Abstract Introduction: Despite sensory enrichment being critical for ensuring the well-being of captive wild animals, smells are not being included in enrichment protocols for birds. For this group, neophobia can be a problem when it comes to implementing new enrichment devices. Objective: To explore how participation in an olfactory enrichment and latency times varies between bird taxonomic groups (Amazona spp. / Ara spp. / Ramphastos spp.). Methods: We exposed 257 birds to a scent enrichment, and we recorded which individuals engaged with it and the time they took to interact with it. Results: We discovered that participation by toucans in the enrichment was higher compared to amazons and macaws. Furthermore, latency time to interact with the enrichment was higher in amazons that in the other species. Our findings could suggest that toucans are neophilic species which could benefit from higher exploration rates. Amazons on the contrary seem to be particularly neophobic, possibly because of their less opportunistic feeding habits compared to toucans and their higher vulnerability to predation compared to macaws. Conclusion: These results point out that toucans would be more inclined to engage in environmental enrichments, while a more natural design using smells inside familiar objects could be a more successful enrichment for psittacids.
Resumen Introducción: A pesar de que el enriquecimiento sensorial es fundamental para garantizar el bienestar de los animales silvestres en cautiverio, los olores no son incluidos de forma rutinaria en los protocolos de enriquecimiento para aves. Además, en el caso de estos animales, la neofobia puede ser un problema a la hora de implementar nuevos dispositivos de enriquecimiento. Objetivo: Explorar cómo varía la participación y la latencia en la interacción con un enriquecimiento olfativo entre grupos taxonómicos de aves (Amazona spp. / Ara spp. / Ramphastos spp.). Métodos: Expusimos a 257 aves a un enriquecimiento olfativo y registramos qué individuos participaron y el tiempo que tardaron en interactuar con él. Resultados: La participación en el enriquecimiento fue mayor en los tucanes en comparación con las amazonas y los guacamayos. Además, el tiempo de latencia para interactuar con el enriquecimiento fue mayor en las amazonas que en las otras especies. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que los tucanes son especies neofílicas que podrían beneficiarse de tasas de exploración más altas. Por otro lado, las amazonas parecen ser particularmente neofóbicas, posiblemente debido a sus hábitos alimenticios menos oportunistas en comparación con los tucanes y a su mayor vulnerabilidad a la depredación en comparación con los guacamayos. Conclusión: Estos resultados señalan que los tucanes serían más proclives a participar en enriquecimientos ambientales, mientras que un diseño que utilice olores dentro de objetos más naturales o familiares podría ser más exitoso para las psitácidas.
Animals , Parrots/growth & development , Animal Welfare , Amazona/growth & development , Refugium , Costa RicaABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Even though only a few species are considered to be dangerous, pests or vectors, the majority of invertebrates produce a feeling of aversion in humans. This has contributed to the delay in the development of ethical considerations as regards this group in contrast with vertebrates, with the exception of cephalopods. Objective: In the present study, we provide an overview of the current situation on animal ethics and welfare in order to contribute to the development of a framework for ensuring invertebrate welfare. Methods: Today, animal welfare is multidisciplinary in nature to a very high degree as it includes ethology, physiology, pathology, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, nutrition, cognitive-neural, veterinary medicine, and ethics. Animal welfare is a complex concept, difficult to achieve successfully from one perspective. Results: As a consequence, we propose to include the five domains (nutrition, environment, health, behaviour and mental state) along with the three conceptions (basic health and functioning, affective state and natural living), as well as the 5R Principle (Replace, Reduction, Refinement, Respect and Responsibility) in seeking to achieve a comprehensive welfare state. Conclusions: We consider that in both research and animal production, the individual and collective ethical concerns coexist and, in fact, the main moral concern to account for is the collective one and that, within that collective view, the individual moral concern should be applied with responsibility and respect for the individual. Finally, we propose a practical example of invertebrate welfare production in sea urchin aquaculture with the aim of including animal production of invertebrates in this important discussion.
Resumen Introducción: Aunque sólo unas pocas especies son consideradas peligrosas, plagas o vectores, la mayoría de los invertebrados producen un sentimiento de aversión en el ser humano. Esto ha contribuido al retraso en el desarrollo de consideraciones éticas respecto a este grupo en comparación con los vertebrados, a excepción de los cefalópodos. Objetivo: En el presente trabajo, proporcionamos una visión general de la situación actual en materia de ética y bienestar animal con el fin de contribuir al desarrollo de un marco para garantizar el bienestar de los invertebrados. Métodos: Hoy en día, el bienestar animal es de naturaleza multidisciplinaria en un grado muy alto, ya que incluye etología, fisiología, patología, bioquímica, genética, inmunología, nutrición, cognitivo-neural, medicina veterinaria y ética. El bienestar animal es un concepto complejo, difícil de lograr con éxito desde una sola perspectiva. Resultados: Como consecuencia, proponemos incluir los cinco dominios (nutrición, ambiente, salud, comportamiento y estado mental) junto con las tres concepciones (Salud básica y funcionamiento, estado afectivo y vida natural), así como el Principio 5R (Reemplazar, Reducir, Refinar, Respetar y Responsabilidad) en la búsqueda de alcanzar un estado de bienestar integral. Conclusiones: Consideramos que tanto en la investigación como en la producción animal coexisten las preocupaciones éticas individuales y colectivas y, de hecho, la principal preocupación moral a dar cuenta es la colectiva y que, dentro de esa visión colectiva, se debe aplicar la preocupación moral individual. con responsabilidad y respeto por la persona. Finalmente, proponemos un ejemplo práctico de producción de bienestar de invertebrados en la acuicultura de erizos de mar con el objetivo de incluir la producción animal de invertebrados en esta importante discusión.
