Introducción: en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI), las personas asistidas con patologías relevantes se encuentran bajo sedación, una vez que estas se encuentran bajo los principios de supresión de la sedación, es importante identificar cuáles son las manifestaciones que presentan, propias de las sedaciones. Objetivo: describir las manifestaciones clínicas del síndrome de supresión de la sedoanalgesia presentes en pacientes asistidos en un Hospital Público de la Ciudad de Corrientes de enero a diciembre del 2022. Metodología: estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal y observacional. La muestra incluyó pacientes adultos de UCI. El cálculo del tamaño muestral se realizó a través del método probabilístico aleatorio simple resultando de éste una muestra de 100 historias clínicas. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó la observación y como instrumento un formulario semiestructurado, de carácter anónimo. Cada formulario contenía datos específicos donde se categorizan las variables en estudio como ser edad, sexo, comorbilidades, tiempo de sedoanalgesia, tipo de sedación, sedoanalgesia utilizada, agitación, confusión, alucinación, diaforesis, taquicardia. Resultados: en cuanto a la edad se obtuvo un promedio de 49 años, el sexo predominante fue el masculino con 52%, en cuanto a las comorbilidades más frecuentes, el 20% presentó Insuficiencia Respiratoria Aguda y el 16% Insuficiencia renal. El motivo de ingreso a UCI en mayor medida con el 33% fue por dificultad respiratoria y Post Quirúrgicos complicados 32%. Los fármacos de mayor elección fueron midazolam 94%, seguido del fentanilo 80%. En cuanto al tiempo de sedación de los pacientes, se encontró una media de 1265 horas. Las manifestaciones clínicas que se observaron en la muestra en mayor medida corresponden a taquicardia 70%, agitación 52%, un 37% confusión e hipertensión y un 24% alucinación. Conclusión: las manifestaciones que se presentaron con mayor frecuencia fueron taquicardia, agitación, confusión, hipertensión y con menor frecuencia alucinación[AU]
Introduction: in the intensive care unit (ICU), people treated with relevant pathologies are under sedation. Once they are under the principles of sedation suppression, it is important to identify the manifestations they present, typical of sedations. Objective: To describe the clinical manifestations of sedation suppression syndrome present in patients treated at a Public Hospital in the City of Corrientes from January to December 2022. Methodology: quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study. The sample included adult ICU patients. The calculation of the sample size was carried out through the simple random probabilistic method, resulting in a sample of 100 medical records. Manifestaciones clínicas post supresión de sedoanalgesia en pacientes adultos de una terapia intensiva. Observation was used to collect data and a semi-structured, anonymous form was used as an instrument. Each form contained specific data where the variables under study were categorized, such as age, sex, comorbidities, sedation time, type of sedation, sedation used, agitation, confusion, hallucination, diaphoresis, tachycardia. Results: regarding age, an average of 49 years was obtained, the predominant sex was male with 52%, regarding the most frequent comorbidities, 20% presented Acute Respiratory Failure and 16% Renal failure. The reason for admission to the ICU to a greater extent with 33% was due to respiratory difficulty and complicated Post-Surgeries 32%. The drugs of greatest choice were midazolam 94%, followed by fentanyl 80%. Regarding the sedation time of the patients, an average of 1265 hours was found. The clinical manifestations that were observed in the sample to a greater extent correspond to tachycardia 70%, agitation 52%, confusion and hypertension 37% and hallucination 24%. Conclusion: the manifestations that occurred most frequently were tachycardia, agitation, confusion, hypertension and, less frequently, hallucination[AU]
