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Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352785


RESUMEN. El estudio se centró en determinar los niveles de actividad física que presentan los escolares de 10 a 11 años que asisten a un Colegio de la Ciudad de Concepción, relacionarlo y compararlo con la flexibilidad. La metodología utilizada corresponde a un estudio cuantitativo, transversal, descriptivo-correlacional; con muestreo intencionado, se evaluó a 49 escolares, para medir el nivel de actividad física se utilizó la encuesta INTA y para medir la flexibilidad se utilizó el test de V-Sit And Reach. Se utilizó la prueba de Shapiro Wilk arrojando la normalidad de los datos, la prueba Z score para establecer medias, la prueba t de Student para el nivel de significancia entre grupo, y, por último, en la relación de las variables se empleó la correlación de Pearson. Los resultados muestran que las niñas tienen un nivel de flexibilidad mayor a los niños siendo estadísticamente significativa, en cambio en el nivel de actividad física se obtiene un nivel regular no existiendo diferencias significativas. No existe correlación entre las variables estudiadas.

ABSTRACT. The study focuses on determining levels of physical activity presented by children between the ages 10 and 11, attending a school in the City of Concepción, relating it and comparing it with flexibility. The methodology used corresponds to a quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational study; with intentional sampling, 49 students were evaluated, the INTA survey was used to assess the level of physical activity, and the V-Sit And Reach test were used to measure flexibility. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used, yielding the normality of the data, the Z score test to establish means, the Student's T test for the level of significance between the groups, and, finally, for the relationship of the variables, Pearson's correlation was used. The results show that girls have a higher level of flexibility than boys, being statistically significant, while in the level of physical activity a regular level is obtained, without significant differences. There is no correlation between the variables studied.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Students , Exercise , Range of Motion, Articular , Chile , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Age Factors
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-185269


CONTEXT: Hamstring muscle is actively involved in various activities of daily living like walking, stair climbing etc. The flexibility of Hamstring muscle is found to be commonly compromised among various age groups. This may be due to ineffective use of the muscle to full extensibility in routine activities. Padahastasana is a yogasana in standing position which induces maximum stretch to posterior structures of thigh including Hamstring muscle. AIMS:This study aims to investigate the effect of Padahastasana in improving flexibility of Hamstring muscle SETTINGS AND DESIGN:Experimental Design with random sampling method conducted among 20 subjects. METHODS AND MATERIAL: Subjects were recruited for the study based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Hamstring flexibility was assessed using sit and reach box - a standardized tool to measure Hamstring flexibility. The selected subjects were taught the technique of Padahastasana and practiced for twelve weeks – six times in a day and minimum five days per week. After twelve weeks of practice, hamstring flexibility was assessed using sit and reach box. STATISTICALANALYSIS:Analysis was conducted using't' test Results: The study showed significant improvement (t value – 13.01 at p≤0.05) in Hamstring muscle flexibility by performing 12 weeks Padahastasana practice. CONCLUSIONS: Padahastasana can be recommended to prevent and treat Hamstring muscle tightness

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-167779


Objective: The kick force is effective only if the flexibility of the muscle is in accord. The stretching capacity of tendons, ligaments and capsule are very limited due to the function of articular stabilization. Pilates exercises are to be performed to improve muscular flexibility with greater movement breadth, strength and fluency. Lack of flexibility is a limiting factor for performance and being a facilitator for muscular injuries. Materials and Methods: Goniometer, Sit and reach table and Exercise mat. 30 football players were randomly distributed into two groups, Pilates group (n=15) and control group (n=15). Control group was given Ballistic, PNF and Static stretching exercises and Pilates group was given Pilates protocol respectively. Both the groups were trained 5 times a week for 4 weeks, 30 minutes each session. Pre and post outcome measures of Goniometer and sit and reach test were taken. Results: The Pilates group training reported a higher level of improvement than control group (p< 0.05).

Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 22(2): 5-12, jan.-mar.2014. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-733934


A flexibilidade do corpo humano tem sido estudado por inúmeras pesquisas, pois de sua importância tanto para o esporte, reabilitação, saúde e fitness como influência geral positiva na prevenção da dor no corpo da coluna e desenvolvimento postural foi .O objectivo deste estudo para avaliar a flexibilidade de crianças que vivem em Manaus -AM, em comparação com o nacional média de Projeto Esporte Brasil. É um estudo transversal realizado em três escolas públicas. nós utilizado o teste sit - e alcançar através do banco Wells. Calculou-se a flexibilidade média de 400 estudantes, com idade entre 11 e 15, que foram estratificados por sexo e idade. Os resultados foram comparados graficamente com as médias nacionais e ponderou proporcionalmente a quantidade de fora da escola média. Além disso, aferida a diferença das médias entre meninos e meninas usando o estudante teste t. Independentemente da idade ou sexo, os resultados mostraram que os estudantes em Manaus mostraram maior flexibilidade do que a média nacional. Verificou-se que as meninas eram mais flexíveis do que os meninos (p = 0,02). Estudantes do sexo masculino devem ser encorajados a exercer flexibilidade. Sugerimos o desenvolvimento mesas de flexíveis específicas para cada estado.

