Abstract Objective: Perfume (Parfum) or fragrance is a natural or synthetic cosmetic ingredient added to emit a pleasant aroma or to improve the odor of a cosmetic formula. It is a mixture of substances, not revealed by the manufacturer, which may contain ingredients with allergenic potential, endocrine disruptors, and other possible harmful effects on human health. This study aims to analyze children's cosmetics labels to assess the presence of Perfume. Methods: The researchers randomly visited points of sale in Curitiba, the capital of a southern Brazilian state; in order to catalog the largest possible number of children's cosmetics items. Results: 398 children's cosmetics were analyzed and found Parfum on 295 (74.1 %) of the labels, including 90.4 and 79,1 % of the shampoos and wet wipes, respectively. Conclusion: Exposure of children's skin to fragrances can lead to local side effects such as allergies, but also to systemic effects, and the lack of knowledge of the general population and health professionals about its possible deleterious effects emphasizes the importance of changes in the regulation of cosmetics aiming to reduce the use of this ingredient.
A prevalência das alergias alimentares vem crescendo de forma significativa nas últimas décadas. A educação do paciente na leitura de rótulos e identificação dos alérgenos nos produtos alimentícios é fundamental, mesmo após a publicação da RDC nº 26/2015, que estabeleceu os requisitos de rotulagem dos principais alérgenos alimentares. Uma das maiores dificuldades é a utilização de numerosas terminologias diferentes que são utilizadas para nomear um ingrediente alimentício, além de não haver uma compilação destas nomenclaturas em uma única listagem. Neste trabalho, foi realizada uma listagem unificada das nomenclaturas dos quatro principais alérgenos alimentares com base nas listas preexistentes, a fim de uso na prática clínica e em projetos futuros envolvendo identificação dos alérgenos alimentares através de ferramentas de inteligência artificial.
The prevalence of food allergies has grown considerably in recent decades. Patient education on label reading and identification of allergens in food products is essential, even after the publication of RDC No. 26/2015, which established the labeling requirements for the main food allergens. A major difficulty is the use of multiple terminologies to name a food ingredient, in addition to the lack of a compilation of these nomenclatures into a single list. In this study, we developed an unified list of the nomenclatures of the 4 main food allergens based on preexisting lists for use in clinical practice and in future projects involving identification of food allergens through artificial intelligence tools.
Humans , Product Labeling , Allergens , Patient Education as Topic , Food Hypersensitivity , Artificial Intelligence , Food , Food IngredientsABSTRACT
Se exponen datos sobre la antigenicidad del Triatoma infestans (Ti), de la Periplaneta americana (Pa) y de algunos venenos de serpientes, así como la importancia de que los pacientes mordidos por ellas exhibieran títulos de anticuerpos anti-Ti y anti-Pa más elevados que los no mordidos. (AU)
Data on the antigenicity of Triatoma infestans (Ti), Periplaneta americana (Pa) and some snake venoms are presented, as well as the importance of patients bitten by them, exhibiting higher anti-Ti and anti-Pa antibodies titers than those not bitten. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Periplaneta/immunology , Snake Venoms/immunology , Triatoma/immunology , Argentina , Respiratory Hypersensitivity , Immune Sera , AntigensABSTRACT
Objective To study the distribution and clinical significance of allergens in children with adenoid hypertrophy.Methods The allergen detection results of 223 children with adenoid hypertrophy admitted to the Department of Otolaryngology,the Wuxi Second People's Hospital from January 2021 to October 2022 were retrospectively analyzed,while 43 children without adenoid hypertrophy were set as the control group.The allergy test results were compared between the two groups for difference.Results The positive rate of total allergens in adenoid hypertrophy group was 54.7%.The positive rate of total allergens in the control group was 27.9%.The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).In the adenoid hypertrophy group,the positive rate of inhaled allergens was 41.3%,mainly mites/dusts and molds.The positive rate of ingested allergens was 32.3%,mainly milk and egg white.The adenoid hypertrophy group was divided according to age.The positive rate of total allergens was 54.0%in the 2-7 year old group.The positive rate of total allergens in the 8-14 year old group was 55.7%.There was no significant difference between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion Allergen stimulation is one of the causes of adenoid hypertrophy.Mite,mold,milk and egg white are common allergens in children with adenoid hypertrophy in Wuxi.The effect of allergen stimulation on adenoid hypertrophy did not decrease with age.Therefore,the detection of serum allergens can help to understand the specific allergens of children and provide direction for the non-surgical treatment of children with adenoid hypertrophy.
