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Invest. educ. enferm ; 40(2): 149-160, 15 de junio 2022.
Article in English | COLNAL, BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1379630


Objective. To identify the knowledge of teachers about suicidal behavior in adolescents. Methods. Qualitative exploratory-descriptive study conducted in a state school in the municipality of Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Twelve teachers participated in the study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews analyzed using Bardin's Content Analysis. Results. Three categories were built: "Warning signs of suicide", related to the signs identified by the professionals; "Risk factors for suicide", which indicate the reasons that may lead adolescents to present this type of behavior; and "Difficulties in dealing with the behaviors", referring to the behaviors adopted by adolescents and the difficulties of teachers before the theme. Conclusion. It was possible to identify that teachers recognize some signs of suicidal behavior, as well as some risk factors. Nonetheless, it is necessary to qualify them to approach the subject, since they feel insecure to act in more critical moments, thus generating mainly feelings of sadness, guilt and powerlessness.

Objetivo. Identificar el conocimiento de los profesores sobre el comportamiento suicida en adolescentes. Métodos. Estudio exploratorio-descriptivo y cualitativo realizado en una escuela pública del municipio de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Doce profesores participaron en el estudio. Los datos se recogieron mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas, que fueron analizadas utilizando el Análisis de Contenido de Bardin. Resultados. Se construyeron tres categorías: "Señales de alerta de suicidio", relacionada con las señales identificadas por los profesionales; "Factores de riesgo de suicidio", que indican las razones que pueden llevar a los adolescentes a presentar este tipo de comportamiento; y "Dificultades para lidiar con los comportamientos", relativa a las conductas adoptadas por los adolescentes y a las dificultades de los profesionales frente al tema. Conclusión. Se pudo identificar que los profesores reconocen algunas señales de comportamiento suicida, así como algunos factores de riesgo. Sin embargo, es necesario cualificarlas para el abordaje del problema, pues se sienten inseguros para actuar en los momentos más críticos, generando principalmente sentimientos de tristeza, culpa e impotencia.

Objetivo. Identificar o conhecimento de professores sobre comportamento suicida em adolescentes. Métodos. Estudo exploratório-descritivo, qualitativo, realizado em uma escola estadual no município de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Participaram no estudo 12 professores. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas analisadas por meio da Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados. Foram construídas três categorias: "Sinais de alerta para o suicídio", relacionada com os sinais identificados pelos profissionais; "Fatores de risco para o suicídio", que apontam os motivos que podem levar os adolescentes a apresentarem este tipo de comportamento; e, "Dificuldades em lidar com os comportamentos" referentes às condutas adotadas pelos adolescentes e as dificuldades dos professores frente ao tema. Conclusão. Foi possível identificar que os professores reconhecem alguns sinais de comportamento suicida assim como alguns fatores de risco. Porém, é preciso qualificá-los para a abordagem ao assunto, visto que se sentem inseguros para agir em momentos mais críticos, gerando principalmente sentimentos de tristeza, culpa e impotência.

Humans , Adolescent , Suicide , Behavior , Mental Health , Risk Factors , Adolescent Health , Education , Knowledge , Sadness , Guilt
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955018


Objective:To investigate the current situation of spiritual care ability, occupational sadness, perceived hospital ethics of hospice nurses, and to analyze the impact of nurses' occupational sadness and perceived hospital ethics on nurses′ spiritual care ability.Methods:A total of 230 hospice nurses in Qingdao Eighth People′s Hospital, Qingdao Municipal Hospital and Qingdao Central Hospital (Qingdao Cancer Hospital) from March to June, 2021 were investigated by general information questionnaire, Spiritual Care Ability Scale, Sadness Experience Scale and Hospital Ethical Atmosphere Scale.Results:The scores of spiritual care ability, professional sadness and perceived hospital ethics of 230 hospice nurses were (70.59 ±13.35), (37.31 ±6.67) and (100.88 ±21.49) points, respectively. The results of regression analysis showed that receiving spiritual education ( β=0.26, P<0.05), professional sadness ( β=-0.08, P<0.05) and perceiving hospital ethical atmosphere ( β=0.63, P<0.05) entered the regression equation. Conclusions:The spiritual care ability of hospice nurses is at the medium level. Increasing spiritual education, taking measures to reduce occupational sadness and create a harmonious working atmosphere can improve the spiritual care ability of nurses to a certain extent and improve the quality of hospice care.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 55(1): 41-52, jan.-mar. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1288966


Em nenhum outro momento a persistência do infantil é mais evidente do que no processo do término. Freud foi incaracteristicamente sincero ao dizer que questionava se uma verdadeira transformação era alcançada no término. Ele observou: "Às vezes bem se pode duvidar que os dragões dos primordios estejam realmente extintos". A intensidade e a onipresença do infantil em nosso trabalho serão mais bem vislumbradas pelo estudo da defesa contra o infantil.

The persistence of the infantile is nowhere more apparent than in the termination process. Freud was uncharacteristically candid in saying that he questioned whether a true transformation was achieved at termination. He noted: "One feels inclined to doubt sometimes whether the dragons of primeval days are really extinct". The intensity and pervasiveness of the infantile in our work may best be glimpsed by studying the defense against the infantile.

