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Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 111(3): 1111213, sept.-dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554617


Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la erosión dental y el consumo de bebidas refrescantes en escolares de 12 a 16 años del Centro Educativo Juan Velasco Alvarado, en el distrito de Pillco Marca, Perú. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacio- nal, transversal de una muestra de 135 niños de 12 a 16 años. Se seleccionaron historias clínicas que contaran con datos so- bre variables demográficas, la valoración del tipo de erosión dental según la clasificación de Eccles y que hayan respondi- do la encuesta sobre el consumo de las bebidas refrescantes (gaseosas, rehidratantes y jugos). Para evaluar la asociación entre las variables se aplicó la prueba chi-cuadrado; el nivel de significación establecido fue de p<0,05. Resultados: La frecuencia de la erosión dental en los es- colares fue del 54,1%. Un 3,7% consumía bebidas refrescan- tes de 3 a 5 veces por semana, un 45,9% consumía 2 veces por semana, y el 50,4% no consumía o consumía menos de 2 ve- ces a la semana. Las gaseosas que más frecuentemente se con- sumían fueron la Coca-Cola (20,7%) y la Kola Real (20%). El 43,7% no ingería ningún tipo de bebida gaseosa. Se halló una asociación entre la erosión dental y la ingesta de bebidas refrescantes (chi-cuadrado 84,77, p<0,05), con una ingesta de 2 veces por semana o más (chi-cuadrado 62,589, p<0,05). La erosión dental fue más frecuente en aquellos alumnos que in- gerían ambas bebidas, gaseosas y rehidratantes en su dieta, comparado con solo gaseosas o rehidratantes (p=0,048). Conclusiones: Las bebidas refrescantes resultaron ser no- civas para la erosión dental, cuando estas bebidas se toman al menos dos veces por semana (AU)

Aim: Determine the relation between dental erosion and the consumption of the refreshing drinks in schoolchildren from 12 to 16 years of Juan Velasco Alvarado Educational Center, from Pillco Marca district, Peru. Materials and methods: An observational, cross-sec- tional study was carried out on a sample of 135 children from 12 to 16 years of age. From all the medical records avail- able, the final selection included the ones that had data on demographic variables, the assessment of the type of dental erosion according to the Eccles classification and that had answered the survey on the consumption of refreshing drinks (soft drinks, rehydrating drinks and juices). To evaluate the association between the variables, the chi-square test was ap- plied; the established significance level was p<0.05. Results: The frequency of dental erosion in schoolchil- dren was 54.1%. 3.7% consumed refreshing drinks 3 to 5 times a week, 45.9% consumed 2 times a week, and 50.4% did not consume or consumed less than 2 times a week. The soft drinks most frequently consumed were Coca-Cola (20.7%) and Kola Real (20%). 43.7% did not ingest any type of soft drink. An association was found between dental erosion and the intake of refreshing drinks (chi-square 84.77, p<0.05), with an intake of at least twice a week (chi-square 62.589, p<0.05). Dental erosion was more frequent in those students who ingested both soft drinks and rehydrating drinks in their diet, compared to only soft drinks or only rehydrating drinks (p=0.048 Conclusions: Refreshing drinks turned out to be harmful in relation to dental erosion, when these drinks are taken at least twice a week (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , School Dentistry , Tooth Erosion/etiology , Carbonated Beverages/adverse effects , Peru/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219666


The sale of soft drinks in and around primary schools is recurrent in Côte d'Ivoire. The objective of this work is to evaluate the rate of some biochemical and physicochemical parameters and the health risks related to the consumption of soft drinks. The biochemical and physicochemical parameters were determined according to the standard SOXHLET technique, that of Kjeldhal and also that described by Dubois et al in1956. Potentially pathogenic and pathogenic germs were enumerated and researched according to reference methods described by AFNOR. The moisture content of the different beverages ranged from 3.9±0.05 to 3.2±0.05, and the sugar content from 26.06±2.05 to 5.96±1.60. For the acidity, the higher value was 0.93± 0.15 (Bissap juice) and the lowest was 0.64± 0.02 (Tamarind juice). For proteins, the high value was 44.15 ± 0.11 (Milk Mint Juice) and the low value was 38.15 ± 0.11 (Ginger Juice). As for dry matter, the highest value was found in ginger juice (44.76 ±0.02) and the lowest in bissap juice (40.96 ±0.01). Soft drinks sold in Williamsville schools contain such potentially pathogenic species as Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus with a wide range of loadings in the drinks. Escherichia coli was not identified. No Salmonella was observed in the different soft drinks analyzed. The presence of potentially pathogenic germs could pose a danger to school children.

Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1422254


Abstract Objective: To assess and evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding the consumption of carbonated drinks among dental students. Carbonated drinks are pervaded by carbon dioxide and have more adverse effects since they are acidic in nature. Nowadays, these are consumed more widely globally, causing many systemic diseases; diabetes and obesity are common. Material and Methods: This study includes 204 individuals belonging to the age group of 18-26 years. A self-structured objective type cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of dental students regarding carbonated drinks. The participants were instructed to mark the most appropriate correct answer from the given list of close-ended type questions. Results: Of 204 dental students, the study population includes 125 female and 79 male students. 98.5% of the students knew about carbonated drinks, while 1.5% were unaware. Conclusion: Most participants preferred to have carbonated drinks even with their awareness about the ill effects of these drinks. Possible implications by the government authorities may probably increase awareness among the population (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Students, Dental , Carbonated Beverages/adverse effects , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Drinking Behavior , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Interpretation, Statistical
CES odontol ; 34(2): 200-209, jul.-dic. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374789


Abstract Erosive tooth wear (ETW) is the irreversible loss of dental hard tissue resulting from the chemical-mechanical process. The aim of the present case report was to present two clinical cases of patients affected by ETW arising from different etiological factors. The patients, of the male gender, 9 and 10 years of age presented to the pediatric dental clinic, for routine evaluation. On clinical exam, both patients had no caries lesions, but some lesions suggestive of ETW, which had aspects such as a translucent halo around the occlusal surface of teeth, in addition to "cupping" lesions - mainly in the cusp region, and loss of tooth enamel (by volume). The lesions were restricted to enamel, and the patients showed no dental hypersensitivity. From the dental clinical exam and anamnesis, the two patients were found to have similar tooth structure loss, with diagnosis of ETW. However, in one patient the etiology was extrinsic due to diet, and in the other, it was intrinsic due to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The latter patient was referred to a specialist for evaluation of the systemic condition, and GERD was diagnosed. It was concluded that dentists play an important role, as coadjuvant in the diagnosis of health problems related to ETW. Therefore, meticulous clinical exams must be performed to establish the correct diagnosis, because swift intervention in the clinical cases presented had a positive impact on halting the erosive process.