The flexibility of the human body has been studied by numerous research because of its importance both for sports, rehabilitation, fitness and health as generally positive influence in the prevention of pain in the spine and postural development body .The aim of this study was to evaluate the flexibility of children living in Manaus -AM, by comparison with the national average of Project Sport Brazil. It is a cross-sectional study conducted in three public schools. We used the test sit - and-reach through the bank Wells. We calculated the average flexibility of 400 students, aged 11 and 15, which were stratified by gender and age. The results were compared graphically with national averages and pondered proportionally the amount of out of school average. Additionally, gauged the difference of means between boys and girls using the Student t test. Regardless of age or gender, the results showed that students in Manaus showed greater flexibility than the national average. It was found that girls were more flexible than boys (p = 0.02). Male students should be encouraged to exercise flexibility. We suggest the development of flexible tables specific to each state.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent , Men , Pliability , Students , Women , Motor Activity , Physical Education and Training
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 18(3): 176-180, maio-jun. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-647888


INTRODUÇÃO: a ginástica rítmica (GR) é uma modalidade de ginástica que requer alto grau de flexibilidade, em virtude dos movimentos complexos que são requeridos. OBJETIVO: esta pesquisa objetivou comparar o teste de sentar e alcançar (TSA) e a técnica de biofotogrametria como indicadores de flexibilidade de tronco, em praticantes iniciantes de GR. METODOLOGIA: a amostra contou com 60 meninas (de cinco a 11 anos de idade) de um universo de 110, todas matriculadas em um centro de iniciação esportiva no estado do Paraná. A coleta de dados foi realizada no mês de novembro do ano de 2009. Para a comparação TSA com a biofotogrametria, foram traçados os ângulos de flexão da pelve (WP), flexão da coluna lombar (WC) e flexão do total do tronco (WT). RESULTADOS: o resultado médio atingido pelas participantes na escala do TSA foi de 27,75cm. Encontrou-se forte correlação do ângulo WT com o TSA. Por ser uma composição de WC e WP, o WT possibilita uma visualização global da distância do tronco até os membros inferiores quando ocorre a flexão durante o teste. Por isso, as correlações entre os ângulos são boas e significativas. CONCLUSÃO: uma vez que o TSA apresenta alguns fatores intervenientes que podem mascarar o seu resultado, a biofotogrametria é discutida como um teste que permite observar, através de imagens fotográficas e cálculos angulares, dados fidedignos para a mensuração de flexibilidade e compensações musculares não identificadas normalmente.

INTRODUCTION: Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) is a type of gymnastics that requires a high degree of flexibility due to the complexity of the required movements. OBJECTIVE: this study aimed to compare the sit and reach test (SRT) and the Biophotogrammetry technique as indicators of trunk flexibility in beginning GR practitioners. METHODS: the sample included 60 girls (5-11 years old) from a universe of 110, all enrolled in a Center for Sports Initiation in Parana State. Data collection was performed in November, 2009. IN order to compare the TSA and biophotogrammetry, angles of the pelvis (WP), spinal flexion (WC) and total trunk flexion (WT) were drawn. RESULTS: the average score achieved by the participants on theTSA scale was 27.75 cm. A strong correlation was found between WT angle and the TSA values. Since it is a combination of the WC and WP, the WT provides a global view of the distance from the trunk to the legs when bending occurs during the test. Therefore, the correlations between the angles are good and meaningful. CONCLUSION: since the TSA has some intervening factors that may mask the result, biophotogrammetry is discussed as a test that allows the observation of reliable data for measuring flexibility and muscle compensation which are not usually identified, through photographs and angular calculations.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374239


The purpose of the present study was to observe the parameter which contributed to the improvement in a physical function to resistance training for local living elderly people. Randomly-selected 24 local elderly people of 69.4±3.8 years of age went through a three month exercise program of Comprehensive Geriatric Training, which is one of the resistance training programs focused on care prevention. During intervention, physical function, blood composition and dietary survey were researched simultaneously. Any dietary changes were not observed among the 24 seniors after three months of training. Compared to the control group, however, their maximum walking speed increased, which is strongly correlating to their increase in BMI and body weight. Their sit and reach performance increased as well, which is negatively correlating to their serum triglyceride increase. Their blood albumin did not change before and after the training period. In conclusion, measuring BMI, body weight and serum triglyceride during the resistance training period may lead to positive results of the main outcomes in local living elderly men and women.

