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Rev. estomat. salud ; 27(2): 19-26, 20191230.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087766


Dentures with dental plaque predispose recurrent hyperplasia on the palatal mucosa. Surgical procedures for the treatment of inflammatory papillary hyperplasia involve postsurgical discomfort and morbidity. This repot describes clinical and histologic aspects of a patient with severe akantolitic inflammatory papillary hyperplasia. The palatal mucosa was treated with a surgical bur with a low-speed handpiece. A new removable denture was performed and adapted. A follow-up of 4 years showed staility of health at palatal mucosa. Patient referred low discomfort and morbidity when using bur technique. Control of removable denture was critical for long-term healing and soft tissue stability.

Las prótesis dentales con placa bacteriana predisponen a la hiperplasia recurrente en la mucosa palatina. Los procedimientos quirúrgicos para el tratamiento de la hiperplasia papilar inflamatoria implican molestias y morbilidad posquirúrgicas. Este reporte describe los aspectos clínicos e histológicos de un paciente con hiperplasia papilar inflamatoria acantolítica severa. La mucosa palatina fue tratada con una fresa quirúrgica con una pieza de mano de baja velocidad. Se realizó y adaptó una nueva prótesis parcial removible. Después de un seguimiento de 4 años, se encontró estabilidad de la salud de la mucosa palatina. El paciente se refirió a la baja incomodidad y morbilidad al usar la técnica de la fresa. El control de la prótesis parcial removible fue crítico para la cicatrización a largo plazo y la estabilidad de los tejidos blandos, evitando la recidiva de la hiperplasia papilar inflamatoria.

Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 39(1): 28-32, Jan.-Abr. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-910432


O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a satisfação e a qualidade de vida de pacientes desdentados que tiveram suas próteses totais mandibulares reembasadas com material resiliente (Ufi Gel SC, VOCO, Alemanha). Foram selecionados 20 pacientes desdentados divididos aleatoriamente nos grupos de reembasamento direto ou indireto (n=10). Foram aplicados dois questionários, o OHIP Edent para avaliar a qualidade de vida e um questionário desenvolvido para verificar a satisfação dos pacientes com o uso do reembasador. Os testes clínicos foram realizados em quatro fases durante o tratamento: inicialmente com as próteses totais sem intervenção, 30, 60 e 90 dias após o reembasamento. A análise de variância ANOVA demonstrou que houve uma diferença estatisticamente significante para o fator tempo tanto para a qualidade de vida como para a satisfação (p d" 0,05). Observamos que a qualidade de visa e a satisfação aumentaram após o reembasamento, mas não houve diferença entre os métodos de polimerização testados. O método de polimerização direto é mais simples, menos demorado e menos oneroso para o paciente. Portanto, se não houver diferença entre os métodos de polimerização a longo prazo, não há porque submeter o paciente ao reembasamento indireto(AU)

The aim of this paper was to assess the quality of life and satisfaction for edentulous individuals who had their complete dentures relined with a soft liner material (Ufi Gel SC, VOCO, Germany). A total of 20 patients were selected and divided into two experimental groups, one for a chairside procedure and one for a laboratorial reline (n=10). Two questionnaires were used, the OHIP Edent and a satisfaction form to assess information on the reline material. The tests were performed initially and at 30, 60 and 90 days after the reline. The analysis of variance ANOVA presented a difference for the period evaluation, the quality of life improved after the procedure, but there was no difference between the polymerization methods. The chairside procedure is more simple, faster and more practical for both, professionals and patients. Therefore, if there are no difference in long term results, there is no reason to the patient undergo the laboratorial reline process(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life , Denture, Complete , Denture Liners , Mouth, Edentulous
ROBRAC ; 27(80): 24-29, jan./mar. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-906031