Resumen El desgaste dental erosivo corresponde a una pérdida irreversible de tejido duro dental resultante de un proceso químico-mecánico. Este artículo tuvo como objetivo presentar dos casos clínicos de pacientes afectados por desgaste erosivo con diferentes factores etiológicos. Pacientes varones, de 9 y 10 años, acudieron a la clínica dental de odontopediatría para evaluación de rutina. A la exploración clínica, ambos pacientes no presentaban lesiones cariosas y algunas lesiones sugestivas de erosion que presentaban aspectos como un halo translúcido alrededor de la superficie oclusal del diente, además de puntos de punción principalmente en la región cuspídea (lesiones en ventosa) y pérdida del volumen del esmalte dental. Las lesiones se restringieron al esmalte y los pacientes no presentaron hipersensibilidad dentaria. Del examen clínico odontológico y de la anamnesis se aprecia que los dos pacientes presentaban similar pérdida estructural, con diagnóstico de desgaste erosivo, pero un paciente tenía una etiología extrínseca, por alimentación y otro, intrínseco, por trastorno gastroesofágico (TGRE). El paciente fue derivado al especialista para evaluación de la condición sistémica y se diagnosticó la TGRE. Se concluye que el odontólogo tiene un papel importante, como coadyuvante en el diagnóstico de los trastornos de salud relacionados con el desgaste erosivo. Por tanto, se debe realizar un examen clínico minucioso para establecer el diagnóstico correcto, ya que la rápida intervención en los casos clínicos presentados, incidió positivamente en la parálisis del proceso de erosión.

Resumo O desgaste dentário erosivo corresponde a uma perda irreversível do tecido duro dentário resultante de um processo químico-mecânico. O presente artigo teve por objetivo apresentar dois casos clínicos de pacientes afetados pelo desgaste erosivo com fatores etiológicos distintos. Os pacientes do gênero masculino, com 09 e 10 anos, compareceram à clínica odontológica de odontopediatria para avaliação de rotina. Ao exame clínico, ambos os pacientes apresentavam ausência de lesão de cárie e algumas lesões sugestivas de erosão que apresentavam aspectos como halo translúcido ao redor da superfície oclusal do dente, além de pontos socavados principalmente na região de cúspide (lesões de "cupping") e perda do volume do esmalte dentário. As lesões estavam restritas ao esmalte e os pacientes não apresentavam hipersensibilidade dentária. A partir do exame clínico odontológico e anamese pode-se constatar que os dois pacientes apresentavam perdas estruturais semelhantes, com diagnóstico de desgaste erosivo, porém um paciente apresentava etiologia extrínseca, pela alimentação e outro, intrínseca, por distúrbio gastroesofágico (DGRE). O paciente foi encaminhado ao especialista para avaliação do quadro sistêmico, sendo diagnosticado o DGRE. Conclui-se que o cirurgião-dentista tem um papel importante, como coadjuvante no diagnóstico de distúrbios de saúde relacionados ao desgaste erosivo. Portanto, um exame clínico de maneira minuciosa deve ser realizado para estabelecer o diagnóstico correto, visto que, a rápida intervenção nos casos clínicos apresentados, impactaram de forma positiva na paralisação do processo erosivo.

Actual. osteol ; 17(2): 69-77, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1370075


El calcio (Ca) es un nutriente crítico para la salud, especialmente en los períodos de crecimiento. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los individuos argentinos no alcanzan la ingesta diaria recomendada. Por su parte, el fósforo (P) es un nutriente cuya ingesta suele estar por encima de la recomendada. Este tipo de desequilibrio en la ingesta de ambos nutrientes conlleva a una pérdida de masa ósea. El consumo de bebidas analcohólicas (BA) se ha incrementado en los últimos años, sobre todo en la población infantil, desplazando el consumo de agua y lácteos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar el aporte de Ca y P a partir de BA diferentes de agua. Se evaluaron 59 muestras, cuya mediana y rango de Ca fue de 7,74 [0,00 a 111,29] mg/l y de P 55,17 [0,16 a 957,00] mg/l. Los jugos en polvo son los que mayor contenido de Ca presentaron y las bebidas deportivas aquellas donde se halló el mayor contenido de P. Considerando un consumo de 500 ml/día de BA se estarían incorporando 3,87 mg Ca y 27,59 mg P. El creciente consumo de BA, su bajo contenido de Ca y la concomitante reducción del consumo de lácteos contribuyen a una inadecuada ingesta de Ca. (AU)

Calcium (Ca) is a critical nutrient, especially during periods of growth. However, the majority of Argentine individuals do not reach the recommended daily intake. On the other hand, phosphorus (P) is a nutrient with an intake usually above the recommended values. This type of imbalance between the intake of the nutrients leads to loss of bone mass. Soft drinks consumption (BA) has increased in recent years, especially in children, displacing the consumption of water and dairy products. The aim of this work was to estimate the Ca and P content in BA other than water. 59 samples were evaluated, with a median and range of Ca of 7.74 [0.00 to 111.29] mg/l and of P of 55.17 [0.16 to 957.00] mg/l. Powdered juices are the ones with the highest Ca content, and sports drinks are the beverages in which the highest P content was found. Based on a BA consumption of 500 ml/day, 3.87 mg Ca and 27.59 mg P would be incorporated. Therefore, the increased consumption of BA, their low Ca content, and the concomitant reduction in dairy consumption contribute to an inadequate intake of Ca. (AU)

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Phosphates/analysis , Carbonated Beverages/statistics & numerical data , Calcium/analysis , Juices , Argentina , Quality Control , Calcium, Dietary , Growth and Development , Recommended Dietary Allowances
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);25(7): 2529-2540, Jul. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1133059


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a tendência temporal e os fatores associados ao consumo de refrigerante ou suco artificial entre adultos no Brasil. Estudo desenvolvido a partir de dados secundários do Sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico, realizado com adultos brasileiros entre 2007-2014. Foi verificada a frequência e a intensidade do consumo (quantidade de copos ou latas por semana) de refrigerante ou suco artificial. Dados sociodemográficos e comportamentais foram as variáveis independentes. A tendência temporal do consumo anual foi avaliada por meio de Regressão Linear. Os fatores associados (idade, sexo, região, trabalho, escolaridade, hábito de assistir TV) ao consumo dessas bebidas foram investigados por Regressão de Poisson. Houve redução de 32,7% do consumo de refrigerante ou suco artificial entre 2007 e 2014. Os fatores associados ao maior consumo foram: sexo masculino (p = 0,000); faixa etária de 18-29 anos (p = 0,000); residência nas regiões centro-oeste, sudeste e sul (p = 0,000); menor escolaridade (p = 0,616); estar empregado (p = 0,007) e assistir TV mais de 3 horas por dia (p = 0,000). As análises descrevem uma tendência de queda no consumo de refrigerante ou suco artificial entre os adultos no Brasil de 2007 a 2014.

