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Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1562-1577, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981154


Pyocin S2 and S4 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa use the same uptake channels as the pyoverdine does in bacteria, indicating a possible connection between them. In this study, we characterized the single bacterial gene expression distribution of three S-type pyocins (Pys2, PA3866, and PyoS5) and examined the impact of pyocin S2 on bacterial uptake of pyoverdine. The findings demonstrated that the expression of the S-type pyocin genes was highly differentiated in bacterial population under DNAdamage stress. Moreover, exogenous addition of pyocin S2 reduces the bacterial uptake of pyoverdine so that the presence of pyocin S2 prevents the uptake of environmental pyoverdine by non-pyoverdine synthesizing 'cheaters', thereby reducing their resistance to oxidative stress. Furthermore, we discovered that overexpression of the SOS response regulator PrtN in bacteria significantly decreased the expression of genes involved in the synthesis of pyoverdine, significantly decreasing the overall synthesis and exocytosis of pyoverdine. These findings imply a connection between the function of the iron absorption system and the SOS stress response mechanism in bacteria.

Pyocins/metabolism , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/metabolism
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 3253-3267, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921422


Members of the ferric uptake regulator (Fur) protein family are bacterial transcriptional repressors that control iron uptake and storage in response to iron availability, thereby playing a crucial role in the maintenance of iron homeostasis. The fur null mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa could not be obtained because fur is an essential gene. In this study, We constructed a Fur inducibly expression strain Δfur/attB::PBAD-fur in order to study the effect of fur on the growth, biofilm formation, motilities and oxidative stress response of P. aeruginosa. The results showed that a low level of fur expression retarded the growth of P. aeruginosa at an iron-depleted condition, or under high concentration of iron, or in the presence of H2O2. Fur affected the biofilm formation and the motilities (swimming, twitching, and swarming) of strain PAO1. The production of pyoverdine is regulated by Fur. Interestingly, proteins from Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1, which shares homology with Fur, can partially recover the pyoverdine production of strain Δfur/attB::PBAD-fur. This study provides new clues for the prevention and treatment of P. aeruginosa infections.

Bacterial Proteins/genetics , Hydrogen Peroxide , Magnetospirillum , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/genetics , Repressor Proteins/genetics
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2019. 122 p. tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1007467


A gama-proteobactéria Pseudomonas aeruginosa é um patógeno oportunista humano frequentemente associado a pacientes com queimadura grave e aos portadores de fibrose cística. O estabelecimento de infecção depende de uma série de fatores que contribuem para a virulência deste patógeno, dentre eles a produção de sideróforos e outros sistemas de captação de ferro. Pioverdina é o principal sideróforo sintetizado por bactérias do gênero Pseudomonas e linhagens deficientes na sua produção são incapazes de estabelecer infecção em modelos animais. A regulação da biossíntese deste sideróforo envolve a agregação entre as células, indicando a dependência de contato para completa indução da sua produção. O contato com uma superfície altera o comportamento das células e diversos fenótipos são dependentes deste sinal mecânico. PrlC é uma oligopeptidase A putativamente envolvida na degradação de peptídeo-sinais e PA14_00800, uma pequena proteína com domínio de função desconhecida, codificada por um gene imediatamente à jusante de prlC. Existem poucos trabalhos na literatura sobre PrlC e seus homólogos e nenhuma informação sobre PA14_00800. Este trabalho teve como objetivo elucidar o envolvimento de PrlC e PA14_00800 na regulação da produção de pioverdina por células em contato com uma superfície. Para estabelecer uma correlação na expressão destes genes, um estudo da organização gênica foi realizado por RT-PCR, confirmando que eles fazem parte do mesmo operon e, portanto, que a expressão destes genes é regulada pelos mesmos fatores. Ensaios classicamente modulados pelo segundo mensageiro c-di-GMP, como formação de biofilme e motilidade, não apresentaram variações nas linhagens mutantes ΔprlC, ΔPA14_00800 ou Δoperon, indicando que a deleção destes genes não altera significativamente os níveis de c-di-GMP nas células. A motilidade do tipo swarming é, no entanto, severamente afetada na linhagem ΔPA14_00800 quando o meio de cultura não contém cloreto de cálcio e glicose, indicando um defeito na sinalização celular ou requerimento energértico desta linhagem nestas condições. PA14_00800 regula a fluorescência de P. aeruginosa em meio sólido e semissólido, mas não em meio líquido. Esta fluorescência depende tanto de pioverdina quanto de PQS, umamolécula de comunicação celular fluorescente, e a possibilidade de outros fatores estarem envolvidos neste fenótipo ainda está sob investigação. Análise do transcritoma por RNASeq com a linhagem ΔPA14_00800 comparada à linhagem parental foi realizada a partir de colônias destas linhagens crescidas em M9 modificado. Genes envolvidos no sistema de secreção do tipo III e do tipo VI e na biossíntese de PQS apareceram dentre os genes diferencialmente expressos, bem como genes para o catabolismo de glicose. Este trabalho foi o primeiro a investigar o papel de PA14_00800 na fisiologia de P. aeruginosa, e os conhecimentos adquiridos aqui podem ser transpostos, com cautela, para compreensão da função dos homólogos de PA14_00800 em outras bactérias

The gamma-proteobacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a human opportunistic pathogen frequently associated with patients with severe burns and those with cystic fibrosis. The establishment of infection depends on several factors that contribute to the virulence of this pathogen, among them siderophore production and other iron uptake systems. Pyoverdine is the main siderophore synthesized by the bacteria of the genus Pseudômonas and pyoverdinedeficient strains are unable to establish infection in animal models. The regulation of biosynthesis of this siderophore involves cell aggregation, indicating contact dependency for complete induction of pyoverdine production. Surface contact alters cell behavior and several phenotypes are dependent on this mechanical cue. PrlC is an oligopeptidase A putatively involved in peptide-signals degradation and PA14_00800, a small protein with a domain of unknown function, encoded by a gene immediately downstream of prlC. There are few papers in the literature on PrlC and its homologues and no information on PA14_00800. This work aimed to elucidate the role of PrlC and PA14_00800 in surface-dependent regulation of pyoverdine production. To establish a correlation in the expression of these genes, a study of the gene organization was performed by RT-PCR, confirming that they are part of an operon and therefore the expression of these genes is regulated by the same factors. Traits classically modulated by the second messenger c-di-GMP, such as biofilm formation and motility, did not show variations in the ΔprlC, ΔPA14_00800 or Δoperon, indicating that the deletion of these genes does not significantly alter the levels of c-di-GMP within the cells. Swarming motility is, however, severely affected in the strain ΔPA14_00800 when the culture medium does not contain calcium chloride and glucose, indicating a cell signaling defect or energetic requirement under these conditions. PA14_00800 regulates surface-dependent fluorescence of P. aeruginosa, in solid and semi-solid medium. This fluorescence depends on both pyoverdine and PQS, a fluorescent cell-to-cell communication molecule, and the investigation of other putative factors involved in this phenotype is still under study. Transcriptomic analysis by RNASeq with the strain ΔPA14_00800 compared to PA14 was performed from colonies ofthese strains grown in modified M9 1% agar. Genes involved in the type III and type VI secretion systems, in PQS biosynthesis and glucose catabolism were differentially expressed. This work was the first to investigate the role of PA14_00800 in the physiology of P. aeruginosa, and the knowledge obtained here can be cautiously transposed to understanding the role of PA14_00800 homologues in other bactéria

Proteins/analysis , Gene Expression Regulation , Virulence Factors/analysis , Operon , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/physiology , Pseudomonas Infections/complications