RESUMEN Objetivo. Identificar los países que tienen legislación relacionada con la declaración obligatoria de alergenos alimentarios, alimentos irradiados y transgénicos en el etiquetado nutricional de alimentos envasados. Métodos. Estudio exploratorio en el cual se revisaron los reglamentos sanitarios o normas técnicas de los alimentos de los países de América Latina con el fin de recopilar información sobre la declaración de alergenos, trazas de alergenos, alimentos irradiados y transgénicos. La búsqueda de la información se realizó a través de páginas gubernamentales de los países. Los resultados se presentan de manera descriptiva y narrativa. Resultados. De los 19 países revisados, 89% declara alergenos en su etiquetado nutricional, 76% incorpora la declaración de trazas en su legislación de manera explícita y 82% sigue las recomendaciones del Codex Alimentarius con algunas modificaciones en las categorías de alimentos. Conclusiones. La declaración de alergenos como medida de seguridad alimentaria, así como avanzar en mejorar la rotulación de trazas de alergenos y la disponibilidad universal de epinefrina son los desafíos pendientes de la Región.
ABSTRACT Objective. Identify countries that have legislation on mandatory declarations of food allergens, irradiated foods, and transgenic foods on the nutritional labels of packaged foods. Methods. Exploratory study reviewing the health regulations and technical standards for foods in Latin American countries in order to gather information on declarations of allergens, trace allergens, irradiated foods, and transgenic foods. The information search was carried out through the countries' government web pages. Presentation of the results is descriptive and narrative. Results. Of the 19 countries reviewed, 89% require a declaration of allergens on their nutrition labeling, 76% have legislation that explicitly require a statement on trace allergens, and 82% follow Codex Alimentarius recommendations with some modifications of food categories. Conclusions. Three pending challenges in the Region are: requiring statements on allergens as a food safety measure; making progress toward improved labeling of trace allergens; and ensuring universal availability of epinephrine.
RESUMO Objetivo. Identificar os países que têm legislação relacionada à declaração obrigatória de alimentos alergênicos, irradiados e transgênicos na rotulagem nutricional de alimentos embalados. Métodos. Estudo exploratório com revisão dos regulamentos sanitários ou normas técnicas de alimentos dos países da América Latina, a fim de coletar informações sobre a declaração de alimentos alergênicos, traços de alergênicos, alimentos irradiados e transgênicos na rotulagem nutricional. A busca de informações foi realizada por meio dos sites governamentais dos países. Os resultados são apresentados de forma descritiva e narrativa. Resultados. Dos 19 países analisados, 89% declaram alergênicos na rotulagem nutricional, 76% incorporam explicitamente a declaração de traços na legislação e 82% seguem as recomendações do Codex Alimentarius, com algumas modificações nas categorias de alimentos. Conclusões. Entre os desafios pendentes na Região estão a implementação da declaração de alergênicos como medida de segurança alimentar e a melhoria da rotulagem de traços de alergênicos e da disponibilidade universal de epinefrina.
Abstract Objectives The aim of this study was to explore the differences in the pattern of allergen sensitization in CR individuals without or with asthma, according to asthma severity. Methods A total of 1066 adults were evaluated. Asthma and chronic⁄allergic rhinits were identified by specialists, questionnaries and skin-prick test. The phenotypic characterization was avaliable from skin-prick test to an aeroallergen extended panel, total IgE and pulmonary function. Using questionnaires and clinical evaluation, participants were classified into the groups: chronic rhinitis alone (CRA) and chronic rhinitis + asthma, the latter subdivided into CR + mild asthma (CRMA) and CR + moderate to severe asthma (CRMSA). Aerollergen sensitization was defined by a positive prick test to one or more allergens associated with nasal symptoms and/or asthma. The association between CR and asthma was evaluated by multivariable logistic regression. The evidence of effect modification of pattern of sensitization in CR on the association with asthma severity and outcomes was examined by introducing interactions terms in the logistic regression models adjusting for confounders. Results Frequency of sensitization to aeroallergens was higher in association with asthma in comparison to CRA (CRMA 70.4%; CRMSA 65.0%; CRA 47.0%; p= 0.000). Similarly, the presence of asthma was associated to aeroallergen multiple sensitization (51.5%) (OR = 2.10, 95% CI 1.27-3.50). Additionally, the sensitization to mites, cockroaches, animal epithelium, grasses, and molds, were higher in asthma (56.8%, 24.3%, 12%, 7.13% and 10.3%, respectively). Sensitization to Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium herbarum and dog epithelium was exclusive in asthma groups. A concomitant asthma diagnosis was directly associated with a positive allergen sensitization at least one allergen (62.7%, OR = 2.45, 95% CI 1.80-3.34) and polissensitization (51.5%, OR = 2.10, 95% CI 1.27-3.50). Conclusion Asthma is associated with multiple allergen sensitization among patients with CR. Some unique profiles of aeroallergen sensitization were observed in patients with CR and asthma. Nevertheless, no difference was found in the sensitization in relation to asthma severity, which suggest atopy is not the main underlying mechanism for asthma severity among patients with CR. Level of evidence: Level 3.
