The Spt-Ada-Gcn5-acetyltransferase (SAGA) is an ancillary transcription initiation complex which is highly conserved. The ADA1 (alteration/deficiency in activation 1, also called histone H2A functional interactor 1, HFI1) is a subunit in the core module of the SAGA protein complex. ADA1 plays an important role in plant growth and development as well as stress resistance. In this paper, we performed genome-wide identification of banana ADA1 gene family members based on banana genomic data, and analyzed the basic physicochemical properties, evolutionary relationships, selection pressure, promoter cis-acting elements, and its expression profiles under biotic and abiotic stresses. The results showed that there were 10, 6, and 7 family members in Musa acuminata, Musa balbisiana and Musa itinerans. The members were all unstable and hydrophilic proteins, and only contained the conservative SAGA-Tad1 domain. Both MaADA1 and MbADA1 have interactive relationship with Sgf11 (SAGA-associated factor 11) of core module in SAGA. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that banana ADA1 gene family members could be divided into 3 classes. The evolution of ADA1 gene family members was mostly influenced by purifying selection. There were large differences among the gene structure of banana ADA1 gene family members. ADA1 gene family members contained plenty of hormonal elements. MaADA1-1 may play a prominent role in the resistance of banana to cold stress, while MaADA1 may respond to the Panama disease of banana. In conclusion, this study suggested ADA1 gene family members are highly conserved in banana, and may respond to biotic and abiotic stress.
Musa/genetics , Phylogeny , Fungal Proteins , Cell Nucleus , Histones , Stress, Physiological/geneticsABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives To compare the efficacy and safety of larotrectinib with those of infigratinib in adult glioma patients with tyrosine kinase alterations. Methods Patients received oral infigratinib 125 mg (IN cohort, n = 125) or oral larotrectinib (LB cohort, n = 105) until unacceptable toxicity or disease progression. Results Duration of treatment was longer in the LB cohort than in the IN cohort (8 [9.5-6.25] months vs. 5.5 [6-5.25] months, p < 0.0001). Patients with partial responses (p = 0.0424) and overall survival (p = 0.03) were higher in the IN cohort than those in the LB cohort. The number of patients with disease progression was higher in the LB cohort (p = 0.0015). All the patients reported diarrhea, fatigue, vomiting, constipation, and decreased appetite. Patients in the IN cohort reported hyperphosphatemia, hyperlipasemia, stomatitis, dry skin, alopecia, dyspepsia, onycholysis, palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia, nail disorders, and dry eyes. Patients in the LB cohort reported upper respiratory tract infections, pyrexia, cough, anemia, bacterial/viral infections, conjunctivitis, urinary tract infections, headaches, ataxia, dizziness, and muscle tremors. A total of 30 (24 %) and 40 (38 %) patients from the IN and the LB cohorts died at the follow-up of 18 months (p = 0.03). Patients who received bevacizumab initial therapy had higher overall survival (p = 0.048). Conclusions Infigratinib has higher efficacy and overall survival than larotrectinib but has higher adverse effects in the management of both glioma and tyrosine kinase alterations after failure of initial therapies. Initial bevacizumab therapy is associated with a higher overall survival.
RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a associação de fatores sociodemográficos, do comportamento vocal, morbidades e autopercepção da voz, auditiva e de saúde geral de idosas com distúrbio vocal. Método Participaram 95 idosas com idades entre 60 e 84 anos (média 69,5). Realizou-se uma entrevista com apoio de um questionário estruturado contendo questões sociodemográficas, de saúde e do comportamento vocal. Utilizou-se o Protocolo para Rastreamento de Alterações Vocais em Idosos (RAVI) para identificar a presença de distúrbio vocal. Resultados Houve o predomínio de participantes com ensino médio completo e aposentadas. O número de idosas que apresentaram distúrbio vocal segundo o RAVI foi de 46,3%. Queixas relacionadas às sensações físicas como garganta seca, pigarro e coceira na garganta foram as mais presentes. O grupo de idosas com distúrbio vocal apresentou pior autopercepção da qualidade vocal, audição, saúde geral e maior frequência de infecções de vias aéreas superiores quando comparadas àquelas sem distúrbio vocal (p≤0,05). Conclusão Houve associação estatística entre a autoavaliação vocal mensurada pelo RAVI e a autopercepção da qualidade da voz, da audição, da saúde geral, inflamações de garganta, sinusite e alergias respiratórias.
