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Int. j. morphol ; 42(4)ago. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569257


SUMMARY: In forensic anthropology, the radius bone has been shown to determine the sex of human remains in a number of different populations. The dry mass and growth of long bones, including the radius, are associated with sex hormone levels; however, the use of bone weight to determine sex has not been sufficiently investigated. The aim of this study was to apply bone morphometric parameters, including maximum length of radius (MLR), circumference at the midshaft of radius (CMR), and weight of radius (WR), to 400 sample radii from a Northeastern Thai population. Univariate and multivariate discriminant functions of all parameters were systemically applied. Equations for calculating sex classification were also determined. Descriptive data analysis showed significant sexual dimorphism in all variables (p < 0.05). The canonical correlation was highest in CMR (0.772) and the ratio of weight to length (0.747). Multivariate discriminant function analysis showed that the measured indices of the right radius were slightly greater than those of the left radius. The parameters demonstrating the highest values of the standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients were CMR (Rt. = 0.496, Lt. 0.431) and WR (Rt. = 0.681, Lt. = 0.715). Moreover, the results of the multivariable (stepwise method) indicated that the best accuracy rates for using combinations of CMR and WR were 94 % (right side) and 92 % (left side). In conclusion, the weight of the radius (rather than the length) is an effective parameter in determining sex.

En antropología forense, se ha demostrado que el hueso radio determina el sexo de los restos humanos en varias poblaciones diferentes. La masa seca y el crecimiento de los huesos largos, incluido el radio, están asociados con los niveles de hormonas sexuales; sin embargo, el uso del peso de los huesos para determinar el sexo no se ha investigado suficientemente. El objetivo de este estudio fue aplicar parámetros morfométricos óseos, incluida la longitud máxima del radio (LMR), la circunferencia en la mitad del radio (CMR) y el peso del radio (PR), a 400 radios de muestra de una población del noreste de Tailandia. Se aplicaron sistémicamente funciones discriminantes univariadas y multivariadas de todos los parámetros. También se determinaron ecuaciones para calcular la clasificación por sexo. El análisis descriptivo de los datos mostró un dimorfismo sexual significativo en todas las variables (p < 0,05). La correlación canónica fue mayor en CMR (0,772) y la relación peso-longitud (0,747). El análisis de función discriminante multivariante mostró que los índices del radio derecho eran ligeramente mayores que los del radio izquierdo. Los parámetros que demostraron los valores más altos de los coeficientes de la función discriminante canónica estandarizada fueron CMR (Rt. = 0,496, Lt. 0,431) y PR (Rt. = 0,681, Lt. = 0,715). Además, los resultados del método multivariable (método paso a paso) indicaron que las mejores tasas de precisión al usar combinaciones de CMR y PR fueron del 94 % (lado derecho) y del 92 % (lado izquierdo). En conclusión, el peso del radio (más que la longitud) es un parámetro eficaz para determinar el sexo.

Rev. argent. mastología ; 42(154): 28-40, jun. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1568358


Introducción: En la actualidad entre un 25 y 30% de los cánceres de mama se representan por lesiones no palpables. Es por eso que ha aumentado y se nos exige cada vez más en la detección de estas lesiones y posterior tratamiento de las mismas. Presentamos en este trabajo nuestra experiencia desde 2014 a 2020 de la realización de Biopsia radio quirúrgica guiada por radioscopia intraoperatoria. Objetivo: El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es evaluar si la BRQ asistida por radioscopia permitió mejorar ciertos parámetros, como la evaluación de márgenes quirúrgicos, tasas de retumorectomias, volumen de tejido resecado y tiempo quirúrgico empleado. Material y método: Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo de tipo corte transversal, incluyendo las pacientes con lesiones mamarias no palpables a las cuales se les realizó punción biopsia y colocación de clip metálico, y que luego fueron sometidas a BRQ en el Centro Mamario del Hospital Universitario Austral entre noviembre de 2014 a noviembre de 2020. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 128 pacientes. En el 100% de las cirugías se logró la extracción del clip, colocado preoperatoriamente. No encontramos diferencias estadísticamente significativas, entre ambos grupos con respecto a la edad de las pacientes, tipo de cirugía, piezas obtenidas, márgenes quirúrgicos y necesidad de re operación. Sí se constató una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en cuanto al volumen total resecado, siendo esta menor en la técnica de BRQ con radioscopia, infiriendo un mejor resultado cosmético. Conclusiones: La biopsia radioquirúrgica asistida por radioscopia es un procedimiento sencillo que permite extirpar las lesiones no palpables de la mama, minimizando la probabilidad de fallo del procedimiento, y con menor volumen de tejido mamario resecado. Con la sistematización de la técnica, se podrían mejorar otros parámetros, inclusive los costos del procedimiento, lo cual creemos que da un gran beneficio en la práctica diaria para la resección de estas lesiones(AU)

Introduction: Currently, between 25 and 30% of breast cancers are represented by non-palpable lesions. That is why it has increased and we are increasingly required to detect these lesions and later treat them. In this study we present our experience from 2014 to 2020 of performing intraoperative fluoroscopy-guided radio-surgical biopsy. Objetive: The objective of our workis to evaluate whether radioscopy-assisted BRQ allowed to improve certain parameters, such as the evaluation of surgical margins, re-lumpectomy rates, volume of resected tissue, and surgical time used. Material and method: A retrospective cross-sectional observational study was carried out, including patients with non-palpable breast lesions who underwent a biopsy puncture and metal clip placement, and who then underwent BRQ at the Breast Center of the Austral University Hospital between November from 2014 to November 2020. Results: A total of 128 patients were included. In 100% of the surgeries, the clip was extracted, placed preoperatively. We did not find statistically significant differences between both groups with respect to the age of the patients, type of surgery, pieces obtained, surgical margins and need for reoperation. A statistically significant difference was found in terms of the total volume resected, this being less in the BRQ technique with fluoroscopy, inferring a better cosmetic result. The aesthetic result is very good. Conclusions: Radioscopy -assisted radio surgical biopsy is a simple procedure that allows the removal of non-palpable breast lesions, minimizing the probability of procedural failure, and with a smaller volume of resected breast tissue. With the systematization of the technique, other parameters could be improved, including the costs of the procedure, which we believe is of great benefit in daily practice for the resection of these lesions(AU)

An. Facultad Med. (Univ. Repúb. Urug., En línea) ; 11(1): e401, 2024. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1527677


Objetivo principal: Conocer la epidemiologia de las fracturas del cuarto distal del radio en el esqueleto en crecimiento y el tratamiento realizado en el CHPR en los años 2017 y 2018. Objetivos específicos: Valorar re-desplazamiento, necesidad de re manipulación, complicaciones, re-fractura. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo retrospectivo. Criterios de inclusión: pacientes de 0 a 14 años con fractura de radio distal (fisaria, metafisaria y suprametafisaria) valorados en el CHPR entre 1 enero del 2017 y 31 diciembre del 2018. Criterios de exclusión: pacientes con radiografía normal, fracturas en miembros con malformaciones, infecciones óseas, patología tumoral maligna o benigna. Obtención de datos: Valoración de radiografías de puño y antebrazo realizadas en el CHPR en 2017 y 18, iniciales y evolutivas. Se analizaron: edad, sexo, fecha fractura, topografía de la fractura, desplazamiento inicial, tratamiento, evolución radiográfica y complicaciones. Resultados: se incluyeron 662 pacientes. Siendo en su mayoría de género masculino (65%), con una media de 9 años, miembro derecho (61%), en los meses de verano (36%). En cuanto a la topografía se evidenció una frecuencia mayor en fracturas tipo rodete y metafisarias (31.72% y 31.57%), seguido por suprametafisaria (18.43%) y fisaria (18.28%). El tratamiento realizado fue ortopédico en el 86.56% de los casos, mientras que quirúrgico fue el 12.84%, en su gran mayoría con alambres de Kirschner (11,2%). El tiempo de inmovilización promedio fue de 6 semanas, con un porcentaje de complicaciones del 14.05% del total de las fracturas. Conclusiones: Se valoraron las características de los pacientes y fracturas de radio distal en el CHPR en los años 2017 y 18, siendo un total de 662 fracturas, en las que su mayoría se realizó tratamiento ortopédico con un índice de complicaciones que ronda el 14%, siendo mayor cuanto mayor es el desplazamiento inicial de la fractura.

