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Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 286-290, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012522


Abstract@#Emotional regulation is an important aspect of adolescents adaptation to society. The difficulty in emotional regulation among adolescents is associated with internalizing problems such as depression and anxiety, as well as externalizing problems like aggressive behavior. Parental psychological control as a parenting style, is closely intertwined with the emotional regulation of adolescents. The article reviews the concept and classification of parental psychological control, the theory, mechanism and influencing factors of the impact of parental psychological control on children s emotional regulation, and the impact of children s emotional regulation on parental psychological control, so as to provide a theoretical reference for promoting positive psychological development in adolescents and improving parenting styles.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 133-149, ago. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448486


Resumen El objetivo del estudio fue identificar las metas de logro y prácticas parentales de apoyo a la autonomía y control psicológico, para determinar la relación entre estas medidas, según el nivel de estudios, el sexo de los progenitores y de los adolescentes de Cuenca, Ecuador. Para ello, se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, relacional de corte transversal con una muestra constituida por 713 madres (Meda d = 43, DT = 7), 543 padres (Medad = 46, DT = 8) y 1085 adolescentes (Medad = 16.1, DT = 1.1). Se aplicó el cuestionario Parental de Metas Orientadas al Logro, adaptado al español del instrumento Parental Achievement Goals AGQ y Autonomy Support Scale. La subteoría de contenido de metas de la teoría de la autodeterminación ha sido la base teórica para explicar que las metas de logro parental orientan el apoyo a la autonomía y el control psicológico. Se emplearon las pruebas .-Student, ANOVA, chi-Cuadrado de independencia para tablas de contingencia y el coeficiente de correlación . de Pearson para establecer la relación lineal de las variables de estudio. Los resultados revelan que las metas de logro dominio de la tarea y éxito en la tarea son predominantes, mientras que la evitación del fracaso en la tarea es baja. Por otro lado, la práctica de apoyo a la autonomía se percibe alta y significativamente mayor al control psicológico. Finalmente, se confirma la relación de las medidas parentales con el nivel de estudios y el sexo de los progenitores y de los adolescentes.

Abstract The importance of parental practices as one the most direct influences on the development of minors and adolescents has generated an increased relevance in recent decades of the study of parental expectations on the psychological adjustment of children. In this sense, the Goal Content Subtheory of Self-Determination Theory has been the theoretical basis to explain that the purpose of human behavior responds to an extrinsic or intrinsic motivation. That is why, extrinsic motivation guides parents towards parental goals: the success of the task and the avoidance of task failure and they adopt more parental control strategies with their progeny, while intrinsic motivation guides the mastery goals of the task which would explain parental support behaviors. The objective of the study was to identify the achievement goals and parenting practices, support for autonomy-psychological control, and to determine the relationship between these parenting measures, according to the sex and educational level of the parents from Cuenca, Ecuador. For this, a quantitative, relational, cross-sectional study was carried out with 713 mothers (Medad = 43, DT = 7), 543 fathers (Medad = 46, DT = 8) and 1 085 adolescents (Medad = 16.1, DT= 1.1). The participants were selected from within 18 educational institutions through a probabilistic sample calculated with a 95 % confidence level, and a 3 % margin of error. For data collection, the Parental Achievement-Oriented Goals questionnaire was applied, adapted to Spanish from the Parental Achievement Goals AGQ instrument; and Autonomy Support Scale. In the data analysis, the T-Student test, ANOVA, Chi-Square, test of independence for contingency tables and the Pearson r correlation coefficient, were used for the linear relationship of the study variables. The results reveal that the achievement goals: mastery of the task and success in the task predominate and the avoidance of failure in the task is low, in terms of the sex of the parents, the parents were oriented towards the mastery of the task while mothers toward goals focused on homework success. Likewise, parents with a low level of education orient themselves to success in the result of the task and the avoidance of failure in the task, while parents with a higher level of education orient their goals of parental achievement towards the mastery of the homework. The perception of support for autonomy is high and significantly upper than the psychological control of the parents, it was found that the manifestation of support "being aware of accepting and acknowledging the child's feelings" is the most valued statement in the mother in relation to the dad. On the other hand, adolescents perceive greater psychological control from mothers than from fathers, in the demonstrations "threatening to punish the child" and "induce guilt". Regarding the level of studies of the parents, the results indicate that the higher the level of studies, the greater the support for autonomy and when is lower the level of studies, there is greater psychological control. This research has confirmed the relationship between the level of education of the parents, the sex the adolescent and parents with the goals of parental achievement, support and psychological control; this shows that these characteristics affect parental practices. It is necessary for future research to attention on the educational level of the parents, as this is one of the most consistent family variables that can favor appropriate parental goals and practices for the psychosocial adjustment of the children.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025565


