Background: Kidneys, crucial excretory organs, receive substantial blood supply through renal arteries. Variations in their anatomy are common, warranting detailed investigation. This study aims to comprehensively examine renal artery patterns using both gross dissection and the corrosion cast method. Methods: Thirty kidney pairs from cadavers were meticulously dissected at Subharti Medical College, Meerut, U.P. India. Gross features were carefully noted, and corrosion casts were meticulously prepared. Prevalence, origin, level, division, course, and variations were exhaustively recorded to provide a thorough understanding of renal vascular anatomy. Results: Main renal arteries were found to predominantly originate from the abdominal aorta in all specimens. Interestingly, a higher prevalence of origin of right renal arteries was observed, with 47% exhibiting a higher origin than their left counterparts. Further analysis revealed prehilar division in 38.3% and hilar division in 61.6% of specimens. Notably, a segmental pattern of renal arteries was observed. Accessory renal arteries (8%) were identified, including rare occurrences of bilateral and double accessory renal arteries. Of particular significance was the observation of an accessory renal artery passing anterior to the inferior vena cava, highlighting the intricacies of renal vascular variations. Conclusions: While reaffirming the conventional understanding of renal arterial anatomy, this study emphasizes the complexity and clinical relevance of variations in renal artery morphology. Such detailed insights are invaluable for surgical and radiological practice, underlining the importance of meticulous preoperative assessment to optimize patient outcomes.
Retrosternal expansion of a goiter is one of the most common types of mass in the upper mediastinum. Although there is no clear definition of retrosternal, substernal, or mediastinal goiter in the literature, it usually refers to an extension of thyroid tissue from the cervical part that continues to the anterior mediastinum of the aortic arch. One of the interesting features of these cervical mediastinal lesions is that they may not be continuous. Such goiter types classically present with compression symptoms such as dyspnea, dysphonia, dysphagia, or sleep apnea, and less frequently, these masses can compress neurovascular structures, leading to superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome and Horner’s syndrome. In our case report, A 47-year-old female from North Karnataka presented to the hospital with history of dyspnea, dysphonia, and dysphagia persisting for the last 3 years. After careful examination and investigation, a diagnosis of thymoma was made initially. However, upon biopsy of the excised tumor, unexpected finding was revealed, it was identified as a multinodular goiter (MNG) rather than a thymoma.
A 60-year-old man underwent open surgery for chronic dissecting abdominal aorta accompanied with a horseshoe kidney. Through open laparotomy, the abdominal aortic aneurysm was exposed without revision of the horseshoe kidney. Cold ringer solution was infused to accessory renal arteries for renal protection. After supra-renal clamping, proximal anastomosis was then performed at the level just below the renal arteries. Abdominal cross clamp time at the level of the supra-renal arteries was 23 min. Median and right accessory arteries were reattached with an ischemic time of 73 and 103 min, respectively. Although serum creatine was elevated a preoperative level of 1.17 mg/dl to 3.63 mg/dl at postoperative day 2, that was gradually decreased to nearly preoperative level of 1.25 mg/dl at discharge. Postoperative enhanced CT demonstrated patency of the reattached accessory arteries. The patient was discharged without major complication on postoperative day 21. One year postoperatively, his follow-up course was uneventful without deterioration of renal function.
Objective To quantitatively measure the morphological parameters of type Ⅱ accessory navicular(AN)in CT images and analyze the mechanical changes in the foot caused by painful type Ⅱ AN.Methods The CT images of 51 patients with type Ⅱ AN were analyzed retrospectively;According to whether the medial foot was painful,we divided the data into two groups,including the pain type Ⅱ AN group(case group)and the non-pain type Ⅱ AN group(control group).The measured data included the navicular and medial joint space(MeJS),middle joint space(MiJS),lateral joint space(LJS),talar-accessory navicular distance(TAND),the maximum diameter(MaD)and minimum diameter(MiD)of AN,and the difference of the relevant data using independent sample t-test was measured.Results Compared with the control group,the MeJS,MiJS,and LJS in the case group showed that the joint space of painful type Ⅱ AN was widened,and there was a significant difference(P<0.05).Compared with the control group,the TAND,MaD,and MiD of the case group had no significant change,and there was no significant difference(P>0.05).Conclusion In pain-ful type Ⅱ AN foot,the posterior tibial tendon(PTT)is attached to AN,which destroys the balance of force on the foot,resulting in the widening of the distance between the navicular and AN.
