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Rev. ADM ; 78(4): 229-234, jul.-ago. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1293367


La caries de la infancia temprana, al igual que otras formas de caries, se caracteriza por ser multifactorial, infecciosa y de rápida evolución. Puede presentarse como lesiones cavitadas o no cavitadas, se diagnostica principalmente en menores de seis años en la superficies de los dientes anterosuperiores, debido a que son los primeros órganos dentales en erupcionar y tienen mayor contacto con el estímulo cariogénico. En casos severos pueden llegar a ocasionar la pérdida de órganos dentales, influyendo en la salud general del paciente y repercutiendo en su autoestima y desarrollo psicosocial. Para devolver las características y funciones perdidas en ausencia de algún órgano dental, se recurre a sustituirlo mediante aparatología, mayormente en forma de un mantenedor de espacio funcional. Las necesidades estéticas individuales de cada caso generan diversas alternativas para adaptarnos a la situación del paciente (AU))

Early childhood caries, like other forms of caries, is characterized by being multifactorial, infectious, and rapidly evolving. It can present as cavitated or uncavitated lesions, it is mainly diagnosed in children under six years of age on the surfaces of the anterior superior teeth, because they are the first dental organs to erupt and have greater contact with the cariogenic stimulus. In severe cases they can cause the loss of dental organs, influencing the general health of the patient and impacting on their self-esteem and psychosocial development. In order to restore the lost features and functions in the absence of any dental organ, it is resorted to by means of appliances, mostly in the form of a functional space maintainer. The individual aesthetic needs of each case generate various alternatives to adapt to the patient's situation (AU)

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Space Maintenance, Orthodontic/methods , Zirconium , Crowns , Dental Caries/therapy , Tooth, Deciduous/injuries , Mexico
Braz. dent. sci ; 22(3): 321-328, 2019. ilus, tab
Article in English | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1008481


Objective: To investigate the prevalence of the early unitary loss of deciduous and the need for space maintainer in the posterior region, of the band-loop type. Material and Methods: The clinical examination by two examiners of 568 children between 6 and 12 years of age in mixed dentition was performed in two municipal schools. After the diagnosis of premature loss of one or two deciduous molars (unilateral, one or both arches, respectively), without successors initiating the eruptive process in the oral cavity, the child was referred to the Clinical School of Dentistry (CSD) of State University of Piauí (UESPI) for installation of the band-handle space maintainer. Results: The prevalence of early deciduos molar loss was 4.04%, from 568 children examined, being 15 in the lower arch and 8 in the upper arch of 23 children, mean age of 10 ± 2 years with predominance of the first deciduos molars (10 in the lower arch and all 8 in the upper arch). The etiological factor of which was dental caries for all sample, according to the parents or guardians. Only 13 attended the CSD for detailed examination. After radiographic examination, it was verified that 8 did not need space maintainers because they were approximately 2/3 of the permanent successors root formation. In 5 children was placed the maintainer of space, band-handle, who are being supervised every 3 months until the eruption of the permanent successors. Conclusion: The prevalence of early molar loss was 4.04% with no statistical difference between genders. The use of space maintainers after the early loss of a deciduous tooth is a preventive measure of malocclusion, being the band-loop appliance an excellent choice after loss of the deciduous unilateral molar.(AU)

Objetivo: Investigar a prevalência a perda precoce unitária de decíduo e a necessidade de mantenedor de espaço na região posterior do tipo banda-alça. Material e Métodos: O exame clínico realizado por dois examinadores de 568 crianças de 6 a 12 anos de idade na dentição mista foi realizado em duas escolas municipais. Após o diagnóstico de perda precoce de um ou dois molares decíduos (unilateral, de uma ou ambas arcadas, respectivamente), sem que os sucessores tivessem iniciando o processo eruptivo na cavidade bucal, a criança foi encaminhada à Clínica Escola de odontologia (CEO) da Universidade Estadual do Piauí (UESPI) para instalação do mantenedor de espaço banda-alça. Resultados: A prevalência da perda precoce de molar decíduo foi de 4.04%, de 568 crianças examinadas, sendo 15 na arcada inferior e 8 na arcada superior de 23 crianças, com idade média de 10 ± 2 anos com predomínio dos primeiros molares decíduos (10 no arco inferior e todos os 8 no arco superior). O fator etiológico foi cárie dentária para toda a amostra, segundo os pais ou responsáveis.Somente 13 compareceram à CEO para exame detalhado. Após exame radiográfico constatou-se que 8 não precisavam de mantenedores de espaço pois estavam aproximadamente com 2/3 de formação radicular dos sucessores permanentes. Em 5 crianças colocou-se o mantenedor de espaço, bandaalça, que estão sendo supervisionadas a cada 3 meses até a erupção dos sucessores permanentes. Conclusão: A prevalência da perda precoce de molar decíduo foi de 4.04% sem diferença estatística entre os gêneros. O uso de mantedores de espaço após a perda precoce de dente decíduo é uma medida preventiva da má oclusão, sendo a banda-alça excelente opção após a perda do molar decíduo unilateral(AU)