ABSTRACT Purpose To verify the association between sociodemographic factors, vocal behavior, morbidities, and self-perception of voice, hearing, and general health in older women with voice disorders. Methods The sample had 95 older women aged 60 to 84 years (mean of 69,5). They were interviewed with a structured questionnaire on sociodemographic aspects, health, and vocal behavior. The Screening Protocol for Voice Disorders in Older Adults (RAVI) was used to identify the presence of voice disorders. Results Participants who had finished high school and were retired predominated. The number of older women with voice disorders according to RAVI was 46.3%. Physical sensations such as dry throat, throat clearing, and itchy throat were the most common complaints. The group of older women with voice disorders had worse self-perception of voice quality, hearing, and general health and a higher frequency of upper airway infections than those without voice disorders (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusion The vocal self-assessment measured with RAVI was statistically associated with self-perception of voice quality, hearing, general health, sore throat, sinusitis, and respiratory allergies.
Obesity is a very common pathology worldwide. Among the management alternatives are glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogues, a hormone secreted mainly by the intestine. Apart from its effects as an incretin, effects on gastrointestinal motility have been described, which seem to be fundamental for its effect on obesity, but also the cause of its most frequent potential adverse effects. There is discussion regarding the large number of case reports in relation to the retention of gastric contents at the time of endoscopy. There is currently insufficient evidence to state categorically that they produce a significant change in gastric emptying. Nevertheless, it is recommended to inquire about the use of these drugs before endoscopic procedures that require sedation and, in the presence of symptoms, to suggest changes in the preparation
La obesidad es una patología muy frecuente a nivel global. Dentro de las alternativas del manejo están los análogos del péptido 1 similar al glucagón (GLP-1), hormona secretada principalmente por el intestino. Aparte de sus efec- tos como incretina, se han descrito efectos sobre la motilidad gastrointestinal, los que parecen ser fundamentales para su efecto sobre la obesidad, pero también los causales de sus potenciales efectos adversos más frecuentes. Existe discusión en relación con la gran cantidad de reportes de casos en relación con la retención de contenido gástrico al momento de una endoscopia. Actualmente no existe evidencia suficiente para afirmar categóricamente que producen un cambio significativo en el vaciamiento gástrico. No obstante, se recomienda indagar sobre el uso de estos fármacos antes de procedimientos endoscópicos que requieran sedación y, ante la presencia de síntomas, sugerir cambios en la preparación.
Humans , Glucagon-Like Peptide 1/adverse effects , Gastrointestinal Diseases/physiopathology , Gastrointestinal Motility/drug effects , Obesity/drug therapy , Constipation/etiology , Constipation/chemically induced , Obesity/complicationsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Avaliar se alterações epigenéticas estão associadas à ocorrência da agenesia dentária não sindrômica. Métodos: Buscas computadorizadas foram conduzidas no PubMed, Web of Science, Ovid, Embase e Scopus. Consultas na literatura cinzenta (Open Grey), no Google Scholar e pesquisas manuais nas listas de referências dos artigos incluídos também foram realizadas. Apenas estudos caso-controle avaliando indivíduos com e sem agenesia dentária não sindrômica eram elegíveis. A seleção dos estudos, a extração de dados e a avaliação do risco de viés (ferramenta da Universidade da Adelaide) foram realizadas por dois autores de forma independente. Devido à diferença metodológica dos artigos incluídos, uma meta-análise não foi possível. Resultados: 206 artigos foram identificados nas bases de dados. Após a remoção de 128 duplicatas e a análise de 78 referências, oito artigos preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade e foram incluídos. Os estudos incluídos foram realizados na China, Turquia, Tunísia, Romênia e República Tcheca. As datas de publicação ocorreram entre 2015 e 2023. Os estudos com as menores amostras avaliaram cinco indivíduos com agenesia e cinco sem agenesia e o estudo com a maior amostra avaliou 625 indivíduos com agenesia e 1144 indivíduos sem agenesia. No total, essa revisão analisou 1325 indivíduos com agenesia e 1867 sem agenesia. Dos 33 polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único avaliados, 19 deles estavam potencialmente associados a uma maior suscetibilidade à agenesia dentária não sindrômica, sendo eles identificados nos genes PAX9, AXIN2, WNT10A, MDM2, MSX1 e BMP2. Foram identificadas 29 novas mutações. No geral, os artigos incluídos apresentaram baixo risco de viés. Conclusão: Existe a associação de algumas alterações epigenéticas com a ocorrência de agenesia dentária não sindrômica.
