Resumen La contaminación ambiental es uno de los factores que favorece el estrés oxidante, ya que expone al organismo a materiales diversos que generan radicales libres y afectan al sistema respiratorio, cardiovascular, inmunológico y nervioso de las personas más vulnerables como los niños, adultos mayores y personas con enfermedades crónicas. Para prevenir o reducir el estrés oxidante, el cual es un desequilibrio entre la producción de radicales libres y la capacidad del organismo de neutralizarlo, se recomienda consumir una dieta equilibrada y rica en antioxidantes naturales los cuales se encuentran diversos alimentos, especialmente en frutas y verduras con colores intensos, en las semillas y las especias. En las últimas décadas se ha demostrado la eficacia del consumo de antioxidantes naturales como: el resveratrol vino, el café, la curcumina, el ajo, la vitamina C, la vitamina E y el té verde que presentan efectos benéficos como: proteger membranas celulares, regular la expresión de genes relacionados con la inflamación, prevenir o reducir el daño endotelial, disminuir la frecuencia o severidad de enfermedades neurodegenerativas, hepáticas y pulmonares, así como estimular al sistema inmunológico.
Abstract Environmental pollution can promote oxidative stress by exposing the body to various elements and substances that generate free radicals, such as lead and vanadium. These free radicals can negatively impact the respiratory, cardiovascular, immune, and neurological systems of vulnerable populations, including children, the elderly, and those with chronic diseases. To prevent or reduce oxidative stress, it is recommended to consume a balanced diet rich in natural antioxidants. These antioxidants can be found in various foods, especially in fruits and vegetables with intense colors, seeds, and spices. In recent decades, the effectiveness of consuming natural antioxidants such as resveratrol found in wine, coffee, curcumin, garlic, vitamin C, vitamin E, and green tea has been demonstrated. These antioxidants have beneficial effects on the body, including the protection of cell membranes, regulation of gene expression associated with inflammation, prevention or reduction of endothelial damage, and the decrease or diminished severity of neurodegeneration, liver, and pulmonary disorders. Additionally, they stimulate the immune response.
Myrtus communis L., commonly known as true myrtle, is a medicinal plant native to the Mediterranean area. Since ancient times, the inhabitant s of this area have been using it for its cultural and medicinal properties. Because of the vast diversity of biomolecules in its aerial parts, it exhibits several biological properties, including antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anticancer properties. This review retrospect the research on the source, biological activities with empirical evidence, chemical composition, applications, and cellular targets of extracts and essential oils obtained from M. communis leaves, which provides a perspective for further studies on the applications and formulations of extract and EO of M. communis leaves. The efficacy of constituents' individually, in association with other bioactive constituents, or in combination with available commercial drugs would provide insights in to the development of these bio - actives as future drugs and their evolving future potential applications in the pharmaceutical, food, and aroma industries.
Myrtus communis L., comúnmente conocido como arrayán verdadero, es una planta medicinal originaria de la zona mediterránea. Desde la antigüedad, los habitantes de esta zona lo utilizan por sus propiedades culturales y medicinales. Debido a la gran div ersidad de biomoléculas en sus partes aéreas, exhibe varias propiedades biológicas, incluidas propiedades antioxidantes, antimicrobianas y anticancerígenas. Esta revisión retrospectiva de la investigación sobre la fuente, las actividades biológicas con evi dencia empírica, la composición química, las aplicaciones y los objetivos celulares de los extractos y aceites esenciales obtenidos de las hojas de M. communis , lo que brinda una perspectiva para futuros estudios sobre las aplicaciones y formulaciones de l os extractos y EO de M. communis . La eficacia de los componentes individualmente, en asociación con otros componentes bioactivos o en combinación con medicamentos comerciales disponibles proporcionaría información sobre el desarrollo de estos bioactivos co mo medicamentos futuros y sus futuras aplicaciones potenciales en las industrias farmacéutica, alimentaria y aromática
Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Myrtus communis , Myrtus/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry , Antineoplastic Agents/chemistry , Antioxidants/chemistry , Plant LeavesABSTRACT