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of microwave-energy polymerization on the accuracy and glass transition temperature of acrylic resin denture bases submitted to reline procedure. As denture wearers make up a large portion of the population and often cannot afford a new complete denture, the reline procedure may be the best alternative when indicated. Thus, it is important to evaluate possible changes that would contraindicate this technique. Materials and methods: Twenty denture bases were fabricated from microwave-cured acrylic resin (Onda-Cryl) and randomly divided into control and test groups (n = 10). In the control group, the bases were submitted to measurement of misfit. Bases in the test group were worn down internally and relined. Misfit was measured by cutting the set stone cast/denture base at three predetermined points (canine, molar and tuberosity), measuring the gap between the stone cast and the acrylic resin base at three points using the ImageTool®software suite. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to determine Tg. Data were submitted to t-test for independent- samples (p<0.05). Results: The greatest misfit of canine sections was found at the midpoint of control group (0.280 mm); in molar sections, no significant difference was found. In maxillary tuberosity sections, the greatest misfit occurred at the midpoint of test group (0.352 mm). All gaps were below the maximal clinically acceptable misfit value. There was no significant difference in Tg values between groups. Conclusion: Microwave-energy processing does not affect the fit or Tg of relined denture bases.

Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da polimerização utilizando energia de micro-ondas na adaptação e na temperatura de transição vítrea de bases de prótese submetidas ao procedimento de reembasamento. Uma vez que usuários de próteses totais constituem grande parte da população, o procedimento de reembasamento pode ser a melhor alternativa, quando indicado. Assim, se faz importante a avaliação de possíveis alterações que contraindicariam esta técnica. Materiais e Métodos: Foram confeccionadas 20 bases de prótese utilizando resina acrílica polimerizada por micro-ondas (Onda-Cryl) e divididas aleatoriamente em grupo controle e teste (n=10). No grupo controle as bases foram submetidas à mensuração da desadaptação. Já no grupo teste as bases foram desgastadas internamente e submetidas ao procedimento de reembasamento utilizando a mesma resina acrílica e a polimerização por energia de micro-ondas. A desadaptação foi mensurada por meio do corte do conjunto modelo de gesso/ base de prótese, em três pontos pré-determinados, em ambos os grupos. Cada área seccionada foi mensurada em três pontos, utilizando o programa ImageTool®software. O ensaio de calorimetria exploratória diferencial foi utilizado para determinar a Tg em ambos os grupos. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste t para amostras independentes (p<0,05). Resultados: No bloco de canino, a maior desadaptação foi observada no ponto mediano do grupo controle (0,280 mm); no bloco de molares não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos. Já na comparação dos blocos de tuber, a maior desadaptação ocorreu no ponto mediano do grupo teste (0,352 mm). Apesar dos valores de desadaptação encontrados, nenhum foi igual ou superior ao valor máximo aceito clinicamente. Conclusão: A polimerização utilizando energia de micro-ondas não afetou a adaptação ou a Tg das bases de prótese submetidas ao reembasamento.

Rio de janeiro; s.n; 2018. 75 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1016651


O objetivo deste estudo piloto foi comparar a eficácia de um reembasador acrílico macio com ou sem diacetato de clorexidina a 1% no tratamento de pacientes com estomatite protética. As hipóteses testadas foram: (I) o eritema seria melhorado (IIa): a contagem de unidades formadoras de colônias seria reduzida, (IIb): a predominância de um tipo morfológico de Candida seria correlacionada com características clínicas e, (IIc) se uma concentração inibitória mínima do antimicrobiano, poderia ser capaz de atuar sobre o crescimento do fungo. Dezesseis pacientes desdentados totais, portadores de prótese e com estomatite protética foram distribuídos aleatoriamente para os grupos controle (reembasamento com Trusoft) e grupo teste (reembasamento com Trusoft contendo 1% de clorexidina) sendo acompanhados por exames clínicos e laboratoriais por 14 dias. Os parâmetros analisados nas duas consultas de acompanhamento foram: avaliação clínica (exame e fotos) e avaliações microbiológicas (esfregaços e culturas de palato e prótese total). Este estudo foi um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego,controlado.Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a superfície do eritema foi significativamente reduzida, mas não diferiu significativamente entre os dois grupos (P> 0,05), assim como a redução da contagem de Candida durante o tratamento entre os grupos (P> 0,05). O tipo de Candida não pôde ser correlacionado ao estágio clínico alcançado. Os resultados dos testes de concentração inibitória mínima, revelaram que uma concentração de 0,05 µg/ml de clorexidina já é capaz de inibir o crescimento de 85% das cepas de testadas.A hipótese principal foi confirmada, o que pode ser interpretado como uma remissão clínica acelerada em ambas as terapias propostas. Embora as hipóteses secundárias não tenham sido confirmadas, a persistência de Candida pode ser apenas a colonização, e a plasticidade morfológica de Candida parece ser fortemente influenciada pela virulência fúngica. Sendo assim, os resultados da análise de concentração inibitória mínima sugerem que uma concentração subinibitória de clorexidina possa estar atuando na virulência da Candida spp. No entanto, não foram encontrados resultados para confirmar a eficácia clínica do diacetato de clorexidina a 1% incorporado ao reembasador macio testado no tratamento da estomatite protética.