Animals , Sea Urchins/growth & development , Aquaculture/ethics , Invertebrates/growth & development , Animal WelfareABSTRACT
Disease animal model is an indispensable part of studying the pathogenesis and treatment of diseases.Review of the ethics and welfare is the necessary measure to ensure the quality of scientific research and promote the scientific and rational use of laboratory animals.In the review practice,it is found that most applicants are difficult to accurately understand the items listed in the application form and ethical principles related to items.Therefore,a practical and feasible set of ethical guidelines for animal experiments is necessary.This review focuses on the legal and ethical basis of developing oral disease animal models,and divides the methods of establishing oral disease animal models into physical methods,chemical methods,biological methods,and combined methods.It also elaborates on the ethical and welfare review points of different modeling methods and model evaluation methods.Hopefully,ethical censors and project applicants may get more understanding of ethical review for disease animal models,and ultimately improve the standardization and applicability of animal models.
Based on the development history that the modern medicine and laboratory animal science have long been hindered by animal welfare groups and animal-rights activists in Western countries,and considering the relevant circumstance in China,the author appeals and recommends that the laboratory animal practitioners and biomedical researchers,the scientific community in China should recognize and identify the boundaries of our professional activities.Firstly,do not participate in the activity related to so called"World(Lab)Animal Day"that is said in some Chinese websites,to originate from NAVS,an antivivisection society Ltd.,London.Secondly,do not participate in the activity related to so called"animal memorial stone"that was originated in Japan.These movements have nothing to do with biomedicine and laboratory animal sciences,and fundamentally are antiscientific and are incompatible to traditional Chinese culture.Thirdly,distinguish the standpoints of laboratory animal science from various viewpoints of animal welfare/rights activists,promote scientific management of the institutional animal care and use for better supporting biomedical research in China.
In the practice of laboratory animal ethics and welfare,3R is the core of contents.As the subject in this process,individuals working in laboratory animal field play a leading role and should take corresponding responsibility.In this article,the author discussed the function,realized route,and significance of subject responsibility in the practice of laboratory animal ethics and welfare by following aspects:proposal of subject responsibility,requirements of responsibility in the implementation of ethics and welfare regulation,in the application of ethics and welfare technique and method,in the development of ethics and welfare products,in the management and monitoring of ethics and welfare application,as well as establishing an anniversary and cenotaphs to embody subject responsibility.
O conhecimento de tutores acerca dos cuidados básicos veterinários como requisito para a guarda responsável de animais de companhia tem sido pouco explorado. Os perfis sócios demográficos estão relacionados ao grau de desenvolvimento de uma população, sendo fator preponderante na maneira como são criados os animais de companhia. O presente trabalho analisou a influência do perfil demográfico e de fatores socioeconômicos de tutores do município de Santana de Parnaíba na guarda responsável de cães e gatos. Foram incluídos 300 tutores (205 de cães e 95 de gatos), que levaram seus animais para mutirões de castração em Santana de Parnaíba entre dezembro de 2018 e janeiro de 2019. O instrumento utilizado foi composto de 38 questões sobre aspectos sócio demográficas, nutricionais, sanitários, comportamentais e de conforto. O escore de guarda responsável permitiu pontuação máxima de 15 pontos, sendo que os tutores de cães apresentam escore de guarda responsável 10% maior que tutores de gatos. A menor renda familiar e do tipo de pet de estimação influenciaram no escore. O presente trabalho mostrou que 79% dos cidadãos de Santana de Parnaíba apresentam escore de guarda responsável entre 10 e 14 pontos, com ótima informação e aplicação dos princípios que promovem a qualidade de vida.(AU)
Owners' knowledge of basic veterinary care as a requirement for the responsible ownership of companion animals has been little explored. Sociodemographic profiles are related to the level of development of a population, being a preponderant factor in the way companion animals are raised. The present work analyzed the influence of the demographic profile and socioeconomic factors of owners in the municipality of Santana de Parnaíba on the responsible ownership of dogs and cats. 300 owners were included (205 of dogs and 95 of cats), who took their animals to castration campaigns in Santana de Parnaíba between December 2018 and January 2019. The instrument used was composed of 38 questions on sociodemographic, nutritional, health aspects, behavioral and comfort. The responsible guardianship score allowed a maximum score of 15 points, with dog owners having a responsible guardianship score 10% higher than cat owners. Lower family income and type of pet influenced the score. The present work showed that 79% of the citizens of Santana de Parnaíba have a responsible custody score between 10 and 14 points, with excellent information and application of principles that promote quality of life.(AU)