Objective:To explore the mediating effects of parental psychological control and psychological resilience in adolescents between parental marital conflict and early adolescent depression, loneliness.Methods:From October to December 2022, a total of 805 adolescents from three middle schools in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province and Chongqing City were surveyed with children's perception of interparental conflict scale, the parental psychological control scale, Connor-Davidson resilience scale, the center for epidemiological studies depression scale, UCLA loneliness scale.SPSS 26.0 software was used for descriptive analysis, correlation analysis.Mplus 7.0 software was used for chain mediating model construction, the mediating effects were tested by Bootstrap method.Results:(1)Parental marital conflict (2.05±0.51), parental psychological control (2.53±0.88), early adolescent depression (0.84±0.62) and loneliness (2.02±0.59) were significantly and positively correlated with each other ( r=0.47-0.78, all P<0.01), while psychological resilience in adolescents(2.42±0.66) was significantly and negatively correlated with marital conflict, parental psychological control, early adolescent depression and loneliness ( r=-0.60--0.36, all P<0.01). (2)The direct effects of parental marital conflict on early adolescent depression and loneliness were 0.183, 0.170, accounting for 34.08%, 32.82% of the total effects.There were three paths of the indirect effects between parental marital conflict and early adolescent depression, loneliness.The specific indirect effects of parental psychological control were 0.148, 0.127, accounting for 27.56%, 24.52% of the total effects.The specific indirect effects of psychological resilience were 0.186, 0.199, accounting for 34.64%, 38.41% of the total effects.The chain mediating effects of parental psychological control and psychological resilience were 0.020, 0.022, accounting for 3.72%, 4.25% of the total effects. Conclusion:Parental marital conflict can directly affect early adolescent depression, loneliness, and can indirectly affect early adolescent depression, loneliness through parental psychological control and psychological resilience in adolescents.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 24(1): 107-120, Jan.-June 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278127


Abstract The construct "parental psychological control" has been used to refer to those parental behaviors that interfere with the children's thoughts and feelings. Examples of this type of behaviors would be inducing guilt or shame as well as the withdrawal of affection. The objective of this study was to validate and adapt the Spanish version of the Psychological Control Scale-Youth Self-Report (PCS-YSR) and the Psychological Control-Disrespect Scale (PCDS) and to analyze if the parental psychological control is defined as one dimension or two dimensions through manipulative and disrespectful behaviors towards adolescents. Also, the unique contribution of parental psychological control in predicting adolescent's self-concept was examined. In two samples of undergraduate university students (the first, N = 367, mean age = 19.8, women=62.7%, men=37.3%, and the second, N= 312, mean age=19.7, women=73.9%, men=26.1%), exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the hypothesized factor structure of the PCS-YSR and the PCDS, for both paternal and maternal ratings. Convergent validity was confirmed by consistent associations between both measures of parental psychological control and other measures of parental autonomy support and parental psychological control. The multi-group analysis confirmed that parental psychological control had a negative influence on self-concept. The results indicated that both scales are useful instruments for assessing parental psychological control.

