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Entramado ; 20(2): e10770, jul.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582232


RESUMEN Los Centennials presentan más disposición para comprar en redes sociales, aunque son evidentes las diferencias sobre el uso y consumo de contenidos e información de Instagram entre los miembros de esta generación, lo que sugiere que su comportamiento de compra también puede diferir Por ello en esta investigación se propone clasificar el comportamiento de compra de los Z en esta red social basados en su actitud hacia la publicidad y el uso de la aplicación. Se abordó un enfoque cuantitativo a través de un análisis factorial confirmatorio seguido de una prueba de conformación de clúster jerárquicos en una muestra de 494 participantes entre los 18 a 29 años de ciudades y municipios colombianos y de diversos niveles socioeconómicos. Se encontró que las dimensiones de uso, acciones de compra, consumo de contenidos, interés social, agrado por la publicidad, atencionalidad a la publicidad y seguridad están presentes en el comportamiento de los usuarios en la red social. Estas variables se usaron para exponer tres tipologías de comportamiento concluyendo que existen diversos comportamientos de compra y actitud hacia la publicidad desplegada en el medio digital.

ABSTRACT Centennials are more willing to buy on social networks, although not all of them have the same behavior differences observed by inner members of this generation, which suggests that their buying behavior may also differ For this reason, in this research it was proposed to classify the purchasing behavior of generation Z in the social network Instagram based on their attitude towards advertising and the use of the application. A quantitative approach was used through a confirmatory factor analysis followed by a hierarchical cluster confirmation test in a sample of 494 participants from 18 to 29 years old, residents in main, intermediate and small cities in the country and of various socioeconomic levels. It was found that the dimensions of use, purchase actions, content consumption, social interest, liking for advertising, attention to advertising and security are present in the behavior of users on the social network. These variables were used to expose three types of behavior, concluding that there are different purchasing behaviors and attitudes towards advertising displayed in digital media.

RESUMO Os Centennials estão mais dispostos a comprar nas redes sociais, embora existam diferenças evidentes na utilização e consumo do Instagram entre os membros desta geração, o que sugere que o seu comportamento de compra também pode ser diferente. Portanto, nesta pesquisa, propõe-se classificar o comportamento de compra do Z no Instagram com base na sua atitude em relação à publicidade e ao uso do aplicativo. Abordou-se uma abordagem quantitativa por meio de análise fatorial confirmatória seguida de teste hierárquico de formação de cluster em uma amostra de 494 participantes entre l8 e 29 anos das principais cidades intermediárias e pequenas do país e de diversos níveis socioeconómicos. Verificou-se que as dimensões uso, ações de compra, consumo de conteúdo, interesse social, gosto pela publicidade, atenção à publicidade e segurança estão presentes no comportamento dos usuários na rede social. Estas variáveis foram utilizadas para expor três tipologias de comportamento, concluindo que existem diversos comportamentos de compra e atitudes face à publicidade veiculada no meio digital.

Humanidad. med ; 24(3)dic. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582445


Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal constituye causa de muerte en la población mundial. El objetivo del trabajo es exponer los resultados del proyecto de investigación Intervención psicosocial para la prevención, manejo y tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal en Camagüey. Método: El estudio es del tipo Investigación+Desarrollo. Se gestionó en el Centro de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas en Salud, de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey y desde la Consulta provincial de atención a los pacientes con cáncer colorrectal se extendió al nivel primario, entre abril de 2020 y abril de 2023. La muestra constituida por 50 pacientes diagnosticados en la consulta provincial de Coloproctología del Hospital Universitario Manuel Ascunce Domenech y sus familiares y 60 integrantes del Grupo Básico de Trabajo del Policlínico Docente José Martí Pérez. Resultados: Contribuyó al conocimiento del modo en que incide el cáncer colorrectal en la población de la provincia y sobre las relaciones entre las atenciones primaria y secundaria. Se implementaron acciones con enfoque psicosocial, se establecieron relaciones interinstitucionales entre las entidades participantes. Se elevó la cultura del paciente y sus familiares y la formación posgraduada de profesionales. La investigación generó el sistema de estrategias. Discusión: Se constató la correspondencia de los resultados con los de investigadores del mundo y de Cuba, en lo cual destaca el trabajo con la comunidad y la superación profesional para lograr la prevención.

Introduction: The cancer colorrectal constitutes cause of death in the world population. The objective of the work is to expose the results of the project of investigation Intervention psicosocial for the prevention, handling and treatment of the cancer colorrectal in Camagüey. Method: The study is of the type Investigación+Desarrollo. It was negotiated in the Center of Development of the Social and Humanistic Sciences in Health, of the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey and from the provincial Consultation of attention to the patients with cancer colorrectal extended at the primary level, between April of 2020 and April of 2023. The sample constituted by 50 patients diagnosed in the provincial consultation of Coloproctología of the University Hospital Manuel Ascunce Domenech and their relatives; and 60 members of the Basic Group of Work of the Educational Policlínico José Martí Pérez. Results: It contributed to the knowledge in the way in that it impacts the cancer colorrectal in the population of the county and envelope the relationships among the primary and secondary attentions. Actions were implemented with focus psicosocial, relationships interinstitucional settled down among the participant entities. He/she rose the patient's culture and their relatives and the formation posgraduate of professionals. The investigation generated the system of strategies. Discussion: The correspondence of the results was verified with those of investigators of the world and of Cuba, in that which highlights the work with the community and the professional overcoming to achieve the prevention.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1574811


