Abdominal Aorta (AA) is one of the largest artery supplying the abdominal viscera and surrounding structures. With the advent of interventional surgeries the morphometry of AA is to be estimated to avert any dif?culties during such procedures. Studies on morphometric dimensions of AA on the South Indian population are very few. Knowing these parameters is important for interventional radiologists and surgeons during diagnosis and surgery. Morphometry of AA was studied in 50 human cadavers by dissection method to estimate the quantitative morphology of AA in the South Indian population. Various parameters like length, diameter, and distance between the ventral branches of AA were measured and compared with available literature. The length of AA was 12.54�95 cm and the diameter was 11.73 �20 mm in our study. The distance between Coeliac Trunk and Superior Mesenteric Artery was found to be 1.23�35 cm and Superior Mesenteric Artery and Inferior Mesenteric Artery was 6.96�66 cm. Morphometric assessment of AA is essential for navigating through endovascular repairs of abdominal aortic aneurysms. This study was carried out to ?nd the quantitative morphology of AA in the South Indian population.
Arterial thrombosis occurs when a blood clot forms within an artery, frequently associated with ruptures of atherosclerotic plaques. This event is a major contributor to mortality and morbidity worldwide.1 In this text we will present the clinical case of a 57-year-old female patient treated at the Herminda Martin Clinical Hospital, who entered the facility in cardiorespiratory arrest triggered by extensive aortic arterial thrombosis along much of its course, associated with mesenteric ischemia with significant hemodynamic compromise, after the description of the corresponding emergency management, the radiological images that allowed guiding the diagnosis of the case are presented.
La trombosis arterial ocurre cuando se produce la formación de un coágulo de sangre dentro de una arteria, frecuentemente asociado a rupturas de placas ateroscleróticas. Este evento contribuye de manera importante a la mortalidad y la morbilidad en todo el mundo.1 En el presente texto presentaremos el caso clínico de una paciente femenina de 57 años atendida en el Hospital Clínico Herminda Martin, quien ingresa al establecimiento en paro cardiorrespiratorio desencadenado por una trombosis arterial aórtica extensa en gran parte de su trayecto, asociado a isquemia mesentérica con significativo compromiso hemodinámico, posterior a la descripción del manejo correspondiente de urgencias, se presentan las imágenes radiológicas que permitieron guiar el diagnóstico del caso.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Thrombosis/diagnosis , Thrombosis/etiology , Thrombosis/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Coronary Vessels , Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis , Heart ArrestABSTRACT
The abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), representing 70% to 90% of all aortic aneurysms, is characterized by a widening of the diameter due to an irreversible weakening of the vascular walls. Risk factors include advanced age, male sex, smoking, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and genetic predisposition. From a pathophysiological point of view, AAA involves alterations in connective tissue proteins, chronic inflammation with the release of cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases, as well as changes in the extracellular matrix. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as promising biomarkers and therapeutic targets in the regulation of gene expression and different specific signaling pathways in vascular pathologies. Among which some miRNAs have been highlighted such as: miR-29 and miR-27b-3p, involved in the degradation of the extracellular matrix and inflammatory processes during the progression of AAA. Some diagnostic methods such as computed tomography play a fundamental role, while some innovative therapeutic strategies, such as the inhibition of miRNAs, represent a leading role as possible diagnostic and therapeutic targets. A comprehensive approach includes surveillance and surgical treatment strategies to mitigate the progression and risk of AAA rupture, thus highlighting the relevance of miRNAs in the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology.
SUMMARY: Samples were collected from five goats (Capra hircus) from the ascending aorta, aortic arch, descending thoracic aorta, and descending abdominal aorta. These samples were histologically processed to reveal elastic structures in their media. The mean number of elastic lamellae discovered was 91.5 in the mean ascending aorta, 78.5 in the mean aortic arch, 66 in the mean descending thoracic aorta, and 31.7 in the mean descending abdominal aorta. Because they all have a large number of elastic laminae on average, they all fall into the elastic artery category, but not all are typical elastic arteries. Thus, the ascending aorta, the aortic arch, and the descending thoracic aorta contain, on average, in addition to elastic tissue, polymorphous muscle islands, which distinguishes them from typical elastic arteries, which is why we call them particular elastic arteries. The descending abdominal aorta contains no such islands so that it can be classified as a typical elastic artery. The goat aortic segment is the only one comparable in structure to the elastic arteries of humans, which is why we suggest that it is the only one suitable for studying aortic disease in humans.
Se recogieron muestras de cinco cabras (Capra hircus) de la aorta ascendente, el arco aórtico, la aorta torácica descendente y la aorta abdominal descendente. Estas muestras se procesaron histológicamente para revelar estructuras elásticas en sus capas. El número medio de laminillas elásticas descubiertas fue de 91,5 en la aorta ascendente, 78,5 en el arco aórtico, 66 en la aorta torácica descendente y 31,7 en la aorta abdominal descendente. Debido a que todas tienen en promedio una gran cantidad de láminas elásticas, caen en la categoría de arterias elásticas, pero no todas son arterias elásticas típicas. Así, la aorta ascendente, el arco aórtico y la aorta torácica descendente contienen, en promedio, además de tejido elástico, islas de músculos polimorfos, lo que las distingue de las arterias elásticas típicas, por lo que las llamamos arterias elásticas particulares. La aorta abdominal descendente no contiene tales islas, por lo que puede clasificarse como una arteria elástica típica. El segmento aórtico de cabra es el único comparable en estructura a las arterias elásticas de los humanos, por lo que sugerimos que es el único adecuado para estudiar la enfermedad aórtica en humanos.