Resumen El constructo "control psicológico parental" se ha utilizado para referirse a los comportamientos de los progenitores que interfieren con los pensamientos y sentimientos de los niños y niñas. Ejemplos de este tipo de comportamientos son la inducción de culpa o vergüenza, así como la retirada de afecto. Nuestro estudio tuvo como objetivo validar y adaptar la versión española de la Escala de Control Psicológico-Autoinforme Adolescente (PCS-YSR) y la Escala Control Psicológico-Falta de Respeto (PCDS), y analizar si el control psicológico parental se define como una dimensión o dos dimensiones a través de conductas manipuladoras e irrespetuosas hacia los adolescentes. Además, examinamos la contribución única del control psicológico parental en la predicción del autoconcepto del adolescente. En dos muestras de estudiantes universitarios de pregrado (la primera n = 367, edad media = 19.8, mujeres = 62.7%, hombres = 37.3%, y la segunda, n = 312, edad media = 19.7, mujeres = 73.9%, hombres = 26.1%), los análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios confirmaron la estructura factorial hipotética del PCS-YSR y del PCDS, tanto para las puntuaciones paterna como materna. La validez convergente fue confirmada por asociaciones consistentes entre ambas medidas de control psicológico parental y otras medidas de apoyo parental a la autonomía y control psicológico parental. El análisis multigrupo confirmó que el control psicológico de los progenitores influyó negativamente en el autoconcepto. Los resultados indicaron que ambas escalas son instrumentos útiles para evaluar el control psicológico parental.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 28(1): 29-47, ene.-jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013943


Resumen Se estudió la relación entre el control psicológico parental y los problemas internalizados y externalizados en un grupo de 170 adolescentes (58.2 % varones), entre 13 y 17 años, de un colegio privado de Lima, Perú. Se utilizó la Escala de Control Psicológico Parental (DAPCS-S) y el inventario Youth Self Report (YSR). Los resultados mostraron una correlación positiva y significativa entre el control psicológico parental orientado a la autocrítica (CPA) y a la dependencia (CPD) con los problemas internalizados y externalizados. Se encontró que el CPD materno y el CPA paterno explican significativamente los problemas internalizados en los adolescentes. Por otro lado, el CPD materno y paterno explicaron significativamente la conducta delictiva en los adolescentes.

Abstract The paper presents the results of a study of the relation between parental psychological control and the internalized and externalized problems of a group of 170 adolescents (58.2 % males), between the ages of 13 and 17, from a private school in Lima, Peru. The Dependency-Oriented and Achievement-Oriented Psychological Control Scale (DAPCS-S) and the Youth Self Report (YSR) inventory were used. Findings showed a positive and significant correlation between Achievement-Oriented Parental Psychological Control (APC) and Dependency-Oriented Parental Psychological Control (DPC) and the internalized and externalized problems. Results also showed that the maternal DPC and the paternal APC explain significantly the adolescents' internalized problems. On the other hand, the maternal and paternal DPC explain significantly the adolescents' criminal conduct.

Resumo A relação entre controle psicológico parental e problemas internalizados e externalizados foi estudada em um grupo de 170 adolescentes (58.2 % homens), entre 13 e 17 anos de idade, de uma escola particular em Lima, Peru. Utilizou-se a Escala de Controle Psicológico Parental (DAPCS-S) e o Inventário de Autoavaliação para adolescentes (YSR). Os resultados mostraram uma correlação positiva e significativa entre o controle psicológico parental orientado à autocrítica (CPA) e à dependência (CPD) com problemas internalizados e externalizados. Constatou-se que o cpd materno e o CPA paterno explicam de forma significativa os problemas internalizados nos adolescentes. Por outro lado, o cpd materno e paterno explicou significativamente o comportamento delinquente nos adolescentes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-778304


Objective To explore the mediating role of campus bullying in parental psychological control and middle school students’non-suicidal self-injury. Methods Totally 1 497 students in grade 1, 2 and 3 from four middle schools in Shenyang City were selected by using stratified random cluster sampling method and surveyed with questionnaires. Results The incidence of non-suicidal self-injury was 9.9% in middle school students. Being bullied had some mediating effect between parental psychological and non-suicidal self-injury, the mediating effect accounted for 27.4% of the total effects. Bullying had some mediating effect between parental psychological and non-suicidal self-injury, the mediating effect accounted for 26.4% of the total effects. Conclusion Campus bullying (bullied and bullying) plays a multiple mediating role between parental psychological control and non-suicidal self-injury.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 48(1): 51-57, ene.-abr. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-783643