Rev. educ. fis ; 23(2): 183-194, 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-701444


O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a concordância entre dois critérios para flexibilidade de crianças e adolescentes, bem como entre os testes utilizados. A amostra foi composta por 59 meninos e 54 meninas, com idades entre oito e dezesseis anos, de uma mesma escola estadual de Londrina, Paraná - Brasil. Na coleta dos dados foram utilizados o Teste de "Sentar-e-alcançar" (PHYSICAL BEST) e o de "Sentar-e-alcançar" alternado (FITNESSGRAM) em um banco de dimensões específicas. Os resultados indicaram uma concordância moderada entre os critérios para meninas (K=0,594, P<0,001) e boa para os meninos (K=0,619, P<0,001). O atendimento dos critérios foi menor entre os meninos com o uso da PHYSICAL BEST. A concordância dos resultados nos testes esteve dentro de limites aceitáveis (média das diferenças de -0,38 a 1,38 cm), e foi verificada correlação de forte a muito forte (r=0,844 a r=0,914). A classificação nos critérios e os resultados obtidos nos testes parecem semelhantes.

The purpose of this study was to verify the agreement between two criteria for flexibility on children and adolescents and between the tests results. The sample involved 59 boys and 54 girls in the age range from 8 to 16 years old, belonging to the same elementary school from the city of Londrina, Parana, Brazil. The data collection used the "Sit-and-Reach" Test (PHYSICAL BEST) and the Back Saver "Sit-and-Reach" Test (FITNESSGRAM) using a bench with specific dimensions. The results indicated a moderate agreement level between the criteria for girls (K=0.594, P<0.001) and good for boys (K=0.619, P<0,001). The passing rates of the criteria were lower in boys using the PHYSICAL BEST. The agreement of tests results were within acceptable levels (mean difference of -0.38 to 1.38 cm) and it were found a strong to very strong relationship (r=0.844 to r=0.914). The criteria classification and the obtained results in the tests were similar.

Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 14(3)set.-dez. 2009.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-553567


Os objetivos do presente estudo foram a) identificar a relação entre o teste de SA com banco (SACB) e o teste de SA sem banco (SASB) em crianças e adolescentes, e; b) propor uma equação de regressão de predição do teste de SACB a partir do teste de SASB. A amostra foi composta por 698 crianças e adolescentes, sendo 357 rapazes e 341 moças, na faixa etária entre 7 e 17 anos, oriundos do banco de dados do PROESP-BR. Para o tratamento dos dados utilizamos a correlação linear de Pearson e regressão linear múltipla. Os resultados sugerem uma relação linear positiva e alta (r=0,885) entre os resultados dos dois testes de SA. Quando as variáveis sexo e grupo etários (GE1 - 7 a 10 anos; do GE2 - 11 a 13 anos; e do GE3 - 14 a 17 anos) são consideradas, os resultados indicam que os valores de correlação ficam menores no sexo masculino e no GE1 nos dois sexos, e maiores no sexo feminino e nos GE2 e GE3 nos dois sexos. Diante disto, optamos por acrescentar ao modelo de estimativa do teste de SACB a partir do teste de SASB as variáveis sexo e GE. O resultado da análise de regressão disponibilizou uma equação com capacidade de determinação de 78,8%. Portanto, baseado no grau de relação linear entre as variáveis podemos através de uma predizer a outra, ou seja, tanto o protocolo com banco quanto o sem banco podem nos informar resultados análogos no que se refere à flexibilidade. Deste modo, o teste SASB poderá ser utilizado como um instrumento alternativo, sendo de fácil aplicação e principalmente de baixo custo, facilitando, assim, a busca de informações da flexibilidade de crianças e adolescentes.

The goals of this study was a) to verify the possible relations between the sit and reach test with chair (SR) and without chair (VSR) in children and adolescents, and b) to porpoise a regression equation to predict the SR from VSR. The sample was composed for 698 children and adolescents (357 boys and 341 girls) between 7 to 17 years old from the PROESP-BR dates? bank. The dates analyze was made with the Pearson correlation and with multiple linear regression. The results suggest a positive and high (r=0,885) correlation between SR and VSR. When the sex and age group (AG1 - 7 to 10 years old; do AG2 - 11 to 13 years old; and AG3 - 14 to 17 years old) variables are consider, correlation coefficients get lower at male sex and at AG1 for both sex, and get high AG2 and AG3 for both sex. Before this, we chose to add the sex and AG variable in SR test model estimate from VSR. The regression analyze results released a equation with 78,8% determination capacity. Therefore, considering the relation degree between flexibility tests, we can predict one using the results of the other. Thus, the VSR can be used as an alternative instrument for the children and adolescents flexibility measured.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Physical Fitness/physiology , Pliability