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Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 26: 72515, 20230227.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435927


Este artigo teve como objetivo identificar a localidade da Dança nos métodos de pesquisa das teses e dissertações, produzidas entre 2016-2020, nos programas de pós-graduação em Artes no Brasil. O percurso metodológico, de caráter descritivo, se deu a partir da observação da lógica adotada na organização das investigações (produção de uma performance, distanciamento para teorizar, utilização para fins dedutivos) e classificou a localidade da Dança como: (a) produção e interpretação dos dados; (b) objeto; (c) experimento. O estudo constatou que a maior parte dos trabalhos, de acordo com o período levantado, localizam a Dança nos seus percursos metodológicos como objeto de estudo. Apesar da busca por um caminho do exercício de observação e teorização, percebe-se que existe um amplo leque de possibilidades de experimentações, desdobramentos, especulações e conjecturas sobre o lugar da Dança nos métodos de pesquisas brasileiros.

This article aimed to identify the location of Dance in the research methods of theses and dissertations, produced bet-ween 2016-2020, in postgraduate programs in Arts in Brazil. The methodological course, of a descriptive character, was based on the observation of the logic adopted in the organization of investigations (production of a performance, distance to theorize, use for deductive purposes) and classified the locality of Dance as: (a) production and interpretation of the data; (b) object; (c) experiment. The study found that most of the works, according to the period surveyed, locate Dance in their methodological paths as an object of study. Despite the search for a way of exercising observation and theorization, it is clear that there is a wide range of possibilities for experimentation, developments, speculations and conjectures about the place of Dance in Brazilian research methods.

Este artículo tuvo como objetivo identificar la ubicación de la Danza en los métodos de investigación de tesis y disertaciones, producidas entre 2016-2020, en programas de posgrado en Artes en Brasil. El curso metodológico, de carácter descriptivo, se basó en la observación de la lógica adoptada en la organización de las investigaciones (producción de un espectáculo, distancia para teorizar, uso con fines deductivos) y clasificó la localidad de Danza como: (a) producción e interpretación de los datos; (b) objeto; (c) experimento. El estudio constató que la mayoría de los trabajos, según el período relevado, ubican a la Danza en sus trayectos metodológicos como objeto de estudio. A pesar de la búsqueda de una forma de ejercer la observación y la teorización, es claro que existe una amplia gama de posibilidades de experimentación, desarrollos, especulaciones y conjeturas sobre el lugar de la Danza en los métodos de investigación brasileños.

Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 26Fev. 2023. Tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427317


Este artigo teve como objetivo identificar a localidade da Dança nos métodos de pesquisa das teses e dissertações, produzidas entre 2016-2020, nos programas de pós-graduação em Artes no Brasil. O percurso metodológico, de caráter descritivo, se deu a partir da observação da lógica adotada na organização das investigações (produção de uma performance, distanciamento para teorizar, utilização para fins dedutivos) e classificou a localidade da Dança como: (a) produção e interpretação dos dados; (b) objeto; (c) experimento. O estudo constatou que a maior parte dos trabalhos, de acordo com o período levantado, localizam a Dança nos seus percursos metodológicos como objeto de estudo. Apesar da busca por um caminho do exercício de observação e teorização, percebe-se que existe um amplo leque de possibilidades de experimentações, desdobramentos, especulações e conjecturas sobre o lugar da Dança nos métodos de pesquisas brasileiros (AU).

This article aimed to identify the location of Dance in the research methods of theses and dissertations, produced bet-ween 2016-2020, in postgraduate programs in Arts in Brazil. The methodological course, of a descriptive character, was based on the observation of the logic adopted in the organization of investi-gations (production of a performance, distance to theorize, use for deductive purposes) and classified the locality of Dance as: (a) pro-duction and interpretation of the data; (b) object; (c) experiment. The study found that most of the works, according to the period surveyed, locate Dance in their methodological paths as an object of study. Despite the search for a way of exercising observation and theorization, it is clear that there is a wide range of possibili-ties for experimentation, developments, speculations and conjec-tures about the place of Dance in Brazilian research methods (AU).

