder (16.8%) and psychotic disorders (5.9%). More than half (58.8%) of attenders attributed their illness to supernatural causes but there were no significant difference between those with psychiatric illness and those without in terms of their attribution to supernatural causes, p=0.197.Generally, the patients had a higher religiosity score. Conclusion : This high prevalence shows a need for collaboration with the spiritual healing practitioners to improve delivery of treatment to patient and this would be a more holistic approach.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627323


Marital satisfaction is vital to the wellbeing and functioning of the individual and family. Marital dissatisfaction can lead to detrimental effects on mental, physical and family health. The study aimed to determine the proportion of marital dissatisfaction in outpatient setting and its association with sexual functioning and psychiatric morbidity in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Materials & Methods: A crosssectional study was conducted in selected primary care using purposive sampling. Data collection was done using socio-demographic questionnaire and several validated Malay version of self-administered questionnaires. Marital satisfaction was measured by the Malay version of Golombok–Rust Inventory of Marital State (Mal-GRIMS). Results: The prevalence of marriage dissatisfaction in sample population was about 37.3% with almost equal prevalence in both, 36.5% (male) and 37.8% (female). Using a regression analysis, the significant factors that affect marital dissatisfaction were respondent’s age group between 31- 40 years old (Adjusted Odds Ratio, AOR. =11.4, 95% Confidence Interval, CI. =1.2-110.9), spouse’s salary of RM1000-RM2000 (lower income category) (AOR=7.3, 95% CI= 1.9-28.1), anxiety case (AOR= 4.8, 95% CI=1.1- 21.5), depression case (AOR= 4.8, 95% CI=1.0-22.8), female sexual dysfunction in term of arousal function (AOR= 0.01, 95% CI=0.0-0.7), satisfaction dysfunction (AOR= 9.4, 95% CI= 1.5-58) and pain function (AOR=43.7, 95% CI=1.28 - 1489.2). Conclusion: Marital dissatisfaction can be influenced by financial factor, sexual dysfunction and presence of psychiatric morbidity. Hence, in management of marital discord, thorough screening of these factors should be prioritized in clinical setting.

Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 32(3)jul.-set. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-960480


Introducción: las enfermedades psiquiátricas constituyen un problema de salud que afecta todas las esferas de la vida humana. Objetivo: describir la morbilidad psiquiátrica de pacientes mayores de 18 años de edad. Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal. La muestra estuvo constituida por 260 pacientes. Los entrevistados fueron pacientes mayores de 18 años de edad atendidos en el Departamento de Salud Mental del Policlínico Héroes de Girón, durante el año 2015. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes y se les aplicó el método clínico, entrevista semiestructurada. Resultados: las entidades psiquiátricas de mayor prevalencia fueron las Psicosis (38,84 por ciento) y los Trastornos neuróticos (36,92 por ciento); seguidas de un predominio de las Adicciones (13,07 por ciento) y las Demencias (11,15 por ciento). Conclusiones: la morbilidad psiquiátrica que predomina está constituida por las Psicosis y los Trastornos neuróticos(AU)

Introduction: psychiatrics diseases constitute a problem of health that affects all the spheres of the human life. Objective: describing the psychiatric morbidity in older than 18 years of age. Material and method: It was carried out a descriptive transversal study. The sample was constituted by 260 patients. The interviewed were older than 18 years of age attended patients of the Mental Health Department at the Héroes de Girón Policlinic, during the year 2015. To the patients applied them the clinical method, semi -structural interview. Clinical reports of the examined patients were reviewed. Results: It was obtained that the most common psychiatrics diseases were Psychosis (38.84 percent%), Neurotics disorders (36.92 percent); it prevailed the diagnosis of Drug adiction isorder (13.07 percent) and Dementia (11.15 percent). Conclusion: the psychiatric morbidity that prevails is Psychosis and Neurotics disorders(AU)

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Psychotic Disorders/epidemiology , Mental Health , Morbidity , Neurotic Disorders , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166419


Background: In India economic problems like dowry and related issues play a major role in the problems of marriage and separation The aim of the present study is to assess the psychological impact on married females who living away from their spouses, and comparison of the psychiatric morbidity with the married women who are living with their spouses. Methods: A total of 35 subjects were included in the study. Intake proforma was specially designed for study and the questions were divided into 4 subscales (somatic complaints anxiety/insomnia social dysfunction and severe depression). Results: The study clearly revealed that the occupational separation has a significant negative impact on the marital quality of the women spouses of men working abroad or living away. Comparison with the marital quality of the control group, the group does not have the separation; the study group differs significantly in marital quality. The factors such as social support from family and friends, the stay of the study group with parents or in-laws, and duration of pre-separation, the study proved that there is no significant difference exists on the marital quality of the study group based on these factors. Conclusions: The numbers of females who were separated from their spouses are more likely to have psychiatric illnesses due the additional work load of looking after the children and managing the household activities. The study also found that the females staying with their parents after the separation from their spouses were less likely to have a severe psychiatric morbidity as they felt comfortable due the cooperation from their parents.