En ningún otro momento la persistencia de lo infantil es tan evidente como en el proceso de la terminación. Freud fue inusualmente sincero al decir que se preguntaba si una verdadera transformación era alcanzada en la terminación. Él observó: "Una persona se siente inclinada, a veces, a dudar si los dragones del principio realmente fueron extinguidos". La intensidad y la omnipresencia de lo infantil en nuestro trabajo se pueden vislumbrar mejor por medio del estudio de la defensa contra lo infantil.

Nulle part la persistance de l'infantile n'est plus apparente que dans le processus de terminaison. Freud était étrangement sincère lorsqu'il mettait en question si une vraie transformation était atteinte dans la terminaison. Il a remarqué : « Parfois, on se sent incliné à douter que les dragons des jours primitifs seraient vraiment disparus ¼. L'intensité et la diffusion de l'infantile dans notre travail peuvent être mieux aperçues, lorsque l'on étudie la défense contre l'infantile.

Primary Prevention/methods , Psychoanalysis/methods , Child Behavior/psychology , Sadness , Anger
Dolor ; 31(73): 16-25, ene. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362744


El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es construir un instrumento que permita el screening afectivo en la experiencia dolorosa, útil para todo profesional de la salud que trabaje con pacientes con dolor, quedando la invitación a usarlo en la clínica para evaluar su eficacia. Basado en el Cuestionario de Impacto Emocional en Dolor Neuropático (CIE-6), recomendado por la ACHED-CP, de la autoría del psicólogo Eduardo Muñoz. Se realizó una revisión teórica y desde la evidencia de los factores afectivos que participan en la experiencia dolorosa. A partir de lo anterior, se propone un rediseño del CIE-6. Consiste, primero en la eliminación de tres ítems de insomnio, cansancio y limitación del original, ya que apuntan a costos sanitarios y discapacidad, siendo reemplazados por estados afectivos como ansiedad, desesperanza, injusticia e incontrolabilidad.

The main objective of this work is to build an instrument that allows the affective screening in the painful experience, and be useful for every health care professional working with patients with pain, encouranging profesionals to use it in the clinic to evaluate its effectiveness. It ́s based on the Questionnaire of Emotional Impact on Neuropathic Pain recommended by the ACHED-CP of the authorship of the psychologist Eduardo Muñoz. A theoric review was conducted and from the evidence of the affective factors involved in the painful experience. As it was mentioned before, a redesign of the CIE-6 was proposed. It consists, first of all, of the elimination of three items of insomnia, tiredness and limitation from the original, since they point out to health costs and disability, being replaced by affective states such as anxiety, hopelessness, injustice and uncontrollability.

Humans , Surveys and Questionnaires , Emotions , Chronic Pain/psychology
Texto & contexto enferm ; 30: e20200010, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1252278


ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the Theory of Chronic Sorrow, following the model of analysis and evaluation of Nursing theories proposed by Jacqueline Fawcett. Method: a reflective study, developed through the investigation of the Theory of Chronic Sorrow and its application in the nursing practice. The sample consisted of eighteen studies that used the theory as a reference. A Model for Analysis and Evaluation of Nursing Theories was used, which involved, in the first stage, a detailed examination of the referred theory in terms of scope, context and content. In the second stage - evaluation - the criteria of clarity, significance, internal consistency, parsimony, testability, empirical adequacy and pragmatic adequacy were used. Result: This is a mid-range theory that is predictive in relation to the scope. As for the context, it is based on the stress and adaptation model. The content presents well-defined and interrelated concepts. The concepts of meta-paradigm have significance, internal consistency and are operable. It features a usable instrument: The Chronic Sorrow Questionnaire, reliable as a tracking tool to detect the presence of chronic sorrow. The theory is parsimonious, it can be used with chronic diseases and directed to people in the final phase of life and their family caregivers. Conclusion: this study may contribute to indicate the use of the Theory of Chronic Sorrow and support nursing care in promoting effective strategies and, consequently, improve the comfort of patients and their families in coping with chronic sorrow.

RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar la Teoría de la Tristeza Crónica (Theory of Chronic Sorrow), sobre la base del modelo de análisis y evaluación de las teorías de Enfermería propuesto por Jacqueline Fawcett. Método: estudio reflexivo, desarrollado por medio de la investigación de la Teoría de la Tristeza Crónica y su aplicación en la práctica de enfermería. La muestra estuvo formada por dieciocho estudios que utilizaron la teoría como referencia. Se utilizó un Modelo de Análisis y Evaluación de Teorías de Enfermería, que involucró, en una primera etapa, un examen detallado de la referida teoría referida en términos de alcance, contexto y contenido. En la segunda etapa - la de evaluación - se utilizaron los criterios de claridad, significación, consistencia interna, parsimonia, testeo, adecuación empírica y adecuación pragmática. Resultado: es una teoría predictiva y de mediano alcance en relación a sus objetivos. En relación al contexto, se basa en el modelo de estrés y adaptación. El contenido presenta conceptos definidos, bien delimitados e interrelacionados. Los conceptos de metaparadigma tienen significado, consistencia interna y son operativos. Presenta un instrumento utilizable: Chronic Sorrow Questionnaire, confiable como herramienta de cribado para detectar la presencia de tristeza crónica. La teoría es parsimoniosa, puede ser utilizada por los enfermeros y está dirigida a personas con enfermedades crónicas en la etapa final de la vida y a sus cuidadores familiares. Conclusión: este estudio puede contribuir a indicar el uso de la Teoría de la Tristeza Crónica y respaldar la atención de enfermería en la promoción de estrategias efectivas y, en consecuencia, mejorar el bienestar de los pacientes y sus familias en el afrontamiento de la tristeza crónica.

RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a Teoria da Tristeza Crônica (Theory of Chronic Sorrow), seguindo o modelo de análise e avaliação de teorias de Enfermagem proposto por Jacqueline Fawcett. Método: estudo reflexivo, desenvolvido por meio da investigação da Teoria da Tristeza Crônica e sua aplicação na prática de enfermagem. A amostra foi composta de dezoito estudos que utilizaram a teoria como referencial. Foi utilizado um Modelo de Análise e Avaliação das Teorias de Enfermagem que envolveu, na primeira etapa, um exame detalhado da referida teoria quanto ao escopo, ao contexto e ao conteúdo. Na segunda etapa - a de avaliação - empregaram-se os critérios de clareza, significância, consistência interna, parcimônia, testabilidade, adequação empírica e adequação pragmática. Resultado: trata-se de uma teoria de médio alcance e preditiva em relação ao escopo. Quanto ao contexto, fundamenta-se no modelo de estresse e adaptação. O conteúdo apresenta conceitos definidos bem delimitados e inter-relacionados. Os conceitos de metaparadigma têm significância, consistência interna e são operacionáveis. Apresenta um instrumento utilizável: o Chronic Sorrow Questionnaire, confiável como ferramenta de rastreio para detectar a presença de tristeza crônica. A teoria é parcimoniosa, pode ser utilizada por enfermeiros e direcionada a pessoas com doenças crônicas em fase final de vida e seus familiares cuidadores. Conclusão: este estudo poderá contribuir para indicar o uso da Teoria da Tristeza Crônica e respaldar a assistência de enfermagem na promoção de estratégias eficazes e, consequentemente, melhorar o conforto de pacientes e de suas famílias no enfrentamento da tristeza crônica.

Humans , Palliative Care , Nursing Theory , Bereavement , Nursing , Sadness
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 54(4): 160-176, out.-dez. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1288953


RESUMO Este estudo psicanalítico das depressões parte do pressuposto de que esse quadro é sintoma da atividade de um núcleo inconsciente que se organiza em resposta a modos específicos de presença do objeto primário: 1) operatório, 2) em codependência, e 3) por desinvestimento ou por investimento negativo do sujeito. Essa compreensão permite reconhecer as características do campo transferencial-contratransferencial e conduzir as análises em cada caso.

ABSTRACT This psychoanalytic study on depressions assumes that this condition is a symptom of the activity of an unconscious nucleus that is organized in response to specific modes of presence of the primary object: 1) operative; 2) in codependency; and 3) by disinvestment or negative investment by the subject. This understanding allows us to recognize the characteristics of the transferential-countertransferential field, and to conduct the analyzes in each case.

RESUMEN Este estudio psicoanalítico de las depresiones parte del supuesto de que ese cuadro es un síntoma de la actividad de un núcleo inconsciente que se organiza en respuesta a modos específicos de presencia del objeto primario: 1) operatorio; 2) en codependencia; y 3) por desinversión / inversión negativa del sujeto. Esta comprensión permite reconocer las características del campo transferencial-contratransferencial, y conducir los análisis en cada caso.

RÉSUMÉ Cette étude psychanalytique des dépressions se base sur le présupposé que cette condition est un symptôme de l'activité d'un noyau inconsciente qui s'organise en réponse à des modes spécifiques de présence de l'objet primaire : 1) opératoire ; 2) dans la codépendance ; et 3) par désinvestissement ou investissement négatif du sujet. Cette compréhension permet de reconnaître les caractéristiques du champ transférentiel / contre transférentiel et de mener les analyses propres à chaque cas.

Psychopathology , Unconscious, Psychology , Depression , Depressive Disorder
Psicol. teor. prát ; 22(2): 143-160, May-Aug. 2020. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1125449


Emotional self-regulation is necessary at various times in life; however, studies have indicated differences in the way men and women tend to express, contain, or change their emotions. These events are essential to be investigated in psychological instruments, since, when assessing this construct, an item could be endorsed by either sex, resulting in a biased conclusion. With this in mind, this study aimed to analyze the differential item functioning (DIF) of the Emotional Self-Regulation Scale - Adult (EARE-AD) for sadness, concerning the gender variable and the instrument's distribution's response categories. Due to the existence of DIF, neutralized items were prioritized, thus favoring less biased results. Based on this, in a second study, a reduced version of the scale (Emotional Dysregulation Scale - Adults - EDEA) with 15 items was proposed. We searched for validity evidence based on the internal structure for this new version.

A autorregulação emocional é necessária em diversas ocasiões da vida, porém estudos têm indicado diferenças na forma como homens e mulheres tendem a expressar, conter ou mudar suas emoções. É importante investigar essas considerações em instrumentos psicológicos, uma vez que, quando se avalia esse construto, sobretudo no caso de um item ter maior probabilidade de endosso por um ou outro sexo, os resultados podem ser enviesados. Com base nisso, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o funcionamento diferencial do item (DIF) da Escala de Autorregulação Emocional - Adulto (EARE-AD) para tristeza, em relação à variável sexo. Além disso, analisaram-se as distribuições das categorias de respostas do instrumento. Mediante a existência de DIF, itens neutralizados foram priorizados, favorecendo assim resultados menos tendenciosos. A partir disso, em um segundo estudo, foi proposta uma versão reduzida da escala (Escala de Desregulação Emocional - Adultos - EDEA) com 15 itens, com vistas a buscar evidências de validade baseadas na estrutura interna para essa nova versão.