Abstract The scope of this article is to analyze the time-series trend and factors associated with the consumption of soft drinks or packaged fruit juices among adults in Brazil. It is a study based on secondary data from the System of Surveillance of Risk Factors and Protection for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey conducted among Brazilian adults between 2007 and 2014. The consumption frequency and intensity (number of cups or cans per week) of soda or packaged juice was checked. Socio-demographic and behavioral data were the independent variables. The time-series trend of annual consumption was evaluated by means of Linear Regression. The factors (age, sex, region, work, schooling and TV screen time) associated with the consumption of these beverages were investigated by Poisson regression. There was a 32.7% reduction in soft drink or packaged juice consumption between 2007 and 2014. Factors associated with higher consumption were: male sex (p = 0.000); 18-29 year-age-range (p = 0.000); residence in the central-west, southeast and southern regions (p = 0.000); lower schooling (p = 0.616); being employed (p = 0.007) and more than 3 hours of TV screen time per day (p = 0.000). The analyses describe a downward trend in the consumption of soda or packaged fruit juice among adults in Brazil from 2007 to 2014.

Beverages , Carbonated Beverages , Brazil , Risk Factors
Rev. chil. nutr ; 46(3): 245-253, jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003701


RESUMEN Para enfrentar el problema de sobrepeso y obesidad en Chile, el enfoque de las políticas públicas debe enfatizar en medidas preventivas, cambiando el entorno en que el individuo se desarrolla para ayudarle a tener un estilo de vida más saludable. La Ley 20.606, tiene por objetivo principal proteger la salud de los chilenos, en especial de los niños, incorporando un marco regulatorio que contempla etiquetado frontal de advertencia en alimentos, prohibición de publicidad dirigida a menores de 14 años y prohibición de venta de alimentos con altos niveles de nutrientes críticos en establecimientos escolares. Las bebidas y néctares azucarados representan una de las fuentes más importantes de azúcares añadidos en la dieta y son de alto consumo por la población chilena. Por tal motivo se revisó la información nutricional y lista de ingredientes en etiquetas de néctares y bebidas de fantasía comercializadas en Chile, antes y después de la promulgación de la Ley 20.606. Los resultados mostraron que las formulaciones de los productos comercializados en el año 2017 se modificaron disminuyendo la concentración de azúcar, sin embargo, se incorporaron edulcorantes no calóricos, los que se encuentran cuestionados por muchos investigadores por posibles efectos adversos para la salud.

ABSTRACT To address the problem of overweight and obesity in Chile, the focus of public policies should emphasize preventive measures to change the environment in which the individual develops and help facilitate a healthier lifestyle. The main objective of the Chilean law 20.606 is to protect the health of Chileans, especially children, by incorporating a regulatory framework that includes a frontal warning labeling on food, a ban on advertising aimed at children under 14 and a ban on the sale of foods with high levels of critical nutrients in schools. Sugar sweetened beverages represent the largest source of added dietary sugars and discretionary calories for Chileans. For this reason, nutritional information and the ingredient list for the nutritional labeling of soft drinks commercialized in Chile were reviewed, before and after enactment of Chilean law 20.606. The results indicated that the formulations of products marketed in 2017 were modified by decreasing the concentration of sugar, however non-caloric sweeteners were incorporated, which are questioned by many researchers for possible adverse effects on health.

Carbonated Beverages , Sugars , Non-Nutritive Sweeteners , Legislation, Food , Comparative Study , Chile
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);24(3): 899-906, mar. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-989598


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o consumo regular de bebidas açucaradas e sua associação com aspectos sociodemográficos e comportamentais de adultos de uma cidade do sudoeste brasileiro. Trata-se de um estudo de base populacional com 1226 adultos de 20 a 59 anos, residentes na zona urbana do município de Viçosa-MG. Foi aplicado um questionário estruturado para medir as condições sociodemográficas e comportamentais. O consumo de bebidas açucaradas foi classificado como regular quando a frequência de ingestão foi igual ou superior a cinco vezes por semana. O consumo regular de bebidas açucaradas foi superior em homens e mulheres com idade entre 20 e 29 anos (p < 0,01). Homens com hábito de realizar refeições em frente à televisão (p = 0,03) e mulheres insatisfeitas com seu peso (p = 0,03) apresentaram maior consumo regular de bebidas açucaradas. Conclui-se que os indivíduos de maior idade apresentaram menor consumo regular de bebidas açucaradas e este consumo esteve associado a comportamentos obesogênicos, como o hábito em realizar refeições em frente à televisão, e em indivíduos insatisfeitos com o peso corporal.

Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the regular consumption of sweetened beverages and its association with sociodemographic and behavioral aspects in a city in the southwest of Brazil. It involves is a population-based study of 1,226 adults aged 20 to 59 living in the urban area of the municipality of Viçosa in the state of Minas Gerais. A structured questionnaire to measure sociodemographic and behavioral conditions was applied. The consumption of sweetened beverages was considered regular when the frequency of consumption was five or more times a week. Regular consumption of sweetened beverages was higher in men and women aged between 20 and 29 years (p < 0.01). Men with the habit of eating meals in front of the television (p = 0.03) and women dissatisfied with their weight (p = 0.03) consumed greater regular amounts of sweetened beverages. The conclusion reached is that older individuals showed less regular consumption of sweetened beverages and that the consumption of same was associated with obesogenic behaviors, such as the habit of eating meals in front of the television and among individuals dissatisfied with their body weight.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Personal Satisfaction , Sweetening Agents , Beverages/statistics & numerical data , Eating , Body Weight , Brazil , Sex Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Age Factors , Middle Aged
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-759638