El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la influencia del incremento de la carga de entrenamiento por medio del método Repeated Sprint Ability (RSA) sobre el estado de ánimo de jóvenes tenistas. Participaron 30 tenistas (15.78± 1.58 años) en este programa de entrenamiento (7 semanas). Los sujetos fueron divididos en tres grupos: G1, volumen de entrenamiento de tenis más un incremento del 8.3% por medio de RSA; G2, ídem más un incremento de 16.6% de RSA; y G3, entrenamiento de tenis. El entrenamiento específico de tenis fue controlado e igualado, además se cumplimentó un cuestionario semanal para establecer el perfil de estado de ánimo (Balaguer, Fuentes, Meliá, García-Mérita & Pons, 1995). Los resultados mostraron variaciones en G1 y G2. Mientras en G1 las puntuaciones de los factores tensión y fatiga se incrementaron al final del programa (p < .05), en G2 aumentaron las puntuaciones de tensión, depresión, hostilidad y fatiga al comienzo del programa, y se redujeron significativamente al final (p < .05). En G3 no hubo modificaciones. La diferente evolución del estado de ánimo de los sujetos en función del volumen de entrenamiento de RSA realizado, muestra la necesidad de monitorizar la carga interna para ajustar este entrenamiento.

The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of the repeated sprint ability (RSA) training load increase on the mood states in young tennis players. Thirty tennis players (15.78 ±1.58 years) took part in this training program (7 weeks). The subjects were divided into 3 groups: G1, specific tennis training and an increase of 8.3% of RSA training volume; G2 specific tennis training and an increase of 16.6% of RSA training volume; G3, only specific tennis training. The specific tennis training volume was controlled and equated for this period, and all the subjects also filled out a weekly questionnaire to establish the profile of mood states (POMS, Balaguer, Fuentes, Meliá, García-Mérita & Pons, 1995). The results showed changes in G1 and G2. Whereas tension and fatigue scores increased at the end of the training program in G1 (p < .05), scores of tension, depression, hostility and fatigue were higher at the beginning than at the end of the training program in G2 (p < .05). There were no significant changes in G3 for any variable. The different evolution of subjects' mood states based on RSA training volume performed shows the need for monitoring internal load to fit this training.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Tennis , Aptitude , Psychology , Mentoring
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-915552


El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las diferencias en el control parental entre adolescentes que han y no han intentado suicidarse. Se seleccionó una muestra no probabilística de 507 adolescentes (54.3% hombres y 45.7% mujeres), estudiantes de nivel secundaria, con un rango de edad entre 11 a 15 años. Para obtener los datos se utilizó el instrumento de Control Parental para Adolescentes de Betancourt (2007), que consta de dos escalas, una para mamá y otra para papá; la escala de mamá se conforma de cinco dimensiones: Control Psicológico, Comunicación, Monitoreo, Sobreprotección y Supervisión de amigos. La escala de papá contiene siete dimensiones: Control conductual, Control psicológico, Sobreprotección, Razanomiento, Castigos, Permisividad Y Castigos físicos. Ambas escalas son tipo Likert con cuatro opciones de respuesta, que van de nunca a siempre. El intento de suicidio se evaluó con cinco indicadores sobre frecuencia, método utilizado, motivo para hacerlo, edad y gravedad. Los resultados mostraron que el 11.2% de los adolescentes informó que ha intentado suicidarse al menos una vez en su vida, en tanto que el 4.4% indicó que lo ha intentado más de una vez. Se efectuaron pruebas t de Student para muestras independientes, con la finalidad de comparar a los jóvenes que han y no han intentado suicidarse respecto a las dimensiones del control parental. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas, por lo cual se puede decir que de manera general los jóvenes que han intentado suicidarse percibieron un mayor control psicológico y un menor control conductual de sus padres en comparación con quienes no han tenido intento de suicidio