Este artículo tuvo como objetivo identificar la ubica-ción de la Danza en los métodos de investigación de tesis y diserta-ciones, producidas entre 2016-2020, en programas de posgrado en Artes en Brasil. El curso metodológico, de carácter descriptivo, se basó en la observación de la lógica adoptada en la organización de las investigaciones (producción de un espectáculo, distancia para teorizar, uso con fines deductivos) y clasificó la localidad de Danza como: (a) producción e interpretación de los datos; (b) objeto; (c) experimento. El estudio constató que la mayoría de los trabajos, egún el período relevado, ubican a la Danza en sus trayectos me-todológicos como objeto de estudio. A pesar de la búsqueda de una forma de ejercer la observación y la teorización, es claro que existe una amplia gama de posibilidades de experimentación, de-sarrollos, especulaciones y conjeturas sobre el lugar de la Danza en los métodos de investigación brasileños (AU).

Art , Research , Organizations , Dancing , Surveys and Questionnaires , Observation/methods
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 46(2): e088, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387753


Resumo: Introdução: As atuais Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) dos cursos de graduação em Medicina visam atualizar e transformar a escola médica brasileira incentivando currículos interdisciplinares e o uso de métodos ativos de ensino. O desafio de reduzir a adoção de aulas expositivas tende a impactar tanto discentes quanto docentes, que podem ser resistentes às mudanças quando estas não são apoiadas em pesquisas com a devida reflexão crítica. Desenvolvimento: Neste artigo, apresentamos um protocolo desenvolvido pela equipe do Núcleo de Apoio Pedagógico e Experiência Docente da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Brasília em que se utilizam dois questionários para a realização de estudos quali-quantitativos que visem avaliar a motivação e a percepção de docentes e discentes em relação aos distintos métodos de ensino e aprendizagem. O protocolo foi criado para auxiliar a compreensão da dinâmica, dos desafios e das expectativas acerca do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Conclusão: Coletar, analisar, descrever, interpretar e divulgar dados sobre a motivação e a percepção de docentes e discentes relacionadas aos distintos métodos é importante para fundamentar ações que visem promover a melhoria do ensino. O protocolo apresentado neste artigo pode ser aplicado em cenários diversos e poderá contribuir para o processo de desenvolvimento de um ensino médico mais alinhado às DCN.

Abstract: Introduction: The latest Brazilian National Curriculum Guidelines (DCN) for the undergraduate medicine course aim to update and transform the country's medical training by encouraging interdisciplinary curricula and the use of active teaching methods. Reducing the focus on lectures and expanding learning through investigation is a challenge that can impact both students and teachers, who may be resistant to changes that are not supported by research and due critical analysis. Development: This study reflects on the importance of assessing how teachers and students view diverse teaching and learning methods. Furthermore, we share a protocol developed by the Pedagogical Support and Teaching Experience Team at the University of Brasília Medical School, which comprises the use of two questionnaires for conducting qualitative and quantitative studies. The protocol aims at understanding the dynamics, challenges and expectations regarding the teaching and learning process. Conclusion: Collecting, analyzing, describing, interpreting, and disseminating data on teacher and student views of the use of different methods is paramount to support teaching quality improvement actions. The protocol published in this article can be used in different settings and can contribute to the development of a medical education system that is more aligned with the DCN.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 3460-3472, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-906832


microRNA (miRNA) is a class of endogenous ~21nt non-coding single-strand small RNAs which play important roles in plant growth and development, signal transduction, stress response, and secondary metabolism. In recent years, a large number of miRNAs have been identified in various medicinal plants, and the regulatory effects of these miRNAs have been preliminarily studied. In medicinal plants, most of the active components are secondary metabolites, so it is of great significance to study the regulatory effects of miRNA on the formation of secondary metabolites. In this paper, the general research methods of plant miRNA and the research progress of medicinal plant miRNA and their regulatory effects on the formation of bioactive metabolites were reviewed, and the future direction of medicinal plant miRNA was prospected, so as to provide reference for the future research of medicinal plants.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387001


Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo descrever e analisar métodos de pesquisas em psicologia do trabalho que aplicaram a análise de redes sociais (ARS) para identificação de relações formadas entre trabalhadores em seus contextos laborais. Os métodos utilizados nessas investigações são essencialmente qualitativos, em articulação com uma análise quantitativa de dados matriciais, fazendo uso de entrevistas e de observação para a coleta de dados. Todas as pesquisas realizaram o mapeamento de redes egocentradas usando a técnica de geração de nomes. A análise das entrevistas foi realizada por meio de análise de conteúdo e os dados matriciais pelo programa UCINET. As pesquisas mostraram a possibilidade de variações na coleta dos dados, como a utilização de fotografias, do Diagrama da Escolta Social e diferentes maneiras de aplicar o gerador de nomes. A ARS mostrou-se um método versátil, compatível com contextos laborais e alternativa viável para estudos em psicologia do trabalho.