Introducción: La historia del cuidado de enfermería ha transitado cuatro etapas: doméstica, vocacional, técnica y profesional, que han sido fundamentales en su desarrollo. Sin embargo, los actuales desafíos sociosanitarios ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de proyectar nuevas etapas. Objetivo: Proyectar el futuro del cuidado de enfermería a la luz de la filosofía y teoría de los cuidados transpersonales de Jean Watson. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática y un análisis crítico-reflexivo sobre las proyecciones disciplinares de la enfermería. La revisión abarcó artículos publicados hasta 2023 en Web of Science, LILACS, SciELO y CINAHL. Se encontraron 366 artículos, de los cuales 8 cumplieron con los criterios de elegibilidad. El análisis crítico-reflexivo se centró en describir la evolución de las etapas y en proponer una etapa futura. Resultados: El cuidado humanizado es un proceso complejo que requiere de habilidades de comunicación específicas, no solo entre profesionales de la salud, sino también con los usuarios y sus familias. A su vez, el cuidado humanizado se integra a un entorno clínico desafiante, debido a la alta carga laboral, la disponibilidad limitada de recursos y la necesidad de mantener un nivel competitivo en la práctica profesional. Se propone como quinta etapa el "cuidado disciplinar de enfermería". Conclusiones: Esta nueva etapa se centraría en la gestión del cuidado y en el cuidado humanizado mediante un perfeccionamiento de la investigación, la formación continua, los modelos y teorías, y la autonomía profesional

Introdução: A história do cuidado na enfermagem passou por quatro etapas: doméstica, vocacional, técnica e profissional, que foram fundamentais para seu desenvolvimento. No entanto, os atuais desafios sociossanitários destacam a necessidade de projetar novas etapas. Objetivo: Projetar o futuro do cuidado de enfermagem à luz da filosofia e da teoria dos cuidados transpessoais de Jean Watson. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática e uma análise crítico-reflexiva sobre as projeções disciplinares da enfermagem. A revisão abrangeu artigos publicados até 2023 nas bases Web of Science, LILACS, SciELO e CINAHL. Foram encontrados 366 artigos, dos quais 8 atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade. A análise crítico-reflexiva concentrou-se em descrever a evolução das etapas e propor uma etapa futura. Resultados: O cuidado humanizado é um processo complexo que exige habilidades específicas de comunicação, não apenas entre os profissionais de saúde, mas também com os usuários e seus familiares. Por sua vez, o cuidado humanizado está integrado em um ambiente clínico desafiador, devido à alta carga de trabalho, disponibilidade limitada de recursos e à necessidade de manter um nível competitivo na prática profissional. Propõe-se como quinta etapa o "cuidado disciplinar de enfermagem". Conclusões: Esta nova etapa se concentraria no gerenciamento do cuidado e no cuidado humanizado por meio do aperfeiçoamento da pesquisa, da formação continuada, dos modelos e teorias e da autonomia profissional

Introduction: The history of nursing care has passed through four stages: domestic, vocational, technical and professional, which have been fundamental in its development. However, current socio-sanitary challenges demonstrate the need to plan new steps. Objective: Project the future of nursing care in the light of the philosophy and theory of transpersonal care by Jean Watson. Methodology: A systematic review and critical-reflexive analysis of nursing disciplinary projections was carried out. The review covers articles published until 2023 in Web of Science, LILACS, SciELO and CINAHL. There will be 366 articles, of which 8 met the eligibility criteria. The critical-reflexive analysis focuses on describing the evolution of the stages and proposing a future stage. Results: Humanized care is a complex process that requires specific communication skills, both between healthcare professionals and users and their families. In turn, humanized care is integrated into a challenging clinical environment, due to the high workload, limited availability of resources and the need to maintain a competitive level in professional practice. "Disciplinary nursing care" is proposed as a fifth stage. Conclusions: This new stage will focus on care management and humanized care through perfecting research, continued training, models and theories, and professional autonomy

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240398


Background: Sleep is the most important yet least understood function of the brain. It is seen that students usually get lesser duration of sleep, due to academic and social demands. In our study, we are trying to use relatively short-duration tasks, which are software-based and can be easily used in a clinical setting for screening purpose, for the assessment of attention in individuals with poor sleep quality. Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the perceived stress levels in students based on the quality of sleep and to compare the attention in students based on the quality of sleep. Materials and Methods: Eighty-four participants were divided into good and bad sleep quality based on the Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) scores and their perceived stress scores were obtained. All of them were subjected to smartphone- based cognitive function testing using color word and word color Stroop test. Results: Eighty-four subjects were recruited for the study from the Bidar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bidar, of which 34 (40%) were in the good sleep group and 50 (60%) in the bad sleep group. The median PSQI score in the group with bad sleep quality was found to be significantly higher than the median PSQI scores of the group with good sleep. The median word color Stroop score in the good sleep quality was found to be significantly higher than the score of the bad sleep group. Similarly, the median color word Stroop scores were significantly higher in the good sleep group than that of the bad sleep quality group. Conclusion: Sleep quality seems to increase the levels of perceived stress in students. Sleep affects the attention of the subjects in a negative way.