The aim of this pilot study was to compare the efficacy of rebase using soft acrylic liner with or without 1% chlorhexidine diacetate in denture stomatitis patients. It was hypothesised that: (I) erythema would be improved (IIa): colony forming unit count would be reduced, (IIb): the predominance of a morphological type of Candida would be correlated with clinical features and, (IIc) a minimum inhibitory concentration of the antimicrobial, could be able to act on the growth of the fungus.Sixteen patients who wearing removable dentures and diagnosed with denture stomatitis were randomly assigned to the control groups (rebase with resilient liner) and test group (rebase with resilient liner containing 1% of chlorhexidine), followed by clinical and laboratory tests for 14 days. The analyzed parameters at two follow-up were: clinical evaluation (examination and photos) and microbiological evaluations (smears and cultures of palates and dentures). This study was a randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial. The results obtained showed that the erythema surface was significantly reduced, but did not differ significantly between the two groups (P> 0.05), as did the reduction of colony forming unit during treatment between the groups (P> 0.05) . The Candida type could not be correlated to the achieved clinical stage. The minimum inhibitory concentration test results showed that a concentration of 0,05 µg/ml chlorhexidine is already able to inhibit the growth of 85% of the tested strains. The primary hypothesis was confirmed, which can be interpreted as an accelerated clinical remission in both proposed therapies. Although secondary hypotheses have not been confirmed, Candida's persistence may be just colonization, and the morphological plasticity of Candida seems to be strongly influenced by fungal virulence. Thus, the results of the minimum inhibitory concentration analysis suggest that a subinhibitory concentration of chlorhexidine may be acting on the virulence of Candida spp. However, no results were found to confirm the clinical efficacy of 1% chlorhexidine diacetate incorporated into the soft liner in denture stomatitis.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Stomatitis, Denture/therapy , Chlorhexidine/pharmacology , Treatment Outcome , Denture, Complete/adverse effects , Denture Liners , Double-Blind Method , Randomized Controlled Trial , Statistics, Nonparametric
Araçatuba; s.n; 2018. 63 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1009562


Os reembasadores resilientes têm sido amplamente utilizados em pacientes portadores de próteses totais para melhorar a adaptação da base de resina ao rebordo. Esses apresentam dois métodos de polimerização, um feito diretamente na boca do paciente e outro feito indiretamente em laboratório. Não há estudos na literatura que avaliem a percepção dos pacientes com relação a esse tratamento. Portanto o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a satisfação a qualidade de vida, força de mordida e halitose de pacientes desdentados que tiveram suas próteses totais mandibulares reembasadas com material resiliente (Ufi Gel SC, Voco, Alemanha). Foram selecionados 20 pacientes desdentados seguindo critérios de inclusão e exclusão predefinidos para terem suas próteses mandibulares reembasadas. Estes foram divididos aleatoriamente nos grupos de reembasamento direto ou indireto (n=10). Os ensaios clínicos verificaram a qualidade de vida (OHIP Edent), a satisfação com o reembasamento, a força de mordida e também presença e etiologia de halitose. Os testes clínicos foram realizados inicialmente com as próteses totais sem intervenção, após o reembasamento, aos 30, 60, 90 e 180 dias após o reembasamento. A análise de variância ANOVA (significância de 5%) demonstrou que houve uma diferença estatisticamente significante para o fator tempo para todos os testes, mas a técnica de reembasamento não. Observamos que a qualidade de vida, a satisfação, a força de mordida e halitose melhoraram após o reembasamento. A halitose foi influenciada pelo reembasamento e pela higiene bucal dos pacientes. Apesar de não ter demonstrado diferença estatisticamente entre os métodos de polimerização, foi um resultado favorável tanto para o clínico como para o paciente. Portanto, se não houver diferença entre os métodos de polimerização a longo prazo, não há porque submeter o paciente ao reembasamento indireto. Independentemente do método de polimerização escolhido, o reembasamento com material resiliente a base de silicone demonstrou ser uma alternativa viável para melhorar os aspectos funcionais e a satisfação em pacientes que apresentem dificuldades em utilizar próteses totais mandibulares(AU)