Abstract We present two cases of multiple anatomical variations of the renal and gonadal vessels. The first case presented duplication of the renal vein and the presence of an accessory renal artery. However, the most interesting fact, in this case, was that the right gonadal vein emptied into the inferior right renal vein instead of ending in the inferior vena cava as would typically be the case. In the second case, we also found an accessory renal artery and the right gonadal vein emptied at the exact junction between the right renal vein and the inferior vena cava. Clinicians and surgeons should be familiar with anatomical variations to provide an accurate diagnosis during preoperative studies and to avoid surprises in abdominal surgical procedures.
Resumo Este estudo apresenta dois casos de variação anatômica múltipla de vasos renais e gonadais. O primeiro caso apresentou uma duplicação da veia renal e a presença de uma artéria renal acessória. Porém, o fato mais interessante nesse caso foi a veia gonadal direita desembocar na veia renal direita inferior em vez de terminar na veia cava inferior, como seria o normal. No segundo caso, além de também encontrarmos uma artéria renal acessória, a veia gonadal direita desembocava no exato ponto de junção entre a veia renal direita e a veia cava inferior. Clínicos e cirurgiões devem estar familiarizados com a presença de possíveis variações dos vasos renais e gonadais, sendo um conhecimento imprescindível para obter um diagnóstico mais preciso e para evitar surpresas em procedimentos cirúrgicos abdominais.
Accessory and cavitated uterine mass (ACUM) is a rare Mullerian duct anomaly of unknown incidence, affects young women. ACUM symptoms such as dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain (CPP) resistant to common analgesics and hormonal contraceptives. Here we report two ACUM cases in our hospital within one year of period with different clinical manifestations. The idea behind reporting this-cases is to increase awareness of the above entity and for concurrent surgical treatment.
SUMMARY: The stomach receives a rich blood supply from five sets of arteries, all of which originate from the celiac trunk. During the dissection of a female cadaver that had been fixed with formalin, an atypical branching pattern was observed. An accessory left gastric artery was found to originate from the left hepatic artery and send small branches to the esophagus, cardia, and fundus of the stomach. However, there was no anastomosis between the lower accessory left gastric artery and the left gastric artery. This is a rare variant of the gastric artery that has not been previously described in detail. It is important to recognize this variation for safe and effective interventional diagnosis and treatment techniques if dealing with the liver or gastric arteries.
El estómago recibe un rico suministro de sangre de cinco conjuntos de arterias, todas las cuales se originan en el tronco celíaco. Durante la disección de un cadáver femenino que había sido fijado con formalina, se observó un patrón de ramificación atípico. Se encontró una arteria gástrica izquierda accesoria que se originaba en la arteria hepática izquierda y enviaba pequeñas ramas al esófago, el cardias y el fondo del estómago. Sin embargo, no hubo anastomosis entre la arteria gástrica izquierda accesoria inferior y la arteria gástrica izquierda. Se trata de una variante rara de la arteria gástrica que no se ha descrito previamente en detalles. Es importante reconocer esta variación para la aplicación de técnicas de diagnóstico y tratamiento intervencionistas seguras y efectivas a nivel del hígado o las arterias gástricas.
