Resumen La utilización de agroquímicos en la agricultura y el aumento de intoxicaciones derivadas de su manejo han llevado a discusiones acerca de su peligrosidad para la salud humana y el ambiente. Objetivo: conocer las causas de intoxicaciones por el uso de agroquímicos y describir propuestas para enfrentar el problema desde la perspectiva de los agricultores rurales, agentes de salud y extensionistas rurales de Cerro Azul (Misiones, Argentina). Metodología: cualitativa de tipo exploratorio-descriptiva, se realizaron 14 entrevistas a los diferentes actores las cuales fueron transcriptas y analizadas con el apoyo del software Atlas ti. Resultados: se encontró que las causas de intoxicación identificadas por los actores fueron: no utilizar vestimenta protectora, no seguir medidas de bioseguridad apropiadas, no poseer los medios de protección, falta de conciencia de la peligrosidad de los agroquímicos, y falta del cumplimiento de la ley relativa al uso de agroquímicos tanto por parte de agricultores como de vendedores de insumos, como propuestas para enfrentar el problema se plantearon: tomar conciencia de la peligrosidad y usar correctamente los medios de protección, dar capacitaciones, hacer visitas a los predios productivos, hacer cumplir la ley y establecer controles de residuos sobre los productos agrícolas. Conclusiones: se identificó que el uso de agroquímicos tiene efectos en la salud humana y en el ambiente, esta afirmación debería ser suficiente para generar y promover cada vez más dispositivos, programas y modelos de producción que disminuyan o eliminen su utilización.
Abstract The use of agrochemicals in agriculture and the increase in poisoning resulting from their handling has led to discussions about their danger to human health and the environment. Objetive: the objective of this research was to know the causes of poisoning due to the use of agrochemicals and describe proposals to face the problem from the perspective of rural producers, health agents and rural extension workers of Cerro Azul (Misiones, Argentina). Methodology: the methodology used was qualitative, exploratory-descriptive, 14 interviews were carried out with the different actors, which were transcribed and analyzed with the support of the Atlas ti software. Results: as a result, it was found that the causes of poisoning identified by the actors were: not using protective clothing, not following appropriate biosafety measures, not having the means of protection, lack of awareness of the danger of agrochemicals, and lack of compliance with the law regarding the use of agrochemicals by both producers and input sellers. Proposals to address the problem were proposed: becoming aware of the danger and correctly using protective means, providing training, visiting productive properties, enforcing the law and establishing residue controls on agricultural products. Conclusion: As a discussion and conclusions, it was identified that the use of agrochemicals has effects on human health and the environment; this statement should be sufficient to generate and promote more and more devices, programs and production models that reduce or eliminate their use.
Resumo O uso de agroquímicos na agricultura e o aumento das intoxicações decorrentes do seu manuseio têm gerado discussões sobre seus perigos para a saúde humana e o meio ambiente. Objetivo: o objetivo desta pesquisa foi conhecer as causas das intoxicações pelo uso de agrotóxicos e descrever propostas para o enfrentamento do problema na perspectiva de produtores rurais, agentes de saúde e extensionistas rurais de Cerro Azul (Misiones, Argentina). Metodologia: a metodologia utilizada foi qualitativa, exploratório-descritiva, foram realizadas 14 entrevistas com os diferentes atores, as quais foram transcritas e analisadas com o apoio do software Atlas ti. Resultados: como resultado, constatou-se que as causas de intoxicação identificadas pelos atores foram: não utilizar roupas de proteção, não seguir medidas adequadas de biossegurança, não possuir meios de proteção, falta de conscientização sobre o perigo dos agroquímicos e falta de cumprimento das normas. a lei relativa ao uso de agroquímicos tanto pelos produtores quanto pelos vendedores de insumos. Foram propostas propostas para enfrentar o problema: conscientizar-se do perigo e utilizar corretamente os meios de proteção, ministrar treinamentos, visitar propriedades produtivas, fazer cumprir a lei e estabelecer controles de resíduos nos produtos agrícolas. Conclusões: como discussão e conclusões, identificou-se que o uso de agrotóxicos traz efeitos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente; esta afirmação deveria ser suficiente para gerar e promover cada vez mais dispositivos, programas e modelos de produção que reduzam ou eliminem seu uso.
RESUMO O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a exposição aos agrotóxicos e os danos à saúde dos trabalhadores das plantações de cana-de-açúcar em Pernambuco. Trata-se de pesquisa participante desenvolvida em territórios rurais de cinco municípios com forte expressão em área plantada de cana-de-açúcar. Os dados primários foram produzidos em oficinas com trabalhadores rurais para construção de diagnóstico rural participativo, analisados mediante condensação de significados e interpretados à luz do referencial teórico da epidemiologia crítico latino-americana. Os resultados estão apresentados em três seções: i) Fluxograma do trabalho nas plantações de cana-de-açúcar; ii) Exposição aos agrotóxicos utilizados nas lavouras; iii) Danos à saúde do trabalhador. Conclui-se que a exposição permanente aos agrotóxicos envolve o trabalho nas plantações de cana-de-açúcar e emerge de um construto histórico e socioambiental, em que se encontram subsumidos os modos de vida dos territórios sob o domínio do agronegócio canavieiro. Recomendam-se políticas públicas de fomento à agricultura familiar com diversificação, escoamento e distribuição da produção agroecológica, além do fortalecimento da Atenção Primária à Saúde e de ações integradas de vigilância epidemiológica, sanitária, ambiental e do trabalhador.
ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze exposure to pesticides and harm to the health of workers on sugarcane plantations in Pernambuco. This participatory research was conducted in rural territories of five municipalities with a strong presence in sugarcane-planted areas. The primary data were produced in workshops with rural workers to construct a participatory rural diagnosis, analyzed through condensation of meanings, and interpreted in light of the theoretical framework of Latin American critical epidemiology. The results are presented in three sections: i) Flowchart of work on sugarcane plantations; ii) Exposure to pesticides used on crops; iii) Harm to worker's health. We conclude that permanent exposure to pesticides involves working on sugarcane plantations and emerges from a historical and socio-environmental construct in which the ways of life of the territories under the control of sugarcane agribusiness are subsumed. Public policies are recommended to promote family farming with diversification, flow, distribution of agroecological production, and strengthening primary health care and integrated epidemiological, health, environmental, and worker surveillance actions.
La complejidad, dinámica y multidimensionalidad de los eventos suicidas hace que sean considerados un problema de salud pública, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Entre los métodos de suicidio, la ingestión de agroquímicos es uno de los más empleados en el mundo. Esta revisión bibliográfica tuvo como objetivo relevar artículos científicos latinoamericanos que estudian o analizan el suicidio en contextos rurales. En particular, aquellos que utilizan como medio la ingesta de agroquímicos. Para ello, se realizó una revisión exploratoria en las siguientes bases de datos bibliográficas: BVS, SciELO y DOAJ. Tras la combinación de descriptores y términos libres se halló un total de 343 artículos. A partir de distintos criterios de inclusión y exclusión, el cuerpo documental quedó conformado por cinco artículos, cuatro de Brasil y uno de Colombia. Entre los resultados obtenidos se destaca que el suicidio con agroquímicos es considerado una problemática en los contextos rurales analizados. Las investigaciones asocian este tipo de eventos con la manipulación o utilización intensiva de agroquímicos, en particular, en adultos jóvenes. Entre las sustancias más utilizadas se encuentran los insecticidas. Asimismo, se señala que existe un subregistro de casos, lo cual dificulta el desarrollo de estrategias preventivas. El interés incipiente en el tema demanda multiplicar los estudios y disciplinas que lo aborden. Además de esto, se requiere una articulación mayor entre ciencia, tecnología y políticas de monitoreo en salud mental que generen visibilidad sobre este tipo de problemas y fomenten el desarrollo de estrategias participativas y promocionales en contextos rurales.
The complexity, dynamics, and multidimensionality of suicidal events make them a public health problem, both nationally and internationally. Among the methods of suicide, the ingestion of agrochemicals is one of the most commonly used worldwide. This bibliographic review aimed to survey Latin American scientific articles that study and/or analyze suicide in rural contexts, particularly those using agrochemical ingestion as a method. An exploratory review was conducted in the following bibliographic databases: BVS, Scielo, and DOAJ. After combining descriptors and free terms, a total of 343 articles were found. Based on various inclusion and exclusion criteria, the document body consisted of five articles, four from Brazil and one from Colombia. One of the key findings is that suicide involving agrochemicals is seen as a significant issue in the rural areas under study. Research associates this type of event with the manipulation and/or intensive use of agrochemicals, particularly in young adults. Insecticides are among the most commonly used substances. It is also noted that there is underreporting of cases, which hinders the development of preventive strategies. The emerging interest in the topic demands an increase in studies and disciplines addressing it. In addition, greater articulation is required between science, technology, and mental health monitoring policies to raise awareness about these issues and promote the development of participatory and promotional strategies in rural contexts.
A complexidade, a dinâmica e a multidimensionalidade dos eventos suicidas fazem com que eles sejam considerados um problema de saúde pública, tanto em nível nacional quanto internacional. Entre os métodos de suicídio, a ingestão de agrotóxicos é um dos mais utilizados no mundo. Esta revisão da literatura teve como objetivo fazer um levantamento dos artigos científicos latino-americanos que estudam e/ou analisam o suicídio em contextos rurais. Em particular, aqueles que utilizam a ingestão de agrotóxicos como meio de suicídio. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão exploratória nas seguintes bases de dados bibliográficas: BVS, Scielo e DOAJ. Após a combinação de descritores e termos livres, foi encontrado um total de 343 artigos. Com base em diferentes critérios de inclusão e exclusão, o corpo documental foi composto por cinco artigos, quatro do Brasil e um da Colômbia. Entre os resultados obtidos, destaca-se que o suicídio com agrotóxicos é considerado um problema nos contextos rurais analisados. As pesquisas associam esse tipo de evento ao manuseio e/ou uso intensivo de agrotóxicos, principalmente em adultos jovens. Os inseticidas estão entre as substâncias mais comumente usadas. Observa-se também que há uma subnotificação dos casos, o que dificulta o desenvolvimento de estratégias preventivas. O incipiente interesse pelo assunto exige a multiplicação de estudos e disciplinas que o abordem. Além disso, há necessidade de maior coordenação entre ciência, tecnologia e políticas de monitoramento de saúde mental que gerem visibilidade desse tipo de problema e incentivem o desenvolvimento de estratégias participativas e promocionais em contextos rurais.
