RESUMEN Introducción: El infarto de miocardio sin obstrucciones coronarias significativas (MINOCA) es una conocida entidad que se ha redefinido recientemente al excluir la injuria miocárdica no isquémica. ReSCAR fue un registro prospectivo, multicéntrico de pacientes hospitalizados por síndrome coronario agudo (SCA) desde enero hasta agosto de 2022. Objetivo: Un objetivo principal del registro fue definir la prevalencia de pacientes con MINOCA, sus características basales clínicas y paraclínicas y evolución intrahospitalaria. Los resultados del análisis respectivo son la base de esta publicación. Material y métodos: Registro nacional prospectivo y multicéntrico de SCA. Diagnóstico de MINOCA de acuerdo con la Cuarta Definición Universal de Infarto de Miocardio. Análisis de las características basales, evolución y diferencias significativas respecto de los pacientes con coronariopatía obstructiva. Los centros participantes debían contar con determinación de troponina de alta sensibilidad y la posibilidad de realizar cinecoronariografía. Resultados: Se incluyeron 984 pacientes de 15 centros. Ochenta y cinco pacientes (8,6 %) tuvieron diagnóstico final de MINOCA al alta. Cuarenta y cuatro pacientes (51,8 %) eran mujeres, la mediana de edad fue de 65 años (53-63), 55 (64,7 %) pacientes eran hipertensos, 44 (51,8 %) dislipidémicos, 9 (10,6 %) diabéticos y 23 (27,1 %) fumadores. La mediana de troponina al ingreso (expresada como múltiplo del percentilo 99) fue de 2,42 (0,85-10,21) y el 71,8 % se presentó con un ECG sin cambios isquémicos. La angiografía coronaria fue normal en el 72,9 % de los pacientes y con lesiones menores de 50 % en el resto. Se realizó resonancia cardíaca a 16 pacientes. La mediana del score GRACE fue de 115 puntos (98-139), lo cual perfila un riesgo intermedio; con una tasa de eventos combinados de accidente cerebrovascular/infarto o muerte de 1,2 %, sin haberse registrado sangrados BARC 2 o más. La prescripción al alta de aspirina fue del 72,9 %, clopidogrel 27,1 %, estatinas 88,2 %, beta bloqueantes 67,1 % y antagonistas cálcicos 22,4 %. Conclusión: En este registro, los pacientes con MINOCA representan una proporción significativa de aquellos con SCA. La tasa de complicaciones intrahospitalarias, incluida la mortalidad, fue baja. Impresiona existir una fuerte oportunidad para profundizar los estudios para confirmar este diagnóstico, sus mecanismos fisiopatológicos y su tratamiento.
ABSTRACT Background: Myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA) is a well-known condition that has been recently redefined after excluding non-ischemic myocardial injury. ReSCAR was a prospective, multicenter registry of patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) from January to August 2022. Objective: One of the main objectives of the registry was to define the prevalence of patients with MINOCA, their baseline clinical and paraclinical characteristics, and in-hospital outcome. This publication focuses on the results of the respective analysis. Methods: We conducted a nationwide, multicenter, prospective study of patients with ACS. The diagnosis of MINOCA was made following the Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction. The baseline characteristics of the patients wereanalyzed, as well as their outcome and significant differences with patients with obstructive coronary artery disease. The participating centers should have the availability to measure high-sensitivity cardiac troponin and perform coronary angiography. Results: A total of 984 patients from 15 centers were included. Eighty-five patients (8.6%) had a final diagnosis of MINOCA at discharge. Median age was 65 years (53-63), 48 (51.8%) were women, 55 (64.7%) had hypertension, 44 (51.8%) had dyslipidemia, 9 (10.6%) were diabetics and 23 (27.1%) were smokers. Median high-sensitivity cardiac troponins on admission (expressed as multiples of the 99th percentile) were 2.42 times higher (0.85-10.21) and the ECG had no ischemic changes in 71.8% of the patients. Coronary angiography was normal in 72.9% of the patients and the rest of the cases had coronary artery stenoses < 50%. Sixteen patients underwent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. The median GRACE score was 115 (98-139), which corresponds to intermediate risk. The event rate for the composite outcome of stroke/myocardial infarction or death was1.2%, and there were no bleeding events BARC ≥type 2. The discharge prescription rate was 72.9% for aspirin, 27.1% for clopidogrel, 88.2% for statins, 67.1% for beta-blockers, and 22.4% for calcium channel blockers. In this registry, patients with MINOCA represent a significant proportion of those with ACS. Conclusion: The rate of in-hospital complications, including mortality, was low. There seems to be a strong opportunity for further investigations to confirm the diagnosis, pathophysiological mechanisms, and treatment of MINOCA.