Humans , Female , Aged , Anatomic Variation , Gastric Artery/anatomy & histology , CadaverABSTRACT
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome is a condition in which there is an aberrant conduction pathway between the atria and ventricles, resulting in tachycardia. Most of the patients remain asymptomatic throughout their lives; however, approximately half of the patients with WPW syndrome experience symptoms secondary to tachyarrhythmias, like paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and, rarely, ventricular fibrillation and sudden death. Patients with WPW syndrome may present with a multitude of symptoms such as unexplained anxiety, palpitations, fatigue, light-headedness or dizziness, loss of consciousness, and shortness of breath and rarely with ischemic chest pain. We report a case of a 38-year-old male presented with various vague symptoms like feelings of constipations and anxiety accompanied by psychosocial stressors, lack of sleep with episodes of palpitations which was attributed to underlying anxiety and depressive disorder and stated on various antidepressive medication, but without any relief of symptoms. He was later diagnosed with WPW syndrome. Keeping cardiac dysrhythmia within the differentials would help in early diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Abstract Background: In 1996 Iturralde et al. published an algorithm based on the QRS polarity to determine the location of the accessory pathways (AP), this algorithm was developed before the massive practice of invasive electrophysiology. Purpose: To validate the QRS-Polarity algorithm in a modern cohort of subjects submitted to radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA). Our objective was to determinate its global accuracy and its accuracy for parahisian AP. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome who underwent an electrophysiological study (EPS) and RFCA. We employed the QRS-Polarity algorithm to predict the AP anatomical location and we compared this result with the real anatomic location determined in the EPS. To determine accuracy, the Cohen's kappa coefficient (k) and the Pearson correlation coefficient were used. Results: A total of 364 patients were included (mean age 30 years, 57% male). The global k score was 0.78 and the Pearson's coefficient was 0.90. The accuracy for each zone was also evaluated, the best correlation was for the left lateral AP (k of 0.97). There were 26 patients with a parahisian AP, who showed a great variability in the ECG features. Employing the QRS-Polarity algorithm, 34.6% patients had a correct anatomical location, 42.3% had an adjacent location and only 23% an incorrect location. Conclusion: The QRS-Polarity algorithm has a good global accuracy; its precision is high, especially for left lateral AP. This algorithm is also useful for the parahisian AP.
Resumen Antecedentes: En 1996 Iturralde y colaboradores publicaron un algoritmo basado en la polaridad del QRS para determinar la ubicación de las vías accesorias (VA), este algoritmo fue desarrollado antes de la práctica masiva de la electrofisiología invasiva. Objetivo: Validar el algoritmo de la polaridad del QRS en una cohorte moderna de sujetos sometidos a ablación con catéter por radiofrecuencia (ACRF). Nuestro objetivo fue determinar su precisión global y su precisión para las VA parahisianas. Métodos: Realizamos un análisis retrospectivo de pacientes con síndrome de Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) a los que se les realizó estudio electrofisiológico (EEF) y ACRF. Empleamos el algoritmo de la polaridad del QRS para predecir la ubicación anatómica de la VA y comparamos este resultado con la ubicación anatómica real determinada en el EEF. Para determinar la precisión se utilizaron el coeficiente kappa de Cohen (k) y el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 364 pacientes (edad media 30 años, 57 % varones). La puntuación k global fue de 0,78 y el coeficiente de Pearson de 0,90. También se evaluó la precisión para cada zona, la mejor correlación fue para las VA laterales izquierdas (k de 0.97). Hubo 26 pacientes con VA parahisianas, que mostraron una gran variabilidad en las características del ECG. Empleando el algoritmo de la polaridad del QRS, el 34,6 % de los pacientes tenía una ubicación anatómica correcta, el 42,3 % tenía una ubicación adyacente y solo el 23 % una ubicación incorrecta. Conclusión: El algoritmo de la polaridad del QRS tiene una buena precisión global; su precisión es alta, especialmente para VA lateral izquierdo. Este algoritmo también es útil para la VA parahisiana.
The pancreas is a soft, lobulated and mixed gland. As the liver and pancreas develop together from the hepatopancreatic bud it is common that congenital anomalies of liver and pancreas exist together. This study was done during routine practical dissection where a band of tissue was found extending from the head of the pancreas to the root of the Mesentry. On histological examination the tissue was confirmed to be pancreas. It is seen that the hepatic bud grows at the expense of the ventral pancreas. In the present study, we found an atrophied left lobe of liver and an abnormally rare and large uncinate process of pancreas.