The purpose of this study is to analyze differences in parental control among adolescents who have and have not attempt ed suicide. A non-probabilistic sample of 507 adolescents (54,3% male and 45,7% female), high school students, ranging between 11 to 15 years of age were selected. The Betancourt Scale for Adolescent Parental Control (2007) was used to obtain the data. This scale consists of two scales, one for mothers and one for fathers. The maternal scale is made up of five dimensions: psychological control, communication, monitoring, overprotection and supervision friends. The paternal scale includes seven dimensions: behavioral control, psychological control, overprotection, reasoning, punishment, physical punishment and permissiveness. Both scales are Likert with four multiple choice answers, rang ing from never to always. The suicide attempt was assessed with five frequency indicators, the method that was employed, and the reason for it, the age and the graveness. The results showed that 11,2% of adolescents reported at least one suicide attempt in their lifetime, while 4,4% said they had tried more than once. Student t tests for independent samples were performed, with the purpose of comparing those who have attempted suicide and have no regard to the dimensions of parental control. The results showed significant differences, so we can say that generally young people who have attempted suicide perceived greater psychological control and less behavioral control from their parents than those who have not attempted suicide.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Psychology, Adolescent , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Father-Child Relations , Suicidal Ideation , Mexico
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-419345


ObjectiveTo determine the current students' social anxiety status and maternal factors in school students( grade 5-7) in Harbin,and provided scientific guidance relevant to students'social anxiety.Methods 1526 mother-child pairs collected by random cluster sampling,children completed the social anxiety scale for children (SASC),security scale,coping strategies questionnaire( consist of ambivalence and avoidance subscale),acceptance scale and psychological control scale,and mothers completed the center for epidemiologic studies depression inventory (CES-D),self-rating anxiety scale (SAS).ResultsThe total positive detection rate of social anxiety was 13.6%,there was no significantly difference between boys and girls (P > 0.05) ; the positive detection rate of Grade 6 was higher than Grade 5 and Grade 7.There were positive correlation between social anxiety and mother's psychological control,mother's depression,mother's anxiety ( r =0.228,0.143,0.122) ; negative correlation with mother's acceptance( r =-0.214).Linear regression indicated that only three variables (mother's psychological control,mother's acceptance,mother's depression) were at the P < 0.05 level.The regression coefficients for the three variables were 1.557,- 1.092 and 0.040,respectively.ConclusionMaternal highly psychological control,lowly acceptance and maternal anxiety depression all play a role in promoting the occurrence of students' social anxiety.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-662058


Este trabajo se ocupa de un tema propio de la psicología social: el conocimiento de sentido común. Particularmente, se analizan las distintas creencias que permiten a las personas pensar y sentir que controlan -o no- el medio en que viven centrándose en la creencia en el mundo justo y el fatalismo latinoamericano. Ambas creencias en su origen psicológico se basan en la necesidad de control del medio y en su contenido cumplen la función de legitimar el orden social y mantener el status quo. Se concluye que la complejidad de este tipo de objetos de estudio implica estudios interdisciplinarios que vinculen diferentes niveles de análisis para así poder dar cuenta de cómo se relacionan los mecanismos psicológicos con los procesos históricos-sociales conformando una visión de la realidad para los distintos grupos sociales.

This paper deals with a topic which belongs to social psychology: common sense knowledge. In particular, it analyzes the different beliefs that enable people to think and feel in control -or not- to their environment. This paper makes focus on just world belief and the Latin-American fatalism. Both beliefs are psychological in origin, based on the need for environmental control and their contents serve the function of legitimating social order, supporting the status quo. It is concluded that the complexity of such phenomena involves interdisciplinary studies, which link different levels of analysis in order to explain how psychological mechanisms are related to social historical processes shaping the world views about reality that social groups hold.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 20(1): 27-41, jun. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-606137


El propósito de esta investigación es determinar si existen diferenciasde acuerdo con el género de los padres en los efectos del control parental psicológico y conductual en los problemas emocionales y de conducta de los hijos hombres y mujeres. Seseleccionó una muestra no probabilística de 587 estudiantesde secundaria pública de Ciudad de México. El 46,8% fueron hombres y el 53,2%, mujeres, con una media de edad de 13,8 años. Se utilizó la Escala de Percepción de Control Paterno y Materno para Adolescentes y la versión ajustada del Youth Self-Report. Los resultados mostraron que, en general, el control psicológico tanto materno como paterno tuvo una mayor influencia que el control conductual en la presencia de problemas emocionales y de conducta.