Objetivo principal: Conhecer a epidemiologia das fraturas do quarto distal do rádio no esqueleto em crescimento e o tratamento realizado no CHPR nos anos de 2017 e 2018. Objetivos específicos: Avaliar re-deslocamento, necessidade de remanipulação, complicações, refratura. Metodologia: Estudo observacional descritivo retrospectivo. Critérios de inclusão: pacientes de 0 a 14 anos com fratura do rádio distal (fisário, metafisário e suprametafisário) avaliados no CHPR entre 1º de janeiro de 2017 e 31 de dezembro de 2018. Critérios de exclusão: pacientes com radiografias normais, fraturas em membros com malformações, osso infecções, patologia tumoral maligna ou benigna. Coleta de dados: Avaliação das radiografias de punho e antebraço realizadas no CHPR em 2017 e 18, inicial e evolutiva. Foram analisados: idade, sexo, data da fratura, topografia da fratura, deslocamento inicial, tratamento, evolução radiográfica e complicações. Resultados: 662 pacientes foram incluídos. Sendo maioritariamente do sexo masculino (65%), com média de 9 anos, membro direito (61%), nos meses de verão (36%). Em relação à topografia, foi evidenciada maior frequência nas fraturas da borda e metafisárias (31,72% e 31,57%), seguidas das suprametafisárias (18.43%) e fisárias (18.28%). O tratamento realizado foi ortopédico em 86.56% dos casos, enquanto cirúrgico em 12.84%, sendo a maioria com fios de Kirschner (11,2%). O tempo médio de imobilização foi de 6 semanas, com percentual de complicações de 14.05%. Conclusões: Foram avaliadas as características dos pacientes e fraturas do rádio distal no CHPR nos anos de 2017 e 18, com um total de 662 fraturas (0,9 por dia), em que a maioria foi submetida a tratamento ortopédico com índice de complicações que fica em torno de 14%, sendo maior quanto maior for o deslocamento inicial da fratura.

Title: Fractures of the distal end of the radius in the immature skeleton. Epidemiological study at the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center. Main objective: To know the epidemiology of fractures of the distal fourth of the radius in the growing skeleton and the treatment carried out in the CHPR in the years 2017 and 2018. Specific objectives: To assess re-displacement, need for re-manipulation, complications, re- fracture. Methodology: Retrospective descriptive observational study. Inclusion criteria: patients aged 0 to 14 years with distal radius fracture (physeal, metaphyseal and suprametaphyseal) evaluated at the CHPR between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2018. Exclusion criteria: patients with normal radiographs, fractures in limbs with malformations, bone infections, malignant or benign tumor pathology. Data collection: Assessment of fist and forearm X-rays performed at the CHPR in 2017 and 18, initial and evolutionary. The following were analyzed: age, sex, fracture date, fracture topography, initial displacement, treatment, radiographic evolution and complications. Results: 662 patients were included. Being mostly male (65%), with an average of 9 years, right limb (61%), in the summer months (36%). Regarding the topography, a higher frequency was evidenced in rim and metaphyseal fractures (31.72% and 31.57%), followed by suprametaphyseal (18.43%) and physeal (18.28%). The treatment performed was orthopedic in 86.56% of the cases, while surgical was 12.84%, mostly with Kirschner wires (11.2%). The average immobilization time was 6 weeks, with a percentage of complications of 14.05%. Conclusions: The characteristics of the patients and fractures of the distal radius in the CHPR in the years 2017 and 18 were evaluated, with a total of 662 fractures (0.9 per day), in which the majority underwent orthopedic treatment with an index of complications that is around 14%, being greater the greater the initial displacement of the fracture.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Wrist Fractures/epidemiology , Recurrence , Skeleton/growth & development , Uruguay/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Age and Sex Distribution , Temporal Distribution , Wrist Fractures/classification , Wrist Fractures/complications , Wrist Fractures/therapy
Rev. bras. ortop ; 59(1): 46-53, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559619


Abstract Objective: This study evaluated sociodemographic and radiographic features of patients with distal radial fractures treated at a trauma hospital in southern Brazil, comparing those treated by hand surgery specialists (group 1) and non-specialists (group 2). Methods: This study consists of a retrospective cohort of 200 patients treated in 2020. After reviewing medical records and radiographs, the following parameters were analyzed: age, gender, trauma mechanism, laterality, associated comorbidities and fractures, fracture classification (AO), radial height, radial inclination, and volar inclination. Comparison of the two groups used the Student t-test, chi-square test, or Fisher exact test. Results: Most subjects were women (54%), sustained low-energy traumas (58%), and were left-handed (53%). Group 1 had a lower mean age (50.2 years); most of their subjects sustained high-energy trauma (54%) and had type C fractures (73%); type A fractures prevailed in group 2 (72%). Radiographs showed a significant difference regarding the mean radial inclination (21.5° in group 1 and 16.5° in group 2 [p < 0.001] in women, and 21.3° in group 1 and 17° in group 2 [p < 0.001] in men) and volar inclination (10.1° and 12.8° in groups 1 and 2, respectively [p < 0.001]). In addition, the absolute number of cases with reestablished anatomical parameters per the three evaluated variables was also significantly different; all parameters were better in group 1. Conclusion: Hand surgeons treated the most severe fractures and had the best radiographic outcomes.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar as características sociodemográficas e radiográficas dos pacientes com fratura de rádio distal tratados em um hospital de trauma no sul do Brasil, comparando os casos tratados pelos especialistas em cirurgia da mão (grupo 1) com aqueles tratados por não especialistas (grupo 2). Métodos: Coorte retrospectiva realizada com 200 pacientes, no ano de 2020. Por meio da revisão de prontuários e radiografias, analisaram-se: idade, sexo, mecanismo de trauma, lateralidade, presença de comorbidades e fraturas associadas, classificação da fratura (AO), altura radial, inclinação radial e, inclinação volar. Comparou-se os dois grupos por meio do teste t de Student, qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher. Resultados: A maioria era de pacientes do sexo feminino (54%), traumas de baixa energia (58%) e lateralidade esquerda (53%). O grupo 1 apresentou média de idade menor (50,2 anos), traumas de alta energia (54%), e fraturas tipo C (73%), enquanto no grupo 2 fraturas tipo A prevaleceram (72%). As radiografias apresentaram diferença significativa quanto à média de valores de inclinação radial (21,5° no grupo 1 e 16,5° no grupo 2 [p < 0,001] nas mulheres e, 21,3° no grupo 1 e 17° no grupo 2 [p < 0,001] nos homens) e inclinação volar (10,1° e 12,8° no grupo 1 e 2, respectivamente [p < 0,001]), bem como no número absoluto de casos que reestabeleceram os parâmetros anatômicos nas três variáveis avaliadas, sendo todos melhores no grupo 1. Conclusão: Os cirurgiões de mão trataram as fraturas mais graves e apresentaram os melhores resultados radiográficos.