Objective: A subset of intractable allergic rhinitis (iAR) patients experience severe symptoms which cannot be effectively controlled by standard drug therapy and/or antigen specific immunotherapy. In recent decades, endoscopy vidian neurectomy and posterior nasal nerve neurectomy (PNNN) were introduced as treatments of iAR that have shown to be highly successful at symptom management in a number of patients. But some patients experience relapse or suboptimal symptom control postoperation. To improve the effectiveness of PNNN to control iAR, a modified PNNN surgical approach (mPNNN) combined with accessory posterior nasal nerve neurectomy (aPNNN), which called as mPNNN-aPNNN was used. This study aims to compare the effects between mPNNN-aPNNN and PNNN on controlling the symptoms of iAR and evaluate the surgical effectiveness and safety of mPNNN-aPNNN. Methods: The patients with iAR experienced mPNNN-aPNNN or PNNN surgery at the department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery of the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University from January 2018 to December 2019 were analyzed retrospectively. The approach of PNNN, a selective resection of the posterior nasal nerve branches, was modified to the neurectomy of total branches of posterior nasal nerve at the sphenopalatine foramen, and combined the operation of aPNNN in which the accessory posterior nasal nerve at the palatine bone perpendicular plate was resect in our study. Daily Nasal Symptom Scores (DNSS), Total Rhinitis Medication Score (TRMS), and the Rhinoconjunctivitis Qualities of Life Questionnaires Scores (RQLQS) were used to evaluate the complications during the operation and after the operation at the 3rd, 6th, 12th, and 24th month postoperatively. Total Nasal Symptom Scores (TNSS) was used to assess the total effective rate and markedly effective rate of the operations. Results: A total of 140 iAR patients experienced mPNNN-aPNNN or PNNN. Those with concomitant septoplasty and/or inferior turbinate reduction, and were absent during the postoperative follow-up were excluded. The final 62 patients with mPNNN-aPNNN and 34 with PNNN were enrolled. DNSS, TNSS, TRMS, and RQLQS at the postoperation were significantly improved compared with the preoperation in all patients (all P<0.001). Compared with PNNN, the postoperative DNSS, TNSS, and TRMS of mPNNN-aPNNN were obviously improved (all P<0.001). There was a persisted relief of symptoms at the postoperation in all patients with mPNNN-aPNNN. The total effective rate and markedly effective rate at the postoperative 24th month were 100% and 83.3%, respectively. Furthermore, the postoperative RQLQS decreased significantly (P<0.001). Only 5 sides of all patients (5/192, 2.6%) reported upper palate numbness during the first week after operation, with all recovered spontaneously in 1 month without treatment. No other postoperative complications occurred in mPNNN-aPNNN and PNNN.Conclusion: The surgery of mPNNN-aPNNN improve TNSS more significantly than PNNN. The operation of mPNNN-aPNNN is safe and effective to control iAR symptoms.
OBJECTIVE@#To compare the effectiveness of subtalar arthroereisis (STA) combined with modified Kidner procedure versus STA alone in the treatment of flexible flatfoot combined with painful accessory navicular bone in children.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 33 children with flexible flatfoot combined with painful accessory navicular bone who were admitted between August 2018 and August 2021 and met the selection criteria were retrospectively analyzed. They were divided into a combination group (17 cases, treated by STA combined with modified Kidner procedure) and a control group (16 cases, treated by STA alone) according to the surgical methods. There was no significant difference in baseline data between the two groups ( P>0.05), such as gender, age, affected side of the foot, disease duration, and preoperative visual analogue scale (VAS) score, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle-hindfoot score, talus-first metatarsal angle (T1MT), talus-second metatarsal angle (T2MT), talonavicular coverage angle (TCA), talus first plantar angle (Meary angle), calcaneal inclination angle (Pitch angle), and heel valgus angle (HV). The operation time, incision length, intraoperative blood loss, number of intraoperative fluoroscopies, and perioperative complications were recorded in both groups. The anteroposterior, lateral, and calcaneal axial X-ray films for the affected feet were taken regularly, and T1MT, T2MT, TCA, Meary angle, Pitch angle, and HV were measured. The VAS score, AOFAS ankle-hindfoot score were used to evaluate pain and functional recovery before and after operation.@*RESULTS@#Surgeries in both groups were successfully performed without surgical complication such as vascular, nerve, or tendon injuries. Less operation time, shorter incision length, less intraoperative blood loss, and fewer intraoperative fluoroscopies were found in the control group than in the combination group ( P<0.05). One case in the combination group had partial necrosis of the skin at the edge of the incision, which healed after the dressing change and infrared light therapy, and the rest of the incisions healed by first intention. All children were followed up 12-36 months, with a mean of 19.6 months. At last follow-up, VAS score and AOFAS ankle-hindfoot score significantly improved in both groups when compared with preoperative ones ( P<0.05), and the differences of these scores between before and after operation improved more significantly in the combination group than in the control group ( P<0.05). Imaging results showed that the T1MT, T2MT, TCA, Meary angle, and HV significantly improved in both groups at last follow-up when compared with preoperative ones ( P<0.05), and the Pitch angle had no significant difference when compared with preoperative one ( P>0.05). But there was no significant difference in the difference of these indicators between before and after operation between the two groups ( P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Both procedures are effective in the treatment of flexible flatfoot children with painful accessory navicular bone. STA has the advantage of minimally invasive, while STA combined with modified Kidner procedure has better effectiveness.
