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Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 21(1): 127-136, 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341511


Abstract: In discussions about assisted dying (euthanasia, assisted suicide), those who argue 'against' legalisation often reason from a religious angle, whereas those 'in favour' adopt a secular stance. The Dutch experience is more nuanced: here, euthanasia advocacy largely originated from protestant religious believers. In this contribution, I criticise the use of religious arguments favouring any specific position. Religion may provide a heuristic context to explore norms relevant in the discussion, and religion may help us formulate our personal stance. But when it comes to societal debates (often focusing on whether or not to legalise euthanasia), we should concentrate on legal, societal, empirical, and ethical arguments that are understandable to all.

Resumen: en discusiones sobre la muerte asistida (eutanasia, suicidio asistido), aquellos que argumentan estar "en contra" de la legalización a menudo razonan desde un ángulo religioso, mientras que los que están "a favor" adoptan una postura secular. La experiencia holandesa es más matizada: aquí, la defensa de la eutanasia se originó en gran medida por creyentes religiosos protestantes. En esta contribución, critico el uso de argumentos religiosos que favorezcan cualquier posición específica. La religión puede proveer un contexto heurístico para explorar normas relevantes en la discusión, y la religión puede ayudarnos a formular nuestra postura personal. Pero cuando se trata de debates sociales (a menudo enfocados en la legalización o no de la eutanasia), debemos concentrarnos en argumentos jurídicos, sociales, empíricos y éticos que sean comprensibles para todos.

Resumo: Em discussões sobre a morte assistida (eutanásia, suicidio assistido), os que argumentam estar "contra" a legalização com frequência pensam a partir de um ângulo religioso, enquanto os que estão "a favor" adotam um posicionamento secular. A experiência holandesa é mais fusionada: aqui, a defesa da eutanásia foi originada em grande medida por crentes religiosos protestantes. Nesta contribuição, critico o uso de argumentos religiosos que favoreçam qualquer posicionamento específico. A religião pode promover um contexto heurístico para explorar normas relevantes na discussão, e a religiao pode ajudarnos a formular nosso posicionamento pessoal. Contudo, quando é tratado de debates sociais (às vezes focados na legalização ou não da eutanásia), devemos concentrar-nos em argumentos jurídicos, sociais, empíricos e éticos que sejam compreensíveis para todos.

Humans , Bioethics , Religion , Euthanasia , Netherlands
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam;53(4): 487-497, dic. 2019. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124026


Equivalence of results among laboratories is a major mission for medical laboratories. In the Netherlands, medical laboratories only use homogenous, commercial for general chemistry analytes, whereas in Argentina heterogenous, home brew test applications are common. The effect of this practice difference on test accuracy is studied using key features of the accuracy-based EQA program of the Netherlands. Six frozen, human-based, commutable poolsera, covering the (patho) physiological measuring range for 17 general chemistry analytes, were assayed by ~75 Argentinian labs and ~200 Dutch laboratories in 2014. After removal of outliers, harmonization status among laboratories was evaluated by calculating overall mean interlaboratory coefficients of variation (CVs, %) per analyte and per country for all 6 levels. Evenso, standardization status was evaluated after removal of outliers by calculating overall mean recoveries (%) as compared to the assigned target values per analyte per country for all 6 levels. Absolute median biases were compared to (minimal/desirable) biases derived from biological variation criteria. For serum enzymes interlaboratory CVs in the Argentinian laboratories ranged between 10 and 22%, as compared to 3-6% in the Netherlands. For serum uric acid, creatinine, glucose and total protein, interlaboratory CVs varied between 4.3 and 13.1% in Argentinian labs, as compared to <3.5% in the Netherlands. For serum electrolytes, interlaboratory CVs ranged between 1.8 and 3.8% for Na+; 2.9-5.8% for Cl-; 3.8-7.5% for K+; 9.4-10.4% for Ca2+ and 16.2-22.3% for Mg2+ as compared to ≤2% (Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+) and ≤3% (Mg2+) in the Netherlands. Mean recoveries in Argentinian laboratories for e.g. serum creatinine, glucose, CK, Ca2+ and Na+ were 95-119%; 95-104%; 98-102%; 98-102% and 96-100% respectively, whereas min-max recovery ranges were 65-155%; 58-126%; 47-132%; 66-132% and 85-115%. In the Netherlands, absolute mean recoveries were overall 98.9% with a SD of 2.0%. Median biases in Argentinian laboratories ranged from -2.9 to 18.2%; -3.1 - 2.6%; -3.3 - 0.5%; -1.1 - 3.8% and -4.3-0% for serum creatinine, glucose, CK, Ca2+ and Na+. In the Netherlands overall mean/median biases were 1.1% (SD=2.0%). Exchange of commutable, value- assigned EQA-materials was helpful for studying the harmonization and standardization status of medical tests in Argentina, and for revealing the future harmonization and standardization potential. The results clearly demonstrate that metrological traceability of test results in Argentina is on average in line with what is expected; yet, the spreading among laboratories is far too high and should be improved.