Humans , Radius Fractures/surgery , Wrist Injuries/surgery , Evaluation of Results of Therapeutic Interventions , Treatment Outcome , Fracture Fixation
Acta ortop. bras ; 32(2): e278639, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563670


ABSTRACT Introduction: Radial head fractures are consistently part of a terrible triad of the elbow and can occur in association with Monteggia fracture-dislocations, transolecranon fractures, and their variations. Understanding the degree of comminution of the radial head fracture and the location of fragments determines the course of action to be taken. Objectives: To correlate fracture-dislocations with the pattern of radial head fracture (number of fragments) and involvement in the proximal radioulnar region. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study (level II) of patients undergoing surgery for radial head fractures associated with fracture-dislocations. Patients had radiographs in anteroposterior and lateral views, as well as tomography. The number of radial head fracture fragments and the presence of fractures in the proximal radioulnar region were correlated with the type of fracture-dislocation and demographic variables. Conclusion: Elbow fracture-dislocation types could not predict the number of fragments and the location of radial head fractures. However, most injuries presented three or more fragments in the radial head, and many had involvement of the proximal radioulnar region, suggesting high-energy trauma. Level of Evidence II; Retrospective Study.

RESUMO Introdução: As fraturas da cabeça do rádio estão sempre presentes em uma tríade terrível do cotovelo e podem ocorrer associadas a uma fratura-luxação de Monteggia, fratura transolecraniana e suas variações. Conhecer o grau de cominuição da fratura da cabeça do rádio e a localização dos fragmentos determinam a conduta a ser tomada. Objetivos: Correlacionar as fraturas-luxações com o padrão da fratura da cabeça do rádio (número de fragmentos) e o acometimento na região radioulnar proximal. Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo (nível II) de pacientes submetidos a cirurgia devido fraturas de cabeça de rádio associadas às fraturas-luxações. Os pacientes possuíam radiografia nas incidências anteroposterior e perfil e tomografia. O número de fragmentos da fratura da cabeça do rádio e a presença de fratura na região radioulnar proximal foram correlacionadas com o tipo de fratura-luxação e as varáveis demográficas. Conclusão: Os tipos de fratura-luxação do cotovelo não foram capazes de predizer o número de fragmentos e a localização da fratura da cabeça do rádio. Entretanto, a maioria das lesões apresentaram três ou mais fragmentos na cabeça do rádio e muitos apresentaram acometimento da região da radioulnar proximal sugerindo traumas de alta energia. Nível de Evidência II; Estudo Retrospectivo.

Acta ortop. bras ; 32(2): e275070, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563675


ABSTRACT Objective: This article aims to evaluate the evolution of radio-graphic parameters (radial tilt, volar tilt, and radial height) of distal radius fractures in patients indicated for conservative treatment at three different times: date of diagnosis, first outpatient visit within 2 weeks after closed reduction, and last outpatient visit. Methods: We included 84 patients seen at the emergency department of Hospital Municipal Odilon Behrens, with a diagnosis of distal radius fracture and an indication for conservative treatment. We considered only those patients who had serial radiographs taken at least three different times (n=69) in this analysis. Results: There was an improvement in radiographic parameters of volar tilt after closed reduction and immobilization, which was maintained until the last outpatient visit. Radial inclination and radial height showed increased values from the first to the second radiographic evaluation and both values had regression when comparing the second to the third (last) evaluation. Conclusion: Universal classification stable fractures tend to evolve well with conservative therapy. Level of Evidence II; Development of Diagnostic Criteria in Consecutive Patients (with Gold Standard of Reference Applied).

RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo foi avaliar a evolução dos parâmetros radiográficos (inclinação radial, inclinação volar e altura radial) das fraturas da extremidade distal do rádio em pacientes com indicação de tratamento conservador em três momentos diferentes: data do diagnóstico, primeira consulta ambulatorial dentro de. semanas após a redução fechada e última consulta ambulatorial. Métodos: Incluímos 84 pacientes atendidos no departamento de emergência do Hospital Municipal Odilon Behrens, com diagnóstico de fratura distal do rádio e indicação de. conservador. Consideramos nesta análise apenas os pacientes que tiveram radiografias seriadas realizadas pelo menos três vezes diferentes (n=69). Resultados: Houve uma melhora nos parâmetros radiográficos da inclinação volar após a redução fechada e a imobilização, que foi mantida até a última consulta ambulatorial. A inclinação radial e a altura radial apresentaram valores aumentados da primeira para a segunda avaliação radiográfica e ambos os valores tiveram regressão quando comparados da segunda para a terceira (última) avaliação. Conclusão: As fraturas estáveis de classificação universal tendem a evoluir bem com a terapia conservadora. Nível de Evidência II; Desenvolvimento de critérios diagnósticos em pacientes consecutivos (com aplicação de referência padrão ouro).

Rev. bras. ortop ; 59(2): 247-253, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565385


Abstract Objective This study evaluated the epidemiological data and functional outcomes from patients with concomitant distal radial and scaphoid fractures treated in a single center specialized in hand surgery. Functional outcomes analysis used validated instruments. Methods Patients diagnosed with distal radial and scaphoid fractures treated from January 2011 to December 2021 underwent assessments using the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH), Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE), Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for pain, goniometry, radiographic consolidation, and complications six months after surgery. Results The study included 23 patients, 73.9% men and 26.1% women. Most (56.5%) fractures occurred on the right side, and 43.5% happened on the left side. Treatment of most (56%) distal radial fractures used a locked volar plate. Functional assessment by PRWE resulted in a mean score of 35.9 points (range, 14 to 71 points), while DASH showed a mean score of 37.8 points (range, 12 to 78 points). The mean VAS was 2.33 during activities (range, 0.6 to 6.2). Conclusion Distal radial fractures associated with scaphoid fractures resulted from high-energy trauma, and most patients were males. There was a low rate of complications with surgical treatment, and the patients had satisfactory functional evolution with a low level of pain.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar os resultados epidemiológicos e funcionais dos pacientes que apresentaram fraturas concomitantes do rádio distal e do escafoide e foram tratados em um único centro especializado em cirurgia da mão, através de instrumentos validados para analisar os desfechos funcionais desses pacientes. Métodos Foram avaliados os pacientes com diagnóstico de fratura do rádio distal e escafoide tratados de janeiro de 2011 até dezembro de 2021, através dos questionários Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH), Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE) e Escala Visual Analógica da dor (EVA); goniometria; consolidação radiográfica; complicações em seis meses de pós-operatório. Resultados Vinte e três pacientes foram incluídos no estudo, sendo 73,9% homens e 26,1% mulheres; 56,5% das fraturas ocorreram à direita e 43,5% à esquerda. A maioria das fraturas do rádio distal foi tratada com placa volar bloqueada, totalizando 56%. Na avaliação funcional pelo PRWE, obteve-se média de 35,9 pontos (variação de 14 a 71 pontos) e pelo DASH média de 37,8 pontos (variação de 12 a 78 pontos). A EVA apresentou uma média de 2,33 durante a atividade (variação de 0,6 a 6,2). Conclusão Verificou-se que as fraturas do rádio distal associadas a fraturas do escafoide foram causadas por traumas de alta energia, com o sexo masculino mais acometido. Houve baixo índice de complicações com tratamento cirúrgico e os pacientes tiveram evolução funcional satisfatória, com baixo índice de dor.