Rural Population , Suicide , Agrochemicals , Latin AmericaABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify the prevalence of contamination by pesticides and their metabolites in the milk of lactating mothers in Latin America. METHODS In this systematic review, the PubMed, LILACS, Embase, and Scopus databases were searched up to January 2022 to identify observational studies. The Mendeley software was used to manage these references. The risk of bias assessment was evaluated according to the checklist for prevalence studies and writing design, by the Prisma guidelines. RESULTS This study retrieved 1835 references and analyzed 49 studies. 69.38% of the analyzed studies found a 100% prevalence of breast milk contamination by pesticides among their sample. Main pesticides include dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its isomers (75.51%), followed by the metabolite dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) (69.38%) and hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) (46.93%). This study categorized most (65.30%) studies as having a low risk of bias. CONCLUSIONS This review shows a high prevalence of pesticide contamination in the breast milk of Latin American women. Further investigations should be carried out to assess contamination levels in breast milk and the possible effects of these substances on maternal and child health.
Humans , Female , Agrochemicals , Chemical Contamination , Environmental Exposure , Human Health , Milk, HumanABSTRACT
With respect to conventional farming precision agriculture increases average yields by limiting the wastage by calculating the exact required quantities of inputs. One major issue in India is the relatively small and scattered landholdings. In India 58% of the cultivable land is less than 1ha under single owner. The agricultural production system is the result of a complex interplay between seed, soil, water, and agrochemicals (including fertilizers). As a result, judicious control of all inputs is critical for the long-term viability of such a complex system. Precision agriculture is the use of technology and techniques to control the geographical and temporal variability associated with all aspects of agricultural production to improve output and environmental quality. Precision agricultural success is dependent on an accurate assessment of variability, its management, and evaluation in the space-time continuum of crop production. Precision agriculture's agronomic performance has been highly impressive in sugar beet, sugarcane, tea, and coffee crops. Due to lack of knowledge of space-time continuum the economic benefits environmental and social advantages are not explored yet. Precision agriculture is a relatively new field that integrates cutting-edge geographic technology with farming scenarios to optimize inputs, eliminate waste, and maximize returns. Precision farming systems are intended for use in many sorts of agricultural systems, ranging from row crops to dairy, and the technology has experienced extensive acceptance in the United States and across the globe.
Los barrenadores del tallo del género de Diatraea spp. (Lepidoptera:Crambidae) han sido reconocidos por ser la plaga de mayor impacto en el cultivo de caña de azúcar, en el que causan importantes pérdidas económicas. Para su control, una cepa colombiana de Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill (aislamiento Bv062) que demostró alta virulencia frente a larvas de D. saccharalis (Fabricius), fue utilizada para el desarrollo de un bioinsecticida formulado como un concentrado emulsionable (CE). Con el fin de integrar este bioinsecticida en un esquema de manejo integrado de plagas, es necesario evaluar su compatibilidad con los agroquímicos utilizados comúnmente en el cultivo de caña de azúcar. Para tal fin se evaluó el efecto in vitro de 11 agroquímicos (fungicidas, insecticidas y herbicidas) sobre la germinación y actividad insecticida de conidios formulados. Inicialmente el CE y los agroquímicos fueron ajustados al doble de la concentración recomendada y mezclados en proporción 1:1, se incubaron durante dos horas, y se determinó el porcentaje de germinación. Los conidios expuestos a los agroquímicos fueron también purificados y utilizados para un bioen-sayo frente a larvas de segundo instar de D. saccharalis. El CE resultó ser compatible con los herbicidas e insecticidas evaluados, manteniendo una germinación y eficacia superior al 80%. Por el contrario, el CE fue incompatible con todos los fungicidas evaua-dos. Estos resultados permiten sugerir recomendaciones de aplicación del bioplaguicida a base de B. bassiana Bv062, junto con insecticidas y herbicidas empleados en el cultivo de caña, pero se recomienda no aplicarlo de manera simultánea con fungicidas como el benomil y del grupo de triazoles. Se recomienda validar estos resultados en condiciones de campo.
Sugarcane stem borers of the genus Diatraea spp. (Lepidoptera:Crambidae) have been recognized as the pest of the greatest impact on sugarcane crops causing significant economic losses. For its control, a colombian strain of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill (code Bv062) that showed a high virulence against D. saccharalis (Fabricius) larvae was used for a biopesticide development, formulated as emulsifiable concentrate (EC). In order to include the EC into an integrated pest management (IPM) scheme, it is necessary to evaluate its compatibility with the agrochemicals commonly used in sugarcane crops. For this purpose, the in vitro effect of 11 agrochemicals (fungicides, insecticides and herbicides) on the germination and insecticidal activity of Bv062 formulated conidia was evaluated. Initially, the EC and agrochemicals were adjusted to double the recommended concentration and mixed in a 1:1 ratio. The mixes were incubated for two hours, and the germination percentage was calculated. The conidia exposed to the agrochemicals were also purified and used for a bioassay against second instar larvae of D. saccharalis. The EC was compatible with the herbicides and insecticides, maintaining germination and efficacy higher than 80%. In contrast, EC was incompatible with all the fungicides evaluated. These results allow us to suggest recommendations for the application of the biopesticide based on B. bassiana Bv062 with insecticides and herbicides used in sugarcane crops, but it is not recommended to apply it simultaneously with fungicides such as benomyl and the triazole group. It is recommended to validate these results under field conditions.