La autorregulación emocional es necesaria en varios momentos de la vida, sin embargo, los estudios han indicado diferencias en la forma en que hombres y mujeres tienden a expresar, contener o cambiar sus emociones. Estas informaciones son importantes para ser investigadas en los instrumentos psicológicos, pues al evaluar estos aspectos, cuando es más probable que un ítem sea respaldado en ambos sexos, los resultados pueden estar sesgados. Así, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el funcionamiento diferencial del ítem (DIF) de la Escala de Autorregulación Emocional - Adulto (EARE-AD) para la tristeza, en relación con la variable de sexo, además de la distribución de las categorías de respuesta del instrumento. Debido a la existencia de DIF, se priorizaron los ítems neutralizados, lo que favoreció resultados menos sesgados. En base a esto, en un segundo estudio, se propuso una versión reducida de la escala (Escala de Desregulación Emocional - Adultos - EDEA) con 15 ítems, en que se buscó por la evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna de esta nueva versión.

Humans , Male , Female , Emotions , Sadness , Psychological Tests
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 29(1): 73-86, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115627


Resumo Investigar a relação entre as forças de caráter e a autorregulaçào emocional faz-se importante, pois os construtos podem auxiliar na diminuição de psicopatologias e contribuir para um desenvolvimento saudável. O estudo teve por objetivo analisar a predição das forças de caráter em relação à autorregulaçào emocional diante de eventos tristes. A amostra teve 233 universitários, com idades entre 18 e 52 anos (M=23.20; DP=5.588). Os participantes responderam à Escala de Forças de Caráter (EFC) e à Escala de Autorregulação Emocional-Adulto (EARE-AD). Cada fator da EARE-AD foi predito por pelo menos três forças de caráter (β entre .177 e .375). Com exceção da força espiritualidade, todas as forças se associaram significativamente com os fatores da EARE-AD (r entre .14 e .47). Os resultados indicam que as forças de caráter vitalidade e autorregulação são as que mais contribuem para minimizar dificuldades emocionais. Novos estudos são sugeridos a fim de compreender alguns resultados encontrados nas forças de caráter.

Resumen Investigar la relación entre las fuerzas de carácter y la autorregulación emocional es importante, pues los constructos pueden contribuir a la disminución de psicopatologias y aportar para un desarrollo sano. El propósito del estudio fue analizar la predicción de las fuerzas de carácter en relación con la autorregulación emocional ante eventos tristes. La muestra contó con 233 universitarios, con edades entre 18 y 52 años (M=23.20; DE=5.588). Los participantes contestaron la Escala de Fuerzas de Carácter (EFC) y la Escala de Autorregulación Emocional-Adulto (EARE-AD). Cada factor de la EARE-ad se predijo por al menos tres fuerzas de carácter (β entre .177 y .375). A excepción de la fuerza espiritualidad, todas las fuerzas se asociaron significativamente con los factores de la EARE-AD (r entre .14 y .47). Los resultados señalan que las fuerzas de carácter vitalidad y autorregulación son las que más aportan para reducir dificultades emocionales. Nuevos estudios son sugeridos con el fin de comprender algunos resultados encontrados en las fuerzas de carácter.

Abstract It is important to research the relation between character strengths and emotional self-regulation because constructs can help reduce psycho-pathologies and contribute to healthy development. The purpose of the study was to analyze the prediction of character strengths in relation to emotional self-regulation in the face of sad events. The sample was made up of 233 university students between the ages of 18 and 52 (M=23.20; DE=5.588). Participants answered the Character Strengths Scale (EFC) and the Adult Emotional Self-Regulation Scale (EARE-AD). Each factor of the EARE-ad was predicted by at least three character strengths (β entre .177 y .375). With the exception of the spirituality strength, all of the strengths were significantly associated with EARE-AD factors (r between .14 and .47). Results show that the character strengths of vitality and self-regulation are those that contribute most to reduce emotional difficulties. We suggest new studies in order to understand some of the findings regarding character strengths.

Arq. bras. psicol. (Rio J. 2003) ; 70(2): 173-185, maio/ago. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-980512


O suicídio é um fenômeno complexo que engloba diversas esferas da vida do sujeito por meio de aspectos psicológicos, biológicos, culturais, existenciais etc. Dentre os fatores associados ao suicídio, destacam-se a relação com transtornos mentais em 90% dos casos, e o quadro psiquiátrico mais frequente, que é a depressão, uma enfermidade que se espalha velozmente ao redor do globo. Na perspectiva da Clínica do Lebenswelt, este artigo tem como objetivo discutir as diferenças entre os quadros de tristeza, depressão e melancolia sob a ótica do autor francês Arthur Tatossian, descrevendo a relação que o depressivo estabelece com o Outro como forma de distanciamento do mundo, levando-o ao suicídio. Concluímos que o paradoxo que emerge na experiência suicida na depressão melancólica pode ser acessado por meio de uma perspectiva clínica que considere as múltiplas possibilidades de ser do depressivo, as quais compõem o seu mundo vivido mediante relação intersubjetiva com o Outro