Humans , Male , Female , Scaphoid Bone/injuries , Functional Status , Radial Head and Neck Fractures/surgery , Wrist Fractures/surgery
Investig. desar ; 31(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534744


Este trabajo busca indagar características y prácticas comunicacionales particulares de radios comunitarias, alternativas y populares (CAP) en la provincia de San Luis (Argentina) en el período 20102020, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente desde la sanción de la Ley 26.522. En San Luis se pueden reconocer tres radios CAP: La Bulla, Radio Masi y Radio Rebelde, todas ellas surgieron después de la sanción de la ley. La metodología es cualitativa e incluye consulta de registros, relevamientos previos, publicaciones académicas, entrevistas y conversaciones informales con miembros de los medios. Se propone analizar qué prácticas comunicacionales se despliegan a fin de construir sostenibilidad y en qué medida lo consiguen. También se incluye el estudio respecto a cómo relacionan con otros actores sociales relevantes como el Estado, en sus tres niveles, medios, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y la comunidad, en un sistema infocomunicacional caracterizado por la concentración y centralización. Las radios comunitarias de San Luis sintieron las repercusiones de los cambios de gestión a nivel nacional, y la parálisis en las políticas de comunicación de la provincia, pero aun así continúan al aire. Sin embargo, la falta de nuevas experiencias de comunicación comunitaria invitan a reflexionar sobre las condiciones sociopolíticas que contribuyen a perpetuar su marginalidad en el ecosistema de medios de la provincia.

This article aims to describe characteristics andcommunicational practices of community, alternative, and popular radio stations in San Luis Province, Argentina, between 2010 and 2020, considering the latest regulation in force: LSCA law 26.522, 2009. In San Luis, there are three radio stations that fall under the categories of community, alternative, and popular, according to the law: La Bulla, Masi Radio, and Radio Rebelde, all of them born after the law was sanctioned. The methodology is qualitative, and the analysis is based on empirical research that includes official registries, previous research, academic papers, interviews, and informal conversations with media members. The study analyzes the practices that these radio stations develop to build sustainability, and whether or not they achieve it. Their relationship to other socially relevant actors, such as the State in its three levels, other civil organizations, within a concentrated and centralized media system, is also considered, reflecting those characteristics from the province's political power configuration. Community radios in San Luis suffered the consequences of the national government changes and the paralysis in local communication policies, nevertheless, they are still operative. However, the lack of new community experiences requires further thoughts about how social and political conditions contribute to its marginal position in the communicational system of the province.

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 51(4)dic. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535702


Introduction Anesthetists play an important role during interventional radiology procedures. Like the main operator, anesthetists may also be subject to significant radiation levels in the fluoroscopy suite. Due to its complexity, hepatic chemoembolization procedures demand high fluoroscopic times and digital subtraction angiography images, exposing patients and medical staff to high radiation doses. Objective To assess and quantify the radiation to which one anesthetist was exposed over the course of seven consecutive hepatic chemoembolization procedures, and compare it to the exposure received by the main operator. Methods Medical staff dosimetry was evaluated during seven consecutive hepatic chemoembolization procedures conducted in a private hospital in Recife (Brazil), using thermoluminiscent dosimeters placed in regions of the head and torso. Results For the seven procedures evaluated in this study, the anesthetist received, on average, absorbed doses to the glabella, left eyebrow, right eyebrow and effective dose of 142.4 ± 72 µSv, 117.3 ± 66 µSv, 137.8 ± 71 µSv and 12.4 ± 8.4 µSv, respectively. Conclusions In some cases, ocular dose and effective dose received by the anesthetist may be 4 and 4.7 times greater, respectively, when compared to the main operator. According to the results of this study, the current occupational annual dose limit to the lens of the eye of 20 mSv can be exceeded with only two hepatic chemoembolization procedures per week if adequate radiation protection conditions are not guaranteed.

Introducción El anestesiólogo desempeña un papel importante durante los procedimientos de radiología intervencionista. Al igual que el operador principal, el anestesiólogo también puede estar expuesto a niveles significativos de radiación en la sala de fluoroscopía. Debido a su complejidad, durante los procedimientos de quimioembolización hepática se deben utilizar imágenes de fluoroscopía y angiografía de sustracción digital por períodos prolongados, exponiendo a los pacientes y al personal médico a dosis elevadas de radiación. Objetivo Evaluar y cuantificar la radiación a la cual se expuso un anestesiólogo durante el transcurso de siete procedimientos consecutivos de quimioembolización hepática, y comparar con la exposición recibida por el operador principal. Métodos Evaluación de la dosimetría ocupacional durante siete procedimientos consecutivos de quimioembolización hepática realizados en un hospital privado de Recife (Brasil) por medio de dosímetros termoluminiscentes ubicados en regiones de la cabeza y el torso. Resultados Para los siete procedimientos evaluados en este estudio, el anestesiólogo recibió, en promedio, dosis absorbidas en el entrecejo, la ceja izquierda, la ceja derecha y dosis efectivas de 142,4 ± 72 µSv, 117,3 ± 66 µSv, 137,8 ± 71 µSv y 12,4 ± 8,4 µSv, respectivamente. Conclusiones En algunos casos, la dosis ocular y la dosis efectiva que recibe el anestesiólogo puede ser, respectivamente, entre 4 y 4,7 veces más alta que la que recibe el operador principal. De acuerdo con los resultados de este estudio, el límite ocupacional anual de dosis en cristalino (20 mSv) se puede superar con apenas dos procedimientos de quimioembolización hepática a la semana en caso de no garantizarse las condiciones adecuadas de protección contra la radiación.

Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 37(4)dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559949


Introducción: La fractura de radio distal resulta común en la extremidad superior y representa un reto terapéutico. Objetivo: Determinar la concordancia entre radiografía simple y tomografía computarizada con respecto a las clasificaciones AO Foundation y de Fernández, y la elección del tratamiento. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de concordancia diagnóstica entre radiografía simple y tomografía computarizada. Ortopedistas y cirujanos de mano analizaron 19 imágenes de fracturas de radio distal de acuerdo con las clasificaciones AO Foundation y de Fernández, y las distintas opciones de tratamiento. Para el grado de concordancia se usó el coeficiente Kappa de Fleiss. La prueba de t-Student y Chi cuadrado diferenciaron los grupos para variables cuantitativas y cualitativas, respectivamente. Hubo una significancia estadística de p= 0,05. Resultados: La clasificación de Fernández coincidió mejor que la clasificación AO Foundation entre radiografía y tomografía computarizada. En la elección del tratamiento y la técnica de osteosíntesis la concordancia fue mayor al 90 por ciento, mientras que el abordaje quirúrgico solo alcanzó el 50 por ciento. La clasificación AO Foundation radiográfica se correspondió con fracturas complejas, mientras la de Fernández con las menos complicadas. Las fracturas se subestimaron cuando se clasificaron con radiografía. Conclusiones: La relación de las clasificaciones entre radiografía y tomografía computarizada para fracturas de radio distal no resulta satisfactoria. La tomografía computarizada ofrece información que modifica las decisiones en el tratamiento(AU)