Resumo Fundamento A remodelação adversa dos vasos pulmonares eleva a pressão pulmonar e provoca hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP). A HAP resulta em aumento da pós-carga do ventrículo direito (VD), causando hipertrofia ventricular e consequente insuficiência cardíaca. Não existe um tratamento específico para o remodelamento desadaptativo do VD secundário à HAP. Objetivos Este estudo tem como objetivo explorar duas abordagens terapêuticas, o suco de uva (SU) e os hormônios tireoidianos (HT), no tratamento do estresse oxidativo induzido pela HAP e nas alterações funcionais cardíacas. Métodos Parâmetros ecocardiográficos relacionados à resistência dos vasos pulmonares (relação TA/TE), contratilidade do VD (ESPAT) e função diastólica do VD (relação dos picos E/A) foram avaliados. Além disso, foram medidos ROS totais, peroxidação lipídica, enzimas antioxidantes, proteínas de manipulação de cálcio, expressão de proteínas pró-oxidantes e antioxidantes. Valores de p<0,05 foram considerados estatisticamente significativos. Resultados Ambos os tratamentos, com SU e HT, demonstraram uma redução na resistência pulmonar (~22%), além de melhorias na ESPAT (inotropismo ~11%) e na relação TA/TE (~26%) (p<0,05). Não houve alterações entre os grupos na relação do pico de E/A. Embora ROS e TBARS não tenham sido estatisticamente significativos, os tratamentos com SU e HT diminuíram os níveis de xantina oxidase (~49%) e normalizaram a expressão de HSP70 e proteínas de manipulação de cálcio (p<0,05). No entanto, apenas o tratamento com HT melhorou a função diastólica (~50%) e aumentou o imunoconteúdo de NRF2 (~48%) (p<0,05). Conclusões Até onde sabemos, este estudo é pioneiro ao mostrar que o HT administrado em conjunto com o SU promoveu melhorias funcionais e bioquímicas em um modelo de HAP. Além disso, nossos dados sugerem que os tratamentos com SU e HT se mostraram cardioprotetores, sejam combinados ou não, e exibiram seus benefícios ao modular o estresse oxidativo e as proteínas de manipulação do cálcio.
Abstract Background Adverse remodeling of lung vessels elevates pulmonary pressure and provokes pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). PAH results in increased right ventricle (RV) afterload, causing ventricular hypertrophy and the onset of heart failure. There is no specific treatment for maladaptive RV remodeling secondary to PAH. Objectives This study aims to explore two therapeutic approaches, grape juice (GJ) and thyroid hormones (TH), on PAH-induced oxidative stress and cardiac functional changes. Methods Parameters of echocardiography related to lung vessel resistance (AT/ET ratio), RV contractility (TAPSE), and RV diastolic function (E/A peaks ratio) were evaluated. Also, total ROS, lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes, calcium handling proteins, pro-oxidant and antioxidant protein expression were measured. Values of p<0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results Both GJ and TH treatments demonstrated reductions in pulmonary resistance (~22%) and improvements in TAPSE (inotropism ~11%) and AT/ET ratio (~26%) (p<0.05). There were no changes amongst groups regarding the E/A peak ratio. Although ROS and TBARS were not statistically significant, GJ and TH treatments decreased xanthine oxidase (~49%) levels and normalized HSP70 and calcium handling protein expression (p<0.05). However, only TH treatment ameliorated diastolic function (~50%) and augmented NRF2 immunocontent (~48%) (p<0.05). Conclusions To the best of our knowledge, this study stands as a pioneer in showing that TH administered together with GJ promoted functional and biochemical improvements in a PAH model. Moreover, our data suggest that GJ and TH treatments were cardioprotective, combined or not, and exhibited their beneficial effects by modulating oxidative stress and calcium-handling proteins.
Resumen: El maíz contiene un gran número de compuestos antioxidantes, muchos de ellos unidos a componentes de la pared celular, por lo que requieren tratamientos para liberarlos, como el uso de enzimas o procesos de fermentación. La fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) con Rhizopus oryzae se ha aplicado para aumentar la capacidad antioxidante (CA) y el contenido fenólico en cereales y leguminosas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la FMS con R. oryzae sobre la CA y el contenido de fenoles totales (CFT) del maíz. La FMS se realizó en bolsas zip-lock (25 cm2) a 30 °C/72 h, con un inóculo de 1 x 106 esporas/g. Se tomaron muestras cada 12 h, el extracto se recuperó con etanol al 80 % y se utilizó para determinar el CFT y la CA (ensayo ABTS+, DPPH y FRAP). Los valores más altos se obtuvieron a las 60 h de cultivo, con un CFT de 1.92 mg/ gramos de materia seca (gms) y una CA de 1.47 mg de equivalentes Trolox por gramo de materia seca (mg ET/gms), 1.27 mg ET/gms y 5.8 mg Fe+2/gms para los ensayos de ABTS+, DPPH y FRAP, respectivamente. El uso de FMS permitió aumentar hasta 0.83 y 1.25 veces el CFT y la CA del maíz, con respecto al tiempo 0 h. El maíz fermentado con R. oryzae mostró potencial para ser empleado como materia prima para el desarrollo de alimentos funciona les, al incrementar su CA a través de un bioproceso.