OBJECTIVES: This research was conducted to identify the consumers' food choice factors that affect the consumers' replacement of soft drinks with carbonated water. METHODS: The present study used secondary data from a consumer panel survey conducted by the Rural Development Administration of Korea, and the data included the panel members' purchase records based on their monthly spending receipts. The survey asked the participants about their food choice factors and their personal responsibility for their health. This survey included independent variables for the consumers' food purchase factors. As a dependent variable, two types of groups were defined. The replacement group included those people who increased their purchase of carbonated water and decreased their purchase of soft drinks. The non-replacement group included those people who did not change their purchase patterns or they increased their purchase of soft drinks and they decreased their purchase of carbonated water. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the consumers' food choice factors that were associated with replacing soft drinks with carbonated water. RESULTS: The replacement group was significantly associated with (1) a younger age (OR=0.953), (2) being a housewife (OR=2.03), (3) higher income (OR=1.001) and (4) less concern about price (OR=0.819) when purchasing food. This group also showed (5) higher enjoyment (OR=1.328) when choosing food and (6) they took greater responsibly for their personal health (OR=1.233). CONCLUSIONS: This research is the first study to mainly focus on soft drinks and carbonated water. The result of this research showed that young, health-conscious consumers with a higher income and who are more interested in food have more possibilities to replace soft drinks with carbonated water. These research findings may be applied to consumers who have characteristics that are similar to the young health-conscious consumers and the results can help to suggest ways to reduce sugar intake and improve public health. However, this research has a limitation due to the application of secondary data. Therefore, a future study is needed to develop detailed survey questions about food choice factors and to extend these factors to all beverages, including soft drinks made with sugar substitutes, so as to reflect the growth of alternative industries that use artificial sweeteners or different types of sugar to make commercially available drinks.

Humans , Beverages , Carbon , Carbonated Beverages , Carbonated Water , Consumer Behavior , Korea , Logistic Models , Public Health , Social Planning , Sweetening Agents
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 42: e49, 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-961725


RESUMEN Objetivos El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la evolución de la asequibilidad de la cerveza y de las gaseosas para quince países de América Latina. Métodos Los datos corresponden a estadísticas oficiales de índices de precios de cerveza y gaseosas/refrescos, índice de precios al consumidor e índice de salarios nominales en frecuencia mensual. El método se basa en realizar un análisis econométrico, mediante series temporales, para medir el valor esperado de la tasa de crecimiento del indicador de asequibilidad absoluta (utilizando salarios nominales) o relativa (usando precios generales) de las gaseosas y de las cervezas. Resultados En nueve de los quince países analizados, la asequibilidad (absoluta o relativa), ya sea de bebidas azucaradas o cervezas, ha aumentado de forma estadísticamente significativa. En el caso de las bebidas azucaradas, la asequibilidad absoluta aumentó en cinco países (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador y Uruguay) y disminuyó en México. En el caso de la cerveza, aumentó en Colombia y Ecuador, se mantuvo inalterada en Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica y Uruguay, y se redujo en México. Conclusiones A pesar de que la mayoría de los países poseen impuestos a la cerveza y a las bebidas azucaradas, su efecto en los precios no ha sido suficiente para reducir su asequibilidad en todos los países de la muestra. Los impuestos deberían modificarse para reducir la asequibilidad de estas bebidas y afectar su consumo.

ABSTRACT Objective The objective of this study was to look at trends in the affordability of beer and soft drinks in 15 Latin American countries. Methods The data correspond to government statistics pertaining to price indices for beer and soft drinks, the consumer price index, and the nominal wage index based on monthly frequency. The methods involved the performance of an econometric analysis, using time series, to measure the expected rate of increase in the absolute affordability indicator (using nominal prices) or the relative affordability indicator (using general prices) for soft drinks and beers. Results In nine of the 15 countries analyzed, the affordability of soft drinks or beer (whether absolute or relative) has shown a statistically significant increase. In the case of soft drinks, absolute affordability increased in five countries (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Uruguay) and decreased in Mexico. In the case of beer, it increased in Colombia and Ecuador, remained unchanged in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, and Uruguay, and dropped in Mexico. Conclusions Although most countries levy taxes on beer and soft drinks, the effect of such taxes on price has not been enough to reduce the affordability of these products in all countries in the sample. Taxes should be modified to make these beverages less affordable and have an impact on their consumption.

RESUMO Objetivos Analisar a evolução da acessibilidade a cervejas e refrigerantes em 15 países da América Latina. Métodos Os dados representam estatísticas oficiais dos índices de preços de cervejas e refrigerantes, índice de preços ao consumidor e índice mensal do salário nominal. A metodologia do estudo foi uma análise econométrica com séries temporais para avaliar a taxa esperada de crescimento do indicador de acessibilidade absoluta (com base no salário nominal) ou relativa (com base nos preços gerais) de cervejas e refrigerantes. Resultados Houve um aumento significativo da acessibilidade (absoluta ou relativa) a cervejas ou refrigerantes em 9 dos 15 países analisados. Com relação aos refrigerantes, houve um aumento da acessibilidade absoluta em cinco países (Chile, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Equador e Uruguai), com uma redução observada no México. Com relação às cervejas, houve um aumento da acessibilidade na Colômbia e Equador, não se observou mudança na Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica e Uruguai e ocorreu uma redução no México. Conclusões Embora exista tributação para cervejas e refrigerantes na maioria dos países, o efeito nos preços não tem sido suficiente para reduzir a acessibilidade a estes produtos em todos os países da amostra estudada. É preciso reformar a tributação a fim de reduzir a acessibilidade e o consumo destas bebidas.

Humans , Health Care Economics and Organizations/statistics & numerical data , Carbonated Beverages , Alcoholic Beverages/economics , Latin America
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; Rev. bras. epidemiol;21(supl.1): e180010, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-977707


