Abstract Different profiles of secondary compounds are released by plants after herbivore attack. Many of these compounds are used by predators and parasitoids to locate herbivores that are damaging leaves. Such an induced indirect defense was tested with the Caryocar brasiliense-ant system in the dry season, when C. brasiliense has old leaves, and in the rainy season, when C. brasiliense has new leaves. A total of 20 plants were analyzed per season. Two opposite leaves of the same branch were selected for each plant. Approximately 40% of the area of one leaf was removed (treatment leaf) while the other leaf remained intact (control). The number of ants that visited each leaf was counted simultaneously for a period of 15 minutes and the mean difference in ant number was tested by paired t-test. The mean number of ants differed significantly between treatment and control only in the rainy season (t = 3.004, df = 19, p = 0.007). This finding suggests the presence of induced defense in this system only when the leaves are young. The study supports the Optimal Defense Theory since young leaves of C. brasiliense with artificial damage attracted significantly more ants than leaves without damage and represents the first evidence of an induced defense mechanism in the C. brasiliense-ant system.
Resumo Diferentes compostos químicos são liberados pelas plantas após o ataque dos herbívoros. Muitos desses compostos são usados por predadores e parasitoides para localizar os herbívoros que estão injuriando as plantas. Esse tipo de defesa induzida indireta foi testada no sistema Caryocar brasiliense e formigas em duas estações: seca (quando C. brasiliense está com folhas maduras) e chuvosa (quando C. brasiliense está com folhas jovens). Nós analisamos 20 plantas por estação do ano. Em cada planta nós selecionamos duas folhas opostas de um mesmo ramo. Nós removemos cerca de 40% da área de uma das folhas, deixando a outra folha intacta. Nós mensuramos simultaneamente o número de formigas que visitaram cada tipo de folha por 15 min e analisamos a diferença entre o número de formigas em cada tipo de folha através de teste t pareado. Nós observamos diferença significativa no número de formigas que patrulham as folhas tratamento (com herbivoria artificial) e controle (sem hervivoria artificial) apenas na estação chuvosa (t = 3,004, df = 19, p = 0,007). Isso sugere que existe defesa induzida nesse sistema somente quando as folhas são jovens. Nosso estudo corrobora a Teoria de Defesa Ótima já que apenas as folhas jovens de C. brasiliense com dano artificial atraíram significativamente mais formigas do que as folhas sem danos. Esta é a primeira vez que mecanismos de defesa induzida são observados no sistema C. brasiliense-formigas.
Although Merostachys fischeriana is very abundant in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest, little attention has been paid to the biological interactions with other animals. The present study describes some of the interactions between ants and this bamboo species. The experiment was carried out in a fragment of a montane tropical forest in the Parque Estadual do Itacolomi, near Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil. Thirty culms of bamboo were randomly collected. The ants were obtained by direct collection from nodes and internodes. Morphometric variables of the bamboo were recorded for characterization of potential ant habitat. Merostachys fischeriana grows in rosettes as a thin bamboo (average = 1,0 cm; se = 0,27; n = 20) and is tall enough to reach the upper canopy of this low forest (average = 9,1 m; se = 2,72; n = 20). Fifteen ant species were sampled. Brachymyrmex heeri Forel was the most abundant in the nodes, while Camponotus crassus Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) was the most abundant in the internodes. The composition of the species that inhabit the internodes was different from the composition in the node (Q-test: Q = 3,76; P = 0,05). The level of occupation was defined by the number of holes (F = 10,33; P < 0,01), the number of internodes in the canopy (F = 6,84; P = 0,01) and the length of the culm (F = 7,52; P = 0,01). The plant's morphology allowed the occurrence of additional species of ants in the canopy and influenced the composition of the entire ant assemblage.
Animals , Ants , Bambusa , Ecosystem , Trees , Brazil , Nesting BehaviorABSTRACT
Vochysia elliptica (Vochysiaceae) is a shrubby plant, which does not have EFNs. Camponotus ants thieve nectar, and can decrease plant fitness by making flowers less attractive to pollinators. However, ants remove herbivores, wich can be beneficial. Results show that plants from which ants were excluded had lower rates of termite (simulated herbivore) removal than did plants visited by ants. Plants accessible to ants showed higher rates of termite removal in the base of leaves and in the inflorescence, than in the tip of leaves. This occurs because ants must pass through the principal axis to reach the inflorescence. Conclusive results of this cost/benefit analysis of the Camponotus sp. presence for V. elliptica can be obtained, with experimental manipulations.
Vochysia elliptica (Vochysiaceae) é uma planta arbustiva que não porta NEFs. Formigas Camponotus roubam néctar e podem diminuir a aptidão da planta, tornando as flores menos atrativas para polinizadores. O efeito das formigas na remoção dos herbívoros, no entanto, pode ser benéfico. Resultados evidenciaram que plantas cujas formigas foram excluídas tiveram menor taxa de remoção de cupins (herbívoros simulados) do que plantas visitadas por formigas. Plantas com acesso às formigas apresentaram maior taxa de cupins removidos na base das folhas e na inflorescência do que na ponta das folhas. Isso ocorre porque formigas devem passar através do eixo principal para alcançar a inflorescência. Resultados conclusivos dessa análise de custo/benefício da presença de Camponotus sp. para V. elliptica deverão ser obtidos no futuro, com manipulações experimentais.