Introduction: Distal radius fracture is common in the upper extremity and represents a therapeutic challenge. Objective: To determine the agreement between simple radiography and computed tomography with respect to AO Foundation and Fernández classifications, and the choice of treatment. Methods: A diagnostic agreement study was carried out between simple radiography and computed tomography. Orthopedists and hand surgeons analyzed 19 images of distal radius fractures according to AO Foundation and Fernández classifications, and the different treatment options. Fleiss Kappa coefficient was used for the degree of agreement. The Student's t-test and chi-square differentiated the groups for quantitative and qualitative variables, respectively. There was a statistical significance of p = 0.05. Results: Fernández classification coincided better than AO Foundation between radiography and computed tomography. In the choice of treatment and osteosynthesis technique, agreement was greater than 90 percent, while the surgical approach only reached 50 percent. The radiographic AO Foundation classification corresponded to complex fractures while Fernández classification corresponded to less complicated ones. Fractures were underestimated when classified with radiography. Conclusions: The relationship of classifications between radiography and computed tomography for distal radius fractures is not satisfactory. Computed tomography provides information that modifies treatment decisions(AU)

Humans , Radiography/classification , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/classification , Reproducibility of Results , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Wrist Fractures/therapy , Surgeons , Orthopedic Surgeons
Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1508-1512, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521014


SUMMARY: Distal radius fractures are the most common fractures of the upper limb. The most commonly used method in the repair of these fractures is volar locking plates. Recently, the frequency of removal of volar locking plates after surgery has increased. There are many factors in its reduction. Anatomically, incompatibility of the distal end of the radius with volar locking plates is one of them. In previous studies, different volar cortical angle (VCA) values were found in other races. For this reason, this study aimed to determine the mean values by making VCA measurements of the Anatolian population. The study was designed retrospectively. In the study, measurements were made on computed tomography (CT) images of the distal end of the radius of 53 men and 28 women. Radial width, intermediate volar angle, and radial volar angle were measured in the images. On average, the radius width was 23.35±1.96 mm, and the intermediate volar angle was 26.02±.3.83°, radial volar angle was 24±3.07°. Radial width, intermediate volar angle, and radial volar angle differed significantly by gender (p<0.001). A significant correlation was found between radius width, intermediate volar angle, and radial volar angle values (p<0.001). It has been determined that the Anatolian population has a different VCA value than the European, Asian, and other populations. When using volar locking plates in distal radius fracture surgery, volar locking plates should be selected by considering the average values of the races.

Las fracturas del radio distal son las fracturas más comunes del miembro superior. El método más utilizado en la reparación de estas fracturas son las placas de bloqueo volar. Recientemente, ha aumentado la frecuencia de extracción de placas de bloqueo volar después de la cirugía. Existen muchos factores en su reducción y anatómicamente, la incompatibilidad de la extremidad distal del radio con las placas de bloqueo volar es una de ellas. En estudios anteriores, se encontraron diferentes valores del ángulo cortical volar (VCA) en otras grupos. Por esta razón, este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar los valores medios, realizando mediciones de VCA de la población de Anatolia. El estudio fue diseñado de manera retrospectiva. En el estudio, se realizaron mediciones en imágenes de tomografía computarizada (TC) de la extremidad distal del radio de 53 hombres y 28 mujeres. En las imágenes se midieron el ancho radial, el ángulo volar intermedio y el ángulo volar radial. En promedio, el ancho del radio fue de 23,35 ± 1,96 mm, el ángulo volar intermedio fue de 26,02 ± 3,83° y el ángulo volar radial fue de 24 ± 3,07°. El ancho radial, el ángulo volar intermedio y el ángulo volar radial difirieron significativamente según el sexo (p<0,001). Se encontró una correlación significativa entre los valores del ancho del radio, el ángulo volar intermedio y el ángulo volar radial (p<0,001). Se ha determinado que la población de Anatolia tiene un valor de VCA diferente al de las poblaciones europeas, asiáticas y otras. Cuando se utilizan placas de bloqueo volar en cirugía de fractura de la extremidad distal del radio, las placas deben seleccionarse considerando los valores promedio de los individuos de diferentes grupos.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Radius/diagnostic imaging , Wrist/diagnostic imaging , Radius/anatomy & histology , Turkey , Wrist/anatomy & histology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Retrospective Studies
Actual. osteol ; 19(3): 199-210, Sept - Dic 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1555762


Introducción: el músculo pronador cuadrado funciona como un estabilizador dinámico de la articulación radiocubital distal. Su reparación posterior a la fijación interna con placa de bloqueo volar en fracturas distales del radio es controvertida. Objetivo: determinar si la reparación del músculo pronador cuadrado influye en los resultados clínicos y funcionales de pacientes con fractura de radio distal que se sometieron a reducción abierta y fijación interna con placa de bloqueo volar. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una revisión sistemática y metanálisis. Las bases de datos analizadas fueron PubMed/Medline, Embase y Bireme/Lilacs (búsqueda realizada hasta el 20 de febrero del año 2023). Los términos de búsqueda fueron: distal radius fracture AND volar plate AND pronator quadratus. Se determinó la calidad metodológica según el manual de revisiones Cochrane. Resultados: en total se incluyeron 4 ensayos clínicos aleatorizados de adecuada calidad metodológica, lo cual corresponde al análisis de 213 participantes. Existen mejores resultados en la puntuación DASH a los 12 meses de seguimiento en el grupo de no reparación del músculo pronador cuadrado DM 2,8 [IC 95%: 0,51;5,10]. No hubo diferencias significativas al año de seguimiento en las puntuaciones de dolor, rangos de movilidad de la muñeca, fuerza de agarre e incidencia de complicaciones. Conclusión: no existe evidencia que sustente la reparación rutinaria del músculo pronador cuadrado posterior a la fijación interna con placa de bloqueo volar en las fracturas de radio distal. (AU)

Introduction: the pronator quadratus muscle functions as a dynamic stabilizer of the distal radioulnar joint, and its repair after internal fixation with volar locking plate in distal radius fractures is controversial. Objective: to determine whether the repair of the pronator quadratus muscle influences the clinical and functional outcomes of patients with distal radius fracture who underwent open reduction and internal fixation with volar locking plate. Materials and methods: a systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted. The analyzed databases were Pubmed/Medline, Embase, and Bireme/Lilacs (search performed until February 20th, 2023). The search terms were distal radius fracture AND volar plate AND pronator quadratus. Methodological quality was determined according to the Cochrane Reviewer's Handbook. Results: a total of 4 randomized clinical trials of adequate methodological quality, corresponding to the analysis of 213 participants, were included. Better DASH scores were observed at 12 months of follow-up in the non-repair group of the pronator quadratus muscle, with a mean difference of 2.8 [95% CI 0.51; 5.10]. There were no significant differences at one-year follow-up in pain scores, wrist mobility ranges, grip strength, and incidence of complications. Conclusion: there is no evidence to support routine repair of the pronator quadratus muscle after internal fixation with volar locking plate in distal radius fractures. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Radius Fractures/surgery , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Wrist Injuries/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Bone Plates , Pain Measurement , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Range of Motion, Articular , Treatment Outcome , Fracture Fixation, Internal/rehabilitation
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(4): 557-562, July-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521801


Abstract Objective The present study compares the analgesic efficacy of two techniques to perform non-surgical reduction: fracture hematoma block and radial nerve supracondylar block. Methods Forty patients with fractures of the distal third of the radius, who required reduction, were selected in a quasi-randomized clinical trial to receive one of the anesthetic techniques. All patients signed the informed consent form, except for those who did not wish to participate in the study, had neurological injury, had contraindication to the procedure in the emergency room, or with contraindication to the use of lidocaine. To measure analgesia, the numerical pain rate scale was used at four different moments: preblock, postblock, during reduction, and after reduction; then three differences were calculated: the first between before and after blocking; the second between during reduction and after blockade; and the third between before blocking and after reduction. Results The fracture hematoma and supracondylar block groups showed the following mean values, respectively: 3.90 (1-10) and 3.50 (-6-10) in difference 1; 4.35 (-5-10) and 5.00 (-3-10) in difference 2; and 4.65 (1-10) and 3.80 (-3-10) in difference 3. Conclusion Both techniques proved to be efficient for analgesia, with mild superiority of hematoma block, but without statistical significance.