Distúrbios Comun. (Online) ; 36(2): e66100, 14/08/2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1586202


Introdução: Alterações no desenvolvimento da fala e linguagem podem estar presentes em pré-escolares com diversos transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento, sendo que, a presença dessas alterações pode indicar um pior prognóstico. Objetivo: Analisar o nível de desenvolvimento dos aspectos linguísticos de crianças pré-escolares com diagnóstico de TDAH. Métodos: Estudo observacional transversal de coleta de dados de forma retrospectiva. Participaram 10 crianças com idade entre 4 anos e 6 anos (9 meninos) com diagnóstico de TDAH realizado por equipe especializada. Os dados coletados para este estudo envolveram o histórico da criança (alterações pré, peri e pós-natal), as medidas de linguagem receptiva e expressiva, vocabulário expressivo, fonologia e aspecto pragmático. A análise estatística foi descritiva. Resultados: as queixas referidas pelos cuidadores/responsáveis englobaram principalmente o comportamento agitado/impulsivo e a linguagem expressiva/fala; em relação à avaliação linguística, algumas crianças não conseguiram finalizar a aplicação de instrumentos de avaliação que eram mais extensos (exigiam maior de tempo de atenção) e complexos. Em relação aos aspectos avaliados, a linguagem expressiva, o aspecto fonológico e o vocabulário expressivo foram os mais alterados (50%, 60% e 50% de alterações respectivamente). O tratamento fonoaudiológico foi indicado para 80% das crianças. Conclusão: alterações de fala e linguagem são prevalentes empré-escolares com TDAH, sendo este um grupo de alto risco. (AU)

Introduction: Changes in speech and language development may be present in preschoolers with various neurodevelopmental disorders, possibly indicating a worse prognosis. Purpose: This study aimed to assess the developmental level of linguistic aspects in preschoolers diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods: This cross-sectional observational study collected retrospective data from 10 children, aged 4 to 6 years (9 boys), diagnosed with ADHD by a specialized team. Data collection involved a comprehensive examination of the child's history, including pre-, peri-, and post-natal factors, and measures of receptive and expressive language, expressive vocabulary, phonology, and pragmatic aspects. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed. Results: Caregivers/guardians reported complaints primarily related to agitated/impulsive behavior and expressive language/speech difficulties. Some children faced challenges in completing more extensive and complex assessment instruments due to attention deficits. Expressive language, phonological aspects, and expressive vocabulary were identified as the most affected areas, with changes in respectively 50%, 60%, and 50% of cases. Speech-language-hearing therapy was recommended for 80% of the children. Conclusion: The findings highlight the prevalence of speech and language impairments in preschoolers with ADHD, underscoring the importance of early intervention in this high-risk population. (AU)

Introducción: Los cambios en el desarrollo del habla y el lenguaje pueden estar presentes en niños preescolares con diversos trastornos del neurodesarrollo, y la presencia de estos cambios puede indicar un peor pronóstico. Objetivo: Analizar el nivel de desarrollo de los aspectos lingüísticos en niños en edad preescolar con diagnóstico de TDAH. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional transversal con recolección de datos de manera retrospectiva. Participaron 10 niños con edades entre 4 y 6 años (9 varones) con diagnóstico de TDAH realizado por un equipo especializado. Los datos recolectados para este estudio incluyeron el historial del niño (alteraciones pre, peri y postnatales), medidas de lenguaje receptivo y expresivo, vocabulario expresivo, fonología y aspectos pragmáticos. El análisis estadístico fue descriptivo. Resultados: Las quejas reportadas por los cuidadores/responsables abarcaban principalmente el comportamiento agitado/impulsivo y el lenguaje expresivo/habla; con respecto a la evaluación lingüística, algunos niños no pudieron completar la aplicación de instrumentos de evaluación más extensos (que requerían mayor tiempo de atención) y complejos. En cuanto a los aspectos evaluados, el lenguaje expresivo, el aspecto fonológico y el vocabulario expresivo fueron los más alterados (50%, 60% y 50% de alteraciones respectivamente). Se indicó tratamiento fonoaudiológico para el 80% de los niños. Conclusión: Las alteraciones del habla y el lenguaje son prevalentes en niños en edad preescolar con TDAH, lo que los convierte en un grupo de alto riesgo. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Child Language , Medical Records , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Cognition , Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228036


Background: Many students in India are influenced by parental pressure to pursue a career in medicine. It has been consistently observed that a notable number of medical students later regret their career choice. This study aims to delve into the reasons behind the choice of a medical career, preferences for various teaching methods, causes of inattentiveness in classes, and the level of regret experienced by students after opting for this path. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 150 first year medical students with a pre-tested, semi structured questionnaire. Data collected was analysed using SPSS software. Results: The mean age of the subjects was 19.13±1.18 and most of them were females (57.6%). The majority (72.2%) of students opted MBBS out of self-interest. To serve the society (21.2%) was the most common motivational factor to choose MBBS. 14.6% of the subjects were having feelings of regret for choosing the medical profession. Conclusions: Self-interest was the major reason for opting MBBS. Fulfilling parent’s wishes was also observed as one of the reasons for opting MBBS. Most students considered interactive lectures as their preferred teaching method, though many also preferred demonstrations and video lectures. Almost one third of the students were having feelings of regret for selecting the medical profession.

J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent ; 2024 Jul; 42(3): 190-194
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238925


Background: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that is characterized by symptoms such as inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The influence of mothers with ADHD and their attitude towards their wards’ oral health has not been explored in the Indian scenario. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of ADHD in mother–child dyads in western Tamil Nadu and the mothers’ dental neglect toward their children. Methodology: The prevalence of ADHD in mothers and children was assessed using the Adult ADHD Self-report Scale screener and ADHD Rating Scale, respectively. The Child Dental Neglect Scale (CDNS) was used to assess dental neglect in children. The responses were recorded on a Likert scale and statistical analyses were done. Results: The prevalence of ADHD in mothers and children was 10.65% and 10.57%, respectively. The impulsivity and hyperactivity type of ADHD was commonly seen in both the mothers and their children. Mothers without ADHD felt that their children maintained their oral health well. Mothers with ADHD deferred the needed dental treatment for their children. Conclusion: Mothers with ADHD have four times more risk of having children with ADHD. Maternal ADHD influences their child’s oral health. Child dental neglect was more prevalent among mothers with ADHD.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-231325