La equivalencia de resultados entre laboratorios es una mision importante para los laboratorios medicos. En los Paises Bajos, los laboratorios medicos solo usan aplicaciones comerciales homogeneas, regulatoriamente aprobadas (CE-IVD) para analitos quimicos, mientras que en la Argentina son comunes las aplicaciones heterogeneas caseras. El efecto de esta diferencia practica en la precision de la prueba se estudia utilizando caracteristicas clave del programa EQA, basado en la precision, de los Paises Bajos. Se ensayaron seis pools de sueros, congelados, de origen humano, conmutables, que cubrian el rango de medidas (pato)fisiologicas para 17 analitos de quimica clinica. Estos analitos de quimica clinica fueron analizados por ~75 laboratorios argentinos y ~200 laboratorios holandeses en 2014. Despues de eliminar los valores atipicos, el estado de armonizacion entre los laboratorios fue evaluado calculando los coeficientes de variacion interlaboratorios medios globales (CV%) por analito y por pais para los 6 niveles. No obstante, el estado de estandarizacion se evaluo despues de la eliminacion de valores atipicos mediante el calculo de recuperaciones medias generales (%) en comparacion con los valores asignados por analito por pais para los 6 niveles. Los sesgos medios absolutos se compararon con los sesgos (minimos / deseables) derivados de los criterios de variacion biologica. Para enzimas sericas los CV interlaboratorio en los laboratorios argentinos oscilaron entre 10 y 22%, en comparacion con 3-6% en los Paises Bajos. Para el acido urico serico, creatinina, glucosa y proteinas totales, los CV entre laboratorios variaron entre 4,3 y 13,1% en los laboratorios argentinos, en comparacion con <3,5% en los Paises Bajos. Para los electrolitos sericos, los CV interlaboratorios oscilaron entre 1,8 y 3,8% para Na+; 2,9-5,8% para Cl-; 3,8-7,5% para K+; 9,4-10,4% para Ca2+ y 16,2-22,3% para Mg2+ en comparacion a ≤2% (Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+) y ≤3% (Mg2+) en los Paises Bajos. Las recuperaciones medias en laboratorios argentinos para, p.ej. la creatinina serica, glucosa, CK, Ca2+ y Na+ fueron 95-119%; 95-104%; 98-102%; 98-102% y 96-100% respectivamente, mientras que los rangos de recuperacion min-max fueron 65-155%; 58-126%; 47-132%; 66-132% y 85-115%. En los Paises Bajos, las recuperaciones medias absolutas fueron en general del 98,9% con una desviacion estandar (DE) del 2,0%. La mediana de los sesgos medios de los laboratorios argentinos oscilo entre -2,9 y 18,2%; -3,1 - 2,6%; -3,3 - 0,5%; -1,1 - 3,8% y -4,3-0% para creatinina serica, glucosa, CK, Ca2+ y Na+. En los Paises Bajos, las medias / medianas en general fueron de 1,1% (DE=2,0%). El intercambio de los valores asignados a los materiales EQA, conmutables fue de gran ayuda para la armonizacion y estandarizacion de los ensayos medicos en la Argentina y para revelar el potencial futuro de armonizacion y estandarizacion. Estos resultados claramente demuestran que la trazabilidad metrologica de los resultados de las pruebas en la Argentina esta, en promedio, de acuerdo con lo esperable; sin embargo, la dispersion entre laboratorios es muy grande y deberia ser mejorada.