RESUMO: Objetivo: Estimar a associação entre consumo de refrigerantes e o índice de massa corporal (IMC) em adolescentes eutróficos e com excesso de peso. Métodos: Foram utilizados dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE) de 2009. Considerou-se como variável de desfecho os tercis do escore de IMC (zIMC) e como variável de exposição principal, o consumo de refrigerantes adoçados com açúcar. Idade, tipo de escola, escore de bens e serviços do domicílio e escolaridade materna foram incluídos nos modelos como variáveis de ajuste. Modelos de regressão multinomial, estratificados por sexo e pelos subgrupos de eutrofia e de excesso de peso foram utilizados para estimar a associação entre exposição e desfecho. Resultados: Dos adolescentes avaliados, 23,8% apresentaram excesso de peso e 21,7% relataram o consumo de refrigerantes diariamente. Nos meninos eutróficos, o consumo de refrigerantes esteve associado à maior chance de estar nos tercis mais altos de zIMC comparados aos não consumidores. Já nos adolescentes com excesso de peso, tanto do sexo masculino quanto feminino, o consumo de refrigerantes esteve associado à menor chance de estar no tercil mais alto de escore zIMC. Conclusão: Os resultados evidenciam a possibilidade de causalidade reversa entre o consumo de refrigerantes adoçados e zIMC no grupo de adolescentes com excesso de peso. Nos adolescentes eutróficos do sexo masculino, o consumo de refrigerantes pode, potencialmente, aumentar as chances de ter zIMC mais alto, o que reforça a necessidade de medidas visando à ampla redução do consumo dessa bebida.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To estimate the association between soft drink consumption and body mass index (BMI) in eutrophic and overweight adolescents. Methods: We used data from the National Adolescent Student Health Survey (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar - PeNSE) of 2009. The dependent variable (outcome) was the tertiles of BMI score (zBMI), and the main independent variable (exposure) was the consumption of sugar-sweetened soft drinks. The models included age, school type, home goods and services score, and maternal schooling as adjustment variables. We estimated the association between exposure and outcome by using multinomial regression models, stratified by gender, and eutrophic and overweight subgroups. Results: 23.8% of the adolescents evaluated were overweight, and 21.7% reported consuming soft drinks daily. For eutrophic boys, those who consumed soft drinks had a greater chance of being in higher zBMI tertiles than non-consumers. For overweight adolescents, both male and female, soft drink consumption was associated with a lower chance of being in the highest tertile of zBMI score. Conclusion: The results show the possibility of reverse causality between consumption of sweetened soft drinks and zBMI in the overweight adolescents group. For eutrophic male adolescents, soft drink consumption can potentially increase the chances of having higher zBMI, which reinforces the need for measures to significantly reduce the consumption of this beverage.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Carbonated Beverages/statistics & numerical data , Health Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Feeding Behavior/psychology , Schools/statistics & numerical data , Students/psychology , Brazil , Body Mass Index , Nutrition Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sex Distribution , Adolescent Health/statistics & numerical data , Pediatric Obesity/psychology
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 17(3): 491-500, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013042


Abstract Objectives: to describe the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages in Colombia, South America and variables associated with this consumption. Methods: based on the Food Frequency Questionnaire applied in the National Survey of the Nutritional Situation of Colombia (2010), the prevalence and frequency/day of the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages by 10,070 subjects between 5 and 17 years old was estimated. Results: the prevalence of sugar sweetened beverages consumption in subjects between 5 and 17 years old was 85.3%, and the average frequency of consumption was 0.71 times/day. The relationship between age and the prevalence of consumption displayed a J form, and the association with frequency in times/day was linear. The highest consumption occurred at 16 years of age, with a prevalence of 90.4% and an average frequency of 0.83 times/day. Overweight and obesity were not associated with consumption (p>0.05). Conclusions: the prevalence and average frequency of consumption were positively associated with age, wealth, and level of urbanism and conversely associated with education and household food security. Children with stunting have a reduced prevalence but increased frequency of consumption. The consumption of sweetened-beverages is an expression of the stage of nutritional and food transitions.

Resumo Objetivos: descrever o consumo de bebidas adoçadas com açúcar na Colômbia, América do Sul e as variáveis associadas a esse consumo. Métodos: embasados no Questionário de Frequência Alimentar aplicado na Pesquisa Nacional de Situação Nutricional da Colômbia (2010), foi estimada a prevalência e frequência/dia do consumo de bebidas adoçadas com açúcar por 10.070 indivíduos entre5 e 17 anos de idade. Resultados: a prevalência do consumo de bebidas adoçadas com açúcar em indivíduos entre 5 e 17 anos de idade foi de 85,3%, e a frequência média de consumo foi de 0,71 vezes/dia. A relação entre idade e prevalência de consumo demonstrou uma forma J, e a associação com a frequência em vezes/dia foi linear. O maior consumo ocorreu aos 16 anos de idade, com uma prevalência de 90,4% e uma frequência média de 0,83 vezes/dia. Sobrepeso e obesidade não foram associados ao consumo (p>0,05). Conclusões: a prevalência e a frequência média de consumo foram positivamente associadas com idade, condições financeiras e nível de urbanismo e inversamente associadas com educação e segurança alimentar doméstica. Crianças com déficit de crescimento têm prevalência reduzida, mas frequência de consumo aumentada. O consumo de bebidas adoçadas é uma expressão do estágio de transições nutricionais e alimentares.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Carbonated Beverages , Colombia , Juices , Dietary Sugars , Food and Nutrition Education , Nutritional Status , Feeding Behavior
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; Cad. Saúde Pública (Online);33(3): e00023316, 2017. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-839667


Resumo: O presente estudo examina a influência do aumento da disponibilidade intradomiciliar de refrigerantes e biscoitos sobre os efeitos de uma intervenção de promoção do consumo de frutas e hortaliças. Foram analisados os dados de 70 famílias que viviam em comunidades de baixa renda na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, que foram selecionadas por meio de uma amostra probabilística estratificada e completaram registro alimentar de 30 dias antes e depois da intervenção. A intervenção contribuiu para um aumento significativo na disponibilidade intradomiciliar de frutas e hortaliças (+2,7 p.p.; IC95%: 1,5; 4,0), superando a tendência de estagnação na população brasileira. Já a aquisição de refrigerantes e biscoitos, que não foi objeto da intervenção, acompanhou a tendência crescente de consumo destes produtos (+5,8 p.p.; IC95%: 3,3; 8,4). As famílias que aumentaram a aquisição de refrigerantes e biscoitos apresentaram menores aumentos, ou decréscimos, na aquisição de frutas e hortaliças (p < 0,05) e tiveram uma chance quase quatro vezes menor de experimentar algum aumento na disponibilidade intradomiciliar de frutas e hortaliças.

Abstract: This study examines the influence of increasing household availability of sodas and cookies on the effects of an intervention to promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The study analyzed data from 70 families living in low-income communities in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, selected in a stratified probabilistic sample, and who completed a 30-day food record before and after the intervention. The intervention contributed to a significant increase in the household availability of fruit and vegetables (+2.7 p.p.; 95%CI: 1.5; 4.0), contrary to the trend towards stagnation of such availability in the general population in Brazil. Meanwhile, the purchase of sodas and cookies, which was not the intervention's target, mirrored the upward trend in the consumption of these products (+5.8 p.p.; 95%CI: 3.3; 8.4). Families that increased their purchase of sodas and cookies showed lower increases, or even decreases, in the purchase of fruits and vegetables (p < 0.05), and had nearly fourfold lower odds of experiencing any increase in the household availability of fruits and vegetables.

