Objective:To study the actual effect of the use of personal protective equipment of the examined individuals, and provide reference and basis for the correct use of personal protective equipment and the radiological health administrative law enforcement.Methods:From February to June 2022, the imaging department of Qingdao Municipal Hospital selected 170 patients who underwent X-ray imaging examination (oral panoramic, dental radiography, DR photography, CT scanning), including 25 with oral panoramic and dental radiography, 60 with CT scanning and 60 with DR imaging. The thermoluminescent dosimeter was used to detect the ambient dose equivalent at the point of concern for 170 examined individuals who have used personal protective equipment to cover their sensitive parts, and to analyze the data detected at the same point as above when routinely using the same equipment.Results:There was a statistically significant difference in the dose equivalent at the same points inside and outside the lead neckband ( t=-2.23, P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the dose equivalent at the same point inside and outside the lead collar during dental radiography ( P>0.05). During DR photography (chest PA, lateral and lumbar AP), the examined individuals were wearing lead aprons. Among them, there was a statistically significant difference in the dose equivalent at the same points inside and outside the lead aprons of children′s chest PA and adults′ chest PA ( U=10.00, 19.00, P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the dose equivalent at the same points inside and outside the lead aprons of adult′s chest PA and lumbar AP ( P>0.05). When performing CT scan (chest or upper abdomen), there was a statistically significant difference in the dose equivalent at the same points of wrapped lead aprons( U=878.50, 11.00, P<0.05). Conclusions:The correct use of personal protective equipment is a complex technical problem. It is very important to fully and accurately understand the optimization principle of radiation protection and correctly use personal protective equipment for the examined individuals. The administrative punishment of radiation health on the use of personal protective equipment of the examined individuals should be cautious.
O presente artigo abordou o conflito de competência existente entre os órgãos da saúde e da agricultura no tocante à inspeção e fiscalização de açougues no estado de São Paulo, com a apresentação dos elementos responsáveis por esse conflito, as atividades rotineiras nas quais ele se torna perceptível, seus efeitos e as soluções possíveis para que seja eliminado. Foram realizadas revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa da legislação existente sobre o assunto, além de levantamento jurisprudencial no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo. A análise do assunto permitiu concluir que o conflito existe devido à ausência de definições e delimitações legais para as atividades desempenhadas por estabelecimentos fiscalizados por órgãos da saúde e da agricultura. Os principais prejudicados são as autoridades sanitárias, que, atuando sob insegurança jurídica, têm sua atividade suscetível a questionamentos. A própria população sofre consequências diretas desse conflito, na medida em que as garantias constitucionais ao adequado processo fiscalizatório não são observadas. A solução envolve medidas como a criação de legislações infraconstitucionais que estabeleçam limites entre as atividades de açougues e de entrepostos e a reorganização das normas infraconstitucionais já existentes; a alteração da composição do Sistema Único de Saúde, permitindo um trabalho colaborativo entre os ministérios da Saúde e da Agricultura, além de delimitação de atribuições e responsabilidades próprias de cada órgão; a criação de serviços de inspeção municipal em todos municípios; e a incorporação de parte da atividade desempenhada pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento à Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária.
This article addressed the existing conflict of jurisdiction between health and agriculture agencies regarding the inspection and supervision of butcheries in the state of São Paulo, with the presentation of the elements responsible for this conflict, the routine activities in which it becomes noticeable, its effects and the possible solutions for its elimination. Bibliographic review and research of existing legislation on the subject were carried out, as well as a jurisprudential survey at the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo. It was possible to conclude that the conflict exists due to the absence of legal definitions and delimitations for the activities performed by establishments supervised by health and agriculture agencies. The main victims are the health authorities who, acting under legal uncertainty, have their activity susceptible to questions. The population itself suffers direct consequences from this conflict, insofar as the constitutional guarantees to the appropriate supervisory process are not observed. The solution involves measures such as the creation of infraconstitutional laws that establish limits between the activities of butcheries and warehouses and the reorganization of existing infraconstitutional norms; the change in the composition of the Brazilian Unified Health System, allowing collaborative work between the Ministries of Health and Agriculture, as well as the delimitation of the duties and responsibilities of each agency; the creation of municipal inspection services in all municipalities; and the incorporation of part of the activity performed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply to the National Health Surveillance Agency.