Suicide is a complex phenomenon, which encompasses several spheres of the subject's life through psychological, biological, cultural, and existential aspects. Among the factors associated with suicide, the relation with mental disorders stands out in 90% of cases, and the most frequent psychiatric condition is depression, a disease that spreads rapidly around the globe. This article aims to discuss the differences between sadness, depression and melancholy from the perspective of the French author Arthur Tatossian, describing the relationship that the depressive individual establishes with the Other as a form of distancing from the world, leading him to suicide. We conclude that the paradox that emerges in the suicidal experience in melancholic depression can be accessed through a clinical perspective that considers the multiple possibilities of being of the depressive individual, which make up their lived world through an intersubjective relationship with the Other

El suicidio es un fenómeno complejo que engloba diversas esferas de la vida del sujeto por medio de aspectos psicológicos, biológicos, culturales, existenciales, etc. Entre los factores asociados al suicidio, se destaca la relación con trastornos mentales en el 90% de los casos, y el cuadro psiquiátrico más frecuente es la depresión, una enfermedad que se esparce velozmente alrededor del globo. En la perspectiva de la Clínica del Lebenswelt, este artículo tiene como objetivo discutir las diferencias entre los cuadros de tristeza, depresión y melancolía bajo la óptica del autor francés Arthur Tatossian, describiendo la relación que el depresivo establece con el Otro como forma de distanciamiento del mundo, que le llevará al suicidio. Concluimos que la paradoja que emerge en la experiencia suicida en la depresión melancólica puede ser accedida por medio de una perspectiva clínica que considere las múltiples posibilidades de ser del depresivo, las cuales componen su mundo vivido mediante relación intersubjetiva con el Otro

Humans , Psychological Phenomena , Psychology, Clinical , Suicide/psychology , Grief , Depression , Depressive Disorder
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-734002


Objective To revise rumination on sadness scale (RSS) and evaluate the reliability and validity of the Chinese version rumination on sadness scale (RSS-C) in Chinese undergraduates.Methods A total of 1 166 undergraduates from 4 universities in Hunan province completed RSS,ruminative response scale (RRS) and Beck depression inventory-Ⅱ (BDI-Ⅱ).The test-retest was conducted in 111 participants 2 weeks later.Results Item analysis and exploratory factor analysis showed the RSS-C included 11 items,consisting of causal analysis,understanding oneself and one's sadness and uncontrollability of ruminative thinking factors.The scores of each item in the high score group were significantly higher than those in the low group(P<0.001),and the correlation between each item and the total score was significant(r=0.594-0.719,P<0.001).The confirmatory factor analysis indicated good fit(x2/df=3.938,GFI =0.957,NFI =0.940,CFI =0.954,TLI =0.930,IFI =0.954,RMSEA =0.070).The internal consistency for RSS-C and three factors ranged from 0.694 to 0.868,and the test-retest reliability ranged from 0.620 to 0.833.The scores on RSS-C and three factors were significantly associated with RRS(r=0.555-0.637,P<0.01),BDI-Ⅱ (r=0.211-0.403,P<0.01) respectively.Conclusion RSS-C has good reliability and validity and can be used as an effective instrument to assess rumination on sadness in Chinese undergraduates.

Modern Clinical Nursing ; (6): 14-17, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-616959


Objective To investigate the effect of individual nostalgia therapy on positive feelings and sadness of the spouses of postoperative patients with esophageal cancer. Method From June 2014 to June 2015, 60 hospitalized patients and their 60 spouses were set as control group. Routine health education and guidance were conducted once or two times a week for 7 weeks. Another 60 cases of hospitalized patients and their 60 spouses during July 2015 and June 2016 were set up as observation group. The patients were treated with the same nursing intervention as in the control group, and their spouses were subjected to individual nostalgia treatment once a week for 7 weeks. Before the intervention (postoperative day 2) and 7 weeks after the intervention, the positive aspects of caregiving (PAC) and the Margit-Meuser caregiver grief ineventary short form (MM-CGI-SF) were used to investigate their positive feelings and sadness. Result The score on spouse's positive feelings in the observation group after intervention was significantly higher than those of the control group and that of the observation before intervention (P < 0.01). Conclusion Individual nostalgia can effectively improve the feelings of the spouses of esophageal cancer patients and reduce their grief.

Psico USF ; 21(1): 111-124, Jan.-Apr. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-778422


Objectives: Identifying sadness inductors on children according to parents' perception; checking strategies of emotion regulation used by parents before children's sadness; comparing the ways mothers and fathers deal with children's sadness. Participants: 26 heterosexual couples (Average age = 37 years old), at least two children from six up to twelve years old, one boy and one girl. Delineation: collective case study. Instruments: General data questionnaire; Econômica Brasil qualification criteria; The questions were: "What usually upsets your child?"; "Tell me a situation which made your son sad."; "What did you do in this situation?"; stimulus-story. Outcome: fathers tend to punish sons and daughters when they are sad and replace something lost; mothers minimize it, i. e., reduce the importance of child's reaction, or the problem that caused it. Reaction centered in the problem was the most used by father and mother before children's sadness.