Aim: To assess whether epigenetic alterations are associated with the occurrence of non-syndromic tooth agenesis. Methods: Computerized searches were conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, Ovid, Embase, and Scopus databases. Grey literature searches (Open Grey), Google Scholar, and manual searches in the reference lists of included articles were also performed. Only case-control studies evaluating individuals with and without non-syndromic tooth agenesis were eligible. Study selection, data extraction, and bias assessment (University of Adelaide tool) were independently conducted by two authors. Due to methodological differences in the included articles, a meta-analysis was not feasible. Results: This study identified 206 articles in the databases. After removing 128 duplicates and reviewing 78 references, eight articles met the eligibility criteria and were included. The included studies were conducted in China, Turkey, Tunisia, Romania, and the Czech Republic. Publication dates ranged from 2015 to 2023. Studies with the smallest sample assessed five individuals with agenesis and five without agenesis, and the study with the largest sample assessed 625 individuals with agenesis and 1,144 without agenesis. In total, this review analyzed 1,325 individuals with agenesis and 1,867 without agenesis. Of the 33 single nucleotide polymorphisms evaluated, 19 were potentially associated with an increased susceptibility to non-syndromic tooth agenesis, and these were identified in the PAX9, AXIN2, WNT10A, MDM2, MSX1, and BMP2 genes. Twenty-nine new mutations were identified. Overall, the included articles demonstrated a low risk of bias. Conclusion: There is an association between certain epigenetic alterations and the occurrence of non-syndromic tooth agenesis.
DNA Methylation , Epigenesis, Genetic , Anodontia , Systematic ReviewABSTRACT
La formación de estudiantes para la prevención de las alteraciones del comportamiento en los niños de la primera infancia, es imprescindible porque contribuye a elevar la calidad de la atención educativa de salud y educación en ambas modalidades de atención educativa de la primera infancia. El artículo que se presenta tiene como objetivo exponer acciones dirigidas a los estudiantes en formación que los prepara para la orientación de las familias, en función de la prevención de las alteraciones del comportamientoen niños de infancia preescolar. Las acciones se aplicaron durante el periodo del 2019 al 2022 como parte de la preparación para la práctica laboral, lo que posibilitó que se elevara la calidad de la orientación familiar en función de la prevención de las alteraciones del comportamiento en los niños de infancia preescolar, en ambas modalidades de atención educativa.
The training of students for the prevention of behavioral disorders in early childhood children is essential because it contributes to raising the quality of educational health care and education in both modalities of early childhood educational care. The article that is presented aims to expose actions aimed at students in training that prepare them for the orientation of families, based on the prevention of behavioral disorders in preschool children. The actions were applied during the period from 2019 to 2022 as part of the preparation for labor practice, which made it possible to raise the quality of family guidance based on the prevention of behavioral disorders in preschool children, in both modalities of educational attention.
Los pacientes que están hospitalizados tienen un desequilibrio en de sus necesidades, más si hablamos de los pacientes que se encuentran en una unidad de terapia intensiva donde el movimiento es dinámico segundo a segundo debido a la inestabilidad hemodinámica de cada paciente. Una vez que se haya estabilizado la salud del paciente orientado, aparece la dificultad de poder dormir, por diversos factores que rodean al paciente ya sea intrínsecos, lo que siente la misma persona o ambientales propiamente de la terapia. Objetivo: determinar la calidad del sueño y los factores que lo alteran los pacientes orientados críticos en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva. Metodología: estudio descriptivo y transversal, como instrumento se utilizó el cuestionario de Richard Campbell que correspondía 5 preguntas sobre la calidad del sueño y la 6ta pregunta que corresponde al Cuestionario de Freedman sobre los factores que impide obtener un sueño óptimo. Resultado: Se realizó 40 entrevistas a los pacientes orientados de la unidad intensiva de diferentes edades, sexo y patología. Conclusión: El sueño en los pacientes orientados en la unidad de terapia intensiva dio una mala calidad de sueño, es decir un sueño superficial con despertares intermitentes. Los pacientes que tuvieron más dificultad para conciliar el sueño son lo que sufrieron enfermedades respiratorias y oncológicas en los cuales influyo los factores intrínsecos la ansiedad y el extrínseco la postura corporal y el ruido[AU]
