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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-905881


Unstable carotid plaque is an independent risk factor for serious cerebrovascular events including stroke, making it considered as an intervention target for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Professor ZHU Liang-chun is a national distinguished master of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) who is adept at treating difficult miscellaneous diseases with insects. He believes that the unstable carotid plaque falls into the category of “vessel impediment” in TCM according to the disease location and characteristics. The core pathogenesis of unstable carotid plaque lies in asthenia in origin and sthenia in superficiality, with spleen-kidney deficiency as the root cause and combined phlegm and blood stasis as the manifestations. He has pointed out that both phlegm and blood stasis should be emphasized in the treatment. In addition to the commonly used herbs for strengthening spleen, removing stasis, and resolving phlegm, the insects with strong effects of searching wind and dredging collateral can be added as appropriate to strengthen the power of removing stasis and dredging collateral. According to the pathogenesis of this disease, he develops the Qutan Tongluo Wenbanfang, which has been confirmed by modern pharmacological research to be efficient in resisting inflammation, regulating endothelial cell functions, lowering lipids, adjusting metabolism, and improving blood circulation, thereby ameliorating the related biological processes of atherosclerosis, suppressing atherosclerosis, and stabilizing plaques. As proved by clinical practice, Qutan Tongluo Wenbanfang helps to reduce blood lipids and reduce the area of unstable carotid plaque, indicating that it deserves clinical promotion.

Zhongguo zhenjiu ; (12): 1229-1232, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-776183


To discuss the advantages and necessity of hidden curriculum construction in the academic experience inheritance of distinguished TCM veteran doctors by analyzing the characteristics of the hidden curriculum and the academic experience inheritance of distinguished TCM veteran doctors, and put forward viewpoints and pathways of promoting academic experience inheritance of distinguished TCM veteran doctors through the construction of hidden curriculum,such as optimal design of teaching environment,reasonable planning of teaching content and development of teaching information model,to effectively improve student cultivation quality and achieve the TCM talent cultivation goal which clinical diagnosis and treatment skills and clinical innovation ability are the core.

Humans , Curriculum , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Physicians
Barbarói ; (54,n.esp): 162-172, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BVSF | ID: biblio-1046755


A formação em Serviço Social ao longo dos tempos foi se modificando e com isso necessitando permanentemente de uma formação qualificada. Seguindo essa necessidade, o presente artigo tem como centralidade a formação em Serviço Social tendo como base a experiência de Estágio Curricular Obrigatório, sendo esta de fundamental importância no processo de formação profissional. Para elaboração deste artigo, levou-se em conta a prática de estágio realizada no Hospital Santa Cruz, que ocorreu no segundo semestre de 2016 até o primeiro semestre de 2018, onde foi aplicado um projeto de intervenção na maternidade do referido hospital. Ao longo do texto serão apresentadas notas sobre os desafios da formação em Serviço Social enfatizando o estágio curricular na trajetória acadêmica bem como os desafios presentes na formação desta categoria profissional.(AU)

The training in Social Work over the years has been changing and with this constantly requiring a qualified training. Following this need, this article has as centrality the training in Social Work based on the experience of Mandatory Curricular Internship, being this one of fundamental importance in the process of professional training. In order to elaborate this article, we took into account the internship practiced at Santa Cruz Hospital, which occurred in the second semester of 2016 until the first half of 2018, where an intervention project was applied to the maternity hospital. Throughout the text will be presented notes on the challenges of training in Social Service emphasizing the curricular internship in the academic trajectory as well as the challenges present in the formation of this professional category.(AU)

Humans , Social Work , Professional Training
Psicol. pesq ; 12(3): 44-52, set.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-984840


A literatura refere que os graduandos estão vulneráveis ao desenvolvimento de transtornos mentais. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as relações entre ansiedade, depressão e stress com a qualidade das vivências acadêmicas e a autoeficácia. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um protocolo digital, disponibilizado e divulgado através de recursos eletrônicos. Um total de 640 graduandos brasileiros participou do estudo. Os resultados demonstram uma correlação negativa, estatisticamente significativa, entre ansiedade, stress e depressão e as vivências acadêmicas e, também, com a autoeficácia. Dada a relação entre adoecimento e fatores acadêmicos e de carreira, é necessário estabelecer instrumentos para a detecção precoce de sintomas de transtornos mentais nesta população, assim como ações que favoreçam experiências acadêmicas mais positivas.