RESUMEN Las dolicoarteriopatías carotídeas (DAC) son un grupo de anomalías morfológicas, con alteración de la geometría y torsión de los vasos carotídeos. Descriptas por primera vez en 1925, las DAC fueron clasificadas en tres tipos, según el grado de torsión: tortuosidad (ángulo mayor de 90°), enrollamiento o coiling (forma de S o looping), y acodamiento o kinking (ángulo menor de 90º). La fisiopatología de las DAC es controvertida, pero se han propuesto mecanismos congénitos, genéticos, enfermedades del tejido conectivo, adquiridos, relacionados con, pero no dependientes de, factores de riesgo cardiovascular, y alteraciones de la columna cervical. Las DAC han sido asociadas a diferentes eventos cardio y cerebrovasculares, secundarios a alteraciones hemodinámicas, tromboembolismo e insuficiencia e isquemia cerebrovascular. Pero la evidencia es limitada y, para algunos autores, son más una curiosidad que una condición clínica grave. Otros trabajos sustentan el valor clínico del diagnóstico y seguimiento de las DAC, y su reconocimiento no solo por internistas, cardiólogos y neurólogos, sino también por cirujanos y otorrinolaringólogos. Varios autores propusieron diversas estrategias terapéuticas, incluyendo procedimientos quirúrgicos para corregirlas. Sin embargo, las indicaciones y métodos de tratamiento son controvertidos, y son necesarios más estudios aleatorizados, multicéntricos y prospectivos para determinar cómo proceder. Hasta entonces, técnicas de imagen son la base para el diagnóstico etiológico de eventos adversos cerebrovasculares cuando se descartan todas las otras causas, y el control clínico cercano y seguimiento de los pacientes continúan siendo estrategias clave para la prevención de eventos secundarios.
ABSTRACT Carotid dolichoarteriopathies (CDA) represent a group of morphological abnormalities, with changes in the geometry and tortuosity of the carotid arteries. They were described in 1925 for the first time and were classified in three types according to the angle of torsion, in tortuosity (angle > 90°), coiling (S-shaped curve or loop) and kinking (angle < 90°). The pathophysiology of CDA is controversial and includes congenital mechanisms, genetic factors, connective tissue diseases, acquired mechanisms which can be associated with but not dependent on cardiovascular risk factors, and anomalies of the cervical spine. CDA have been associated with different cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events secondary to hemodynamic abnormalities, thromboembolism and cerebrovascular insufficiency and ischemia. However, the evidence is limited and for some authors they are more of a curiosity than a real predictor of ischemic events. Other studies support the clinical value of the diagnosis and follow-up of CDA and their understanding not only by internists, cardiologists and neurologists, but also by surgeons and otolaryngologists. Several authors proposed different therapeutic strategies to correct CDA, including surgical procedures. However, the indications and management approaches are controversial, and further randomized, multicenter, prospective studies are required to determine the most appropriate course of action. Until then, imaging techniques remain the basis for the etiologic diagnosis of cerebrovascular adverse events when all other causes have been excluded, and close clinical monitoring and follow-up of patients remain key strategies for the prevention of secondary events.
Congenital complete heart block (CCHB) is a rare cardiac disorder in neonates and maternal lupus is the most common cause. More rarely, CCHB can be associated with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries. In this case, the neonate was born via emergency caesarean section due to bradycardia. Post-natal electrocardiogram and echocardiography confirmed the diagnosis. A pacemaker was inserted and the baby was kept under follow-up.
Objective: The present study was aimed at evaluating the variations in extrarenal renal arterial vasculature in voluntary kidney donors who had undergone Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) renal angiography for preoperative workup.Methods: A retrospective hospital based cross-sectional study was carried out in a tertiary care Army hospital in Delhi from Jan 2019 to June 2020. All voluntary kidney donors included in the study underwent Multi-Detector Computed Tomography Angiography (MDCTA) of renal arteries as a part of routine pre-operative imaging protocol and were referred by the treating physician/surgeon for MDCTA study. Retrospective analysis of the image datasets was undertaken by the principal investigator and individual patient consent was waived off by the institutional Ethics committee.Results: The mean age of study participants was 45.9±10.2 y. Accessory renal artery was relatively more common on left side (p-value 0.001). There was statistically no significant difference between gender and the presence of accessory renal artery. There was statistically no significant difference on the comparison of side and gender with distance of segmentary bifurcation of MRA. The orthogonal diameters at the origin of the MRA and accessory renal artery on both sides were also comparable. Origin of accessory renal arteries were caudal to MRA was more frequently seen. Early segmentary bifurcation of MRA was commoner on the right side.Conclusion: The study emphasizes the importance of meticulous preoperative assessment, highlighting the need for surgeons to be cognizant of the potential variations in extrarenal renal artery anatomy. Such awareness is crucial for planning successful kidney transplant surgeries.