Objetivos: identificar eliciadores de tristeza nos filhos na percepção dos pais; verificar estratégias de regulação emocional usadas pelos pais frente à tristeza dos filhos; comparar como pai e mãe lidam com a tristeza dos filhos. Participantes: 26 casais heterossexuais (M = 37 anos), pelo menos dois filhos de seis a doze anos, um de cada sexo. Delineamento: estudos de casos coletivos. Instrumentos: Questionário de Dados Gerais; Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil; perguntas: "O que costuma deixar seu filho triste?"; "Conte uma situação em que seu filho ficou triste."; "O que você fez nessa situação?"; história-estímulo. Resultados: o pai tende a punir os filhos e filhas diante da tristeza e substituir algo perdido; as mães minimizam, ou seja, diminuem a importância da reação emocional da criança, ou do problema que a provocou. A reação centrada no problema foi a estratégia mais utilizada por pai e mãe frente à tristeza dos filhos.

Objetivos: Identificar los inductores de tristeza en los hijos según la percepción de sus padres; verificar estrategias de regulación emocional usadas por los padres y también comparar como ellos se comportan en relación a la tristeza de sus hijos. Participantes: 26 parejas heterosexuales, edad media de 37 años, casadas o en unión estable con dos o más hijos, con edad entre 6 y 12 años, uno de cada sexo. Delineamiento: estudios de casos colectivos. Instrumentos: Cuestionario de Datos Generales; Criterio de Clasificación Económica Brasil; guion de entrevista conteniendo tres preguntas: "¿Qué suele dejar a su hijo triste?" "Relate una situación en que su hijo quedó triste." "¿Qué hizo usted en esa situación?; y una historia de estímulo. Resultados: el padre tiende a castigar a los hijos frente a la reacción de tristeza y substituir algo perdido; ya las madres minimizan, o sea disminuyen la importancia de reacción emocional del niño, o del problema que la provocó. La reacción centrada en el problema fue la estrategia más usada por los padres frente a la tristeza de sus hijos.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Bereavement , Case Reports , Emotions
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-725030


Depression has a relatively high lifetime prevalence rate in spite of a genetic influence on its etiology and a high mortality rate in untreated cases. This suggests the possibility that depression gives us evolutionary benefits which we do not exactly know yet. There have been several hypotheses which tell us what evolutionary advantages depression could give us. The psychic pain hypothesis considers sad or depressed mood as a negative reward just like physical pain which we have to avoid for our protection and survival. The social rank hypothesis holds that depressed mood is very similar to the emotional state of the defeated in social competition which prevents him from further protesting or fighting that might cause additional damage to him. The inclusive fitness hypothesis views suicide as a sacrifice phenomenon to contribute to inclusive fitness. These hypotheses gives us new insights into mood disorders and also some suggestions about the conditions in which depressed mood or suicidal behaviors increase and the ways to reduce them.

Depression , Mood Disorders , Mortality , Prevalence , Reward , Suicide
Ter. psicol ; 33(3): 195-203, Dec. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-772371


Son pocos los estudios que han analizado el modelo teórico de la depresión mediante el Inventario de Depresión de Beck II (BDI-II) en adolescentes hispanohablantes. Esta investigación se planteó dos propósitos: 1) indagar el ajuste de dos modelos factoriales en adolescentes mexicanos de población general del BDI-II, el unidimensional y el original de Beck et al. (1996) que propone los factores cognitivo-afectivo y somático-vegetativo y 2) examinar la invarianza entre sexos del modelo con mejor ajuste. Participaron en dos estudios 1010 y 610 adolescentes, respectivamente, quienes cumplimentaron el BDI-II. Mediante AFC se sometió a prueba las dos estructuras factoriales y, por medio de AFC multigrupo, se realizó el análisis de invarianza entre sexos. Los resultados revelaron la superioridad del modelo de dos factores en ambos estudios, sin hallar diferencias entre mujeres y hombres. Estos hallazgos arrojan evidencia en favor de la teoría de la depresión de Beck y de la validez de constructo del BDI-II en adolescentes.

Few studies have analyzed theoretical model of depression through the Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) in Spanish-speaking adolescents. This research had two aims: 1) to know the fit of two BDI-II factor models in community Mexican adolescents, the one-dimension model and the Beck et al. (1996)'s original model posing the Cognitive-Affective and Somatic-Vegetative factors, and 2) to examine model invariance across sexes with the best-fitting model. In two studies, 1010 and 610 adolescents participated, respectively, who completed the BDI-II. Through CFA the two factor structures were tested and, by means of multi-group CFA, invariance analysis across sexes was performed. Results revealed superiority of the two-factor model in both studies, without differences between women and men. These findings lead to evidence for Beck's theory of depression and construct validity of the BDI-II in adolescents.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Female , Self Report , Depression/diagnosis , Emotions , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Affect , Bereavement , Puberty/psychology , Reproducibility of Results
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-461288


Objective] To study emotional counterbalance therapy which is used in depression treatment ,it plays an important role in the treatment of emotional disorders. [Method] With the research methods of taking depression for example ,through the sad,fear of these two emotional factors to explore the pathogenesis of depression,and analyze“happiness restrains sadness“ and“thought restrains fear”in the emotional counterbalance therapy, which are used in the depression clinical application.[Result]Emotional counterbalance uses one or more of the emotions to regulate ,control,overcome the other one or more negative emotions,which based on the restriction among the five elements theory is a kind of psychological therapy.Sadandfearare the most common chief complaints in depression which belong to the emotional depression in depression disease of Chinese medicine. On the basis of “sad doing harm to the lungs”and “dread doing harm to the kidneys”,lung,kidney and depression etiology,pathogenesis,symptoms are closely related. This reflects the lung,kidney play an indispensable role in the treatment of depression. It has significant curative effects to apply the theory of emotion counterbalance,such as happiness restrains sadness,thought restrains fear to cure diseases. At the same time,with a relaxed and pleasant mood,actively guiding to help thinking is also the treatment of depression,pessimistic disappointment medicine.[Conclusion] According to the restriction among five elements theory,to use the relation and restriction between emotion and five zang-organs to regulate emotional disorders can restore to the normal balance,which is an effective psychological treatment for emotional disorders.The therapy should be used alone or combined with traditional Chinese medicine treatment in different situations to relive the treatment effect.