The science of controlling materials at the nanoscale is known as nanotechnology. Working with the smallest particles conceivable gives rise to aspirations for increasing agricultural production by running into issues that can't be solved traditionally. In the management aspects, attempts are made to restore soil fertility by releasing fixed nutrients, as well as to boost the efficacy of applied fertilizer with the aid of nano clays and zeolites. With the aid of nano biosensors and satellite systems, the input requirements for crops are determined in controlled environments for agriculture and precision farming based on needs, and the necessary quantities are given at the appropriate times and locations. To combat the issues of managing perennial weeds and depleting the weed seed bank, nano herbicides are being developed. By using targeted delivery, slow/controlled release, and conditional release mechanisms, nanostructured formulations could more accurately time the release of their active ingredients in response to biological needs and environmental cues. According to studies, using nano fertilizers improves the efficiency with which nutrients are used, lessens soil toxicity, reduces the frequency of treatment, and minimizes any potential side effects from overdosing. Because of this, nanotechnology, especially in underdeveloped nations, has tremendous potential for attaining sustainable agriculture. To increase agricultural productivity, new technologies are frequently used in agriculture. Employing nanoparticles in agriculture is known as "nanoagriculture," and these particles will have positive effects on crops.
Agrochemicals, including fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, are widely used in agriculture to improve crop yields and protect plants from pests and diseases. There is growing concern over their impact on beneficial soil microorganisms and, indirectly, on human health. This review aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the effects of agrochemicals on soil microbial communities and human health, focusing on recent scientific research and case studies. Exploring various agrochemicals can disrupt microbial diversity, population, and functionality, affecting crucial soil processes and, in turn, ecosystem health. We delve into the pathways of human exposure to agrochemicals and the potential health implications. To mitigate the adverse effects of agrochemicals, the review highlights several alternative approaches, including the use of organic fertilizers and pesticides, precision agriculture, and genetically modified crops. Despite these advancements, research gaps persist in understanding the complex interplay between agrochemicals, beneficial microorganisms, and human health, particularly in the changing agricultural practices and climate conditions. We argue that interdisciplinary, long-term studies are needed to fill these gaps and develop sustainable, health-conscious agricultural practices. The review is intended for researchers, policymakers, and agricultural practitioners seeking to understand and address the environmental and health impacts of agrochemicals.
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a associação entre características sociodemográficas relacionadas à exposição ambiental e ocupacional e o autorrelato de intoxicação de pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer em Mato Grosso, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com 998 pacientes com câncer atendidos em hospitais de referência do estado. A variável dependente foi obtida a partir do autorrelato de algum sintoma de intoxicação nos últimos 5 anos e se a intoxicação foi decorrente ou não do trabalho/ocupação. A associação entre características sociodemográficas relacionadas à intoxicação e à exposição ambiental e ocupacional e o autorrelato de intoxicação foi avaliada pelo teste exato de Fisher. Do total de entrevistados, 7,4% (IC95%: 6,0; 9,2) referiram intoxicação, sendo 2,3% dos casos (IC95%: 1,5; 3,4) decorrentes do trabalho. Os fatores associados ao autorrelato de intoxicação decorrente do trabalho foram ser do sexo masculino, ter escolaridade menor que 4 anos, sintoma de dor de cabeça, intoxicação por agrotóxico agrícola, por via respiratória e ter trabalhado com agrotóxicos, amianto, metais pesados e poeira industrial. Conclui-se que os indivíduos com maior exposição ocupacional aos agrotóxicos e a outros produtos químicos referiram maior ocorrência de intoxicações decorrentes do trabalho.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the association between sociodemographic characteristics, related to environmental and occupational exposure and self-report of intoxication in patients diagnosed with cancer in Mato Grosso, Brazil. This is a cross-sectional study, with 998 cancer patients seen at referral hospitals in the state. The dependent variable was obtained from the self-report of some intoxication symptom in the last 5 years and whether or not the intoxication was caused by work/occupation. The association between sociodemographic characteristics, related to intoxication and environmental and occupational exposure and self-report of intoxication was assessed by Fisher's exact test. Of all respondents, 7.4% (95%CI: 6.0; 9.2) reported intoxication, and 2.3% (95%CI: 1.5; 3.4) were work-related. Factors associated with self-reported work-related intoxication were being male, having less than 4 years of education, headache, intoxication by agricultural pesticides, by respiratory route and having worked with pesticides, asbestos, heavy metals and industrial dust. It was concluded that individuals with higher occupational exposure to pesticides and other chemicals reported higher occurrence of poisoning due to work.
RESUMO A expansão do agronegócio no semiárido do nordeste do Brasil tem transformado agricultores camponeses em empregados de empresas de fruticultura, trazendo mudanças para seus modos de vida e trabalho. O estudo objetivou analisar condições, processos e cargas de trabalho no agronegócio de fruticultura. Realizou-se pesquisa qualitativa em que foram entrevistados empregados do agronegócio. As evidências foram produzidas e analisadas a partir de referenciais do campo Saúde do Trabalhador, fundamentando-se na teoria da determinação social do processo saúde-doença e adotando 'processos de trabalho' e 'cargas de trabalho' como categorias compreensivas das relações entre trabalho e saúde-doença. Observou-se que a produção agrícola se baseia na monocultura, no uso intensivo de mecanização e de agrotóxicos, e segue os moldes organizacionais da acumulação flexível e do taylorismo e fordismo. O mundo do trabalho vivido pelos empregados é marcado por alienação dos trabalhadores, precarização e intensificação do trabalho, que se concretizam em cargas de trabalho físicas, psíquicas, fisiológicas e, sobretudo, químicas. Estas advêm do uso intenso de agrotóxicos, presentes em todos os ambientes e processos de trabalho investigados. A proteção da saúde desses trabalhadores tensiona o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) a intensificar a vigilância em Saúde do Trabalhador, e a saúde coletiva, a incluir a problemática da saúde no debate público sobre os modelos agrícolas nacionais.