Humans , Child , Orthodontics, Preventive , Space Maintenance, Orthodontic , Dentition, Mixed
Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract ; 10(37): 82-86, 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-837161


A perda precoce ocorre quando um dente temporário é perdido antes do sucessor permanente ter iniciado a sua erupção. A literatura mostra que a perda prematura apresenta prevalência superior a 20%, não distinguindo gênero ou lado e arco. Cárie e trauma são as principais causas. As principais consequências são as migrações dos dentes adjacentes para o espaço originado, levando à diminuição do comprimento da arcada dentária. A perda precoce necessita de reabilitação estética e funcional até que ocorra a erupção dos dentes sucessores permanentes. Para essa reabilitação, opta-se pela confecção de aparelhos recuperadores de espaços, podendo ser fixos ou removíveis. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o caso de um pa-ciente de 10 anos, gênero masculino, com perda precoce do segundo molar decíduo superior direito, com os dentes adjacentes ao espaço apresentando migração dentária, originando falta de espaço para erupção do segundo pré-molar superior direito, comprometendo o correto desenvolvimento da dentição. Para resolução do problema, foi utilizado o aparelho do tipo banda mola para recuperação do espaço perdido. Após 3 meses de utilização do aparelho, o espaço foi recuperado e ocorreu a erupção precoce do segundo pré-molar superior direito. O prognóstico do caso foi favorável, restabelecendo o correto desenvolvimento da dentição, com um procedimento relativamente simples, graças ao diagnóstico precoce (AU)

The premature loss occurs when a temporary tooth is lost before permanent successor has commenced its eruption. The literature shows that the premature loss presents prevalence greater than 20%, not distinguishing gender or side and bow. It has been the main causes: caries and trauma. The main consequences are migration of adjacent teeth to the originated space, leading to decrease the length of the dental arch. The early loss requires aesthetic and functional rehabilitation until there is the eruption of permanent teeth successors to such rehabilitation this be done by making space recovery device, these can be fixed or removable. The objective of this study is to report the case of a 10-year-old patient, male, with early loss of the second deciduous molar upper right, with the teeth adjacent to the space showing tooth migration, resulting in lack of space for eruption of the second bicuspid upper right, compromising the correct development of the dentition. To solve the problem, we used the spring band type apparatus for recovering the lost space. After 3 months of using the appliance, the space was recovered and occurred early eruption of element 2 bicuspid upper right. The outcome of the case was favorable, reestablishing the correct development of the dentition, with a relatively simple procedure thanks to early diagnosis.(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Dentition, Mixed , Orthodontics, Interceptive , Orthodontics, Preventive , Space Maintenance, Orthodontic
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-771683


Introducción: La pérdida prematura de incisivos primarios puede producir alteraciones estéticas, funcionales y psicológicas. La rehabilitación protésica permite reemplazar los dientes faltantes y evitar las secuelas que ello puede acarrear. Objetivo Describir la técnica y evolución clínica de una prótesis fija anterior tipo Denari durante 12 meses de seguimiento. Descripción del caso Paciente de sexo femenino de 3 años de edad que acude en busca de atención profesional posterior a la avulsión de los incisivos centrales superiores. Con la finalidad de devolver la estética del sector anterosuperior, recuperar la función oral e interferir con el hábito de interposición lingual se decidió realizar una terapia basada en prótesis parcial fija tipo Denari. Durante el año de seguimiento la prótesis fue muy bien tolerada por la paciente y sin alteración de los tejidos blandos adyacentes, destacando un aumento en el espacio interincisal, lo que demuestra el crecimiento transversal. Conclusión La prótesis dental en niños es una tarea exigente, marcada por la necesidad de adaptación a los cambios continuos que conllevan los procesos de crecimiento y maduración de complejo maxilofacial. En este contexto es que la prótesis tipo Denari con sistema tubo-barra es una excelente y estética alternativa en pacientes de corta edad en donde la prótesis va a permanecer en la boca por un largo período de tiempo, sin interferir en el crecimiento, desarrollo y función del sistema estomatognático.