Animals , Aorta/anatomy & histology , Goats/anatomy & histology , Elastic TissueABSTRACT
Introducción. Las complicaciones posteriores a la reparación endovascular de aneurisma (EVAR) pueden resolverse con técnicas endovasculares. Sin embargo, cuando está indicada, la explantación de una endoprótesis es un procedimiento complejo, que se asocia a lesiones vasculares o viscerales, con alta morbimortalidad, en pacientes con edad avanzada y múltiples comorbilidades, y por lo tanto, alto riesgo quirúrgico. No existen dispositivos producidos por la industria para explantar las endoprótesis aórticas, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un dispositivo para la explantación de endoprótesis aórticas. Métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio experimental, en fase preclínica, para desarrollar un dispositivo para la explantación de endoprótesis aórticas, con pruebas en modelos 3D y en un modelo animal porcino cadavérico. Resultados. Es factible desarrollar un modelo experimental de un nuevo dispositivo para explantar endoprótesis aórticas, denominado explantador de Cabrera, y comprobar su funcionamiento en un modelo animal cadavérico. El uso del explantador de Cabrera limitó el daño de la pared aórtica por parte de la endoprótesis en un 100 % al momento de su explantación en un modelo experimental ex vivo. Conclusión. Usando una jeringa septo, el explantador de Cabrera es superior a la técnica estándar de explantación de una endoprótesis al limitar la lesión de la pared aórtica, al colapsar y liberar los ganchos de fijación suprarrenal de forma controlada y segura al interior de la luz aórtica y, posteriormente, extraerla de forma rápida y efectiva, conservando la mayor cantidad de aorta sana para la posterior reconstrucción aorto-ilíaca.
Introduction. Complications after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) can be resolved with endovascular techniques; however, when indicated, stent explantation is a complex procedure, which is associated with vascular or visceral injuries, with high morbidity and mortality in patients, with advanced age and multiple comorbidities, and therefore high surgical risk. There are no devices produced by the industry to explant aortic endoprostheses, so the objective of this work was to develop a device for the explantation of aortic endoprostheses. Methods. An experimental study was carried out, in the preclinical phase, to develop a device for the explantation of aortic endoprostheses, with tests in 3D models and in a cadaveric porcine animal model. Results. It is feasible to develop an experimental model of a new device for explanting aortic endoprostheses, called Cabrera explanter, and verify its operation in a cadaveric animal model. The use of the Cabrera explanter limited damage to the aortic wall by the endoprosthesis by 100% at the time of explantation in an ex vivo experimental model. Conclusions. Using a septum syringe, the Cabrera explanter is superior to the standard stent explantation technique by limiting injury to the aortic wall, collapsing and releasing the adrenal fixation hooks in a controlled and safe manner into the aortic lumen, and subsequently, extract it quickly and effectively, preserving the greatest amount of healthy aorta for the subsequent aorto-iliac reconstruction.
Humans , Device Removal , Endovascular Procedures , Endovascular Aneurysm Repair , Aorta, Abdominal , Prostheses and Implants , Aortic Aneurysm, AbdominalABSTRACT
Introducción. La isquemia mesentérica crónica es una entidad infrecuente, con una prevalencia de 0,03 %, donde más del 90 % son debidas a enfermedad arterioesclerótica que compromete principalmente la arteria mesentérica superior. Sus síntomas son dolor abdominal crónico y pérdida de peso, asociado a alteraciones imagenológicas que hacen el diagnóstico. El tratamiento depende de las condiciones clínicas del paciente y el número de vasos comprometidos. Es claro que la enfermedad multivaso sintomática requiere revascularización. Caso clínico. Mujer de 67 años, fumadora activa con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial y dislipidemia, con cuadro de crisis hipertensiva tipo urgencia que requirió manejo en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Se hizo diagnóstico de aneurisma toracoabdominal Crawford IV, oclusión aorto-ilíaca (TASC D) y oclusión crónica del tronco celíaco y la arteria mesentérica superior. Por los síntomas de isquemia mesentérica crónica fue llevada a tratamiento quirúrgico con baipás aorto-bifemoral más baipás retrógrado a la arteria mesentérica superior por vía abierta. Resultado. La paciente tuvo mejoría de la sintomatología y aumentó 13 % del peso al seguimiento a los 3 meses. Conclusión. La isquemia mesentérica crónica es una condición subdiagnosticada, marcador de riesgo cardiovascular, con alta carga de morbilidad y mortalidad, en la cual, con una identificación temprana se puede ofrecer una terapia de revascularización, sea por vía endovascular o abierta, con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida y la ganancia de peso, y evitar la necrosis intestinal.
Introduction. Chronic mesenteric ischemia is a rare entity, with a prevalence of 0.03%, where more than 90% are due to arteriosclerotic disease that mainly affects the superior mesenteric artery. Its symptoms are chronic abdominal pain and weight loss, associated with imaging alterations that make the diagnosis. Treatment depends on the patient's clinical conditions and the number of vessels involved. It is clear that symptomatic multivessel disease requires revascularization. Clinical case. A 67-year-old woman, an active smoker with a history of high blood pressure and dyslipidemia, presented with an emergency-type hypertensive crisis that required management in the Intensive Care Unit. A diagnosis of Crawford IV thoracoabdominal aneurysm, aorto-iliac occlusion (TASC D), and chronic occlusion of the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery was made. Due to the symptoms of chronic mesenteric ischemia, she underwent surgical treatment with aorto-bifemoral bypass plus retrograde bypass to the superior mesenteric artery via an open approach. Result. The patient had improvement in symptoms and gained 13% weight at 3-month follow-up. Conclusion. Chronic mesenteric ischemia is an underdiagnosed condition, a marker of cardiovascular risk, with a high burden of morbidity and mortality, in which, with early identification, revascularization therapy can be offered, either endovascularly or open, in order to improve quality of life and weight gain, and avoiding intestinal necrosis.