La alergia a las proteínas de la leche de vaca aparece en los primeros meses de vida y es la alergia alimentaria más frecuente en el lactante y el niño pequeño. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente a pacientes con alergia a las proteínas de la leche de vaca. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal, descriptivo, retrospectivo en el hospital infantil Hermanos Cordové del municipio Manzanillo en Granma, Cuba. La población estuvo constituida por los 10 infantes egresados de la institución durante el período 2017-2021. Se estudiaron las variables: edad, sexo, estadía, tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad, lactancia, factores de riesgo, evaluación nutricional. Entre los principales resultados se obtuvieron que predominó el sexo femenino y las edades de uno a seis meses (60 %). El 50 % de niños estaban desnutridos. El 70 % de los pacientes presentaron diarreas como principal síntoma, seguido por las lesiones de piel (60 %). Solo el 20 % recibieron lactancia materna exclusiva hasta los 6 meses de edad. El parto por cesárea fue el factor de riesgo más predominante (50 %). Se concluye que el sexo femenino y las edades de uno a seis meses fueron las más sobresalientes. La diarrea y las lesiones de piel fueron las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes de los pacientes con alergia a las proteínas de la leche de vaca. Los lactantes desnutridos, con lactancia artificial y antecedentes de parto por cesárea tienen mayores probabilidades de padecer esta enfermedad.
Allergy to cow's milk proteins, appears in the first months of life and is the most common food allergy in infants and young children. This research aims to characterize clinically and epidemiologically patients with allergy to cow's milk proteins. A longitudinal, descriptive, retrospective study was conducted at the Hermanos Cordové Children's Hospital in the municipality of Manzanillo in Granma, Cuba. The population consisted of the 10 children who graduated from the institution during the period 2017-2021. The following variables were studied: age, sex, length of stay, duration of disease progression, breastfeeding, risk factors, nutritional assessment. Among the main results, it was found that the female sex and the ages of one to six months predominated (60 %). The 50 % of children were malnourished. 70 % of patients had diarrhea as the main symptom, followed by skin lesions (60 %). Only 20 % were exclusively breastfed up to 6 months of age. Caesarean section was the most prevalent risk factor (50 %). It is concluded that the female sex and the ages of one to six months were the most outstanding. Diarrhea and skin lesions were the most common clinical manifestations in patients with cow's milk protein allergy. Malnourished infants, breastfed infants and a history of cesarean delivery are more likely to have this disease.
A alergia à proteína do leite de vaca aparece nos primeiros meses de vida e é a alergia alimentar mais comum em lactentes e crianças pequenas. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo caracterizar clínica e epidemiologicamente pacientes com alergia à proteína do leite de vaca. Foi realizado um estudo longitudinal, descritivo e retrospectivo no Hospital Infantil Hermanos Cordové, no município de Manzanillo, em Granma, Cuba. A população foi composta por 10 crianças que se formaram na instituição no período de 2017 a 2021. As seguintes variáveis foram estudadas: idade, sexo, tempo de internação, tempo de evolução da doença, aleitamento materno, fatores de risco, avaliação nutricional. Dentre os principais resultados, predominaram o sexo feminino e a faixa etária de um a seis meses (60%). 50% das crianças estavam desnutridas. A diarreia foi o principal sintoma de 70% dos pacientes, seguida pelas lesões cutâneas (60%). Apenas 20% foram amamentados exclusivamente até os 6 meses de idade. O parto cesáreo foi o fator de risco mais prevalente (50%). Conclui-se que o sexo feminino e a idade de um a seis meses foram os que mais se destacaram. Diarreia e lesões cutâneas foram as manifestações clínicas mais frequentes dos pacientes com alergia à proteína do leite de vaca. Lactentes desnutridos, lactentes com alimentação com fórmula e história de parto cesáreo são mais propensos a sofrer dessa doença.
Background: Bronchial asthma is one of the most common chronic conditions of children. Allergy skin test, specific IgE levels can help to identify the triggers and better management. This observational study was carried to analyze the pattern of sensitization to various common allergens in children suffering from asthma and/ or allergic rhinitis at AIIMS, Raipur and to correlate sensitization with the various demographic parameters.
Methods: Children between the age of one to 14 year diagnosed with asthma and/or allergic rhinitis were enrolled. They were subjected to skin prick test (SPT) using 18 common antigens. Induration more than 3mm than the negative control was considered as positive test.
Results: 70 patients with an average age of 9.1 year were enrolled. 46 were males. Almost 80% (56) patients had sensitization to at-least one antigen tested. Highest sensitization was observed for cockroach mix 33 (58.92%) followed by Dermatophagoides farinae 18 (32.14%) and grain dust rice 16 (28.57%%). Sensitization was more in children with history of asthma in family (OR=2.37), residing near main road (OR=2.4), and in nuclear family (OR=1.54). There was no relation of SPT positivity with absolute eosinophil count (p=0.45, OR=0.41), family h/o allergic rhinitis (p=1.0, OR=0.86) and atopic dermatitis (p=1.0, OR=0.81). Statistically significant difference observed in the positivity of SPT in relation to severity of illness. (p=0.01, OR=0.162).
Conclusions: Sensitization rate was high (80%) with cockroach mix being the commonest antigen. Family history of asthma, residence near main road and severity of illness were associated with higher sensitization.