Introduction: Premature loss of primary incisors may result in aesthetic, functional and psychologic problems. Prosthetic restoration allows replacing missing teeth, avoiding the unwanted consequences that their absence may carry. Objective The aim of this clinical case is to describe the technique and clinical evolution of a Denari fixed anterior prosthesis over 12 months of follow-up. Case description 3 year-old female patient sought professional attention after the avulsion of the upper central incisors. In order to restore the natural appearance of the anterior superior area, recover oral function and intervene in the habit of tongue interposition, the treatment decided upon was a partially fixed Denari prosthesis. During the follow-up year the prosthesis was very well tolerated by the patient and without altering any adjacent soft tissues. We highlight an increase in the interincisal space, which demonstrates transversal growth. Conclusion A dental prosthesis in a child is a demanding task marked by the need to adapt to the continuous changes brought about by maxillofacial growth and maturation. It is in this context that the Denari prosthesis with its tube-bar system is an excellent and esthetic alternative in young patients where the prosthesis is going to remain in place for a prolonged period without interfering in the growth, development and function of the stomatognatic system.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Tooth Avulsion/therapy , Denture, Partial, Fixed , Space Maintenance, Orthodontic/instrumentation , Tooth, Deciduous , Clinical Evolution , Pediatric Dentistry , Treatment Outcome
Arch. oral res. (Impr.) ; 9(1): 85-90, Jan.-Apr. 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-754508


Apesar do curto período no qual os dentes decíduos permanecem na cavidade bucal, possuem um papel fundamental no crescimento e desenvolvimento da criança. A perda prematura dos dentes decíduos pode ocasionar vários problemas funcionais, psicológicos e sociais. Objetivo: O presente artigo relata um caso de perda precoce de incisivo central decíduo devido a um trauma. A criança possuía o hábito de colocar e pressionar a língua no espaço correspondente ao dente perdido. Foi proposta a manutenção do espaço com o auxílio de uma prótese fixa adesiva. Conclusão: A prótese fixa adesiva constitui uma solução prática para os casos de perda precoce de dentes anteriores decíduos, pois é de fácil execução, conservadora e preenche os requisitos funcionais e estéticos da criança...

Despite the short period that the deciduous teeth remain in the mouth, they have an important role in the growth and development of the child. The premature loss of deciduous teeth can cause several functional, psychological and social problems. Objective: This article reports a case of early loss of deciduous central incisor due to trauma. The child had a habit of pressing his tongue against the space corresponding to the missing tooth. It was proposed to maintain the space using a fixed adhesive prosthesis. Conclusion: The fixed adhesive prosthesis is a practical solution in cases of early loss of primary teeth since it is easy to perform, conservative and meets the functional and aesthetic requirements of the child...

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Denture, Partial, Fixed, Resin-Bonded , Dental Restoration, Temporary/methods , Tooth, Deciduous , Tooth Loss , Treatment Outcome
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-174407


Loss of anterior teeth is a psychological trauma both for parent as well as children. Children presenting with lost anterior teeth along with thumb sucking habit require not only attention for aesthetics, function and space maintenance but also an appliance for habit breaking. Depending on many clinical and economic factors, a course of treatment is decided by the dentist in consultation with parent and child. A new technique is presented in which a child with anterior teeth missing and concomitant ‘‘thumb sucking’’ habit was given a fixed functional space maintainer' with incorporated palatal crib.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-178420


Ribbond is a biocompatible, esthetic material made from a highstrength polyethylene fiber. Lenowoven polyethylene ribbon (Ribbond) has been used successfully for tooth splinting, replacement of missing teeth, reinforcement of provisional acrylic resin fixed partial dentures, and orthodontic retention. This paper presents the application of this polyethylene ribbon - RIBBOND as an esthetic space maintainer in pedodontic practice. We suggest that this combined technique of polyethylene fibers and composite material could be very efficient alternative procedure to conventional unesthetic space maintainers in pedodontic practice with excellent esthetics and functional results.

Braz. dent. j ; 22(4): 329-333, 2011. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-595665


After exfoliation of the primary incisors and eruption of the permanent incisors, the dentist has the opportunity of observing closely the beginning of occlusal changes. In several cases, alterations, such as lower anterior crowding, can be prevented and treated with proper follow-up. In the mixed dentition, one of the mechanisms for maintaining space and favoring dental alignment is to preserve leeway space before permanent second molar irruption. Among the devices with this function, the Nance lingual arch helps maintaining the position of the permanent mandibular molars and incisors after a premature loss of the primary canines. This paper describes the applicability of Nance lingual arch for preserving leeway space, thus contributing for correction of lower anterior crowding.

Após a esfoliação dos incisivos decíduos e a irrupção dos incisivos permanentes, o dentista tem a oportunidade de observar o início das alterações na oclusão. Em muitos casos, realizando o correto acompanhamento, pode-se prevenir e tratar possíveis más oclusões como o apinhamento anteroinferior. Na dentadura mista, um dos mecanismos para manter espaço e favorecer o alinhamento dentário consiste na preservação do espaço disponível de Nance (leeway space), antes da irrupção do segundo molar permanente. Dentre os dispositivos utilizados para esta finalidade, o arco lingual de Nance auxilia a manutenção do posicionamento dos molares permanentes e incisivos inferiores, quando da perda prematura dos caninos decíduos. Este trabalho objetiva descrever a aplicabilidade do arco lingual de Nance para a preservação do leeway space, o que contribuiu para a correção do apinhamento anteroinferior.

