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Liberabit ; 24(2): 277-294, jul.-dic. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012646


El Cuerpo de Bomberos es una fuerza de protección para la ciudadanía de un país que por su rol y función, reviste vital importancia para la comunidad. Este estudio indaga la relación entre la Motivación, conceptualizada como una variable orientadora de la conducta y los Valores relativos al Trabajo, considerados como guías en la vida laboral de los bomberos de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, correlacional y de diferencia de grupos, cuya muestra estuvo integrada por 130 bomberos (25 mujeres y 105 varones), de los cuales 67 eran económicamente remunerados y 63 eran voluntarios. La edad promedio fue de 32.32 años. Se administró la Escala de Motivación en el Trabajo (adaptación al idioma español de Gagné et al., 2012) y la Escala Revisada de Valores relativos al Trabajo de Porto y Pilati (2010, adaptación argentina de Moreno & Marcaccio, 2012). Se halló que los bomberos motivados extrínsecamente atribuyen de modo autónomo y deliberado significados a sus acciones basándose en valores de logro personal, en la propia autopercepción de competencia y, sobre todo, de utilidad social (i.e., Altruismo), por lo que su labor resulta acorde a sus expectativas de bienestar personal, y a la vez procura mejorar la vida de sus pares sociales.

The Fire Department is a protection force for the citizens of a country. Because of its role and function, it is of vital importance to the community. This study investigates the relationship between Motivation, conceptualized as a guiding variable of behavior, and Work Values, considered as guides in the career of firefighters of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (Argentina). A descriptive, correlational and group difference study was carried out with a sample of 130 firefighters (25 women and 105 men), of whom 67 were paid and 63 were volunteers. The average age was 32.32 years. The Work Motivation Scale (adapted to Spanish by Gagné et al., 2012) and the Revised Scale of Work Values by Porto and Pilati (2010, Argentine adaptation by Moreno and Marcaccio, 2012) were used. It was found that extrinsically-motivated firefighters confer, autonomously and deliberately, significance to their actions based on values such as personal achievement, self-perceived competence and, above all, social utility (i.e., Altruism). Consequently, their work complies with their expectations of personal wellbeing and, at the same time, is aimed at improving the life of their social peers.

Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 26(2): 449-460, maio-ago. 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-720922


O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar os valores atribuídos ao trabalho pelos membros de uma associação em processo de incubação. Com esse propósito, foram realizadas reuniões de grupo focal junto aos 17 associados. O material coletado foi submetido à análise de conteúdo estruturada com base nos fatores da Escala de Valores do Trabalho (Porto & Tamayo, 2003). Os resultados apontaram que as categorias identificadas se organizaram em uma hierarquia de importância na qual prevaleceram os valores de "Realização no Trabalho", seguidos daqueles de "Relações Sociais", "Estabilidade" e "Prestígio". Os achados revelaram-se úteis para orientar as ações desenvolvidas na continuidade do trabalho realizado junto ao grupo e sinalizam para a relevância de se atentar para os valores laborais priorizados pelos participantes em empreendimentos solidários no decorrer do processo de incubação. As limitações e contribuições do estudo são discutidas, com sugestões para pesquisas futuras.

El presente estudio buscó identificar los valores asignados al trabajo por los miembros de una asociación en el proceso de incubación. Se llevaron a cabo reuniones de grupos focales con 17 miembros. El material colectado fue sometido a análisis de contenido estructurado con base en los factores de la Escala de Valores del Trabajo (Porto y Tamayo, 2003). Los resultados mostraron que las categorías identificadas se organizan en una jerarquía de importancia en que han prevalecido los valores de "Realización en el Trabajo", seguidos por los de "Relaciones sociales", "Estabilidad" y "Prestigio". Los hallazgos demostraron su utilidad para guiar las acciones desarrolladas en la continuidad del trabajo realizado junto con el grupo y apuntan para la importancia de dirigir la atención a los valores de trabajo priorizados por los participantes durante el proceso de incubación. Se discuten las limitaciones y las contribuciones del estudio, con sugerencias para futuras investigaciones.

The aim of the study was to identify the work values among members of an association in process of incubation. For this purpose focus group meetings were conducted with the 17 associates. The collected material was submitted to the content analysis, which was structured based on the factors of the Work Values Scale (Porto & Tamayo, 2003). The results showed that the categories identified were organized according to the following hierarchy of importance: Realization at Work, Social Relations, Stability and Prestige. The findings proved to be useful to guide the actions developed in the continuity of the work with the group and point to the importance of attending to the work values prioritized by participants in solidary enterprises during the incubation process. The limitations and contributions of the study are discussed, with suggestions for future research.