A equivalencia de resultados entre laboratorios e uma missao importante para os laboratorios medicos. Nos Paises Baixos, os laboratorios medicos so utilizam aplicacoes comerciais homogeneas, aprovadas por regulacoes (CE-IVD) para analitos quimicos, ao passo que na Argentina sao comuns as aplicacoes heterogeneas caseiras. O efeito desta diferenca pratica na exatidao do teste e estudado utilizando caracteristicas essenciais do programa EQA, dos Paises Baixos, baseado na exatidao. Foram ensaiados seis pools de soros, congelados, de origem humana, comutaveis, que abrangiam a faixa de medidas (pato)fisiologicas para 17 analitos quimicos gerais. Esses analitos quimicos foram analisados por ~75 laboratorios argentinos e ~200 laboratorios holandeses em 2014. Apos eliminar os valores atipicos, o estado de harmonizacao entre os laboratorios foi avaliado atraves do calculo dos coeficientes de variacao interlaboratorio meios globais (CV%) por analito e por pais para os 6 niveis. Nao obstante, o estado de padronizacao foi avaliado depois da eliminacao de valores atipicos pelo calculo de recuperacoes medias gerais (%) se comparados com os valores atribuidos por analito por pais para os 6 niveis. Os vieses medios absolutos foram comparados com os vieses (minimos / desejaveis) decorrentes dos criterios de variacao biologica. Para enzimas sericas, os CV interlaboratorio nos laboratorios argentinos oscilaram entre 10 e 22%, em comparacao com 3-6% nos Paises Baixos. Para o acido urico serico, creatinina, glicose e proteinas totais, os CV entre laboratorios variaram entre 4,3 e 13,1% nos laboratorios argentinos, em comparacao com <3,5% nos Paises Baixos para os eletrolitos sericos, os CV interlaboratorios oscilaram entre 1,8 e 3,8% para Na+; 2,9-5,8% para Cl-; 3,8-7,5% para K+; 9,4-10,4% para Ca2+ e 16,2-22,3% para Mg2+ em comparacao com ≤2% (Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+) e ≤3% (Mg2+) nos Paises Baixos. As recuperacoes medias em laboratorios argentinos para, p.ex. a creatinina serica, glicose, CK, Ca2+ e Na+ foram 95-119%; 95-104%; 98-102%; 98-102% e 96-100% respectivamente, enquanto que os intervalos de recuperacao min-max. foram 65-155%; 58-126%; 47-132%; 66-132% e 85-115%. Nos Paises Baixos, as recuperacoes medias absolutas foram em geral de 98,9% com um desvio padrao (DE) de 2,0%. A mediana dos vieses medios dos laboratorios argentinos oscilou entre -2,9 e 18,2%; -3,1 - 2,6%; -3,3 - 0,5%; -1,1 - 3,8% e -4,3-0% para creatinina serica, glicose, CK, Ca2+ e Na+. Nos Paises Baixos, as medias / medianas em geral foram de 1,1% (DE=2,0%). O intercambio dos valores atribuidos aos materiais EQA, comutaveis, foi de grande ajuda para a harmonizacao e padronizacao dos ensaios medicos na Argentina e para revelar o potencial futuro de harmonizacao e padronizacao. Esses resultados demonstram as claras que a rastreabilidade metrologica dos resultados dos testes na Argentina esta de acordo com o esperavel; a dispersao entre laboratorios ainda e muito grande e deveria ser melhorada.

Humans , Reference Standards , Clinical Chemistry Tests , Clinical Chemistry Tests/methods , Laboratories , Physicians , Uric Acid , Weights and Measures , Proteins , Bias , Chemistry, Clinical , Creatinine , State , Electrolytes , Enzymes , Methodology as a Subject , Glucose
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-733724