Child , Humans , Male , Malocclusion/therapy , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Space Maintenance, Orthodontic/instrumentation , Cuspid/pathology , Dentition, Mixed , Follow-Up Studies , Incisor/anatomy & histology , Molar/anatomy & histology , Orthodontics, Interceptive/instrumentation , Treatment Outcome , Tooth Exfoliation/complications
Rev. dent. press ortodon. ortopedi. facial ; 14(4): 101-110, jul.-ago. 2009. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-520200


OBJETIVO: verificar a influência do mantenedor de espaço funcional (MEF) na força muscular em crianças com perda prematura de molares decíduos na fase inicial da dentadura mista (5,5 a 6,5 anos de idade) com oclusão normal, considerando-se o padrão facial. MÉTODOS: a amostra foi constituída por dois grupos: Grupo MEF (n = 15), com perda precoce de pelo menos um molar decíduo; e Grupo Controle (n = 16). Determinou-se a força de mordida máxima (FM) com um tubo transmissor pressurizado, conectado a um circuito eletrônico analógico/digital antes (t0), um mês (t1) e 6 meses (t6) após a instalação do mantenedor. O padrão facial foi determinado pelo índice de Jarabak (FHR). Os dados foram analisados pela estatística descritiva, análise de variância para medidas repetidas, teste t e correlação de Pearson. RESULTADOS:a FM foi significativamente menor em t0 e t1 para o Grupo MEF em relação ao Controle. Em t6 não houve diferença. Os dois grupos apresentaram a FM significativamente maior em t6, em relação a t0, mas o percentual de variação para o Grupo MEF foi significativamente maior. Os valores de FHR não se correlacionaram com a FM, não ocorrendo diferença entre os tipos faciais intragrupos. Os dolicofaciais do Grupo MEF apresentaram a FM significativamente menor que os do Grupo Controle, em t0 e t1, mas não em t6. CONCLUSÃO: o maior aumento na FM para o Grupo MEF após 6 meses foi favorecido pelo maior número de contatos oclusais, devido aos dentes artificiais, melhorando a função e recuperando a força muscular.

AIM: To verify the influence of a functional space maintainer (FSM) in muscle strength in children with premature loss of primary molars in early mixed dentition (5.5-6.5 years old) with normal occlusion, considering the facial pattern. METHODS: The sample was distributed in: FSM Group (n = 15), with premature loss of at least one primary molar and a Control Group (n = 16). It was determined the maximal bite force (BF) with a pressurized transmitter tube, connected to a analogic/digital electronic circuit, before (t0), 1 month (t1) and 6 months (t6) after the maintainer installation. The facial pattern was determined by the Jarabak's index (FHR). Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, variance analysis with repeated measures, t test and Pearson's correlation. RESULTS: The BF was significantly lower in t0 and t6 for FSM Group than Control Group. There was no difference in t6. Both groups presented significantly higher BF at t6 in relation to t0, but the percentage of variation was higher for FSM Group. FHR values did not correlated with the BF, and there was no difference among facial pattern intragroups. The dolichofacial children in FSM Group had values significantly lower than their matched controls in t0 and t1, but not in t6. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the higher increase in the FM values for SFM Group after 6 month was due to the number of occlusal contacts allowed by the artificial teeth, improving the function and catching up the muscle strength.

Humans , Child , Bite Force , Space Maintenance, Orthodontic , Orthodontics , Dentition, Mixed , Face , Stomatognathic System
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-629


Background: The inclinations and movements of teeth after premature loss of second primary molar cause narrowing in the space of second permanent premolar. Objectives: (1) To evaluate the degree of space loss after premature loss of second primary molar due to teeth inclinations and movements. (2) To assess the effectiveness of the fixed space maintainer and fixed space regained. Subjects and method: This was a prospective trial study. Records of patients were analyzed to evaluate degree of the space loss due to teeth inclinations and movements, fixed space maintainer was used for cases have adequate space and fixed space regain for cases do not have. Results:Loss of space was 6.42% \xb1 0.62 mm and 3.78 \xb1 0.71 mm when second primary molar was extracted before and after first permanent molar erupt, respectively. In maintaining space, 92.9% of excellent results, 7.1% of good and 0% of failure. In regaining space, 88% of excellent results, 8% of good and 4% of failure. Conclusion: After premature loss of second primary molar, adjacent teeth incline and move resulting in loss of space, the degree of space loss depended on timing of tooth extraction. The study shows the effectiveness of fixed space maintainer and fixed space regain in maintaining and regaining spaces.