Resumen: El presente estudio examina la influencia del aumento de la disponibilidad intradomiciliaria de refrescos y galletas, sobre los efectos de una intervención de promoción del consumo de frutas y hortalizas. Se analizaron los datos de 70 familias que vivían en comunidades de baja renta en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, que fueron seleccionadas mediante una muestra probabilística estratificada, y completaron un registro alimentario de 30 días antes y después de la intervención. La intervención contribuyó a un aumento significativo en la disponibilidad intradomiciliaria de frutas y hortalizas (+2,7 p.p.; IC95%: 1,5; 4,0), superando la tendencia de estancamiento en la población brasileña. Ya la adquisición de refrescos y galletas, que no fue objeto de la intervención, acompañó la tendencia creciente de consumo de estos productos (+5,8 p.p.; IC95%: 3,3; 8,4). Las familias que aumentaron la adquisición de refrescos y galletas presentaron menores aumentos, o decrementos, en la adquisición de frutas y hortalizas (p < 0,05) y tuvieron una probabilidad casi cuatro veces menor de experimentar algún aumento en la disponibilidad intradomiciliaria de frutas y hortalizas.

Humans , Male , Female , Vegetables , Beverages/statistics & numerical data , Candy/statistics & numerical data , Feeding Behavior , Fruit , Health Promotion , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Diet Surveys
Sci. med. (Porto Alegre, Online) ; 26(2): ID21828, abr-jun 2016.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-836867


AIMS: To evaluate the effect of caloric and non-caloric soft drink intake on food consumption, body weight and composition, and metabolic parameters in rats. METHODS: Controlled experimental study in which 30 male Wistar rats were divided into three groups and given food and beverage ad libitum during 17 weeks. The groups were as follows, according to the offered food: Control group ­ standard chow and water; Caloric soft drink group ­ standard chow, caloric soft drink, and water; and Non-caloric soft drink group ­ standard chow, non-caloric soft drink, and water. RESULTS: There was no statistical difference in total energy intake, body weight, and fat deposition between groups. However, the chow energy intake was 45% lower in the caloric soft drink group compared to the control and non-caloric soft drink groups (198.7±0.7 kJ vs. 349.4±2.0 and 373.0±1.3 kJ, respectively), with 46% of the energy provided by the soft drink. The caloric soft drink group consumed 22% more carbohydrate, especially sucrose, compared to the control group (p<0.05). Macronutrient intake was not different between the control and non-caloric soft drink groups, but the caloric soft drink group consumed less protein and lipids when compared to the other groups (3.5±1.0 g of protein vs. 6.2±0.1 and 6.7±0.1 g, respectively; 0.7±0.01 g of lipids vs. 1.3±0.02 g and 1.4±0.02 g, respectively). Consumption of non-caloric soft drinks increased total sodium intake and consumption of both soft drinks decreased water intake. Although body weight varied during the experiment, there was no significant difference between groups at the end of the experiment, and no difference in fat deposition, fasting glucose, insulin and leptin, insulin resistance index, and lipid profile. CONCLUSIONS: The consumption of both types of soft drinks did not affect energy intake, body weight and composition, or metabolic parameters; however, it increased fluid intake and decreased water ingestion. Caloric soft drink intake influenced the amount and the quality of solid food consumed, compromising diet quality.

OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o efeito do consumo de refrigerante calórico e não calórico sobre a ingestão alimentar, composição corporal, massa corporal e parâmetros metabólicos em ratos. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental com grupo controle. Trinta ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em três grupos e receberam alimentos e bebidas ad libitum. Os grupos foram os seguintes, conforme o alimento oferecido: Grupo controle ­ ração padrão e água; Grupo refrigerante calórico ­ ração padrão, refrigerante calórico e água; e Grupo refrigerante não calórico ­ ração padrão, refrigerante não calórico e água. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatística na ingestão total de energia, peso corporal e depósito adiposo entre os grupos. Entretanto, a ingestão de energia da ração foi 45% menor no Grupo refrigerante calórico comparado ao Grupo controle e ao Grupo refrigerante não calórico (198,7±0,7 kJ vs. 349,4±2,0 kJ e 373,0±1,3 kJ, respectivamente), sendo 46% da energia proveniente do refrigerante. O grupo refrigerante calórico consumiu 22% mais carboidrato, especialmente sacarose, comparado ao Grupo controle (p<0,05). A ingestão de macronutrientes não foi diferente entre o Grupo controle e o Grupo refrigerante não calórico, mas o Grupo refrigerante calórico consumiu menos proteína e lipídios que os outros dois (3,5±1,0 g de proteína vs. 6,2±0,1 e 6,7±0,1 g, respectivamente; 0,7±0,01 g de lipídios vs. 1,3±0,02 g e 1,4±0,02 g, respectivamente). O consumo de refrigerante não calórico aumentou a ingestão total de sódio e o consumo de ambos os refrigerantes diminuiu a ingestão de água. Embora a massa corporal tenha variado durante o experimento, não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos ao final do mesmo e, igualmente, não houve diferença no depósito adiposo, glicose, insulina e leptina em jejum, índice de resistência à insulina e perfil lipídico. CONCLUSÕES: A ingestão de ambos os refrigerantes (calórico e não calórico) não afetou a ingestão de energia, composição e massa corporal e parâmetros metabólicos, entretanto aumentou a ingestão de fluidos e diminuiu a de água. A ingestão de refrigerante calórico influenciou a quantidade e qualidade de comida sólida consumida, comprometendo a qualidade da dieta.