Abstract Objective: To study the effect of antenatal corticosteroid administration on fetal hemodynamics using longitudinal analysis of Doppler waveforms in the umbilical artery (UA) and middle cerebral artery (MCA). Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study that included 30 fetuses at risk for preterm birth. Twenty-eight pregnant women were treated with betamethasone for fetal lung maturation. Doppler examinations of the UA and MCA were performed once before and three or eight times after corticosteroid administration. We used a Bayesian hierarchical linear model. Reference ranges were constructed, and associations between variables (gestational age and pre-eclampsia) were tested. Results: The mean maternal age, gestational age at betamethasone administration, and gestational age at delivery were 32.6 ± 5.89 years, 30.2 ± 2.59 weeks, and 32.9 ± 3.42 weeks, respectively. On UA Doppler, there was a significant decrease in the pulsatility index (PI) after corticosteroid administration, with a mean of 0.1147 (credibility interval: 0.03687-0.191) in three observations and a median of 0.1437 (credibility interval: 0.02509-0.2627) in eight observations. However, there was no significant change in the Doppler MCA PI, regardless of gestational age and the presence or absence of pre-eclampsia. Conclusion: Although antenatal corticosteroid administration induced a significant decrease in the Doppler UA PI, we observed no change in the cerebral vasculature.
Resumo Objetivo: Estudar o efeito da administração antenatal de corticosteroides na hemodinâmica fetal mediante análise longitudinal do Doppler na artéria umbilical e artéria cerebral média (ACM). Materiais e Métodos: Este foi um estudo retrospectivo que incluiu 30 fetos com risco de nascimento pré-termo. Vinte e oito gestantes foram tratadas com betametasona para maturação pulmonar fetal. Os exames de Doppler da AU e da ACM foram realizados uma vez antes e depois da administração de corticosteroides, num total de três ou oito observações. Utilizamos o modelo linear hierárquico com abordagem Bayesiana. Foram construídos os intervalos de referência e testadas associações entre variáveis (idade gestacional e pré-eclâmpsia). Resultados: A média ± desvio-padrão da idade materna, idade gestacional na administração de betametasona e idade gestacional no parto foram 32,6 ± 5,89 anos, 30,2 ± 2,59 semanas e 32,9 ± 3,42 semanas, respectivamente. No Doppler da AU, verificou-se diminuição significativa do índice de pulsatilidade (IP) com a terapêutica com corticosteroides (média: 0,1147 [0,03687-0,191]; em três observações) (mediana: 0,1437 [0,02509-0,2627]; em oito observações). No entanto, não foi observada alteração significativa no IP do Doppler da ACM, independentemente da idade gestacional e do diagnóstico de pré-eclâmpsia. Conclusão: Os corticosteroides pré-natais induziram diminuição significativa no IP do Doppler da AU, mas não houve alteração na vasculatura cerebral.
Abstract Objective: Potassium channels have an important role in the vascular adaptation during pregnancy and a reduction in the expression of adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels (Katp) has been linked to preeclampsia. Activation of Katp induces vasodilation; however, no previous study has been conducted to evaluate the effects of the inhibition of these channels in the contractility of preeclamptic arteries. Glibenclamide is an oral antihyperglycemic agent that inhibits Katp and has been widely used in vascular studies. Methods: To investigate the effects of the inhibition of Katp, umbilical arteries of preeclamptic women and women with healthy pregnancies were assessed by vascular contractility experiments, in the presence or absence of glibenclamide. The umbilical arteries were challenged with cumulative concentrations of potassium chloride (KCl) and serotonin. Results: There were no differences between the groups concerning the maternal age and gestational age of the patients. The percentage of smokers, caucasians and primiparae per group was also similar. On the other hand, blood pressure parameters were elevated in the preeclamptic group. In addition, the preeclamptic group presented a significantly higher body mass index. The newborns of both groups presented similar APGAR scores and weights. Conclusion: In the presence of glibenclamide, there was an increase in the KCl-induced contractions only in vessels from the PE group, showing a possible involvement of these channels in the disorder.
Purpose: To compare the endothelial coverage of different stents in porcine carotid arteries. Research problem: How effective are polyurethane stents (PU) and PU + rapamycin (PU + RAPA) compared to bare-metal stents on endothelial coverage by neointima in pigs after 28 days? Methods: The methodology had two phases for an interventional, experimental, prospective study, with three Moura pigs, 12 weeks old and weighing between 19 and 22.5 kg. In phase I, eight stents were implanted in carotid arteries; three stents coated with PU, three coated with PU + RAPA, and two without coating. After 28 days, phase II was carried out, consisting of euthanasia, removal of the stents, to evaluate the exposed area of the stent struts, and the percentage of endothelialization through optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Results: The eight stents implanted with ultrasound sizing and post-dilation with a larger diameter balloon were analyzed by Doppler ultrasound, intravascular ultrasound, and angiography after 28 days. Conclusions: This study showed complete endothelial coverage by the endoluminal neointima of the stent struts, good integration and coverage with the arterial wall, with no exposed struts showing the presence of intimal hyperplasia (whitish tissue).
Animals , Polyurethanes , Swine , Carotid Arteries , Stents , SirolimusABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Mycotic aneurysms of the iliac and other large arteries are rare and are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Treatment of mycotic aneurysms usually requires modification of the surgical technique done for cases of degenerative or atherosclerotic aneurysms. Degenerative and atherosclerotic fusiform aneurysms are usually managed with aneurysmorrhaphy using a prosthetic graft, which however is not ideal for mycotic aneurysms. Avoidance of prosthetic material at the site of mycotic aneurysm is a better option with higher chances of resolution of infection and favorable patient outcome.
Objective:To summarize the ultrasonographic features and prognosis of fetal persistent vitelline artery.Methods:The prenatal ultrasound features, genetic testing results, and prognosis of a fetus with an isolated persistent vitelline artery that was diagnosed in our hospital in December 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. Relevant articles were retrieved from CNKI, VIP, Wanfang, Yiigle, PubMed, Embase, and UpToDate databases using the terms "persistent vitelline artery", "type Ⅱ single umbilical artery", and "prenatal ultrasound" in both Chinese and English. Prenatal ultrasound features and prognosis of the persistent vitelline artery in fetuses were summarized using descriptive statistical analysis.Results:(1) Case report: In this case, ultrasound at 23 gestational weeks showed that an abnormally large blood vessel deriving from the celiac artery near the superior mesenteric artery entered the placenta through the umbilical opening in parallel with the umbilical vein. Color Doppler showed a blood flow spectrum like that in the umbilical artery. The transverse section image showed that bilateral umbilical arteries were not observed in the bladder and the free segment of the umbilical cord was in the shape of the Chinese character "Lyu". No obvious other structural abnormalities and a negative result of genetic testing were observed in the fetus. Followed up to one year old, the patient showed normal growth and development. (2) Literature review: A total of five articles involving four cases were retrieved (three in English and two in Chinese). Among the five cases, including the present case, one was terminated due to left renal agenesis and abnormal heart arteries ratio revealed by prenatal ultrasound, and the remaining four cases without obvious structural abnormalities in the prenatal ultrasound were born and developed well. Histopathological examination of the umbilical cord was performed in three cases, of which two with persistent vitelline artery had a distinct internal elastic lamina, and one with remained vitelline duct.Conclusions:The prenatal ultrasound of fetal persistent vitelline artery is typically characterized by an abnormal vessel that is derived from the abdominal aorta or superior mesenteric artery and plays the function of the umbilical artery. The prognosis of the isolated persistent vitelline artery is good, but a better understanding of such embryonic abnormalities is needed as there are few relevant reports at home and abroad.
A 60-year-old man underwent open surgery for chronic dissecting abdominal aorta accompanied with a horseshoe kidney. Through open laparotomy, the abdominal aortic aneurysm was exposed without revision of the horseshoe kidney. Cold ringer solution was infused to accessory renal arteries for renal protection. After supra-renal clamping, proximal anastomosis was then performed at the level just below the renal arteries. Abdominal cross clamp time at the level of the supra-renal arteries was 23 min. Median and right accessory arteries were reattached with an ischemic time of 73 and 103 min, respectively. Although serum creatine was elevated a preoperative level of 1.17 mg/dl to 3.63 mg/dl at postoperative day 2, that was gradually decreased to nearly preoperative level of 1.25 mg/dl at discharge. Postoperative enhanced CT demonstrated patency of the reattached accessory arteries. The patient was discharged without major complication on postoperative day 21. One year postoperatively, his follow-up course was uneventful without deterioration of renal function.
The congenital heart disease with decreased pulmonary blood flow is one type of congenital heart disease characterized by reduced pulmonary blood flow. Common clinical types include tetralogy of Fallot,pulmonary atresia,double outlet right ventricle,and other complex malformations associated with pulmonary artery stenosis. Due to the lack of pulmonary blood supply from the right ventricle,children with this condition often have major aortopulmonary collateral arteries(MAPCAs)or the ductus arteriosus participating in pulmonary circulation for blood supply. Research has revealed that MAPCAs are important factors which cause the increase of mechanical ventilation time,intensive care unit stay time,complication rate and mortality after radical surgical treatment of congenital heart disease with decreased pulmonary blood flow. Therefore,the treatment of MAPCAs in perioperative period is crucial. This article summarizes the research progress of MAPCAs distribution and influence,diagnosis and evaluation,and treatment methods,to provide the reference for clinicians to standardize MAPCAs treatment.
Objective:To investigate the clinical characteristics of patients with myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries(MINOCA)and the risk factors of major adverse cardiovascular events(MACE)within 1 year of follow-up.Methods:A total of 1 866 patients who met the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction and underwent coronary angiography in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of our hospital from Sep 2018 to Sep 2021 were selected.According to the results of coronary angiography,the patients were divided into MINOCA group and myocardial infarction with obstructive coronary artery disease(MI-CAD)group.The clinical characteristics and the occurrence of MACE in the two groups were compared.According to the occurrence of MACE,patients in MINOCA group were divided into MACE group and non-MACE group.Binary logistic regression analysis was used to explore the risk factors for MACE in MINOCA patients.Results:The age of patients in MINOCA group was lower than that in MI-CAD group,and more patients were female(P<0.05).The risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in MINOCA group were less than those in MI-CAD group(P<0.05).Some indexes of laboratory were lower than those in MI-CAD group(P<0.05).Left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF)were higher than that in MI-CAD group(P<0.05).Left ventricular end-diastolic inner diameter(LVEDD)was lower than that in MI-CAD group,and the proportion of patients with abnormal ventricular wall motion and high cardiac function grade was lower than that in MI-CAD group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The 1-year follow-up showed no significant difference in the incidence of MACE between the two groups(P=0.115).Binary logistic regression analysis showed that smoking(OR=13.095,95%CI:1.799-7.398)and low LVEF(OR=0.036,95%CI:0.012-0.679)were independent risk factors for MACE in MIONCA patients.Conclusions:MINOCA patients are more common in women,with lower age and fewer cardiovascular risk factors,but the incidence of MACE is not less than that of MI-CAD patients.Smoking and low LVEF are independent risk factors for MACE in MINOCA patients.