Humans , Mesenteric Artery, Superior , Mesenteric Ischemia , Aortic Aneurysm , Malnutrition , Peripheral Arterial Disease , LaparotomyABSTRACT
Resumo Fundamento Apesar dos avanços nas modalidades de diagnóstico e tratamento, há necessidade de marcadores preditivos para acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) recorrentes. Objetivos Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a relação entre calcificação do arco aórtico (CAA) e recorrência de AVC em pacientes com AVC durante o acompanhamento de um ano. Métodos Todos os pacientes com AVC que sofreram seu primeiro evento foram avaliados para participação no estudo. Foram registrados pacientes que sofreram AVC recorrentes durante o acompanhamento de um ano. A CAA foi avaliada por radiografia de tórax. Com base na ocorrência de AVC recorrente, os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos. A CAA foi classificada em quatro categorias de acordo com o seu grau, e a presença de CAA foi incluída na análise estatística. A relação entre CAA e AVC recorrente foi avaliada por meio de uma curva característica de operação do receptor. Um nível de significância <0,05 foi considerado aceitável para todas as análises estatísticas. Resultados Um total de 203 pacientes foram incluídos no estudo (46,8% mulheres, média de idade 69±12,3). AVC recorrente foi detectado em 49 pacientes. CAA, hipertensão e fibrilação atrial foram mais frequentes em pacientes com AVC recorrente. Pacientes com AVC recorrente apresentaram menor taxa de filtração glomerular e maior largura de distribuição de glóbulos vermelhos (RDW). Na análise de regressão multivariada, CAA (hazard ratio [HR], 3,544; IC 95%:1,653-7,598, p=0,001) e RDW (HR,1,214; IC 95%:1,053-1,400, p=0,008) foram identificados como preditores independentes de AVC recorrente. Conclusão A presença de CAA (≥ grau 1) e RDW foram significativamente associadas ao desenvolvimento de AVC recorrente dentro de um ano. Esses achados podem ter significado prognóstico no acompanhamento de pacientes com AVC.
Abstract Background Despite advances in diagnostic and treatment modalities, there is a need for predictive markers for recurrent strokes. Objectives This study aimed to investigate the relationship between aortic arch calcification (AAC) and stroke recurrence in stroke patients during a one-year follow-up. Methods All stroke patients who experienced their first event were evaluated for participation in the study. Patients who experienced recurrent strokes during the one-year follow-up were recorded. AAC was assessed by chest radiography. Based on the occurrence of recurrent strokes the patients were divided into two groups. AAC was classified into four categories according to its degree, and the presence of AAC was included in the statistical analysis. The relationship between AAC and recurrent stroke was assessed using a receiver operating characteristic curve. A significance level of <0.05 was deemed acceptable for all statistical analyses. Results A total of 203 patients were included in the study (46.8% female, mean age 69±12.3). Recurrent stroke was detected in 49 patients. AAC, hypertension, and atrial fibrillation were more frequent in patients with recurrent stroke. Patients with recurrent stroke had a lower glomerular filtration rate and a higher red cell distribution width (RDW). In multivariate regression analysis, AAC (hazard ratio [HR], 3.544; 95% CI:1.653-7.598, p=0.001) and RDW (HR,1.214; 95% CI:1.053-1.400, p=0.008) were identified as independent predictors of recurrent stroke. Conclusion The presence of AAC (≥ grade 1) and RDW were found to be significantly associated with the development of recurrent stroke within one year. These findings may have prognostic significance in the follow-up of stroke patients.
Background: Patient?centered outcome measures should be evaluated postoperatively as the recovery after surgery varies between patients. We aimed to evaluate the feasibility, reliability, and trajectory of the quality of recovery?15 (QoR?15) in patients undergoing cardiothoracic and aortic surgeries. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study included adult patients who underwent elective cardiothoracic and aortic surgeries. The primary outcome was the QoR?15, with a minimal clinically important difference of 6.8, assessed on postoperative days (POD) 2, 4, and 7. The final analysis included patients with at least one valid outcome. Feasibility and reliability were assessed by the successful completion rate on each POD and using Cronbach’s alpha of the QoR-15 on POD 4. A linear mixed model was used to evaluate the trajectory of the postoperative QoR?15 scores. Results: Of the 36 eligible patients, 30 with a mean age of 70 years were included in the final analysis. The successful completion rates on POD 2, 4, and 7 were 72.7%, 87.8%, and 87.8%, respectively. The mean QoR?15 scores on POD 2, 4, and 7 were 89.9, 98.0, and 108.3, respectively. The QoR?15 scores on POD 2 and 4 were not statistically different ( P = 0.06) but were clinically significant. The QoR?15 score on POD 7 was statically ( P < 0.001) and clinically higher than the QoR-15 score on POD 2. Cronbach’s alpha for the QoR-15 score measured on POD 4 was 0.85. Conclusion: The QoR?15 is a feasible and valid measurement after elective cardiothoracic surgery, which increases significantly over time after surgery.