An exaggerated immune reaction to a food that takes place in a vulnerable host is referred to as a food allergy. The two main types of food-induced allergy diseases are those caused by Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies and those caused by non-IgE-mediated mechanisms. These reactions are frequently brought on by food allergens such as egg, seafood, fruits, milk, soy, peanut, etc. In India, roughly 26.5% of the population has been impacted by food-induced allergy diseases. Age, sex, heredity, and geographic location of the patient, as well as vitamin D deficiency and other allergic reactions, are risk factors that might result in life-threatening food allergies. Skin prick test, oral food challenge, component resolved diagnostic testing are the most widely used diagnostic tests for food allergy. Pharmacotherapy of food induced allergic reactions include epinephrine therapy and use of antihistamine drugs. However, the main stay of treatment is avoidance of responsible food and food desensitization. Some home remedies can also be used in order to control allergic reactions caused by food allergens. All these remedies directly or indirectly improve the health of immune system to prevent food induced allergic reactions. The objective of this study was to throw a light on the pathogenesis, diagnostic methods and possible treatment options for food allergy.
Introdução: O conhecimento da aerobiologia local é fundamental para o alergista. Os aeroalérgenos são capazes de sensibilizar e levar ao desenvolvimento de doenças respiratórias alérgicas, portanto devem ser monitorados rotineiramente, tendo em vista possíveis mudanças locais conforme alterações climáticas, poluição e atividades agroindustriais. Objetivo: Verificar a presença e concentração do alérgeno principal da poeira da casca da soja (Gly m 1) na atmosfera da cidade de Maringá-PR e possíveis associações aos fatores climáticos. A escolha da soja deve-se a alta prevalência desta cultura no Brasil e nesta região do país. Até o presente momento, há apenas um estudo piloto feito por este mesmo grupo avaliando a presença deste alérgeno no Brasil. Métodos: Foram realizadas coletas de material atmosférico, durante o período de março de 2017 a março de 2018, durante 24 ou 48 horas distribuídas no decorrer do período, totalizando 70 amostras, das quais 10 foram excluídas por problemas técnicos de coleta. As amostras foram avaliadas pelo método ELISA (Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ) para Gly m 1, sendo que todas as amostras apresentaram níveis detectáveis do alérgeno. Resultados: A mediana de concentração de Gly m 1 foi de 4,89 ng/m3. Os valores encontrados variaram de 0,66 ng/ m3 a 1826,1 ng/m3. Das 60 amostras analisadas, 23% delas apresentaram valores superiores a 90 ng/m3, sendo os meses de junho/2017 e março/2018 com concentrações mais elevadas. Houve correlação positiva das concentrações de Gly m 1 com as temperaturas máxima, média e mínima, umidade relativa, vento e insolação. Conclusão: Os dados evidenciam exposições constantes da população ao alérgeno do Gly m 1, por vezes em níveis elevados possivelmente capazes de gerar sensibilização e sintomas.
Introduction: Knowledge of local aerobiology is essential for allergists. Because airborne allergens can sensitize the population and lead to allergic respiratory diseases, they must be routinely monitored for the effects of climate change, pollution, and agroindustry. Objective: To verify the airborne presence and concentration of the main soy hull dust allergen (Gly m 1) in Maringá, PR, Brazil and possible associations with climatic factors. Soybeans were selected due to the high prevalence of this crop in this region. To date, only 1 pilot study (conducted by our group) has evaluated this allergen's presence in Brazil. Methods: Atmospheric material was collected between March 2017 and March 2018 in 24- or 48-hour intervals, totaling 70 samples, of which 10 were excluded due to technical problems. The samples were tested for Gly m 1 using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and all samples showed detectable levels of the allergen. Results: The median concentration of Gly m 1 was 4.89 ng/m3, with values ranging from 0.66 ng/m3 to 1826.1 ng/m3. Of the 60 samples, 23% showed values > 90 ng/m3, with June 2017 and March 2018 having the highest concentrations. There was a positive correlation between Gly m 1 concentration and maximum, mean, and minimum temperatures, relative humidity, wind, and insolation. Conclusion: The data show that the population is constantly exposed to the Gly m 1 allergen, sometimes at high levels, which may lead to sensitization and symptoms.