Introdução: na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI), as pessoas tratadas com patologias relevantes estão sob sedação. Uma vez sob os princípios da supressão da sedação, é importante identificar as manifestações que apresentam, típicas das sedações. Objetivo: Descrever as manifestações clínicas da síndrome de supressão da sedação presentes em pacientes atendidos em um Hospital Público da Cidade de Corrientes no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2022. Metodologia: estudo quantitativo, descritivo, transversal e observacional. A amostra incluiu pacientes adultos internados em UTI. O cálculo do tamanho amostral foi realizado pelo método probabilístico aleatório simples, resultando em uma amostra de 100 prontuários. A observação foi utilizada para a coleta de dados e um formulário semiestruturado e anônimo foi utilizado como instrumento. Cada formulário continha dados específicos onde foram categorizadas as variáveis em estudo, como idade, sexo, comorbidades, tempo de sedação, tipo de sedação, sedação utilizada, agitação, confusão, alucinação, sudorese, taquicardia. Resultados: em relação à idade obteve-se uma média de 49 anos, o sexo predominante foi o masculino com 52%, quanto às comorbidades mais frequentes, 20% apresentavam Insuficiência Respiratória Aguda e 16% Insuficiência Renal. O motivo de internação na UTI em maior proporção com 33% foi por dificuldade respiratória e pós-cirúrgicos complicados 32%. Os medicamentos de maior escolha foram midazolam 94%, seguido de fentanil 80%. Quanto ao tempo de sedação dos pacientes, foi encontrada uma média de 1265 horas. As manifestações clínicas mais observadas na amostra correspondem a taquicardia 70%, agitação 52%, confusão e hipertensão 37% e alucinação 24%. Conclusão: as manifestações que ocorreram com maior frequência foram taquicardia, agitação, confusão, hipertensão e, menos frequentemente, alucinação[AU]
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Midazolam/therapeutic use , Fentanyl/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Introducción: tramadol es un analgésico opioide usado frecuentemente para el manejo del dolor crónico no oncológico (DCNO). En Chile, es parte del arsenal farmacológico de los centros de atención primaria para el tratamiento de patologías como artrosis de cadera y rodilla. Es considerado seguro y efectivo, sin embargo, existen reportes de efectos adversos serios por polimorfismos hepáticos, interacciones farmacológicas, intoxicaciones, adicción y muerte. La dosis óptima de tramadol es paciente dependiente. Por esto, es necesario contar con orientaciones específicas para prescribir tramadol de manera segura y eficaz según las características de cada paciente. Materiales y métodos: se revisaron guías actualizadas, revisiones sistemáticas y guías de sociedades internacionales sobre el uso de opioides en DCNO y el uso de tramadol en patologías de DCNO como artrosis, lumbago crónico, dolor neuropático y fibromialgia. Resultados: tramadol no está indicado en el tratamiento de cuadros de dolor primario como fibromialgia y en DCNO secundario es un fármaco de segunda línea o no está recomendado. En dolor crónico neuropático (DCN) es segunda línea de tratamiento. En osteoartritis de cadera, rodilla y mano, se reporta efecto analgésico modesto. Sopesar riesgos versus beneficios en estos pacientes. En artritis reumatoide y lumbago crónico se desaconseja su uso. Conclusiones: tramadol es un medicamento seguro y efectivo si se indica, administra, supervisa y descontinúa adecuadamente. Sin embargo, puede asociarse a interacciones farmacológicas, efectos secundarios serios, conductas de abuso y usos ilícitos, por lo que es necesario conocer y manejar adecuadamente su farmacología e indicaciones.
Introduction: Tramadol is an opioid pain medicine commonly used for chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP) management. In Chile, it is part of the pharmacological arsenal available in primary care centers for treating specific CNCP pathologies, such as hip and knee arthrosis. Tramadol is considered a safe and effective drug. Nevertheless, there are reports of serious adverse effects of tramadol, such as poisoning, addiction, and death, probably caused by liver polymorphisms and drug interaction. The optimal dose of tramadol is patient-specific. Specific knowledge is needed to prescribe tramadol in a safe and effective way according to the patient's medical backward. Methods: We review updated guidelines, systematic reviews, and guidelines from international societies about the use of opioids and tramadol in CNCP pathologies such as osteoarthritis, chronic low back pain, neuropathic pain, and fibromyalgia. Results: Tramadol has no role in primary pain treatment, such as fibromyalgia, but is a second-line drug for chronic neuropathic pain (CNP) and some secondary pain syndromes. Tramadol has a modest analgesic effect in osteoarthritis patients. Clinicians should always weigh the risks and benefits before prescribing tramadol. Tramadol use is discouraged in rheumatoid arthritis and chronic lumbago. Conclusions: Tramadol is a safe and effective drug if correctly indicated, administered, supervised, and discontinued. However, it may be associated with pharmacological interactions, serious side effects, abuse behaviors, and illicit uses, and it is necessary that clinicians know and manage its pharmacology and indications appropriately.