Background: Kidneys, crucial excretory organs, receive substantial blood supply through renal arteries. Variations in their anatomy are common, warranting detailed investigation. This study aims to comprehensively examine renal artery patterns using both gross dissection and the corrosion cast method. Methods: Thirty kidney pairs from cadavers were meticulously dissected at Subharti Medical College, Meerut, U.P. India. Gross features were carefully noted, and corrosion casts were meticulously prepared. Prevalence, origin, level, division, course, and variations were exhaustively recorded to provide a thorough understanding of renal vascular anatomy. Results: Main renal arteries were found to predominantly originate from the abdominal aorta in all specimens. Interestingly, a higher prevalence of origin of right renal arteries was observed, with 47% exhibiting a higher origin than their left counterparts. Further analysis revealed prehilar division in 38.3% and hilar division in 61.6% of specimens. Notably, a segmental pattern of renal arteries was observed. Accessory renal arteries (8%) were identified, including rare occurrences of bilateral and double accessory renal arteries. Of particular significance was the observation of an accessory renal artery passing anterior to the inferior vena cava, highlighting the intricacies of renal vascular variations. Conclusions: While reaffirming the conventional understanding of renal arterial anatomy, this study emphasizes the complexity and clinical relevance of variations in renal artery morphology. Such detailed insights are invaluable for surgical and radiological practice, underlining the importance of meticulous preoperative assessment to optimize patient outcomes.
Resumo Fundamento A disfunção vascular constitui a etiologia de diversas doenças, incluindo infarto do miocárdio e hipertensão, diante da ruptura da homeostase oxi-redutiva ("redox"), desempenhando um papel no desequilíbrio do mecanismo de controle vasomotor. Nosso grupo demonstrou anteriormente que os hormônios tireoidianos melhoram a sinalização da angiogênese, exercendo efeitos protetores sobre o tecido aórtico de ratos infartados. Objetivos Investigar o papel da triiodotironina (T3) na resposta vascular, explorando seus efeitos em aortas isoladas e a presença de mecanismos redox vasculares. Métodos Anéis aórticos isolados (endotélio intacto e desnudado) pré-contraídos com fenilefrina foram incubados com T3 (10-8, 10-7, 10-6, 10-5 e 10-4 M) e a tensão foi registrada usando um transdutor de deslocamento de força acoplado a um sistema de coleta. Para avaliar o envolvimento do estresse oxidativo, os anéis aórticos foram pré-incubados com T3 e posteriormente submetidos a um sistema de geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) in vitro. O nível de significância adotado na análise estatística foi de 5%. Resultados A T3 (10-4 M) promoveu o vasorrelaxamento dos anéis aórticos pré-contraídos com fenilefrina em endotélio intacto e desnudado. Os anéis aórticos pré-incubados na presença de T3 (10-4 M) também mostraram diminuição da vasoconstrição provocada pela fenilefrina (1 µM) em preparações de endotélio intacto. Além disso, o efeito vasorrelaxante da T3 (10-4 M) persistiu em anéis aórticos pré-incubados com éster metílico de NG-nitro-L-arginina (L-NAME, 10 µM), um inibidor inespecífico da NO sintase (NOS). Por fim, a T3 (10-4 M) exibiu, in vitro, um papel antioxidante ao reduzir a atividade da NADPH oxidase e aumentar a atividade da SOD nos homogenatos aórticos. Conclusão A T3 exerce efeitos dependentes e independentes de endotélio, o que pode estar relacionado ao seu papel na manutenção da homeostase redox.
Abstract Background Vascular dysfunction constitutes the etiology of many diseases, such as myocardial infarction and hypertension, with the disruption of redox homeostasis playing a role in the imbalance of the vasomotor control mechanism. Our group previously has shown that thyroid hormones exert protective effects on the aortic tissue of infarcted rats by improving angiogenesis signaling. Objective Investigate the role of triiodothyronine (T3) on vascular response, exploring its effects on isolated aortas and whether there is an involvement of vascular redox mechanisms. Methods Isolated aortic rings (intact- and denuded-endothelium) precontracted with phenylephrine were incubated with T3 (10-8, 10-7, 10-6, 10-5, and 10-4 M), and tension was recorded using a force-displacement transducer coupled with an acquisition system. To assess the involvement of oxidative stress, aortic rings were preincubated with T3 and subsequently submitted to an in vitro reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation system. The level of significance adopted in the statistical analysis was 5%. Results T3 (10-4 M) promoted vasorelaxation of phenylephrine precontracted aortic rings in both intact- and denuded-endothelium conditions. Aortic rings preincubated in the presence of T3 (10-4 M) also showed decreased vasoconstriction elicited by phenylephrine (1 µM) in intact-endothelium preparations. Moreover, T3 (10-4 M) vasorelaxation effect persisted in aortic rings preincubated with NG-nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NAME, 10 µM), a nonspecific NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor. Finally, T3 (10-4 M) exhibited, in vitro, an antioxidant role by reducing NADPH oxidase activity and increasing SOD activity in the aorta's homogenates. Conclusion T3 exerts dependent- and independent-endothelium vasodilation effects, which may be related to its role in maintaining redox homeostasis.