Objective:To analyze measurement results of serum allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) in patients with eczema/dermatitis.Methods:A retrospective analysis was conducted on serum allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels in 3 051 patients with eczema/dermatitis, who visited the allergy clinic of Huashan Hospital from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. The serum allergen-specific IgE level was detected by using the Phadia allergen detection system, and positive rates of allergens were calculated to determine common inhaled allergens and food allergens in patients with eczema/dermatitis. Comparisons of enumeration data between groups were performed by chi-square test.Results:Among the 3 051 patients with eczema/dermatitis, there were 1 412 with atopic dermatitis and 1 639 were other eczema/dermatitis. Detection of serum allergen-specific IgE showed that 1 629 (53%) patients were positive for allergens, and the number of positive allergen-specific IgEs in each patient was 3.0 ± 1.6. The top 3 common inhaled allergens in patients with eczema/dermatitis were Dermatophagoides farinae (904/1 522, 59%) , Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (891/1 513, 59%) and Alternaria alternata (206/1 068, 19%) , and the top 3 common food allergens were shrimps (251/1 432, 18%) , egg white (165/992, 17%) and cow milk (149/994, 15%) . Among the 3 051 patients, 25 (1%) were aged < 2 years, 571 (19%) aged 2 - 12 years, 285 (9%) aged 12 - 18 years, and 2 170 (71%) were aged > 18 years. The most common food allergens were both egg white in the age groups of < 2 years and 2 -12 years (77%, 37%, respectively) , and were both shrimps in the age groups of 12 - 18 years and > 18 years (31%, 17%, respectively) . Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farina were the top 2 common inhaled allergens in all age groups, with the positive rate ranging from 36% to 84%; in addition, the positive rate of molds was relatively high in the age group of 2 - 12 years (mold mixture: 37%; Alternaria alternata: 27%) . From April 2021 to March 2022, the positive rate of outdoor allergens ranged from 10% to 15% among outpatients in every month; the positive rates of tree pollen and grass pollen increased from April 2021, and peaked in October 2021. The patients with atopic dermatitis showed a significantly increased positive rate of allergens (73%) compared with those with other eczema/dermatitis (37%, χ2 = 389.36, P<0.001) , and the rank of common allergens in the patients with atopic dermatitis was basically the same as that in those with eczema/dermatitis. Conclusions:The common allergens were Dermatophagoides farina, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Alternaria alternata in the patients with eczema/dermatitis. Food allergy was more common in infant patients, and inhalation allergy was more common in child, adolescent and adult patients. The positive rate of allergen-specific IgEs was markedly higher in the patients with atopic dermatitis than in those with other eczema/dermatitis.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the types and differences of allergens in patients with allergic rhinitis(AR)in Kashgar,Xinjiang,and to provide a research basis for its treatment and prevention.METHODS A retrospective analysis was conducted on the data of AR patients diagnosed in the First People's Hospital of Kashgar from July 2015 to December 2020.The specific IgE(sIgE)results of peripheral venous blood and the types of allergens were analyzed.The patients were grouped according to gender,ethnicity and age,and the differences in allergens among the groups were further analyzed.RESULTS Among the sIgE test results of 528 AR patients,the highest positive rate was for dust mites(246 cases,46.6%),followed by egg,Alternaria alternata/Aspergillus fumigatus/Cladosporium herbarum and so on.There was a statistically significant difference in the dog epithelium allergen positive rate between males and females(P<0.05),and a statistically significant difference in the positive rate of tomato allergen detection among different age groups,while there was no statistically significant difference in the allergen positive rate among different ethnic groups.CONCLUSION Dust mites,egg,and Alternaria alternata/Aspergillus fumigatus/Cladosporium herbarum are the most common allergens in patients with AR in Kashgar.
A nivel mundial, los aeroalérgenos más frecuentes causantes de enfermedades alérgicas son los granos de polen anemófilos. Estos han sido capaces de desencadenar crisis que han reflejado una elevada morbilidad. En Cuba los estudios de sensibilización a granos de polen han sido escasos. Con el objetivo de determinar la sensibilización a granos de polen en pacientes alérgicos y su relación con la presencia de enfermedades alérgicas, se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, no aleatorizado, de marzo a junio del 2019. La muestra se constituyó de 33 pacientes con asma, rinitis, rinoconjuntivitis alérgica, dermatitis atópica y conjuntivitis alérgica. A todos los pacientes se les realizó historia clínica alergológica y prueba cutánea por punción con extractos alergénicos de: Helianthus annus, Cosmos bipinnatus, Cynodon dactylon, Quercus sp, Eucaliptus sp. Se aplicaron las frecuencias absolutas, porcientos, desviación estándar, promedio, edad media y test de Spearman para su análisis. La edad media de la muestra fue de 36,9 años, con predominio de mujeres. Más del 50por ciento de los pacientes presentaron sensibilización a granos de polen; y de ellos, el 24,24por ciento resultaron polisensibilizados. El mayor porcentaje de sensibilización fue a Cynodon dactylon. La rinitis alérgica fue la enfermedad que prevaleció en la población estudiada(AU)