Abstract Background Chronic mesenteric ischemia (CMI) is a debilitating disease with a heavy burden on quality of life. Stenting of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) is the first option for treatment, but there is a lack of consensus defining precise indications for open revascularization (OR). Objectives To describe a series of 4 patients with CMI treated with OR and to present an algorithm for the management of this condition. Methods Three patients presented with typical intestinal angina and weight loss. One patient was subjected to prophylactic revascularization during open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Surgical techniques included: 1) Bypass from the infrarenal aorta to the SMA; 2) Bypass from an aorto-bifemoral polyester graft to the SMA; 3) Bypass from the right iliac artery to the SMA; 4) Bypass from the right graft limb of an aorto-biiliac polyester graft to the median colic artery at Riolan's arcade. PTFE was used in all surgeries. All grafts were placed in a retrograde configuration, tunneled under the left renal vein, making a smooth C-loop. A treatment algorithm was constructed based on the institution's experience and a review of recent literature. Results All patients demonstrated resolution of symptoms and recovery of body weight. All grafts are patent after mean follow-up of two years. Conclusions Open revascularization using the C-loop configuration is a valuable technique for CMI and may be considered in selected cases. The algorithm constructed may help decision planning in other quaternary centers.
Resumo Contexto A isquemia mesentérica crônica (IMC) é uma doença debilitante, com grave impacto na qualidade de vida. A literatura recomenda a angioplastia com stent da artéria mesentérica superior (AMS) como primeira opção de tratamento, mas há falta de consenso que defina indicações precisas para a revascularização aberta. Objetivos Descrever uma série de quatro pacientes com IMC, tratados com revascularização aberta, e apresentar um algoritmo para o manejo dessa condição. Métodos Três pacientes apresentaram angina intestinal típica e perda ponderal. Uma paciente foi submetida a reparo aberto de aneurisma da aorta abdominal e apresentava obstrução da AMS, que foi revascularizada profilaticamente. As técnicas cirúrgicas incluíram: 1) enxerto entre a aorta infrarrenal e a AMS; 2) enxerto entre o dácron utilizado em um enxerto aortobifemoral e a AMS; 3) enxerto entre a artéria ilíaca comum direita e a AMS; e 4) enxerto entre o ramo direito do dácron utilizado em um enxerto aorto-biilíaco e a artéria cólica média (ao nível da arcada de Riolan). Todos os enxertos foram feitos utilizando politetrafluoretileno em uma configuração retrógrada, tunelizados abaixo da veia renal esquerda, fazendo uma alça em C. Resultados Todos os pacientes demonstraram resolução dos sintomas e ganho ponderal. Todos os enxertos se mantiveram pérvios durante um seguimento médio de 2 anos. Conclusões A revascularização aberta para IMC utilizando-se a alça em C é uma técnica valiosa e pode ser considerada em pacientes selecionados. O algoritmo proposto pode auxiliar na decisão terapêutica em centros quaternários.
Abstract The purpose of this systematic review is to evaluate the safety of pre-endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) embolization of aortic side branches - the inferior mesenteric artery and lumbar arteries. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines were followed. A search of MEDLINE and DIMENSION databases identified 9 studies published from 2011 to 2021 that satisfied the inclusion and exclusion criteria. These studies were analyzed to detect the incidence of embolization-related complications. A total of 482 patients underwent preoperative aortic side branch embolization, 30 (6.2%) of whom suffered some kind of minor complication. The only major complication observed was ischemic colitis in 4 (0.82%) patients, two (0.41%) of whom died after bowel resection surgery. Regarding these findings, aortic side branch embolization seems to be a safe procedure, with very low percentages of both minor and major complications.
Resumo O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi avaliar a segurança da embolização de artéria mesentérica inferior (AMI) e artérias lombares (ALs) pré-correção endovascular de aneurisma da aorta abdominal. Foram realizadas pesquisas nas bases de dados MEDLINE e Dimensions. Foram encontrados 9 estudos publicados de 2011 a 2021 que atendiam aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Os estudos foram analisados para definir a incidência de complicações relacionadas à embolização. No total, 482 pacientes foram submetidos a embolização de AMI e/ou ALs, dos quais 30 (6,2%) sofreram algum tipo de complicação menor. A única complicação importante observada foi colite isquêmica em 4 (0,82%) pacientes. Dois (0,41%) desses pacientes morreram após cirurgia de ressecção intestinal. Em relação a esses achados, a embolização de AMI e ALs parece ser um procedimento seguro, com um percentual muito baixo de complicações menores e importantes.