Resumen Antecedentes: Existe evidencia escasa en México respecto a la mortalidad y patrones del ingreso hospitalario asociados a aneurismas y disecciones aórticos. Objetivo: Analizar las bases de datos nacionales y describir las características epidemiológicas de diferentes patologías aórticas agudas. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal y observacional de una base de datos retrospectiva, en el que se analizó la mortalidad y hospitalización atribuidas a aneurismas y disecciones aórticos. El análisis estadístico se realizó en Stata 16. Resultados: Se documentaron 6049 muertes en la población general, 2367 hospitalizaciones y 476 muertes intrahospitalarias. Adicionalmente, se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las medias de edad de fallecimiento de la población general (65.5 años) y de los pacientes que murieron en el hospital (64.1 años), p < 0.001. En cuanto a las hospitalizaciones secundarias a aneurisma de aorta abdominal roto, 149 casos fueron evidenciados con una media de edad de 65.6 años; 53 (35.5 %) de estos tenía menos de 65 años, con una media de edad de 47.8 años. Conclusiones: Los reportes epidemiológicos de patología aórtica en México son escasos, por ello la implementación de programas de tamizaje y la detección de patologías aórticas son necesarias para mejorar las disparidades encontradas en este análisis.
Abstract Background: In Mexico, there is a paucity of evidence on mortality and hospitalization patterns associated with aortic aneurysms and dissections. Objective: To analyze national databases and describe the epidemiological characteristics of different acute aortic pathologies. Material and methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional, observational study, in which mortality and hospitalization attributed to aortic aneurysms and dissections were analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed on Stata 16. Results: A total of 6,049 deaths were documented in the general population, which included 2,367 hospitalizations and 476 in-hospital deaths. In addition, a statistically significant difference was found between mean age at death in the general population (69.5 years) and the in-hospital death group (64.1 years), p < 0.001. As for hospitalizations secondary to ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, 149 cases were identified, with a mean age of 65.6 years, out of whom 53 (35.5 %) were under 65 years of age, with a mean age of 47.8 years. Conclusions: Epidemiological reports of aortic pathology in Mexico are scarce; therefore, implementation of screening and detection programs for aortic pathologies is necessary in order to address the disparities identified in this analysis.
Introducción. El aneurisma de la aorta abdominal (AAA) es la dilatación de la aorta abdominal mayor de 1,5 veces el diámetro esperado. Su prevalencia es variable, con tasas reportadas de hasta el 12,5 %. Se considera como causa de muerte de más de 10.000 personas al año en los Estados Unidos. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura fue describir los factores de riesgo y las herramientas de tamizaje de AAA. Métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura utilizando dos ecuaciones en bases de datos electrónicas, empleando términos seleccionados de "Medical Subject Heading" (MeSH) y "Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud" (DeCS). Se evaluó la calidad de los estudios con la herramienta STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology). Resultados. Se recolectaron 40 artículos y a partir de ellos se construyó el texto de revisión, identificando en estos, los factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo de AAA, tales como sexo masculino, tabaquismo, hipertensión arterial, antecedente familiar y obesidad, entre otros. La diabetes mellitus parece actuar como factor protector. Dentro de los instrumentos de tamizaje, el ultrasonido abdominal es uno de los más usados. Conclusión. El AAA es una patología multifactorial. En la actualidad la ultrasonografía de aorta es el método de elección para el tamizaje, permitiendo la detección precoz. El tamizaje de AAA con métodos no invasivos, como el ultrasonido, es útil sobre todo en zonas con prevalencia alta de la patología y en pacientes con determinados factores de riesgo.
Introduction. Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a dilation of the abdominal aorta greater than 1.5 times the expected diameter. Its prevalence is variable, with reported rates of up to 12.5%. It is considered the cause of death of more than 10,000 people a year in the United States. The objective of this literature review was to describe risk factors and screening tools for AAA. Methods. A literature search was conducted using two equations in electronic databases, using terms selected from "Medical Subject Heading" (MeSH) and "Descriptors in Health Sciences" (DeCS). The quality of the studies was evaluated with the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) tool. Results. Forty articles were collected and from them the review text was constructed, identifying the risk factors associated with the development of AAA, such as male sex, smoking, high blood pressure, family history and obesity, among others. Diabetes mellitus seems to act as a protective factor. Among the screening instruments, abdominal ultrasound is one of the most used. Conclusion. AAA is a multifactorial pathology. Currently, aortic ultrasonography is the method of choice for screening, allowing early detection. Screening for AAA with non-invasive methods, such as ultrasound, is useful especially in areas with a high prevalence of this pathology and in patients with certain risk factors.
Humans , Mass Screening , Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal , Computed Tomography Angiography , Aortic Diseases , Tobacco Use Disorder , UltrasonographyABSTRACT
Introducción. Se describe la utilidad del umbral crítico de administración (CAT por su denominación en inglés) como herramienta para la reanimación hemostática en pacientes con trauma severo y oclusión endovascular aórtica. Métodos. Revisión retrospectiva de pacientes adultos con hemorragia por trauma, con o sin oclusión endovascular aórtica (REBOA), atendidos entre enero de 2015 y junio de 2020, en un centro de trauma nivel I en Cali, Colombia. Se registraron variables demográficas, severidad del trauma, estado clínico, requerimiento transfusional, tiempo hasta CAT+ y CAT alcanzado (1, 2 ó 3). Resultados. Se incluyeron 93 pacientes, se utilizó REBOA en 36 y manejo tradicional en 57. El grupo REBOA presentó mayor volumen de sangrado (mediana de 3000 ml, RIC: 1950-3625 ml) frente al grupo control (mediana de1500 ml, RIC: 700-2975ml) (p<0,001) y mayor cantidad de glóbulos rojos transfundidos en las primeras 6 horas (mediana de 5, RIC:4-9); p=0,015 y en las primeras 24 horas (mediana de 6, RIC: 4-11); p=0,005. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en número de pacientes CAT+ entre grupos o tiempo hasta alcanzarlo. Sin embargo, el estado CAT+ durante los primeros 30 minutos de la cirugía fue mayor en grupo REBOA (24/36, 66,7 %) frente al grupo control (17/57, 29,8 %; p=0,001), teniendo este mayor tasa de mortalidad intrahospitalaria frente a los pacientes CAT-. Conclusión. El umbral crítico de administración es una herramienta útil en la reanimación hemostática de pacientes con trauma y REBOA, que podría predecir mortalidad precoz.