The patients who are hospitalized have an imbalance in all their needs, more so if we talk about patients who are in an intensive care unit where movement is dynamic second by second due to the hemodynamic instability of each patient. Once the health of the oriented patient has stabilized, the deficit of being able to sleep appears, due to various factors that surround the patient, whether intrinsic, what the person feels, or the environment of the therapy itself. Objective: to determine the quality of sleep and the factors that alter it in critically oriented patients in the Intensive Care Unit.Methodology: descriptive and cross-sectional study, the Richard Campbell questionnaire was used as an instrument, corresponding to 5 questions on sleep quality and the 6th question corresponding to the Freedman Question-naire on the factors that prevent optimal sleep. Result: 40 interviews were con-ducted with oriented patients from the intensive unit of different ages, sex and pathology. Conclusion: The sleep in the patients oriented in the intensive care unit gave a poor quality of sleep, that is, a superficial sleep with intermittent awakenings. The patients who had more difficulty falling asleep are those who suffered respiratory and oncological diseases in which the intrinsic factors influ-ence anxiety and the extrinsic body posture and noise[AU]
Humans , Critical Care NursingABSTRACT
El estrabismo es una alteración de la visión binocular, es decir, la pérdida de paralelismo de los ejes visuales. Las personas que padecen estrabismo presentan disminución de la profundidad visual y percepción de dimensionalidad. Se estima que este padecimiento ocular, afecta alrededor del 2 al 4 % de la población infantil. La clasificación de los estrabismos y su misma definición han sido parte de un debate mundial durante años. La edad de aparición, el ángulo de desviación, el ojo desviado, y la magnitud del ángulo en distancia de enfoque tambien; sin embargo, siempre debe confirmarse con exámenes más exhaustivos luego de un primer diagnóstico realizado por un profesional de la salud visual. Objetivo. Identificar las características de los estrabismos incomitantes, formas de diagnóstico, clasificación y factores para poder manejarlos específicamente y mejorar el pronóstico del caso. Metodología. Se realizó una síntesis de la información disponible de literatura sobre el estrabismo incomitante a través de un análisis bibliográfico donde se empleó descriptores de búsqueda para lo cual se revisaron las bases de datos: Google académico y Proquest Prisma. Se realizó el análisis de referencias desde el año 2010 al 2020 y como resultado se obtuvieron 34 referencias que describen una clasificación de estrabismos, tipo de diagnóstico y tratamiento. Conclusión. Se considera fundamental aumentar la conciencia pública sobre el tema del diagnóstico temprano de afectaciones oculares para generar medidas de prevención que busquen atenuar la ocurrencia de esta alteración. Delimitar el tipo de estrabismo incomitante podría evitar consecuencias irreparables para el paciente.
Strabismus is an alteration of binocular vision, that is, the loss of parallelism of the visual axes. People suffering from strabismus have decreased visual depth and dimensionality perception. It is estimated that this ocular condition affects about 2 to 4% of the child population. The classification of strabismus and its very definition have been part of a worldwide debate for years. The age of onset, the angle of deviation, the deviating eye, and the magnitude of the angle in focusing distance as well; however, it should always be confirmed with more exhaustive examinations after a first diagnosis by an eye care professional. Objective. To identify the characteristics of incomitant strabismus, ways of diagnosis, classification and factors to be able to manage them specifically and improve the prognosis of the case. Methodology. A synthesis of the information available in the literature on incomitant strabismus was made through a bibliographic analysis using search descriptors for which the following databases were reviewed: Google Scholar and Proquest Prisma. The analysis of references from 2010 to 2020 was carried out and as a result 34 references were obtained describing a classification of strabismus, type of diagnosis and treatment. Conclusion. It is considered essential to increase public awareness on the issue of early diagnosis of ocular disorders in order to generate preventive measures that seek to mitigate the occurrence of this disorder. Delimiting the type of incomitant strabismus could avoid irreparable consequences for the patient.
O estrabismo é um distúrbio da visão binocular, ou seja, a perda do paralelismo dos eixos visuais. As pessoas que sofrem de estrabismo têm uma percepção de profundidade e dimensionalidade visual reduzida. Estima-se que essa condição ocular afete cerca de 2 a 4% da população infantil. A classificação do estrabismo e sua própria definição têm sido parte de um debate mundial há anos. A idade de início, o ângulo de desvio, o olho desviado e a magnitude do ângulo na distância de focalização também; no entanto, devem sempre ser confirmados por exames adicionais após um primeiro diagnóstico feito por um oftalmologista. Objetivo. Identificar as características do estrabismo incomitante, as formas de diagnóstico, a classificação e os fatores para poder tratá-los especificamente e melhorar o prognóstico do caso. Metodologia. Foi feita uma síntese das informações disponíveis na literatura sobre estrabismo incomitante por meio de uma análise bibliográfica usando descritores de pesquisa para os quais foram revisados os seguintes bancos de dados: Google Scholar e Proquest Prisma. A análise das referências de 2010 a 2020 foi realizada e, como resultado, foram obtidas 34 referências que descrevem a classificação do estrabismo, o tipo de diagnóstico e o tratamento. Conclusões. Considera-se essencial aumentar a conscientização pública sobre a questão do diagnóstico precoce de distúrbios oculares para gerar medidas preventivas que busquem mitigar a ocorrência desse distúrbio. Delimitar o tipo de estrabismo incomitante poderia evitar consequências irreparáveis para o paciente.