Resilient reliners have been widely used for patients wearing complete dentures to improve the adaptation of the base. They present two polymerization methods, one done directly in the patient's mouth and another done indirectly in the laboratory. There are no studies in the literature that assess the perception of patients regarding this treatment. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to assess, the satisfaction, quality of life of edentulous patients who had their total mandibular prostheses rebased with resilient material (Ufi Gel SC, Voco, Germany). 20 edentulous patients were selected according to predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. These were randomly divided into the direct or indirect soft reline groups (n = 10). The clinical trial evaluated the quality of life (OHIP Edent), the satisfaction regarding the treatment, the bite force and presence and prevalence of halitosis. The assays were performed in six phases during the treatment: initially with the total prostheses without intervention, after the reline procedure, 30, 60, 90 and 180 days after the reline. The analysis of variance ANOVA (5% significance) demonstrated a statistically significant difference for period in all parameters, but the technique did not influence any of the parameters (P ≤ 0.05). We observed that the QoL, satisfaction, bite force and halitosis increased after the reline. The halitosis was influenced by patients' oral hygiene and the reline procedure. Although it has not demonstrated a statistical difference between polymerization methods, it was a favorable result for both clinicians and patients. The direct polymerization method is simpler, less time consuming and less costly for the patient. Therefore, if there is no long-term difference between polymerization methods, there is no need to perform an indirect procedure. Regardless of the method of polymerization chosen, relining with resilient silicone-based material is a viable alternative to improve the quality of life, satisfaction, bite force and halitosis in patients who have difficulties wearing mandibular dentures(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life , Denture, Complete , Denture Liners , Bite Force , Polymerization , Halitosis
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-156541


Context: Relining with heat cure denture base resin is time‑consuming and the patient has to remain without dentures within this period. Recently, some autopolymerizing resins marketed as hard chairside reline systems with low exothermic heat allow the dentists to reline prosthesis directly in the mouth. However, the decision to use these materials must be based on physical properties such as dimensional accuracy that directly influences the accuracy of fit of the denture base. Aim: The aim was to compare the linear dimensional changes of two hard chairside reline resins with two laboratory heat cure resins at 3 times intervals after processing. Settings and Design: A stainless steel split mold (International Organization for Standardization 1567) was used for sample fabrication. Five measurements of the reference dimensions (AB and CD) were measured directly from the mold and the samples with a profile projector, and mean difference were calculated. Subjects and Methods: Forty samples were fabricated by incorporating the split mold into first pour of denture flasks and packing each of the chairside reline resins (“Kooliner” and “Ufi Gel Hard”) and laboratory heat cure resins (“Dental Products of India Heat Cure” and “Trevalon”). The mean difference in dimensional change at 3 times intervals (0 h, 4 days and 2 months) were calculated and subjected to statistical analysis. Statistical Analysis Used: One‑way ANOVA, RMANOVA and post hoc Tukey’s tests. Results: All resins showed different levels of significant shrinkage (P < 0.001) after processing (T0) ranging from −0.128 to −0.310 mm. After 4 days (T1), there was significant shrinkage (P < 0.001) ranging from −0.168 to −0.296 mm. After 2 months (T2), there was again significant shrinkage (P < 0.001) ranging from −0.018 to −0.216 mm. Chairside reline resins showed less dimensional shrinkage at each time interval than the laboratory heat cure resins. Conclusions: Hard chairside resins are dimensionally accurate than the laboratory heat cure resins.