Introduction. The objective is to describe the utility of the Critical Administration Threshold (CAT) as a tool in hemostatic resuscitation in patients with severe trauma and REBOA. Methods. Retrospective review between January 2015 and June 2020 of adult patients with hemorrhage secondary to trauma with or without REBOA in a level I trauma center in Cali, Colombia. Demographic variables, trauma severity, clinical status, transfusion needs, time to CAT+ and number of CAT achieved (1, 2 or 3) were recorded. Results. Ninety-three patients were included, in which REBOA was used in 36 and traditional management in 57. The REBOA group had a higher bleeding volume (3000 ml), IQR: 1950-3625 ml vs the control group (1500 ml, IQR: 700-2975 ml) (p<0.001) and a higher rate of PRBC units transfused in the first 6 hours (median 5, IQR: 4-9); p=0.015 and in the first 24 hours (median 6, IQR: 4-11); p=0.005. There were no statistically significant differences in the number of CAT+ patients between groups or time to CAT+. However, CAT+ status during the first 30 minutes of surgery was higher in the REBOA Group (24/36, 66.7%) vs. the control group (17/57, 29.8%; p=0.001), having this group a higher in-hospital mortality rate vs. CAT- patients. Conclusion. CAT is a useful tool in the hemostatic resuscitation of patients with trauma and REBOA that could predict early mortality.
Humans , Wounds and Injuries , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation , Endovascular Procedures , Aorta , Blood Transfusion , Balloon Occlusion , HemorrhageABSTRACT
El trauma es la principal causa de muerte de la población en edad productiva. El abordaje del trauma torácico cerrado todavía es un desafío para el médico de urgencias. Aunque no es una entidad frecuente, se asocia con una alta mortalidad y resultados adversos. El diagnóstico del trauma cerrado de aorta torácica (LCAT) requiere un alto índice de sospecha, dado que los signos y síntomas no son específicos de esta enfermedad (dolor torácico, dolor interescapular, disnea, disfagia, estridor, disfonía). Es importante resaltar que la ausencia de inestabilidad hemodinámica no debe descartar una lesión aórtica. Para su diagnóstico imagenológico se debe tener en cuenta que los rayos X de tórax no tienen el rendimiento adecuado, el patrón de referencia es la angiotomografía y el ecocardiograma transesofágico (ETE) constituye una opción diagnóstica. El manejo incluye líquidos endovenosos y antihipertensivos como medida transitoria, manejo quirúrgico definitivo y, en algunos casos, manejo expectante o diferido. Los pacientes inestables o con signos de ruptura inminente deben ser llevados de manera inmediata a cirugía. El manejo quirúrgico temprano ha impactado en la mortalidad. A pesar de los avances en las técnicas quirúrgicas, la técnica quirúrgica abierta documenta mayor tasa de mortalidad que el manejo endovascular, el cual tiene numerosas ventajas al ser poco invasivo. Esta es una revisión narrativa que destaca algunos aspectos clave sobre los mecanismos de lesión, diagnóstico y manejo inicial del trauma cerrado aorta torácica. Por último, se propone un algoritmo de abordaje de trauma de aorta.
Trauma is the leading cause of death in the productive-age population. Addressing blunt chest trauma is still a challenge for the emergency physician. Although it is not a common entity, it is associated with high mortality and adverse outcomes. The diagnosis of blunt thoracic aortic trauma (LCAT) requires a high index of suspicion, given that the signs and symptoms are not specific to this disease (chest pain, interscapular pain, dyspnea, dysphagia, stridor, dysphonia). It is important to highlight that the absence of hemodynamic instability should not rule out aortic injury. For its imaging diagnosis, it must be taken into account that chest X-rays do not have adequate performance; the reference standard is angiotomography and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a diagnostic option. Management includes intravenous fluids and antihypertensives as a temporary measure, definitive surgical management and, in some cases, expectant or deferred management. Unstable patients or patients with signs of imminent ruptura should be taken immediately to surgery. Early surgical management has impacted mortality. Despite advances in surgical techniques, the open surgical technique documents a higher mortality rate than endovascular management, which has numerous advantages as it is minimally invasive. This is a narrative review that highlights some key aspects about the mechanisms of injury, diagnosis and initial management of blunt thoracic aortic trauma. Finally, an algorithm for addressing aortic trauma is proposed.
O trauma é a principal causa de morte na população em idade produtiva. Abordar o trauma torácico contuso ainda é um desafio para o médico emergencista. Embora não seja uma entidade comum, está associada a alta mortalidade e resultados adversos. O diagnóstico de trauma fechado de aorta torácica (TACE) requer alto índice de suspeição, visto que os sinais e sintomas não são específicos desta doença (dor torácica, dor interescapular, dispneia, disfagia, estridor, disfonia). É importante ressaltar que a ausência de instabilidade hemodinâmica não deve descartar lesão aórtica. Para seu diagnóstico por imagem deve-se levar em consideração que a radiografia de tórax não apresenta desempenho adequado; o padrão de referência é a angiotomografia e a ecocardiografia transesofágica (ETE) é uma opção diagnóstica. O manejo inclui fluidos intravenosos e anti-hipertensivos como medida temporária, manejo cirúrgico definitivo e, em alguns casos, manejo expectante ou diferido. Pacientes instáveis ou com sinais de ruptura iminente devem ser encaminhados imediatamente para cirurgia. O manejo cirúrgico precoce impactou a mortalidade. Apesar dos avanços nas técnicas cirúrgicas, a técnica cirúrgica aberta documenta maior taxa de mortalidade do que o manejo endovascular, que apresenta inúmeras vantagens por ser minimamente invasivo. Esta é uma revisão narrativa que destaca alguns aspectos-chave sobre os mecanismos de lesão, diagnóstico e manejo inicial do trauma contuso da aorta torácica. Finalmente, é proposto um algoritmo para tratar o trauma aórtico.
@#BACKGROUND: Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) can temporarily control traumatic bleeding. However, its prolonged use potentially leads to ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Partial REBOA (pREBOA) can alleviate ischemic burden; however, its security and effectiveness prior to operative hemorrhage control remains unknown. Hence, we aimed to estimate the efficacy of pREBOA in a swine model of liver injury using an experimental sliding-chamber ballistic gun. METHODS: Twenty Landrace pigs were randomized into control (no aortic occlusion) (n=5), intervention with complete REBOA (cREBOA) (n=5), continuous pREBOA (C-pREBOA) (n=5), and sequential pREBOA (S-pREBOA) (n=5) groups. In the cREBOA and C-pREBOA groups, the balloon was inflated for 60 min. The hemodynamic and laboratory values were compared at various observation time points. Tissue samples immediately after animal euthanasia from the myocardium, liver, kidneys, and duodenum were collected for histological assessment using hematoxylin and eosin staining. RESULTS: Compared with the control group, the survival rate of the REBOA groups was prominently improved (all P<0.05). The total volume of blood loss was markedly lower in the cREBOA group (493.14±127.31 mL) compared with other groups (P<0.01). The pH was significantly lower at 180 min in the cREBOA and S-pREBOA groups (P<0.05). At 120 min, the S-pREBOA group showed higher alanine aminotransferase (P<0.05) but lower blood urea nitrogen compared with the cREBOA group (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: In this trauma model with liver injury, a 60-minute pREBOA resulted in improved survival rate and was effective in maintaining reliable aortic pressure, despite persistent hemorrhage. Extended tolerance time for aortic occlusion in Zone I for non-compressible torso hemorrhage was feasible with both continuous partial and sequential partial measures, and the significant improvement in the severity of acidosis and distal organ injury was observed in the sequential pREBOA.
Objective:To investigate the hemodynamic changes in the ascending aorta (AAo) before and after interventricular septal myocardial resection in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HOCM) using cardiac magnetic resonance four-dimensional blood flow (CMR 4D Flow) technology.Methods:HOCM patients who underwent interventricular septal myocardial resection at Guangdong Provincial People′s Hospital from May 2021 to September 2022 were prospectively included. Age and gender matched healthy volunteers (control group) were included during the same period. Both the control group and HOCM patients underwent CMR examination (including cine sequence and 4D Flow sequence) before and 6 months after surgery. CMR 4D flow technology was used to evaluate changes in AAo preoperative and postoperative blood flow patterns (eddy currents, spiral flow), maximum energy loss (EL max), and average energy loss (EL avg). HOCM patients underwent laboratory tests, including N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (N-pro BNP) and high-sensitivity troponin T (hsTnT). At the same time, the correlation between postoperative energy loss in HOCM patients and the degree of improvement in laboratory biomarkers was explored. Results:A total of 15 HOCM patients and 15 healthy volunteers were included. (1) In terms of blood flow patterns, the preoperative spiral flow degree of HOCM patients was significantly higher than that of the control group ( P=0.001), but the postoperative difference was not statistically significant ( P=0.059). The degree of eddy currents in HOCM patients before and after surgery was higher than that in the control group (all P<0.05). (2) In terms of energy loss, the preoperative EL max [21.17(14.30-28.10)mW vs 10.17(7.66-13.07)mW, P<0.001] and EL avg [4.87(3.46-5.77)mW vs 2.27(2.19-2.27)mW, P=0.023] of HOCM patients were higher than those of the control group, but there was no statistically significant difference between the postoperative and control groups (all P>0.05). Compared with preoperative, the postoperative EL max [12.33(8.70-17.41)mW] and EL avg [3.10(2.25-4.40)mW] of AAo in HOCM patients were significantly reduced (mean P=0.001). (3) Correlation analysis showed that there was a positive correlation ( r=0.587, P=0.021) between the EL max of AAo and the degree of improvement in hsTNT after interventricular septum myocardial resection, but no significant correlation ( r=0.229, P=0.413) with the degree of improvement in NT-pro BNP. Conclusions:The degree of postoperative AAo blood flow disorder in HOCM patients is reduced, and EL max and EL avg are significantly reduced. The EL max of postoperative AAo is positively correlated with the degree of improvement in hsTNT, suggesting that EL max may be applicable for prognostic evaluation of patients.