Background: The common psychological difficulties in adolescents are anxiety states or minor depression and apart from that the attention span in adolescents is also shrinking as reported. The Brain Gym exercise is said to release learning blocks and cause improvement in areas such as memory, concentration, and focus. The goal of this study is to improve anxiety and attention in adolescents by performing brain gym exercises. Aim: To study the effects of brain gym exercise on attention and anxiety in adolescents. Methodology: The study employed an experimental study including 134 students within a 15-19 years age group, selected through purposive sampling. The primary outcomes are the Hamilton anxiety rating scale and the mindful attention awareness scale. Brain gym exercise was performed thrice a week for four weeks. Results: A statistically significant improvement in anxiety and attention is observed with using brain gym exercise. The pretest mean anxiety score at week 1 was 18.46 and after four weeks the results showed a statistically significant decrease in anxiety with a mean score of 16.14. The pretest attention score in week 1 was 3.67 and the post-intervention score in week 4 was 3.98 showing a statistically significant increase in attention. The data was statistically significant with a p-value of <0.05.Conclusion: The study concludes there’s a significant effect of brain gym exercises in improving attention and anxiety.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Online);29(6): e09172023, Jun. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557522


Resumo O estudo analisa o acesso ao cuidado em saúde de mulheres encarceradas no estado do Ceará, rastreando transtornos mentais comuns. Estudo analítico, transversal, de natureza quantitativa, desenvolvido na única penitenciária feminina do Ceará. Participaram 90 detentas, todas com alguma das seguintes questões de saúde: gestantes, puérperas, portadoras de hipertensão arterial sistêmica, diabetes mellitus, tuberculose, sífilis, hepatite B ou HIV/Aids. Os dados foram coletados por entrevista estruturada. Evidenciou-se acesso limitado à atenção à saúde das detentas, violando direitos básicos sob tutela do Estado. Foram constatadas limitações de exames de rastreamento de doenças nas presidiárias na ocasião de seu acesso ao cárcere, principalmente as que não se encontravam grávidas no momento do encarceramento. Houve diferenças entre as distintas condições de saúde analisadas, com prioridade da atenção às gestantes e puérperas. Entre as detentas, 68,24% apresentavam risco de transtornos mentais comuns (SRQ > 7). Houve correlação positiva entre idade e saúde mental (p = 0,0002). Embora exista legislação pertinente de garantia de acesso à saúde no cárcere, o sistema prisional está despreparado para atender às necessidades de portadoras de comorbidades, gestantes e puérperas.

Abstract This study investigated access to health care among female prisoners in the state of Ceará, Brazil, and screened for common mental disorders. We conducted an analytical cross-sectional study in the only female prison in the state. Ninety detainees participated in the study. All participants were either pregnant or postpartum women or had one or more of the following health problems: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, syphilis, hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The findings reveal that access to health care was limited, violating the fundamental rights of the prisoners. Screening for diseases on admission to prison was limited, especially among non-pregnant women. Differences in health care were found between health conditions, with priority being given to pregnant and postpartum women. Most of the inmates (68.24%) were found to be at risk for common mental disorders (SRQ score > 7). A positive correlation was found between age and mental health problems (p = 0.0002). Despite legislation guaranteeing access to health care in prisons, the prison system is unprepared to meet the health needs of female prisoners with comorbidities and pregnant and puerperal women.

Investig. psicol. (La Paz, En línea) ; (31): 117-130, jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564699


Se tiene como objetivo determinar si la asociación imagen - palabra escrita, como parte del método de instrucción de palabras a la vista limita la adquisición del aprendizaje de la lectura en niños con discapacidad intelectual y autismo. Para lo cual, se realizó una revisión narrativa de los estudios reportados en las bases de datos de Scopus, Willey, ScienceDirect, Taylor & Francis, y Sage. Los hallazgos evidencian que la presentación de imagen y palabra escrita como estímulo compuesto puede obstaculizar el proceso de reconocimiento del texto, lo que sugiere la necesidad de emplear esta estrategia con precaución. En consecuencia, se recomienda fomentar actividades de aprendizaje donde la palabra escrita se presente de manera independiente; entre las prácticas alternativas que pueden implementarse, destacan la presentación de la imagen como retroalimentación posterior a la exposición aislada de la palabra escrita. Otra opción viable consiste en mostrar la palabra escrita, seguida de la instrucción de hacer coincidir palabra con imagen.

The objective was to determine if the image-written word association, as part of the straight forward word instruction method, limits the acquisition of learning to read in children with intellectual disabilities and autism. For which, a narrative review of the studies reported in the Scopus, Willey, ScienceDirect, Taylor & Francis, and Sage databases was carried out. It was considered, the presentation of an image and a written word as a compound stimulus can hinder the text recognition process, suggesting the need to use this strategy with caution. Consequently, it is recommended to encourage learning activities where the written word is presented independently. However, it is possible to use the images as feedback, in order to avoid the negative effect of the images.

O objetivo foi verificar se a associação imagem-palavra escrita, como parte do método de instrução das palavras simples, limita a aquisição da aprendizagem da leitura em crianças com deficiência intelectual e autismo. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão narrativa dos estudos relatados nas bases de dados Scopus, Willey, ScienceDirect, Taylor & Francis e Sage. Considerou-se que a apresentação de uma imagem e uma palavra escrita, e apresentá-la como um estímulo composto, pode dificultar o reconhecimento do texto, sugerindo a necessidade de emprego dessa estratégia com cautela. Nesse sentido, recomenda-se promover atividades de aprendizagem onde a palavra escrita deve ser apresentado sozinho. No entanto, é possível usar as imagens como feedback, a fim de evitar o efeito negativo das imagens.