Vision, BinocularABSTRACT
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) is a group of heterogeneous malignant tumors with poor prognosis, with a lack of standard treatment regimen and poor efficacy of traditional chemotherapy. Therefore, finding new and more effective therapeutic targets to improve the efficacy of PTCL is an urgent clinical problem. In recent years, as the exploration of PTCL at the genetic and molecular levels has intensified, novel therapeutic targets based on gene alterations and molecular typing have been identified. This article summarizes the research progress of main gene alterations and molecular typing of PTCL in recent years.
It has been noted for decades that cancer is essentially a genomic disease. Benefiting from the latest development of high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics technologies, a variety of genetic alterations have been identified for their roles in cancer occurrence and development, giving rise to new opportunities for anti-cancer drug discovery. In particular, the rapid advancement of cancer genomics has paved the way for the precision medicine that has gained compelling achievement in the past years and significantly benefited cancer patients. In this review, we summarize the main types of genomic abnormalities in cancer, the application of functional genomics research in cancer research, and in particular the translational application of cancer genomics in clinical diagnosis, drug discovery and cancer precision medicine. With this review, we hope to better understand cancer genomics research and provide future perspectives for its application in precision medicine.
Parvalbumin interneurons belong to the major types of GABAergic interneurons. Although the distribution and pathological alterations of parvalbumin interneuron somata have been widely studied, the distribution and vulnerability of the neurites and fibers extending from parvalbumin interneurons have not been detailly interrogated. Through the Cre recombinase-reporter system, we visualized parvalbumin-positive fibers and thoroughly investigated their spatial distribution in the mouse brain. We found that parvalbumin fibers are widely distributed in the brain with specific morphological characteristics in different regions, among which the cortex and thalamus exhibited the most intense parvalbumin signals. In regions such as the striatum and optic tract, even long-range thick parvalbumin projections were detected. Furthermore, in mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy and Parkinson's disease, parvalbumin fibers suffered both massive and subtle morphological alterations. Our study provides an overview of parvalbumin fibers in the brain and emphasizes the potential pathological implications of parvalbumin fiber alterations.
Mice , Animals , Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe/pathology , Parvalbumins/metabolism , Parkinson Disease/pathology , Neurons/metabolism , Interneurons/physiology , Disease Models, Animal , Brain/pathologyABSTRACT
The rearranged during transfection (RET) is a receptor protein tyrosine kinase. Oncogenic RET fusions or mutations are found most often in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and in thyroid cancer, but also increasingly in various types of cancers at low rates. In the last few years, two potent and selective RET protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), pralsetinib (BLU-667) and selpercatinib (LOXO-292, LY3527723) were developed and received regulatory approval. Although pralsetinib and selpercatinib gave high overall response rates (ORRs), < 10% of patients achieved a complete response (CR). The RET TKI-tolerated residual tumors inevitably develop resistance by secondary target mutations, acquired alternative oncogenes, or MET amplification. RET G810 mutations located at the kinase solvent front site were identified as the major on-target mechanism of acquired resistance to both selpercatinib and pralsetinib. Several next-generation of RET TKIs capable of inhibiting the selpercatinib/pralsetinib-resistant RET mutants have progressed to clinical trials. However, it is likely that new TKI-adapted RET mutations will emerge to cause resistance to these next-generation of RET TKIs. Solving the problem requires a better understanding of the multiple mechanisms that support the RET TKI-tolerated persisters to identify a converging point of vulnerability to devise an effective co-treatment to eliminate the residual tumors.