Abstract: Maize contains a large number of antioxidant compounds. However, many of them are not in free form, as they are bound to components of the cell wall of maize kernels. For this reason, the use of treatments is required to release them, such as the use of enzymes or fermentation processes. Fermentation in solid medium (FMS) with Rhizopus oryzae has been applied to increase the antioxidant capacity (AC) and phenolic content in cereals and legumes. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of FMS with R. oryzae on AC and total phenolic content (TPC) of maize. Fermentation on solid medium was carried out in zip-lock bags (25 cm2) at 30 °C for 72 h, with an inoculum of 1 x 106 spores/g. Samples were taken every 12 h, the extract was recovered with 80% ethanol, and used to determine TPC and AC (ABTS+, DPPH and FRAP essay). The highest values were obtained at 60 h of culture, with a TPC of 1.92 mg/gram dry metter (gdm) and an AC of 1.47 mg TE/gmd, 1.27 mg TE/gdm and 5.8 mg Fe+2/gdm for the ABTS+, DPPH and FRAP assays, respectively. The use of FMS allowed to increase up to 0.83 and 1.25 times the CFT and CA of corn, with respect to time zero. Corn fermented with R. oryzae showed potential to be used as a raw material for the development of functional foods, by increase its AC through a bioprocess.
Millets are one of the oldest foods known to humans, possibly the first cereal grain used for dietary. Since ancient times, millet has been widely consumed in Asia and India. Although millets are highly nutritious, their consumption still needs to be improved in the general and poor population due to less awareness regarding their nutritional values and health benefits. With changing food habits, increasing population, and uncontrolled use of natural resources, providing nutritious food to all is challenging. Natural plant resources are quickly depleting, and we must explore new alternatives. Besides the usual rice and wheat, many underutilized millets are less consumed, with great potential to replace routine cereal crops. Millets are one of the significantly underutilized crops with a nutri-cereal potential. Regular and excess consumption of common cereals contributed to developing and increasing the burden of lifestyle diseases. Millets are highly nutritious, gluten-free, and have rich dietary properties. Millets are rich in carbohydrates, dietary fibres, energy, essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamin B and minerals which help to prevent diseases like diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cancer, cardiovascular diseases. Cereal-based food products are supplemented with millet and have become popular due to nutritional and economic advantages. The millets have fostered immunity and health to continue the fight against malnutrition in children and adolescents. Ultimately, millet consumption furthers nutrition, food security and the welfare of farmers. This review furnishes crucial information about the compounds found in millets, highlighting their nutraceutical properties, health benefits, and other therapeutically significant elements that classify them as nutri-cereals.
The aftermath of heavy metal pollution can be hazardous to humans, considering the level of consumption of shellfish in riverine areas - which is relatively high. There is a growing concern about the quality of aquatic food (e.g. periwinkle and shrimp) in several parts of the world. The determination of toxic elements in food has prompted studies on toxicological effects of heavy metals in foods. Due to man抯 industrialization activities such as oil exploration, the levels of toxicants in marine environments have increased over the years. This study aimed at evaluating heavy metal contents (lead, cadmium, nickel, manganese, chromium and copper) in shrimp and water obtained from Great Kwa River, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. Fresh shrimp and water samples were collected from the river in Calabar metropolis, Cross River State. In the sample preparation, the soft tissue (edible part) of the shrimps were extracted, dried in the oven (at 80癈) for 72hours then, after which the weights of the shrimps and water from each sampling point were measured. Digestion of the samples were carried out before an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer was used to determine the concentrations of the heavy metals. Graph pad Prism Version 7 was used for statistical analysis and Microsoft Excel Application. The results indicate contamination of both the shrimps and water from the Great Kwa River by some heavy metals, which also pose a health risk to aquatic ecosystem and humans. Among the heavy metals studied, chromium had the highest concentrations in both shrimps (30.07 � 0.67ppm) and water (27.68 � 0.34ppm). The heavy metals were found in higher concentrations in the shrimp than in water, except for manganese which had a significantly (p<0.05) higher concentration in water (15.05 � 0.67ppm as against 14.02 � 0.93ppm in shrimp). Certain minerals have biological uses, but concentrations above recommended levels become detrimental to consumers. The levels of some of these heavy metals in this study, call for more investigation and regulation of their anthropogenic sources in order to reduce risk of public health issues.