Se ha explorado poco el conocimiento de los propietarios sobre los cuidados veterinarios básicos como requisito para la tenencia responsable de animales de compañía. Los perfiles sociodemográficos están relacionados con el nivel de desarrollo de una población, siendo un factor preponderante en la forma en que se crían los animales de compañía. El presente trabajo analizó la influencia del perfil demográfico y de los factores socioeconómicos de los propietarios del municipio de Santana de Parnaíba en la tenencia responsable de perros y gatos. Se incluyeron 300 propietarios (205 de perros y 95 de gatos), que llevaron a sus animales a campañas de castración en Santana de Parnaíba entre diciembre de 2018 y enero de 2019. El instrumento utilizado estuvo compuesto por 38 preguntas sobre aspectos sociodemográficos, nutricionales y de salud. comportamiento y comodidad. La puntuación de tutela responsable permitió una puntuación máxima de 15 puntos, y los dueños de perros obtuvieron una puntuación de tutela responsable un 10% más alta que los dueños de gatos. El menor ingreso familiar y el tipo de mascota influyeron en el puntaje. El presente trabajo mostró que el 79% de los ciudadanos de Santana de Parnaíba tienen un puntaje de custodia responsable entre 10 y 14 puntos, con excelente información y aplicación de principios que promueven la calidad de vida.(AU)
Animals , Socioeconomic Factors , Animal Welfare , Cats , Dogs , BrazilABSTRACT
Aims: To evaluate halal criteria of beef microbiological quality intended for export in two slaughterhouses. Study Design: A cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Khartoum State, Sudan between August and November 2022. Methodology: Samples were collected by using the non-destructive dry swab method for microbiological quality sampling of beef and a standardized checklist to evaluate good manufacturing practices (GMPs) and good hygienic practices (GHPs). Restraining methods were categorized as “modern method” where the full inversion rotary casting box was used which resembled slaughterhouse “A” or “conventional method” where a large-sized hammer for blowing the skull was used and this resembled slaughterhouse “B”. A total of 80 male beef cattle were investigated after arrival in the lairages of the designated slaughterhouses. Forty carcasses from each slaughtering method were randomly chosen and swabbed. Results: The results revealed that halal criteria for the slaughtering methods in slaughterhouse (A) was 100%, while slaughterhouse (B) was 83.2%. Also, this study revealed poor personal hygiene as slaughterhouse A scored 53.2%, while slaughterhouse B scored 33.2% for personal hygiene evaluation. The mean total bacterial count (TBC) was found to be 4.556 x 10? cfu/ml and 5.53275 X 10? cfu/ml in slaughterhouses A and B, respectively with highly significant differences compared to the standard permissible limits (1x 10?cfu/ml) with p ?0.05, while there were no statistically significant differences (0.847) within slaughterhouses with p ?0.05. Furthermore, the mean total coliform count (TCC) was found to be 16.4795 X10²cfu/ml and 47.8670 X 10²cfu/ml in slaughterhouses A and B, respectively with a highly significant difference compared to the standard permissible limits (1x10²cfu/ml) with p ?0.05 and also with highly significant differences (0.000) between slaughterhouses themselves with p ?0.05. Conclusion: The study concluded that both slaughterhouses failed to meet the requirements of the various beef halal criteria.
In recent years,cortisol has been used as a biomarker to assess stress in dogs.To evaluate the welfare of dogs,we reviewed cortisol levels and changes in dogs under various stresses.We explored the influential factors that relieve stress in accordance with variations in cortisol levels,to improve the measures which reduce stress in dogs.It is recommended to apply cortisol measurement and behavioral observation comprehensively to evaluate stress in dogs more accurately.
Objective:To analyze the specific reasons for journal articles being retracted due to biomedical research-related ethical issues after publication and propose corresponding preventive measures.Methods:Journal articles that were retracted between January 1, 2021, and January 1, 2023, were retrieved from PubMed, a literature database in the biomedical field. The retraction statements of those articles that were retracted due to ethical-related issues were analyzed with a summarization of detailed reasons and types.Results:A total of 77 and 128 articles were retracted due to ethical issues in 2021 and 2022 respectively, accounting for 3.9% and 5.4% of all retracted articles in the same period. The major ethical issue was the lack of valid ethical approval. Among articles retracted for ethical issues related to human trials, the proportion of articles retracted due to lack of valid ethical approval increased from 45.9% in 2021 to 57.0% in 2022, which also increased from 50.0% in 2021 to 67.3% in 2022 among retracted articles related to animal experiments. Other ethical issues included problems in the informed consent process, delay in obtaining ethical approval, inconsistency between ethical approvals and the content of the article, and violation of the principles of laboratory animal welfare.Conclusions:The ethical review of medical research involving humans and laboratory animal welfare needs to be strengthened. By promoting the construction of an institutional ethical review system, encouraging researchers to study ethics-related knowledge, standardizing ethical applications and approvals, improving the informed consent process, and attaching importance to the welfare of laboratory animals, the retraction due to ethical issues can be prevented.
In recent years, with the rapid development of life sciences, the use of laboratory fish in toxicology, genetics, developmental biology and medicine has increased dramatically, and they have gradually become important new model organisms. At the same time, the welfare of laboratory fish has also received increasing attention. Although the research level of experimental fish welfare is still in a relatively early stage compared to terrestrial experimental animals, developed regions such as Europe and America have established corresponding legal frameworks to safeguard the welfare of laboratory fish in research. This article elucidates the current developmental status of laboratory fish welfare, discusses the rationale behind the imperative to prioritize and enhance their welfare, deeply investigates factors influencing their welfare from the feeding stage and experimental stage. Moreover, it explores strategies for augmenting welfare standards, with the overarching aim of propelling the continual improvement of laboratory fish welfare in our country.