ABSTRACT The expansion of agribusiness in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil has transformed self-employed farmers into employees of fruit growing companies, bringing changes to their ways of life and work. The study aimed to analyze conditions, processes and workloads in the fruit growing agribusiness. A qualitative research was carried out in which agribusiness employees were interviewed. Evidence was produced and analyzed based on references from the Occupational Health field, based on the theory of social determination of the health-disease process and adopting 'work processes' and 'workloads' as comprehensive categories of the relationship between work and health-disease. It was observed that agricultural production is based on monoculture, on the intensive use of mechanization and pesticides, and follows the organizational molds of flexible accumulation and Taylorism/Fordism. The world of work experienced by employees is marked by alienation of workers, precariousness and intensification of work, which materialize in physical, psychic, physiological and, above all, chemical workloads. These come from the intense use of pesticides, present in all environments and work processes investigated. Protecting the health of these workers pushes the Unified Health System (SUS) to intensify worker's health surveillance, and collective health to include the issue of health in the public debate on national agricultural models.
RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar a distribuição temporal das taxas de malformações congênitas no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e sua associação com o uso de agrotóxicos. A pesquisa é de abordagem quantitativa, do tipo descritivo exploratória, realizada durante o primeiro semestre de 2022. O estudo foi conduzido através da associação da ocorrência de malformações com o uso de agrotóxicos, que foi calculada por meio dos Odds Ratios, sendo o Intervalo de Confiança (IC) adotado para as amostras de 95%. Houve variação nas taxas de malformações congênitas ao longo dos cinco períodos analisados. Os resultados indicam que há probabilidade da ocorrência de malformações no estado do Rio Grande do Sul estar associada ao uso de agrotóxicos. Todos os valores de variações percentuais anuais foram significativos e a presença de valores positivos indica tendência de aumento anual da incidência de malformações congênitas no Rio Grande do Sul. É evidente ainda que há variabilidade no número de casos notificados para todas as malformações incluídas no estudo ao longo do período analisado. Ressalta-se a importância de prevenção da exposição aos agrotóxicos, visto que o uso extensivo e inadequado desses está associado a efeitos deletérios na saúde humana.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to examine the temporal distribution of congenital malformation rates in Rio Grande do Sul and its potential correlation with pesticide use. This quantitative research adopts an exploratory descriptive approach and was conducted in the first half of 2022. The association between malformation occurrences and pesticide use was determined using Odds Ratios, with a 95% Confidence Interval (CI) applied to the sample. The study reveals variations in congenital malformation rates across the five analyzed periods. The findings suggest a likely association between malformation occurrences in Rio Grande do Sul and pesticide use. Notably, all annual percentage variation values were statistically significant, with positive values indicating an annual increase in congenital malformation incidences in the region. Moreover, the study highlights the presence of variability in the reported cases of all malformations examined throughout the analyzed period. This research underscores the importance of preventing exposure to pesticides, as their widespread and inappropriate usage is linked to detrimental effects on human health. Safeguarding against such exposure becomes crucial in mitigating the risks associated with congenital malformations.
Aim: Factory workers, pesticide applicators and farmers are the most susceptible group to reproductive problems due to continuous exposure to pesticides. Farmers now increasingly deploy pesticides in their agronomic practices. This research aimed to assess the impact on reproductive markers and stress markers of acute exposure to chlorview, an organophosphate pesticide, through oral and inhalation routes using animal model. Study Design: A total of 64 male wistar rats were used for the experiment. The animals were divided into two groups for oral (36 rats) and inhalation (28 rats) routes of exposure. Acute toxicity studies and the median lethal dose were carried out using a modified method. Methodology: Standard methods were used to determine oxidative stress markers of lipid peroxides, catalase activity and glutathione peroxidase activity. Immunoassay test kit was used to determine the reproductive toxicity studies. Results: The results from the 24 hour acute toxicity studies revealed that oral exposure to pesticide gave a median lethal dose (LD50) of 155 mg/kg b.w. while inhalation exposure gave a median lethal concentration (LC50) of 1414 mg/kg b.w. for 60 min. Oxidative stress markers [glutathione (GSH), Malondialdehyde (MDA), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx)] show that the pesticide induced appreciable oxidative imbalance in the system. In oral exposure, there was a significant (p<0.05) increase in the activity when compared to control. The reproductive marker toxicity studies revealed that oral exposure to pesticide led to a significant (p<0.05) increase in the Cholesterol (which has a correlation with estradiol) and a significantly (p<0.05) decreased in testosterone and sperm count when compared to control. This research concludes that exposure to pesticides can pose a reasonable risk to reproductive and stress markers through oral and inhalation routes of exposure which affect many biochemical processes.
Agricultural production is largely based on the use of agrochemicals in order to minimize pests, pathogens, and undesirable weeds toward increase production. In the current situation, however, several threats are emerging that threaten food security, human and environmental health, ecological balance, and soil biodiversity. Agrochemicals may shift beneficial microorganisms in the community over time, with potentially dangerous consequences, such as the development of antibiotic resistance. Farming systems utilizing agrochemicals might adversely affect soil microorganisms responsible for nutrient cycling processes, such as: nitrogen fixation, phosphorus solubilizing, and others. Some agrochemicals reduce soil enzyme activity and biochemical reactions, which are key indicators of soil microbiology. In this review, we explore how applied agrochemicals affect soil microbes and biochemical health attributes under different cropping systems, as well as ways to overcome the negative impacts of agrochemicals.