Aim: In this study, the effects of alpha-tocopherol (AT), quercetin (QT) or their combination on ethanol-induced pancreatic and duodenal mucosal damage were investigated in rats using morphological and biochemical evaluations.Study Design: Experimental study.Place and Duration of Study: University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.Methodology: Ethanol-induced injuries were produced by oral administration of 40% ethanol (0.2 ml/day) for 40 consecutive days, while a control group of rats was served distilled water. Other groups received AT (2.5 mg/kg), QT (50 mg/kg) or their combination with 40% ethanol during the experimental period.Results: Blood glucose level was significantly (p<0.05) increased in ethanol-treated rats relative to controls. Ethanol administration caused shrinkage of insulin-secreting islets tissues in the pancreas, while lesions such as erosions, loss of villi and severe inflammatory cell infiltrations of the mucosa and sub-mucosa were observed in the duodenum. These changes were accompanied by significant elevation in the levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), malondialdehyde (MDA) and advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) in the pancreas and duodenum, along with reduced activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione S-transferase (GST). Treatment of rats with AT, QT, and especially their combination, yielded profound reversal of ethanol-induced effects indicated by restoration of blood glucose to control levels, preservation of pancreatic and duodenal morphology and the inhibition of ethanol-induced oxidative stress.Conclusion: Overall, dietary supplementation with AT and/or QT could potentially counteract the adverse effects associated with chronic alcohol consumption.
Skin papillomas are not cancerous, but they can trigger an inflammatory disorder and irritate the area where the wart is present. The study was to find natural agents that prevent and/or cure skin papillomas. The fruits of Momordica dioica have been known to contain potent phytoconstituents that have anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular, diabetic, oncological, and other health benefits. To investigate inhibition of skin papilloma’s by administration of a fruit extract of Momordica dioica in DMBA/Croton oil-induced benign cancer in mice. Induction of papilloma’s by topical application of DMBA/Croton oil for 4-5 weeks; after confirmation of papilloma's, the Momordica dioica and 5-Flu10 mg/kg were administered. Body weight, tumor incidence, cumulative number of tumors, tumor yield, average latency time period, number of papillomas, hematological parameters, antioxidant enzymes, and pro-inflammatory cytokines were measured. 100% tumor incidence was observed in DMBA/croton oil, whereas the other groups except the normal control had quite a similar tumor incidence. The cumulative number, tumor yield, and average latent period have significantly improved with the treatment in skin papilloma mice. Hematological markers and NLR (< 3.0) have improved (p<0.001), which is indicative of reduced acute systemic inflammation. The deviations on LPO and CAT from baselines were corrected by Momordica dioica and found to have a significant impact on their levels (p<0.001). Post-treatment of immunosuppressive markers such as; TGF-beta (p<0.001), TNF-alpha (p<0.001), and IL-6 (p<0.001) were decreased significantly and increased the levels of IFG-g (p<0.001), which correlates with increased immune activation. Hence, the intake of fruits of Momordica dioica inhibits the growth of skin papillomas.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar la influencia del consumo de hidratos de carbono (HCO) sobre el estado oxidante en mujeres con y sin diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG). Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal, observacional y comparativo a dos grupos de 21 mujeres con y sin DMG, respectivamente, en la ciudad de Toluca, México, de enero a diciembre del 2022. Para evaluar parámetros sociodemográficos, se les aplicó un cuestionario de historia clínica; en cuanto a los parámetros antropométricos, se les midió peso corporal y estatura; y respecto a los parámetros bioquímicos, colesterol total (CT) y triglicéridos (TG). Para evaluar el estado oxidante/antioxidante se cuantificaron, como marcador oxidante, el malondihaldeído (MDA), y como antioxidantes, catalasa (cat), superóxido dismutasa (SOD) y capacidad antioxidante total (CAT). Los hábitos dietéticos se evaluaron a través de un recordatorio de 24 horas, en ambos grupos de mujeres, para obtener los macronutrientes: proteínas, lípidos e HCO. A partir de los hidratos de carbono totales (HCOT), se calcularon los hidratos de carbono complejos (HCOC) e hidratos de carbono simples (HCOS) como la sacarosa. Para el cálculo de HCOS por día, se usó la lista de alimentos con contenido de sacarosa por cada 100 gramos de consumo que emplea el Sistema Mexicano de Equivalentes; para el análisis de dieta, se utilizó el programa Nutrikcal VO. Se usaron las pruebas estadísticas t de Student para muestras independientes, U de Mann-Whitney para las variables no homogéneas y se realizó la correlación de Spearman (p < 0,05) en el programa SPSS, versión 19. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que la diferencia entre los valores de CT (p < 0,029), TG (p < 0,029), las enzimas: cat (p < 0,011), SOD (p < 0,013), así como el MDA (p < 0,039), fueron significativamente mayores en las pacientes del grupo con DMG en comparación con el grupo sin DMG. Además, el grupo con DMG consumió mayor proporción de sacarosa. Conclusiones: Las mujeres con DMG tienen un desequilibrio en el estado oxidante/antioxidante influenciado por el tipo de HCO que consumen, en particular los HCOS como la sacarosa.