The purpose of this research project was to determine whether gender made a difference with respect to the effectsof psychological and behavioral parental control on the emotional and behavioral problems in male and female adolescents. A non-random sample of 587 Mexico City public high school students with a mean age of 13.8 was selected, of which 46.8% were male and 53.2% female. The Maternal and Paternal Control Perception Scale for Adolescents and the adjustedversion of the Youth Self-Report were used. The overall results showed that both maternal and paternal psychological control had a greater influence than behavioral control on thepresence of emotional and behavioral problems.

Adolescent , Adolescent , Maternal Behavior/psychology , Family Characteristics , Father-Child Relations , Mother-Child Relations , Paternal Behavior
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-424345


Objective To explore the relationship between parental authority,parental psychological control, parental attachment and medical students' social anxiety, and to provide theoretical guidance for medical students' mental health.Methods 2105 medical students were assessed with the social phobia inventory (SPIN), Parental authority questionnaire (PAQ), Parental psychological control questionnaire, Inventory of parent attachment (IPA).Results The mean SPIN score of social anxiety was 17.75 ± 10.47.Girls scored higher than boys,but there were no statistically significant differences between them( 17.97±10.44 vs 17.29 ± 10.52, t =1.305, P=0.192).Rural medical students scored higher than urban students,and the difference had statistical significance (19.47 ± 10.60 vs 15.85 ± 10.01, t = 7.478, P < 0.01 ).Stepwise regression revealed that, for urban students' anxiety, father communication and mother authoritative/flexible were protective factors, father unconscionable emotional response, mother alienation, father unconscionable viewpoint and mother communication were risk factors; and for rural students' anxiety father communication was protective factor, mother alienation and mother authoritarian were risk factors.Conclusion Factors such as parental authority, parental psychological control and parental attachment will affect medical students' social anxiety.But the factors are not same between urban and rural.So these factors are considered when carrying out health education for parents.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-396864


Objective To investigate the influence of social support on work-family conflict and psychological control ability of nurses. Methods 126 women nurses from four general hospitals by the method of random cluster sampling were divided into two groups according to the scores of the social sup-port scale(SSRS). Nurses with score lower than 35 were set as low social support group(totally 38 nurses), nurses with score higher than 45 were named as high social support group(46 nurses).The two groups were assessed by SSRS, work-family conflict scale (WFCS) and IPC respectively. The results underwent stati-s-tical analysis with t test, χ2 test and Pearson correlation analysis. Results The age and nurses' work-ing age in high social support group were significantly higher than that of the low social support group, the to-tal score of WFCS,the time,pressure and behavior score of subscales in high social support group were sig-nificanfly lower than that of the low social support group. The internality was higher, while the power-ful others and chance were lower in high social support group than those of low social support group. SSRS was negatively correlated with all factors of WFCS, positively correlated with internality factor of IPC, neg-atively correlated with powerful others and chance factors of IPC. Conclusions The nurses with high SSRS have low work-family conflict score and strong psychological control ability, so we should strengthen the social support of nurses.

Poiésis (En línea) ; 12(Dic.): 1-2, 2006.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1022223


El control psicológico del entrenamiento deportivo, es el programa bandera del departamento de psicología de Indeportes Antioquia, a la cabeza de la Magíster en psicología deportiva María del Consuelo Calle, con el apoyo de un grupo de psicólogos practicantes de varias universidades de la ciudad. Podemos definir el control psicológico del entrenamiento como el "seguimiento de las variables psicológicas que intervienen en el proceso de entrenamiento y competencia" [1]; dicho programa se ha implementado con el objetivo de mejorar el rendimiento deportivo de los deportistas integrantes de las diferentes selecciones Antioquia, además de la prevención de factores de riesgo que pueden llevar al déficit de dicho rendimiento.

The psychological control of sports training, is the flagship program of the department of psychology of Indeportes Antioquia, at the head of the Master in sports psychology María del Consuelo Calle, with the support of a group of practicing psychologists from several universities in the city. We can define the psychological control of training as the "monitoring of the psychological variables involved in the training and competition process" [1]; This program has been implemented with the objective of improving the sports performance of the athletes of the different Antioquia teams, in addition to the prevention of risk factors that can lead to the deficit of said performance.

Humans , Psychology, Sports , Sports/psychology , Physical Fitness/psychology , Fitness Centers/methods , Athletic Performance/psychology