Objective:To explore the relationship between changes in levels of thrombomodulin (TM) and non high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) with ascending aortic elastic function and degree of coronary artery disease (CHD) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD).Methods:A total of 147 patients with coronary heart disease diagnosed through coronary angiography at Yulin First Hospital from January 2018 to December 2022 were selected as the CHD group. In addition, 90 volunteers who underwent health examinations at our hospital and did not experience coronary artery disease were selected as the control group. Two groups were compared in terms of blood lipids [triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C)], ascending aortic elastic function parameters [arterial dilation (AD), arterial stiffness index (ASI)], TM, non HDL-C levels, and other indicators, and stratified analysis was conducted according to the number of coronary lesions. The linear correlation analysis method was used to analyze the relationship between TM, non-HDL-C, Gensini score, and ascending aortic elastic function parameters.Results:The serum levels of TG, TC, LDL-C, TM, and non HDL-C in the CHD group were significantly higher than those in the control group, while the HDL-C levels were lower than those in the control group, with statistical significance (all P<0.05). The ASI of the ascending aorta in the CHD group was significantly higher than that in the control group, while the AD was lower than that in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). The serum levels of TG, TC, LDL-C, TM, and non HDL-C in CHD patients with multiple coronary artery lesions were significantly higher than those in patients with dual or single coronary artery lesions, and the HDL-C levels were lower than those in patients with dual or single coronary artery lesions, with statistical significance (all P<0.05); The serum levels of TM and non HDL-C in CHD patients with dual coronary artery disease were significantly higher than those in single coronary artery disease patients, and the HDL-C levels were lower than those in single coronary artery disease patients, with statistical significance (all P<0.05). The ASI of CHD patients with multiple coronary artery lesions was significantly higher than that of patients with dual or single coronary artery lesions, and the AD was lower than that of patients with dual or single coronary artery lesions, with statistical significance (all P<0.05); The ASI of CHD patients with dual coronary artery disease was significantly higher than that of patients with single coronary artery disease, and the AD was lower than that of patients with single coronary artery disease, with statistical significance (all P<0.05). The TM, non HDL-C levels in CHD patients were significantly negatively correlated with AD (all P<0.05), and positively correlated with ASI and Gensini scores (all P<0.05). Conclusions:The levels of TM and non HDL-C in CHD patients significantly increase, and the ascending aortic elasticity function was decreased. TM and non HDL-C are related to coronary elasticity function and the severity of coronary artery disease.
A 73-year-old woman presented at our hospital with dyspnea. Echocardiography showed severe aortic stenosis and a coronary angiography revealed right coronary artery disease. Therefore, we performed aortic valve replacement (AVR) and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. Proximal anastomosis was initially attempted to the ascending aorta. However, the ascending aorta was thin and weak, we decided to anastomose to the side of the aortic arch. Proximal anastomosis was performed with an anastomotic device. Postoperative coronary computed tomography (CT) showed that the graft was patent.
BACKGROUND:The expression efficiency of recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 9(rAAV9)carrying the macrophage-specific promoter synthetic promoter 146-C1(SP146-C1)and the exogenous gene vascular endothelial growth factor C(VEGFC)in atherosclerosis is uncertain. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the expression efficiency of rAAV9-SP146-C1-VEGFC in atherosclerotic mice and its effect on lymphangiogenesis. METHODS:Thirty ApoE-/-mice were fed high-fat diet for 12 weeks to establish atherosclerosis models and were randomly divided into six groups,five in each group:7-,14-,21-,28-,and 35-day transfection groups and control group.The mice in the transfection groups were transfected with 5.0×1011 vg rAAV9-SP146-C1-VEGFC by caudal vein injection.In the control group,the mice were injected with the same amount of control virus rAAV9-SP146-C1-Scramble.Animals in the first five groups were killed under anesthesia at 7,14,21,28 and 35 days after transfection,respectively,and those in the control group were killed under anesthesia at 7 days.Serum,femur,tibia,heart and aorta tissue samples were collected and retained in each group.The femur and tibia of mice in each group were used to extract bone marrow-derived macrophages.The gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factor C(VEGFC),vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3(VEGFR3),Podoplanin and lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor-1(LYVE-1)in bone marrow-derived macrophages and the aorta were detected by RT-qPCR.VEGFC protein expression levels in bone marrow-derived macrophages and the aorta were detected by western blot,serum level of VEGFC was detected by ELISA,and VEGFC expression in the aortic sinus and LYVE-1 expression around the aorta and in the myocardium was detected by immunofluorescence. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The serum level of VEGFC,the mRNA expression of VEGFC,VEGFR3,Podoplanin,and LYVE-1 in bone marrow-derived macrophages and the aorta,the protein expression of VEGFC in bone marrow-derived macrophages,and the fluorescence intensity of VEGFC in aortic sinus plaques were significantly increased in the 7-day transfection group compared with the control group(P<0.05,P<0.01).Serum VEGFC level of mice transfected with rAAV9-SP146-C1-VEGFC gradually increased with time and began to decrease at 28 days.mRNA levels of VEGFC,VEGFR3,Podoplanin and LYVE-1 in mouse aorta and bone marrow-derived macrophages,VEGFC protein level in bone marrow-derived macrophages,VEGFC fluorescence intensity in aortic sinus plaques,LYVE-1 fluorescence intensity around the aortic sinus and in the myocardium gradually increased with time(P<0.05).In addition,the mRNA level of LYVE-1 in the aorta and the fluorescence intensity of LYVE-1 around the aortic sinus and in the myocardium were the highest at 28 days(P<0.05),and gradually decreased(P<0.05).The expression of the other indicators reached the peak at 21 days.To conclude,rAAV9-SP146-C1-VEGFC could effectively transfect bone marrow-derived macrophages and promote lymphatic hyperplasia in atherosclerotic mice.