Carbonated Beverages , Nutrients , Eating
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 16(1): 249-255, jan.-dez. 2016.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-912440


Objective: To evaluate the influence of Coca-Cola® consumption on the salivary pH of 12-year old children. Material and Methods: The convenience sample was composed of forty-five 12-year old students of both genders from public schools of Itatiba, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Salivary pH was measured with pH colorimetric tape indicator (Merck). The reading of the colorimetric method was made by an experienced evaluator under uniform lighting conditions. The colorimetric tape was positioned in the back of the student's tongue, which remained with the mouth shut for 30 Seconds. For control, the first measurement (T0) was performed before the intake of the soft drink (baseline pH). Subsequently, students were instructed to slowly drink 100 ml of Coca-Cola® using a plastic disposable cup. Immediately after ingestion, the pH was measured again with the colorimetric tape (t1). The oral pH values were also measured 5 minutes (t2), 10 minutes (t3) and 15 minutes (t4) after the soft drink intake, keeping the tape positioning always the same in all measurements. The statistical SAS software was used for data analysis. Comparisons of oral pH values at different times were performed by the Tukey-Kramer test adopting 5% significance level. Results: Immediately after soft drink intake, the salivary pH significantly decreased (pH = 6.26) (p <0.05) compared to baseline (pH = 7.23) (p <0.05). Fifteen minutes after ingestion, although an increase in the pH was observed (pH = 6.64), it had not yet returned to baseline (T0) (p <0.05). Conclusion: Coca-Cola® intake caused a significant reduction in salivary pH, without, however, reaching critical pH for enamel demineralization.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Carbonated Beverages , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Saliva/microbiology , Tooth Erosion/diagnosis , Brazil , Students
Cad. saúde pública ; Cad. Saúde Pública (Online);31(12): 2493-2504, Dez. 2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-772098


Abstract This study aimed to analyze the consumption of high-sugar foods by Brazilian schoolchildren and to identify associated factors, based on data from the National School Health Survey (PeNSE 2012). Consumption of these foods was classified as: do not consume sweets and soft drinks regularly; consume sweets or soft drinks regularly; and consume sweets and soft drinks regularly. Its association with sociodemographic information, eating habits, and family contexts were investigated via multiple ordinal regressions. Regular consumption of sweets and/or soft drinks was reported by 19.2% and 36.1% of adolescents, respectively, and higher prevalence was associated with female gender, age 14-15 years, higher maternal education, not living with the mother and father, not eating meals with the parents, eating while watching TV, and longer TV time. Nearly one-fifth of adolescents regularly consumed sweets and soft drinks, which was associated with socio-demographic and behavioral factors that should be targeted in order to improve their food consumption.

Resumo Objetivou-se analisar o consumo de alimentos ricos em açúcar entre estudantes brasileiros e identificar seus fatores associados. Utilizaram-se dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE 2012). O consumo desses alimentos foi classificado como: não consomem guloseimas/refrigerantes regularmente; consomem guloseimas ou refrigerantes regularmente; consomem guloseimas e refrigerantes regularmente. Fatores sociodemográficos, alimentares e familiares associados foram avaliados por regressão ordinal múltipla. O consumo regular de guloseimas e/ou refrigerantes foi relatado por 19,2% e 36,1% dos adolescentes, respectivamente, sendo mais prevalente entre estudantes do sexo feminino, com 14-15 anos de idade, com maior escolaridade materna, que não viviam com a mãe e o pai, que não realizam as refeições com os pais, que comiam assistindo TV e que passavam mais tempo diante da TV. Quase 1/5 dos adolescentes consumia guloseimas e refrigerantes regularmente, condição associada a fatores sociodemográficos e comportamentais, os quais devem ser priorizados visando a melhorar seu consumo alimentar.

Resumen Se tuvo como objetivo analizar el consumo de alimentos ricos en azúcar entre estudiantes brasileños e identificar sus factores asociados. Se utilizaron datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud Escolar (PeNSE 2012). El consumo de estos alimentos fue clasificado como: no consumen golosinas/refrescos regularmente; consumen golosinas o refrescos regularmente; consumen golosinas y refrescos regularmente. Factores sociodemográficos, alimentarios y familiares asociados fueron evaluados por regresión ordinal múltiple. El consumo regular de golosinas y/o refrescos fue relatado por 19,2% y 36,1% de los adolescentes, respectivamente, siendo más prevalente entre estudiantes del sexo femenino, con 14-15 años de edad, con mayor escolaridad materna, que no vivían con la madre y el padre, que no realizan las comidas con los padres, que comían viendo TV y que pasaban más tiempo viendo TV. Casi 1/5 de los adolescentes consumía golosinas y refrescos regularmente, condición asociada a factores sociodemográficos y de comportamiento, que deben ser observados como prioridad para mejorar el consumo alimenticio.

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Candy/statistics & numerical data , Carbonated Beverages/statistics & numerical data , Dietary Sucrose/administration & dosage , Feeding Behavior , Students/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Health Surveys , School Health Services , Socioeconomic Factors
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;22(3): 723-741, jul.-set. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-756441


O artigo reflete sobre como as temáticas fome, consumo de refrigerantes e consumo de feijão com arroz são enfocadas na música popular brasileira. Investigamos os anos de ditadura militar (1964-1985). O foco da análise é a chamada canção de protesto, gênero musical caracterizado por críticas estético-cultural, político-ideológica e social aos governos militares. Tomando como referencial teórico os estudos de ideologia e filosofia da linguagem de Mikhail Bakhtin, evidenciamos que a canção de protesto retratou elementos dos contextos econômico, político e social, e propiciou a difusão de hábitos e ideologias alimentares saudáveis ou não saudáveis, contribuindo para a construção da identidade alimentar brasileira.

The article reflects on how the themes of hunger, consumption of soft drinks and consumption of beans and rice are addressed in Brazilian popular music. We investigate the years of military dictatorship (1964-1985). The focus of the analysis is on the so-called protest song, a musical genre characterized by aesthetic, cultural, political, ideological and social criticism to military rule. The study of the ideology and philosophy of language of Mikhail Bakhtin is the theoretical reference; especially his concepts of “ideological sign” and “word.” Analysis reveals that the protest song portrayed elements of the economic, political and social contexts and led to the diffusion of healthy or unhealthy eating habits or ideologies, contributing to the construction of the Brazilian dietary identity.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Carbonated Beverages/history , Diet/history , Dissent and Disputes/history , Food/history , Music/history , Brazil , Hunger , Political Systems/history
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);20(8): 2371-2380, ago. 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-753249


Resumo O crescente consumo de bebidas açucaradas como os refrigerantes ou sucos artificiais está associado à prevalência de obesidade no Brasil e no mundo. Este estudo se propõe a conhecer a frequência de consumo destas bebidas entre crianças brasileiras de 24 a 59 meses e investigar associações com variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas e nutricionais. Utilizando dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Criança e da Mulher − 2006, o padrão alimentar foi obtido com o questionário de frequência de alimentos e bebidas nos sete dias anteriores à data da entrevista e a antropometria usou medidas de peso e de estatura das crianças. Entre os pré-escolares, 37,3% consumiram refrigerantes e sucos artificiais 4 dias ou mais por semana. Os fatores que apresentaram associação estatisticamente significante com consumo frequente de BA foram residir em regiões de maior desenvolvimento econômico do país, em áreas urbanas, pertencer ao estrato de maior poder aquisitivo, mães que assistiam TV regularmente e excesso de peso da criança, estavam associados ao consumo de refrigerantes e sucos artificiais em 4 ou mais dias por semana. Novos estudos são necessários para a compreensão da real contribuição das bebidas açucaradas na epidemia de obesidade infantil.