Resumen Las anomalías de las arterias coronarias son alteraciones anatómicas, usualmente congénitas, que afectan el origen, el curso y la terminación de alguna de las arterias coronarias epicárdicas principales. Estas pueden llevar a desenlaces adversos, como isquemia miocárdica, falla cardiaca, enfermedad coronaria o muerte súbita. Desde sus primeras descripciones hasta la actualidad, y gracias al desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, se ha obtenido más información y mejor caracterización de estas anomalías, lo que hace necesario revisar y actualizar las clasificaciones originales. Este artículo se propone plantear una posible nueva clasificación que combina las características anatómicas y el grado de significado clínico para intentar lograr un mayor entendimiento, y así facilitar la decisión clínica para la elección del tratamiento. Se realizó una revisión narrativa y se incluyen casos de nuestra experiencia.
Abstract Coronary artery anomalies (CAA) are anatomical abnormalities, usually congenital, that affect the origin, course, and termination of one of the three main epicardical coronary arteries. These may lead to adverse outcomes such as myocardial ischemia, heart failure, coronary artery disease and/or sudden death. Since their first descriptions to the present day, and thanks to the development of new technologies, more information and better characterization of these anomalies has been obtained, requiring that the original classifications be revised and updated. The aim of this article is to propose a possible new classification that combines anatomical features and the degree of clinical significance to try to achieve a better understanding, and thus facilitate the clinical choice of treatment. A narrative review was performed and cases from our experience are included.
This study was performed to evaluate Coronary Arteries imaging by Computer Tomography (CT) and its ability to diagnose ischemic conditions among emergency department patients presented. To measure the sensitivity of coronary CT in the diagnosis of cardiac conditions, the study also assessed the correlation between variables such as age, sex, troponin level, Electrocardiogram (ECG), and symptoms with results of CT coronary. The research was done in the Emergency Department of Prince Sultan Cardiac Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from January to June 2022. It includes 50 patients (males to females' ratio was 70% to 30%). All patients were diagnosed to have CT coronary abnormality. The results showed that related to patient symptoms, asymptomatic 6%, atypical chest pain 28%, chest pain 24%, palpitation 8%, and multiple symptoms 34%. The correlation between findings on ECG was that only (8%) had abnormal troponin levels. Calcium CT 28% and CT coronary were found to be abnormal in 48% of the patients, abnormal CT findings were found to be (52%) of the patients The most commonly reported symptoms by the patients were asymptomatic chest pain. There was no statistically significant association was seen between patients’ gender and symptoms or between symptoms reported and age. patients aged above 50 years had significantly higher CT findings (75%) than other age groups (p=0.004). However, there was no statistically significant association observed between CT findings and symptoms, ECGfindings, and troponin hormone levels. The study recommended that the CT coronary is the best way to diagnose ischemic coronary diseases.
Objetivo: Identificar los patrones de distribución vascular del ángulo esplénico del colon (AEC) en la población chilena para su comparación con la literatura oriental (Fukuoka). Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Se caracterizó la irrigación del AEC de imágenes con protocolo Urotac realizadas en Clínica INDISA entre el año 2020 y 2021 (n = 127), clasificándolas dentro de 6 tipos descritos por Fukuoka. Se evaluaron características demográficas y comorbilidades. Las variables fueron analizadas utilizando estadística descriptiva y la significancia mediante la prueba Chi2. Resultados: Existen diferencias en los tipos irrigación del AEC entre la serie local y Fukuoka, la irrigación tipo 3 fue la que presentó mayor variación (p < 0,05). El tipo 1 es la más frecuente (34,7%), sin casos del Tipo 4. No se identificó diferencia entre los distintos tipos de irrigación con relación a las variables demográficas y comorbilidades. Discusión: Al comparar nuestra serie con la oriental se evidenció similar frecuencia en tipos 1 y 6, mayor en tipos 3 y 5, y tipos 2 y 4 con menor representación. Se identificó un mayor aporte en la irrigación del AEC por la arteria cólica izquierda (ACI) en la población estudiada (64,6%). Conclusión: Nuestra población tiene mayor participación de ACI en irrigación del AEC que orientales (64,6% vs 49,6%), los tipos más frecuentes son 1, 3 y 6, el Tipo 1 es la forma más frecuente de irrigación, similar a Fukuoka (34,7% vs 39,7%), Tipo 3 tiene mayor representación en nuestra población que en la oriental (29,9% vs 9,9%).