Humans , Child , Flatfoot/surgery , Blood Loss, Surgical , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Osteotomy/methods , Talus , PainABSTRACT
Abstract To investigate the root canal anatomy of permanent maxillary and mandibular canines in a Turkish subpopulation using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Retrospective CBCT data of 300 patients admitted to our clinic between 2016 and 2018 were screened and evaluated. A total of 235 patients, 100 males and 135 females, aged 14-76 years (mean age 37.27±13.40) were included in this study. A total of 191 (44,8%) maxillary canine teeth and 235 (55,2%) mandibular canine teeth were examined. The number of roots and root canal morphology according to Vertucci's classification, the presence of accessory canals, and the position of the apical foramen of the root were analyzed. The effect of gender and age on the incidence of root canal morphology was also investigated. The majority of the teeth had a Type I canal configuration in both maxillary canines (100%) and mandibular canines (92,8%). In the mandibular canines the other canal patterns found were Type III (6,8%), and Type II (0,4%). Apical foramen was centrally positioned in the majority of the teeth, 70,2% and 66,8% in maxillary and mandibular canines, respectively. The occurrence of two roots in mandibular canines was 3,8% and the root canal separation was found 53,8% and 46,2% in the middle and cervical third of the root, respectively. No significant statistical difference was observed effect of gender and age on the incidence of the root canal morphology and the position of the apical foramen. Due to the diverse morphology and the potential presence of a second canal for canine teeth among the Turkish subpopulation, dentists should perform endodontic treatments with greater care. CBCT is an accurate tool for the morphological assessment of the root canals.
Resumen Investigar la anatomía del conducto radicular de los caninos maxilares y mandibulares permanentes en una subpoblación turca utilizando la tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT). Se examinaron y evaluaron los datos CBCT retrospectivos de 300 pacientes ingresados en nuestra clínica entre 2016 y 2018. Un total de 235 pacientes, 100 hombres y 135 mujeres, de entre 14 y 76 años (edad media de 37,27±13,40) fueron incluidos en este estudio. Se examinaron un total de 191 (44,8%) dientes caninos maxilares y 235 (55,2%) dientes caninos mandibulares. Se analizó el número de raíces y la morfología del conducto radicular según la clasificación de Vertucci, la presencia de conductos accesorios y la posición del foramen apical de la raíz. También se investigó el efecto del sexo y la edad en la incidencia de la morfología del conducto radicular. La mayoría de los dientes tenían una configuración de conductos de tipo I tanto en los caninos maxilares (100%) como en los caninos mandibulares (92,8%). En los caninos mandibulares los otros patrones de conductos encontrados fueron el Tipo III (6,8%) y el Tipo II (0,4%). El foramen apical estaba situado en posición central en la mayoría de los dientes, 70,2% y 66,8% en los caninos maxilares y mandibulares, respectivamente. La ocurrencia de dos raíces en los caninos mandibulares es del 3,8% y la separación del conducto radicular se encontró en el tercio medio y cervical de la raíz en el 53,8% y el 46,2%, respectivamente. No se observó ninguna diferencia estadística significativa en el efecto del sexo y la edad sobre la incidencia de la morfología del conducto radicular y la posición del foramen apical. Debido a la diversa morfología y a la posible presencia de un segundo conducto en los dientes caninos entre la subpoblación turca, los odontólogos deberían realizar los tratamientos endodónticos con mayor cuidado. La CBCT es una herramienta precisa para la evaluación morfológica de los conductos radiculares.
Humans , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/instrumentation , Maxilla/anatomy & histology , Turkey , Mandibular CanalABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: The following manuscript presents two paediatric cases with incidental finding of unilateral accessory mental foramina. Both the cases illustrate CBCT evaluation of a unilateral accessory foramina on the left side of the mandible, one of which, is a 12-year-old baby girl with pre-diagnosed medical history of precocious puberty and oral findings of supernumerary teeth and the other is an 8-year-old boy with oral bifurcation cyst. The not so frequent presence of additional foramina and canals in the mandible are frequently undervalued in clinical procedures and to our knowledge has not yet been reported in paediatric cases in the literature so far. In these case reports, authors attempt to document a rare and first of its type ever reported anatomic variant of mandible in paediatric patients in the whole literature.