Abstract The rising consumption of sweetened beverages such as soft drinks or artificial juices is associated with the prevalence of obesity in Brazil and around the world. This study seeks to verify the frequency of consumption of these beverages among Brazilian children aged 24-59 months and to investigate the association of soft drinks with demographic, socioeconomic and nutritional variables. Using data from the National Survey on Demography and Health of Women and Children − 2006, the eating habits were obtained using the food and drink frequency questionnaire for the seven days preceding the interview, and anthropometry recorded the weight and height of children. Among preschoolers, 37.3% consumed soft drinks and artificial juices 4 or more days per week. The factors significantly associated with frequent consumption of soft drinks were living in regions of higher economic development of the country, in urban areas, belonging to the higher income bracket, with mothers watching TV regularly and excess weight of the child, were associated with consumption of soft drinks and artificial juices 4 or more days per week. Further studies are needed to understand the effective contribution of soft drinks on the epidemic of childhood obesity.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Carbonated Beverages , Nutrition Surveys , Food Preferences , Beverages , Brazil , Obesity/epidemiology
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 30(6): 1952-1958, nov./dec. 2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-948733


This study aimed to investigate alterations in physical properties of orthodontic elastomeric chains when in contact with different controls and acidic beverages. Elastomeric chains were divided into 6 groups (n=18) of elastic chain segments, distributed as follows: Group CW (Deionized water) Group CS (Artificial saliva), Group CC (Coca-Cola®) Group SP (Sprite®) Group GA (Guaraná Antártica®) and Group FA(Fanta®). Elastics were stretched in 50% of the initial length and were held for initial, 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 day time intervals. Force magnitudes were measured at 23.5 mm of activation using a digital meter. Force decay were assessed using analysis of variance(ANOVA) and Tukey's test(p<.05). Control Group CS saliva demonstrated the highest elastic decay values, with statistical difference between time of 24h with time intervals of 14, 21 and 28 days (p<.05). In comparison between groups, there was statistical difference between Group CS and Groups CW and FA in all experimental time-intervals, with group CC in time-intervals 7, 14, 21 and 28 days and with Group GA in time-intervals 7, 14 and 21 days (p<.05). In decreasing order: Coca-cola®, Fanta®, Guarana Antartica® and Sprite® demonstrated capacity to influence elastomeric chain decay, however with less influence than the saliva medium.

Este estudo objetivou investigar as alterações das propriedades físicas de cadeias elastoméricas ortodônticas quando em contato com diferentes controles e bebidas ácidas. Cadeias elastoméricas foram divididas em 6 grupos (n=18) de segmentos de elásticos em cadeia, assim distribuídos: Grupo CW (água deionizada), Grupo CS (saliva artificial), Grupo CC (Coca-Cola®), Grupo SP (Sprite®), Grupo GA (Guaraná Antártica®) e Grupo FA (Fanta®). Os elásticos foram esticados em 50 % do comprimento inicial e mantidos pelos intervalos de tempo inicial, 1, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias. Magnitudes de força foram medidos em 23.5 mm de ativação usando um medidor digital. Degradação da Força foi avaliada através da análise de variância (ANOVA) e teste de Tukey (p<.05). Grupo Controle CS saliva demonstrou os maiores valores de degradação elástica, com diferença estatística entre o tempo de 24 h com intervalos de tempo de 14, 21 e 28 dias (p<.05). Na comparação entre os grupos, houve diferença estatística entre o Grupo CS e os Grupos CW e FA em todos os intervalos de tempos experimentais, com grupo CC nos intervalos de tempo de 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias e com o Grupo GA nos intervalos de tempo de 7, 14 e 21 dias (p<.05). Em ordem decrescente: Coca-cola®, Fanta®, Guaraná Antartica® e Sprite® demonstraram capacidade de influenciar a degradação da cadeia elastomérica, porém com menos influência do que o meio de saliva.

Orthodontic Appliances , Carbonated Beverages
J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;22(5): 434-441, Sep-Oct/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-729855


Objective: This study aimed to assess the impact of in vitro erosion provoked by different cola-based drinks (Coke types), associated or not with toothbrushing, to bonding to enamel. Material and methods: Forty-six bovine enamel specimens were prepared and randomly assigned into seven groups (N=8): C- Control (neither eroded nor abraded), ERO-RC: 3x/1-minute immersion in Regular Coke (RC), ERO-LC: 3x/1-minute immersion in Light Coke (LC), ERO-ZC: 3x/1-minute immersion in Zero Coke (ZC) and three other eroded groups, subsequently abraded for 1-minute toothbrushing (EROAB-RC, EROAB-LC and EROAB-ZC, respectively). After challenges, they were stored overnight in artificial saliva for a total of 24 hours and restored with Adper Single Bond 2/Filtek Z350. Buildup coronal surfaces were cut in 1 mm2 -specimens and subjected to a microtensile test. Data were statistically analyzed by two-way ANOVA/Bonferroni tests (α=0.05). Failure modes were assessed by optical microscopy (X40). The Interface of the restorations were observed using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM). Results: All tested cola-based drinks significantly reduced the bond strength, which was also observed in the analyses of interfaces. Toothbrushing did not have any impact on the bond strength. CLSM showed that except for Zero Coke, all eroded specimens resulted in irregular hybrid layer formation. Conclusions: All cola-based drinks reduced the bond strength. Different patterns of hybrid layers were obtained revealing their impact, except for ZC. .

Animals , Cattle , Carbonated Beverages , Dental Bonding/methods , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Tooth Erosion , Toothbrushing , Analysis of Variance , Composite Resins/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , Dental Restoration Failure , Immersion , Microscopy, Confocal , Random Allocation , Saliva, Artificial/chemistry , Surface Properties/drug effects , Tensile Strength , Time Factors , Tooth Abrasion