Nowadays, the most frequent aeroallergens causing allergy diseases have been anemophilous pollen grains. They have been able to triggers crises that have reflected a high morbidity. In Cuba, studies of sensitization to pollen grains have been scarce. The objective of our research was to determine the sensitization to pollen grains in allergic patients and its relationship with the presence of allergic diseases. A non-randomized, descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study was conducted from March to June 2019. The sample consisted of 33 patients with asthma, allergic rhinitis, rhinoconjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis and allergic conjunctivitis. All patients underwent allergic history and skin prick test testing with allergenic extracts of: Helianthus annus, Cosmos bipinnatus, Cynodon dactylon, Quercus sp, Eucalyptus sp. Absolute frequencies, percentages, standard deviation, mean, average age, and Spearman´s test were applied for analysis. The average age of the sample was 36.9 years, with a predominance of women. More than 50percent of the patients presented sensitization to pollen grains; of them, 24.24percent polysensitized. The highest percentage of sensitization was to Cynodon dactylon. Allergic rhinitis was the disease that prevailed in the population studied(AU)
Humans , Pollen , Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal/diagnosis , Immunization/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cuba , Observational StudyABSTRACT
La rinitis alérgica ha ido en aumento en los países latinoamericanos, dando lugar a una creciente población de pacientes que necesitan tratamiento médico para esta afección respiratoria. Su similitud con la COVID-19 en cuanto a síntomas y la posibilidad de concurrencia con esta, hacen que la rinitis alérgica sea de particular interés para los sistemas de salud. Los países de América Latina y el Caribe han sido particularmente vulnerables por múltiples desafíos, entre estos, las altas tasas de pobreza, el acceso limitado a la atención médica y las limitaciones en la prestación de servicios básicos de salud, así como la ausencia de guías de tratamiento para la rinitis alérgica en situación de pandemia. Con el objetivo de proporcionar orientación esencial para los equipos multidisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe con respecto a la evaluación y el tratamiento de la rinitis alérgica durante la pandemia de COVID-19, se revisó literatura científica publicada sobre tratamiento de la rinitis alérgica y COVID-19, y se consideró la opinión de profesionales líderes de sociedades científicas de la región. Se analizaron las diferentes medidas para evitar contagios, y las diferentes estrategias de tratamiento con énfasis en la terapia intranasal y el tratamiento con vacunas contra la alergia. Se formuló una declaración de posicionamiento con la intención de mantener la continuidad del servicio médico en el contexto de una pandemia y minimizar la propagación, infección y complicación asociada con el coronavirus tipo 2 del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo en pacientes con seguimiento o comenzando tratamiento para la rinitis alérgica(AU)
Allergic rhinitis has been increasing in Latin American countries, leading to a growing population of patients who need medical treatment for this respiratory condition. Its similarity to COVID-19 in terms of symptoms and the possibility of concurrence with it, make allergic rhinitis of particular interest to health systems. The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean have been particularly vulnerable due to multiple challenges, including high poverty rates, limited access to medical care and limitations in the provision of basic health services, as well as the absence of guidelines of treatment for allergic rhinitis in a pandemic situation. With the aim of to provide essential management for multidisciplinary teams in Latin America and the Caribbean regarding the evaluation and treatment of allergic rhinitis during the COVID-19 pandemic, published scientific literature on the treatment of allergic rhinitis and COVID-19 was reviewed, and the opinion of leading professionals from scientific societies in the region was considered. The different measures to avoid infections and the different treatment strategies were analyzed, with an emphasis on intranasal therapy and treatment with allergy vaccines. A position statement was formulated with the intention of maintaining continuity of medical service in the context of a pandemic and minimizing the spread, infection and complication associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in patients undergoing or starting treatment for allergic rhinitis(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Administration, Intranasal/methods , Rhinitis, Allergic/drug therapy , Rhinitis, Allergic/epidemiology , COVID-19 Vaccines/therapeutic use , Caribbean Region , COVID-19/epidemiology , Latin AmericaABSTRACT
Objective: The present study is designed to investigate the profile of different allergen sensitivities by skin prick test in patients with nasobronchial allergy (NBA). Materials and methods: A total of 130 patients of NBA were included in the study. Each NBA patient was subjected to the skin prick test with 44 allergens. Results: Out of 130 patients, 98 patients (75.4%) had both bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis, 11 patients (8.5%) had allergic rhinitis, and 21 patients (16.2%) had bronchial asthma alone. The age of patients ranged from 12 to 60 years, with mean age 26.4 � 10.24 years. The most common allergen came out to be insects (26.2%) followed by dust mites (20.7%), dusts (7.4%), pollens (5.9%), fungi (5.2%), danders (3.8%), and silk (2.2%). Common insect antigens were moth and mosquito (28.9%) followed by the cockroach, housefly (24.4%), and honeybee (18.9%). Common dust allergens were grain dust and house dust. Among pollens, Amaranthus spinosus and Cassia siamea (13.3%) followed by Brassica campestris (12.2%) and Holoptelea integrifolia (10%) were common. Among fungi, Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger were common allergens. Conclusion: Common allergens in patients of NBA were identified. Allergen-specific immunotherapy can be a viable option for these patients.