Dental Bonding , Denture Bases , Resins, Synthetic , Temperature
J. appl. oral sci ; 21(4): 320-326, Jul-Aug/2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-684572


OBJECTIVE: The shear bond strengths of two hard chairside reline resin materials and an auto-polymerizing denture base resin material to cast Ti and a Co-Cr alloy treated using four conditioning methods were investigated. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Disk specimens (diameter 10 mm and thickness 2.5 mm) were cast from pure Ti and Co-Cr alloy. The specimens were wet-ground to a final surface finish of 600 grit, air-dried, and treated with the following bonding systems: 1) air-abraded with 50-70-µm grain alumina (CON); 2) 1) + conditioned with a primer, including an acidic phosphonoacetate monomer (MHPA); 3) 1) + conditioned with a primer including a diphosphate monomer (MDP); 4) treated with a tribochemical system. Three resin materials were applied to each metal specimen. Shear bond strengths were determined before and after 10,000 thermocycles. RESULTS: The strengths decreased after thermocycling for all combinations. Among the resin materials assessed, the denture base material showed significantly (p<0.05) greater shear bond strengths than the two reline materials, except for the CON condition. After 10,000 thermocycles, the bond strengths of two reline materials decreased to less than 10 MPa for both metals. The bond strengths of the denture base material with MDP were sufficient: 34.56 MPa for cast Ti and 38.30 for Co-Cr alloy. CONCLUSION: Bonding of reline resin materials to metals assessed was clinically insufficient, regardless of metal type, surface treatment, and resin composition. For the relining of metal denture frameworks, a denture base material ...

Acrylic Resins/chemistry , Denture Bases , Denture Rebasing , Dental Alloys/chemistry , Dental Bonding/methods , Analysis of Variance , Materials Testing , Polymerization , Shear Strength , Surface Properties , Temperature , Time Factors , Titanium/chemistry
J. appl. oral sci ; 19(5): 521-528, Sept.-Oct. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-600854


OBJECTIVE: The effect of disinfection by immersion in sodium perborate solution and microwave irradiation on surface roughness of one denture base resin (Lucitone 550 -L), 3 hard chairside reline resins (Tokuyama Rebase II-TR, New Truliner-NT, Ufi Gel hard-UH) and 3 resilient reline materials (Trusoft-T; Sofreliner-S, Dentusil-D) was evaluated. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty specimens of each material were made and divided into 3 groups: Control - not disinfected; P - daily disinfection by immersing in sodium perborate solution (3.8 percent); MW - microwave disinfection (6 min/650 W). Roughness measurements were made after polymerization (baseline) and after 1, 3 and 28 days. Roughness differences relative to the baseline readings were analyzed by Student's t-test (P=0.05). RESULTS: At baseline, Trusoft showed the highest (P<0.001) mean surface roughness (3.54 µm), and its surface roughness was significantly reduced after 28 days of disinfection by immersion in sodium perborate (P=0.013). Roughness measurements of material Trusoft were not performed after microwave disinfection due to the severe alterations on the surface. In the 3 groups evaluated, changes in roughness were significant for materials Ufi Gel hard (from 0.11 to 0.26 µm; P<0.041) and New Truliner (0.19 to 0.76 µm; P<0.019). The roughness of materials Lucitone 550 (0.37 µm), Tokuyama Rebase II (0.37 µm), Sofreliner (0.49 µm) and Dentusil (0.38 µm) remained unaffected (P>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The roughness of the hard reline materials Ufi Gel hard and New Truliner was adversely affected by microwave disinfection, immersion in water or in sodium perborate. Microwave disinfection caused severe alterations on the surface of the resilient liner Trusoft.

Humans , Acrylic Resins/chemistry , Denture Bases , Denture Rebasing , Disinfection/methods , Microwaves , Acrylic Resins/radiation effects , Disinfectants/chemistry , Immersion , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Statistics, Nonparametric , Surface Properties
Araraquara; s.n; 2009. 238 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-590729