El dolor neuropático es común en la práctica clínica. Se estima que afecta entre el 2 y 3 % de la población a nivel global. Una cantidad considerable de pacientes presentan dolor refractario a tratamientos existentes, volviéndolo un reto diagnóstico y terapéutico. El objetivo de este estudio es describir el uso clínico de lidocaína intravenosa para manejo de dolor neuropático no oncológico en adultos. La búsqueda de información se realizó consultando las bases de datos HINARI, SciELO y PubMed. Se seleccionaron artículos en inglés y español de 2017 a 2021. Se utilizaron artículos originales, ensayos clínicos, revisiones bibliográficas y metaanálisis. Las causas de dolor neuropático en las que ha sido utilizada la lidocaína son la neuralgia posherpética, neuropatía diabética y neuralgia del trigémino. El uso de lidocaína intravenosa demostró que disminuye la intensidad del dolor; sin embargo, al compararlo con otros fármacos de primera línea no hay diferencias a largo plazo. La mayoría de efectos secundarios se presentan en el sistema nervioso, gastrointestinal y cardiovascular. La lidocaína intravenosa como monoterapia para manejo de dolor neuropático no oncológico, si bien fue eficaz a corto plazo con dosis de 3-5 mg/Kg, no tuvo un efecto persistente y duradero
Neuropathic pain is common in clinical practice; it is estimated that 2 to 3 % of the global population is affected; a considerable number of patients present pain refractory to existing treatments, making it a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The objective of this study is to describe the clinical use of intravenous lidocaine for the management of non-cancer neuropathic pain in adults. The information search was performed by consulting the HINARI, SciELO and PubMed databases. Articles with an obsolescence of no more than five years, both in English and Spanish, were selected. Original articles, clinical trials, bibliographic reviews and meta-analyses were used. The causes of neuropathic pain in which lidocaine has been used were postherpetic neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy, and trigeminal neuralgia. The use of intravenous lidocaine has been shown to decrease pain intensity; however, when compared with other first line drugs, there are no long-term differences. Most side effects occur in the nervous, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular systems. Intravenous lidocaine as monotherapy for the management of non-cancer neuropathic pain, although effective in the short term with doses of 3-5 mg/Kg, does not have a persistent and long-lasting effect
Pain Management , Adult , El SalvadorABSTRACT
@#Abstract: To date, the investigation of the functional composition of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban has been mainly focused on the triterpenoid saponins, with little research on the other compositions. The acetic acid-induced writhing, Eddy's hot plate and formalin tests were employed to investigate the anti-nociceptive effects of madecassic acid (MA). The experiment was divided into normal control group, acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) group, and the MA groups of low (10 mg/kg), medium (20 mg/kg) and high (40 mg/kg) dosage. Meanwhile, the anti-nociceptive effect of MA on the acetic acid and formalin-induced nociceptive models in the absence and presence of NAL (naloxone hydrochloride) was evaluated. To have an insight into the anti-nociceptive mechanisms of MA, the capsaicin- and glutamate-induced paw licking tests were also employed to evaluate the involvement of the vanilloid and glutamatergic systems, respectively. Results showed that MA exhibited good anti-nociceptive activity in the acetic acid-induced writhing test and the second phase of formalin test; the anti-nociceptive effect of MA in both the acetic acid and formalin-induced nociception was not effectively removed by NAL; MA (20 mg/kg and 40 mg/kg) effectively reduced the duration of biting/licking the capsaicin-injected paw with inhibition rates of 29.5% and 64.4%, respectively; MA (20 mg/kg and 40 mg/kg) distinctly shortened the time spent in biting/licking the glutamate-injected paw by 30.9% and 56.1%, respectively. In summary, MA induces significant peripheral anti-nociceptive effect, and the anti-nociceptive activities probably involve the modulation of glutamatergic systems and vanilloid systems (TRPV1) instead of the opioidergic system.
Objective:The pain-relieving effect and safety of compound aminopyrine phenacetin tab-lets,tramcontin(tramadol hydrochloride sustained-release tablets)and dolantin in the early stage of au-tologous tendon reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament(ACL)of the knee joint were compared.Methods:Retrospective analysis of postoperative pain and drug analgesia in 45 patients performed by the same group from November 2018 to February 2019.The random area group design was divided into two groups according to whether ACL rupture was combined with meniscal injury,group A was 24 patients with ACL reconstruction of knee joint and group B was 21 patients with ACL fracture combined with me-niscus injury.The two groups were divided into three subgroups respectively according to the actual treat-ment of postoperative analgesic drugs received by the patients,including 4 cases of compound aminopy-rine phenacetin tablets,11 cases of oral tramcontin,9 cases of intramuscular dolantin combined with phenergan in group A;3 cases of compound aminopyrine phenacetin tablets,10 cases of oral tramcontin,and 8 cases of intramuscular dolantin combined with phenergan in group B.When the early postoperative patients complain about pain and actively ask for analgesia.When the patients complained about pain af-ter the operation and actively asked for analgesia,they were randomly given painkillers,tramcontin or do-lantin combined with phenergan to relieve pain.Pain visual analogue scale(VAS)was used to evaluate pain relief and observe the occurrence of adverse reactions.Results:There were no significant dif-ferences in gender,age,body mass index,and time of hospital stay between the two groups of patients(P>0.05).In the patients who used tramcontin and dolantin combined with phenergan to relieve pain judging by VAS score before and 1 h after taking the drug,it was found that the pain situation of the pa-tient was significantly relieved,and the difference before and after taking the drug had statistical signifi-cance(P<0.05).Pairwise comparisons of the three drugs applied in the two groups showed significantly greater pain relief in the dolantin combined with phenergan group than in the remaining two drugs.There was no significant difference(P>0.05).Dolantin was prone to nausea and vomiting,but the application of phenergan was also used to reduce side effects.In terms of adverse reactions,only 1 case of nausea oc-curred in the tramcontin group for simple ACL reconstruction,and none of the patients in the other groups showed serious complications and allergic reactions.Conclusion:Whether in cruciate ligament recon-struction alone or combined with meniscus molding or suture,compound aminopyrine phenacetin tablets,tramcontin,dolantin combined with phenergan can effectively relieve pain.Among the three drugs,do-lantin caused the largest pain relief.At the same time,the combination of phenergan effectively reduced the adverse reactions,such as vomiting and nausea,and increased the drug safety.