Introduction: The home environment is one of the most favorable spaces for the development of mites because of its low light, humidity, and temperature. Thus, it contributes to the growing cases of allergies among atopic individuals. Objective: To investigate the faunal profile of house dust mites in the city of Rio de Janeiro and the allergenic potential in this region. Methods: Thirty dust samples were collected from homes in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and the species found were classified according to their morphology, family, and genus by classification key. For the collection region, the total protein level was assessed by the Lowry method and electrophoresis under denaturing conditions (SDSPAGE). Results: There was a predominance of Pyroglyphidae mites, accounting for 84.9% of samples; Tyrophagus putrescentiae accounted for 8%, Blomia tropicalis for 6%, Cheyletus malaccensis for 1%, and Acarus siro for 0.1%. The allergen protein content of the samples was the following: group 1 25 kDa (Der 1, Der p 1, and Blo t 1), group 2 15 kDa (Der f 2, Der 2, Tyr p 2, and Blo t 2), and group 3 29-30 kDa (Der f 3 and Blo t 3), which indicates that people in this region are susceptible to sensitization to these mites. Conclusion: Knowledge of the mite fauna in the region under study allows the guidance of health care professionals to perform skin tests for specific mites and conduct treatment according to the pool of mite extracts containing antigens, making immunotherapy more effective.
Introdução: O ambiente domiciliar é um dos espaços favoráveis para o desenvolvimento de ácaros, tendo em vista a baixa luminosidade, umidade e temperatura, o que contribui para os crescentes casos de alergias em indivíduos atópicos. Objetivo: Investigar o perfil faunístico dos ácaros na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e o potencial alergêncio para essa região. Métodos: Foram coletadas 30 amostras de poeira em residências na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, e as espécies encontradas foram classificadas quanto à morfologia, família e o gênero por chave de classificação. Para as regiões das coletas, a carga total de proteínas contendo os alérgenos foi determinada pelo método de Lowry e eletroforese em condições desnaturantes (SDS-PAGE). Resultados: Os resultados mostram a predominância de 84,9% de ácaros da família Pyroglyphidae; para os demais ácaros o percentual corresponde a 8% Tyrophagus putrescentiae, 6% Blomia tropicalis, 1% Cheyletus malaccensis, e 0,1% de Acarus siro. O conteúdo proteico alergêncio constituinte das amostras foram, grupo 1: 25 kDa (Der 1, Der p 1 e Blo t 1); grupo 2: 15 kDa (Der f 2, Der 2, Tyr p 2 e Blo t 2); e para o grupo 3: 29-30 kDa (Der f 3 e Blo t 3), o que indica uma região passível à sensibilização de indivíduos por estes ácaros. Conclusão: O conhecimento da acarofauna nas regiões em estudo permite orientar a comunidade médica quanto à realização de testes cutâneos, além da terapêutica a partir do pool de extratos de ácaros contendo os antígenos, a fim de tornar a imunoterapia mais eficaz.
Humans , Pyroglyphidae , Dust , Hypersensitivity , Mites , Therapeutics , Skin Tests , Allergens , Residence Characteristics , Diagnosis , Home Environment , Humidity , ImmunotherapyABSTRACT
A alergia alimentar caracteriza-se por uma reação adversa a um determinado alimento, envolvendo um mecanismo imunológico. Uma das alergias mais comuns encontradas atualmente é a alergia a frutos do mar, a qual se baseia em uma hipersensibilidade a animais desse grupo. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar os desafios expostos na alimentação de alérgicos a frutos do mar e formular soluções para essa população baseadas em alimentos nutricionalmente substitutos. Sendo realizado em três etapas: investigação inicial, construção de conceitos e planejamento de uma ação com orientações nutricionais. De acordo com as dificuldades encontradas na alimentação dessa parcela populacional, realizaram-se diferentes preparações, com nutrientes como ômega-3, proteínas, vitaminas do complexo B, zinco, ferro, potássio, magnésio, iodo e selênio, os quais também são encontrados nos frutos do mar, a fim de evitar possíveis contaminações cruzadas e garantir seu aporte nutricional em alimentos substitutos. Foi possível concluir que os alérgicos aos frutos do mar não apresentam uma interferência significativa em sua qualidade de vida, tendo um impacto nutricional pequeno, visto que por meio da alimentação existem outras fontes, necessitando somente de alguns cuidados no dia a dia em virtude das consequências de uma possível contaminação.
Food allergy is characterized by an adverse reaction to a given food, involving an immunological mechanism. One of the most common allergies currently found is seafood allergy, which is based on hypersensitivity to animals in this group. The objective of this research is to identify the challenges exposed in the feeding of seafood allergies and formulate solutions for this population based on nutritionally substitute foods. Being carried out in 3 stages, initial investigation, construction of concepts and planning of an action with nutritional guidance. According to the difficulties encountered in feeding this portion of the population, different preparations were carried out, with nutrients such as: ômega-3, proteins, B vitamins, zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine and selenium. Which are also found in seafood. In order to avoid possible cross-contamination and ensure their nutritional intake in substitute foods. It was possible to conclude that seafood allergies do not present a significant interference in their quality of life, having a small nutritional impact, since through food there are other sources, requiring only some care on a daily basis due to the consequences of possible contamination.