Autistic Disorder
Psychol. av. discip ; 18(1): 39-60, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575489


Resumen En Colombia, en el decreto 2376 de 2010 se exige a las instituciones de formación superior formar el talento humano en salud a través de la relación docencia-servicio, cumpliendo con los principios estipulados en la Constitución Política, las normas de salud y de educación. El objetivo de la actual investigación es describir la percepción del impacto generado por la prestación de servicios de atención psicológica brindados por un Consultorio Psicológico de una institución universitaria bajo el modelo docencia-servicio durante los años 2020-2021. El estudio presenta un diseño mixto de carácter exploratorio, con una muestra de 367 participantes, divididos entre miembros del comité docencia servicio, supervisores, practicantes profesionales y usuarios. Los resultados mostraron una percepción adecuada del impacto en los procesos formativos, de adquisición de competencias clínicas y de efectividad de los procesos terapéuticos empleados. Se discute acerca de la implementación de la relación docencia-servicio según las políticas legales vigentes y su ejecución en el proceso de prácticas profesionales. Se concluye que el acompañamiento a través del modelo de docencia-servicio permite garantizar un adecuado proceso formativo y de prestación de servicios de salud mental.

Abstract In Colombia, the Decree 2376 of 2010 requires higher education institutions to train human talent in health through the psychologist-internship relationship, complying with the principles stipulated in the Political Constitution, health and education regulations. The objective of the current research is to describe the perception of the impact generated by the provision of psychological care services provided by a psychological office form a university institution under the psychologist-internship model during the years 2020-2021. The study presents a mixed design of an exploratory nature; a sample of 367 participants divided between members of the psychologist-internship committee, supervisors, practitioners and users was collected. The results show an adequate perception of the impact on the training processes, the acquisition of clinical skills and the effectiveness of the therapeutic processes used. The implementation of the psychologist-internship relationship is discussed according to current legal policies and its execution in the process of professional practices. It is concluded that the accompaniment through the psychologist-internship model allows to guarantee an adequate training process and the provision of mental health services.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(supl.1): 9-14, mayo 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558477


Resumen Los trastornos del sueño son frecuentes en niños y afectan al desarrollo neurológico, con importante repercusión cognitiva, emocional y conductual. Existe una alta prevalencia de trastornos del sueño (TS) en los trastornos del neurodesarrollo (TND), como trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) y trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH). Los TS en población pediá trica tienen una prevalencia del 6-25%, mientras que en los niños con TND esta cifra asciende al 50-80%. En los TND se observa un incremento de las dificultades para conciliar el sueño, de los despertares nocturnos y de la somnolencia diurna. Así mismo, presentan alteracio nes del ritmo circadiano y trastornos respiratorios del sueño. Como consecuencia se produce una reducción de la alerta para las actividades diarias con incremento de trastornos conductuales, problemas emocionales y dificultades académicas asociadas a disfunciones eje cutivas y de memoria. La evaluación del sueño debe formar parte sistemática en la valoración clínica de los niños con TND, con el fin de realizar un diagnóstico y un tratamiento adecuados a cada caso, permitiendo mejorar la calidad de vida del niño y de su familia.

Abstract Sleep disorders are common in children and affect neurological development with important cognitive, emotional and behavioral repercussions. There is a high prevalence of sleep disorders (SD) in neurodevelop mental disorders (NDD) such as autism spectrum dis order (ASD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Sleep disorders in pediatric population have a prevalence of 6-25%, while in children with NDD this number rises to 50-80%. In NDDs, higher rates of dif ficulties in falling asleep, nocturnal awakenings and daytime sleepiness are observed. Disturbances in the circadian rhythm as well as respiratory sleep disorders are also observed. Consequently, there is a decrease in alertness for daytime activities with increased be havioral disorders, emotional problems and academic difficulties associated with executive and memory dys functions. Sleep assessment has to be a systemic part in the clinical evaluation of children with NDDs, so as to give a convenient diagnosis and treatment in each case, allowing to improve the quality of life of children and their families.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(supl.1): 20-25, mayo 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558479


Resumen El Trastorno de Tourette (TT) y el Trastorno por déficit de atención / hiperactividad (TDAH) son entidades neu ropsiquiátricas que usualmente inician en la infancia. Esta revisión busca colaborar con los clínicos, quienes suelen confrontarse al dilema de saber si existe una comorbilidad o un diagnóstico diferencial, ya que esta pregunta cobra vital importancia en el momento de decidir el tratamiento. Invitamos al colega a revisar nuestros hallazgos, soportados por bases moleculares, fisiológicas y neuroanatómicas, además de los datos epidemiológicos. Al final, brindamos una propuesta de algoritmo diag nóstico que podrá utilizar cuando se encuentre ante síntomas compartidos entre los dos diagnósticos. El TDAH y el TT deben ser intervenidos tempranamente, para mejorar la calidad de vida y funcionalidad del paciente y prevenir secuelas, no solo en niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA), también a lo largo de la vida.