RESUMO Objetivo Analisar as possíveis diferenças na audição de agricultores e suas famílias em comparação com população não exposta aos agrotóxicos. Método Estudo transversal, com 70 participantes (grupo pesquisa), com média de idade de 39,7 anos, de ambos os sexos, proprietários de pequenos estabelecimentos agrícolas vinculados a agricultura familiar e tempo de exposição médio aos agrotóxicos de 23,7 anos. Um grupo controle com 71 participantes de ambos os sexos, sem exposição a ruído e agentes químicos, com idade média de 39,5 anos, foi incluído para a comparação dos resultados. Na etapa 1, ambos os grupos foram submetidos a audiometria convencional e de altas frequências e imitanciometria. Na etapa 2, somente os normoouvintes foram submetidos as emissões otoacústicas evocadas e efeito de supressão das emissões otoacústicas transientes. Resultados Observou-se diferenças significativas entre os grupos para audiometria tonal convencional e de altas frequências, e no reflexo acústico. As frequências mais afetadas na audiometria tonal convencional foram 3 a 6kHz e na audiometria de altas frequências foram as frequências de 9.000 e 11.200 Hz. Nas emissões otoacusticas transientes, observou-se no efeito de supressão piores resultados no grupo de pesquisa. Conclusão Conclui-se que houve diferenças na audição dos agricultores familiares em comparação com o grupo controle. Os limiares auditivos convencionais estão relacionados em função do grupo, idade e gênero. O trabalho na agricultura está associado com o comprometimento na região basal da cóclea, à ausência de reflexo acústico, à redução da relação sinal/ruído das emissões otoacústicas transientes e à disfunção do sistema auditivo eferente olivococlear.
ABSTRACT Purpose To analyze the possible differences among the hearing of farmers and their families when compared to the population not exposed to pesticides. Methods Cross-sectional study with 70 smallholder family farmers (research group), with the mean age of 39.7 years, of both sexes and a mean of 23.7 years of exposure to pesticides. We included a control group with 71 participants of both sexes with the mean age of 39.5 years, not exposed to either noise or chemical substances, to compare the results. In stage 1, both groups were submitted to conventional and high-frequency audiometry, and acoustic immittance. In stage 2, only people with normal hearing were submitted to the evoked otoacoustic emissions and suppression effect on transient otoacoustic emissions. Results Significant differences were observed between the groups in the conventional pure-tone and in the high-frequency audiometry, as well as in the acoustic reflex. The most affected frequencies in the conventional pure-tone audiometry ranged from 3 to 6 kHz and, in the high-frequency audiometry, from 9000 to 11200 Hz. As for the transient otoacoustic emissions, the worse suppression effect results were found in the research group. Conclusion There were differences among the hearing of family farmers and the control group. The conventional auditory thresholds are related to the group, age and sex. Farming is associated with impairments in the basal region of the cochlea, absence of acoustic reflex, reduced signal-to-noise ratio of the transient otoacoustic emissions, and dysfunction in the olivocochlear efferents of the auditory system.
RESUMEN En este artículo se presentan resultados de una investigación antropológica sobre el cáncer entre docentes rurales expuestas ocupacionalmente a agroquímicos. El estudio se desarrolló en la zona sudeste de la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina), caracterizada por la producción a gran escala de cultivos transgénicos tratados de manera intensiva con plaguicidas agrícolas. A nivel metodológico, el trabajo de campo realizado entre 2019 y 2020 incluyó entrevistas en profundidad a diez docentes y observación de situaciones de la vida cotidiana en los poblados donde vivían y trabajaban estas docentes. Se propone como hallazgo principal que existe una narrativa hegemónica que naturaliza e invisibiliza la existencia del cáncer pero que, a pesar de ella, es posible documentar los padecimientos individuales y sociales que esta enfermedad provoca entre las docentes rurales. Se concluye que es necesario visibilizar esos padecimientos para resguardar la salud y la vida de este sector de la docencia argentina.
ABSTRACT This article presents the results of anthropological research on cancer among rural teachers occupationally exposed to agrochemicals. The study was carried out in the southeastern region of the province of Cordoba (Argentina), an area characterized by the large-scale production of transgenic crops intensively treated with agricultural pesticides. Regarding the methodology, fieldwork was conducted between 2019 and 2020 and included in-depth interviews with ten teachers, as well as observations of everyday situations in the towns where they live and work. Among the main findings, it was possible to identify a hegemonic narrative that naturalizes the existence of cancer and renders it invisible; despite this, it was possible to document the social suffering it caused among rural teachers. The article concludes that there is a need to bring visibility to these conditions in order to protect the health and wellbeing of this sector of Argentine teaching professionals.
Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of early exposure to agricultural pesticides and their relationship with autism spectrum disorder. Data source: This systematic review was registered at PROSPERO as CRD42020204842. The subject was systematically analyzed on PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases until April 2021. Only studies with humans with early exposure to agricultural pesticides and diagnosis of autism were included. Exclusion criteria were studies on pesticides for domestic or veterinary use and late exposure. There were no language and time restriction. The quality analysis of the studies used the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Data synthesis: Six case-control studies were included; three of them measured the route of exposure by maternal biomarkers and the others by the residence address. The studies had scores between moderate and high in the quality assessment tool. It was found high rates of association between early exposure to agricultural pesticides and autism and detection limit above the quantification for a sample of polychlorinated biphenyls, hexachlorobenzene, and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene. Conclusions: There is evidence concerning the exposure to agricultural pesticides in early life and the development of the autism spectrum disorder; however, more studies are required to better understand their possible association.
