African animal trypanosomosis (AAT) is a disease of concern with ravaging effects on the health of both animals and livestock in tropical Africa. This study investigates the anti-trypanosomal activities of Anogeissus leiocarpus (ALE) and Vitelleria paradoxa (VPE) stem bark extracts and also determines the toxicological profile of the active plant, with a view to establishing the anti-trypanosomal potential and safety of the plants. Laboratory mice (19 g 26 g) and rats (140 g 165 g) obtained from the Animal house, Faculty of Pharmacy, OAU, Ile-Ife were used for the study. The animals were treated according to the standard set criteria for animal use and care. VPE showed neither trypanocidal nor trypanostatic activities while ALE was found to be trypanostatic at 62.5 and 125 mg/kg body weight. However, the partitioned aqueous fraction of ALE was found to demonstrate comparable anti-trypanocidal effect as Diminal (standard agent). In conclusion, the ethanolic extract of A. leiocarpus possesses antitrypanosomal effect through the relative suppression or delay in parasite establishment in trypanosome-infected mice. The toxicological study of A. leiocarpus stem bark extract revealed that it is relatively safe for use in cattle and other grazing animals.
La tripanosomiasis africana de los animales es una enfermedad de preocupación que causa estragos sobre la salud de los animales y el ganado en África tropical. Este estudio investiga las actividades anti-tripanosomal de Anogeissus leiocarpus (ALE) y Vitelleria paradoxa (VPE) del tallo y extractos de corteza. También determina el perfil toxicológico de la planta activa, con el fin de establecer el potencial anti-tripanosomal y la seguridad de las plantas. Ratones de laboratorio (19 g - 26 g) y ratas (140 g - 165 g) obtenidos del Bioterio de la Facultad de Farmacia de la OUA, se utilizaron para el estudio. Los animales fueron tratados de acuerdo con los criterios estándar establecido para el uso y cuidado de animales. VPE mostró actividades no tripanocidas ni tripanostáticas mientras que en ALE se encontró que era tripanostático a 62,5 y 125 mg/kg de peso corporal. Sin embargo, se encontró que la fracción acuosa de ALE demostró un efecto anti-tripanocida comparable como Diminal (agente estándar). En conclusión, el extracto etanólico de A. leiocarpus posee efecto sobre tripanosomas a través de la supresión relativa o retraso en la creación de parásitos en ratones infectados con tripanosomosis. El estudio toxicológico del extracto de corteza del tallo A. leiocarpus reveló que es relativamente seguro para su uso en el ganado y otros animales de pastoreo.
Animals , Mice , Rats , Combretaceae/chemistry , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Sapotaceae/chemistry , Trypanocidal Agents/therapeutic use , Trypanosomiasis, African/drug therapy , Toxicity Tests , TrypanosomaABSTRACT
Aims: This study was aimed at screening fungal isolates from degrading wood samples for β 1,4-xylosidase production, selecting the best isolate based on the screening test to produce the enzyme through solid state fermentation of some wood shavings and determining optimum production conditions for the fungus on best substrate. Place and Duration of Study: Microbial physiology laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan and Multi Discplinary Central laboratory University of Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria. Between September 2010 and October 2011. Methodology: Isolates obtained from degrading wood samples were identified and screened on agar plates of para–nitrophenyl β-xyloside as carbon source. Selected isolates were used to produce β 1,4-xylosidase using shavings of Anogeissus leiocarpus, Gmelina arborea and Terminalia superba moistened with a chemically defined medium as substrates. Assay was done every 3 days for 15 days. Production dependent parameters such as pH, temperature were varied on the best wood substrate for β 1,4-xylosidase production by selected fungus. Results: Selected isolate was used for enzyme production on shavings of Anogeissus leiocarpus, Gmelina arborea and Terminalia superba as substrates, each was moistened with chemically defined medium. Assay was done every 3 days for 15 days. Production dependent parameters such as pH, temperature were varied on the best wood substrate for β 1,4-xylosidase production by fungus. Maximum β 1,4-xylosidase activity of fungus on each substrate was; Anogeissus leiocarpus, 31.620Ug-1 on 12th day, G. arborea, 8.935U g-1 on day 9 and T. superba, 6.053Ug-1 on 6th day. Optimum β 1,4-xylosidase production was obtained on A. leiocarpus at 35ºC and pH 6 with 40% and 60% aeration. 50% moisture content of substrate supplemented with soy meal as nitrogen source supported the best β 1,4-xylosidase production by fungus. Conclusion: Enzyme production was highly enhanced at optimum conditions.
Chloroform, ethanolic, methanolic, ethyl acetate and aqueous root extracts of Anogeissus leiocarpus and Terminalia avicennioides were investigated in vitro for antifungal activities against Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium species, Microsporum audouinii and Trichophyton rubrum using radial growth technique. The plant extracts inhibited the growth of all the test organisms. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the extracts ranged between 0.03µg/ml and 0.07µg/ml while the minimum fungicidal concentration ranged between 0.04µg/ml and 0.08µg/ml. Anogeissus leiocarpus appears to be more effective as an antifungal agent than Terminalia avicennioides. Ethanolic extracts of the two plant roots were more effective than the methanolic, chloroform, or aqueous extracts against all the test fungi