Resumen: El presente artículo tiene como objetivo describir y analizar métodos de investigación en psicología del trabajo que aplicaron el análisis de redes sociales (ARS) para la identificación de las relaciones formadas entre trabajadores en sus contextos laborales. Los métodos utilizados en las investigaciones son esencialmente cualitativos, combinado con el análisis cuantitativo de los datos matriciales, haciendo uso de entrevistas y de la observación para la recolección de datos. Todas las encuestas realizaron el mapeo de redes egocentradas utilizando la técnica de generación de nombres. El análisis de las entrevistas fue realizado por medio de análisis de contenido y los datos matriciales por el programa UCINET. Las encuestas deemuestran la posibilidad de variaciones en la recolección de los datos, como la utilización de fotografías, del Diagrama de la Escuela Social y diferentes maneras de aplicar el generador de nombres. La ARS se mostró como un método versátil, compatible con contextos laborales y una alternativa viable a los estudios en psicología del trabajo.

Abstract: This article aims to describe and analyze methods of research in work psychology that applied the analysis of social networks (ARS) to identify relationships formed between workers in their work contexts. The methods used in these investigations are essentially qualitative, in conjunction with a quantitative analysis of matrix data, making use of interviews and observation for data collection. All the surveys carried out the mapping of self-centered networks using the naming technique. The analysis of the interviews was performed through content analysis and matrix data by the UCINET program. Research has shown the possibility of variations in data collection, such as the use of photographs, the Social Shield Diagram and different ways of applying the name generator. The ARS proved to be a versatile method compatible with work contexts and a viable alternative for studies in work psychology.

Agora (Rio J.) ; 23(3): 47-56, set.-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1130826


RESUMO: Compreende-se a Psicanálise enquanto método, técnica e um conjunto de teorias aplicadas no estudo dos processos inconscientes. Entretanto, não é raro constatarmos, em alguns contextos como na Academia, ou mesmo na comunidade analítica, o destaque atribuído à Psicanálise, ora como um tratamento psicanalítico, restringindo-a a uma prática terapêutica, ora identificado à sua teoria. Desse modo, objetiva-se nesse artigo enfatizar o potencial investigativo da Psicanálise através de seu método. Este, diferente do que alguns analistas acreditam, pode ser desenvolvido para além da clínica padrão, como temos acompanhado através das pesquisas acadêmicas.

Abstract: Psychoanalysis is understood as method, technique and a set of applied theories in the study of the unconscious processes. However, it is not uncommon to note, in some contexts such as the Academy, or even in the analytical community, the emphasis attributed to Psychoanalysis, sometimes as a psychoanalytic treatment, restricting it to a therapeutic practice, or as identified to its theory. In this article it is emphasized the investigative potential of Psychoanalysis through its method. This, unlike some analysts believe, can be developed beyond the standard clinical, as we have followed through academic research.

Psychoanalysis , Research , Therapeutics
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-828468


As a discipline, the independent knowledge system of acupuncture-moxibustion has been established in - Dynasties, while the education and management institutes have tended to be formalized since Northern and Southern Dynasties and continue to late imperial period. In the period of the Republic of China, acupuncture-moxibustion discipline began to be constructed intentionally, and the knowledge system, education institutes and institution have changed significantly with the characteristics of modern science. Now acupuncture has fully met the conditions of modern subjects. The study of the history of acupuncture-moxibustion discipline needs the perspective of internal and external history integration, focusing on the differences from academic history and educational history. In addition, four important topics in the current research of the history of acupuncture-moxibustion discipline are suggested: the relationship between acupuncture- moxibustion discipline and related disciplines, scientific value and technology philosophy, international recognition and branch disciplines.