Administrative Law , Legislation, FoodABSTRACT
El artículo responde a la pregunta: ¿Por qué son tan pocos los estudios sobre los cuerpos de policía en Latinoamérica? Este déficit histórico en parte se debe a que los estudios sobre la policía se han ligado por la academia latinoamericana a la teoría del Estado de clase, al derecho administrativo, a los estudios de las Fuerzas Militares y más recientemente al neoinstitucionalismo; sumado a ello, a la ausencia de interés de las mismas instituciones policiales por realizar estudios sociales. El objetivo principal fue realizar un estado del arte sobre los estudios de policía en Latinoamérica. En conclusión, se señala que la policía no se ha estudiado como un objeto autónomo. Tan solo desde la década de los 90 del siglo XX, bajo el contexto de las transiciones democráticas, existe un renovado interés por estudiar a los cuerpos de policía
This article answers the question "why so few studies on police forces are available in Latin America?" This historical deficit is due to the fact that the Latin American Academy has linked this kind of works to the theory of class status, administrative law, the Military Forces' studies and, most recently, neoinstitutionalism, this added to the police institutions' own lack of interest in carrying out social researches. The main objective was to analyze the state of the art in police studies in Latin America. The conclusion has been that Police has not been examined as an autonomous object. Only in the 20th century, starting in the decade of the nineties, there has been a purpose and a renewed interest in learning and delving into police forces
O artigo responde à pergunta: Por que os estudos sobre os corpos da polícia em América Latina são apenas poucos? Este deficit histórico deve-se, em parte, ao fato que os estudos sobre a polícia estão ligados, pela acadêmia latino-americana, à teoria do Estado da classe, o direito administrativa, aos estudos das Forças Militares e recentemente ao neo-institucionalismo; adicionado a isso, a ausência do interesse das mesmas instituições das polícias para fazer estudos sociais. O objetivo principal era fazer um estado da arte sobre os estudos da polícia em América Latina. A concluir, assinala-se que a polícia não é estudado como um objeto autônomo. Somente da década dos 90 do século XX um interesse renovado existe para estudar os corpos da polícia
Humans , Police , Administrative Law , Communism , Law EnforcementABSTRACT
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi levar ao conhecimento da comunidade científica uma revisão bibliográfica percebida ao longo da carreira acadêmica de um dos autores onde a personalidade física presente em coordenadores de alguns cursos de especialização em Odontologia é transmitida à personalidade jurídica tanto em instituições públicas quanto em privadas. A Legislação vigente, diferenças de personalidades físicas e jurídicas, transtornos mentais e de personalidade são explicitados, além de se projetar algumas possibilidades de acometimentos na medicação, os autores também questionaram a o fechamento de hospitais. Foi usada metodologia exploratória, através de palavras-chave no portal Capes e Scielo, com os descritores: Direito Administrativo ? Saúde Mental ? Ensino Odontológico ? Políticas públicas de saúde; além de revistas e jornais virtuais. Concluiu-se que a falta de conhecimento em direito por parte dos docentes prejudica o processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos alunos. Existe, em alguns casos, o descaso contratual, pela falta de dissociação pessoal e institucional onde docentes e discentes se inserem, podendo este ser repassado num processo cíclico onde aprendidos e ensinados podem fazer parte de um sistema imutável. Existe a necessidade da revisão dos valores na metodologia de ensino odontológico para que transtornos de personalidade física não sejam perpetuados em pessoas jurídicas e assim não haja prejuízo e judicialização de ações por parte dos que têm noção de diretos e deveres como regras básicas de convívio social
The aim of this study was to inform the scientific community through literature review, along the academic career of one of the authors where physical personality of some coordinated specialization courses of dentistry is transmitted to the legal personality, both in public and private institutions. The current legislation, differences in physical and legal personalities, mental and personality disorders are explained, in addition to design some bouts of possibilities in medication, the authors also questioned the closure of hospitals. An exploratory methodology was used through key words in the CAPES and Scielo website, with the following keywords: Administrative Law ? Mental Health ? Dental Education ? Public health policies; as well as magazines and online newspapers. It concludes that the lack of knowledge in law by teachers, weaken the teaching and learning process of students, there are in some cases, the contractual carelessness and lack of differentiation personal and institutional where teachers and students are engaged. This may being passed in a cyclic process where learned and taught may be part of an unchanging system. There is the need to review the values in dental teaching methodology for those personality disorders do not perpetuate in persons and corporations, that there may prejudice those who has the notion of law and duties as basic rules of social life
Mental Health , Administrative Law , Education, DentalABSTRACT
The paper presents a detailed review of British pharmaceutical standards including British Pharma-copoeia, European Pharmacopoeia, British Approved Names, Reference Standards and Non-Statutory Pharmaceutical Standards. British pharmaceutical standards are established by the British Pharmacopoeia Commission, Expert Advi-sory Groups, Panels of Experts and Working Parties, British Pharmacopoeia Commission Secretariat, British Pharma-copoeia Laboratory, and standard-setting procedures are clear and definite. British Pharmacopoeia standards are le-gally binding, and pharmaceutical products sold in the United Kingdom must comply with pharmacopoeia require-ments. British pharmaceutical standards can serve as an important reference for reforms to China’s pharmaceutical standards, including the scientific management of pharmaceutical standards, the improvement of organizational frame-works in the establishment pharmaceutical standards, the promptness of amendments to pharmacopoeia, and the uni-versality of international exchanges.
El presente artículo pretende evidenciar las estrechas relaciones que existen entre el Estado de Derecho y las garantías encaminadas a la protección de los derechos fundamentales de las personas,sobre todo, cuando de ejercer el poder punitivo del Estado se trata en procura del interés general, pero con la necesaria referencia de los límites estrictos al ejercicio del poder, para evitar desembocar en la arbitrariedad y el abuso característicos de los sistemas totalitarios, en los cuales se aminora el valor del hombre y se atenta contra la dignidad humana.En ese escenario se propone una tesis que propugne por la reivindicación y garantía de los derechos fundamentales y sobre todo, por la dignidad del hombre, así se encuentre sometido éste en un momento dado de su vida,bajo el sistema punitivo del Estado, circunstancia en la cual mayor protección requiere.
This article aims at making clear the deep relationship between the State of Law and the guarantees to protect the fundamental rights of the people, especially, when it comes to exert the punitive power of the State in search of the general interest, but with the necessary reference of the strict boundaries to the exercise of power, in order to avoid resulting inarbitrariness and the abuse which arecharacteristic of the totalitarian system, where the value of man is reduced and an outrageous act against human dignity is committed. That is why a thesis advocating for the vindication and guarantee of the fundamental rights is proposed, above all, by the dignity of man, although he is subject to the punitive system ofthe State, this is the right time of his or her life when he or she requires protection.
Humans , Judiciary , Power, Psychological , Public PowerABSTRACT
Food Sanitation Law which was issued for many years has no longer been congruent with the current development of socio-economy. Under this situation,Food Safety Law came into being. Although the promulgation of the law is important,the task of carrying out the law is more difficult. On the basis of concluding the problems in carrying out the food sanitation law and the analysis of its causes,it is significant to discuss the Food Safety Law from the viewpoint of Food Sanitation Law enforcement.