Abstract Tourette Disorder (TD) and attention deficit hyperac tivity disorder (ADHD) are both major neuropsychiatric conditions that usually begin during infancy. This revision aims to collaborate with pediatricians, who are often confronted with the question of co-mor bidity or differential diagnosis between ADHD and TD. The question becomes urgent when the clinician must decide if he/she can start ADHD or TD treatment. We encourage our colleagues to revise our findings, based in bimolecular and neuroanatomic shared issues in ad dition to updated epidemiological findings. The clinician will find an original proposed algorithm that they can use when the shared symptoms are pres ent in a little patient. TD and ADHD must be intervened early, so we can get better outcomes. The consequences of letting the symptoms increase can generate sequels and handicaps, that can interfere with the quality of life and functionality not only during infancy and adoles cence but also in adult life.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(supl.1): 26-30, mayo 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558480


Resumen El trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad (TDAH) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo complejo y heterogéneo desde una perspectiva causal, clínica y pro nóstica. La investigación refleja su carácter multifactorial con un papel destacado de los factores genéticos. Los estudios poblacionales han señalado históricamente la implicación de numerosas variantes genéticas de escaso tamaño de efecto, las cuales por sí mismas apenas incre mentan el riesgo de TDAH y difícilmente justifican su ele vada heredabilidad. Muchas de ellas están presentes en más del 60% de la población general, lo que sugiere su pa pel modulador más que causal. No obstante, gracias a la irrupción de nuevas técnicas genéticas en los últimos 15 años, se están identificando un mayor número de casos con trastornos genéticos (muchos de ellos monogénicos), cuyas variantes genéticas explican por sí mismas la presencia del TDAH. El estudio detallado de los antecedentes personales y familiares, así como una exploración física completa, puede ayudar a identificar algunos de ellos. La identificación de la causa en este conjunto de casos tiene un valor crucial en el asesoramiento clínico, el consejo genético-familiar y la anticipación pronóstica, así como en la realización o evitación de estudios complementarios y en el diseño del plan terapéutico.

Abstract Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex and heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disor der from a causal, clinical and prognostic perspective. Research reflects its multifactorial nature with a promi nent role of genetic factors. Population studies have historically pointed to the involvement of numerous genetic variants of small effect size, which hardly by themselves increase the risk of presenting the disorder and hardly justify its high heritability. Many of them are present in more than 60% of the general population, suggesting their modulatory rather than causal role. However, after the irruption of new genetic techniques in the last 15 years, a greater number of cases are be ing identified with genetic disorders (many of them monogenic), whose genetic variants alone explain the presence of ADHD. A detailed study of the personal and family history, as well as a complete physical examination, can help to identify some of them. The identification of the cause in this group of cases has a crucial value in clinical counseling, genetic-familial counseling and prognostic anticipation, as well as in the performance or avoidance of complementary stud ies and in the design of the intervention plan.

Ann Natl Acad Med Sci ; 2024 Apr; 60(2): 157-163
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241057


Objectives: Four decades of research have found that Dopamine D4 Receptor (DRD4) is the major candidate gene however, few studies have supported the association between the DRD4 exon III long seven repeat allele and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Two Indian studies had shown there is an association between DRD4 7 repeat allele; hence, we investigated in the south Indian population. AIMS: To study the association of DRD4- EXON-3-7R long allele and minor physical anomalies with ADHD in comparison to age & sex-controlled normal subjects with no evidence of ADHD. settings and design-cross-sectional case-control study for two years at National Institute of Mental Health And NeuroSciences, Bangalore. Material and Methods: 60 children with ADHD and 60 healthy children of 4-16 years of age group were recruited after informed consent. Assessed by DSMIV-TR, ADHD RS IV HOME VERSION 18 items, comorbidities by detailed interview of child and parents using Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children & Adolescents (M.I.N.I). Kid for minor congenital anomalies modified waldrop scale & for the perinatal complications, Lewis Murray Obstetrics Complication Scales were applied. For the family history family interview for genetic study, global functioning was measured by children global assessment scale, neuropsychological tests of response inhibition test were used and blood samples was collected for genotyping. Results: The genotype 2 2,2 4 ,4 4,4 5,4 7 repeat allele has shown equal distribution between cases and controls with p-value 0.492 with no significance. Conclusion: There is no association between DRD4 EXON-3-7R long allele gene polymorphism and ADHD in South Indian population. DRD4 7R could be having influence on minor physical anomalies in ADHD.

J Indian Med Assoc ; 2024 Apr; 122(4): 43-50
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238845


Background & Objective : The satisfaction of patients and their families is integral in healthcare settings. The relationship between healthcare service providers and their service recipients is age-old and does not require any interface for its existence. Majority of the conflicts are largely a result in different attitudes regarding goals, interests and trust related issues. This study explored the different factors related to healthcare provisions that affect patient attitude towards healthcare personnel/facility. Materials and Methods : The study was conducted using Likert scale questionnaires administered to 700 patients with a return rate of 77%. The initial model consisted of 6 latent constructs with 48 items. Eventually, only 38 items were kept for the final construct. The data was empirically validated using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The 慙avaan� package in R has been used. Result : The final results indicated that arrival convenience, attention of the personnel and adequate communication affected the patient attitude towards healthcare facilities. Interpretation and Conclusion : The healthcare service acceptors and service recipients share a mutual relationship for each other抯 wellbeing. In Indian context, with a significantly high Out-of-Pocket expenditure (OOP), facilities and services hold prominence as patients have options while accessing healthcare services. Positive experience and engagement of patients and families shall go a long way in instilling positive attitude of patients towards healthcare facilities and personnel.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(2): 218-225, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558315