RESUMEN: El manuscrito presenta dos casos pediátricos con hallazgo incidental de forámenes mentonianos accesorios unilaterales. Ambos casos se refieren a la evaluación CBCT de un foramen accesorio unilateral en el lado izquierdo de la mandíbula, uno de los cuales era una niña de 12 años con antecedentes medicos prediagnosticados de pubertad precoz y hallazgos orales de dientes supernumerarios y el otro un niño de 8 años con quiste de bifurcación bucal. La presencia no tan frecuente de forámenes y canales adicionales en la mandíbula se subestima con frecuencia en los procedimientos clínicos y, hasta donde sabemos, aún no se ha informado en casos pediátricos en la literatura hasta el momento. En esta serie de casos, los autores intentan documentar una variante anatómica rara y primera de su tipo de la mandíbula en pacientes pediátricos en toda la literatura.
Humans , Female , Child , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Mental Foramen , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Radiography, Panoramic , Odontogenic Cysts , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Diagnostic Tests, RoutineABSTRACT
RESUMEN: Las vértebras cervicales presentan como característica distintiva un foramen transverso bilateral, cualquier modificación en la embriogénesis, genera variantes del tamaño, número y forma, lo que puede conllevar diversos problemas neurológicos. Realizamos un estudio observacional y descriptivo de vértebras cervicales, en el que se observó y clasificó el número, la forma y lateralidad de los forámenes transversos principales y accesorios, en una muestra disponible en el anfiteatro de la Universidad de Boyacá, Colombia. Se tomó registro fotográfico especializado. De las 13 vértebras con foramen transverso accesorio, seis fueron unilaterales y siete bilaterales, predominando la forma ovalada con dirección a la derecha. El nivel más común de duplicación fue C4 (dos incompletos y siete completos) y el menos común fue C1, C2 y C5. El conocimiento de estas variantes anatómicas por parte de radiólogos, cirujanos y neurocirujanos, contribuye a la planeación de los abordajes quirúrgicos, favoreciendo la instrumentación de la región cervical y evitando iatrogenias o desenlaces fatales.
SUMMARY: Cervical vertebrae present bilateral transverse foramen, any modification in embryogenesis, generates variants of size, number and shape, which are associated with various neurological problems. Descriptive and observational study of cervical vertebrae, of the number, shape and laterality of the main and accessory transverse foramina were observed and classified. Specialized photographic record was taken. Of the 13 vertebrae with an accessory transverse foramen, six were unilateral and seven bilateral, the oval shape prevailing in the direction to the right. The most common level of duplication was C4(two incomplete and seven complete) and the least commun was C1, C2 and C5. The knowledge of these anatomical variants by radiologists, surgeons and neurosurgeons, contributes to the planning of surgical approaches, favoring the instrumentation of the cervical region avoiding iatrogenic and fatal outcomes.
Humans , Cervical Vertebrae/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Accessory and cavitated uterine mass (ACUM) is a rare developmental uterine anomaly that is said to develop due to duplication of ductal Mullerian tissue. It is an accessory cavity lying along the lateral wall of the uterus near the site of attachment of the round ligament and presents in young females with pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea. Histologically, the cavity is lined with endometrium and smooth muscle bundles similar to the myometrium. Ultrasound is helpful in the identification of the lesion. MRI of the pelvis is the imaging modality of choice for diagnosis. Laparoscopy and histopathology remain confirmatory. This report describes a case of ACUM in a young female who was managed by surgical excision of the mass.
Introduction: The sacrum is considered as a highly variable bone. Several morphological variations have been documented which exhibit differences in the frequency of occurrence and morphological characteristics in various study populations. Variant anatomy of the sacrum may be associated with backache, enuresis, neurological anomalies of the lower limb and functional disorders of lower urinary tract. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify and describe morphological variations of sacrum in Indian population and enable comparison with different populations. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 108 dry adult human sacra and morphological characteristics and variations were noted. Results: Sacral skewness was observed in 7.4% sacra with right sided skewness being predominant. The presence of accessory auricular surface (AAS) was noted in 13% sacra which was at the level of S3 vertebra in most sacra. Spina bifida (SB) was observed in 11.1% sacra and it was most commonly located at S1 vertebral level. Furthermore, the lumbo-sacral transitional vertebra (TV) was documented in 10.2% sacra. Conclusions: Sacrum displays numerous variations in Indian population such as skewness, AAS, SB and TV. Thorough knowledge of morphological characteristics and variations of sacrum is vital and should be contemplated during diagnosis and treatment of sacrum-related diseases.