RESUMO Objetivo: Compreender a influência da exposição precoce a agrotóxicos de uso agrícola e sua relação com o transtorno do espectro autista. Fontes de dados: Esta revisão sistemática foi registrada no banco de dados PROSPERO sob número CRD42020204842. Por meio das bases de dados PubMed, Scopus e Web of Science, o assunto foi analisado sistematicamente até abril de 2021. Foram incluídos somente estudos com humanos, sendo critérios de inclusão a exposição precoce a agrotóxicos de uso agrícola e o diagnóstico de autismo e critérios de exclusão agrotóxicos de uso doméstico ou veterinário e exposição tardia. Todos os estudos foram analisados sem restrição de linguagem e tempo. A qualidade dos estudos foi avaliada pela NewCastle Ottawa Scale. Síntese dos dados: No total, seis estudos caso-controle foram incluídos. Três deles mensuraram a exposição pelos biomarcadores maternos e os demais (50%) pelo endereço de moradia. Os trabalhos apresentaram qualidade entre moderada e alta. Encontrou-se alta taxa de associação entre a exposição precoce à agrotóxicos e o autismo e detecção acima do limite de quantificação para amostras de bifenilas policloradas, hexaclorobenzeno e diclorodifenildicloroetileno. Conclusões: Existem evidências sobre a exposição a agrotóxicos de uso agrícola precocemente e o desenvolvimento do transtorno do espectro autista, porém mais pesquisas são necessárias para melhor compreensão da associação.
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo descritivo e exploratório, de base qualitativa, foi identificar as resoluções do MERCOSUL sobre resíduos de agrotóxicos em alimentos publicadas entre 1991 e 2022, analisando os processos de harmonização regional desses marcos e sua incorporação ao arcabouço regulatório dos Estados Partes fundadores do bloco (Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai). A análise identificou pontos importantes para a regulação e o monitoramento de resíduos de agrotóxicos em alimentos no MERCOSUL, como as sinonímias utilizadas na definição de agrotóxicos e a abrangência do sistema regulatório de cada país, as marcadas diferenças no alcance dos principais marcos regulatórios nacionais, a incorporação desigual de regulamentos internacionais e regionais pelos Estados Partes e os desafios para a harmonização da legislação sobre resíduos de agrotóxicos em alimentos no âmbito do MERCOSUL. Para além dos limitados avanços observados na tentativa de harmonizar a legislação pertinente dentro do bloco, observa-se a necessidade de avançar, nacional e regionalmente, nos processos regulatórios sobre resíduos de agrotóxicos em alimentos, garantindo a qualidade dos produtos e serviços ofertados à população e fortalecendo, assim, um comércio de alimentos mais seguros e produzidos a partir de processos menos prejudiciais ao ambiente no MERCOSUL.
ABSTRACT The objective of this descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative basis was to identify MERCOSUR resolutions on pesticide residues in food issued between 1991 and 2022, analyzing the regional harmonization processes of these milestones and their incorporation into the regulatory framework of MERCOSUR founding Member States (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay). The analysis identified important points for the regulation and monitoring of pesticide residues in food in MERCOSUR, such as the synonyms used in the definition of pesticides and the scope of the regulatory system in each country, the marked differences in the scope of the main national regulatory frameworks, the unequal incorporation of international and regional regulations by the Member States and the challenges for harmonizing legislation on pesticide residues in food within MERCOSUR. In addition to the limited advances observed in the attempt to harmonize the relevant legislation within the bloc, there is a need to advance, nationally and regionally, in the processes to regulate pesticide residues in food, so as to ensure the quality of the products and services provided to the population and also to strengthen safer agro/food trade that relies on processes that are less harmful to the environment.
RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, de base cualitativa, fue identificar las resoluciones del MERCOSUR sobre la gestión de residuos de productos agrotóxicos en los alimentos publicadas entre los años 1991 y 2022 y analizar los procesos de armonización regional de esos marcos y su incorporación al marco regulatorio de los Estados Partes fundadores del bloque (Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay). En el análisis se identificaron puntos importantes para la regulación y el seguimiento de la gestión de residuos de productos agrotóxicos en los alimentos en el MERCOSUR, tales como los sinónimos utilizados en la definición de productos agrotóxicos y la amplitud del sistema regulatorio de cada país, las diferencias más destacadas en el alcance de los principales marcos regulatorios nacionales, la desigualdad de la incorporación de los reglamentos regionales e internacionales por parte de los Estados Partes y los desafíos para la armonización de la legislación sobre residuos de productos agrotóxicos en los alimentos en el ámbito del MERCOSUR. Además de los limitados avances observados en el intento de armonizar la legislación pertinente dentro del bloque, existe la necesidad de avanzar, a nivel nacional y regional, en los procesos regulatorios sobre la gestión de residuos de productos agrotóxicos en los alimentos, asegurando la calidad de los productos y servicios ofrecidos a la población y fortaleciendo así el comercio de alimentos más inocuos producidos a partir de procesos menos nocivos para el medioambiente en el MERCOSUR.