Abstract Objective: Enuresis is associated with attentional and emotional comorbidities in 20 to 30 % of cases. The Short Screening Instrument for Psychological Problems in Enuresis (SSIPPE) is a questionnaire that allows the initial screening of these comorbidities. This study aimed to translate, culturally adapt, and validate the SSIPPE for Brazilian children and adolescents (SSIPPE-Br). Methods: Six steps were performed for translation and cross-cultural adaptation: translation, synthesis of translations, back-translation, preparation of the pre-final version of the translated instrument, test of comprehensibility of the pre-final version of the tool, and elaboration of the instrument cross-culturally adapted for Brazil, named 13-itens version SSIPPE-Br. To validate the SSIPPE-Br, a cross-sectional study was carried out, in which the validated Brazilian version of the Child and Adolescent Behavior Inventory (CABI) was used. Results: Validation was performed on 127 children and adolescents with a mean age of 9.7 ± 2.8 years, 48 % male. The reliability was estimated using Cronbach's alpha, ranging from 0.86 to 0.89, indicating good internal consistency. The factorial analysis had a good agreement adjustment (KMO 0.755, Bartlett's test < 0.001) and explained 70.5 % of the data variability. In the reproducibility analysis, the Kappa coefficient ranged from 0.94 to 1, which can be considered almost perfect. A highly significant (p-value < 0.001) and direct correlation existed between the three SSIPPE-Br domains and all evaluated CABI domains. Conclusion: The SSIPPE-Br is a valid and reliable tool for emotional problems screening and ADHD symptoms in children and adolescents with enuresis whose first language is Brazilian Portuguese.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 244-259, abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560621


El adulto mayor hospitalizado requiere atención especial debido a sus necesidades de salud, como manejar diversas condiciones médicas, evitar caídas y úlceras, dolor y discapacidad. Por lo tanto, el personal de enfermería desempeña un rol vital en el cuidado de estos pacientes, pues les brindan atención directa y constante en todos los aspectos fundamentales para su bienestar general. Objetivo. Identificar los factores que influyen en la calidad de atención del personal de enfermería al adulto mayor hospitalizado. Metodología. Se realizó una revisión sistemática en las siguientes bases de datos: Scopus, Scielo y Wos. Se analizaron 83 documentos luego de aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión planteados; en las publicaciones se demuestra que, la calidad referida a la atención de enfermería, actualmente, es influenciada por los siguientes factores: coordinación y continuidad de cuidados, profundización en el conocimiento especializado, integración de tecnología e innovación, cuidado centrado en el paciente y colaboración interdisciplinaria y ambiente de práctica. Conclusión. La atención a adultos mayores hospitalizados requiere coordinación, continuidad y formación especializada para abordar enfermedades complejas y adaptarse a necesidades individuales. La tecnología mejora la atención, pero debe protegerse la privacidad. Enfoque en el paciente, colaboración interdisciplinaria y un ambiente colaborativo son esenciales para una atención efectiva.

Hospitalized older adults require special attention due to their health needs, such as managing various medical conditions, preventing falls and ulcers, pain and disability. Therefore, nurses play a vital role in the care of these patients, as they provide direct and constant attention to them in all aspects fundamental to their overall well-being. Objective. To identify the factors that influence the quality of care provided by nursing staff to hospitalized older adults. Methodology. A systematic review was carried out in the following databases: Scopus, Scielo and Wos. Eighty-three documents were analyzed after applying the proposed inclusion and exclusion criteria; the publications show that the quality of nursing care is currently influenced by the following factors: coordination and continuity of care, deepening of specialized knowledge, integration of technology and innovation, patient-centered care, interdisciplinary collaboration and practice environment. Conclusion. Care of hospitalized older adults requires coordination, continuity, and specialized training to address complex illnesses and adapt to individual needs. Technology improves care, but privacy must be protected. Patient focus, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a collaborative environment are essential for effective care.

Os idosos hospitalizados requerem uma atenção especial devido às suas necessidades de saúde, tais como a gestão de várias condições médicas, a prevenção de quedas e úlceras, a dor e a incapacidade. Por conseguinte, os enfermeiros desempenham um papel vital nos cuidados prestados a estes doentes, prestando uma atenção direta e constante a todos os aspectos fundamentais para o seu bem-estar geral. Objetivo. Identificar os factores que influenciam a qualidade dos cuidados prestados pela equipa de enfermagem aos idosos hospitalizados. Metodologia. Foi efectuada uma revisão sistemática nas seguintes bases de dados: Scopus, Scielo e Wos. Foram analisados 83 documentos após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão propostos; as publicações mostram que a qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem é atualmente influenciada pelos seguintes factores: coordenação e continuidade dos cuidados, aprofundamento do conhecimento especializado, integração da tecnologia e inovação, cuidados centrados no doente e colaboração interdisciplinar e ambiente de prática. Conclusões. Os cuidados prestados aos idosos hospitalizados requerem coordenação, continuidade e formação especializada para tratar doenças complexas e adaptar-se às necessidades individuais. A tecnologia melhora os cuidados, mas a privacidade deve ser protegida. A centralidade no doente, a colaboração interdisciplinar e um ambiente de colaboração são essenciais para a eficácia dos cuidados.

Quality of Health Care
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550628


Es bien sabido que la forma más común de reducir los efectos del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad ha sido históricamente a través de productos farmacológicos. Sin embargo, es irrefutable que la influencia del ejercicio físico ha evitado indeseables efectos secundarios y ha logrado cambios favorables significativos en los pacientes. Esta actividad física fue implementada básicamente de forma preventiva, principalmente bajo condiciones médicas, crónicas y discapacidades, también para contribuir a la esfera cognitiva y comportamental. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en proponer un grupo de recomendaciones metodológicas en la clase de Educación Física para mejorar las condiciones de vida de niños con trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad en la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional Sagrado Corazón de Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Los métodos empíricos que se utilizaron fueron la observación científica, la encuesta aplicada a estudiantes y la entrevista dirigida a profesores; también se emplea, una vez implementadas estas recomendaciones, una encuesta a ambos componentes del proceso para obtener una valoración preliminar sobre el efecto de esta propuesta, debido a que resultó ser una ayuda metodológica de alto valor para preparar los profesores y estudiantes en sus influencias como orientador en el caso del profesor y como colectivo social académico en el caso del grupo de estudiantes.