Humans , Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung/genetics , Neoplasm, Residual , Lung Neoplasms/genetics , Mutation , Protein Kinase Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-ret/geneticsABSTRACT
Purpose: Our study aimed to evaluate the utility of the anterior segment morphometry for objectively assessing anterior segment architectural changes of corneal clouding in the mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) cohort and to investigate whether these measurements correlate with the slit?lamp findings on the cornea and early diagnosis of glaucoma. Methods: This retrospective study involved 70 eyes of 35 children with cloudy cornea due to MPS variants. Anterior segment architectural alterations were measured using anterior segment imaging and biometry in MPS children and compared with controls. Results: Mean age of the cohort at the time of assessment was 7.9 ± 4.5 years. Males constituted two?thirds of the cohort. Variants of MPS with cloudy cornea were as follows: Type I (62%), Type IV (11%), and Type VI (22%). Morphometric measurements were available in 22 eyes of 11 MPS children and an age?matched healthy control group. There were significant differences between MPS cohort and controls in refraction in Diopters (5.03 ± 0.39 and 0.01 ± 0.04; P < 0.0001), axial length (AXL) in mm (21.39 ± 0.28 and 23.04 ± 0.28; P = 0.0002), average keratometry in Diopters (40.67 ± 0.44 and 42.83 ± 0.44; P < 0.0001), anterior chamber depth (ACD) in mm (2.92 ± 0.07 and 3.65 ± 0.07; P < 0.0001), and intraocular pressure (IOP) in mmHg (25.2 ± 2.0 and 14.1 ± 2.3; P = 0.0003). Secondary glaucoma was observed in 28% of the MPS cohort. Conclusion: The anterior segment morphometry in the cloudy cornea due to MPS provides an objective measurement of anterior segment architectural changes, thus diagnosing early?onset secondary glaucoma. These findings highlight that cloudy cornea due to MPS variants merits close monitoring throughout life
Resumen Introducción: Los ríos tropicales se ven cada vez más afectados por la fragmentación y la regulación; y, en Colombia, se sabe que las represas ponen en peligro a los peces endémicos debido, entre otros, a la migración limitada y la disponibilidad reducida de redes alimenticias basadas en el detrito. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de la ictiofauna nativa afectada por represas en ríos altoandinos es aún incipiente. Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos de la represa del Neusa sobre la ictiofauna. Métodos: Comparamos dos secciones del río, una aguas arriba y otra aguas abajo de la represa con el Sistema Richter IHA, muestreamos tres transectos de 100 m de largo en cada sección, cada dos meses, entre 2017 y 2019. Los peces fueron devueltos al río después de efectuadas las mediciones corporales. Resultados: Recolectamos 729 individuos de cinco familias; los Trichomycterus bogotense eran más pequeños aguas abajo de la represa; Oncorhynchus mykiss fue más pequeño y menos abundante; y no hubo diferencias para Grundulus bogotensis y Eremophilus mutisii. Independientemente de los factores climáticos, O. mykiss y G. bogotensis fueron más abundantes aguas arriba, y E. mutisii y T. bogotense aguas abajo de la represa. Conclusión: Las cinco especies de peces diferían en cómo las poblaciones se diferencian aguas arriba y aguas abajo de la represa, lo que sugiere que algunas se benefician de la represa, mientras que otras se vuelven más pequeñas y menos abundantes.
Abstract Introduction: Tropical rivers are increasingly being affected by fragmentation and regulation; and, in Colombia, dams are known to endanger endemic fishes through, among others, limited migration and reduced availability of sediment-based feeding networks. However, knowledge of native ichthyofauna affected by dams in high Andean rivers is still incipient. Objective: To assess the effects of the Neusa dam on the ichthyofauna. Methods: We compared two rivers' sections, one above and one below the dam with the Richter IHA System, we sampled three 100 m long transects in each section, every two months, between 2017 and 2019. The fishes were returned to the river after body measurements. Results: We collected 729 individuals from five families; Trichomycterus bogotense were smaller under the dam; Oncorhynchus mykiss was smaller and less abundant; and there were no differences for Grundulus bogotensis and Eremophilus mutisii. Independently of climatic factors, O. mykiss and G. bogotensis were more abundant above the dam, and E. mutisii and T. bogotense under the dam. Conclusion: The five fish species differed in how the populations differed above and under the dam, suggesting that some are benefited by the dam, while others become smaller and less abundant.
Animals , Body Size , Fishes , ColombiaABSTRACT
Esophageal cancer is one of the most lethal cancers worldwide because of its rapid progression and poor prognosis. Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) are two major subtypes of esophageal cancer. ESCC predominantly affects African and Asian populations, which is closely related to chronic smoking and alcohol consumption. EAC typically arises in Barrett's esophagus with a predilection for Western countries. While surgical operation and chemoradiotherapy have been applied to combat this deadly cancer, molecularly targeted therapy is still at the early stages. With the development of large-scale next-generation sequencing, various genomic alterations in ESCC and EAC have been revealed and their potential roles in the initiation and progression of esophageal cancer have been studied. Potential therapeutic targets have been identified and novel approaches have been developed to combat esophageal cancer. In this review, we comprehensively analyze the genomic alterations in EAC and ESCC and summarize the potential role of the genetic alterations in the development of esophageal cancer. Progresses in the therapeutics based on the different tissue types and molecular signatures have also been reviewed and discussed.
Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge(SMB)has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.Growing clinical usage has led to a huge demand for artificial planting of SMB.Thus,continuous cropping of SMB is an important challenge that needs to be addressed.Contin-uous cropping can alter the metabolic profile of plants,resulting in poor growth and low yield.In this study,we tried to image the spatial location and variation of endogenous metabolites in continuously cropped SMB using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging(MALDI-MSI).Spatially resolved expressions of tanshinones,salvianolic acids,polyamines,phenolic acids,amino acids,and oligosaccharides in normal and continuously cropped SMB roots were compared.The ex-pressions of dihydrotanshinone Ⅰ,tanshinone Ⅱ A,dehydromiltirone,miltirone,dehydrotanshinone ⅡA,spermine,salvianolic acid B/E,tetrasaccharide,and pentasaccharide in continuously cropped SMB roots were much lower than those in normal roots.There was little difference in the expressions of caffeic acid and salvianolic acid A in normal and continuously cropped SMB roots.Ferulic acid was more widely distributed in xylem of normal SMB but strongly expressed in xylem,phloem,and cambium of continuously cropped SMB.The spatially resolved metabolite information enhances our understanding of the metabolic signature of continuously cropped SMB and also provides insights into the metabolic ef-fects of continuous cropping in other plants.
@#Deletions and amplifications of genes often occur during multistep progression from oral precancer, seen as oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) to cancerous stage. These genetic alterations could be used as markers to aid in detection of oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC). This study explored the use of multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) technique in detecting OSCC and OED specific genetic alterations. MLPA was used to detect gains and losses of 106 genes in DNA extracted from frozen tissue samples of 10 OSCC and 10 noncancer patients. Two biopsies of OED were analyzed to explore the alterations in oral potentially malignant disorders. There were significant differences (p<0.001) in the number of alterations in OSCC and dysplasia compared to non-cancer samples respectively. The most frequently altered genes in OSCC were PTP4A3, RECQL4, ATM, and KLK3 (60%). Five genes (MYC, SLA, TNFRSF1A, MESDC1, MIF) were altered in 50% of OSCC samples. These nine genes were specific to OSCC samples (p<0.05). Some genes, including MYB, MET, CASP2, SLA and PTEN occurred in 50% of OED samples. MLPA was able to detect genetic alterations, that are present only in the OSCC samples and showed potential to be used as an adjunctive tool in early diagnosis of OSCC.
A new species of Characidium is described from the tributaries of the upper and middle rio Doce basin, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from most congeners, except C. cricarense, C. hasemani, C. helmeri, C. kalunga, C. pterostictum, C. schubarti, C. summus, and C. travassosi by lacking scales in the area between the anterior limit of the isthmus and the anterior margin of cleithrum. The new species differs from the aforementioned species by a series of characters, including the presence of the adipose fin, 2-4 scales between the anus and anal fin, two rows of dentary teeth, presence of the parietal branch of the supraorbital canal, 4 scale rows above the lateral line, and absence of two conspicuous inclined dark bands on each caudal-fin lobe. The new species further differs from most congeners with an unscaled ventral surface of the isthmus by the presence of 33-34 pored scales on the lateral line and by the dark dashes on the caudal fin-rays not forming well-defined bands.(AU)
Uma nova espécie de Characidium é descrita de afluentes do alto e médio curso da bacia do rio Doce, Minas Gerais, Brasil. A nova espécie se distingue da maioria das congêneres, exceto C. cricarense, C. hasemani, C. helmeri, C. kalunga, C. pterostictum, C. schubarti, C. summus e C. travassosi pela falta de escamas na área entre o limite anterior do istmo e a margem anterior do cleitro. A nova espécie difere das espécies acima mencionadas por uma série de caracteres, incluindo a presença de nadadeira adiposa, 2-4 escamas entre o ânus e a nadadeira anal, duas séries de dentes no dentário, ramo parietal do canal supraorbital presente, 4 séries de escamas acima da linha lateral e ausência de duas bandas escuras inclinadas em cada lobo da nadadeira caudal. A nova espécie difere ainda mais da maioria das congêneres com superfície ventral sem escamas no istmo por ter 33-34 escamas perfuradas na linha lateral e traços escuros nos raios da nadadeira caudal não formando bandas bem definidas.(AU)