Resumo Objetivo O estudo compara a eficácia analgésica de duas técnicas para realizar redução incruenta: o bloqueio de hematoma da fratura e o bloqueio supracondilar de nervo radial. Métodos Quarenta pacientes com fraturas do terço distal do rádio, que necessitassem redução, foram selecionados em um ensaio clínico quasi-randomizado, para receber uma das técnicas anestésicas. Todos os pacientes assinaram o termo de consentimento ou assentimento, com exceção daqueles que não desejassem participar do estudo, tivessem lesão neurológica, com contraindicação ao procedimento na sala de emergências, ou com contraindicação ao uso da lidocaína. Para aferir a analgesia foi utilizada a escala numérica da dor em quatro momentos distintos: pré-bloqueio, pós-bloqueio, durante a redução e após a redução; em seguida, foram calculadas três diferenças: a primeira entre antes e após o bloqueio; a segunda entre durante a redução e após o bloqueio; e a terceira entre antes do bloqueio e após a redução. Resultados Os grupos do bloqueio de hematoma de fratura e bloqueio supracondilar apresentaram respectivamente os seguintes valores médios: 3.90 (1-10) e 3.50 (-6-10) na diferença 1; 4.35 (-5-10) e 5.00 (-3-10) na diferença 2; e 4.65 (1-10) e 3.80 (-3-10) na diferença 3. Conclusão As duas técnicas se provaram eficientes para analgesia, com discreta superioridade do bloqueio de hematoma, mas sem significância estatística.

Humans , Radius Fractures , Pain Measurement , Closed Fracture Reduction , Anesthesia, Local , Nerve Block
Acta ortop. mex ; 37(4): 227-232, jul.-ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568760


Abstract: The study intended to evaluate the incidence and evolution of sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD). To reach 50 patients with SIJD diagnosis, 192 patients with low back pain and failure in conservative approach were consecutively examined (26% incidence). Initially patients underwent intra-articular (IA) corticosteroid sacroiliac joint (SIJ) block followed, if necessary, by cooled SIJ radiofrequency or referred to surgical intervention, in order of complexity. From the 50 patients submitted to IA SI block, 41 (82%) referred pain and quality of life improvement and lesser rescue analgesics consumption for 25 weeks. The block induced a prompt onset of pain relief and there was a drop in mean pain score from 8 to 2 cm (p < 0.001) maintained up to 25 weeks. Rescue analgesic consumption also significantly dropped (p < 0.05). However, nine patients (18%) did not refer long lasting improvement in the third week evaluation and underwent cooled radiofrequency. From this population of nine, seven were successful (78%) while two were recommended surgery. In view of the 50 patients, 82% were comfortable after IA block, 18% were submitted to radiofrequency, with a success rate of 78%. The final incidence of surgery suggestion was 4%.

Resumen: El estudio pretende evaluar la incidencia y evolución de la disfunción de la articulación sacroilíaca (DASI). Para llegar a 50 pacientes con diagnóstico de DASI, se examinaron consecutivamente 192 pacientes con dolor lumbar y fracaso en el abordaje conservador (26% de incidencia). Inicialmente, los pacientes se sometieron a un bloqueo de la articulación sacroilíaca (ASI) con corticosteroides intraarticulares (IA) seguido, si era necesario, de radiofrecuencia ASI enfriada o remitidos a una intervención quirúrgica, en orden de complejidad. De los 50 pacientes sometidos al bloqueo IA SI, 41 (82%) refirieron mejoría del dolor y de la calidad de vida y menor consumo de analgésicos de rescate durante 25 semanas. El bloqueo indujo un rápido inicio del alivio del dolor y hubo una caída en la puntuación media del dolor de 8 a 2 cm (p < 0.001) mantenida hasta 25 semanas. El consumo de analgésicos de rescate también disminuyó significativamente (p < 0.05). Sin embargo, nueve pacientes (18%) no refirieron una mejoría duradera en la evaluación de la tercera semana y se sometieron a radiofrecuencia fría. De esta población de nueve, siete tuvieron éxito (78%), mientras que a dos se les recomendó cirugía. De los 50 pacientes, 82% se sintió cómodo después del bloqueo IA, 18% fue sometido a radiofrecuencia, con una tasa de éxito de 78%. La incidencia final de sugerencia de cirugía fue de 4%.

Arq. gastroenterol ; 60(2): 201-207, Apr.-June 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447385


ABSTRACT Background: Anorectal functional pain syndrome, also called chronic proctalgia, represents a neglected clinical entity and often confused with other syndromes such as vulvodynia or acute proctalgia. It is a very often disabling disease with a consequent significant negative impact on the patient's quality of life. Chronic proctalgia, in many patients, is secondary to the paradoxical contraction of the pelvic floor and associated with a dissynergy between the thorax-abdomen and the pelvic floor. To improve symptoms in functional anorectal pain syndromes, various rehabilitation techniques are used with the aim of promoting relaxation of the pelvic floor; however, to improve defecatory dynamics in patients with levator ani syndrome, only biofeedback has shown efficacy in a randomized study. The aim of this work is to evaluate whether a rehabilitation protocol with manometric biofeedback and radiofrequency diathermy (mt100 Fremslife emotion Tecar) reduces pain and paradoxical contraction of the levator ani and improves the quality of life in patients with anorectal pain syndromes. functional. Methods: This was a prospective study on 30 patients (20 women and 10 men) with anorectal functional pain syndrome and paradoxical contraction of the pelvic floor enrolled at the UOC of General, Minimally Invasive, Oncological and Obesity Surgery of the AOU "Luigi Vanvitelli" of Naples, Italy, from September 2021 to May 2022. All patients were evaluated with a coloproctological specialist visit followed by anorectal manometry and evaluation of altered clinical physiatric parameters (Brusciano Score). The protocol consisted of 10 rehabilitation sessions of the pelvic floor once a week and lasting approximately 45 minutes. During the sessions the patients were subjected to diathermy / radiofrequency treatment (10 minutes) with a static resistive electrode on the diaphragm, during which they were required to breathe diaphragmatically and to become aware of the perineal muscles, under the supervision of a physiotherapist; followed by application of diathermy with static capacitive (5 minutes) and resistive (10 minutes) electrode at the lumbar level. This was followed by the use of manometric biofeedback (15 minutes of tonic / phasic exercises) in order to instruct the patient on the reflex mechanism to obtain a voluntary relaxation of the external anal sphincter. The variables evaluated were Pain (VAS 0-10) and the questionnaire on the impact of colorectal and anal pathologies on the quality of life (CRAIQ-7) at the beginning, after 3 months and at the end of the treatment. Results: After 10 weeks, the rehabilitation treatment combined with diathermy and manometric biofeedback proved effective in the short term with a reduction in the scores of the Vas scale and CRAIQ-7 questionnaire and an increase in the percentage of release of the anal muscles on anorectal manometry. Conclusion: The use of radiofrequency diathermy with a system of static electrodes associated with biofeedback represents a valid rehabilitation option for those patients suffering from anorectal functional pain syndrome because it reduces pain and paradoxical contraction of the levator ani and improves quality of life of the patient.

