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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198659


Introduction: Feedback is considered as a potential instrument for revamping the system of education, and playsa major role in learning. It is the specific information about the comparison between a students’ observedperformance and a standard, given with the intent to improve the students’ performance. Thus it is intended toimprove skills or change behaviour, rather than being an estimate of the students’ worth.Materials and Methods: This observational study was performed on 150 first-year medical students in theDepartment of Anatomy. Three sets of questionnaires were developed. First set of questionnaire included questionsto assess the students’ perception about the importance and need for feedback in the learning process, secondset contained questions about the contents of feedback and third set had questions about the process of feedback.The data were compiled and analyzed.Results: In General, 48.66% of students indicated receiving some sort of feedback, 28% not receiving feedbackand 23.33% could not decide whether they had received any kind of feedback. 82.66% students indicated thatfeedback was important for their learning and 86.66% expressed their need for regular feedback. Majority of thestudents expressed their interest in receiving feedback after their formative and summative assessments. 92.66%agreed with the statement that feedback is more effective when negative information is sandwiched betweenpositive information. 85.33% and 76.66% preferred receiving one-to-one and interactive feedback respectively.Conclusion: Feedback simplifies the improvement process of self-assessment in learning, provides theopportunities to exercise regulating students’ own learning standards.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 7(1): 2606-2617, abr. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-949456


Abstract: Mathematics competencies are critical in the development of the individual. There are several variables that can predict poor performance in this competition. These variables may be related to self-learner and teacher who instructs. Objective: Analyse the risk of poor performance depending on several variables: attending early childhood education, learning strategies and strategies used by the teacher uses. Method: No experimental or ex post facto. Data: We used the database PISA 2012 for Spain provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. The generated data sample consists of 25,313 young Spaniards of both sexes, aged 15 years, belonging to 902 schools that are distributed throughout the national territory of Spain. Dependent or endogenous variable: Performance in mathematics. Independent or exogenous variables: Different variables were considered: attendance and duration of Early Childhood Education, student learning strategies and teaching strategies. Analysis of data: Binary logistic regression. Results: It shows that the factor that has greater predictive capability of risk of underperformance is attending Early Childhood Education [β = −.595; ρ < .001]. It is the variable that has more predictive capability of risk of all analysed. Discussion: There are variables that increase the risk and others that reduce this risk. It is possible to prevent low performance in Mathematics competencies, for example, we need to pursue a teaching of quality Early Childhood Education knowing their long-term benefits and not only ensure access to it for all children.

Resumen: Las competencias matemáticas son críticas en el desarrollo del individuo. Existen diversas variables que pueden predecir el bajo rendimiento en este tipo de competencias. Dichas variables pueden estar relacionadas con el auto-aprendiz o con el maestro que imparte instrucción. Objetivo: Analizar el riesgo de rendimiento bajo según diferentes variables: educación formal desde edad temprana, estrategias de aprendizaje y estrategias que utiliza el maestro. Método: No experimental o ex post facto. Datos: Se utilizó la base de datos PISA 2012 para España, otorgada por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. La muestra de datos generada consiste en 25313 jóvenes españoles de ambos sexos, de 15 años, pertenecientes a las 902 escuelas distribuidas a lo largo del territorio nacional de España. Variable dependiente: Rendimiento en matemáticas. Variable independiente: Diferentes variables fueron consideradas: asistencia y duración de la educación en edades tempranas, estrategias de aprendizaje del estudiante y estrategias de enseñanza. Análisis de datos: Regresión binaria logística. Resultados: Estos indican que el factor con mayor capacidad predictiva de rendimiento bajo es la educación formal en edades tempranas (B=-.595; p<.001). Es la variable que tiene mayor capacidad predictiva de todas las que se analizaron. Discusión: Existen variables que aumentan el riesgo y otras que lo disminuyen. Es posible prevenir el bajo rendimiento en competencias asociadas a las matemáticas; por ejemplo, se necesita hacer énfasis en la enseñanza de calidad en la educación en edades tempranas sabiendo los beneficios de esto a largo plazo y no solo garantizar el acceso a esta para todos los niños.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166218


Background: Significance of Small Group Discussion as a teaching learning method is yet to be explored in teaching Biochemistry for medical students in India. Hence, this experimental pilot study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of small group discussion for first year MBBS students in learning Biochemistry. Materials and Methods: A voluntary group of 40 first year MBBS students were chosen randomly for the study comprising of both high achievers and low achievers. Study was conducted on a particular day for five consecutive weeks. In each session, small group discussion study pattern included a pretest followed by group discussion then by a post-test. Participants‘ feedback was obtained after completion of the study. Statistical comparisons were done on each PAIR (pre-test and post-test) of Mean scores obtained and Pearson‘s correlation co-efficient were calculated for each pair. Statistical significance was obtained at p<0.05. Results: Mean post-test scores were increased compared to mean pre-test scores in each PAIR and the increase was statistically significant. Significant positive correlations were observed between pretest scores and post-test scores in all PAIRS. Majority of the study group felt that small group discussion method will enhance their learning and memory. Conclusion: This pilot study emphasizes that small group teaching is an effective teaching learning method to develop the student‘s critical thinking and problem-solving skills. However, larger studies at several medical colleges for a longer duration have to be undertaken before arriving at a conclusion.