Rev. psicanal ; 20(2): 465-474, ago.2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-783233


O artigo trata da obra de Gabriel García Márquez, Cem anos de solidão. A fantasia e o realismo maravilhoso são trazidos entrelaçando-os com conceitos da psicanálise. A passagem de geração a geração da história da família Buendía é abordada, bem como curiosidades sobre o estilo e a vida deste escritor...

The focus of this article is on Gabriel García Márquez’s work, A hundred years of solitude. Phantasy and fantastic realism are brought forward interweaving concepts of psychoanalysis. The passage, from generation to generation, the history of the Buendía family are approached, as well as some curiosities on the style and life of this writer...

El artículo trata de la obra de Gabriel García Márquez, Cien años de soledad. La fantasía y el realismo mágico son traídos entrelazando conceptos de psicoanálisis. El pasaje de generación a generación, la historia de la familia Buendía son tratados, así como algunas curiosidades sobre el estilo y la vida de ese escritor...

Humans , Consanguinity , Drama , Incest/psychology , Psychoanalytic Interpretation
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 15(3,supl.1): 683-703, Sept. 2012.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-661011


In this article valuable contributions by Lasègue, Freud and Abraham are discussed, as they are all indispensible to the understanding of orality disorders in melancholia. Although none of the above authors used the exact term "orality disorders," their understandings of both hysteria and melancholia are important in the debate surrounding the clinical treatment of these difficulties. Sadness is a common denominator for the authors, but contributions on acedia, the "noonday demon" mentioned by Agamben, are also important. Acedia is defined as stagnation, a desperate lack of vigor when faced with a wearying and demanding situation. Those who suffer from chronic acedia feel great inertia and are unable to envision a future. They see their creativity wane away, especially due to the painful isolation caused by what might be called anguished sadness - a denial of sadness through manic action.

Este trabalho apresenta as valiosas contribuições de Lasègue, Freud e Abraham, indispensáveis para a compreensão dos distúrbios da oralidade na melancolia. Apesar desses autores não utilizarem a terminologia "distúrbios da oralidade", sua compreensão tanto da histeria como da melancolia possibilita problematizar uma clínica desses distúrbios. A tristeza é um denominador comum entre esses autores. Juntam-se a eles as contribuições sobre a acídia, o "demônio meridiano", referidas por Agamben. Acídia significa estagnação, desesperada falta de ânimo diante de uma situação trabalhosa e desgastante. O acidioso, aquele que se encontra crônico em sua inércia e incapaz de dimensionar o futuro, apresenta uma estagnação da criatividade revelada por um doloroso isolamento provocado pelo que pode ser chamado de angustiada tristeza - negação da tristeza pela via da ação maníaca.

Cet article présente les précieuses contributions de Lasègue, Freud et Abraham, indispensable à la compréhension des troubles de l'oralité dans la mélancolie. Bien que ces auteurs n'ont pas utilisé le terme «troubles de l'oralité¼, leur compréhension de l'hystérie et de la mélancolie permet de problématiser une clinique de ces troubles. La tristesse est un dénominateur commun chez ces auteurs. On y additionne les contributions sur l'acédie, le «démon méridien¼ mentionnée par Agamben. Acédie signifie stagnation, manque désespéré de courage face à une situation pénible et épuisante. L'acédien, qui souffre de façon chronique d'inertie et qui est incapable de dimensionner l'avenir, manifeste une stagnation de la créativité révélée par un isolement douloureux causé par ce qu'on peut appeler la tristesse angoissante - le déni de la tristesse par voie d'action maniaque.

Este trabajo presenta las valiosas contribuciones de Lasègue, Freud y Abraham, indispensables para la comprensión de los disturbios de la oralidad en la melancolía. Aunque esos autores no utilizan la terminología "disturbios de la oralidad", su comprensión tanto de la histeria como de la melancolía posibilita problematizar una clínica de esos disturbios. La tristeza es un denominador común entre esos autores. Las contribuciones de Agamben sobre la acidia o el "demonio meridiano" se junta a de ellos. Acidia significa estagnación, falta desesperada de ánimo frente a una situación trabajosa y extenuante. El acidioso, aquel que está crónico en su inercia e incapaz de dimensionar el futuro, presenta una estagnación de la creatividad revelada por un aislamiento doloroso provocado por lo que puede ser llamado de tristeza angustiosa - negación de la tristeza por la vía de la acción maniaca.