RESUMO Contexto: A síndrome de dor funcional anorretal, também conhecida como proctalgia crônica, representa uma entidade clínica negligenciada e frequentemente confundida com outras síndromes, como vulvodinia ou proctalgia aguda. Trata-se de uma doença frequentemente incapacitante, com um consequente impacto negativo significativo na qualidade de vida do paciente. A proctalgia crônica, em muitos pacientes, é secundária à contração paradoxal do assoalho pélvico e está associada a uma dissinergia entre o tórax-abdômen e o assoalho pélvico. Para melhorar os sintomas em síndromes de dor anorretal funcional, são utilizadas diversas técnicas de reabilitação com o objetivo de promover o relaxamento do assoalho pélvico. No entanto, para melhorar a dinâmica de evacuação em pacientes com síndrome do elevador do ânus, apenas o biofeedback demonstrou eficácia em um estudo randomizado. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar se um protocolo de reabilitação com biofeedback manométrico e diatermia por radiofrequência (mt100 Fremslife emotion Tecar) reduz a dor e a contração paradoxal do elevador do ânus e melhora a qualidade de vida em pacientes com síndromes de dor anorretal funcional. Métodos: Realizado estudo prospectivo com 30 pacientes (20 mulheres e 10 homens) com síndrome de dor anorretal funcional e contração paradoxal do assoalho pélvico inscritos na UOC de Cirurgia Geral, Minimamente Invasiva, Oncológica e de Obesidade da AOU "Luigi Vanvitelli" de Nápoles, Itália, de setembro de 2021 a maio de 2022. Todos os pacientes foram avaliados com uma consulta especializada em coloproctologia, seguida de manometria anorretal e avaliação dos parâmetros fisiátricos clínicos alterados (Escore de Brusciano). O protocolo consistiu em 10 sessões de reabilitação do assoalho pélvico, uma vez por semana, com duração aproximada de 45 minutos. Durante as sessões, os pacientes foram submetidos a tratamento de diatermia / radiofrequência (10 minutos) com um eletrodo resistivo estático no diafragma, durante o qual foram solicitados a respirar através do diafragma e a tomar consciência dos músculos perineais, sob a supervisão de um fisioterapeuta; seguido pela aplicação de diatermia com eletrodo capacitivo estático (5 minutos) e resistivo (10 minutos) no nível lombar. Isso foi seguido pelo uso de biofeedback manométrico (15 minutos de exercícios tônicos /fásicos) com o objetivo de instruir o paciente sobre o mecanismo reflexo para obter um relaxamento voluntário do esfíncter anal externo. As variáveis avaliadas foram Dor (EVA 0-10) e o questionário sobre o impacto das patologias colorretais e anais na qualidade de vida (CRAIQ-7) no início, após 3 meses e no final do tratamento. Resultados: Após 10 semanas, o tratamento de reabilitação combinado com diatermia e biofeedback manométrico mostrou-se eficaz a curto prazo, com uma redução nos escores da escala VAS e do questionário CRAIQ-7, e um aumento na porcentagem de relaxamento dos músculos anais na manometria anorretal. Conclusão: O uso de diatermia por radiofrequência com um sistema de eletrodos estáticos associado ao biofeedback representa uma opção de reabilitação válida para pacientes que sofrem com a síndrome de dor anorretal funcional, pois reduz a dor e a contração paradoxal do elevador do ânus, melhorando a qualidade de vida do paciente.

Radiol. bras ; 56(3): 125-130, May-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449033


Abstract Objective: To describe the behavior of total alkaline phosphatase (tALP) in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer receiving radium-223 therapy, in a real-world scenario, and to describe overall survival (OS) among such patients. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study involving 97 patients treated between February 2017 and September 2020. Patients were stratified by the baseline tALP (normal/elevated). A tALP response was defined as a ≥ 30% reduction from baseline at week 12. For patients with elevated baseline tALP, we also evaluated treatment response as a ≥ 10% reduction in tALP after the first cycle of treatment. We defined OS as the time from the first treatment cycle to the date of death. Results: There was a significant reduction in the median tALP after each cycle of treatment (p < 0.05 for all). Data for tALP at week 12 were available for 71 of the 97 patients. Of those 71 patients, 26 (36.6%) responded. Elevated baseline tALP was observed in 47 patients, of whom 19 (40.4%) showed a response. Longer OS was observed in the patients with normal baseline tALP, in those with elevated baseline tALP that showed a response to treatment (≥ 10% reduction), and in those who received 5-6 cycles of therapy. Conclusion: The tALP may be used to predict which patients will benefit from treatment with a greater number of cycles of radium-223 therapy and will have longer OS.

Resumo Objetivo: Descrever o comportamento da fosfatase alcalina total (tALP) em pacientes com carcinoma de próstata metastático resistente a castração, submetidos a terapia com rádio-223 em um cenário do mundo real, e a sobrevida global (SG) desses pacientes. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo envolvento 97 pacientes, no período de fevereiro/2017 a setembro/2020. Os pacientes foram estratificados de acordo com a tALP basal (normal/elevada). A resposta à tALP foi definida como uma redução em relação à linha de base de ≥ 30% na semana-12. Para pacientes com tALP basal elevada, também foi avaliada a resposta ao tratamento como uma redução de ≥ 10% de tALP após o primeiro ciclo. A SG foi definida como o tempo entre o primeiro ciclo e a data do óbito. Resultados: A redução da tALP média após cada ciclo foi significativa (p < 0,05). A tALP na semana 12 estava disponível para 71 dos 97 pacientes. Desses 71 pacientes, 26 (36,6%) responderam. Dezenove (40,4%) dos 47 pacientes com tALP elevada apresentaram resposta. Foi observada uma SG mais longa nos pacientes com tALP basal normal, nos pacientes com tALP basal elevada que apresentaram resposta ao tratamento (redução de ≥ 10%) e nos pacientes que receberam 5-6 ciclos. Conclusão: A tALP pode ser usada para prever parte dos pacientes que se beneficiarão do tratamento com um maior número de ciclos e uma SG mais longa.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(3): 532-537, May-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449831


Abstract Synostosis is a generic term to indicate the union of two originally separated bones. At the elbow, humeroradial or longitudinal synostosis causes significant disability, which varies depending on hand function, elbow positioning, adjacent joints mobility and contralateral limb function. It is estimated that, to date, a little more than 150 patients have been described with this deformity, which is more common in subjects with deficient ulnar formation or affected by conditions such as Antley-Bixler and Hermann syndromes. The lack of the elbow joint, with the formation of a longer bone due to humerus-radius fusion, results in stiffness. As such, it is assumed that fractures in this topography are not uncommon. However, since synostosis is rare, this lesion was only described twice in the literature. We report two patients with a fracture of the single bone formed by a humeroradial synostosis and Bayne type-IV ulnar formation failure. Both patients were treated surgically with success. We emphasize the need for adequate treatment to not compromise the daily activities of patients who are adapted to their deformity, thus avoiding worsening the function of a previously affected limb.