Social Values , Work
Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 29(1): 41-49, jan.-mar. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-671528


O presente estudo objetivou testar um modelo empírico que investiga o poder moderacional da idade e do nível hierárquico sobre a relação entre a (in)satisfação dos valores do trabalho e o estresse psíquico. Para tal, aplicou-se a 220 trabalhadores uma adaptação da Escala de Valores Relativos ao Trabalho e o Questionário de Saúde Geral de Goldberg - dimensão do estresse psíquico. A análise de regressão múltipla apontou relação positiva entre estresse psíquico e a insatisfação do valor realização. Já a relação entre insatisfação do valor prestígio e estresse, moderada pela idade, foi negativa, ou seja, entre os mais jovens, a satisfação da busca por exercer autoridade, obter sucesso profissional e poder de influência no trabalho coincidiu com maior propensão ao estresse. Na discussão são consideradas as contribuições e limitações do presente estudo.

The present study aimed to test an empirical model that investigates the moderating effect of age and hierarchical level on the relationship between dissatisfaction with work values and psychological stress. Two instruments were applied to a sample of 220 workers: The Work Values Scale and the psychological stress dimension of the General Health Questionnaire of Goldberg. Multiple regression analysis revealed that psychological stress was positively correlated to dissatisfaction with value realization, whereas the moderation of the age variable showed that, for younger people, the relationship between stress and dissatisfaction with the prestige value was negative. Therefore, the striving of younger people to gain authority, to achieve professional success and power of influence at work make them more prone to stress. In the discussion we take the limits and contributions of this study into consideration.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Burnout, Professional , Career Mobility , Job Satisfaction , Motivation
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 43(2): 307-318, mayo 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-637102


Este estudio tuvo el objetivo de identificar las relaciones existentes entre las variables valores generales y del trabajo, el bienestar personal en el trabajo, así como comprobar las diferencias que existen en dichas variables con respecto a las variables demográficas (región geográfica, estado civil, sexo, edad, escolaridad, tiempo de trabajo y área de actuación). La muestra fue de 587 contestadores, todos dietistas. Los valores generales autotrascendencia y realización en el trabajo se notaron como los que más orientaban las prácticas profesionales de los dietistas que se consideraron, a menudo, en bienestar personal. Los análisis de variancia mostraron que los solteros que actuaban en el área de clínica, valoraban más la autopromoción; los solteros y más jóvenes valoraban más la apertura al cambio; los que estaban hace más de 10 años en el actual trabajo y actuaban en el área de clínica y salud colectiva se percibieron/vieron más en bienestar, que aquellos con hasta dos años en el trabajo actual y que actuaban en el área de alimentación colectiva-producción.

The study aimed to identify the hierarchy of the general values and work of brazilian dieticians, identify the level of personal wellbeing at their work, identify the relations and the differences between the cited variables and demographic variables: a) personal; b) functional. The final sample included 587 dieticians. Self-transcendence and fulfillment at work were the most important values considered. Dieticians said they often had a feeling of well-being. The results of variance analysis showed that self-transcendence was more valued by single dieticians who acted in the clinical area and self-promotion, and by single dieticians with less working hours. Open to change was more valued by the youngest and single dieticians. Social Relationship was more valued by single dieticians while the youngest dieticians with post graduation and less working hours put more value on prestige. Dieticians with over 10 years working experience and practice in areas like clinic and public health had a better feeling of well-being than dieticians with over 2 years working experience and practice in the production area.

Arq. bras. psicol. (Rio J. 2003) ; 63(spe): 58-70, 2011. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-647066


O artigo analisou os sentidos, caminhos e estratégias para a construção inicial da carreira de jovens em busca de trabalho, entre 18 e 24 anos e recrutados(as) num centro de intermediação de trabalho que, pela precariedade de suas condições objetivas e subjetivas, são considerados(as) vivendo em situação de vulnerabilidade psicossocial. De base qualitativa, o estudo realizou 30 entrevistas semiestruturadas e uma análise de conteúdo. Os achados apontaram que o sentido do trabalho seria de satisfação de demandas, não de um valor central a cultivar. Assim, a experiência de trabalho lhe atribuiria sentido pela construção de relações sociais baseadas no respeito (sentido psicossocial) e pelo ganho financeiro (sentido material). Porém, naturalizam a situação sociolaboral, resultando em conformismo e dificuldade de planejamento futuro pela necessidade de atender demandas presentes. Sua saída é desenvolver-se e adaptar-se continuamente, construindo suas carreiras em situação de vulnerabilidade.