Objective: To identify the vascular distribution patterns of the splenic flexure of the colon (AEC) in the Chilean population for comparison with the oriental literature (Fukuoka). Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. The irrigation of the AEC of images with the Urotac protocol performed at the INDISA Clinic between 2020 and 2021 (n = 127) was characterized, classifying them into 6 types described by Fukuoka. Demographic characteristics and comorbidities were evaluated. Variables were analyzed using descriptive statistics and significance using the Chi2 test. Results: There are differences in the types of irrigation of the AEC between the local series and Fukuoka, irrigation type 3 was the one that presented the greatest variation (p < 0.05). Type 1 is the most frequent (34.7%), with no cases of Type 4. No difference was identified between the different types of irrigation in relation to demographic variables and comorbidities. Discussion: When comparing our series with the eastern one, a similar frequency was found in types 1 and 6, higher in types 3 and 5, and types 2 and 4 with less representation. A greater contribution was identified in the irrigation of the AEC by the left colic artery (ICA) in the population studied (64.6%). Conclusion: Our population has a greater participation of ICA in AEC irrigation than Orientals (64.6% vs 49.6%), the most frequent types are 1, 3 and 6, Type 1 is the most frequent form of irrigation, similar to Fukuoka (34.7% vs 39.7%), Type 3 is more represented in our population than in the eastern one (29.9% vs 9.9%).
Abstract Background: Intravascular venous (VUC) or arterial (AUC) umbilical catheter placement is the most frequent invasive procedure in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Either Wright's or Shukla's formula is used to introduce the catheters. However, Shukla's formula is associated with incorrect insertion, especially for newborns < 1500 g. This study aimed to determine by chest X-ray if Wright's formula is better than Shukla's formula for the correct placement of umbilical catheters in newborns ≤ 1500 g. Methods: We included patients admitted to the NICU of a secondary-level hospital between 2021-2022 who received VUC or AUC through the Wright or Shukla formulas. Results: A total of 129 newborns were included: 78 with VUC and 51 with AUC. In VUC, 50% with Wright and 36.8% with Shukla formulas had the correct location, (p = 0.24). In AUC, 56.6 % with Wright and 52.4% with Shukla formulas were placed correctly placed, (p = 0.76). VUC with weight < 1000 g were correctly placed in 36.4% with Wright and 33.3% with Shukla formulas (p = 0.58). VUC in newborns > 1000 g were correctly placed in 66.6% with Wright and 38.4% with Shukla formulas (p = 0.065). AUC in newborns < 1000 g were correctly placed in 45% using Wright and 42.9% Shukla formulas (p = 0.63). AUC in newborns > 1000 g were correctly placed in 80% using Wright and 57.1% Shukla formulas (p = 0.23). Conclusions: We found 13% more correctly placed VUC using Wright's formula. Moreover, Wright's formula was 29% above Shukla's VUC placement in neonates > 1000 g, although there was no significant difference due to the sample size.
Resumen Introducción: La colocación de catéteres intravasculares venosos umbilicales (CVU) y arteriales (CAU) es el procedimiento invasivo más frecuente en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales (UCIN). Para introducirlos se utilizan las fórmulas de Wright y de Shukla, aunque esta última podría estar asociada con una inserción incorrecta, especialmente en neonatos < 1500 g. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar mediante radiografía de tórax cuál fórmula es mejor para la correcta colocación de catéteres umbilicales en recién nacidos ≤ 1500 g. Métodos: Se incluyeron los pacientes ingresados en la UCIN de un hospital de segundo nivel entre 2021-2022 que recibieron CVU o CAU mediante las fórmulas de Wrigth o Shukla. Resultados: Se incluyeron en total 129 recién nacidos: 78 CVU y 51 CAU. En CVU, Wright 50% y Shukla 36.8% tuvieron localización correcta, p = 0.24. En las CAU, Wright 56.6% y Shukla 52.4% tenían una ubicación correcta, p = 0.76. En CVU con peso < 1000 g, Wright 36.4% y Shukla 33.3% bien situados, p = 0.58. En CVU > 1000 g, Wright 66.6% y Shukla 38.4% bien situados, p = 0.065. En CAU < 1000 g, Wright 45% y Shukla 42.9%, p = 0.63. En CAU con peso > 1000 g, Wright 80% y Shukla 57.1%, p = 0.23. Conclusiones: La colocación del CVU fue 13% mejor con la fórmula de Wright. La fórmula de Wright superó en el 29% la colocación del CVU en los neonatos > 1000 g en comparación con la de Shukla, aunque no hubo diferencia significativa debido al tamaño de la muestra.
Las arterias sigmoideas son ramas de la arteria mesentérica inferior e irrigan al colon sigmoideo. Se originan del tronco de las arterias sigmoideas. Esta es la descripción más frecuente según los autores consultados. El objetivo fue analizar las variaciones en el origen y distribución de las arterias sigmoideas mediante disección. Se utilizaron 13 preparados cadavéricos formolizados al 10 %. Se disecó la cavidad abdominal para identificar a las arterias sigmoideas. Se evidenció su bifurcación paralela al colon sigmoideo. Se lo delimitó mediante reparos palpables. Patrón I: 4 casos (30,8 %). Variante de la arcada sigmoidea como rama colateral de la arteria mesentérica inferior. Tipo Ia: 1 caso (25 %). Sin asociaciones. Tipo Ib: 1 caso (25 %). Asociada al tronco sigmoideo. Tipo Ic: 2 casos (50 %). Asociada a arterias sigmoideas accesorias. Patrón II: 6 casos (46,2 %). Variante del tronco común entre arteria cólica izquierda y arterias destinadas al colon sigmoideo. Tipo IIa: 3 casos (50 %). Sin asociaciones. Tipo IIb: 2 casos (33,3 %). Asociado al tronco sigmoideo. Tipo IIc: 1 caso (16,7 %). Asociado a arterias sigmoideas accesorias. Patrón III: 3 casos (23 %). Variante clásica. Se definió por la ausencia del tronco común con la arteria cólica izquierda y de la arcada sigmoidea. Tipo IIIa: 2 casos (66,7 %). Un número variable de arterias sigmoideas nacen como ramas colaterales de la arteria mesentérica inferior, sin asociarse al tronco sigmoideo. Tipo IIIb: 1 caso (33,3 %). La arteria cólica izquierda emite como rama colateral la primera arteria sigmoidea y se asocia al tronco sigmoideo. 1. El patrón II es el prevalente en este trabajo (46,2 %). 2. La variante clásica no es la predominante en esta investigación (23 %). 3. La arcada sigmoidea tiene 53,8 % de incidencia.