Acupuncture Therapy , History , China , History, Ancient , Moxibustion , History
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777932


Objective To investigate the influencing factors for liver cancer by gender in Shunde region, and to explore the potential interactions among influencing factors for liver cancer in males. Methods The relative excess risk of interaction (RERI) and other indices were used to evaluate the pair-wise interaction, and the classification and regression tree (CART) model was applied to explore the potential multi-factors interaction. Results This study included 1 037 male cases and 1 069 controls, together with 166 female cases and 185 controls. Chronic hepatitis B virus infection (CHB) and family history of liver cancer were significantly associated with increased risk of liver cancer both in males and females (both P<0.001). In males, positive additive interactions were observed between CHB and smoking or alcohol drinking, as well as between smoking and drinking. The RERI for CHB and smoking was 121.90(95% CI:52.85%-190.95%). Negative additive interactions were observed between exercise and CHB or smoking. Further, the CART analysis suggested that the CHB males who smoked and drank alcohol had the highest risk of liver cancer. Conclusions CHB and family history of liver cancer are important risk factors for liver cancer in both males and females. CHB, smoking, and alcohol drinking synergistically promote the incidence of liver cancer for males. Exercise can antagonize the hepatocarcinogenic effect of CHB and smoking.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 187-196, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-780115


Q-marker is a new concept of quality control for traditional Chinese medicine. Since its introduction in 2016, it has received extensive support and participation from researchers and manufactures of the entire industry. In order to establishing the research level of quality markers, normative research model, we review the proposed core theory and research methods of Chinese medicine quality markers. The definition and scientific connotation of Chinese medicine quality markers are analyzed. The core theories and research methods of quality markers are summarized from five aspects: "effectiveness", "specificity", "transfer and traceability", "compatibility environment" and "measurability" of quality markers. This paper aims to provide useful theoretical and methodological guidance for studying Chinese medicine quality markers.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; s.n; 2019. 181 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1369488


The use of Psychoactive Substances (PAS) is a reality among Brazilian adolescents, who may use alcohol or other illicit drugs as a form of social adaptation or even to be able to live in a fluid and hedonistic society. PASs can be considered commodities in postmodernity, being freely traded, as in the case of alcohol, or sold clandestinely, generating profits for the few. When studying the consumption of these psychoactive substances, generalizations or just blaming the individual for their use should be avoided. The phenomenon must be observed from the perspective of social determination, considering the general, particular and singular dimensions. The aim of this research was to understand the social determination of psychoactive substance use by adolescents enrolled in the 9th grade of Elementary School in Divinópolis, Minas Gerais. For this purpose, we used the sequential transformative mixed method, which was conducted with 9th grade adolescents from public and private elementary schools. In the quantitative axis (n = 303), the modules of general information, use of alcohol and illicit drugs of the 2015 National School Health Survey (PeNSE) were applied. The qualitative axis was preponderant and followed the quantitative, in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 adolescents who had participated in the quantitative axis. As for the analyzes, a descriptive and multivariate analysis was performed for all quantitative variables. In the qualitative axis, the discourses based on dialectical hermeneutics were analyzed and the results of both axes were integrated in the discussion of the results, as recommended by the sequential transformative method. In the analysis of quantitative variables, there was an association in the multivariate analysis between making use of alcohol and intending to study only until high school or technical (p = 0.007), continuing to study and work (p = 0.003), not living with parents (p = 0.010) and have friends who use alcohol (p = 0.009). The quantitative results discuss, complement and agree with the discourses of adolescents on the qualitative axis, demonstrating the importance of a mixed approach on the subject. The use of PASs by adolescents is related to the social imaginary about the phenomenon, in which media, policies and market dictate norms of conduct, as noted in the lack of supervision of the sale of beverages for adolescents, in the relationship between having a job that generates income and have friends who use alcohol. All these factors are related, so that the social space of this adolescent, the place occupied socially by him and his social class will largely dictate the consequences of using PAS. It is concluded that adolescents relate all dimensions of the phenomenon to the choice of whether or not to use PAS, but the overall dimension stands out, mainly due to the economic factor that guides the others, influencing the media, products considered desirable and places. of individuals. By recognizing the main points of social obstacle and risk determinants, the community can debate and propose actions aimed at changes in both the physical space and the psychological field. In the latter case, in the field of subjectivity, actions can be developed that empower young people of their rights and duties to cover improvements of rulers and initiate changes at a singular level, with transformations in their interpersonal relationships. These steps are simultaneous and require time to be realized, because any change occurs with changes in both the behavioral level and the social imaginary. Such changes will awaken opposing forces, mainly at the political and economic levels, however, only through the clash of ideas and paradigms that new forms of organization can emerge.