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the influence of carbohydrate (CHO) intake on oxidative status among women with and without gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, observational and comparative study was carried out with two groups of 21 women each with and without GDM in the city of Toluca, Mexico, from January to December 2022. The sociodemographic parameters were determined by administering the patients a medical history questionnaire; anthropometric parameters such as body weight and height were measured; and biochemical parameters including total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG) were calculated. The oxidant/antioxidant status was assessed as follows: malondialdehyde (MDA) as oxidative stress marker; and catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) as antioxidants. Dietary habits were evaluated through a 24-hour reminder in both groups of women to obtain the macronutrient classes, i.e., proteins, fats and CHOs. Based on the total carbohydrates (TCHOs), complex (CCHOs) and simple carbohydrates (SCHOs) such as sucrose were calculated. SCHOs per day were measured using the list of foods with sucrose content per 100 grams according to the Mexican Food Equivalence System (SMAE). The NutriKcal VO program was used for the dietary analysis. Statistical tests such as Student's t test and Mann-Whitney U test were performed for the independent samples and nonhomogeneous variables, respectively, and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (p < 0.05) was determined using the IBM SPSS Statistics V19. Results: The results showed that the difference between the levels of TC (p < 0.029), TG (p < 0.029), enzymes CAT (p < 0.011) and SOD (p < 0.013), as well as MDA (p < 0.039) was significantly higher among patients in the group with GDM compared to that in the group without GDM. In addition, the group with GDM consumed a higher proportion of sucrose. Conclusions: Women with GDM have an imbalance in the oxidant/antioxidant status, influenced by the type of CHO they consume, particularly SCHOs such as sucrose.
Aims@#Melon Manis Terengganu, MMT is one of the economically important fruits in Terengganu, which contains numerous nutritional values and bioactive compounds that benefit human health. The major problem is MMT has been affected by Fusarium sp., which is the common fungus in the Cucurbitaceae family resulting in Fusarium wilt disease and lowering melon production. It may also affect the antioxidant value of MMT; however, limited study has been conducted on this issue. Hence, the objective of this study was to determine the non-enzymatic as well as enzymatic activities in response to Fusarium sp. (S2 and S4) infection. @*Methodology and results@#In this study, MMT leaves were incubated in culture filtrate (CF) obtained from Murashige and Skoog (MS) liquid medium. The antioxidative responses were assayed at 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 days of treatment. In response to Fusarium infection, the ascorbic acid, α-tocopherol and carotenoid content were significantly stimulated at the early stages of the experiment and slowly reduced afterward. This current study also demonstrated that the CAT-specific activities were initially induced in S2 CF-treated leaves. Similar APX and gPOD specific activity patterns were observed in both S2 and S4 CFs treatments. The APX and gPOD-specific activities were induced at the later stages of infection in S4 CF-treated leaves. @*Conclusion, significance and impact of study: @#The results revealed that enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants worked together to fight against stress caused by the fungal infection, with the activation of the plant defense system.
SUMMARY BACKGROUND: Antioxidants have been considered a rational curative strategy to prevent and cure liver diseases involving oxidative stress. An acute obstructive jaundice rat model was established to investigate the in vivo hepatoprotective efficacy of Rosa pimpinellifolia L. METHODS: The experimental jaundice model was performed by binding the main bile duct in 25 male Sprague-Dawley rats. All rats were randomly divided into five groups: first group: laparotomy-sham-only, second group: biliary tract binding (control), and third, fourth, and fifth groups: treatment groups with 250, 500, and 750 mg/kg fruit extracts daily, respectively. RESULTS: Considering dosage, although there was no significant therapeutic effect in the 250 mg/kg of Rosa pimpinellifolia L. group, the best results were found in the 500 mg/kg dose group, while results in the 750 mg/kg dose group showed consistent correlation with proinflammatory response. With regard to biochemical parameters, lipid hydroperoxide level in the rat serum and liver tissue was significantly decreased in all treatment groups. Amadori products, which are one of the early markers of glycol-oxidative stress, showed statistical significance in the treatment. CONCLUSION: It was revealed that the antioxidant effect of Rosa pimpinellifolia L. was more prominent in the early stages of hepatic injury secondary to oxidative stress.
Purpose: To investigate the effect of ellagic acid (EA) in gingival tissues injury in rats. Methods: Twenty rats were categorized into two groups. In burn group, an excisional wound area was created by removing a 4-mm diameter flap from the left molar region in the mucoperiosteal region of the gingiva. In burn + ellagic acid group, 1.2 mg/mL EA was administered as irrigation for one week. Animals was sacrificed under anesthesia at the end of experiment. Malondialdehyde (MDA), myeloperoxidase (MPO) and glutathione (GSH) level were measured. Hematoxylin and eosin, fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) immunostainings were applied to tissues. Results: MDA, MPO, inflammation and leukocyte infiltration were high in burn group. Degeneration epithelium, edema and inflammatory cell infiltration in connective tissue areas, and dilatation and congestion in blood vessels were observed in burn group. In burn + EA group, the gingival epithelium improved, collagen fiber production increased and organized dermis were observed. After burn injury, FGF and EGF activity was increased in EA treated groups. Conclusions: We suggest that EA have the potential for better healing outcomes in oral wounds. EA seems to have promising therapeutic efficacy to enhance oral wound healing.
Animals , Rats , Ellagic Acid , Epidermal Growth Factor , Fibroblasts , Gingiva/injuries , Animals, LaboratoryABSTRACT
Due to the severe side effects revealed by most of the currently used antidiabetic medicines, search for finding new and safe drugs to manage diabetes is continued. Naphthoquinones possessing strong antioxidant properties have been employed as candidates for diabetes therapy. Present study is aimed at finding the antioxidant and hypoglycaemic potential of some novel derivatives of 2-phenylamino-1,4-naphthoquinones (PAN) including chloro, nitro, methyl and bromo (5a-d) derivatives synthesized by single pot experiment. Product crystals were purified by TLC and characterized by FT-IR. The antioxidant potential of the compounds was assayed through DPPH radical scavenging and reducing power activities noted as UV-vis. absorbance. The DPPH assay has showed the powerful antioxidant activity of nitro and bromo derivatives, while the nitro derivative showed the significant reduction potential towards FRAP assay. Hypoglycaemic potential of the compounds was studied in rat animal model. All synthesized compounds revealed better hypoglycaemic activity; however, the chloro-derivative exhibited the more potent hypoglycaemic activity showing about 43% reduction in the mean blood glucose levels of the treated animals. As the bioreduction of naphthoquinones may be influenced by changing its redox properties, it has been noticed that the e-donating resonance effect (+R) of 'chloro' group has shown the significant effects on biological activity through stabalization of its imine form which limits the potential of generation of free radicals during bioreduction of quinones and thus has been proposed as the reason of its hypoglycaemic activity. Future studies employing the properties of e-donating groups of PAN may optimize the drug-receptor interaction for better drug designing and drug development strategies against diabetes and also for the clinical trials.
Em razão dos graves efeitos colaterais causados pela maioria dos medicamentos antidiabéticos atualmente utilizados, continua a busca por novos medicamentos seguros para o controle do diabetes. As naftoquinonas, que possuem fortes propriedades antioxidantes, têm sido empregadas como candidatas à terapia do diabetes. O presente estudo visa encontrar o potencial antioxidante e hipoglicemiante de alguns novos derivados de 2-fenilamino-1,4-naftoquinonas (PAN), incluindo derivados de cloro, nitro, metil e bromo (5a-d) sintetizados por experimento em pote único. Os cristais do produto foram purificados por TLC e caracterizados por FT-IR. O potencial antioxidante dos compostos foi testado por meio de atividades de sequestro de radicais DPPH e redução de energia observada como absorção no UV-vis. O ensaio DPPH mostrou a poderosa atividade antioxidante dos derivados nitro e bromo, enquanto o derivado nitro mostrou o potencial de redução significativo para o ensaio FRAP. O potencial hipoglicêmico dos compostos foi estudado em modelo animal de rato. Todos os compostos sintetizados revelaram melhor atividade hipoglicemiante; no entanto, o derivado cloro apresentou atividade hipoglicêmica mais potente, com redução de 43% nos níveis médios de glicose no sangue dos animais tratados. Como a biorredução de naftoquinonas pode ser influenciada pela alteração de suas propriedades redox, notou-se que o efeito da doação eletrônica por ressonância (+R) do grupo "cloro" tem sido significativo na atividade biológica por meio da estabilização de sua forma imina, que limita o potencial de geração de radicais livres durante a biorredução de quinonas, e, portanto, tem sido proposto como a razão de sua atividade hipoglicemiante. Estudos futuros empregando as propriedades de grupos de doação eletrônica de PAN podem otimizar a interação droga-receptor para melhor planejamento de medicamentos e estratégias de desenvolvimento de medicamentos contra o diabetes e também para os ensaios clínicos.
Rats , Models, Animal , Diabetes Mellitus , Drug Development , Hypoglycemic Agents , AntioxidantsABSTRACT
Abstract Due to the severe side effects revealed by most of the currently used antidiabetic medicines, search for finding new and safe drugs to manage diabetes is continued. Naphthoquinones possessing strong antioxidant properties have been employed as candidates for diabetes therapy. Present study is aimed at finding the antioxidant and hypoglycaemic potential of some novel derivatives of 2-phenylamino-1,4-naphthoquinones (PAN) including chloro, nitro, methyl and bromo (5a-d) derivatives synthesized by single pot experiment. Product crystals were purified by TLC and characterized by FT-IR. The antioxidant potential of the compounds was assayed through DPPH radical scavenging and reducing power activities noted as UV-vis. absorbance. The DPPH assay has showed the powerful antioxidant activity of nitro and bromo derivatives, while the nitro derivative showed the significant reduction potential towards FRAP assay. Hypoglycaemic potential of the compounds was studied in rat animal model. All synthesized compounds revealed better hypoglycaemic activity; however, the chloro-derivative exhibited the more potent hypoglycaemic activity showing about 43% reduction in the mean blood glucose levels of the treated animals. As the bioreduction of naphthoquinones may be influenced by changing its redox properties, it has been noticed that the e-donating resonance effect (+R) of chloro group has shown the significant effects on biological activity through stabalization of its imine form which limits the potential of generation of free radicals during bioreduction of quinones and thus has been proposed as the reason of its hypoglycaemic activity. Future studies employing the properties of e-donating groups of PAN may optimize the drug-receptor interaction for better drug designing and drug development strategies against diabetes and also for the clinical trials.
Resumo Em razão dos graves efeitos colaterais causados pela maioria dos medicamentos antidiabéticos atualmente utilizados, continua a busca por novos medicamentos seguros para o controle do diabetes. As naftoquinonas, que possuem fortes propriedades antioxidantes, têm sido empregadas como candidatas à terapia do diabetes. O presente estudo visa encontrar o potencial antioxidante e hipoglicemiante de alguns novos derivados de 2-fenilamino-1,4-naftoquinonas (PAN), incluindo derivados de cloro, nitro, metil e bromo (5a-d) sintetizados por experimento em pote único. Os cristais do produto foram purificados por TLC e caracterizados por FT-IR. O potencial antioxidante dos compostos foi testado por meio de atividades de sequestro de radicais DPPH e redução de energia observada como absorção no UV-vis. O ensaio DPPH mostrou a poderosa atividade antioxidante dos derivados nitro e bromo, enquanto o derivado nitro mostrou o potencial de redução significativo para o ensaio FRAP. O potencial hipoglicêmico dos compostos foi estudado em modelo animal de rato. Todos os compostos sintetizados revelaram melhor atividade hipoglicemiante; no entanto, o derivado cloro apresentou atividade hipoglicêmica mais potente, com redução de 43% nos níveis médios de glicose no sangue dos animais tratados. Como a biorredução de naftoquinonas pode ser influenciada pela alteração de suas propriedades redox, notou-se que o efeito da doação eletrônica por ressonância (+R) do grupo cloro tem sido significativo na atividade biológica por meio da estabilização de sua forma imina, que limita o potencial de geração de radicais livres durante a biorredução de quinonas, e, portanto, tem sido proposto como a razão de sua atividade hipoglicemiante. Estudos futuros empregando as propriedades de grupos de doação eletrônica de PAN podem otimizar a interação droga-receptor para melhor planejamento de medicamentos e estratégias de desenvolvimento de medicamentos contra o diabetes e também para os ensaios clínicos.
Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the GSH effect on functional and histological recovery after experimental spinal cord injury in rats. Methods Forty Wistar rats were subjected to spinal cord injury through the Multicenter Animal Spinal Cord Injury Study (MASCIS) Impactor system. The rats were sorted and divided into four groups, as follows: Group 1 ‒ Laminectomy and spinal cord injury; Group 2 ‒ Laminectomy, spinal cord injury and Saline Solution (SS) 0.9%; Group 3 ‒ Laminectomy, spinal cord injury, and GSH; and Group 4 ‒ lLaminectomy without spinal cord injury. GSH and SS were administered intraperitoneally. Groups 1 and 4 received no intervention. Results The rats were evaluated for locomotor function recovery at seven different times by the Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan (BBB) scale on days 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 after the spinal cord injury. On day 42, the rats were sacrificed to analyze the histological findings of the injured spinal cord. In the group submitted to GSH, our experimental study revealed better functional scores on the BBB scale, horizontal ladder scale, and cranial and caudal axon count. The differences found were statistically significant in BBB scores and axonal count analysis. Conclusion This study demonstrated that using glutathione in experimental spinal trauma can lead to better functional recovery and improved axonal regeneration rate in Wistar rats submitted to experimental spinal cord injury.
Abstract Objective This study evaluated the color stability of enamel submitted to 10% hydrogen peroxide (HP) followed by antioxidants agents, and the pH and antioxidant activity (AA%) of these agents. Methodology Bovine enamel-dentin blocks were randomly distributed into groups (n=10/group): GNC (negative control: no treatment); GPC (positive control: bleaching only); TOC_10% (HP+10% α-tocopherol); GT_10% (HP+10% green tea extract); GS_5% (HP+5% grape seed extract); SA_10% (HP+10% sodium ascorbate); QUI_10% (HP+10% quinoa extract); and QC_1% (HP+1% quercetin). Color (ΔE00) and whiteness index (ΔWID) changes were analyzed using a digital spectrophotometer. The pH and AA% were determined using a pH meter and the DPPH method, respectively. Data were analyzed by ANOVA/Tukey's and Dunnett's tests (α=0.05). Results At 14 days post-bleaching, GNC promoted the lowest ΔWID and ΔE00 (p<0.05), and no differences were found between GPC and the remaining groups submitted to the antioxidant agents (p>0.05). QC_1% and QUI_10% exhibited acidic pH levels (3.64 and 4.75, respectively), whereas TOC_10% and GS_5% exhibited alkaline pH (7.07 and 7.64, respectively). No differences in AA% were found between the agents (p>0.05), ranging from 92.6 to 97.6%. Conclusion The antioxidant agents did not interfere in bleached enamel color stability, showing satisfactory antioxidant activity. However, QUI and QC gels displayed acidic pH. Clinical significance: The antioxidants evaluated showed high AA% and no impact on post-bleaching color stability, suggesting that their capacity to recover bond strength demonstrated elsewhere would not compromise the esthetic efficacy of tooth bleaching. However, those with acidic pH should be used with caution due to potential enamel damage.
The study evaluated the antioxidant properties of a crude methanolic extract (CME) from Rhaebo guttatus poison in mice over a period of 7 and 30 days. The mice were divided into groups and treated with different concentrations of the extract (0; 8 µg mL-1; 16 µg mL-1 and 32 µg mL-1 or vehicle; 100 µL/animal/day; via gavage). The liver samples were analyzed for status redox parameters as catalase (CAT), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), reduced glutathione (GSH) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). The results showed that the CME caused changes in the levels of various antioxidants and oxidative stress markers. At 7 days, there was an increase in TBARS levels (8 µg mL-1 dose) and GST activity (16 µg mL-1 dose), and a reduction in GSH levels (32 µg mL-1 dose) compared to the control group. At 30 days, TBARS and GSH levels returned to control values in the same period, but GSH increased (32 µg mL-1 dose) compared at 7 days; GST activity remained high after 30 days for 32 µg mL-1 dose compared other groups and time of treatment (7 days). Overall, the study suggests that the extract modulates antioxidant properties per se that can affect various markers of status redox in the liver of mice, mainly 16 µg mL-1 dose demonstrated to act under antioxidant enzymes in different times (7 or 30 days).
Purpose: To determine the effect of gallic acid or its combination with glibenclamide on some biochemical markers and histology of the cornea of streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. Methods: Following induction of diabetes, 24 male albino rats were divided into four groups of six rats each. Groups 1 and 2 (control and diabetic) received rat pellets and distilled water; group 3 (gallic acid) received rat pellets and gallic acid (10 mg/kg, orally) dissolved in the distilled water; and group 4 (gallic acid + glibenclamide) received rat pellets, gallic acid (10 mg/kg, orally), and glibenclamide (5 mg/kg, orally) dissolved in the distilled water. The treatments were administered for three months after which the rats were sacrificed after an overnight fast. Blood and sera were collected for the determination of biochemical parameters, while their eyes were excised for histology. Results: STZ administration to the rats induced insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, microprotenuria, loss of weight, oxidative stress, inflammation, and alteration of their cornea histology, which was abolished following supplementation with gallic acid or its combination with glibenclamide. Conclusions: The study showed the potentials of gallic acid and glibenclamide in mitigating systemic complication and histological changes in the cornea of diabetic rats induced with STZ.
Animals , Rats , Glyburide/administration & dosage , Streptozocin/administration & dosage , Cornea/drug effects , Diabetes Mellitus , Gallic Acid/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Purpose: We aimed to reveal the effects of rosmarinic acid (RA), which has come to the forefront with its antitumor and antioxidant properties in many studies recently in the ovarian adenocarcinoma cell line, on the epidermal growth factor receptor (EFGR) signaling pathway in the presence of doxorubicin (DOX). Methods: Ovarian adenocarcinoma cell line (OVCAR3) and human skin keratinocyte cell line human skin keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT) were used as control. (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) test was applied to determine the effect of RA and DOX on the proliferation of OVCAR3 and HaCaT cells. Bcl2 expression and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and western blot analysis were performed to determine the expression levels of the markers. Results: It was determined that RA (IC50 = 437.6 µM) and DOX (IC50 = 0.08 µM) have the ability to inhibit the proliferation of OVCAR3 cells and induce apoptosis in a 72-hour time and dose-dependent manner. Western blot showed that the expression level of Bcl-2 and EGFR in OVCAR3 cells was down-regulated by RA and DOX. Conclusions: Apoptosis in OVCAR3 cells can potentially be induced by RA via the EGFR pathway, and RA may be a potent agent for cancer therapy.