The literature reports that undergraduates are vulnerable to the development of mental disorders. This study aimed to analyze the relations between Anxiety, Depression and Stress with the Quality of Academic Experience and Self-efficacy. Data collection was performed through a digital protocol, made available and disseminated through electronic resources. A total of 640 Brazilian undergraduates participated in the study. The results demonstrate a statistically significant negative correlation between Anxiety, Stress and Depression and Academic Experiences, as well as Self-efficacy. Given the relationship between illness and academic and career factors, it is necessary to establish instruments for the early detection of Mental Disorder symptoms in this population, as well as actions that favor more positive academic experiences.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-712732


[Purpose]To summarize Professor SHI Weiqun's clinnical experience in cirrhosis by Huayu method of traditional Chinese medicine, who is the famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in Zhejiang Province.[Method] To study and research Professor SHI Weiqun' s subjects and books on cirrhosis, to learn revelant theoretical knowledge, to follow his guidance, to collect and arrange typical cases record, and his methods of TCM differentiation of symptoms and signs

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-712751


[Objective]To discuss the clinical experience of treating primary insomnia with Professor GU Xizhen, the famous Chinese doctor in Jiangsu Province. [Methods]To study the understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of primary insomnia by Professor GU Xizhen, summarize the experience of treating primary insomnia based on the use of the key suppressing Yang and basing on the syndrome differentiation.[Results]Professor GU Xizhen thinks that the movement of the Ying and Wei is the most important physiological mechanism for the formation of sleep, and that Yang does not enter the Yin is the basis of the pathologic theory, the deficiency of Qi and blood and the dysfunction of the viscera are the pathogenic factors. Based on the urgent cure of the symptoms, delayed treatment of the fundamental principles, put forward the treatment when suppressing Yang into Yin first, on the basis of the emphasis on tonifying Qi and blood, Yin and Yang, clearing heat, removing the wet, regulating Qi activity etc, matching specific time of the drug. It can relieve both primary and secondary symptoms and get good results.[Conclusion]The treatment of primary insomnia by the Professor GU Xizhen is very effective. It deserves further study and promotion in clinical practice. One medical case is attached to prove the above conclusion.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-695940


This study was aimed to analyze the "disease-syndrome-treatment-medicine" experiences of professor Ding for diabetes combined with hypertension by using "traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) inheritance support system (V2.5)".By analyzing the data,we summarized Professor Ding's academic experiences.Through collecting the standard clinical cases,combined with the software analysis system,the composing principles were analyzed by using data mining methods such as frequency statistics,revised mutual information,association rules analysis,cluster analysis,improvement of mutual information,complex system entropy clustering,unsupervised hierarchical clustering entropy and so on.The analysis results showed that 28 patients with diabetes combined with hypertension of yin-deficiency and yang-hyperactivity syndrome,the characteristics were discovered that the highest-frequency used drugs of Ping Gan Xi Feng were concha haliotidis,concha margaritifera,rhizoma gastrodiae;the highest-frequency used drug combinations were "radices rehmanniae,rhizoma dioscoreae","folium mori,cortex mori","semen cuscutae,rhizoma dioscoreae,radices rehmanniae" and so on.Analyzing the 27 patients with diabetes combined with hypertension "wind and fire evils stir up syndrome,the characteristics were discovered that the highest-frequency used drugs of Ping Gan Xi Feng were concha haliotidis,concha margaritifera.In addition to the most common combinations used in diabetes,there were "rhizoma coptidis,spica prunellae","spica prunellae,folium mori","rhizoma coptidis,radices rehmanniae,cortex lycii","spica prunellae,folium mori,rhizoma coptidis" and so on.It was concluded that the syndrome differentiation and treatment of diabetes combined with hypertension was focused on the etiology and pathogenesis of wind and fire.The main treatment principle was to calm the liver to stop the wind,nourish yin and suppress hyperactive yang.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-508043


Objective]To explore Professor YE Jin’s clinical experiences for dwarfism treatment based on spleen-insufficiency constitution related theory. [Methods]From the concept of dwarfism based on TCM, etiology and pathogenesis, key symptoms of spleen-insufficiency constitution and features medication to analyse the academic perspective and clinical experience of Professor YE Jin in the treatment of dwarfism, and list 1 proven case.[Results]Professor YE Jin thinks there’re 5 types constitutions of dwarfism, and attaches importance to adjust the unbalanced constitution of the patients. She thinks spleen-insufficiency constitution is basis of the other four types. She does well in enlivening and invigorating the spleen and activating spleen-energy.[Conclusion] Professor YE Jin has unique clinical experience for dwarfism treatment based on spleen-insufficiency constitution related theory, with significant effect.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-512516


[Objective]To summarize the clinical experience of Professor FAN Binghua in treating sacroiliac joint dysfunction. [Method] From following Professor FAN Binghua's clinical and studying experienced cases ,summarizing the academic viewpoints and methods of Professor FAN Binghua in treating sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and with one classical case for experiencing details and methods when Professor FAN Binghua cures sacroiliac joint dysfunction. [Result]Based on theory of relationship between symptoms and etiology, Professor FAN comes up with concept of where there is symptom, there is reason and curing etiology should be put forward,starting with clinical symptoms to cure sacroiliac joint dysfunction, applying examinations of specialty to find out the internal close relationship between symptom and etiology and eliminate the similar disease, then curing the etiology in right way.[Conclusion]Pro.FAN has flexible thoughts, clear pertinence, and strong practicality, and histhree principls in cliniccan be guidence in clinic, and it is worth drawing reference and learning.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 35(3): 726-739, jul.-set. 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-760483


A presente investigação teve como objetivo identificar e analisar impactos percebidos por universitários residentes em moradias estudantis no domínio pessoal, social e acadêmico e as condições associadas a esses impactos. Realizaram-se 32 entrevistas semi estruturadas com estudantes de graduação de ambos os sexos, residentes em oito moradias vinculadas a duas universidades públicas baianas. Através da Análise de Conteúdo, constatou-se relação entre os impactos nos estudantes nos domínios investigados e as condições presentes na experiência de viver em uma moradia estudantil. Apesar do predomínio da verbalização de impactos positivos, aqueles classificados como negativos também foram expressivos. Confirma-se a contribuição da moradia no enriquecimento da vivência acadêmica dos moradores e verifica-se a necessidade de investimentos nesses espaços, especialmente no que tange aos aspectos estruturais, com vistas a diminuir as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos moradores. Faz-se pertinente a adoção de medidas que levem em conta todo o potencial de formação existente naqueles espaços.

This study aimed to identify and analyze the personal, social, and academic impacts perceived by the residents of a college residence hall and the conditions associated with such impacts. A total of 32 interviews were conducted with male and female undergraduates living in eight residence halls with links to two public universities in Bahia, Brazil. By analyzing the contents of the interviews, a relationship was found between the impacts on students in the investigated areas and the present living conditions of student housing. Despite the predominant verbalization of positive impacts, those rated as negative were also significant. Therefore, the contribution of living in a residence hall to the enrichment of the academic experience is confirmed. The findings also highlight the importance of investing in such living spaces, particularly concerning certain structural aspects that can help reduce difficulties faced by the residents. Furthermore, effective measures, taking into account all of the formative potential of these living spaces, are warranted.