Objective:To investigate the ethics and existing problems of experimental animals in medical experiments and experimental teaching, and to formulate countermeasures so that animal ethics and animal welfare can be truly reflected in medical experiments.Methods:In this study, a "Basic Function Experiment Center Animal Experiment Questionnaire" with 25 questions was formulated from three aspects: the ethical cognition of experimental animals, whether animal experiments are ethical or not, how to view the problems of animal ethics and experimental teaching and the cognition of virtual simulation experiment teaching. Questionnaire was sent to Hubei University of Medicine to investigate the international students of Batch 2017 (5-year program), undergraduates of Batch 2017 (5-year program) and nursing students of Batch 2018 (4-year program) as well as teachers, researchers and employees of laboratory animal center (all with bachelor degree or above). The survey results were expressed as percentage.Results:The recovery rate of the questionnaire in this study was 98.04%(2 451/2 500), among which the practitioners, teachers and researchers in the laboratory animal center clearly understood the ethics of experimental animals, but there was a widespread phenomenon of lagging ethics among the students. For example, 16.24% (398/2 451) students had not received animal experiment ethics education and training, 29.46% (722/2 451) were not clear about animal protection laws and regulations, 7.14% (175/2 451) thought animal experiments were immoral; 29.54% (724/2 451) had vague cognition of animal welfare and ethical knowledge; 25.91% (635/2 451) were not familiar with the operation steps; 9.38% (230/2 451) were indifferent to the extra treatment of animals due to operation errors, 7.83% (192/2 451) chose to give up the experiment in the treatment of animals after massive bleeding, only 5.43% (133/2 451) chose to continue the experiment after timely hemostasis and infusion, and 9.26% (227/2 451) chose to do operations unrelated to the experiment. After the experiment, 2.28% (56/2 451) chose to kill the animals by bloodletting, only 5.51% (135/2 451) chose excessive anesthesia euthanasia, and 1.96% (48/2 451) chose to kill the animals by cervical dislocation and violence. Only 15.79% (387/2 451) chose to remember the dead animal for 2 minutes. Only 32.56%(798/2 451) of the respondents understood virtual simulation experiment, 34.92% (856/2 451) of the respondents thought that virtual simulation experiment or experimental teaching video could be used to replace the existing live animal experiment, 77.56% (1 901/2 451) believed that the construction of virtual simulation laboratory should be strengthened.Conclusion:It is imperative to strengthen the education of students' ethics of experimental animals, which is conducive to the establishment of correct ethics of experimental animals for medical students, so that the "3R" principle and animal welfare can be truly implemented in experimental teaching and scientific research experiments.
Animal welfare regards the quality of life and the environment in which animals live or are exposed. Hence the importance of studies assessing the environmental influence on the biology and behavior of fishes from the Colossoma macropomum species, considering their higher potential for fish-farming and as a test organism in scientific research. This study aimed to assess, in a controlled environment, the behavioral changes expressed by juveniles from the Colossoma macropomum species exposed to different ambient colors or social situations. The results did not show an influence from the different ambient colors or social situations on fish distribution in the water column. The color pattern showed dark tones in black- and blue-colored environments, and light tones in white-colored environments or with the presence of a mirror. The time of locomotor activity/frequency did not change in any of the treatments of exposure to environments with colors and a mirror. Moreover, the fishes remained with folded fins and a straight posture, maintaining a pattern of rhythmic operculum beating in a normal frequency range described for the species. This suggests that animal welfare did not change in any of the situations tested and that there was a pattern of adaptive response to the type of environment.
Behavior, Animal , Animal Welfare , FishesABSTRACT
Zoonotic Surveillance Divisions (ZSDs) rescue and euthanize bats in contact with humans. The euthanasia procedure should be conducted safely for the animal and caretaker and minimal stress for the animal is important. The objectives of this study were: i. evaluate the methods of euthanasia used by ZSDs in the State of São Paulo; ii. compare the methods with national and international guidelines for animal euthanasia practices; iii. assess the methodologies considering taxonomy and eating habits of the main bat species, and iv. propose standardization of euthanasia procedures. Sixty-five ZSDs locations received an online questionnaire or were contacted by telephone and 33 ZSDs (50.8%) responded and are distributed in 11 mesoregions in the state to remain anonymous. The euthanasia methods were divided into chemical (injectable or inhalation), physical, or mixed methods. Bat specimens (n = 550) were identified and classified to evaluate the main genera found in the state. The location of the ZSD, species, eating habits, and the method of euthanasia used were analyzed. The specimens by bat families were Molossidae (n = 340), Phyllostomidae (n = 171), and Vespertilionidae (n = 39). Chemical methods were used in 25 ZSDs (75.75%), physical in 5 (15.15%), and mixed in 3 (9.09%). There is no uniformity or standardization in bat euthanasia methods used by ZSDs, although most are based on acceptable chemical methods. It was proposed an algorithm to assist the veterinarian in choosing the method of euthanasia for bats that will allow standardizing euthanasia procedures for this species, considering physiological differences, and respecting technical, bioethical, and animal welfare guidelines.(AU)
As Divisões de Vigilância de Zoonoses (DVZs) coletam e eutanasiam morcegos que tiveram contato com humanos. O procedimento de eutanásia precisa ocorrer de modo seguro para o animal e para o manipulador, sendo importante garantir o mínimo de estresse ao animal. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: i. avaliar os métodos de eutanásia praticados nas DVZ do estado de São Paulo; ii. comparar esses métodos com os guias nacionais e internacionais de práticas de eutanásia animal; iii. avaliar as metodologias aplicadas considerando a taxonomia e os hábitos alimentares das principais espécies de ocorrência de morcegos; e iv. propor a padronização dos procedimentos de eutanásia. Sessenta e cinco DVZs receberam o questionário online ou foram contatadas por telefone, dessas, trinta e três DVZs (50,8%) que responderam ao questionário foram incluídas no estudo e distribuídas em 11 mesorregiões para garantir anonimato. Os métodos de eutanásia reportados foram divididos em métodos químicos (injetáveis; inalatórios), físicos ou mistos. Os espécimes de morcegos (n = 550) foram identificados e classificados para avaliar os principais gêneros encontrados no estado. A localização da DVZ, as espécies, os hábitos alimentares e o método de eutanásia utilizado foram analisados. Os espécimes por família de espécies de morcegos foram Molossidae (n = 340), Phyllostomidae (n = 171) e Vespertilionidae (n = 39). Métodos químicos foram utilizados em 25 DVZs (75,75%), físicos em 5 (15,15%) e mistos em 3 (9,09%). Não há uniformidade ou padronização nos métodos de eutanásia de morcegos, embora a maioria seja baseada em métodos químicos aceitáveis. É proposto um algoritmo para auxiliar o veterinário na escolha do método de eutanásia, que permite a padronização desses procedimentos para os morcegos, considerando as diferenças fisiológicas e respeitando as diretrizes técnicas, bioéticas e de bem-estar animal.(AU)
Animals , Chiroptera , Data Collection , Euthanasia, Animal/methods , Brazil , Animal WelfareABSTRACT
Abstract This work was carried out in order to provide the length-weight relationship (LWR) and the allometric condition factor (Ka), as well as its correlation with limnological variables, for Prochilodus lineatus from the middle Tietê River basin. Fish were collected using gill nets in two rivers with contrasting environmental conditions, totaling 46 specimens in the highly polluted Tietê River, and 37 in the Peixe River, a relatively well-conserved tributary. Environmental measures were obtained concomitantly to the fish capture. The results showed an isometric growth (b = 3.00) for the fish from Tietê River and a positive allometric growth (b = 3.23) for the fish from Peixe River. The mean value of Ka was unexpectedly higher for the main river (Ka = 2.63) when compared to its tributary (Ka = 2.42), being statistically different from each other. This can be explained by the much higher availability of organic sediments in the main river, resulting from a long-term eutrophication process. Nevertheless, the positive and statistically significant correlations with dissolved oxygen, for both rivers, as well as significant negative correlations with electric conductivity, nitrogen and chlorophyll a for Tietê River, indicate the negative effects of the water quality deterioration on the fish condition factor. The work contributes to the expansion of knowledge about P. lineatus, the most important commercial fish of the middle Tietê River basin, which is severely impacted by unsustainable human actions.
Resumo Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de fornecer a relação peso-comprimento (LWR) e o fator de condição alométrico (Ka), bem como sua correlação com variáveis limnológicas, para Prochilodus lineatus da bacia do médio rio Tietê. Os peixes foram coletados com redes de espera em dois rios com condições ambientais contrastantes, totalizando 46 espécimes no altamente poluído rio Tietê, e 37 no rio do Peixe, um tributário relativamente bem conservado. Medidas ambientais foram obtidas concomitantemente à captura dos peixes. Os resultados mostraram um crescimento isométrico (b = 3,00) para os peixes do rio Tietê e um crescimento alométrico positivo (b = 3,23) para os peixes do rio do Peixe. O valor médio de Ka foi, inesperadamente, maior para o rio principal (Ka = 2,63) quando comparado ao seu afluente (Ka = 2,42), sendo estatisticamente diferentes entre si. Isso pode ser explicado pela disponibilidade muito maior de sedimentos orgânicos no rio principal, resultante de um longo processo de eutrofização. No entanto, as correlações positivas e estatisticamente significativas com o oxigênio dissolvido, para ambos os rios, bem como correlações significativas negativas com a condutividade elétrica, nitrogênio e clorofila a para o rio Tietê, indicam os efeitos negativos da deterioração da qualidade da água sobre o fator condição dos peixes. O trabalho contribui para a expansão do conhecimento sobre P. lineatus, o peixe de maior importância comercial da bacia do médio rio Tietê, severamente impactada por ações humanas não-sustentáveis.
Introducción: Los científicos han explorado las capacidades intelectuales de los animales, su importancia para la salud física y emocional de los humanos, su uso como sujetos en la investigación biomédica y psicológica, pero se ha prestado poca atención a las valoraciones que hacen las personas del común sobre estas prácticas sociales. El objetivo de esta investigación fue presentar los resultados sobre las valoraciones de prácticas de divertimiento, producción industrial, investigación biológica y psicológica, que involucran animales, a partir de las dimensiones: ética, legal, las capacidades intelectuales, los beneficios para la salud física y emocional de las personas y la preocupación por su bienestar. Método: Se construyó un instrumento online a partir una frase mapa compuesto por 28 ítems, que exploran la evaluación de 255 personas, hombres y mujeres sobre estas prácticas, bajo la condición de tener o no mascota. Las respuestas se analizaron mediante un análisis de escalamiento multidimensional. Resultados: Queda en evidencia la preocupación de las personas por las condiciones en que se usan los animales, en particular, de quienes tienen o han tenido mascota. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos se discuten a partir del soporte de las facetas incluidas en la frase mapa y la propuesta para nuevos estudios sobre prácticas sociales que involucre animales en la población general.
Introduction: Scientifics have explored the intellectual capacities of animals, their importance for the physical and emotional health of humans, its use as subjects for biomedical and psychological research. However, little attention has been involved to studying how lay people think about these types of social practices. The objective of this research was to present the results of the evaluations of social practices involving animals in entertainment, industrial production, biological and psychological research. The practices were evaluated on the following dimensions: ethics, legal, intellectual capacities, benefits for the physical and emotional health of people; and concern for their well-being. Method: An instrument based on a mapping sentence and composed of 28 items was responded online by 255 people, men and women with the condition of having a pet or not. Item responses were analyzed using multidimensional scaling analysis. Results: It is evident people's concern for the conditions in which the animals are used particularly in people that have or has have pets. Conclusions: The findings are discussed on the evidence that support the mapping sentence, and on the proposal for new studies on social practices involving lay people.
Animal abuse is a criminal offense in Brazil and can be dealt with by several government agencies, including municipal ones. Cases of animal abuse reported to the Department of Health Surveillance, of the Municipal Health Secretariat of Campo Magro, Paraná, Brazil, between March of 2019 and December of 2020 were analyzed to assess the most common forms of abuse and animals involved. A total of 140 complaints were received in this period; 132 were investigated, of which 81 were considered authentic. The most common form of abuse was neglect 64.2% (52/81). Cases of neglect were further classified into four types (although cases may be classified with more than one type), resulting in 106 classifications of neglect. Behavioral neglect was the most common form of neglect 33.9% (36/106). As more than one animal could be involved in each report, the 81 authentic cases involved a total of 471 animals. Dogs were the species most commonly affected 78.5% (370/471). The vast majority of animal abuse was perpetrated against adult animals. Statistically significant correlations were found between the sex and age of dogs and abuse and between species and the different forms of abuse for dogs and cats.(AU)
Os maus-tratos aos animais são considerados crime no Brasil e o atendimento desse tipo de ocorrência pode ser realizado por diferentes órgãos governamentais, incluindo os municipais. O presente trabalho analisa denúncias atendidas pelo Departamento de Vigilância em Saúde, da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Campo Magro, Paraná, Brasil, entre março de 2019 e dezembro de 2020 e avalia os tipos mais comuns de maus-tratos a animais e os animais envolvidos. Um total de 140 denúncias foram recebidas e 132 foram fiscalizadas, destas, 81 foram consideradas procedentes. A forma mais prevalente de maus-tratos foi a negligência com 64,2% (52/81). Os casos de negligência foram classificados em quatro diferentes tipos (cada caso pode ser classificado em mais de um tipo de negligência). O tipo mais frequente foi a negligência comportamental com 33,9% (36/106). Como mais de um animal podia estar envolvido em cada caso de maus-tratos, os 81 casos procedentes contabilizaram 471 animais envolvidos. A espécie canina foi a mais afetada, sendo 78,5% (370/471). A maior parte dos casos de maus-tratos foram cometidos contra animais adultos. Correlações estatísticas significativas foram encontradas entre o sexo e faixa etária dos cães em relação à ocorrência de maus-tratos e, também, entre a espécie e os diferentes tipos de maus-tratos para cães e gatos.(AU)
Animals , Animal Welfare/legislation & jurisprudence , Crime/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Resumen El estrés por frío en los terneros puede ser muy perjudicial para su salud y rendimiento futuro. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de las condiciones de manejo de la crianza artificial y su relación con estrés por frío en terneros de tambo. Se evaluaron 160 terneros durante las primeras horas de la mañana, y se registró si los animales poseían capa o no y si disponían o no de cama. Se observó si contaban con reparo para limitantes climáticas. También se registró la temperatura rectal y si temblaban o no. Se consideró que terneros con temperatura rectal igual o inferior a 37,2 °C se encontraban en estrés por frio. El análisis estadístico de los datos se hizo mediante la prueba no paramétrica de Chi cuadrado y se calculó la probabilidad de ocurrencia mediante Odds Ratio. Encontrándose que los terneros en condiciones de estrés presentaron 4,93 veces mayor probabilidad de temblar; que disponer de cama fue favorable para prevenir el estrés (0,027), que las capas plásticas incrementaron la probabilidad de sufrir de estrés (0,006) y que proveer reparo a los animales tiene un efecto positivo en la prevención del estrés por frío (p = 0,027) en los terneros de tambo.
Abstract Cold stress in calves can be very detrimental to their health and performance. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of artificial rearing management conditions and their relationship to cold stress in dairy calves. A total of 160 calves were evaluated during the early morning hours and it was recorded whether or not the animals had cape and whether or not they had bed in pens. Also, it was observed if they had protection for climatic limitations. Rectal temperature and whether or not they were shivering were also recorded. Calves with rectal temperature equal to or lower than 37.2 °C were considered to be in cold stress. The statistical analysis of the data was performed using the non-parametric Chi-square test and the probability of occurrence was calculated using Odds Ratio. It was found that calves under stress conditions were 4.93 times more likely to shiver; that having bed in pens was favorable for preventing stress (0.027), that plastic cape increased the probability of suffering from stress (0.006) and that providing shelter to animals had a positive effect on the prevention of cold stress (p = 0.027) in dairy calves.
Dehorning is a zootechnical practice that causes severe pain in cattle. Although there are several studies evaluating the effects of analgesics in calf dehorning, none of them used validated pain assessment instruments. We evaluated the analgesic effectiveness of meloxicam administered before dehorning, compared to a control group, using the Unesp-Botucatu, numerical, simple descriptive, and visual analogue scales for pain assessment before and 4, 8, and 24 hours after the dehorning in 44 female calves. All calves received 0.04 mg/kg of xylazine IM 20 minutes before dehorning and local anesthetic block with 2% lidocaine with a vasoconstrictor. Calves were divided into two groups: without (GX; n = 22) or with 0.5 mg/kg of meloxicam (GXM; n = 22) administered intravenously before the procedure. Dehorning was performed through the section of the base of the horn bud, followed by thermocautery disbudding. For comparisons over time, mixed linear or generalized mixed linear model were used. The interaction between groups and study phases was used as fixed effects and each calf as a random effect. Bonferroni post hoc test was used. There was an increase in the pain scores at 4h compared to baseline in both groups (GX and GXM) for the four scales. The scores at 4h were higher in GX compared to GXM for all scales. Meloxicam reduced, but did not eliminate, behavioral expressions of pain in calves submitted to hot-iron dehorning. Therefore, it should be included in the analgesic protocol to improve welfare in calves undergoing dehorning.
A descorna é uma prática zootécnica que causa dor intensa em bovinos. Há na literatura diversos estudos sobre os efeitos de analgésicos para mitigar a dor frente a descorna, mas nenhum usando escalas validadas. Avaliamos a eficácia do meloxicam administrado previamente à descorna, comparado a um grupo controle, utilizando-se as escalas Unesp-Botucatu, numérica, simples descritiva e analógica visual para avaliação da dor antes e 4, 8 e 24 horas após a descorna em 44 bezerros fêmeas tratadas com 0,04 mg/kg de xilazina IM 20 minutos antes da descorna e bloqueio anestésico local com lidocaína a 2% com vasoconstritor. Os bezerros foram alocados em dois grupos: sem (GX; n=22) ou com 0.5 mg/kg de meloxicam (GXM; n=22) administrado por via intravenosa antes do procedimento. Realizou-se a descorna por secção da base do botão cornual seguido de termocauterização. Para as comparações ao longo do tempo, empregou-se o modelo linear ou linear misto. Considerou-se a interação entre grupos e momentos como efeito fixo e cada bezerro como efeito aleatório. As alterações foram inferidas de acordo com o pós-teste de Bonferroni. Para as quatro escalas houve aumento dos escores às 4h comparado ao basal em ambos os grupos (GX e GXM). Os escores de todas as escalas às 4h foram maiores em GX que em GXM. O meloxicam reduziu, mas não aboliu, a expressão comportamental da dor em bezerros submetidos à descorna com ferro quente, o que sugere o uso de terapia antálgica multimodal para realizar tal procedimento e garantir o bem-estar animal.
Animals , Cattle , Meloxicam/administration & dosage , Horns/surgery , Analgesia/veterinary , Animal WelfareABSTRACT
Resumo: Investigaram-se as relações de poder entre humanos e animais na experimentação científica testando a hipótese de que certos conceitos, como disciplina, biopolítica e dispositivo, podem ser úteis para pensar a realidade de animais e humanos no contexto do laboratório. Partiu-se da premissa de que os poderes são mais sutis do que explicitamente violentos. Por um lado, validou-se a hipótese por meio da análise de grupo focal online da fala de docentes, pós-graduandos e bioteristas. Por outro, a presente pesquisa evidenciou também a importância dos afetos, da noção de responsabilidade e do cuidado. Delineia-se, portanto, uma relação humano-animal constituída pela ambivalência: saberes e práticas instrumentais, de um lado, cuidado, afeto e emoções, de outro. Assim, os animais são seres de ontologia dupla, pois são objetos (devem ser estudados) e sujeitos (devem ser respeitados). A partir dessa ambivalência, discute-se o dispositivo cobaia, um conjunto de discursos e práticas que envolvem tanto instrumentalidade quanto afetividade, e que, através de suas técnicas, transforma os animais em "cobaias". Defende-se que essa ambivalência, por mais que seja importante para manter o animal no lugar subalterno de cobaia, também apresenta um potencial de criar outros modos de relação, outros modos de experimentar que fogem do dispositivo, isto é, que fogem da lógica sacrificial de produzir vidas dóceis e matáveis.
Abstract: Power relations between humans and animals in scientific experimentation have been investigated to test the hypothesis that certain concepts, such as discipline, biopolitics, and device, may help think about the reality of animals and humans in the laboratory context. It starts from the premise that powers are subtle rather than explicitly violent. First, we validated the hypothesis through an online focus group analysis of the discourse of lecturers, graduates, and bioethicists. Second, we noted the importance of affections, the notion of responsibility, and care. There is a human-animal relationship characterized by ambivalence: instrumental knowledge and practices, on the one hand, care, affection, and emotions, on the other. Therefore, animals have a double ontology since they are objects (they must be studied) and subjects (they must be respected). From this ambivalence, we discuss the guinea pig device, a set of discourses and practices that involve instrumentality and affectivity and transform animals into guinea pigs through its techniques. It is argued that this ambivalence, as vital as it is to keep the animal in the subaltern place of the guinea pig, also has the potential to create other forms of relationship, other forms of experimenting that escape the device, that is, the logic of sacrifice to produce docile and killable lives.
Resumen: Se han investigado las relaciones de poder entre humanos y animales en el experimento científico para probar la hipótesis de que ciertos conceptos, como disciplina, biopolítica y dispositivo, pueden ser útiles para pensar la realidad de animales y humanos en el contexto del laboratorio. Se parte de la premisa de que los poderes son más sutiles que explícitamente violentos. Por un lado, se validó la hipótesis por medio del análisis de grupo focal online del discurso de docentes, posgraduados y bioteristas. Por otro, la presente investigación evidenció también la importancia de los afectos, la noción de responsabilidad y el cuidado. Se presenta, por lo tanto, una relación humano-animal constituida por la ambivalencia: saberes y prácticas instrumentales, de una parte, cuidado, afecto y emociones, de otra. Así, los animales son seres de ontología doble, pues son objetos (deben estudiarse) y sujetos (deben respetarse). Desde esta ambivalencia, se discute el dispositivo cobaya, un conjunto de discursos y prácticas que implican tanto instrumentalidad como afectividad, y que, mediante sus técnicas, transforma los animales en cobayas. Se defiende que esta ambivalencia, por más que sea importante para mantener el animal en el lugar subalterno de cobaya, también presenta un potencial de crear otros modos de relación, otros modos de experimentar que se escapan del dispositivo, es decir, que escapan de la lógica del sacrificio de producir vidas dóciles y matables.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproductive performance of sows in individual stalls (Stall) or group-housed into groups on days 3 to 5 (Pen5) or 38 to 42 (Pen42) after breeding. The reproductive data was collected from the operating system of the farm establishing the average of the weekly performances of the sows that gave birth, for four years, except for the Pen5 system, which was evaluated for three years. Statistical analyses were performed using SAS®, using MIXED (for quantitative traits), NPAR1WAY (for categorical traits) and LOGISTIC (binomial traits) procedures, using sows as a repeated measure. Sows in Stall system had piglets with higher birth weight them sows in the group-housed system (P<0.05), however the piglets born alive, total piglets weaned, average litter weight, and duration of farrowing were lower in this system than in the group-housed (P<0.0001). There was no difference between Pen5 and Stall systems for gestation period and mummified piglets. The Pen42 system had a higher percentage of mummified piglets and a shorter gestation period, when compared Pen5 and Stall systems (P<0.0001), and similar results to the Pen5 system for duration of farrowing, piglets born alive, stillbirths, total piglets weaned, average litter weight and birth weight (P<0.0001).(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a performance reprodutiva de matrizes suínas alojadas individualmente (Individual) ou em grupos, nos dias 3 a 5 (Grupo 5) ou 38 a 42 (Grupo 42) após a inseminação. Os dados reprodutivos foram coletados do sistema operacional da granja, estabelecendo-se a média dos desempenhos semanais das matrizes que pariram por semana, durante quatro anos, exceto para o sistema Grupo 5, que foi avaliado por três anos. A análise estatística foi realizada com SAS®, usando-se os procedimentos MIXED (para variáveis quantitativas), NPAR1WAY (para variáveis categóricas) e LOGISTIC (para variáveis binomiais), tendo a matriz como uma medida repetida. As matrizes no sistema Individual tiveram leitões com maior média de peso ao nascer do que as matrizes nos sistemas de alojamento em grupo (P<0,05), porém os leitões nascidos vivos, o total de leitões nascidos, o peso médio da leitegada e a duração do parto foram menores no sistema Individual do que nos sistemas de alojamento em grupo (P<0,0001). Não houve diferença entre os sistemas Grupo 5 e Individual para o tempo de duração da gestação e o número de leitões mumificados. O sistema Grupo 42 apresentou maior porcentagem de leitões mumificados e menor período de gestação, quando comparado aos sistemas Grupo 5 e Individual (P<0,0001), e resultados semelhantes ao sistema Grupo 5 para duração do parto, leitões nascidos vivos, natimortos, total de leitões desmamados, peso médio da leitegada e peso ao nascer (P<0,0001).(AU)