Humans , Adolescent , Illicit Drugs , Underage Drinking , Social Determination of Health , Psychotropic Drugs , Public Policy , Data Collection , Academic Dissertation
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-705326


Psoriasis is a chronic,refractory,inflammatory skin disease that occurs in young adults.The traditional animal model cannot simulate the skin characteristics of patients with psoriasis effectively, so it is difficult to be used for in-depth study of psoriasis mechanism. Immortalized human epidermal cells (HaCaT)is a non-tumor,immortalized human epidermal cell which is widely used in the study of dermatosis.HaCaT cells are the best choice for the study of psoriasis mechanism because their immu-nological characteristics and reproductive ability are coincide with the pathological features of psoriasis. This article reviews the specific methods such as establishment of cell method, cytokine and chemo-kine analysisin the pathogenesis study of psoriasis based on HaCaT cells, hoping to provide some thoughts for drug′s pharmacological activity research.

Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal ; (24): 761-764, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-858325


Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) has the characteristics and complexities of multi-component, multi-target and multi-way. The study of TCM compound efficacy material basis is the core part in illuminating the effect and mechanism of TCM. So many methods were involved in the researches on material foundation including the effective part searching, compatibility and its disassembled prescriptions investigating based on pharmacological activity tracking in vivo; the association analysis between chemical fingerprints characterized by a variety of instruments and efficacy; serum pharmacochemistry and Chinmedomics based on metabolic processes in vivo; cell membrane chromatography and bionic technology based on activity discovering in vitro; and network pharmacology based on the computer simulation. The paper summarized the research methods in this field by consulting and concluding some document data of recent years, aiming to provide a theoretical foundation for studying on the effective material foundation of compound prescription of traditional Chinese medicine.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-708033


Hippocampus,as an important organization of the nervous system,has a close relationship with the biology function of learning,memory and spatial cognition.It is very important to clarify the specific influence of non-ionizing radiation on the hippocampus.This paper summarized briefly the effects of nonionzing radiation on hippocampus and relevant research method.

Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 1629-1633, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-667986


Long noncoding RNA is a functional RNA fragment that is not involved in translation of proteins. Many reports showed that lncRNA was closely related to diabetes. This review summarizes the pathogenesis and the role of lncRNAs in diabetic neuropathy and vascular disease,so as to provide the basis for prevention and treatment of diabetes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-686689


Objective To evaluate operation method in with microscopic flap breast reconstruction after breast cancer case management care blueprint. Methods According to the building of case management care blueprint, according to the questions, plan, action, observation and reflection, improvement of summarizing the research process, formulate, modify with microscopic flap breast reconstruction after breast cancer case management care blueprint, and applied to clinical. Results Through the research of two phase research analyses the results after the intervention. Microscopic flap breast reconstruction after breast cancer patients′ quality of life evaluation, cancer, mental adaptation level, determination of postoperative body image, adjust the importance of breast score in the first stage, respectively (28.54 ± 3.78), (13.56±2.51), (2.71±1.08), (3.00±0.87) points, the second phase, respectively (80.32 ± 5.94), (45.02 ± 3.51), (6.85 ± 0.36), (7.34 ± 0.66) points. Two phase comparison difference was statistically significant (-47.070--21.551, P<0.05 or 0.01). Conclusions Based on the study of action with microscopic flap breast reconstruction after breast cancer case management care blueprint to build, implement the evaluation, plan, service, coordination and monitoring of health care management system, improve the patients′ life quality, standardize nursing process, improve the effect of nursing quality.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-686713