RESUMO Objetivo validar o questionário CAP em populações de gestantes expostas aos agrotóxicos no Estado do Paraná. Método participaram do estudo 382 gestantes, divididas em dois grupos: Expostas a Agrotóxicos (n=320) e Não Expostas (n=62). O processo de validação envolveu a validade de conteúdo, critério e constructo. As etapas da pesquisa foram desenvolvidas entre agosto/2018 a dezembro/2019 na região oeste e centro-oeste do Paraná. Resultados o instrumento demonstrou concordância aceitável na Validade de conteúdo por meio da avaliação de juízes; a Validade de critério por meio do critério estabelecido não apresentou associação; na análise da Validade de construto pela técnica de grupos conhecidos, demonstrou homogeneidade nas variáveis idade, nacionalidade e renda familiar. Conclusão a análise desenvolvida indicou que as propriedades psicométricas da validação da versão brasileira da escala são consistentes e adequadas, o que permite a recomendação da aplicação do instrumento em contexto nacional.
ABSTRACT Purpose to validate the CAP questionnaire in populations of pregnant women exposed to pesticides in the State of Paraná. Methods 382 pregnant women participated in the study, divided into two groups: Exposed to Pesticides (n = 320) and Not Exposed (n = 62). The validation process involved the validity of content, criteria and construct. The research stages were developed between August / 2018 to December / 2019 in the western and central-western regions of Paraná. Results the instrument demonstrated an acceptable agreement on the content validity through the evaluation of judges; the criterion validity through the established criterion showed no association; in the analysis of construct validity using the technique of known groups, it demonstrated homogeneity in the variables age, nationality and family income. Conclusion the developed analysis indicated that the psychometric properties of the validation of the Brazilian version of the scale are consistent and adequate, which allows the recommendation of the application of the instrument in a national context.
Abstract Objective: The study aimed to conduct a systematic review of the literature to verify the association between exposure to pesticides and allergic diseases (asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis) in children and adolescents. Method: A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed using the PRISMA method with the question "What is the association between exposure to pesticides and allergic diseases in children (asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis)?" MEDLINE, EMBASE, SciELO, and Cochrane electronic databases were searched throughout the period in the literature up to September 2020. A total of 1296 studies were found, and 24 were selected. Results: Exposure to pesticides showed a two-fold greater risk of developing or exacerbating asthma in children and adolescents (odds ratio [OR] = 2.14 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.26-3.64, p < 0.01). There was no association between exposure to pesticides and the development of allergic rhinitis (OR = 2.73, 95% CI 0.13-57.8, p = 0.52) and atopic dermatitis (OR = 2.19, 95% CI 0.51-9.36, p = 0.29). Conclusions: Exposure to pesticides increases the risk of developing or exacerbating asthma in children and adolescents. There was no evidence of an association between exposure to pesticides and the development of allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis in children and adolescents, possibly due to the low number of studies found in this review.
O uso massivo dos agrotóxicos nas lavouras deu-se a partir de 1950 com a "Revolução Verde", como resultado da busca por aumento da produtividade e modernização dos campos agrícolas. Diante disso, na década de 1960, foi criado o Programa Nacional de Defensivos Agrícolas (PNDA), que veio para facilitar a introdução dos agroquímicos, colaborando para que, a partir de 2008, o Brasil passasse a ser o país com maiores percentuais de uso destes produtos. Essas substâncias geram efeitos deletérios sobre a resposta imune dos indivíduos expostos, principalmente relacionada aos macrófagos, células B, T e NK. Isso afeta a capacidade de fagocitose, apresentação de antígenos e produção de anticorpos, além de induzir a geração de radicais livres de oxigênio e disfunção mitocondrial, resultando em estresse oxidativo e danos ao DNA celular, apoptose em excesso, mutação no ciclo celular, desordem de regulação e, consequentemente, imunodeficiência. Dessa forma, o desenvolvimento de doenças imunomediadas, como asma e doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC), está estreitamente ligado aos agrotóxicos, uma vez que esses variados mecanismos de toxicidade ao sistema imune induzem, dentre outras, manifestações respiratórias, tais como tosse, sibilo, irritação e inflamação. Além disso, estes pesticidas estão relacionados com doenças não imunomediadas ao alterar a função normal dos hormônios da tireoide, andrógenos e estrógenos. A fim de avaliar estes impactos, o presente estudo consiste em uma revisão integrativa da literatura e, diante da crescente utilização descontrolada dos agrotóxicos, assume grande relevância, refletindo a necessidade de maior atuação da vigilância epidemiológica, ambiental e da saúde do trabalhador.
Beginning in the 1950s, massive pesticide use began in what is called the "Green Revolution", a quest for increased agricultural productivity and modernization. In the 1960s, the Brazilian National Program of Agricultural Defense was created to facilitate the introduction of agrochemicals, leading the country to become one of the world's largest pesticide users by 2008. These substances have deleterious effects on the immune response of exposed individuals, mainly related to macrophages and B, T, and NK cells. This affects phagocytosis and antigen and antibody production, inducing production of oxygen free radicals and mitochondrial dysfunction, which results in oxidative stress and cellular DNA damage, excess apoptosis, cell cycle mutations, regulatory disorders, and, consequently, immunodeficiency. Thus, the development of immune-mediated diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is closely linked to pesticides, since these varied mechanisms of toxicity to the immune system induce respiratory manifestations, such as cough, wheezing, irritation and inflammation. Pesticide use is also related to non-immune-mediated diseases because exposure alters the normal function of thyroid hormones, androgens, and estrogens. To evaluate their impact, the present study performed an integrative review of the literature, which, due to the growing and uncontrolled use of pesticides, is of great relevance and demonstrates the need for greater epidemiological, environmental, and worker health surveillance.