La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar y analizar impactos percibidos por los universitarios usuarios de residencias estudiantiles en el ámbito personal, socioacadémico y las condiciones asociadas a esos impactos. Se realizaron 32 entrevistas semiestructuradas con estudiantes de pregrado de ambos sexos, usuarios de ocho residencias vinculadas a dos universidades públicas bahianas. El análisis de contenido demostró la relación entre los impactos en los estudiantes en las áreas investigadas y las condiciones del alojamiento. A pesar del predominio de la verbalización de los impactos positivos, aquellos clasificados como negativos también fueron expresivos. Se confirma la contribución de la residencia en el enriquecimiento de la vivencia académica de los usuarios se verifica la necesidad de inversiones en estos locales, especialmente en lo que refiere a aspectos estructurales con vista a disminuir las dificultades enfrentadas por los usuarios. Se hace pertinente la adopción de medidas que tomen en cuenta todo el potencial de formación existente en aquellos espacios.

Universities , Psychology, Educational , Students
Interaçao psicol ; 19(2): 211-223, maio-ago. 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1017132


O estudo objetivou caracterizar os universitários quanto ao repertório de habilidades sociais e à vivência acadêmica, examinando a correlação entre tais variáveis e comparando as diferenças por gênero e curso. Participaram 202 alunos de Informática e Psicologia, com idades entre 16 e 49 anos (M = 22,84; DP = 5,92), sendo 75,6% (n = 146) homens, que responderam ao Questionário de Vivência Acadêmica ­ reduzido, Escala de Avaliação da Vida Acadêmica e Inventário de Habilidades Sociais. Os resultados indicaram percepção moderada da vivência acadêmica e do repertório de habilidades sociais e correlações de baixa magnitude entre essas variáveis. Diferenças entre os cursos e entre os sexos foram identificadas. Os achados são discutidos com base na literatura e novas pesquisas são sugeridas

The study aimed to describe the students regarding social skills and academic integration, discussing the correlation between these variables and comparing possible differences by gender and course. The sample was composed of 202 undergraduates from two different courses, ranging from 16 to 49 years (M = 22.84; SD = 5.92), of which 75.6% (n =146) were male. They responded to three instruments: Questionário de Vivência Acadêmica - reduzido, Escala de Avaliação da Vida Acadêmica and Inventário de Habilidades Sociais. Results showed intermediate levels of academic integration and social skills and correlations with low magnitude between these variables. Differences between courses and gender were identified. The findings are discussed based on the literature, and new investigations are suggested

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Social Behavior , Students
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-448169


[Objective] To conclude and inherit Professor Pan Zhimin clinical academic experience. [Methods]Through long-term copy with patient rounds , outpatient parties , the teaching methods of face-to-face , after clinical y reading a large number of cases to generalize the characteristics pathogenesis, and treatment of phlegm syndrome. [Results] Professor Pan Zhimin concluded that the formation and development of phlegm turbidity, have close relation with wet resistance, blood stasis and qi stagnation, which always concurr or interact with each other.Based on the method of dampness-transforming, water-disinhibiting, eliminating phlegm and blood stasis, and using the theory ofwu-ji, Professor Pan Zhimin always obtained good effects in the treatments. [Conclusion] Professor Pan Zhimin always grabs for the treatment of phlegm syndrome and wet resistance, blood stasis and qi stagnation, and for the disease and the onset of the chain of relationships,she is good at prescribing formula. Therefore the treating method has clinical value.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-454459


Objective To promote application and explore the old Chinese tradition of academic experience and their experience side mode.Methods In the study, the model of translational medicine was studied combined with the characteristics of Chinese medicine, taken the model from clinical to basic (experimental) to clinical research, combined with prospective and review of the clinical and research methods, with the modern information technology and other technological, and Tonifying Five Internal Organs(TFIO) byZhang-Chongquanfor treatment of coronary heart disease, vascular dementia.Results The article was Clarified the theory of TFIO byZhang-Chongquan,with clinical evidence.Conclusion The model of translational medicine can be used to summarize the academic experience.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-553071