In response to the increasing burden of chronic diseases, many countries have launched the reform of the health system. Based on the Diagnoses Treatment Combination (DTC) and Healthy Kinzig-tal Gesundes Kinzigtal (GK), this paper elaborates on the experience of chronic diseases management during different populations in Germany and the Netherlands. Based on the scientific decision-making and system integration, the DTC builds a multidisciplinary team to achieve individualized and continuous integrated disease management. The GK model focuses on health promotion, extensively integrated social resources, to achieve the goal of reducing the incidence of chronic diseases and controlling the cost. This provides a useful reference for the building of Healthy China: integrating resources from the supply side and the demand side, strengthening the integration of the health service system, promoting citizen engagement and improving individual health literacy, so as to achieve universal health.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486951


By taking Vrije University Medical Center as an example, this paper introduced the cur-rent Neuroradiologist education training system which had the characteristics of training in a comprehen-sive and focused way, multi-disciplinary integration and paying attention to the combination of academic and clinical research. Through the comparison of the status quo of China's sub specialist training, Neuro-radiologist education training system in the Netherlands provided an important reference for China's sub specialty training.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164270


Background and Aim: The Dutch national food composition database (NEVO database) is used for all food and nutrition related work in the Netherlands. The database is managed at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. Recently the updated version of NEVO online 2013 was launched. NEVO online now contains food composition data on nearly 2200 foods and 130 nutrients, including individual fatty acids. The data can be searched both in English and Dutch. Background documents are also available in English. The NEVO online dataset can be downloaded directly from the website. Approach: NEVO online contains data on foods frequently consumed and contributing significantly to energy and nutrient intake in the Netherlands. All published values from NEVO come with a reference specifying the source of the value. After publication of the previous version of NEVO online (2011), the information in the database was completed and/or revised for a large number of foods. The changes and additions pertain in particular to the addition or removal of foods and to the update of nutrient data. NEVO online provides data on energy and macronutrients (protein, fat plus SFA, MUFA, PUFA, TFA and individual fatty acids, carbohydrates plus mono- di- and polysaccharides, dietary fibre, water, alcohol), minerals and trace elements (Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Cu, Se, Zn, I and ash), water soluble vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folate, dietary folate equivalents, folic acid and C) and fat soluble vitamins (RAE, RE, retinol, carotenoids, E, tocopherols, D, K total, K1 and K2). Results: Vitamin K content is new in 2013 and is now available for the food groups vegetables, fruit, legumes and dairy products. In the update special attention is paid to values for sodium and iodine. New analytical values for sodium became available for bread measured by the Dutch Bread association NBC (2012), cheese measured by the Dutch Dairy association NZO (between 2010 and 2012) and a broad range of other foods measured by the Dutch Food Safety Authority (2012). For milk new analytical values are included on macronutrients, fatty acids and minerals obtained through an extensive sampling protocol from Wageningen University (2007-2012). Special attention is also given to update the composition of gluten free food items and of margarine, low fat margarine and cooking fat. Additionally a large number of manufacturers provided new data on the composition of their foods, through the collaboration with the Dutch Nutrition Centre. Averaged foods are recalculated based on intake data from the most recent Dutch National Food Consumption survey 2007-2010. Access to NEVO Data: This publication links to the searchable NEVO online website as well as to the full report with background information on the procedures of data collection and compilation. The report includes details to identify the components in NEVO online and provides links to tables on the NEVO website (e.g. NEVO food group classification, recipes in NEVO, reference list). The complete report can be downloaded for free from _online_2013_background_information Full report is also available as ‘Supplementary File’. Additional Information: NEVO website: NEVO online searchable website: Downloading NEVO dataset: Request_dataset

Medical Education ; : 305-307, 2009.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-362696


1)In the Netherlands, only high school graduates are accepted to medical schools.2) Several medical schools divide their courses into a bachelor's course and a master's course, according to the Bologna process.

Salud pública Méx ; 32(2): 118-130, mar.-abr. 1990. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-95586


En este trabajo se describen los principales rasgos estructurales del sistema de salud de los Países Bajos, con un esbozo de la historia que lo ha ido conformando en los últimos años. Además se discuten, también con una perspectiva histórica, los lineamientos generales de la garantía de calidad de los servicios de salud en ese país

In this paper the main structural features of the dutch health system are described, together with a historical survey of its development in recent years. The basic elements of quality assurance in the country are also discussed.

Quality Assurance, Health Care , Caribbean Region , Health Services , Health Services , Netherlands , Delivery of Health Care/history , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration