SUMMARY: The present study aimed to investigate the utility of the proximal femur in the forensic age estimation by assessing changes in bone densities through radiographs. Using Otsu's threshold, bone density was quantified by counting all white pixel values within selected regions of interest, which include femoral head (FH), femoral neck (FN), Ward's triangle (WT), and greater trochanter (GT) from 354 left femora of Northern Thai descent. The pixel width of medullary cavity (MC) was also estimated. Furthermore, the study evaluated the performance of linear regression (LR) models for age estimation from radiographic images of proximal femora. Negative correlations were observed between FH, FN, WT, and GT pixel intensity with the age-at-death of the samples, with females exhibiting stronger correlations than males. Moreover, a positive correlation was found between age and MC width in female samples, while male MC widths did not show any relationship with increasing age. The results showed a slight difference between the LR model applied to both sexes, which integrated all variables, and the alternative configuration that only utilized relevant attributes. Both models exhibited similar performance, with a narrow range of root mean square error (RMSE) values, ranging from 12.67 to 12.71 years, and a correlation coefficient range of 0.51 to 0.52. For females, the LR model with FN and WT as selected attributes (RMSE = 11.85 years, correlation coefficient = 0.65) performed decently, while for males, the LR model with all variables showed RMSE of 12.52 years and correlation coefficient of 0.46. This study showcased the potential application of pixel intensity in predicting age.
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la utilidad del fémur proximal en la estimación forense de la edad mediante la evaluación de cambios en las densidades óseas a través de radiografías. Utilizando el umbral de Otsu, la densidad ósea se cuantificó contando todos los valores de pixeles blancos dentro de regiones de interés seleccionadas, que incluyen la cabeza femoral (CF), el cuello femoral (CF), el triángulo de Ward (WT) y el trocánter mayor (TM) de 354 fémures izquierdos de ascendencia del norte de Tailandia. También se estimó el ancho de pixeles de la cavidad medular (CM). Además, el estudio evaluó el rendimiento de modelos de regresión lineal (RL) para la estimación de la edad a partir de imágenes radiográficas de fémur proximal. Se observaron correlaciones negativas entre la intensidad de los pixeles CF, CF, WT y TM con la edad de muerte, y las mujeres exhibieron correlaciones más fuertes que los hombres. Además, se encontró una correlación positiva entre la edad y el ancho del CM en muestras de mujeres, mientras que el ancho del CM del hombre no mostró ninguna relación con el aumento de la edad. Los resultados mostraron una ligera diferencia entre el modelo RL aplicado a ambos sexos, que integraba todas las variables, y la configuración alternativa que sólo utilizaba atributos relevantes. Ambos modelos mostraron un rendimiento similar, con un rango estrecho de valores del error cuadrático medio (RMSE), que oscilaba entre 12,67 y 12,71 años, y un rango de coeficiente de correlación de 0,51 a 0,52. Para las mujeres, el modelo RL con CF y WT como atributos seleccionados (RMSE = 11,85 años, coeficiente de correlación = 0,65) tuvo un desempeño satisfactorio, mientras que para los hombres, el modelo RL con todas las variables mostró un RMSE de 12,52 años y un coeficiente de correlación de 0,46. Este estudio mostró la posible aplicación de la intensidad de los pixeles en la predicción de la edad.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Age Determination by Skeleton/methods , Forensic Anthropology , Femur/diagnostic imaging , Thailand , Radiography , Bone Density , Linear ModelsABSTRACT
SUMMARY: This review article will present an overview of biological profiles in forensic utilities. The biological profile of the skull in the existing literature can help to identify humans, especially if the condition of the victim found is a result of mutilation or a bomb explosion. When it comes to the precision of identifying skeletal remains, the human skull is frequently cited as being first in the estimation of age and ancestry and second in terms of sex and stature. It can be an alternative to assessing the following biological parameters: sex, age, stature, and ancestry. The implementation of biological profiles in the identification process is very important considering that some cases require the assistance of forensic anthropology. This review article shows the importance of the value of skulls. The method that can be applied is craniometry which can be used to determine sex, age, stature, and estimated ancestry. Different results will occur depending on the completeness of the skull. Therefore, estimation formulas have different accurate results. Discriminant function analysis has been performed on various measurement sets and its discriminant power has been validated by many researchers. Geometric morphometric analysis has become the main tool for shape analysis and many attempts have been made to use it in analyzing skulls. Several methods supported by technology have also been developed. It is hoped that the review article will show significant differences in results between studies in Thailand and Indonesia, even though they are in the same racial group.
Este artículo presenta una descripción general de los perfiles biológicos en las utilidades forenses. El perfil biológico del cráneo en la literatura existente puede ayudar a identificar a los humanos, especialmente si la condición en la que se encuentra la víctima es el resultado de una mutilación o la explosión de una bomba. Cuando se trata de la precisión en la identificación de restos óseos, el cráneo humano se cita con frecuencia como el primero en la estimación de edad y ascendencia y el segundo en términos de sexo y estatura. Puede ser una alternativa para evaluar los siguientes parámetros biológicos: sexo, edad, estatura y ascendencia. La implementación de perfiles biológicos en el proceso de identificación es importante considerando que algunos casos requieren la asistencia de la antropología forense. Este artículo de revisión muestra la importancia del valor de las cnezas óseas. El método que se puede aplicar es la craneometría para determinar el sexo, la edad, la estatura y la ascendencia estimada. Se pueden obtener diferentes resultados dependiendo de la integridad del cráneo. Por lo tanto, las fórmulas de estimación tienen resultados precisos diferentes. Se ha realizado un análisis de función discriminante en varios conjuntos de medidas y muchos investigadores han validado su poder discriminante. El análisis a través de la morfometría geométrica se ha convertido en la principal herramienta para el análisis de formas y se ha utilizado frecuentemente en el análisis de cráneos. También se han desarrollado varios métodos apoyados en la tecnología. Se espera que este trabajo muestre diferencias significativas en los resultados entre los estudios realizados en Tailandia e Indonesia, aunque pertenezcan al mismo grupo racial.
Humans , Male , Female , Skull/anatomy & histology , Age Determination by Skeleton , Sex Determination by Skeleton , Pedigree , Thailand , Body Height , IndonesiaABSTRACT
Forensic Odontology deals with the presentation of dental evidence in a court of law. An academic exploration revealed instances of technical challenges within the field. This study endeavours to delve into the spheres where these challenges occur, with the core objective of enhancing the quality of practice. An integrative literature review was conducted using the online platforms SCOPUS and Web of Science. Based on the selection criteria, 29 pertinent papers dated 2000-2023 were included. Quantitative analysis of the categories of selected articles was performed using Microsoft Excel 2019 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA). Technical concerns were reported in all facets of Forensic Odontology with the general role of expert witnesses being reported the most (n=8; 27.58%). Within the different facets of the field, age estimation was the most prominent area of concern (n=8; 27.58%) and child abuse and neglect (n=1; 3.57%) represented the least reported category. Findings indicate that there is a need to prioritize avenues to enhance the quality of practice in the general role of expert witnesses and the specific area of dental age estimation. To this end, increased support for researchers must be provided to help validate methodologies. It is advisable to institute mandatory formal training and proficiency testing within the field. Inadequate knowledge of dentists regarding child abuse and neglect has been noted, demonstrating the need for more dedicated quality training. Recommendations for Forensic Odontologists have been curated combining this study's results and the codes of ethics of various forensic organisations
A Odontologia Legal trata da apresentação de provas odontológicas em juízo. Uma exploração acadêmica revelou exemplos de desafios técnicos na área. Este estudo procura aprofundar as esferas onde estes desafios ocorrem, com o objetivo central de melhorar a qualidade da prática. Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura utilizando as plataformas online SCOPUS e Web of Science. Com base nos critérios de seleção, foram incluídos 29 artigos pertinentes datados de 2000-2023. A análise quantitativa das categorias dos artigos selecionados foi realizada no Microsoft Excel 2019 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, EUA). Preocupações técnicas foram relatadas em todas as áreas da Odontologia Legal, sendo o papel geral dos peritos o mais relatado (n=8; 27,58%). Dentro das diferentes áreas de atuação, a estimativa da idade foi a área de preocupação mais proeminente (n=8; 27,58%), e o abuso infantil e a negligência (n=1; 3,57%) representaram a categoria menos relatada. Os resultados indicam que há uma necessidade de priorizar caminhos para melhorar a qualidade da prática no papel geral dos peritos e na área específica da estimativa da idade dental. Para este efeito, deve ser prestado maior apoio aos investigadores para ajudar a validar metodologias. É aconselhável instituir treinamento formal obrigatório e testes de proficiência na área. Foi observado um conhecimento inadequado dos dentistas sobre abuso e negligência infantil, demonstrando a necessidade de uma formação mais dedicada e de qualidade. As recomendações para Dentistas Forenses foram selecionadas combinando os resultados deste estudo e os códigos de ética de várias organizações forenses.
En la última década, la odontología forense se ha enfocado en el desarrollo de metodologías para la estimación de edad (EE) debido a la gran demanda en procesos identificatorios. Entre esas técnicas, el conteo de anulaciones del cemento dental (TCA) ha ofrecido resultados promisorios, pero también contradictorios que han generado dudas sobre su precisión y confiabilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar, establecer alcances, e identificar las limitaciones del conteo de TCA según los actuales estándares normativos y metodológicos. Se realizó una revisión con búsqueda sistemática del método de conteo de TCA para EE incluyendo estudios experimentales y notas técnicas en las bases PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) y Embase. Se emplearon los términos "estimation", "age" y "cementum", con búsqueda manual complementaria en Google Scholar. Se excluyeron revisiones, estudios en colecciones arqueológicas, estudios radiológicos y cartas al editor. La búsqueda arrojó un total de 273 artículos, seleccionándose 27 que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La mayoría de los estudios fueron publicados en Asia, particularmente en India (n=21). Sólo 6 artículos declararon el número total de individuos, tipos de diente y de cortes histológicos, siendo el premolar el más estudiado. Apenas dos artículos evaluaron la calidad de la muestra a analizar mediante legibilidad de los cortes obtenidos. El test más empleado para evaluar la precisión del método fue el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson (n=21). Estos hallazgos exponen la alta heterogeneidad reportada en las metodologías de EE mediante conteo por TCA, por lo que aún no existe un proceso estandarizado que abarque todas sus etapas y entregue resultados confiables siguiendo los estándares jurídicos actuales para la evidencia científica. Un mayor control de las limitaciones técnicas detectadas aumentará el valor como prueba en un contexto identificatorio legal o forense.
SUMMARY: In the last decade, forensic odontology has focused on the development of age estimation (AE) methodologies due to the great request in identification processes. Among these techniques, the tooth cementum annulation (TCA) count method has offered promising but also contradictory results, raising questions about its accuracy and reliability. The aim of this work was to characterize, establish the scope, and identify the limitations of the TCA count method according to the current normative and methodological standards. A scoping review was carried out for TCA count methods for AE, including experimental studies and technical notes in the PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) and Embase databases. The terms "estimation", "age" and "cementum" were used, with a complementary manual search in Google Scholar. Reviews, studies in archaeological collections, radiological studies and letters to the editor were excluded. The search yielded a total of 273 articles, selecting 27 of them that met the inclusion criteria. Most of the studies were published in Asia, particularly India (n=21). Only 6 articles declared the total number of individuals, types of teeth, and histological sections, with the premolar being the most studied. Only two articles evaluated the quality of the sample to be analyzed through the legibility of the cuts obtained. The most widely used test to assess the precision of the method was the Pearson correlation coefficient (n=21). These findings expose the high heterogeneity reported in EE methodologies by counting TCA, so there is still no standardized process that covers in all its stages and delivers reliable results following current legal standards for scientific evidence. More control of the detected technical limitations will increase the value as evidence in a legal or forensic identification context.
Humans , Age Determination by Teeth/methods , Dental Cementum/anatomy & histology , Forensic DentistryABSTRACT
El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el tiempo empleado al estimar la edad dental (ED) entre el método propuesto por Demirjian et al. y el cuadro integral del enfoque de Demirjian (DAEcc) utilizando radiografías panorámicas digitales de individuos peruanos de 5 a 13 años residentes en Lima. Se realizó un estudio no experimental, comparativo, transversal y retrospectivo. Se utilizaron 100 radiografías panorámicas digitales que presentaban siete dientes permanentes mandibulares izquierdos. Una odontóloga forense capacitada y calibrada determinó el tiempo utilizado en evaluar la maduración dental y la estimación de ED con dos métodos (Demirjian y DAEcc). La unidad de medida utilizada fue los minutos (min.). No hubo diferencias en el tiempo de evaluación del estadio de maduración dental entre ambos métodos (p<0,05). El tiempo para estimar ED fue estadísticamente inferior con DAEcc (2,09 min) que con Demirjian (4,19 min). La diferencia del tiempo total de evaluación resultó estadísticamente significativa entre ambos métodos (Δ2,1 min.; 2,05-2,11; p=0,000). La aplicación del DAEcc redujo en 50 % el tiempo empleado en estimar ED en comparación con los cuadros propuestos por Demirjian. Aunque la odontología forense se centra en el estudio de la eficacia de estimación de la edad, es necesario abordar también su uso práctico.
SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to compare the time used to estimate dental age (DA) between the method proposed by Demirjian et al., and the comprehensive chart for dental age estimation (DAEcc) using digital panoramic radiographs of Peruvian individuals aged 5 to 13 years residing in Lima. A non- experimental, comparative, cross-sectional and retrospective study was carried out. 100 digital panoramic radiographs showing seven mandibular left permanent teeth were used. A trained and calibrated forensic odontologist determined the time used to assess tooth maturation and DA estimation with two methods (Demirjian and DAEcc). The unit of measurement used was minutes (min.). There were no differences in the evaluation time of the dental maturation stage between both methods (p<0.05). The time spent to estimate DA was statistically less with DAEcc (2.09 min) than with Demirjian (4.19 min). The difference in total evaluation time was statistically significant between both methods (Δ2.1 min; 2.05-2.11; p=0.000).The application of DAEcc reduced by 50 % the time spent estimating DA compared to the method proposed by Demirjian. Although forensic odontology focuses on the study of the effectiveness of age estimation, its practical use needs to be addressed as well.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Tooth/diagnostic imaging , Age Determination by Teeth/methods , Forensic Dentistry , Peru , Time Factors , Tooth/growth & development , Radiography, Panoramic , Pilot Projects , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
To determine the accuracy of the Kvaal method in the estimation of dental age through the analysis of digital panoramic radiographs of patients between 20 and 47 years of age who attended the stomatological clinic of the Universidad Científica del Sur, (2018 to 2019), Lima-Perú. 289 digital panoramic radiographs belonging to individuals of both sexes, aged 20 to 47 years were analyzed. Length and width measurements were obtained in the dental and pulp chamber in the upper central incisors. These data were subsequently evaluated by calculating the proportions between the pulp and root length of the upper central incisor by applying the formula of the method of Kvaal et al. to obtain the accuracy of the method in estimating dental age. Applying the formula of Kvaal et al. indicates that the relationship between the width of the pulp and the length of the root has a higher level of significance in relation to others proportions: M mean value of all ratios except T (-0.659) and W-L difference between W and L (-0.643). The coefficient of determination (r²) and standard error of estimation (SEE) using the original Kvaal formula is r²: 0.70, SEE: 4.90 years, then a modified Kvaal formula was proposed for the Peruvian population. The Method of Kvaal et al. has an accuracy of 1.24 in estimating the dental age of individuals, using the upper central incisor in digital panoramic radiographs.
Determinar la precisión del método de Kvaal en la estimación de la edad dental mediante el análisis de radiografías panorámicas digitales de pacientes entre 20 a 47 años atendidos en la clínica estomatológica de la Universidad Científica del Sur, (2018 a 2019), Lima-Perú. Se analizaron 289 radiografías panorámicas digitales pertenecientes a individuos de ambos sexos, de 20 a 47 años. Se obtuvo medidas de longitud y anchura en la cámara dental y pulpar en los incisivos centrales superiores. Estos datos se valoraron posteriormente al calcular las proporciones entre la pulpa y longitud de la raíz del incisivo central superior aplicando la fórmula del método de Kvaal et al. para obtener la precisión del método en la estimación de la edad dental. Al aplicar la fórmula de Kvaal et al. indica que la relación entre la anchura de pulpa y la longitud de la raíz presentan un nivel de significancia mayor en relación a otras proporciones: M valor medio de todas las proporciones excepto T (-0.659) y W-L: diferencia entre los valores de W y L (-0.643). El coeficiente de determinación (r²) y el error estándar de la estimación (SEE) utilizando la fórmula original de Kvaal es de r²: 0.70, SEE: 4.90 años, después se propuso una fórmula modificada de Kvaal para la población peruana. El Método de Kvaal et al. tiene una precisión del 1.24 en la estimación de la edad dental de los individuos, utilizando el incisivo central superior en radiografías panorámicas digitales.
Humans , Adult , Age Determination by Teeth/methods , Peru , Radiography, Panoramic , IncisorABSTRACT
Bone development shows certain regularity with age. The regularity can be used to infer age and serve many fields such as justice, medicine, archaeology, etc. As a non-invasive evaluation method of the epiphyseal development stage, MRI is widely used in living age estimation. In recent years, the rapid development of machine learning has significantly improved the effectiveness and reliability of living age estimation, which is one of the main development directions of current research. This paper summarizes the analysis methods of age estimation by knee joint MRI, introduces the current research trends, and future application trend.
Epiphyses/diagnostic imaging , Age Determination by Skeleton/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Knee Joint/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
With the improvement of DNA methylation detection techniques, studies on age-related methylation sites have found more age-specific ones across tissues, which improves the sensitivity and accuracy of age estimation. In addition, the establishment of various statistical models also provides a new direction for the age estimation of tissues from different sources. This review summarizes the related studies of age estimation based on DNA methylation from the aspects of detection technology, age-related cytosine phosphate guanine site and model selection in recent years.
DNA Methylation , Forensic Genetics/methods , CpG Islands , Forensic MedicineABSTRACT
Objective To investigate the age-related changes of biomechanical properties for humerus, femur and tibia in male rats and their application values in age estimation. Methods According to different weeks of age, 90 healthy male SD rats were divided into 2, 4, 6, 8, 17, 26, 52, 78 and 104-week groups with 10 rats in eachgroup. After the rats were executed by excessive anesthesia, humerus, femur, and tibia were separated and the attached soft tissues were removed. The length of the above-mentioned bones and the diameter of the middle section (compression site) were measured with vernier caliper, and the three-point bending test was conducted with electronic universal material testing machine to detect the ultimate load and displacement under ultimate load. Results There were significant differences in the ultimate load of humerus, femur and tibia among male rats in different age groups (P<0. 05). With the increase of week age, the ultimate loads of the humerus, femur and tibia increased first and then decreased, and reached the peak value in 52-week age group, showing a strong positive correlation with week age before 52 weeks ( r = 0. 884,0. 933,0. 929, P<0. 05). There was no significant difference in humerus and tibia. The displacement of femur under ultimate load was weakly positively correlated with week age (R= 0. 406,P<0. 05). The age prediction accuracy for automatic linear modeling of ultimate load for humerus, femur, tibia and three above-mentioned bones in rats before 52-week age was 78. 2% , 86. 8% , 84. 1% and 88. 3% , respectively. There was a strong positive correlation between the length of humerus, femur and tibia and the ultimate load (R= 0. 904, 0. 897, 0. 814, P<0. 05). The diameters of humerus, femur and tibia were strongly positively correlated with the ultimate load (R = 0. 759, 0. 814 and 0. 745, P<0. 05). Conclusions The ultimate loads of humerus, femur and tibia in male rats increased first and then decreased with age, and were positively correlated with age before 52 weeks, which could be used for age inference. The highest accuracy of age estimation was ultimate loads of three bones, followed by femur. The length/ middle diameter of humerus, femur and tibia were strongly positively correlated with the ultimate load.
OBJECTIVES@#To evaluate the forensic application value of an age estimation model based on DNA methylation in eastern Chinese Han population, and to provide a theoretical basis for exploring age estimation models suitable for different detection platforms.@*METHODS@#According to the 6 age-related methylation sites in the published blood DNA methylation age estimation models of Chinese Han population, the DNA methylation level of 48 samples was detected by pyrosequencing and next-generation sequencing (NGS). After submitting DNA methylation levels to the age estimation model, the DNA methylation ages were predicted and compared with their real ages.@*RESULTS@#The 6 DNA methylation sites in both detection techniques were age-related, with an R2 of 0.85 and a median absolute deviation (MAD) of 4.81 years when using pyrosequencing;with an R2 of 0.84 and MAD of 4.41 years when using NGS.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The blood DNA methylation age estimation model can be used under pyrosequencing and multi-purpose regional methylation enrichment sequencing technology based on NGS and it can accurately estimate the age.
Humans , Aging/genetics , CpG Islands , DNA Methylation , East Asian People , Forensic Genetics/methodsABSTRACT
Wound age estimation is the core content in the practice of forensic medicine. Accurate estimation of wound age is a scientific question that needs to be urgently solved by forensic scientists at home and abroad. Metabolomics techniques can effectively detect endogenous metabolites produced by internal or external stimulating factors and describe the dynamic changes of metabolites in vivo. It has the advantages of strong operability, high detection efficiency and accurate quantitative results. Machine learning algorithm has special advantages in processing high-dimensional data sets, which can effectively mine biological information and truly reflect the physiological, disease or injury state of the body. It is a new technical means for efficiently processing high-throughput big data. This paper reviews the status and advantages of metabolomic techniques combined with machine learning algorithm in the research of wound age estimation, and provides new ideas for this research.
Algorithms , Machine Learning , Forensic Medicine , Metabolomics , Big DataABSTRACT
Age estimation based on tissues or body fluids is an important task in forensic science. The changes of DNA methylation status with age have certain rules, which can be used to estimate the age of the individuals. Therefore, it is of great significance to discover specific DNA methylation sites and develop new age estimation models. At present, statistical models for age estimation have been developed based on the rule that DNA methylation status changes with age. The commonly used models include multiple linear regression model, multiple quantile regression model, support vector machine model, artificial neural network model, random forest model, etc. In addition, there are many factors that affect the level of DNA methylation, such as the tissue specificity of methylation. This paper reviews these modeling methods and influencing factors for age estimation based on DNA methylation, with a view to provide reference for the establishment of age estimation models.
Humans , DNA Methylation , CpG Islands , Forensic Genetics , Neural Networks, Computer , Linear Models , Aging/geneticsABSTRACT
Objective The Kellinghaus grading method was used to manually read and grade the thin-layer CT of sternal end of clavicle,and a variety of traditional statistical methods as well as machine learning methods were used to construct age estimation models for adolescents and adults in early adulthood,to explore the value of the application of machine learning technology in the study of age estimation of the Han Chinese population in Sichuan.Methods Thin-section CT images of the chest were retrospectively collected from 491 individuals aged 10~30 years,and the collected samples were assigned a reading grade with reference to the Kellinghaus grading method.10%of the xases were randomly selected as the test set,and the remaining data were used as the training set to construct a variety of traditional statistical regression models and machine learning models for estimating the age of adolescents and adults in early adulthood,and the performance of the models was evaluated by using the mean absolute error(MAE).Results The statistical regression model with the best efficacy was the cubic regression model,with an MAE value of 1.34 for males and 1.57 for females;of the three machine learning models,the Random Forest model had the best predictive efficacy for males,with an MAE value of 1.39,and the Support Vector model had the best predictive efficacy for females,with an MAE value of 1.51.Conclusion In the construction of age estimation models for sternal end of clavicle,the machine learning model has a certain improvement in the accuracy of age prediction,but there is no obvious advantage compared with the traditional statistical regression model,and the use of the machine learning method in age estimation based on sternal end of clavicle still needs further exploration.
Introduction: The age of 18 years is an important milestone for legal matters, and developmental parameters of teeth are often used for estimation of this age. The aim of this study is to assess the efficiency of third molar maturity index (I3M) in establishing age of 18 years in Dakshina Kannada population. Methods: A total of 700 orthopantomograms were retrieved from the archives of the radiology department of Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore. The length and the width of the open apex of the mandibular left third molar was assessed using Image J software and the Third molar maturity Index (I3M) was calculated and correlated with the age of the individual. Results: Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed the Area under curve of 0.94 and 0.96 in females and males, respectively, for prediction of age of 18 years. The cut?off of 0.08 predicted the 18?year cut?off with 97% specificity and 90.2% negative predictive value. The percentage of the accuracy was 80.23% if the I3M was <0.08. Conclusion: The efficiency of the cut?off of 0.08 of I3M has been tested in various population including Kosovar, Peruvian, South Indian, Libyan, Montenegro, Croatian, African (Botswana), Albanian, and Serbian. Our study also shows the efficiency of the same in South Indian Dakshina Kannada population.
Context: Radiographs have an essential role in Chronological Age (CA) estimation and are being used for dental age (DA) determination. Aims: Detecting the validity of Nolla’s method (NM) for the age assessment of Kurdish Iraqi children (KIC). Methods and Material: A retrospective study was performed using orthopantomographs (OPGs) of 354 subjects aged from 4 to 13 years (178 boys and 176 girls) and their recording files. Subjects were divided into nine study groups: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 years old. The chronological age (CA) was subtracted from the DA to find the validity of NM; the positive results indicated the overestimation of age, whereas the negative results indicated for underestimation. The data were recorded through a digitalised system using Microsoft Excel worksheet and analysed by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 25) programme using the dependent T?test and graphical analysis. The level of P value used in this study was set at < 0.05. Results: The DA is underestimated in ages 9 to 13 in boys and girls. The highest difference in DA–CA was at the age of 9 years (?0.146 ± 0.162). Conclusions: NM for age estimation was slightly overestimated in age groups of 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 years in boys and girls without statistically significant differences. However, this method underestimated the ages of KIC ranging from 9 to 13 years significantly.
Context: Age estimation allows the identification of living individuals, dead victims and estimation of age in children using maxillofacial radiographs. Aim: To compare age estimation by mandibular third molar developmental stages using modified Demirjian’s method on OPG with age estimation by mandibular linear dimensions on lateral cephalogram. Setting and Design: A total of 200 randomly selected subjects (100 males and 100 females), with age range from 9 to 20 years, and 200 Digital Orthopantomograms and 200 Digital Lateral Cephalograms were utilized for the study. Methods and Material: Radiographs were taken with Kodak 8000C Digital Panoramic and Cephalometric machine operating at 60–90 kvp, with exposure time of 8–18 s at 2–15 mA, with an inbuilt magnification factor. A flat screen Compaq TFT?LCD monitor was used to view the OPG images. Linear mandibular dimensional measurements were made on each Digital Lateral Cephalogram using Trophy Dicom Software. Statistical Analysis Used: Regression analysis and regression coefficient for establishing gender?specific equation were observed. Evaluation of results and statistical analysis was carried by using Student’s ‘t’ test. For all test, ‘P’ value of 0.05 or less was utilized for measuring the degree of significance. Intra?observer variability was detected using reliability analysis. Results: The accuracy of age estimation by OPG was 93.8% and by lateral cephalogram was 79.7%. Conclusion: The OPG analysis is more reliable than the cephalometric parameters.
A estimativa da idade utilizando dentes humanos é realizada por várias ciências. Enquanto na odontologia e antropologia forense o significado desta estimativa está associado à idade cronológica em indivíduos vivos ou mortos, na arqueologia o significado é outro, e reflete o tempo decorrido desde a formação do dente até a sua descoberta no sítio arqueológico, a chamada datação arqueológica. Diante do potencial uso da datação para identificação de corpos antigos (fossilizados) na área forense, o objetivo deste trabalho é abordar a estimativa da idade de dentes sob a perspectiva da arqueologia, por meio do principal método de datação utilizado: o da espectroscopia por ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE). Com o intuito de verificar as principais aplicações deste método na datação de dentes humanos, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura. Os 18 artigos selecionados mostram que a espectroscopia RPE encontra-se consolidada como método de datação para dentes humanos e tem sido aplicada com sucesso nas últimas décadas, na solução de problemas de diversas pesquisas arqueológicas, ajudando a elucidar questionamentos acerca da dinâmica de ocupação, interações interespecíficas e extinção de várias espécies humanas que habitaram a Terra nas últimas centenas de milhares de anos
Age estimation using human teeth is performed by several fields of knowledge. While in forensic dentistry and anthropology the meaning of this estimate is associated with chronological age in living or dead individuals, in archaeology, the meaning is different and reflects the time elapsed from the formation of the tooth until its discovery at the archaeological site, the so-called archaeological dating. Faced with the potential use of archaeological dating to identify ancient (fossilized) bodies in the forensic area, the aim of this work is to approach the age estimation of teeth from the perspective of archaeology, through the main dating method used: Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. In order to verify the main applications of this method for the dating of human teeth, a literature review was carried out. 18 articles were selected and show that ESR spectroscopy is consolidated as a dating method for human teeth and it has been applied, successfully over the last few decades, in the solution of problems of several archaeological researches, helping to clarify questions about the dynamics of occupation, interspecific interactions and extinction of several human species that have inhabited the Earth in the last few hundred thousand years
Abstract: In forensic and legal contexts, an assessment of skeletal maturation is required to predict the chronological age in certain circumstances in which the chronological age is undocumented or unable to be proven. Carrying such medical examinations will always pose an ethical concern, especially in cases of assessing sexual maturity as well as examinations involving ionizing radiation. The cultural and religious barriers are also discussed concerning the ethical standards set in Saudi Arabia. Several ethical issues concerning age estimation examinations including issues related to consent forms, privacy, and radiation hazards have been documented. While ethical issues regarding radiation hazards are more likely to be overcome by introducing other imaging modalities without radiation hazards, ethics related to consent forms and privacy are still to be improved.
Resumen: En contextos forenses y legales, se requiere la evaluación de la maduración del esqueleto para predecir la edad cronológica en ciertas circunstancias en que la edad cronológica no está documentada o no es posible de probar. Realizar tales exámenes médicos siempre significa una preocupación ética, especialmente en casos de evaluación de madurez sexual así como en exámenes que involucran radiaciones ionizantes. Se discuten también las barreras culturales y religiosas relacionadas con el contexto de estándares éticos en Arabia Saudita. Entre los varios temas éticos relacionados con la estimación de la edad, se documentan temas relacionados con los formularios de consentimiento, privacidad y riesgos de radiación. Mientras que los temas éticos relacionados con riesgos de radiación pueden ser resueltos al introducir otras modalidades de examen sin radiación, los problemas éticos relacionados con los formularios de consentimiento y privacidad todavía necesitan mejorarse.
Resumo: Em contextos forenses e legais, uma avaliação de maturação esquelética é requerida para predizer a idade cronológica em certas circunstâncias nas quais a idade cronológica não é documentada ou impossível de ser provada. Conduzir tais exames médicos sempre irá suscitar uma preocupação ética, especialmente em casos para avaliar maturidade sexual bem como exames envolvendo radiação ionizante. As barreiras culturais e religiosas também são discutidas no que diz respeito a padrões éticos estabelecidos na Arábia Saudita. Diversos aspectos éticos concernentes a exames de estimativa de idade incluindo aspectos relacionados a formulários de consentimento, privacidade e risco de radiação foram documentados. Ao passo que aspectos éticos que dizem respeito a risco de radiação serem mais provavelmente superáveis pela introdução de outras modalidades de exames de imagem sem risco de radiação, a ética relacionada a formulários de consentimento e privacidade ainda estão por serem melhorados.
Humans , Age Determination by Skeleton/ethics , Radiation Risks , Forensic Medicine/ethics , Saudi Arabia , Privacy , Informed ConsentABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The objective of this review was to identify original studies describing radiographic methods for dental age estimation applied in Chilean children, considering that it is a country with a long history of natural disasters and it has shown an unprecedented increase in the number of migrants in recent years, with significant percentages of individuals under 18 years of age. A scoping review was carried out following the methodology for the Joanna Briggs Institute scoping reviews and PRISMA guidelines. A specific search strategy was implemented in PubMed/Medline database, with complementary use of the Google Scholar website searching for full articles in English and Spanish. Five documents responded to the search objective, of which only 3 were published in refereed journals. Two documents focused their study on the maturation of upper and lower third molars, one on the maturation of the second and lower third molars, and two documents on the maturation of the seven mandibular teeth according to classical methodologies. The scarce existing literature, the almost absence of validated methods for the Chilean population, as well as the reported mass immigration phenomenon make a new and profound scientific research approach necessary for the application of updated methods.
RESUMEN: El objetivo de esta revisión fue identificar estudios originales que describan métodos radiográficos para la estimación de la edad dental aplicados en niños chilenos, considerando que Chile es un país con una larga historia de desastres naturales y que ha mostrado un aumento sin precedentes en el número de inmigrantes en los últimos años, con porcentajes significativos de individuos menores de 18 años. Se llevó a cabo una revisión con búsqueda sistemática siguiendo la metodología del Instituto Joanna Briggs y las pautas PRISMA. Se implementó una estrategia de búsqueda específica en la base de datos PubMed/Medline, con uso complementario de Google Scholar, buscando artículos completos en inglés y español. Cinco documentos respondieron al objetivo de búsqueda, de los cuales solo 3 fueron publicados en revistas arbitradas. Dos documentos centraron su estudio en la maduración de los terceros molares superiores e inferiores, uno en la maduración de los segundos y terceros molares inferiores y dos documentos en la maduración de los siete dientes mandibulares según metodologías clásicas. La escasa literatura existente, la casi ausencia de métodos validados para la población chilena, así como el fenómeno de inmigración masiva reportado, hacen necesario un nuevo y profundo enfoque de investigación científica para la apli- cación de métodos actualizados.
Humans , Age Determination by Teeth/methods , Radiography, Dental , Emigration and Immigration , Forensic Dentistry , ChileABSTRACT
Introducción: este trabajo buscó determinar la exactitud y precisión de los métodos dentales para estimar la edad, basados en la transparencia de la dentina radicular. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal de tipo comparativo en el que se evaluaron 90 dientes unirradiculares de una muestra peruana de 90 cadáveres adultos masculinos. En cada diente se midió la altura de la periodontosis, altura radicular y longitud de la transparencia de la dentina radicular. Con estas medidas se hallaron las edades dentales de acuerdo con los métodos de Prince-Ubelaker, Ubelaker-Parra y Vilcapoma, y se compararon los resultados entre sí y con la edad cronológica (edad real). Debido a la normalidad de los datos y a su homocedasticidad, se utilizó la prueba de Pearson, el Anova de un factor para muestras relacionadas y la prueba de Tukey. La exactitud se evaluó mediante las diferencias entre las edades cronológicas y las estimadas por cada método, y la precisión se obtuvo del análisis de confiabilidad y repetibilidad, mediante diagramas de Bland-Altman. El nivel de significancia fue 0.05. Resultados: las exactitudes y precisiones fueron de 0.15-0.14, 2.18-2.07, 3.5-3.11 y 9.92-9.82 para los métodos de Vilcapoma, Ubelaker-Parra, Prince-Ubelaker para masculinos blancos y Prince-Ubelaker para para masculinos negros, respectivamente. Conclusiones: el método de Vilcapoma tuvo mayor exactitud y precisión para estimar la edad.
Objective: To determine the accuracy and precision of dental methods for age estimation based on transparency of root dentin. Materials and Methods: Transversal study of comparative type where 90 uniradicular teeth of a Peruvian sample of 90 male adult corpses were evaluated. In each tooth was mea-sured: height of periodontosis, root height and height of transparency of root dentin. With these mea-surements the dental ages were found according to the methods of Prince-Ubelaker, Ubelaker-Parra and Vilcapoma, comparing the results with each other and with the chronological age (real age). Due to the normality of the data and its homocedasticity, the Pearson test, the one-factor Anova for related samples and the Tukey test were used. Accuracy was evaluated by differences between chronological and esti-mated ages for each method and accuracy was obtained from reliability and repeatability analysis using Bland-Altman diagrams. The significance level was 0.05. Results: Accuracy and precision were 0.15-0.14, 2.18-2.07, 3.5-3.11 and 9.92-9.82 for the Vilcapoma, Ubelaker-Parra, Prince-Ubelaker for white males and Prince-Ubelaker for black males, respectively. Conclusions: The Vilcapoma method had greater accuracy and precision in estimating age.
Objetivo: determinar a precisão e a exatidão dos métodos odontológicos para a estimativa da idade com base na transparência da dentina radicular. Materiais e métodos: estudo transversal comparativo onde foram avaliados 90 dentes uniradiculares de uma amostra peruana de 90 cadáveres masculinos adultos. Cada dente foi medido para: altura da periodontose, altura da raiz e comprimento da transparência da dentina radicular. Com estas medidas foram encontradas as idades dentárias de acordo com os métodos de Prince-Ubelaker, Ubelaker-Parra e Vilcapoma, comparando os resultados entre si e com a idade cro-nológica (idade real). Devido à normalidade dos dados e sua homocedasticidade, foram utilizados o teste Pearson, a anova de um fator para amostras relacionadas e o teste Tukey. A exatidão foi avaliada pelas diferenças entre as idades cronológicas e as estimadas por cada método e a exatidão foi obtida a partir da análise de confiabilidade e repetibilidade usando diagramas de Bland-Altman. O nível de significância foi de 0,05. Resultados: precisão e exatidão foram 0,15-0,14, 2,18-2,07, 3,5-3,11 e 9,92-9,82 para os métodos Vilcapoma, Ubelaker-Parra, Prince-Ubelaker para os homens brancos e Prince-Ubelaker para os homens negros, respectivamente. Conclusões: o método Vilcapoma foi mais preciso e exato na estimativa da idade.