Resumo Sinostose é um termo genérico utilizado para indicar a união de dois ossos originalmente separados. No cotovelo, a sinostose rádio-umeral ou longitudinal causa importante incapacidade, que varia a depender da função da mão, da posição do cotovelo, da mobilidade das articulações adjacentes e da função do membro contralateral. Estima-se que um pouco mais de 150 pacientes foram descritos até hoje com essa deformidade, sendo mais frequente em portadores de deficiência de formação ulnar ou podendo fazer parte de síndromes como de Antley-Bixler e de Hermann. Devidoàrigidezcausadapelaausênciadaarticulaçãodocotovelo,queresultana formação de um osso mais longo com a fusão do úmero no rádio, presume-se que fratura nessa topografia não seja incomum. No entanto, pela raridade dessa patologia, tal lesão apresenta apenas duas descrições prévias na literatura. Relatamos os casos de dois pacientes com fratura do osso único formado pela sinostose entre o úmero e o rádio portadores de falha de formação ulnar do tipo IV de Bayne. Ambos os pacientes foram tratados de forma cirúrgica e evoluíram bem. Salientamos a necessidade do tratamento adequado para não comprometer as atividades da vida de um paciente já adaptado à deformidade, evitando piorar a função de um membro já alterado.

Humans , Male , Child , Middle Aged , Radio , Synostosis/surgery , Congenital Abnormalities , Ulna/abnormalities
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559903


Introducción: Las fracturas del radio distal se encuentran entre las más comunes y deben incrementarse por su relación con el envejecimiento poblacional. Su tratamiento quirúrgico ha aumentado gracias a un mejor conocimiento de la anatomía, la introducción de nuevos implantes y los beneficios de la movilización precoz. Objetivo: Revisar la anatomía regional del radio distal, la articulación de la muñeca y los actuales abordajes quirúrgicos para esta región. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed con los términos: anatomía del radio distal, anatomía de la muñeca, abordajes quirúrgicos para radio distal, fracturas de radio distal. Se revisaron artículos del servicio ClinicalKey e Hinari. Desarrollo: El extremo óseo distal del radio posee 5 superficies; los tendones y numerosas estructuras vasculonerviosas obligan a un conocimiento profundo. Existen múltiples abordajes quirúrgicos para el adecuado manejo de las fracturas del extremo distal del radio. Conclusiones: Los abordajes quirúrgicos para el radio distal pueden ser volares, radiales y dorsales. La visualización de la superficie articular se logra mejor artroscópicamente. Cada abordaje requiere una comprensión profunda de la anatomía local del radio distal para poder disecar y exponer las fracturas.

Introduction: Fractures of the distal radius are among the most common and they should increase due to their relationship with population aging. Its surgical treatment has increased thanks to better knowledge of the anatomy, the introduction of new implants and the benefits of early mobilization. Objective: To review the regional anatomy of the distal radius, the wrist joint, and the current surgical approaches for this region. Methods: A PubMed search was performed using the terms distal radius anatomy, wrist anatomy, distal radius surgical approaches, distal radius fractures. Articles from the Clinical key and Hinari service were reviewed. Development: The distal bony end of the radius has 5 surfaces, the tendons and numerous neurovascular structures that require in-depth knowledge. There are multiple surgical approaches for the proper management of fractures of the distal end of the radius. Conclusions: The surgical approaches for the distal radius can be volar, radial and dorsal. Visualization of the articular surface is best achieved arthroscopically. Each approach requires a thorough understanding of the local anatomy of the distal radius in order to dissect and expose fractures.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221354


Introduction: Monteggia fracture dislocation is a rare and severe injury of both paediatric and adult forearm and elbow.It was described for the first time by GIOVANNI BATTISTA MONTEGGIA in 1840,who reported two cases of fracture of the proximal third of ulna with conjoint ventral dislocation of the proximal radius. In 1967 JOSE LUIS BADO published a classification scheme of monteggia lesion based on the direction of the dislocation of radial head,this anatomical classification was suitable for both adults and children .Monteggia fracture dislocations constitute about 1% – 2% of all forearm fractures . Monteggia fractures remain challenging paediatric injuries because of difficulties in diagnosis , propensity for instability and complexity of late reconstruction. More than 50% of these fracture dislocation are misdiagnosed in children and leads to dysfunction of elbow joint. The fixation and stabilization of ulna fracture will automatically reduce the radial head dislocation. The aim of this study is to evaluate a group of paediatric patients with Monteggia lesion and its equivalents treated by percutaneous fixation of proximal third ulna fracture with k wire after reduction of fracture ulna and dislocated radio capitular joint under c-arm guidance. Materials and methods We treated 18 children of age ranging between 6 to 12 years with Monteggia fracture dislocation of the forearm with percutaneous fixation of the proximal third fracture of ulna with k wires after reduction of fracture and dislocated radio-capitular joint under C-arm control.The elbow is immobilized in fiexion with plaster of paris slab and bandage for a period of four weeks and mobilization of elbow is started after four weeks. By the end of 8 weeks K-wire removed. All fractures are fixed with in twenty four hours. The results Results : are good, there is no incidents of any stiffness. Range of movements of elbow and forearm are well preserved.The function of elbow and forearm are satisfactory.Conclusion:A good outcome after Monteggia injury in a child requires early diagnosis and prompt stable anatomical reduction of the ulna fracture and this can be achieved through stabilization of ulna by percutaneous intramedullary k wires.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(1): 297-302, feb. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430544


SUMMARY: Distal radius fractures are one of the most common orthopedic injuries encountered by orthopedic surgeons. Correction of dorsal tilt and radial height is essential to restore normal biomechanics of the wrist joint. Comprehensive knowledge of the morphometry of the distal radius of the local population becomes critical for the treating surgeon. This study aims to report the morphometry of the distal radius in the Anatolian population and compare it with similar studies in other races and humans. Radiographs of one hundred and twenty-four people were included in the study. Four radiological parameters were examined on all radiographs: radial height, radial tilt, ulnar variance, and palmar tilt. Radial tilt was 23.35°±1.96; palmar tilt was 15.7°±2,87 radial height (mm) was 10.55±4.34, ulnar variance (mm) was 0.32±1.79. The highest rate of negative ulnar variance was found. According to the study's results, reference data varying by race for anatomical fit should be considered in treating DER injuries.

Las fracturas de la parte distal del radio son probablemente las lesiones ortopédicas más comunes que encuentran los cirujanos ortopédicos. La corrección de la inclinación dorsal y la altura radial es esencial para restaurar la biomecánica normal de la articulación de la muñeca. El conocimiento integral de la morfometría del radio distal de la población local es importante para el cirujano tratante. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo reportar la morfometría de la parte rdistal del radio en la población de Anatolia y compararla con estudios similares en otras razas y humanos. Se incluyeron ciento veinticuatro radiografías simples consecutivas de la articulación de la muñeca. Se examinaron cuatro parámetros radiológicos: altura radial, inclinación radial, variación ulnar e inclinación palmar. El ángulo de inclinación radial fue de 23,35±1,96; el ángulo de inclinación palmar fue de 15,7±, la altura radial (mm) fue de 10,55±4,34, la varianza ulnar (mm) fue de 0,32±1,79. Se encontró la tasa más alta de varianza ulnar negativa (43,5%). Los resultados de este estudio deben tenerse en consideración al tratar fracturas de la parte distal del radio, con datos de referencia que varían según la raza para el ajuste anatómico.

Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Radius/diagnostic imaging , Radius/anatomy & histology , Turkey , Retrospective Studies , Race Factors