Animals , Water Resources , Absenteeism , Lateral Line System , Characiformes , Weights and MeasuresABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: Los puentes mucosos (PM) corresponden a una banda de mucosa paralela al borde libre de la cuerda vocal, unido por anterior y posterior como un ojal. Su manejo no está estandarizado y la literatura al respecto es escueta, con cirugías con resultados no siempre predecibles. Objetivo: Descripción de las características clínicas de pacientes con PM y las técnicas quirúrgicas para su manejo, en la Unidad de Voz del Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile (HCUCH), discutiendo el desafío para su diagnóstico y manejo. Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, incluyendo pacientes con PM, entre los años 2013 y 2019 en HCUCH. La evaluación preoperatoria incluye anamnesis, examen físico, nasofibroscopía y/o telelaringoscopía, junto con estroboscopía. Resultados: Se incluyen 7 casos, con edad promedio de 37,4 años; todas mujeres, con diagnóstico realizado en pabellón, en una sola cuerda vocal. Se asoció a alteración estructural mínima (AEM) en el 100% de los casos y a patología benigna en 75%. Todos los pacientes consultaron por disfonía. El tratamiento fue elegido de acuerdo a cada paciente, con resección en todos los casos, con variadas técnicas de microcirugía laríngea, con infiltración de corticoides y/o grasa, además de fonoterapia. Conclusión: Los PM, deben sospecharse en disfonía crónica con respuesta no favorable a fonoterapia, en asociación a otras AEM, en particular en mujeres, con diagnóstico en el intraoperatorio con equipos adecuados, incluyendo consentimiento informado para eventual manejo quirúrgico. Es una patología poco frecuente, cuyo manejo no ha sido estandarizado, por lo que nuestra experiencia resulta relevante.
Abstract Introduction: Mucosal bridges (MB) correspond to a mucosa loop parallel to the free edge of the vocal fold, which is joined forward and backward. There is not a standardized procedure for its treatment and the literature in this regard is scarce and surgical management have not resulted in predictable outcomes. Aim: Description of clinical characteristics of patients with MB and the surgical techniques, in the Otorhinolaryngology Service at the Clinical Hospital Universidad de Chile (HCUCH), reflecting upon the challenge for its diagnosis and management. Material and Method: Retrospective and descriptive study, including patients with diagnosis of MB, between 2013 and 2019 in HCUCH. The preoperative evaluation includes anamnesis, physical examination, nasofibroscopy and/or telelaryngoscopy, along with the use of stroboscopy. Results: 7 cases were included, with an average age of 37.4 years; all women, with diagnosis made in the operating room, on a single vocal fold. It was associated with another minimal structural abnormality (MSA) in 100% of the cases, and with benign pathology in 75% of them. Dysphonia was the main symptom. The treatment was chosen individually, with resection in all cases, various laryngeal microsurgery techniques, infiltration of steroids and/or fat, in addition to speech therapy. Conclusion: MB should be suspected in cases of chronic dysphonia with an unfavorable response to speech therapy, in association with other MSAs, particularly in women, diagnosed intraoperatively with adequate equipment, including informed consent for eventual surgical management. It is a rare pathology, whose management has not been standardized therefore our experience is relevant.
Distúrbios decorrentes da artrite reumatoide (AR) resultam em incapacitação funcional, com reflexos econômicos e sociais aos sistemas de saúde. Uma alternativa terapêutica que tem sido proposta é a atividade física na modalidade resistida. O presente estudo analisou os efeitos do exercício resistido de subida em escada (ERSE) na histomorfologia do músculo extensor longo dos dedos (EDL) de ratos Wistar, em modelo experimental de AR. Ratos machos (n=20) foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos. A lesão da AR foi induzida por administração intra-articular de Adjuvante Completo de Freund (CFA). Os resultados revelaram que a AR alterou a histomorfometria das fibras do EDL e que o ERSE promoveu reparo muscular, sugerindo sua eficiência na restauração da funcionalidade muscular. Ainda, o ERSE pode ser uma opção de tratamento voltado à melhoria na qualidade de vida dos portadores de AR.
Disorders from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) result in functional disability, with economic and social impacts on health systems. A therapeutic alternative that has been proposed is physical activity in the resisted modality. Current study analyzed the effects of resistance exercise on stairs (ERSE) on the histomorphology of the extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) of Wistar rats in an experimental model of RA. Male rats (n=20) were randomly assigned to four groups. RA injury was induced by intra-articular administration of Freund's Complete Adjuvant (CFA). Results revealed that RA altered the histomorphometry of EDL fibers and that ERSE promoted muscle repair, suggesting its efficiency in restoring muscle functionality. Furthermore, ERSE may be a treatment option to improve the life quality of people with RA.