Humans , Shellfish , Food Hypersensitivity , Potassium , Quality of Life , Selenium , Vitamin B Complex , Vitamins , Zinc , Allergens , Nutrients , Diet , Eating , Iodine , Iron , MagnesiumABSTRACT
Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a T cell-mediated inflammatory skin disease induced by contact allergens. The role of mast cells in ACD remains controversial. In the sensitization phase, mast cells play a pro-inflammatory role by releasing inflammatory cytokines to promote recruitment of neutrophils, and affect the sensitization process by stimulating or inhibiting the migration of dendritic cells. During the elicitation phase, mast cells promote non-allergen-specific inflammation, and enhance allergen-specific inflammation in moderate ACD, but inhibit allergen-specific inflammation in severe and chronic ACD. In addition to the IgE-Fcε receptor I-histamine pathway, Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor B2/X2 (MrgprB2/X2) can mediate the activation of mast cells, leading to the release of tryptase to drive non-histaminergic itch, and may serve as a new target for the treatment of ACD.
The rapid increase of childhood allergic disorders has become one of the major challenges in the pediatric health care system. Laboratory diagnosis is essential in order to determine appropriate strategies towards best clinical practice strategies, including accurate diagnosis, prophylaxis and optimized management. Once there are sufficient clinical grounds to support a diagnosis of allergy, confirmatory in vivo and in vitro tests should be performed. In vivo tests mainly include skin prick tests and allergen provocation tests. Provocation tests are the gold standard for diagnosing allergic diseases. In vitro tests mainly include allergen-specific IgE antibody, Th2 related cytokines, and mast cell activity markers. These tests can clarify the immune state status of the patient and lead to optimized treatment, such as avoiding allergens avoidance, allergens-specific immunotherapy, and anti-IgE therapy. Controlling disease progress and preventing relapses can benefit children who are suffering from the consequences of allergies.
ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate allergenic labeling components of packaged foods for "What is the quality of food labels?" and "What is the group of Brazilian Food Pyramid that 'May contain' is predominant?." Methods: The photographs of 916 products were obtained, of which 518 were analyzed. Data from each label were evaluated according to Brazilian Food Pyramid Groups (i.e., Cereals, Fruits, & Vegetables; Soybean & products; Milk & dairy products; Meat & eggs; Fats & oils; and Sugars & sweets). Ten items were analyzed in each label, namely, the presence of a list of ingredients, alert phrase for allergy sufferers, grouping of the alert phrase, phrase location, uppercase phrase, the phrase in bold, the color of alert phrase contrasting to the background, adequate font size, do not claim the absence for any allergen with the ingredients, and others factors that make it difficult to read. For the second question, a structured questionnaire was completed, and products were classified into two categories, namely, "Contain" and "May contain." Results: The quality of the label was appropriate, and 69% of packaged foods had at least one allergen. The information "May contain" were higher in cow's milk (Cereals and Meat & eggs), soy (Soybean & products), and egg protein (Cereals). Soybean & products were the highest insecurity group. Conclusions: Brazilian health professionals can count on good-quality labeling of packaged products. Consequently, they could promote patients' and parents/caregivers' education to consult the labels and manage the risks in processed foods about precautionary allergen labeling. Soybean & products were the most significant insecurity for food choices between Brazilian Pyramid Groups.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar os componentes alergênicos da rotulagem de alimentos embalados e responder "Qual é a qualidade da rotulagem?" e "Qual é o grupo de alimentos em que a expressão 'Pode conter' é predominante?". Métodos: Foram obtidas fotografias de 916 produtos, dos quais 518 foram analisados. Os dados dos rótulos foram avaliados de acordo com os grupos da pirâmide alimentar brasileira (Cereais, Frutas & Vegetais; Soja & Derivados; Leite & Laticínios; Carne & Ovos; Gorduras & Óleos; Açúcares & Doces). Dez itens foram analisados nos rótulos: presença de lista de ingredientes; frase de alerta para alérgicos; frase de alerta; local da frase; frase em letras maiúsculas; frase em negrito; a cor da frase de alerta contrastando com o fundo; tamanho de fonte adequado; não alegar ausência de qualquer alérgeno; outros fatores de difícil leitura. Para a segunda questão, foi respondido questionário estruturado, e os produtos classificados em categorias: "Contém" e "Pode conter". Resultados: A qualidade do rótulo foi adequada e 69% dos alimentos embalados continham pelo menos um alérgeno. A informação "Pode conter" foi mais identificada em: proteína do leite (Cereais e Carnes e ovos), soja (Soja & derivados) e proteína do ovo (Cereais). Soja e derivados foi o grupo alimentar de maior insegurança. Conclusões: Profissionais de saúde podem contar com rotulagem de boa qualidade dos produtos embalados e, consequentemente, promover a educação de pais/cuidadores para consultar os rótulos e gerenciar os riscos em alimentos processados. Soja e produtos são os alimentos com maior insegurança entre os Grupos da Pirâmide Brasileira.