Objective To investigate Zhang CiGong who was traditional Chinese medicine doctor and educator ’s academic achievement. [Methods]To summarize and analysize Zhang CiGong’s learning experiences,academic thoughts and examples of clinical experiences. [Results]Zhang CiGong had no prejudice on academic schools, integrated various academic schools’s advantages and then turned into his’s own feature. Zhang CiGong researched and clarified the essence of traditional Chinese medicine theory, and made it flourish. He found the real cause of the disease when treatment,used the holistic approach and syndrome differentiation treatment. He gathered his own experience into the ancients experience and emphasis on practice when he gave Chinese Herbal. [Conclusions]Zhang CiGong’s learning was great and we should learn from him.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-564917


[Objective] To conclude the clinical experience of vertigo treatment using“wind tranquilizing method”by Pro. Lian Jianwei. [Method] Through analyzing clinical cases, generalizing the major syndrome, basic formula and formula modification of “wind tranquilizing method”used by Pro. Lian Jianwei to treat vertigo. [Result] The major pathogenesis of vertigo is wind, fire, phlegm, blood stasis and deficiency of blood. Pathological change of vertigo is in liver and so the treatment requires the tranquilizing of the liver-wind. Pro. Lian Jianwei is good at using“wind tranquilizing method”to cure vertigo caused by liver-wind stirring internal y. The formula of“wind tranquilizing method”takes into account the nature of vertigo and the physiological characteristics of the liver. He is also good at modifying the formula according to the patient conditions. [Conclusion] Pro. Lian Jianwei is good at prescrib-ing formula according to principles and treating methods. He also has deep understanding for the characteristic of vertigo and liver. Therefore the formula of his“wind tranquilizing method”has clinical value in terms of vertigo treatment.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-439643


[Objective]To introduce national prominet TCM doctor Wang Huireng’s experience on treating COPD(chronic obstructive pulmanary disease) combined with OSAS(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome).[Method]Summarize Professor Wang Huireng ’s viewpiont on TCM pathogenesis and symptom of COPD combined with OSAS. Analyse recipe case to figure out Pro.Wang’s characteristic of using formula and herb on that syndrome.[Results] Pro. Wang points out main TCM pathogenesis of COPD combined with OSAS are interior sputum and dampness stasis ,sputum and blood stasis in lung, blood stasis due to qi deficiency, lung spleen and kidney deficiency. The principle of treatment is diffusing the lung by dispel ing sputum, regulating qi-flowing for eliminating phlegm, strengthening the foundation by tonifying qi, invigorating blood circulation.Sputum,blood stasis, deficiency are the focus of treatment.[Conclusion] Clarifying a dignosis of COPD combined with OSAS and differenciating TCM syndrom are both important. Pro Wang has obtained good effect on dealing with COPD combined with OSAS. His experience has valuable reference for TCM clinical medication and research.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-566976


Chief Physician WANG Hui-reng is one of the second batch of national prestigious TCM experts. He has been engaged in medical services over 40 years and is adept in preventing and treating the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) under the direction of prophylactic treatment, which emphasizes the control of risky factors of COPD, striving for protecting the healthy body, preventing the transmission of the disease and the recurrence after healing.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-562680


SUN Shu-chun,the chief researcher,is one of the famous expert of osteo-traumatology of TCM.He makes systematic sort and study on chirismus on basis of succeeding experience predecessors and his own years of clinic experience.He is good at treating cervical syndrome with TCM chirismus,especially combine it with drugs.In osteo-traumatology academic circles,he is called "the best doctor at home".Professor SUN advocates that the rule of applying various therapies according to different conditions,combination of rigid-flexible,light,skill,gentle,harmony should be obey when we use chirismus.His diagnostic and therapeutic methods and thoughts are original and ingenious.In this article,the author analyzes the academic experience of tendon trauma of professor SUN.