Este estudo avaliou o comportamento exotérmico de 5 resinas rígidas para reembasamento imediato, duas experimentais (E1 e E2) à base de agentes de ligação cruzada (etileno glicol dimetacrilato e 1,4-butanediol dimetacrilato) e três comerciais (Kooliner-K, New Truliner-NT, Tokuyama Rebase II-TR II), bem como o grau de conversão (GC), a sorção (Sor) e a solubilidade (Sol) em água, a contração linear de polimerização (CLP), as propriedades viscoelásticas e a resistência à flexão desses materiais e de uma resina para base de prótese (Lucitone 550-L). Foi avaliada, ainda, a resistência de união (RU) entre os reembasadores e a resina de base. O comportamento exotérmico foi avaliado (n=4) com termopar tipo K inserido no interior das resinas, em matriz circular (60 x 2,0 mm), e mantido até a polimerização. O GC (%) foi avaliado (n=5) por espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformadas de Fourier (32 leituras; resolução 4,0 cm-1). A Sor e a Sol (μg/mm3) foram mensuradas (n=5) seguindo as recomendações da ISO 1567. A CLP (%) foi avaliada (n=10), em projetor de perfil (Nikon 6C), em corpos-de-prova circulares (50 x 0,5 mm). Para avaliar as propriedades viscoelásticas, corpos-de-prova (40 x 10 x 3,3 mm) foram submetidos (n=2) à análise térmica dinâmico-mecânica (DMTA) em diferentes intervalos de temperatura (ciclos). O módulo de armazenamento (E’) e o amortecimento mecânico (tan δ) a 37ºC foram registrados durante o primeiro e último ciclo da DMTA. A temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg) foi mensurada somente no último ciclo da DMTA. Os ensaios mecânicos de flexão (0,5 mm/min) foram realizados (n=10) em corpos-de-prova (64 x 10 x 3,3 mm) intactos ou reembasados e a resistência (MPa) calculada na tensão máxima (RFM) e no limite de proporcionalidade (RFLP). Para avaliar a RU (MPa) entre os materiais, 60 cilindros (20 x 20 mm) da resina L foram processados...

This study evaluated the exothermic behavior, degree of conversion (DC), water sorption (WSor), water solubility (WSol), linear polymerization shrinkage (LPS), viscoelastic properties and flexural strength of 5 hard chairside reline resins, two experimental (E1 and E2) based on crosslinking agents (ethylene glycol dimethacrylate and 1,4-butanediol dimethacrylate) and three commercially available (Kooliner-K, New Truliner-NT and Tokuyama Rebase II-TR II), and one heat-polymerized denture base resin (Lucitone 550-L). The shear bond strength (SBS) between the denture base resin and the reline materials was also evaluated. The exothermic behavior of circular specimens (60 x 2.0 mm) during polymerization was assessed (n=4) using a type K thermocouple. The DC (%) was measured (n=5) by Fourier Transformed infrared-attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy (32 scans; resolution of 4.0 cm-1). WSor and Wsol (μg/mm3) were determined (n=5) according to the recommendation stated in ISO 1567. The LPS (%) was measured (n=10) in circular specimens (50 x 0.5 mm) using a perfilometer (Nikon 6C). The viscoelastic properties of the specimens (40 x 10 x 3.3 mm) were evaluated (n=2) by dynamical-mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) under different temperature ranges (runs). Values of storage modulus (E’) and loss tangent (tan δ) at 37ºC were obtained from the first and last runs. The glass transition temperature (Tg) was only measured from the last run. Ultimate flexural strength (UFS - MPa) and flexural strength at the proportional limit (FSPL - MPa) were determined (n=10) by three-point test (0.5 mm/min) using intact and relined specimens (64 x 10 x 3.3 mm). To evaluate the SBS between the materials, 60 cylinders (20 x 20 mm) of the denture base resin L were processed, relined (3.5 x 5.0 mm) and submitted to shear testing (0.5 mm/min). Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey...

Acrylic Resins , Denture Liners , Denture Rebasing , Shear Strength , Solubility
Araraquara; s.n; 2006. 187 p. tab, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-863676