The article analyzed the meanings, pathways and strategies for the initial building of the career of young searching for a job, between 18 and 24 years of age and recruited in an employment agency, which are considered living in vulnerable situations, because of the precariousness of their objective and psychosocial conditions. Aiming a qualitative study, 30 semi-structured interviews and a content analysis were conducted. The main findings pointed out that the meaning of work would be the satisfying of demands, not the cultivation of a core value. Thus, the work experience gives it meaning by the establishment of social relations with respect (psychosocial meaning) and by the financial gain (material meaning). However, it naturalizes a socio-occupational situation, leading to conformity and to a lack of future planning by the need to respond to the requests of the present. Their output will be the developing and the adapting continually, by building their careers in vulnerable situations.

Career Mobility , Disaster Vulnerability , Work
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 23(1): 73-82, jan.-abr. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-549207


Os valores do trabalho são os princípios que guiam a vida do indivíduo no trabalho. No Brasil, uma escala que já foi amplamente utilizada em pesquisas é a Escala de Valores relativos ao Trabalho (EVT). O objetivo do primeiro estudo foi realizar o teste confirmatório da estrutura empírica da escala. Uma amostra de 790 profissionais respondeu ao instrumento. Os resultados apontaram a adequação do modelo, mas a representação dos tipos motivacionais foi limitada. Para suprir esta lacuna, a escala foi revisada e validada no segundo estudo. A nova escala foi aplicada em uma amostra de 412 trabalhadores. Os resultados da análise fatorial e do escalonamento multidimensional apontam que houve melhoras significativas na estrutura empírica da escala. As implicações são discutidas.

Work values are guiding principles in the work life of a person. In Brazil, a broadly used scale is the Work Values Scale (WVS). The purpose of the first study was to do a confirmatory test of the empirical structure of WVS. A sample of 790 workers answered this instrument of research. The results showed a good fit of the structure, but also indicated a poor representation of some motivational types. The scale was revised and validated in the second study. More items were developed and the new scale was applied in a sample of 412 workers. The factor analysis and multidimensional scaling results showed an improvement of the empirical structure. Implications are discussed.

Humans , Male , Female , Social Values , Work/psychology , Psychometrics
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-385159


Objective To develop the scale on work values for college students. Methods 63 items were determined through reviewing items in related literatures and scales, experts consulting and panel discussion.528 students from 3 universities in Shanghai were enrolled in the study. The data were analyzed through exploratory factor analysis,discrimination analysis,reliability analysis and other statistical analysis methods. Results College students' work values comprises six dimensions: self-value dimension ( including two sub-dimensions: self-esteem dimension and self-realization dimension), social-value dimension, dimension of the working environment, wages and welfare dimension , job stability dimension, and the dimension of social status. 43 items were reserved after exploratory factor analyses. The coefficient of reliability of the 43 items was 0.943, and the item loading of the 43 items was 0. 321 ~ 0. 792. Conclusion The discernment, internal consistency and validity of the scale accord with psychometric demands.

Salud pública Méx ; 49(6): 401-407, nov.-dic. 2007. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-470750


OBJETIVO: Identificar el perfil de los valores laborales de los profesionales de enfermería y analizar si se relacionan con el estilo de liderazgo percibido. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se utilizaron las escalas de medida EVAT-30 y l SBDQ. Participaron 160 enfermeros/as de un hospital público de Almería, España. El estudio se realizó en octubre de 2005. RESULTADOS: Los valores más apreciados por estos profesionales son: autoridad/poder, tradición, logro y autodirección. La percepción del estilo de liderazgo orientado hacia la tarea, correlaciona positivamente con los valores autoridad/poder, seguridad y logro, y negativamente con los valores benevolencia y universalismo. La percepción del estilo de liderazgo orientado hacia la relación correlaciona positivamente con los valores universalismo, logro, tradición y autodirección. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados sugieren que el estilo de liderazgo adoptado por el supervisor puede influir en el perfil de valores de los subordinados.

OBJECTIVE: To identify the profile of work values according to nursing professionals and analyze the relationship, if any, of such values with the perception of leadership styles. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The EVAT-30 and the SDBQ questionnaires were used in this study. The sample comprised 160 nurses of an Almería public hospital, in the south of Spain. This study was carried out in October 2005. RESULTS: Values associated with authority/power, tradition, achievement and self-direction are deemed most important by nursing professionals. Perception of the task-oriented leader’s behavior positively correlates with values of authority/power, confidence and achievement, and negatively correlates with values of benevolence and universalism. Perception of the relationship/consideration-oriented leader’s behavior positively correlates with values of universalism, achievement, tradition and self-direction. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the perception of leadership styles may influence the set of values held in high esteem by subordinates.

Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 13(1): 137-154, jun. 2007. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-492087


Este artigo apresenta as qualidades psicométricas do Inventário deGestão de Pessoas (Ingepe) e discute suas implicações para a áreade gestão de pessoas. O Ingepe foi elaborado para mensurar valoresde trabalho sobre a relação entre formas de gestão e odesenvolvimento cognitivo do trabalhador. Ele foi aplicado em826 estudantes do curso de Administração, Ciências Contábeis,Direito, História e Letras, de uma faculdade da RegiãoMetropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Somente foram analisados osdados dos participantes que responderam totalmente aoinstrumento. Foram empregados procedimentos de análise fatorialexploratória, método dos componentes principais e método doseixos principais, scree test, critério do autovalor maior do que um,máxima verossimilhança, análise paralela por permutação e rotaçãooblimin. Os resultados indicam que o Ingepe é capaz de mensurartrês dimensões de valores de trabalho, denominados de valorestayloristas, valores humanistas e valores de maximização doslucros.

This paper describes the psychometric qualities of the PeopleManagement Inventory (Ingepe), and discusses the implicationsfor the field of people management. Ingepe was created to measurework values concerning the relationship between managementmodels and the worker’s cognitive development. It was applied to826 students of the Business Management, Accountancy, Law,History and Modern Languages courses of a college in themetropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. Only data of participantswho answered all the items were analyzed. Procedures ofexploratory factorial analysis, main components method and mainaxes method, scree test, eigenvalues greater than one, maximumlikelihood, parallel analysis by permutation and oblimin rotationwere employed. The results indicate that Ingepe is capable ofmeasuring three dimensions of work values: taylorist values, humanist values and profit maximization values.

Humans , Workforce , Occupational Groups/psychology , Cognition
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-106076


This study aims to investigate the effects of job characteristics and work on both organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the school foodservice dietitian for the purpose of providing information for quality improvement in productivity of school foodservice. The subjects were 401 school foodservice dietitians in Taegu and the Kyungpook area. The survey questionnaires consisted of five parts including demographic characteristics, job characteristics(JCI), work values, organizational commitment(OCQ) and job satisfaction(JDI). More than half of the subjects(65.3%) were between the age of 26 to 30 years. Seventy-one percent of the participants had bachelor's degrees and monthly wages of 83.2% ranged from 700,000 to 1,200,000 won. The education of thedietitians was found to have a significant relatinship with job satisfaction in all fields. Job characteristics such as feedback, job characcteristics such as job autonomy, feedback and friendship were positively correlated with job satisfaction. The group of dietitians with high work value scores for work as a central life interest had significantly high scores in organizational commitment(p<0.01) and overall job satisfaction(p<0.05). Job satisfaction such as work-itself, pay, supervision, promotion and co-workers were positively correlated with organizational commitment. According to the Lisrel program, organizational commitment was affected by educational level(-0.23). Job satisfaction was also affected by educational level(-0.18), autonomy(0.24), friendship(0.12), feedback(0.08), individualism(-0.07) and organizational commitment(0.44) directly. In conclusion, school foodservice dietitians may increase the level of their commitment to organization and job satisfaction by increasing autonomy, feedback adn friendship of job characteristics and work values.

Humans , Education , Efficiency , Friends , Job Satisfaction , Nutritionists , Organization and Administration , Quality Improvement , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-530727


Doctor-patient disputes are increasingly prominent nowadays.However,the solution is still confined to judicial and administrative and other traditional channels,which fails to play a fundamental role in prevention.Social work is a comprehensive and helpful means to help people,based on humanitarian philosophy and the basis on equality,justice and help others and self-help.This unique concept is undoubtedly more conducive to solve doctor-patient disputes fundamentally.