SUMMARY: The sigmoid arteries are branches of the inferior mesenteric artery and supply the sigmoid colon. They originate from the trunk of the sigmoids. This is the most frequent description according to the consulted authors. The objective is to analyze the variations in the origin and distribution of the sigmoid arteries through dissection. 13 cadaveric preparations formalized at 10 % and instruments were used. The abdominal cavity was dissected to identify the sigmoid arteries. Its bifurcation parallel to the sigmoid colon is evident. It is delimited by palpable repairs. Pattern I: 4 cases (30.8 %). Variant of the sigmoid arcade as a collateral branch of the inferior mesenteric artery. Type Ia: 1 case (25 %). No associations. Type Ib: 1 case (25 %). Associated with the sigmoid trunk. Type Ic: 2 cases (50 %). Associated with accessory sigmoid arteries. Pattern II: 6 cases (46.2 %). Variant of the common trunk between the left colic artery and arteries destined for the sigmoid colon. Type IIa: 3 cases (50 %). No associations. Type IIb: 2 cases (33.3 %). Associated with the sigmoid trunk. Type IIc: 1 case (16.7 %). Associated with accessory sigmoid arteries. Pattern III: 3 cases (23 %). Classic variant. It was defined by the absence of the common trunk with the left colic artery and the sigmoid arcade. Type IIIa: 2 cases (66.7 %). A variable number of sigmoid arteries arise as collateral branches of the inferior mesenteric artery, without being associated with the sigmoid trunk. Type IIIb: 1 case (33.3 %). The left colic artery gives off the first sigmoid artery as a collateral branch and is associated with the sigmoid trunk. 1. Pattern II is the most prevalent in this study (46.2 %). 2. The classic variant is not the predominant one in this research (23 %). 3. The sigmoid arcade has a 53.8 % incidence.
Humans , Male , Female , Colon, Sigmoid/blood supply , Mesenteric Artery, Inferior/anatomy & histology , CadaverABSTRACT
Introducción: El hematoma de la vaina de los rectos es poco frecuente. En este reporte se presenta un caso clínico de este cuadro en un paciente con neumonía por COVID-19 y leucemia mieloide crónica, junto con una revisión de literatura. Caso Clínico: Paciente masculino de 55 años, hospitalizado por neumonía por COVID-19 y leucemia mieloide crónica, presenta taquicardia, hipotensión y aumento de volumen abdominal asimétrico. En la tomografía computarizada se evidencia un hematoma de la vaina de los rectos. Se realiza drenaje quirúrgico y control del sangrado. No presentó complicaciones postoperatorias ni necesidad de reoperación. Discusión: Las complicaciones hemorrágicas en pacientes con COVID-19 están poco descritas. El sangrado es una posible complicación en pacientes con leucemia mieloide crónica. Es relevante tener en cuenta el hematoma de la vaina de los rectos en pacientes con COVID-19 y/o leucemia mieloide crónica que presenten aumento de volumen abdominal, para un manejo precoz por un equipo multidisciplinario. Conclusión: La vigilancia activa y el alto índice de sospecha son clave para identificar posibles complicaciones hemorrágicas en pacientes con COVID-19 y/o leucemia mieloide crónica.
Introduction: Rectus sheath hematoma is a rare entity. This report presents a clinical case of a rectus sheath hematoma in a patient with COVID-19 pneumonia and chronic myeloid leukemia, along with a review of the literature. Case Report: A 55-year-old male patient, hospitalized for COVID-19 pneumonia and chronic myeloid leukemia, presents with tachycardia and hypotension. Computed tomography shows a rectus sheath hematoma. Surgical management was performed to control bleeding and drainage of the hematoma. There were no postoperative complications or need for reoperation. Discussion: Hemorrhagic complications in patients with COVID-19 are seldomly reported. Bleeding is a possible complication in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. It is important to take into account rectus sheath hematoma in patients with COVID-19 and/or chronic myeloid leukemia who present with abdominal pain, for early management by a multidisciplinary team. Conclusion: Active surveillance and a high index of suspicion are key to identifying potential bleeding complications in patients with COVID-19 and/or chronic myeloid leukemia.