Objective To evaluate the action research method in the effect of swallowing disorder in patients with tongue cancer recovery path. Methods Based on the recovery path construction, according to the questions, plan, action, observation and reflection, improvement of summarizing the research process, through two stages of the research, assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, evaluation and comparison of stage 1 and stage 2 swallowing disorder in patients with rehabilitation evaluation, quality of life score, spirit to adapt to the score. Results Nearly 79.69% (51/64) of first phase swallowing rehabilitation effectively, and 93.75% (60/64) effectively in the second stage. Compared to the first stage,the second stage had an obvious increase. Two stages at the university of Washington Quality of Life Score, the first phase of (770.400 ±87.299) points, (1117.100 ± 43.153) points in the second stage, two stages of life quality score comparison, the difference was statistically significant (t=-19.500, P=0.012). The comparison of two stage patients mental adjustment scale scores, the first phase of (15.933±1.285) points, (31.733±2.083) points in the second stage, two stages score spirit to adapt to the comparison, the difference was statistically significant (t=-35.357, P=0.003). Conclusions Tongue cancer patients with swallowing disorder treatment on the basis of action study method to build and implement path specification, can improve the quality of care and quality of life of patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-852896


The quality of Chinese materia medica (CMM) is the lifeline of Chinese medicine industry. However, many problems are still found in the quality study on CMM, which restricts the healthy development of Chinese medicine industry to a certain extent. Aiming at the problems existing in the quality research on CMM, the research idea, method and approach of quality marker research and quality evaluation of CMM were put forward based on systematic analysis and discussion on the basic properties and clinical features of CMM according to the core concept of quality marker and the combination of research practice, from the perspective of transmission and traceability of quality elements, the relationship between chemical composition and traditional efficacy containing "drug property" and "drug function", composition analysis of endemicity based on pharmacophylogenetic study and biosynthetic approach. Finally, a new integrated mode of CMM quality evaluation and control was established.

Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 16(4): 340-348, dez. 2016.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-845801


This article aims to analyze the main theoretical and methodological challenges associated with the use of longitudinal research designs in Work and Organizational Psychology. Longitudinal designs with three or more points of measurement are rare in the literature. Critical points to be observed include: definition of the interval between first and last measurement of variables, time needed for the effect of an intervention to become observable, quantity of measurements over time, time period between measurements, management of participant drop outs, and analysis of alternative explanations for the effects of interventions or programs. The technical recommendations offered include the use of designs with multiple measurements of independent and dependent variables, such as external variables that threaten the internal and external validity of study conclusions.

Este artigo objetiva analisar os principais desafios teóricos e metodológicos associados ao uso de delineamentos longitudinais de pesquisa em Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho. Delineamentos longitudinais com três ondas de mensuração ou mais são raros na literatura da área. Entre os pontos críticos a serem observados está a definição do intervalo de tempo entre a primeira e última mensuração das variáveis, o tempo necessário para que o efeito de uma intervenção se torne observável, a quantidade de mensuração ao longo do tempo, o tempo entre mensurações, o manejo da perda seletiva de sujeitos e a análise de explicações alternativas aos efeitos de intervenções ou programas. Entre as recomendações técnicas estão o uso de delineamentos com múltiplas mensurações, tanto das variáveis independentes e consequentes, como de variáveis externas que ameaçam a validade interna e externa das conclusões desses estudos.

Ese artículo objetiva analizar los principales desafíos teóricos y metodológicos asociados al uso de diseños longitudinales de investigación en Psicología Organizacional y del Trabajo. Diseños longitudinales con tres o más olas de mensuración son raros en la literatura del área. Entre los puntos cruciales que se observarán, está la definición del intervalo de tiempo entre la primera y la última mensuración de las variables, el tiempo necesario para que el efecto de una intervención sea observable, la cantidad de mensuraciones a lo largo del tiempo, el tiempo entre mensuraciones, el manejo de la pérdida selectiva de sujetos y el análisis de explicaciones alternativas para los efectos de intervenciones y programas. Entre las recomendaciones técnicas, está la utilización de diseños con múltiples mensuraciones, tanto de las variables independientes y consecuentes como de las variables externas que amenazan la validad interna y externa de las conclusiones de estos estudios.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-467700


The existing literature on fingerprint chromatography at home and abroad and the quality control of biochemical injection with multiple components were reviewed in this article.Combined with the laboratory research, It is proposed that the strategy for HPLC specific chromatography of biochemical injection with multiple components in order to provide the basis for effectively promoting the establishment and development of HPLC specific chromatography of biochemical injection with multiple components.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-451821


The subject nature of nursing science was defined as that of humanity and social science.Qualitative and quantitative methods should be combined in studies of nursing science .Only the research methods of nursing science are used , can the nursing science turn out an independent subject .