Analgesia is an important link in the treatment of severe patients after neurosurgery and plays a vital role in improving the prognosis of the patients.Understanding the status quo and influencing fac-tors of pain in severe patients after neurosurgery helps to predict the occurrence of pain,which is crucial for determining the new pain assessment methods and auxiliary analgesic methods and developing novel analgesic drugs.This paper reviews the pain status,pain evaluation and analgesic methods of severe patients after neuro-surgery in recent years so as to understand the pain management current status of the patients with severe neurological conditions and provide reference for the medical staff to implement the analgesic programs.
Objective To evaluate the postoperative analgesia efficacy and clinical safety of hydro-morphone patients-controlled intravenous analgesia(PCIA)in patients with scar pregnancy after auxiliary uterine artery embolization(UAE).Methods A total of 116 patients with scar pregnancy,who received auxiliary UAE at the Fuyang Municipal People's Hospital of China between January 2021 and September 2022,were enrolled in this study.According to the intravenous self-controlled analgesic drugs used after UAE,the patients were randomly and equally divided into observation group(n=58)and control group(n=58).Ten minutes before the procedure,intravenous injection of 2 mg hydromorphone(observation group)or 2 μg/kg sufentanyl(control group)was performed,and the PCIA pump was connected.In the observation group,the mixed solution of 10 mg hydromorphone+100 mg flurbiprofen axetil+100 mL saline was put in the analgesic pump,while in the control group,the mixed solution of 2 μg/kg sufentanyl+flurbiprofen axetil 100 mg+100 mL saline was put in the analgesic pump.The post-UAE 0.5-h,4-h,8-h,12-h,24-h and 48-h visual analogue scale(VAS)scores,the Bruggrmann comfort scale(BCS)scores,the number of pressing analgesic pump times within postoperative 48 hours,the used dosage of analgesic drugs,the adverse reactions,and the incidence of postoperative complications were recorded.Results The difference in the post-UAE 0.5-h VAS scores between the observation group and the control group was not statistically significant(P>0.05),while the post-UAE 4-h,8-h,12-h,24-h and 48-h VAS scores in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group,and the differences were statistically significant(all P<0.05).The post-UAE 0.5-h,4-h,8-h,12-h,24-h and 48-h BCS scores in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group,and the differences were statistically significant(all P<0.05).The number of pressing analgesic pump times and the used dosage of analgesic drugs within postoperative 48 hours in the observation group were lower than those in the control group,and the differences were statistically significant(all P<0.05).No statistically significant differences in the complications such as drowsiness,skin itching,hypoxia,or respiratory depression,etc.existed between the two groups,while the difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Hydromorphone and sufentanil PCIA can relieve the pain in scar pregnancy patients after UAE.Hydromorphone is superior to sufentanil in reducing the number of pressing analgesic pump times within postoperative 48 hours,reducing the used dosage of analgesic drugs,and decreasing the incidence of adverse reactions,therefore,hydromorphone PCIA has a certain promotion value.(J Intervent Radiol,2024,33:240-244)
Objective:To analyze the efficacy and safety of nalbuphine for analgesia in patients with non-mechanical ventilation in intensive care unit (ICU).Methods:From December 2018 to August 2021, a multicenter randomized controlled clinical study was conducted to select non-mechanical ventilation patients with analgesic needs admitted to ICU of four hospitals in Henan Province and Guizhou Province. Patients were randomly assigned to nalbuphine group and fentanyl group. The nalbuphine group was given continuous infusion of nalbuphine [0.05~0.20 mg/(kg·h)], and the fentanyl group was given continuous infusion of fentanyl [0.5~2.0 μg/(kg·h)]. The analgesic target was critical-care pain observation tool (CPOT) score<2. The observation time was 48 hours. The primary endpoint was CPOT score, the secondary endpoints were Richmond agitation-sedation score (RASS), ICU length of stay, adverse events, and proportion of mechanical ventilation. The quantitative data of the two groups were compared by t test or Mann-Whitney U test. The enumeration data were compared by chi square test or Fisher exact probability method. The data at different time points between groups were compared by repeated measures analysis of variance. Results:A total of 210 patients were enrolled, including 105 patients in the nalbuphine group and 105 patients in the fentanyl group. There was no significant difference in baseline data between the two groups (all P>0.05). There was no significant difference in CPOT score between nalbuphine group and fentanyl group at each time point after medication ( P>0.05), the CPOT score of both groups at each time point after medication was significantly lower than that before medication, and the analgesic target could be achieved and maintained 2 hours after medication. There was no significant difference in RASS between the two groups at each time point after medication ( P>0.05), which was significantly lower than that before medication, and the target sedative effect was achieved 2 hours after medication. There was no significant difference in ICU length of stay between nalbuphine group and fentanyl group [5.0(4.0,7.5) d vs. 5.0(4.0,8.0) d, P=0.504]. The incidence of delirium, nausea and vomiting, abdominal distension, pruritus, vertigo and other adverse events in the nalbuphine group was lower than that in the fentanyl group (all P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the incidence of other adverse events such as deep sedation, hypotension and bradycardia between the two groups (all P>0.05). The incidence of respiratory depression in nalbuphine group was not significantly different from that in fentanyl group ( P>0.05), but the proportion of mechanical ventilation was significantly lower than that in the fentanyl group [1.9% (2/105) vs. 8.6%(9/105), P=0.030]. Conclusions:Nalbuphine could be used for analgesia in ICU patients with non-mechanical ventilation. The target analgesic effect could be achieved within 2 hours, and it had a certain sedative effect with a low incidence of adverse reactions.
Objective To investigate the effect of intravertebral labor analgesia nursing intervened by anesthesia nurse on labor analgesia and delivery outcome.Methods Two hundreds cases of parturients who received intravertebral labor analgesia in The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University from July to December 2022 were selected as research objects and randomly divided into observation group and control group by drawing lots,with 100 cases in each group.The control group was given routine nursing by midwives,and the observation group was given anesthesia nursing by an anesthesia nurse.The degree of labor pain,the outcome of labor,the incidence of anesthesia-related complications,and the satisfaction of labor analgesia nursing were compared between the two groups.Results The degree of labor pain in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group(P<0.05).The duration of labor in the observation group was longer than that in the control group(P<0.05).The incidence of anesthesia-related complications in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group(P<0.05).The satisfaction of parturient analgesic care in the observation group was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Labor analgesia care intervened by anesthesia nurses can effectively reduce labor pain,shorten the labor process,reduce the incidence of anesthesia-related complications,improve the satisfaction of labor analgesia nursing,and provide a safe,comfortable,and effective labor process for women,which is worthy of clinical promotion.
Objective To systematically evaluate the efficacy of different analgesic methods in re-lieving the pain in hip and femoral shaft fractures patients during spinal anesthesia position by using network meta-analysis.Methods The articals of randomized controlled trials(RCTs)that analgesia was performed in patients with hip and femoral shaft fractures during the spinal anesthesia position placement were retrieved from the following database from the establishment of the database to August 2022,PubMed,the Cochrane Library,Web of Science,EMbase,China Biology Medicine(CBM),CNKI,VIP,and Wanfang databases.Literature screening,data extraction and bias risk assessment were conducted by two researchers separately.Stata 17.0 and RevMan 5.3 software were used for statistical analysis.Results A total of 28 RCTs with 1 773 patients were included.The surface under the cumulative ranking(SUCRA)curve showed that and PENG block(94.4%)had the best effect on reducing the VAS pain score of placement position,followed by FIBcombinedwith IVA(83.8%)and FIB(71.1%),and PENG block(98.2%)had the best effect on reducing VAS pain score during spinal anesthesia,followed by FIB(71.1%)and FNB(55.6%),and PENG block(84.1%)had the best effect on shortening the time of spinal anesthesia operation,followed by FNB(70.7%)and FIB(68.5%),and PENG block(99.1%)had the best effect on improving the quality of positioning,followed by FIB(73.1%)and FNB(52.9%).Conclusion Nerve blocks or the combina-tion with IVA can reduce pain scores during position placement and spinal anesthesia,shorten anesthesia operation time,and improve quality of position placement in patients with hip and femoral shaft fractures.PENG block has the best analgesic effect in patients with hip or femoral shaft fractures during positioning and spinal anesthesia.
Thoracic paravertebral nerve block(TPVB)is a regional anesthesia technique that pro-vides ipsilateral somatosensory,motor and sympathetic nerves block segmentally by injecting local anesthetics in the paravertebral space.In recent years,there has been an increasing number of studies on the use of TPVB technique for anesthesia and analgesia in pediatric thoracic and upper abdominal surgery,showing good perioperative analgesic efficacy.This article intends to provide a review of the current applica-tion and progress of TPVB technique for pediatric perioperative analgesia in terms of medication regimens,drug diffusion routes,block methods,clinical application,and complications.
Objective To investigate the effectiveness and safety of acetaminophen combined with ketorolac tromethamine in pain management early after laparoscopic cholecystectomy(LC).Methods Ninety patients with LC under general anesthesia,42 males and 48 females,aged 18-78 years,BMI 18-28 kg/m2,ASA physical statusⅠorⅡ,were selected and randomly divided into two groups by random num-ber table method:the acetaminophen combined with ketorolac tromethamine group(group AK)and the nal-buphine group(group NA),45 patients in each group.Group AK received 500 mg(diluted to 50 ml)of acetaminophen injection and 30 mg of ketorolac tromethamine(diluted to 10 ml)injection pumped 15 mi-nutes before induction of anesthesia,and group NA received 50 ml of NS injection and 0.2 mg/kg of nalbu-phine(diluted to 10 ml)injection pumped at the same time.Postoperative pain was recorded 0.5,3,6,12,and 24 hours after surgery using VAS pain scores(the non-inferiority boundary Δ = 1.0 score).The sleep quality score on the night of surgery,the number of remedial analgesia cases within 24 hours after sur-gery,the Ramsay sedation score 0.5,3,and 6 hours after surgery,the occurrence of adverse reactions such as nausea and vomiting within 24 hours after surgery,and the overall satisfaction of patients were recorded.Results Compared with group NA,the VAS pain scores 0.5 hour after surgery was reduced in group AK(P<0.05).The sleep quality score and overall satisfaction in group AK were significantly higher than those in group NA(P<0.05).There were no significant differences in the rate of remedial analgesia,the score of Ramsay sedation at different time points and the incidence of nausea and vomiting within 24 hours after surgery between the two groups.Conclusion Acetaminophen combined with ketorolac tromethamine is not less effective than nalbuphine in relieving early postoperative pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy without increasing the incidence of nausea and vomiting.Patients receiving acetaminophen combined with ketorolac tromethamine have higher sleep quality scores on the night of surgery and overall satisfaction.
Objective To investigate different doses of the analgesic effects of dezocine comparing with sufentanil after laryngectomy.Methods A total of 129 patients who underwent elective partial laryngectomy from Feb 2022 to Jan 2023 were randomly assigned to dezocine 0.5 mg/kg group(group D1),dezocine 0.6 mg/kg group(group D2)and sufentanil 2 μg/kg group(group S).Twenty-four hours amount of drugs,the visual analogue scale(visual analogue scale,VAS)and 48 h total pressing times of PCA(patient-controlled intravenous analgesia,PCIA)were compared among the three groups at 6,12,24 and 48 h after operation,and the postoperative adverse reactions(nausea,vomiting,dizziness,urinary retention and respiratory depression)were recorded.Results There was no significant difference in 24 h amount of drugs among the three groups.The VAS score of group D1 was higher than that of group S at 6 h postoperatively(P<0.05),but did not differ significantly among the three groups at 12,24 and 48 h.There was no significant differences in the number of compressions and postoperative adverse reactions among the three groups.Conclusion Compared with sufentanil,0.6 mg/kg dezocine can provide the same degree of analgesic effect.However,no advantage was found to reduce adverse reactions.
Objective:To investigate the efficacy and safety of high semi-decubitus position in the second stage of labor in epidural analgesic delivery of primipara.Methods:A total of 120 women who gave birth in Hang-zhou women's Hospital from May 1,2021 to July 30,2021 were randomly divided into experimental group(n=60)and control group(n=60)by random number table method.The control group adopted supine position in the sec-ond stage of labor,and the experimental group transferred to high semi-supine position after the supine position was used applied for 30 minutes when the fetal head was not exposed.To compare the effects of different postur-al positions on the duration of the second stage of labor,mode of delivery,postpartum injury,perineal tearing,la-bor force experience and labor control,and neonatal asphyxia.Results:The duration of uterine opening to fetal head exposure,the duration of uterine opening to fetal head crown and the duration of second stage of labor in experimental group were shorter than those in control group.The rate of natural delivery of experimental group was higher than that of control group.The episiotomy rate and the second degree perineal laceration rate were lower than that of control group.The amount of blood loss during delivery and 2h postpartum of experimental group was less than that of control group.The scores of birth experience and birth control of experimental group were higher than those of control group,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in 1-minute Agpar score and 5-minute Agpar score between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusions:The application of high semi-decubitus position under epidural labor analgesia promoted vaginal natural labor,shortened the time of second stage of labor,reduced episiotomy rate and perineal laceration de-gree,reduced postpartum hemorrhage,had positive labor force experience,and increased the sense of labor con-trol.
Objective To investigate the effect of ultrasound-guided anterior quadratus lumborum block at lateral supra-arcuate ligament on postoperative analgesia and inflammation response in elderly patients undergoing robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.Methods A total of 60 elderly patients who had undergone robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy from June 2022 to June 2023 were randomly divided into a group of ultra-sound-guided anterior quadratus lumborum block at lateral supra-arcuate ligament combined with general anesthesia(observation group,n = 30)and a general anesthesia group(control group,n = 30).Both groups received patient-controlled intravenous analgesia after surgery.The first compression time of an analgesic pump and the numbers of effective compression and remedial analgesia were recorded.The VAS scores at postsurgical hours 2,12,24,and 48 during rest and coughing were recorded.Interleukin-6(IL-6)and systemic immunoinflammatory index(SII)at one day before surgery and two hours,one day and three days after surgery were recorded.Anal exhaust time,length of postoperative hospital stay and occurrence of adverse reactions were recorded.Results The observation group,as compared with the control group,had significantly longer first compression time of an analgesic pump and had fewer numbers of effective compressions and remedial analgesic administrations(P<0.05).The VAS scores during rest and coughing in the observation group were lower than those in the control group at postsurgical hours 2,12,24,and 48(P<0.05).As compared with one day before surgery,both IL-6 and SII in the two groups increased at 2 hours,1,and 3 days after surgery,but the changes in the observation group were lower than those in the control group(P<0.05).As compared with the control group,the observation group had shorter anal exhaust time and length of postoperative hospital stay,and a lower incidence of adverse reactions(P<0.05).Conclusions Ultrasound-guided anterior quadratus lumborum block at lateral supra-arcuate ligament can provide better postoperative analgesia,reduce inflammatory response and accelerate postoperative recovery in elderly patients undergoing robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.
BACKGROUND:Pain mechanisms in patients with lumbar disc herniation are associated with inflammation,autophagy is closely related to intervertebral disc diseases and inflammatory response,and aberrant miR-206 expression can trigger skeletal diseases. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the mechanism of miR-206 on inflammation,analgesia and autophagy related proteins in nucleus pulposus in rats with lumbar disc herniation. METHODS:Sixty SPF male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into control group,model group,miR-206 mimics-NC group,miR-206 mimics group,miR-206 inhibitor-NC group and miR-206 inhibitor group.Animal models of lumbar disc herniation were established except for the control group.Ten days after modeling,miR-206 mimics-NC group,miR-206 mimics group,miR-206 inhibitor-NC group and miR-206 inhibitor group were injected with miR-206 mimics-NC(20 μmol/L,10 μL),miR-206 mimics(20 μmol/L,10 μL),miR-206 inhibitor-NC(20 μmol/L,10 μL)and miR-206 inhibitor(20 μmol/L,10 μL),respectively.Administration was given once a day for 4 continuous days.The control group and model group were injected with the same dose of normal saline.The paw withdrawal mechanical threshold of bilateral hind feet was measured by Von Frey filaments,and the paw withdrawal thermal latency of bilateral hind feet was measured by heat pain tester.The morphology of dorsal root ganglia was observed by hematoxylin-eosin staining.The expressions of inflammatory factors phospholipase A2,cyclooxygenase 2,prostaglandin E2,tumor necrosis factor α,and interleukin 1β in nucleus pulposus were detected by qPCR.The expressions of autophagy-related proteins LC3I and Beclin-1 were detected by western blot assay. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:At 3,7,and 14 days after modeling,the paw withdrawal mechanical threshold and paw withdrawal thermal latency were both decreased in the model group compared with the control group,while the levels of phospholipase A2,cyclooxygenase 2,prostaglandin E2,tumor necrosis factor α,interleukin 1β,LC3I and Beclin-1 increased(P<0.05).The above indexes showed no significant changes in the miR-206 inhibitor-NC group and miR-206 mimics-NC group compared with the model group(P>0.05).Compared with the miR-206 mimics-NC group,the miR-206 mimics group had lower paw withdrawal mechanical threshold and paw withdrawal thermal latency and higher levels of phospholipase A2,cyclooxygenase 2,prostaglandin E2,tumor necrosis factor α,interleukin 1β,LC3I,and Beclin-1 levels(P<0.05).Compared with the miR-206 inhibitor-NC group,the rats in the miR-206 inhibitor group showed opposite changes in the above indicators,and there were significant differences between the two groups(P<0.05).To conclude,inhibition of miR-206 can significantly improve the level of inflammatory factors in nucleus pulposus of rats with lumbar disc herniation,increase pain threshold,and reduce autophagy.The mechanism is related to the inhibition of LC3I and Beclin-1 expression.
Objective:To investigate the impact of a pain management model based on clinical pathway (CP) refinement on postoperative pain relief, recovery, and cognitive function in patients undergoing orthopedic joint surgery.Methods:A total of 150 orthopedic joint surgery patients admitted to Handan Central Hospital from February 2018 to January 2021 were selected. They were randomly divided into an observation group (treated with a pain management model based on CP refinement) and a control group (treated with conventional pain management) using a random number table method, with 75 patients in each group. We compared the differences in pain relief, recovery, cognitive function, and postoperative complication rates between two groups of patients.Results:The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) scores of the observation group patients at 2, 6, 12, and 24 hours after surgery were lower than those of the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). 24 hours after surgery, the Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) scores of both groups of patients decreased compared to before treatment, and the angle of straight leg elevation test increased compared to before treatment (all P<0.05). In addition, the JOA scores of the observation group were lower than those of the control group, and the angle of straight leg elevation test was greater than that of the control group, with statistical significance (all P<0.05). 24 hours after surgery, the Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE) scores of both groups of patients increased (all P<0.05), and the MMSE scores of the observation group were higher than those of the control group, with statistical significance (all P<0.05). The incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (all P<0.05). Conclusions:The analgesic model based on CP refined management has improved the postoperative analgesic effect, recovery, and cognitive function of patients undergoing orthopedic joint surgery. It is recommended to promote it clinically.
Objective:To evaluate the effect of ultrasound-guided subserratus anterior plane block on postoperative analgesia in patients un-dergoing laparoscopic radical gastrectomy.Methods:Sixty patients who underwent elective laparoscopic radical gastrectomy were enrolled between May 2022 and October 2023 at Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute&Hospital.Patients were assigned into two groups us-ing a random number table method:the control(group C)and the ultrasound-guided serratus anterior plane block(SAPB)(group S).Patient-controlled intravenous analgesia(PCIA)was administered at the end of the surgery.After surgery,visual analogue scale(VAS)of static pain scores was evaluated at 1,6,12,24,and 48 hours.PCIA pump was started at the VAS pain score≥4 after surgery,and sufentanil 0.1μg/kg was intravenously injected when the efficacy was inadequate.The requirement for PCIA use,time to first postoperative anal exhaust,first postoperative out-of-bed activity,first oral intake,and the duration of hospitalization stay were recorded for the two groups.Results:VAS scores were significantly lower at postoperative 1,6,and 12 h in group S than in group C(P<0.05).Additionally,the number of effective uses of PCIA,and rescue analgesia were significantly lower in group S[(6.1±0.4)(2)]than in group C[(18.6±1.4)(17)](P<0.001).The time to first postoperative anal exhaust,first postoperative out-of-bed activity,first oral intake,and duration of hospital stay were shortened in group S than in group C(P<0.05).There were no significant differences in other parameters between these two groups.Conclusion:Ultrasound-guided SAPB can reduce postoperative pain and facilitate fast recovery in laparoscopic radical gastrectomy patients.
Older patients with hip fractures often experience moderate to severe pain, which can increase the risk of complications during surgery and hinder early postoperative mobility and rehabilitation.To address this, peripheral nerve blocks have been suggested as a method for perioperative pain management in these patients.This article aims to provide an overview of the neural innervation of the hip joint, the techniques used for peripheral nerve blocks in hip fracture surgeries, and their impact on postoperative complications and recovery in older patients.Current evidence suggests that peripheral nerve blocks may have a positive effect on the prognosis of older patients with hip fractures.However, further high-quality clinical studies are required to validate these findings.
Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of perioperative analgesia with esketamine in the patients undergoing thoracoscopic surgery.Methods:A total of 90 patients of either sex, aged 18-64 yr, with body mass index of 18-30 kg/m 2, of American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status classification Ⅰ or Ⅱ, scheduled for elective thoracoscopic lobectomy under general anesthesia, were divided into 3 groups ( n=30 each) by a random number table method: control group (C group) and different doses of esketamine groups (S 1 group, S 2 group). Before induction of anesthesia, esketamine 0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg were intravenously injected in S 1 group and S 2 group, respectively, while esketamine was not given in group C. Anesthesia was routinely induced in all the three groups. During anesthesia maintenance, esketamine 0.1 and 0.2 mg·kg -1·h -1 were intravenously infused in group S 1 and group S 2, respectively, and the remaining drugs used for anesthesia maintenance were the same in the three groups. Patient-controlled intravenous analgesia (PCIA) was used after operation, and PCIA solution contained sufentanil 2 μg/kg in group C, and esketamine 1 mg/kg was mixed on the basis as previously described in S 1 and S 2 groups. Aminotriol ketorolac was given as rescue analgesia to maintain numeric rating scale score at rest ≤3. The total amount of propofol and remifentanil during operation, effective pressing times of PCIA in postoperative 0-24 h and >24-48 h periods, and requirement for rescue analgesia were recorded. The occurrence of adverse reactions such as respiratory depression, nausea and vomiting, dizziness and salivation, and emergence time were recorded after surgery. The serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) concentration was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at 30 min before and after surgery, and the malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration in serum was measured by thiobarbituric acid colorimetric analysis. The postoperative recovery was assessed using the 50-item quality of recovery scale at 1 and 2 days after surgery. The development of chronic pain was followed up by telephone within 1-3 months after surgery. Results:Compared with group C, the intraoperative consumption of remifentanil, effective pressing times of PCIA in postoperative 0-24 h and >24-48 h periods, rate of rescue analgesia, and postoperative serum IL-6 concentration were significantly decreased, and the 50-item quality of recovery scale score was increased in S 1 and S 2 groups, and the postoperative serum MDA concentration was significantly decreased in group S 2 ( P<0.05). Compared with group S 1, the consumption of intraoperative remifentanil was significantly decreased ( P<0.05), and no significant change was found in postoperative serum IL-6 and MDA concentrations in group S 2 ( P>0.05). Compared with group S 2, the postoperative emergence time was significantly shortened in S 1 and C groups ( P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the intraoperative consumption of propofol, incidence of adverse effects and incidence of chronic pain among the three groups ( P>0.05). Conclusions:Esketamine for perioperative analgesia (dose before anesthesia induction 0.1 mg/kg, dose for maintenance of anesthesia 0.1 mg·kg -1·h -1, dose for postoperative PCIA 1 mg/kg) can raise the quality of analgesia and improve the quality of early postoperative recovery in the patients undergoing thoracoscopic lobectomy.