Este estudo avaliou o efeito da desinfecção por irradiação de energia de microondas na porosidade superficial de quatro reembasadores rígidos (Kooliner - K, New Truliner - NT, Tokuso Rebase - TR, Ufi Gel Hard ­ UGH) e uma resina termopolimerizável para base de prótese (Lucitone 550 - L). Vinte amostras de cada material (20 x 10 x 3mm) foram divididas em 4 grupos (n=5): G1 ­ sem tratamento ­ controle; G2 ­ amostras imersas em 200 mL de água destilada e submetidas a 2 ciclos de irradiação (650W/6min) no mesmo dia; G3 ­ 1 ciclo diário de irradiação, por 7 dias, com as amostras imersas em água destilada entre os ciclos; e G4 ­ amostras imersas em água destilada a 370 C, por 7 dias. As amostras foram fotografadas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura e as microfotografias analisadas em analisador de imagem Leica Qwin, para determinar o número e a área total de poros. Para avaliar a porosidade entre a região central e a periferia, foi utilizado o teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon ao nível de 5% de significância. Para avaliar a porosidade entre os grupos experimentais foi utilizado o teste de Kruskal Wallis, seguido por comparações múltiplas não-paramétricas, também ao nível de 5% de significância. Os resultados demonstraram que não houve diferença significativa (P>0,05) entre a região central e a periferia. A avaliação entre os grupos experimentais demonstrou que a porosidade do material K foi significantemente aumentada (P<0,05), após 7 ciclos de irradiação. Nenhuma diferença significante (P>0,05) foi encontrada para os materiais NT e L, em todas as condições avaliadas. Quando comparada ao grupo G1 (sem tratamento), a porosidade da TR e UGH foi significantemente diminuída (P<0,05), após 7 ciclos de irradiação. Concluiu-se que: 1) As irradiações por energia de microondas aumentaram o número de poros para o material K (P<0,05), quando este foi submetido a 7 ciclos, em relação ao G1. Entretanto, a área total de poros não exibiu essa influência (P>0,05) em todos os grupos avaliados. 2) O material NT não sofreu efeito das irradiações para o número de poros em todos os grupos. Entretanto, a área de poros foi reduzida (P<0,05), quando foram utilizados 7 ciclos (G3), em comparação a 2 ciclos (G2). 3) As microondas reduziram o número de poros para o material TR (P<0,05), quando este foi submetido a 7 ciclos, em comparação ao G1 e G2. Sua área total de poros, no G3, exibiu redução significativa, em relação aos demais grupos avaliados. 4) A resina UGH, quando submetida a 7 ciclos de irradiação (G3), teve o número de poros reduzido (P<0,05), em relação ao G1 e G4. Entretanto, a área total de poros foi estatisticamente igual para todos os grupos. 5) O número e a área de poros do material L não foram influenciados (P>0,05) pelas irradiações

This study evaluated the effect of microwave irradiation on the surface porosity of four hard chairside reline materials (Kooliner-K, New TrulinerNT, Tokuso Rebase-TR, Ufi Gel Hard­UGH) and one heat-polymerizing denture base acrylic resin (Lucitone 550-L) Twenty specimens (20X10X3mm) were made for each material and divided into four groups (n=5): G1-no treatment (control), G2­specimens immersed in distilled water and submitted to 2 cycles of microwave irradiation (650W/6 min) consecutively on the same day; G3­daily microwave irradiation for 7 days, with specimens immersed in distilled water at 370 C between exposures; G4­specimens immersed in distilled water at 370 C for 7 days. Scanning electron microphotographs of the specimens (SEM) were analyzed using Leica Qwin image analyser software to determine the number and total area of porosities. Data were statistically analyzed with Wilcoxon test for paired analysis (P=0.05) to determine differences between the center and the periphery. Differences between the experimental groups were tested using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The results demonstrated that the number and the total area of pores did not differ significantly between the central and peripheral zones. The number and the total area of pores of K was significantly increased after 7 cycles (P<.05). Materials NT and L specimens showed no significant differences in the number of pores among all groups evaluated. However, for material NT, significant difference (P<.05) was observed between G2 and G3 in the total area of pores. The number of pores of TR and UGH was significantly decreased (P<.05) after 7 cycles when compared to G1. The area total of pores of the TR was significantly affected after 7 cycles. It was concluded that 1) Microwave irradiation promoted a significant increased (P<.05) in the number of pores for material K after 7 cycles; however, the total area of pores was not affect by irradiation in all groups evaluated. 2) Material NT was not affected by irradiation for the number of pores; however, the total area of pores was decrease after 7 cycles, when compared to G2. 3) For material TR, microwave irradiation decreased (P<.05) the number of pores after 7 cycles, compared to G1 and G2. The total area of pores of G3 was significantly decreased after 7 cycles. 4) Material UGH showed a significant decrease (P<.05) for number of pores when submitted to 7 cycles, compared to G1 and G4; however, the total area of pores was statically equal in all groups evaluated 5) For material L, the number and total area of pores were not affected by irradiations

Acrylic Resins , Disinfection , Microwaves , Denture Rebasing