Background:liver is a soft, friable and largest gland in the body, occupying the upper part of the abdominal cavity just beneath the right diaphragm. The greater part of it is situated under cover of the ribs, extending to the left to reach the left diaphragm. Objective: to determine gross anatomical variations of liver and their clinical and surgical implications. To study variations in lobes, fissures and accessory lobes were observed. Material And Methods:a total of 50 formalin-fixed adult human livers, irrespective of the sex, were studied over a period of three years from Dr M K shah medical college. These livers were specifically observed for any variant or anomalous surface morphology. Result:out of 50 specimens, 16 were considered normal without any ac-accessory fissures, lobes, or presence of a pones hepatis. 34 livers had one or more morphological variations.14 liver has accessory fissure, 10 liver are present with riedel’s lobe present in liver, 10 liver are present with pons hepatic. Conclusion:liver being the largest abdominal organ, the knowledge of its normal and variant morphology is essential for the clinicians. In general, accessory hepatic fissures/sulci are potential sources of diagnostic errors during imaging. On ultrasound or computerized tomography, any collection of fluid in these fissures may be mistaken for a liver cyst, intrahepatic hematoma, or liver abscess, which would require further radiologic workup.
Objective:To explore the clinical and pathological characteristics of epidermoid cyst in intrapancreatic accessory spleen (ECIPAS).Methods:The clinical and pathological data on 12 cases of confirmed ECIPAS in the First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University and Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University from January 2011 to December 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients′ sex, age, serum tumor markers, tumor size, tumor location and distant metastasis were recorded. Tissue expression of synaptophysin (Syn), chromogranin A(CgA), cytokeratin (CK) and CK5/6, estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), proliferation index Ki-67 and tumor suppressor gene p53 were evaluated by immunohistochemistry.Results:All the patients were incidentally diagnosed during routine body examination. Among them, there were 4(33.3%) men and 8(66.7%) women. Patient's average age was 42 years old. All the lesions were located at the tail of the pancreas. 3 patients had elevated carbohydrate antigen 19-9(CA19-9). The ECIPAS were demonstrated as clear-boundary low or no echo on abdominal ultrasound, low-density mass on CT, and cystic and solid lesion on pancreas MRI, respectively. Eleven patients received resection of body and tail of pancreas and spleen, one patient received pancreatectomy with preservation of the spleen. The resected specimens from the 12 patients were showed as cystic and solid mass in the pancreatic tail with a maximal diameter ranging from 1.4 cm to 4.0 cm. Under microscopy, multi-cystic lesions covered with stratified squamous epithelial cells were observed. Immunohistochemistry showed that the squamous cell marker CK was expressed. In a follow-up period of 5 to 119 months, and no recurrence were diagnosed.Conclusions:ECIPAS is a rare lesion often occurring in tails of pancreas and the patients usually have no clinical symptoms. It is challenging to make a correct diagnosis by imaging, but this lesion has unique pathological manifestations and good prognosis.
@#<p style="text-align: justify;">Accessory and cavitated uterine mass is a rare developmental mullerian anomaly theorized to be related to gubernaculum dysfunction. It presents typically in young women as severe dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain refractory to medical therapy. It is an accessory cavity lined by functional endometrium and surrounded by myometrium-like smooth muscle located in an otherwise normal uterus, typically located at the right anterior wall at the level of the round ligament attachment. Ultrasound, hysterosalpingography and magnetic resonance imaging are helpful tools to diagnose and distinguish this entity from a wide array of differential diagnoses. Surgical excision and histopathologic studies confirm the diagnosis and effectively relieves severe dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain. This is a case of a 39 year old nulligravid who presented with severe dysmenorrhea initially diagnosed as rudimentary horn versus myoma. Excision revealed a cavitated mass containing chocolate-colored fluid within located at the right postero-fundal area. Histopathology revealed a diagnosis of accessory and cavitated uterine mass.</p>