In dieser Studie werden wertvolle Beiträge von Lasegue, Freud und Abraham besprochen, die für das Verständnis der oralen Störungen bei Melancholie unabdingbar sind. Obwohl diese Autoren nicht den Begriff "orale Störungen" verwenden, ermöglicht ihre Auffassung sowohl von Hysterie als auch von Melancholie die Problematisierung einer klinischen Behandlung dieser Störungen. Das Thema Traurigkeit ist ein gemeinsamer Nenner dieser Autoren. Dazu kommen die Beträge zu Akedia, dem "Dämonischen", von dem Agamben spricht. "Akedia" bedeutet Stagnation, verzweifelte Antriebslosigkeit gegenüber einer mühsamen und erschöpfenden Situation. Die "akedische" Person befindet sich in einer chronischen Tatenlosigkeit und ist unfähig, die Zukunft zu ermessen. Diese Person äuβert eine Stagnation der durch eine schmerzhafte Isolierung aufgedeckten Kreativität, infolge einer sogenannten verzweifelten Traurigkeit - der Verneinung der Traurigkeit durch ein manisches Handeln.

Affectio Soc. (Medellin) ; 8(14): 98-107, jun.-dic.2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-795468


En el presente texto se articulan desarrollos reali-zados por Freud y Lacan a propósito del duelo con el fin de responder a la relación entre éste y lo que Lacan propone en Televisión sobre la tristeza y el rechazo del inconsciente. Para tales fines, se parte de las preguntas e intentos de respuestas dadas por Freud en el plano de la economía libidinal a propósito del duelo, para pasar a los desarrollos de orden ético y moral que Lacan plantea a propósito de la tristeza. De esta forma, el rechazo del inconsciente presente en las psicosis se distingue del que tiene lugar en el duelo, al considerar la tristeza un afecto que dará cuenta del rechazo del deseo del Otro...

The current work developed ideas created by Freud and Lacan according to the mourning with the target to respond the relationship between mourning and what Lacan proposes on television about the sadness and the rejection of the sub-conscious. For that, we start since Freud’s ques-tions and answers about the libidinous economy in the mourning, arriving to the development of moral and ethical order that Lacan set out about the sadness. In this way, the rejection of the sub-conscious present inside the psychosis is distin-guished from those who are passing through mourning, considering the sadness as affection will realize the rejection of the desired Other...

Dans ce texte, les développements menés par Freud et Lacan par rapport au duel sont articulés afin de répondre au rapport entre celui-ci et ce qui est avancé par Lacan en Télévision sur la tris-tesse et le refus de l’inconscient. Pour ce faire, on part des questions et essaies de réponses faites par Freud sur l’économie libidinale à propos du duel ; ensuite, on passe aux développements rapportés à l’éthique et la morale proposés par Lacan sur la tristesse. Ainsi, le refus de l’inconscient présente dans la psychose est diffé-rent de celui qui a lieu dans le duel en ce que celui-là considère la tristesse comme une affec-tion qui rendra compte du refus du désir de l’Autre...

Humans , Ethics , Grief , Morale , Psychoanalysis , Rejection, Psychology , Unconscious, Psychology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-414384


Objective To study the cognitive tendencies in recognizing negative emotional faces.Methods The experiment used the traditional flanker paradigm for reference.Forty-eight university students (19 males,29 females) finished the flanker tasks deigned by E-Prime, and their accuracy rate and reaction time were recorded in the study.Results ANOVA revealed that,in all cases,the accuracy rate of anger was significant higher than fear and sadness (96.60% ,94.50% ,94.40% ) (P<0.05).And when the flanking stimuli were fear faces or there were no flanking stimuli, the reaction time of anger was much shorter than fear and sadness ( respectively,fear(801.27 ± 140.99) ms,anger(723.94 ± 151.37 ) ms, sadness(812.21 ± 148.85 ) ms; fear(788.17 ±148.81 ) ms, anger ( 694.28 ± 111.99 ) ms, sadness (763.57 ± 133.91 ) ms, P < 0.05 ).When the flanking stimuli were anger or sadness faces, the reaction time of anger was significant shorter than fear( respectively, fear( 824.09 ± 164.42) ms, anger (721.48 ± 124.06 ) ms, sadness ( 760.50 ± 131.12 ) ms; fear ( 798.95 ± 146.40) ms, anger (702.55 ± 136.07 ) ms, sadness (750.48 ± 133.86) ms, P < 0.05).Conclusion There are no flanker effects in recognizing different negative emotional faces, but there are anger superiority effects of face recognition and cognitive tendencies, which is helpful for clinical diagnosis and treatment of some diseases associated with emotional disorders.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-177050


OBJECTIVES: As interest in the field of affective science continues to increase, research into the arousal of emotions by the use of facial stimuli, event pictures, and stimulus words is now being actively pursued. The purpose of this study was to develop a Korean Affective Word List for eliciting emotional reactions. METHODS: The preliminary selection process was more carefully divided into the primary process when the words were extracted which the author thought elicited the emotions of happiness, sadness, fear, anger, and disgust from the Korean-Language Dictionary according to vocabulary frequency, the secondary process when the words were extracted which the Affective Words Selection Committee judged elicited only a single category of emotion. The affective words selected in the two-stage preliminary process were then presented to normal, young subjects, who were asked to allocate each word on the basis of their emotional reaction to one of the following emotional categories: happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise. After the selected words caused the intended-emotional response with inter-rater agreement in more than 80%, a total of 166 words were selected except surprise. The complementary selection process was carried out following the preliminary process in order to make up for the lack of surprise words and the relative want of anger words. RESULTS: A total of 184 words were finally selected: 83 words for happiness, 36 for sadness, 24 for fear, 10 for anger, 20 for disgust, and 11 for surprise. CONCLUSION: These Korean affective words are expected to be widely used for eliciting emotions in future Korean research on emotion.

Anger , Arousal , Happiness , Vocabulary