É bem sabido que a forma mais comum de reduzir os efeitos do transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade tem sido historicamente por meio de produtos farmacológicos. Contudo, é irrefutável que a influência do exercício físico evitou efeitos colaterais indesejáveis e alcançou mudanças favoráveis significativas nos pacientes. Essa atividade física foi implementada basicamente de forma preventiva, principalmente em condições médicas, crônicas e deficiências, também para contribuir na esfera cognitiva e comportamental. O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um conjunto de recomendações metodológicas nas aulas de Educação Física para melhorar as condições de vida de crianças com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade na Unidade Educacional Fiscomisional Sagrado Corazón de Esmeraldas, Equador. Os métodos empíricos utilizados foram a observação científica, o inquérito aplicado aos alunos e a entrevista dirigida aos professores; Uma vez implementadas estas recomendações, recorre-se também a um levantamento de ambas as componentes do processo para obter uma avaliação preliminar do efeito desta proposta, porque se revelou uma ajuda metodológica de elevado valor para preparar professores e alunos nas suas influências. como conselheiro no caso do professor e como coletivo social acadêmico no caso do grupo de alunos.

It is well known that the most common way to reduce the effects of Inclusive methodological strategy for teaching - learning football in students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in the physical culture class (ADHD) has historically been through pharmacological products. However, it is irrefutable that the influence of physical exercise has avoided undesirable side effects and has achieved significant favorable changes in patients. This physical activity was basically implemented preventively, mainly under medical, chronic conditions and disabilities, also to contribute to the cognitive and behavioral sphere. The objective of this work consisted of proposing a group of methodological recommendations in the Physical Education class to improve the living conditions of children with ADHD in the Sagrado Corazón Fiscomisional Educational Unit of Esmeraldas, Ecuador. The empirical methods used were scientific observation, the survey applied to students and the interview directed to teachers. Once these recommendations were implemented, a survey of both components of the process was also used to obtain a preliminary assessment of the effect of this proposal, because it turned out to be a methodological aid of high value to prepare teachers and students in their influences as a counselor in the case of the teacher and as an academic social collective in the case of the group of students.

Estud. Pesqui. Psicol. (Online) ; 24: e77213, jan. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1587112


Tomando como referência a ecologia da atenção de Yves Citton e a análise do movimento de Hubert Godard, o objetivo deste estudo é apresentar ressonâncias entre o modo como o cultivo da atenção a si é discutido na pesquisa cartográfica e nas práticas somáticas no contexto da dança. Tendo como ponto de partida três práticas encontradas na dança Contato Improvisação - a pequena dança, a caminhada imaginada e o toque somático - o artigo apresenta as práticas somáticas como criadoras de um ecossistema atencional que se abre para as dimensões tônico-afetiva e tátil-cinestésica da experiência, favorecendo o acesso ao plano coletivo de forças e afetos. Isto sugere que a atenção aí cultivada produz uma qualidade de presença a si e ao mundo que a aproxima da atenção cartográfica, concentrada e aberta, tornando o praticante uma espécie de cartógrafo de si mesmo. Por outro lado, o estudo aponta que a atenção cultivada por meio de práticas somáticas pode concorrer para a formação do pesquisador cartógrafo, ao criar condições para a aprendizagem de uma atenção a si, ao outro e ao território de investigação.

With reference to Yves Citton's ecology of attention and Hubert Godard's movement analysis, the aim of this study is to present a number of connections between how the cultivation of inward attention is discussed in cartographic research and in somatic practices in the context of dance. Taking as a starting point three practices found in the dance Contact Improvisation - the small dance, the imagined walk and the somatic touch - the article presents somatic practices as creating an attentional ecosystem that works with the tonic-affective and tactile-kinesthetic dimensions of experience, which facilitate the access to the collective field of forces and affects. It suggests that the attention cultivated in this context develops a quality of presence to oneself and to the world that approaches that of cartographic attention, which is concentrated and open, turning the practitioner into a kind of cartographer of oneself. On the other hand, the study points out that the attention cultivated by means of somatic practices can contribute to the training of the cartographic researcher, by creating conditions for the learning of an attention turned inward, towards the other, and the territory of investigation.

Tomando como referencia la ecología de la atención de Yves Citton y el análisis del movimiento de Hubert Godard, el objetivo de este estudio es presentar resonancias entre cómo se discute el cultivo de la atención al yo en la investigación cartográfica y en las prácticas somáticas en el contexto de la danza. Tomando como punto de partida tres prácticas encontradas en la danza Contacto Improvisación - la pequeña danza, el paseo imaginado y el toque somático - el artículo presenta las prácticas somáticas como creadoras de un ecosistema atencional que se abre a las dimensiones tónico-afectiva y táctil-cinestésica de la experiencia, favoreciendo el acceso al plano colectivo de fuerzas y afectos. Eso sugiere que la atención ahí cultivada produce una cualidad de presencia a sí mismo y al mundo que la aproxima a la atención cartográfica, concentrada y abierta, haciendo del practicante una especie de cartógrafo de sí mismo. Por otro lado, el estudio señala que la atención cultivada a través de prácticas somáticas puede contribuir a la formación del investigador cartográfico, al crear condiciones para el aprendizaje de una atención a sí mismo, al otro y al territorio de investigación.